I sense God is using Keith to deliver the gospel that will provide His church-Gods people with the knowledge, understanding and faith needed to be guided by, and walk through this hour.
I thank God for you brother, you tell everything with so mutch Truth, you are the only one who had the courage to name the truth from our time s. Thank you , and God bless you
Tremendous, Pastor! It all makes so much sense. The best interpretation/explanation I have ever heard of who the antichrist will be and from where he will come. Thank you from NC, USA. I am sharing this with my children and friends.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast " The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
@@johnriggs3143 All whites nations invaded by Africa Mexicans Indians Arab Muslims refugees invaded Americans Australia Canada for war with us whites. Look at Americans border. Because everything is racist 80% of white people are being murdered by blacks in America I was looking at the black on white crime the codeword for white genocide is multi-culture diversity is the greatest strength and white privilege Africa called through Civil War gets us whites in South Africa resources trade cats in Mexico America text lives in Mexico you’re going to kill us a Jesus Christ is actually white any metal in the inside of a furnace not outside cool down it says in that means inside is white brass when refined and a furnace is white fire when it burns his blue white and gold Jesus eyes are blue , Face and hair white as snow like the whool of a lamb 🐑. Jesus is white revelations 1;14;15 , They will hate you for your name sake and they really do hate us white people that’s why they’ve been protesting white people and Colleen is a racist to facets of white supremacy or whatever he comes in what colors where did you decide we’re in a war not just World War III it gets old European nations like Hitler and Stalin like the top 10 dictators but we’re in a Civil War in the inside of America where ever white people exist they’re killing us Adam eat very Matthew Mark Luke John Peter Paul Sarah Samuel Solomon do for Daniel Jacob Joseph Johnny nature of the stupid Abraham Enoch and Jesus Christ is God in the flesh by RUclips the doorI think they killed Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh for being white that’s just my opinion but he died for us all
@@rhondaclark716 Jesus was a Nazarite, A Jew, the reason Christ looks the way he does in Revelation when he comes back is because holy righteousness is brighter than any light we have ever seen. Jesus isn't white, he is illuminated by the glory of his Father, and the billions upon billions of angels that are coming with him at the second coming.
@@Rileyed the problem is you are trying to twist scripture to suit your false doctrine; (And i will give POWER unto my two withnesses, and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, CLOTHED IN SACKCLOTH.)Revelations11;3; Now my dear friend spirits don't cloth themselves with sackcloth, and lastly; (nations shall see their DEAD BODIES three days and a half.and shall not suffer their DEAD BODIES to be put in GRAVES. (revelation 11;9) now my dear friend spirits don't have dead bodies, and people dont deny them to be put into the GRAVES. Sorry, you picked the wrong Christian, i am a firstfruit.
This blessed me. Couple things... I'm not sold yet on the claim that the Arabian Antichrist will not be a Muslim because of the fact that many will be beheaded in the great tribulation period and this has been a customary form of punishment in Islam. Also, Christianity (including false Christianity i.e. Prosperity Gospel Osteen/Copeland.etc.... Romanism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses has 'a' Jesus), Islam, Judaism, Hinduism.. ALL have a coming global messianic savior figure that appears in the end of days. How would the Antichrist not have plausible common denominators that uniquely deceive *all by claiming by miraculous demonstration that He is the promised savior? Just some thoughts.. * All except the Holy Spirit indwelled born again believers in the Christ of God, Jesus of Nazareth.
Some of what you're saying is spot on, but you claim Antiochus set up the abomination of desolation! Exactly how does that work when Jesus says in the Olivet Discourse speaking to the disciples, "15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand- 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Jesus quite obviously puts this event in the future, and there can't be two different abominations of desolation, or Jesus would have had to clarify which one he was speaking of.
@@barramundi4604 I agree and he is certainly as close to being the antichrist in character and actions as one can probably be without being the antichrist. However, he did not and could not have set up the abomination of desolation. The bible is quite clear on this point.
Yes yes ..omg finally somebody who reads and understands God word.Ive been telling my girlfriends this very thing and they now see that in there study but don't forget where God says in Rev where he knows where Satan seat is..pergamose and where is that today Turkey.look and see and it's still in the region an Assyrian.
