To all who would like to see a new democratic federal republic of Ethiopia: As there is no separation of a political party and the federal and state governments, unless ODP as a party is separated from Oromia Regional State Government (all parties in all other regional states have similar status with their respective governments), future elections cannot be fair and democratic. ODP should stop depending on taxes paid by Oromo and entirely depend on contributions made by its members like other opposition parties/organizations in a democratic society. How can any party compete fairly when one party has enormous fund from the government and its own security, police and army? The EPRDF system cannot tolerate dissent. A dictatorial system that has lasted for centuries cannot be easily changed with one election. It takes time to change an autocratic system. There are competing contradictory views among various opposition parties/organizations in Ethiopia. The EPRDF through its Chairman, PM Dr. Abiy, is trying to bring a change in Ethiopian Empire State. Tough time ahead: What type of state is to be formed? Is it going to be a federated or confederated or a unitary government it has been? Ethiopia became a federal republic in name only after 1991 with centralized dictatorial government - controlled by TPLF. The federal system has not been implemented as intended by the country's 1995 Constitution. In reality, Ethiopia has been a unitary empire state ruled by dictators under different names (emperors, marxist military dictator, TPLF dictators, Team Lamma (not yet known as to what they could do or where they are going to lead the country)). Before getting rid off the EPRDF and a system based on minority rule from the time Ethiopia was established by Haile Selassie I in 1991 by the First Constitution of Ethiopia (from Fetha Negest (that endorsed and encouraged slavery among other things), it is impossible to establish a new democratic federal republic of Ethiopia that could equally treat its more than 80 nations/nationalities and peoples. The country has never been democratic. Oromia and other states in Ethiopia are not yet free. They are still ruled by EPRDF system: Unless Abiy and Lamma remove corrupted individuals from their own party (ODP) first and then encourage the other parties to do the same by setting an example for others, there is still a possibility for Ethiopia to face more crisis with a possibility of even disintegration. God forbid! In some parties of the country: It is reported that some current owners of vast hectares of land in Jimma and Illu Abba Bora and other locations have evicted farmers from their own lands; own their own prison cells with the help of local law enforcement agents. No one todate is able to free the prisoners (it is believed they have been forgotten). The Addis Ababa Master Plan is being implemented. Evictions of farmers near cities, towns and rural areas have continued by top party officials and their collaborators. When will this stop? Is is not shameful to have a colonial system of rule in the 21st century? Was/is it not shameful to forcefully try to stop OLF from coming back to its own land/city on September 15, 2018? What happened to those who committed murders in Finfinne and Burau? How about the top EPRDF leaders who committed heinous crimes for the last 28 years? Has OLF by any standard of measurement committed a crime like TPLF and its surrogates for the last 28 years? If you are impartial, the answer is absolutely not! If all armed groups should be disarmed, to be fair to all, how about disarming armed groups, such as Ginbot 7, Kefagn Patriotic Amhara group, ONLF, ALF, and other liberation movements that are still armed. While President Gedu has been encouraging and arming those in the Amhara Region (all farmers in this regions are reported to be armed): TPLF armed Tigray and as some other regional states do the same - why PM Dr. Abiy and President Lamma want to disarm OLF and the Oromo people? I see unfairness against Oromoo. They paid highest taxes and benefit/benefitted less than others in northern regions for centuries when it comes to education opportunities, economic, political progress and cultural developments. Will the next election be made at all? There is still uncertainty because the federal government has not clearly stated as to where it is leading the country.
