I know she's meant to look scared and everything, but I really like how she has absolutely no expression on her face while her body's pretty much going insane, it makes it look like she's possessed and has no control whatsoever... I find it creepier than most performances (and in my personal opinion creepy and Stravinsky go well together ;) I think it's great.
when you are living in a country controlled by a dictator that is what it must feel like ...they say don't say this word ...always smile ..like you are possessed...banish all the dictators
@@silverkitty2503 The ballet was originally performed in Paris. This choreography and costume from the movie is emulating the original choreography . The only thing that survived that ear are photographs. I thought it interesting that the costumes representing an ancient Russian tribe were so like American indigenous people, the head band , for instance. There was no political story here . This sacrificial dance conclusion I think is where the dancer dances to death. I wonder about what could be saved of dance from photographs. This depiction seems stiff but I have seen this in another ballet production that also tried to reproduce the choreography of 1913 that was so controversial at the debut .
ОПИСАНИЕ ПОД ВИДЕО НА РУССКОМ: Весна священная» Стравинского считается произведением-революцией в музыке. Вот она в знаменитой Хореографии Легендарного Нижинского, впервые исполненная в 1913 году. Мы наблюдаем за окончанием произведения. В деревне на языческой Руси, чтобы умилостивить бога Весны, нужно принести в жертву девушку. Смерть наступает из-за непрерывных изматывающих танцев девушки.
I do not spend much time watching ballet but this is just such a powerful performance. The music feels so absolutely natural accompanied by the great dance .In a way it feels as revolutionary as rock music did in the 60s. And it was performed in 1913 ? It must have been a true ballet blockbuster of those days.
At the first show of this ballet, the audience was so triggered by it that they fought each other, which eventually developed to a riot so big that the police had to come and arrest some of them😂
In this last scene where the sacrificial virgin dances herself to death she is obviously the main focus in the last part of the ballet and very little happens dancewise in the periphery, so I suppose whoever produced the film probably decided to just focus on her hence the closeup camera work. I must say this is the best part of the ballet, the amount of energy and stamina required of the dancer is very evident and comes through to the viewer. I'm now going to have a lie down after watching this. I'm exhausted.
Nijinsky lived and got to know many of the masters of his day, in the art of dance, and in others arts as well. He spent many months travelling with Diaghilev to comprehend a precise knowledge of contemporany of art, and specially, to be acquaintanded with intelectuals, nobility and artists. And even before he worked for Diaghilev he worked with Fokine, Legat, and even get a glance of Petipa working, so he had a solid background to create what he did.
The Hodson reconstruction shown above is from the Théatre des Champs-Elysées [the site of the original 5-29-13 performance]. The only available complete ballet is now available in a BluRay from the June 2008 Mariinsky, White Nights, with Valery Gergiev. It includes supplemental material with rehearsal footage with reconstructer Hodson. It is available as a BluRay from BelAirClassiques # BAC441. [Also includes the reconstructed Ballets Russes' Firebird]. See Amazon or your favorite shop.
This is, by far, my favourite composition. Stravinsky! Nijinsky! Need I say more? Marie-Claude Pietragalla is exciting in this piece. Thanks for the post.
GENIUS,AND BEAUTY,IMAGINE HOW EXHAUSTING IT WAS TO KEEP TIME WITH SUCH FURIOUSLY FAST MUSIC.those french that rioted,'UNBELIEVABLE",when in paris i saw the bathroom window stravinsky escaped from,WHAT FOOLS,FIGHTING THE FUTURE,I NEVER,EVER,EVER TIRE OF THIS MUSIC,mozart,well,it puts me to sleep
The Rite of Spring symbolizes the duty youth take when the pagan human sacrifice called War is realized. Mostly youth are involved in war for societies condition and program their youth from the cradle to prepare for war. In the original version the sacrifice was of a maiden but I have seen another modern version where the sacrifice is a male. Most wars begin in the spring.Alexandr D'Maddalena
And specially by Diaghilev's vision, is notorious that Diaghilev influenced whatever artist that worked for him. He himself was the man behind the biggest creations of the Ballets Russes, a man with a multiple eyes to the novelties of his day.