BEHIND THE PROUD KING OF TYRE WAS LUCIFER Call failed to become Satan ….google. By Kristin ROMEY , living descendants of biblical Canaanites identified be a DNA…. So if you want to know who is Satan’s offspring is then you just look that way, but they are also Islam. There is also an ad to Christ in Israel. ASSYRIAN … REMEMBER THE BIBLE SAYS THAT ISLAM CUT OFF YOUR HEADS ISLAM. IT HAS TAKEN OVER ALL WHITE NATIONS, AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, AND CANADA. THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER EVERY SINGLE NATION ON EARTH. ..
Great teaching. Walid Shoebat has alot of great detail about islam and the antichrist. Im reading a book now titled "Gods war on terror" by walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson. I reccomend this book for serious prophecy students.
I have recently heard that Joe Richardson repented of most of what he said. Someone did research on Richardson. I am sorry i did not make a note of it. You may want to research it.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast " The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
Think you meant Revelation 13? If you meant Daniel 13, you're teaching from the apocrypha. It wasn't until I had almost memorized the prophecies of Daniel, 2 Theselonians, and much of the book of Revelation before I started to understand the kingdoms of man.
My question to you is where in the Bible exactly mentions the name Assyrian the Antichrist??? Let me share with you some of the good things the Bible talks about the Assyrian Isaiah 19:23 ► In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. ◄ Isaiah 19:24 ► In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. ◄ Isaiah 19:25 ► The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” God bless the Assyrian Amen 🙏
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast " The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
The “catching up” (rapture) of the body of Christ is the next great event on God’s calendar. If you are saved you will understand this because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. 1Thes. 4:13-18. If you can’t understand that the rapture takes place before the seven years of Daniel’s 70th week you haven’t read your King James Bible 1611 very many times. Better get to reading to get your own understanding. The seven years of tribulation are the time of “Jacob’s trouble” not the church’s trouble. The church isn’t in Mt. 24 for it had not even been initiated yet at that time. Whatever you believe as far as prophecy goes is secondary to the main thing, that is that you make sure you are truly born again through repentance of your sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Acts 20:21; Romans 10
Not according to Paul. Read 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 which speaks of the Anti-Christ appearing in the upcoming Temple in Jerusalem. Rapture will not happen until then, at least according to Paul. And this is a reiteration of what Paul told the Thessalonians before (1st Thessalonians). This is a huge stumbling block to the pre-trib rapture theory which is very appealing but not correct.
@@robertbrown6879 There will be no Temple in Jerusalem. The temple Paul speaks of is us, the Church. The Spirit of God dwells in us and our body is the Temple. The antichrist will set himself over us and will defile us by persecuting and killing us. A physical Temple in Jerusalem could never be called "God's Temple" if it is not built with God's approval. If they build a Temple there, it will be of anything but God. In the present age, we are the Temple of God.
@@DouglasR1B Realize this and contemplate Daniel 4:35. The person that wrote this went through the strangest period anyone could go through, came out the other side and realized. What you said is just what you said. What does God say through His Holy Spirit and His Apostles. Paul tells you in 2nd Thessalonians. Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear. Listen to God's word, not mans or even your own desires or your own way of looking at things. Like they used to say, What would Jesus do? As opposed to, How would I have done it. Or really more like, What did God do, versus how would I do it. If you are paying attention over the past years you will realize the believing Jews in Jerusalem that have not yet accepted the Messiah are going to build a temple. And there will be an Anti-Christ as much as you and I and most of the 7.5 billion people don't want there to be one. And the Anti-Christ will sit in that temple, yet future, and proclaim himself to be God. You are doing what the king told you in Daniel 4:35 told you that no one can do. God even set that all up. He must have had a soft spot in his heart for this king.
@@robertbrown6879 The Antichrist won't be a Jew, he'll come from Assyrian, Niniveh. He'll come from Ishmael's line. If you pay attention to the Prophets, you'll know this. Read the Prophets together, not only Revelation and Daniel alone. You'll have to whole picture.
Brilliant !Thanks for this Brother really appreciate it Interesting that Antiochus as bad as he was and not the antichrist had anti in his name. Please check out Sonia Azam here on RUclips also.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast " The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
Dont guess it's Santan. Everyone tries to figure it out. Its simple. Its Santan himself. Wake up interpreters. Its Santan himself. He has power. His many rolls. A 5 month period. If your guessing anything but Santan himself your decived.