Jabadhu qeeyron oromiyaa
#jijjiiramaaf akkamitti yoo barbaaddan dafee/daftee ilaalii mee ijaarsa hayyootaa abadan tasuma libsuu ijaallee hin laalanii ittiin boonsa aadaafidudhaa sirna gadaan quufa gabbina nuuf haatayuu!!!!amiiiin Aswrwb jzkl maasha'allah alhamdulillah allahuakubar #dawit #freeBaqqalaa jzkl maasha'allah alhamdulillah allahuakubar #dawit #freeBaqqalaa
Yaa laammii tiyya akkana jabadhu jabadhu
Woooow dhuugaa kootii
the twin superstar
#freeallpoliticalprisoners #freejoharmuhamad #freehamza #justicefor acaluu Welcome omn sagalee ijaafi gurra ummataatii mootummaan angoof jecha saba ofii tumsuu qaba dirqama keenya irkoon keenya suma yaarabbii dafii nubirmadhuuf nubaasii hayyoota keenyaarraa kasaraa#gootasabaa jaarraa abbaa gadaa halkan guyyarraa qeerroo fiqaarree keenya nifalmannaa demookraasii haqaa.ilaa itti amanaa
To all who would like to see a new democratic federal republic of Ethiopia: As there is no separation of a political party and the federal and state governments, unless ODP as a party is separated from Oromia Regional State Government (all parties in all other regional states have similar status with their respective governments), future elections cannot be fair and democratic. ODP should stop depending on taxes paid by Oromo and entirely depend on contributions made by its members like other opposition parties/organizations in a democratic society. How can any party compete fairly when one party has enormous fund from the government and its own security, police and army? The EPRDF system cannot tolerate dissent. A dictatorial system that has lasted for centuries cannot be easily changed with one election. It takes time to change an autocratic system. There are competing contradictory views among various opposition parties/organizations in Ethiopia. The EPRDF through its Chairman, PM Dr. Abiy, is trying to bring a change in Ethiopian Empire State. Tough time ahead: What type of state is to be formed? Is it going to be a federated or confederated or a unitary government it has been? Ethiopia became a federal republic in name only after 1991 with centralized dictatorial government - controlled by TPLF. The federal system has not been implemented as intended by the country's 1995 Constitution. In reality, Ethiopia has been a unitary empire state ruled by dictators under different names (emperors, marxist military dictator, TPLF dictators, Team Lamma (not yet known as to what they could do or where they are going to lead the country)).
Before getting rid off the EPRDF and a system based on minority rule from the time Ethiopia was established by Haile Selassie I in 1991 by the First Constitution of Ethiopia (from Fetha Negest (that endorsed and encouraged slavery among other things), it is impossible to establish a new democratic federal republic of Ethiopia that could equally treat its more than 80 nations/nationalities and peoples.
The country has never been democratic. Oromia and other states in Ethiopia are not yet free. They are still ruled by EPRDF system: Unless Abiy and Lamma remove corrupted individuals from their own party (ODP) first and then encourage the other parties to do the same by setting an example for others, there is still a possibility for Ethiopia to face more crisis with a possibility of even disintegration. God forbid!
In some parties of the country: It is reported that some current owners of vast hectares of land in Jimma and Illu Abba Bora and other locations have evicted farmers from their own lands; own their own prison cells with the help of local law enforcement agents. No one todate is able to free the prisoners (it is believed they have been forgotten). The Addis Ababa Master Plan is being implemented. Evictions of farmers near cities, towns and rural areas have continued by top party officials and their collaborators. When will this stop? Is is not shameful to have a colonial system of rule in the 21st century? Was/is it not shameful to forcefully try to stop OLF from coming back to its own land/city on September 15, 2018? What happened to those who committed murders in Finfinne and Burau? How about the top EPRDF leaders who committed heinous crimes for the last 28 years? Has OLF by any standard of measurement committed a crime like TPLF and its surrogates for the last 28 years? If you are impartial, the answer is absolutely not!
If all armed groups should be disarmed, to be fair to all, how about disarming armed groups, such as Ginbot 7, Kefagn Patriotic Amhara group, ONLF, ALF, and other liberation movements that are still armed. While President Gedu has been encouraging and arming those in the Amhara Region (all farmers in this regions are reported to be armed): TPLF armed Tigray and as some other regional states do the same - why PM Dr. Abiy and President Lamma want to disarm OLF and the Oromo people? I see unfairness against Oromoo. They paid highest taxes and benefit/benefitted less than others in northern regions for centuries when it comes to education opportunities, economic, political progress and cultural developments. Will the next election be made at all? There is still uncertainty because the federal government has not clearly stated as to where it is leading the country.