It's painful to think what Nijinsky would have done if he was allowed to continue his work as a revolutionary choreographer. Maybe he'd be what Balanchine became afterwards? :'(
Nijinsky's choreography, performed only 8 times in 1913, was nearly lost forever until the Joffrey,in the 1980's,, reconstructed it and performed it for the first time in over 70 years.
In my channel you can find a medium quality recording of the entire ballet. The recording of this video is only partial, they didn't recorded the entire ballet with this ballerina, only this pas, which is considered the epitome of the whole ballet, and besides the most original part of the whole ballet, because Nijinska explained exaclty how this was danced, and Valentine Gross did some drawings of this dance.
@JarrodCanHasSinging I was reading something very emotionally disturbing a while ago, and I needed to listen to some music as a release. You're spot on with what I chose to listen to - this (Rites of Spring) and Penderecki's Threnody.
This dance reminds me of the Armenian mystic Georges Gurdjieff's sacred Sufi dances. I wonder if the influence was conscious. I think Diaghilev was connected to Gurdjieff in some way and I believe Gurdjieff's dances - or 'sacred movements' as they're sometimes known - were debuting onstage in Paris around the same time. Anyone know in what way they may have been connected?
I think that they met each other, but I don't think the relationship was long-lasting. I doubt if Diaghilev would have really understood Gurdjieff's movements anyway. Same thing with Frank Lloyd Wright, who met G. Their meeting never amounted to anything. Two huge egos meeting for the first time. I think Wright didn't pursue him, and vice versa.
@hollyblsck I agree 100%. I LOVE Nijinsky and I greatly admire Diaghilev and also Tamara karsavina. Study the later Ballets Russes/Ballet Russe. You will be able to follow the fortunes of the original company and dancers after the sad loss of Diaghilev. Much as I worship this man I hate his cruelty to Nijinsky after that sad,unwise marriage. Romola, bless her, has a lot to answer for. Had Diaghilev forgiven Nijinsky he might have been able to go on dancing and choreographing.
This is fantastic and looks very authentic. I'm writing about Nijinsky at the moment and would be extremely grateful if someone could tell me where this comes from and if there is a film of the complete ballet using this reconstruction.
Δεν το είχα δει αυτό το κείμενο. ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ ΑΥΤΟ που λες "πολυ-ρυθμία των επίμέρους" είναι που με δυσκολεύει όταν παριστάνω τον Κάραγιαν και προσπαθώ να "διευθύνω" τα ηχεία του σι-ντι πλέιερ. Πάντως το χορεύω τέλεια σε δικές μου πολύ αυθόρμητες και μοντέρνες χορογραφίες!
nai, polu oraia. de milw gia ti xorografia, mou einai simantikoteri kai apo to mousiko ergo. I ermineia mou fanike polu akadimaiki. auto. Me eknevrizei me enan tropo, sa na theoreitai simantikoteri i ekseidikeusi kai i virtuosity [me tin kaki tin ennoia]. Ta noimata pou ferei, den mporei na periorizontai mono sto oti tha pethanei eksouthenwmeni. Tha ithela na vlepw tin pragmatikotita tis se kathe tis kinisi... telos pantwn, to evala sta agapimena mou omws! kali sunexeia!
@VladtheEmailer it did cause a riot the first time it was performed. And it scares the hell out of me too. My music teacher played it, and I honestly started crying lol.
No! The original Folkine- Ballets Russes' "Petrushka" along with both "Firebird" and "Scheherazade" has been recreated by Andris Liepa and the Bolshoi. All are avaliable on a DVD: Decca 440 079 322-9, "The Return of the Firebird" The "Scheherazade" is the version in which Paris first saw Ninjinsky in 1911.
Can someone tell me why she's not always totally in sync with the orchestra, e.g. her jumping? Is the choreography just like that, and why? I believe a world class dancer would have no problem with jumping on the right strikes, so what's the point?
This was the choreography that caused a riot. It was very disturbing to that time period and it didn't make sense. Even the dancing seemed sloppy and horrible. Really, it was just the madness of the creator just as he intended the piece. Likely, it reflected something very deep inside of him that he thought others would relate to, but people were not ready to accept or feel.