Don't be afraid Jesus our King says "I will never leave you nor forsake you" just get yourself ready for His coming, for us His Church, are you ready beloved servants of God⁉️💯
Thank you for your teaching, Pastor. Have you considered that Assyria could also be Kurdistan? It is a country that doesn’t exist right now but could emerge and subdue three others. (Daniel 7). The Kurdish people can be found in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, the same area that you are discussing.
Hello brother. Dan 11:21 is the wicked counselor of Nahum 1:11. He is the arch nemesis to Jesus of Isa 11:1. This man of sin is the vile one who shall come forth in Dan 8:23 and Rev 6 as well to start the 2300 day countdown to Jesus. (just under 77 months) from the wicked counselor until our Wonderful Counselor Jesus of Dan 2:44, Dan 8:25, Dan 11:45 and Revelation 16:17-21. Nahum 1:14-15 prove that is Assyrian that shall come forth from Mosul (Al MAWsil, Iraq) is the final antichrist to ever pass through Judah again. God Bless you watchman. Beginning of Sorrows is Dan 11:21-28. 5th Seal is Dan 11:29-39. 6th Seal through 7th Bowl is Dan 11:40-45. Micah 5:5 and Isa 14:25 along with Isa 7 & 8 say he will be an Assyrian. (from Al MAWsil, Iraq)
Santan claims to be king Jesus. Given power by God. Because of false interpretation. Santan himself will claim to be God. Sitting in the temple You say there's no temple He probably will bring it with him An set it down. 10 kings with him that have no kingdom yet. But will one hour with the beast. Jerusalem set down out of heaven. What make you think He wont set his temple down. He will be in it. Santan wont let anyone play his roll in the end. Amen
Where does it say peace agreement? Or are you reading our present day ideas into scripture? It talks about confirming a covenant. Are you assuming this is a peace agreement? I’m not so sure.
God say if you want to believe a lie he will let you. What you believe is not what counts. Santan is the one who Claims to be God. If and I believe wont cut it. I'm teaching you wont cut it. Its Santan himself.
I want to know where his channel is cause I only want to follow him when I press the button shows other people talking I don’t wanna hear other people talking to this guy
You are an excellent teacher BUT I do believe he will be a homosexual. Daniel 11:34. I also believe that’s why such a rapid flood of a push for lgbt. This generation it’s brainwashing is being prepared to accept him in his homosexuality
Santan already owns He offered it to Crist Matthew 4 Dont premeditat what you will say it will be give to you By the wholly spirit. I'm telling you won't cut it friend. It's Santan himself he will Be the last one. It's all handed to him When he returns. With peace will deceive many. I believes wont cut it. It santan no interpretation needed. Wake up You know what I believes Wont cut it. Amen
This is so messed up. How can we discount all of history as well as see who all leaders bow to? The fatal wound is healed and his power has been restored. God made it plain as day. Futurism is a lie. Preiterism (spelling) also a lie.
There is no rapture. Only a hiding. And only for the ones that have their lamps ready. We will be hidden by the hand of Yah. The lamps are ready when they have plenty of oil. Oil is keeping His commandments. See 119 Ministries on YT.
The Bible doesn't call it the rapture, therefore that's were you come inn: read revelation 20 study it carefully, 1st pray/ask your father KING JESUS for understanding/revelation/knowledge 🙏 amen 💞 🙏 🙌
There isn't a rapture, the RCC came up with that to keep deception going. Is it found in Scripture? No, the word rapture isn't found in Scripture. Caught up or snatched up is the correct term. 1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 KJV - Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. In a split second or a fraction of a second after we die we will be taken up to meet the Lord, contrary to the false teaching floating around today, Pentecostals like Keith here, and Charismatics preach that false theology. Why? For money Praises Of people To be famous And so on.
Not yet and also they are going expecting two. Yes 2 they believe in two Messiah,s one is the profit and make peace the other is a warrior to say and that one I think beast and make good and make a deal with Iran. We shall hopefully not see this happen we will be raptured out before then .
