Ramassage Pierre: Equipement
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Aout 2022 Région centre France
01:03 Benne Hardy Kidur 30 Tonnes
04:05 Petite benne 7 Tonnes
05:46 Benne Artésienne 20 Tonnes
08:30 Vidange sur le tas
Mécanisation de Ramassage de Pierre calcaire et de silex
Vidéo de drone principalement
Очень впечатляет , готов смотреть на это бесконечно. Если вспахать это поле , камни опять будут появлятся из грунта ? Как часто надо чистить это поле , и что можно в таком грунте сажать ? Что вы делаете потом с камнями ?
Поле должно быть очень слегка вспахано
камни есть всегда, но нужно оставить только мелкие,
Мы можем сажать только поверхностные растения пшеница кукуруза ячмень рапс
Very cool beets?, enough borscht for all of france. My second favourite crop.
So nice crop, no need seed, fertiliser, water , rain , sun just better to harverst in summer in dry condition with lot of dust and sure big yield evry time
Avec aog ?
non pas de AOG dans cette séquence 😪
I´m looking for a destoner like this Thyregod or a Grimme CS150 but I there are not any machines like those around here in Spain. Could you tell me some information about its running cost, maintenance, spare parts, etcetera.
We need to pick up about 600Tonnes/hectare and up to 1200Tn/ha on the worst places just on the first 20-25 cm deep range
i m just the driver i dont remenber the cost
the machine is own by contractor and he shares the trailer to be efficient during the task
The contractor takes more than 1 hour evry day to remove dust apply grease
in front of the tractor there is all toolls to repare: the conveyor was be the majority of trouble during this task
I get info :
The difference between Thyregod and Grimme potato machine is the drum roller above pick up. With drum roller, Thyregod have a better productivity. Maximum pick up stone size is about 30 cm, over size you need to crush before use it. Deep working is not important because you must windrow stones, after the stones are on the ground.
About cost maintenance, it will depend nature of soil and abrasivness stones.
A good dealer for new machine, second hand machine or rebuilt machine and affordable spare parts, this is a link ( I don't know if he speak english or spanish) www.agriaffaires.com/occasion/materiel-epierrage/38002336/ramasseuse-thyregod-ts-1500.html