As jy 1.3t voer en die bees weeg 550kg en hy slag 55% uit en jy kry R54/kg karkasprys gaan jy mos bitter min wins maak tensy jy voer baie goedkoop kry?
Sy elektroniese pos adres is hier, soek net so effens rond. Of los jou nr dan sal hy jou dalk kontak. Hy was in d begin baie openlik,maar dit lyk of die boewe ook wil weet waar al die beeste is, hul wil affirmative shopping gaan doen. My broer help graag mense, jy sal hom op gesigboek ook kry.
Anton how can I get hold of you direct? I would love talk learn more about the biz.. if you have Facebook or Instagram I can DM so that we can discuss further
Watched this video today… ayy the way you were crying about the Boran has to be the funniest video I’ve watched today😂 but very informative 🙏🏿
Goeie more Anton, wandering kana ek jou plek keier
Where you from
Nice work brother
Are implants a necessity for the animals on feedlots. Do implants change anything in terms of meat quality.
No. Implant add female hormone
I would like to buy bosmara and ramagnola calf. What is your advice. Where I can get them. I am in northern kzn In Jozini near pongola
I got. I am in Randfontein
What voer jy Anton
I really want to start farming problem is the farm. Do anyone have infomation of farm rental?
Very scares
Please come to 🇹🇿 Tanzania they are plenty
As jy 1.3t voer en die bees weeg 550kg en hy slag 55% uit en jy kry R54/kg karkasprys gaan jy mos bitter min wins maak tensy jy voer baie goedkoop kry?
Slag 59% uit. R54 plus vat. Wins R3000 n kop gemid
Hi. At what age do you buy them?
300 kg
What is your evarage finished weight
How does Charolin, Braford and Herford fare on feedlots?
Great bulls for feedlot
Which cattle breeds have the highest daily weight gain records or perform very well in your feedlot?
What is the best weaning weight an age?
I start feed at 300 kg
This video is actually painful
Boran 😢
Not good for feedlot
Kontaknommer asb
Soek meer inligting in verband met voerkraal besigheid asb??
I’m crying to same, I would want to meet in person to get more insight.. I’m having an interested in this business
Sy elektroniese pos adres is hier, soek net so effens rond. Of los jou nr dan sal hy jou dalk kontak. Hy was in d begin baie openlik,maar dit lyk of die boewe ook wil weet waar al die beeste is, hul wil affirmative shopping gaan doen. My broer help graag mense, jy sal hom op gesigboek ook kry.
Kyk al die videos
Hou aan volg
Anton how can I get hold of you direct? I would love talk learn more about the biz.. if you have Facebook or Instagram I can DM so that we can discuss further
Boran doesn't,t do well in feedlots, i can see bonsmara, beefmaster, simmantaler, limousin does very well
Boran is terible