*Not Syria ( Syria is Arabs ). it's ASSYRIA ( Christian Assyrians ). Isaiah: 19' last 3 versus. There will be Hwy between Assyria, Israel, Egypt. These 3 nations will unite and bring a final peace the middle east and on earth in general.** King of the North is the servant of Christ. " Maran Att Taa " is an Assyria word means Lord Come or You come Lord. ( Maran is reference to the Lord Jesus Christ . Att means You Taa means Come ). All this Glory will happen after ASSYRIA is restored again in Nineveh in North of Iraq because Egypt is on the Map, Israel is been restored in 1948 , and the missing one is ASSYRIA ( not Syria because Syria is an Arab Country and already exists on the Map ) so, it's ASSYRIA the Country of the Great Assyrian Nation. King of the North will help restore ASSYRIA and ASSYRIANS . King of the North is "EU-USA-RUSSIA-CANADA".
This makes so much sense, but Idk about his race or country of origin yet, they are changing the gov of countries during this pandemic and venezuela haiti parts of Africa and Puerto Rico and japan are other destroyed countries that can be possible empires
Man this guys accent sooo suits end time reading. 10/10.
Amen To That Brother greetings from Yorkshire Godbless
Wow amazing sermon and teaching that is so needed right now. God bless you for your faithfulness.
Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
I sense God is using Keith to deliver the gospel that will provide His church-Gods people with the knowledge, understanding and faith needed to be guided by, and walk through this hour.
This is such an excellent teaching!! Thank you!!
I thank God for you brother, you tell everything with so mutch Truth, you are the only one who had the courage to name the truth from our time s. Thank you , and God bless you
Jesus is watching you at the right hand of God
Fabulous Teacher with such insight and knowledge
Thank you for being faithful !
Brother Keith,I always appreciate your insight and your passion.I too believe that this wicked leader.IS.the There is so much
Yes! Come sweet Messiah Yahshua!!!!!!
Love you all..In CHRIST amen 🙏 🙏🙏⚓️⚓️⚓️❤️❤️❤️
Tremendous, Pastor! It all makes so much sense. The best interpretation/explanation I have ever heard of who the antichrist will be and from where he will come. Thank you from NC, USA. I am sharing this with my children and friends.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast "
The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
@@johnriggs3143 WALLYTON 101. ANTICHRIST ASSYRIAN IN ISRAEL NOW. LOOK 👀. Are you saying his Jesus Christ
@@johnriggs3143 All whites nations invaded by Africa Mexicans Indians Arab Muslims refugees invaded Americans Australia Canada for war with us whites. Look at Americans border. Because everything is racist 80% of white people are being murdered by blacks in America I was looking at the black on white crime the codeword for white genocide is multi-culture diversity is the greatest strength and white privilege Africa called through Civil War gets us whites in South Africa resources trade cats in Mexico America text lives in Mexico you’re going to kill us a Jesus Christ is actually white any metal in the inside of a furnace not outside cool down it says in that means inside is white brass when refined and a furnace is white fire when it burns his blue white and gold Jesus eyes are blue , Face and hair white as snow like the whool of a lamb 🐑. Jesus is white revelations 1;14;15 , They will hate you for your name sake and they really do hate us white people that’s why they’ve been protesting white people and Colleen is a racist to facets of white supremacy or whatever he comes in what colors where did you decide we’re in a war not just World War III it gets old European nations like Hitler and Stalin like the top 10 dictators but we’re in a Civil War in the inside of America where ever white people exist they’re killing us Adam eat very Matthew Mark Luke John Peter Paul Sarah Samuel Solomon do for Daniel Jacob Joseph Johnny nature of the stupid Abraham Enoch and Jesus Christ is God in the flesh by RUclips the doorI think they killed Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh for being white that’s just my opinion but he died for us all
@@rhondaclark716 Jesus was a Nazarite, A Jew, the reason Christ looks the way he does in Revelation when he comes back is because holy righteousness is brighter than any light we have ever seen.
Jesus isn't white, he is illuminated by the glory of his Father, and the billions upon billions of angels that are coming with him at the second coming.
@@johnriggs3143could we possibly be in Satan's little season in rev 20?
That was amazing
You gave knowledge and the prayer was cool
All nations of the earth be healed
Have a taste of Heaven
You are spot on!
and now we await the appearing of the two olive trees of God, the two withnesses. in Jerusalem.
Wait til you find out where it really is.
@@quintonmiller8266I speak according to scriptures, not manmade madness.
@@quintonmiller8266 I don't want to wait to find out though. Please share your opinion, it would be greatly appreciated.
@@Rileyed the problem is you are trying to twist scripture to suit your false doctrine; (And i will give POWER unto my two withnesses, and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, CLOTHED IN SACKCLOTH.)Revelations11;3; Now my dear friend spirits don't cloth themselves with sackcloth, and lastly; (nations shall see their DEAD BODIES three days and a half.and shall not suffer their DEAD BODIES to be put in GRAVES. (revelation 11;9) now my dear friend spirits don't have dead bodies, and people dont deny them to be put into the GRAVES. Sorry, you picked the wrong Christian, i am a firstfruit.
Irag and Syria. Fascinating. Right now it does look impossible. To see God bring that about from here will be amazing.
PS Should we still be here.
I agree God started in the Middle East and will Finish in the Middle East. Why is Brother Keith leaving out the Bottomless Pit and Deadly Wound
And the leaves where for the healing of the Nations, Amen
I have all ready believed what you said and glad to have a confirmation.
There is an Assyrian described as a tree in Ezekiel 31. Adam and Eve got messed up by messing with a Tree in Genesis 3.
@Hazel McRae I got the book on Kindle. I'm reading through it now. Alot of his research follows along with things I've checked in my own studies.
Thanks Brother
Your study cleared up the " god of powers"
Thank you so much for the bible study ,God is with you
Excellent job, sir!
(635) "Vaccinations shouldn't be mandatory" - Orthodox bishop on strict COVID-19 rules | Mar Mari Emanuel - RUclips
This blessed me. Couple things... I'm not sold yet on the claim that the Arabian Antichrist will not be a Muslim because of the fact that many will be beheaded in the great tribulation period and this has been a customary form of punishment in Islam.
Also, Christianity (including false Christianity i.e. Prosperity Gospel Osteen/Copeland.etc.... Romanism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses has 'a' Jesus), Islam, Judaism, Hinduism.. ALL have a coming global messianic savior figure that appears in the end of days. How would the Antichrist not have plausible common denominators that uniquely deceive *all by claiming by miraculous demonstration that He is the promised savior?
Just some thoughts..
* All except the Holy Spirit indwelled born again believers in the Christ of God, Jesus of Nazareth.
Some of what you're saying is spot on, but you claim Antiochus set up the abomination of desolation! Exactly how does that work when Jesus says in the Olivet Discourse speaking to the disciples, "15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand- 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Jesus quite obviously puts this event in the future, and there can't be two different abominations of desolation, or Jesus would have had to clarify which one he was speaking of.
Antiochus defiled the temple by sacrificing pigs in it. He also brought in male prostitutes, I think.
@@barramundi4604 I agree and he is certainly as close to being the antichrist in character and actions as one can probably be without being the antichrist. However, he did not and could not have set up the abomination of desolation. The bible is quite clear on this point.
Good explanation
Pls all see the end-time vision from Tommy Hick. It’s so powerful what God has for us….anytime pls se it brother and sister
Please Watch "Who Changed the Sabbath" by Pastor CD Brooks
Yes yes ..omg finally somebody who reads and understands God word.Ive been telling my girlfriends this very thing and they now see that in there study but don't forget where God says in Rev where he knows where Satan seat is..pergamose and where is that today Turkey.look and see and it's still in the region an Assyrian.
There are 600,000 Assyrians in the United States.
BEHIND THE PROUD KING OF TYRE WAS LUCIFER Call failed to become Satan ….google. By Kristin ROMEY , living descendants of biblical Canaanites identified be a DNA…. So if you want to know who is Satan’s offspring is then you just look that way, but they are also Islam. There is also an ad to Christ in Israel. ASSYRIAN … REMEMBER THE BIBLE SAYS THAT ISLAM CUT OFF YOUR HEADS ISLAM. IT HAS TAKEN OVER ALL WHITE NATIONS, AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, AND CANADA. THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER EVERY SINGLE NATION ON EARTH. ..
Great teaching. Walid Shoebat has alot of great detail about islam and the antichrist. Im reading a book now titled "Gods war on terror" by walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson. I reccomend this book for serious prophecy students.
I have recently heard that Joe Richardson repented of most of what he said.
Someone did research on Richardson. I am sorry i did not make a note of it. You may want to research it.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast "
The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
Is France north of Israel and the other south of Israel?
@@judyswiderski2682 yes, look at Europe on the world map
What do you say about a man by name Rav Yahudah Ben David who is right now in Jerusalem doing miracles?
Think you meant Revelation 13? If you meant Daniel 13, you're teaching from the apocrypha.
It wasn't until I had almost memorized the prophecies of Daniel, 2 Theselonians, and much of the book of Revelation before I started to understand the kingdoms of man.
My question to you is where in the Bible exactly mentions the name Assyrian the Antichrist??? Let me share with you some of the good things the Bible talks about the Assyrian Isaiah 19:23 ►
In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together.
◄ Isaiah 19:24 ►
In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth.
◄ Isaiah 19:25 ►
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.”
God bless the Assyrian Amen 🙏
The desire of women is a Jewish idiom referring to the messiah that all women wanted to birth.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast "
The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
Keep the prays short brother....appreciate your ferver..keep it up
The “catching up” (rapture) of the body of Christ is the next great event on God’s calendar. If you are saved you will understand this because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. 1Thes. 4:13-18. If you can’t understand that the rapture takes place before the seven years of Daniel’s 70th week you haven’t read your King James Bible 1611 very many times. Better get to reading to get your own understanding. The seven years of tribulation are the time of “Jacob’s trouble” not the church’s trouble. The church isn’t in Mt. 24 for it had not even been initiated yet at that time.
Whatever you believe as far as prophecy goes is secondary to the main thing, that is that you make sure you are truly born again through repentance of your sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Acts 20:21; Romans 10
Not according to Paul. Read 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 which speaks of the Anti-Christ appearing in the upcoming Temple in Jerusalem. Rapture will not happen until then, at least according to Paul. And this is a reiteration of what Paul told the Thessalonians before (1st Thessalonians). This is a huge stumbling block to the pre-trib rapture theory which is very appealing but not correct.
@@robertbrown6879 There will be no Temple in Jerusalem. The temple Paul speaks of is us, the Church. The Spirit of God dwells in us and our body is the Temple. The antichrist will set himself over us and will defile us by persecuting and killing us. A physical Temple in Jerusalem could never be called "God's Temple" if it is not built with God's approval. If they build a Temple there, it will be of anything but God. In the present age, we are the Temple of God.
@@DouglasR1B Realize this and contemplate Daniel 4:35. The person that wrote this went through the strangest period anyone could go through, came out the other side and realized.
What you said is just what you said. What does God say through His Holy Spirit and His Apostles. Paul tells you in 2nd Thessalonians. Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear. Listen to God's word, not mans or even your own desires or your own way of looking at things.
Like they used to say, What would Jesus do? As opposed to, How would I have done it. Or really more like, What did God do, versus how would I do it.
If you are paying attention over the past years you will realize the believing Jews in Jerusalem that have not yet accepted the Messiah are going to build a temple. And there will be an Anti-Christ as much as you and I and most of the 7.5 billion people don't want there to be one. And the Anti-Christ will sit in that temple, yet future, and proclaim himself to be God.
You are doing what the king told you in Daniel 4:35 told you that no one can do. God even set that all up. He must have had a soft spot in his heart for this king.
@@robertbrown6879 The Antichrist won't be a Jew, he'll come from Assyrian, Niniveh. He'll come from Ishmael's line. If you pay attention to the Prophets, you'll know this. Read the Prophets together, not only Revelation and Daniel alone. You'll have to whole picture.
@@DouglasR1B Maybe you're correct. We may see for ourselves.
Tell Israel this
Santan was in the garden.
He will be here in the end.
Until he is take out of the way.
Brilliant !Thanks for this Brother really appreciate it
Interesting that Antiochus as bad as he was and not the antichrist had anti in his name.
Please check out Sonia Azam here on RUclips also.
This is one of the worst interpretations of Daniel 11 I have ever heard, people need to have an understanding of ancient world history and prophetic symbolism to truly understand prophecy within the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. The king in the Nothern ( France ) was Napoleon who came against the Pope ( king in the south, Rome ) in 1798. Napoleon was trying to conquer the countries of Europe and he was an Atheist, the Pope and the Catholic Church had been ruling over Europe for 1260 years controlling the Monarchies of Europe through the Papal religion. Napoleon comes into power and won't bow down to the Holy Roman Church's commands and when the Pope chastises Napoleon's dominance, Napoleon sends his army against the Vatican and the Papal army in Rome, Berthier Napoleon's general burns the Vatican, and the surrounding villages, he then arrests the Pope kills the priests and the Pope is put on trial in France for crimes against humanity and the inquisitions where he dies 18 months later in exile on the island of Valences, this broke the Pope and Catholic Chruch's power over Europe. This also fulfilled the Prophecy in Revelation 13:3 where the beast power ( Catholic Church ) would receive a deadly wound. Revelation says the wound would be healed, has it been? Yes in 1933 the Papacy regained much of her power when she made a deal with Mussolini in which he would restore the Vatican and the Church if the Church would support him in the coming war2, this happened in 1933. Now we fast forward 90 years later to today and we can see that the Catholic Church and the Pope have regained almost all of the power back she lost 125 years ago, all the leaders of the countries today look to the Pope for supreme guidance in religious affairs, this also completes the prophecy the " whole world wandered after the beast "
The second beast in Revelation 13 represents the United States which will be an image of the first beast ( Papal Rome ) and will eventually enforce the Catholic Church's religion upon the rest of the world. Our country and our national symbols, architecture in Washington D.C., and even our government are Roman in design, an image to the first beast.
Dont guess it's Santan.
Everyone tries to figure it out.
Its simple. Its Santan himself.
Wake up interpreters.
Its Santan himself.
He has power.
His many rolls.
A 5 month period.
If your guessing anything but Santan himself your decived.
what, who is that who comes over the speaker at about 12:51 and says, "ummm"? It's a women's voice and now I'm so scared.
Probably happened when they edited the video? Just a guess. I heard it too. Was a bit weird though
Don't be afraid Jesus our King says "I will never leave you nor forsake you" just get yourself ready for His coming, for us His Church, are you ready beloved servants of God⁉️💯
Haha, its a live Zoom meeting and someone unmuted themselves. That simple.
That voice plays only if you are not paying attention.
Thank you for your teaching, Pastor. Have you considered that Assyria could also be Kurdistan? It is a country that doesn’t exist right now but could emerge and subdue three others. (Daniel 7). The Kurdish people can be found in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, the same area that you are discussing.
If you read that chapter in the original writing it actually says Ashur instead of Assyria. Which is modern day Iraq.
Hello brother. Dan 11:21 is the wicked counselor of Nahum 1:11. He is the arch nemesis to Jesus of Isa 11:1. This man of sin is the vile one who shall come forth in Dan 8:23 and Rev 6 as well to start the 2300 day countdown to Jesus. (just under 77 months) from the wicked counselor until our Wonderful Counselor Jesus of Dan 2:44, Dan 8:25, Dan 11:45 and Revelation 16:17-21. Nahum 1:14-15 prove that is Assyrian that shall come forth from Mosul (Al MAWsil, Iraq) is the final antichrist to ever pass through Judah again. God Bless you watchman. Beginning of Sorrows is Dan 11:21-28. 5th Seal is Dan 11:29-39. 6th Seal through 7th Bowl is Dan 11:40-45. Micah 5:5 and Isa 14:25 along with Isa 7 & 8 say he will be an Assyrian. (from Al MAWsil, Iraq)
The Bible says he is an Assyrian
Santan claims to be king Jesus.
Given power by God.
Because of false interpretation.
Santan himself will claim to be God. Sitting in the temple
You say there's no temple
He probably will bring it with him
An set it down. 10 kings with him that have no kingdom yet.
But will one hour with the beast.
Jerusalem set down out of heaven. What make you think
He wont set his temple down.
He will be in it.
Santan wont let anyone play his roll in the end. Amen
Who is the Assyrian anti Christ.....is he here ??????
Where does it say peace agreement? Or are you reading our present day ideas into scripture? It talks about confirming a covenant. Are you assuming this is a peace agreement? I’m not so sure.
What’s malcomsons email?
God say if you want to believe a lie he will let you.
What you believe is not what counts. Santan is the one who
Claims to be God.
If and I believe wont cut it.
I'm teaching you wont cut it.
Its Santan himself.
So you believe the little horn in Daniel 7 is the antichrist, but the small horn which grew in power in Daniel 8 is Antiochus? Hmm
See also on U tube DR Ken Gentry " The Beast of Revelation IDENTIFIED "
Also view on You Tube "Rapture Alert' by me. God bless.
REV 11:7, 13: 3..ANTICHRIST Bottomless pit and deadly wound Healed
i thought he was assyrian as well
T R U M P ! ! !
I want to know where his channel is cause I only want to follow him when I press the button shows other people talking I don’t wanna hear other people talking to this guy
You are an excellent teacher BUT I do believe he will be a homosexual. Daniel 11:34. I also believe that’s why such a rapid flood of a push for lgbt. This generation it’s brainwashing is being prepared to accept him in his homosexuality
Santan already owns
He offered it to Crist
Matthew 4
Dont premeditat what you will say it will be give to you
By the wholly spirit.
I'm telling you won't cut it friend.
It's Santan himself he will
Be the last one.
It's all handed to him
When he returns.
With peace will deceive many.
I believes wont cut it.
It santan no interpretation needed. Wake up
You know what I believes
Wont cut it. Amen
Your forgetting brother Jihad and how in the Muslim religon there has been a whole load of bloodshed
This is so messed up. How can we discount all of history as well as see who all leaders bow to? The fatal wound is healed and his power has been restored. God made it plain as day. Futurism is a lie. Preiterism (spelling) also a lie.
"shadow" ok i was like what? the assyrian is Not the Antichrist but yes type and shadow thats right
When is the rapture .
There is no rapture. Only a hiding. And only for the ones that have their lamps ready. We will be hidden by the hand of Yah. The lamps are ready when they have plenty of oil. Oil is keeping His commandments. See 119 Ministries on YT.
The rapture will happen in His 2nd coming for His bride [the Church us/we] hallelujah amen 🙏 🙌 👏
The Bible doesn't call it the rapture, therefore that's were you come inn: read revelation 20 study it carefully, 1st pray/ask your father KING
JESUS for understanding/revelation/knowledge 🙏 amen 💞 🙏 🙌
There isn't a rapture, the RCC came up with that to keep deception going.
Is it found in Scripture?
No, the word rapture isn't found in Scripture.
Caught up or snatched up is the correct term.
1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 KJV - Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
In a split second or a fraction of a second after we die we will be taken up to meet the Lord, contrary to the false teaching floating around today, Pentecostals like Keith here, and Charismatics preach that false theology.
For money
Praises Of people
To be famous
And so on.
The rapture happens at Midtribulation after the arrival of the antichrist
Israel just revealed "messiah"
not yet
Not yet and also they are going expecting two. Yes 2 they believe in two Messiah,s one is the profit and make peace the other is a warrior to say and that one I think beast and make good and make a deal with Iran. We shall hopefully not see this happen we will be raptured out before then .
I'd watch if u didn't shout all the time. Bless
Who is this man in the middle east whom they are kissing his hands and gathering about with such excitement? Pretty strange.
Sounds like trump
*Not Syria ( Syria is Arabs ). it's ASSYRIA ( Christian Assyrians ). Isaiah: 19' last 3 versus. There will be Hwy between Assyria, Israel, Egypt. These 3 nations will unite and bring a final peace the middle east and on earth in general.** King of the North is the servant of Christ. " Maran Att Taa " is an Assyria word means Lord Come or You come Lord. ( Maran is reference to the Lord Jesus Christ . Att means You Taa means Come ). All this Glory will happen after ASSYRIA is restored again in Nineveh in North of Iraq because Egypt is on the Map, Israel is been restored in 1948 , and the missing one is ASSYRIA ( not Syria because Syria is an Arab Country and already exists on the Map ) so, it's ASSYRIA the Country of the Great Assyrian Nation. King of the North will help restore ASSYRIA and ASSYRIANS . King of the North is "EU-USA-RUSSIA-CANADA".
Just like Putin the Great
You are wrong
This makes so much sense, but Idk about his race or country of origin yet, they are changing the gov of countries during this pandemic and venezuela haiti parts of Africa and Puerto Rico and japan are other destroyed countries that can be possible empires