Εμένα, απλώς, μού αρέσει. Σίγουρα θα υπάρχουν και άλλες χορογραφίες που θα μού άρεσαν πιο πολύ. Στην Τέχνη υπάρχει και το υποκειμενικό στοιχείο, κάτι που δεν υπάρχει στην Επιστήμη. Εκεί ο αντικειμενικός θρίαμβος είναι η επαλήθευση από το πείραμα.
Νικόλαε, πραγματικά με εξέπληξες! Πού βρήκες αυτό το αριστούργημα? Όλο τα ίδια ρωτάω, αλλά αυτή τη φορά, πραγματικά έμεινα άφωνη. Το βλέπω ξανά και ξανά και δεν το χορταίνω.
1). Μ' όποιον Δάσκαλο καθήσεις, τέτοια γράμματα θα μάθεις. 2). Γράψε μας μόνο τί το καινούργιο παρουσιάζεται σε αυτό το έργο. Τί για πρώτη φορά εφαρμόσθηκε σε αυτό το έργο. Επιγραμματικά. Μόνο τους όρους. Μετά θα ανατρέξουμε στα Λεξικά.
Με φώναξε κανείς ;; Καταρχήν έκτακτο το βιντεάκι σου φίλε μου Νίκο , βούτηξες τώρα σε βαθιά νερά με την επιλογή έργου του Στραβίνσκυ , ενός συνθέτη που σφράγισε με το έργο του , όσο πολλοί λίγοι συνθέτες, τον 20ο αιώνα ! η συζήτηση περί Στραβίνσκυ μπορεί να μας πάρει ώρες ατελείωτες , όπως ατελείωτος και χειμαρρώδης υπήρξε και ο ίδιος .
Δεν κάνω καμία έρευνα γύρω από την ΕΣΣΔ. Απλώς έχω κάποιες γνώσεις από τα πολλά σοβιετικά περιοδικά-βιβλία που έχω διαβάσει και κυρίως εξαιτίας 3 επισκέψεων που είχα κάνει στην ΕΣΣΔ. Για τα άλλα που με ρωτάς θα σου απαντήσω με ΡΜ. Καλό είναι να πει την γνώμη της και η Αθηνά (xmilenako).
Αλλά αυτό είναι μια πολύ μεγάλη συζήτηση . θα σταματήσω εδώ , για να μην γίνω κουραστική . Για το γλωσσικό κομμάτι τώρα , να πω ότι λέξη παγανισμός δεν υπάρχει στα ρώσικα, ούτε καν σαν γλωσσικό δάνειο από άλλη γλώσσα . Αυτό που υπάρχει είναι η λέξη ειδωλολατρεία - jiazitsevstvo , jiazikovoi - ειδωλολατρικός κλπ , που στα ελληνικά θα το μεταφράσουμε και σαν παγανιστικός , αλλά δεν υπάρχει αντίστοιχη λέξη στη ρωσική γλώσσα
Tέλος να πω ότι η λέξη ειδωλολατρία - jiazitsevstvo και η λέξη γλώσσα - jiazik - μοιάζει να συνδέονται , αλλά για να μιλήσω περισσότερα θα πρέπει να κοιτάξω τα λογοτεχνικά μου βιβλία ..η λέξη όμως λαός σίγουρα όχι . Ο λαός και στα αρχαία σλάβικα και στα μοντέρνα - βλ. και βουλγάρικα , σέρβικα κλπ...είναι narod ...αυτά . Thanks in advance !
καλα βρε παιδια μονο ελληνεσ μαζευτικαμε εδο ?? well i hear this because the mousic's book in my school says that we have to hear it any way.....!! its cool
@JarrodCanHasSinging Requiem is generally creepy to me. Some parts I absolutely love, but Dies Irae and Confutatis unnerve me. I think they are supposed to though. I'm no aficionado, just my opinion.
Επομένως Δάσκαλε κακώς το προφυλακτικό λέγεται έτσι διότι τα (γενετήσια)όργανα που παίζουν στο γνωστό κρεσέντο, δεν είναι ίδια! Άλλο το ανδρικό όγανο και άλλο το γυναικείο! Σωστός; Έπρεπε να ελέγετο ντουέτο.
Does this scare the fuck out of anyone else? >.< This and fucking Dies Irae make me cry they scare me so bad. Oh and The Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima.
My deepest wish for anything in the whole wide world is to just have ONE filmed performance of ballet that doesn't keep cutting closer all the time
I know she's meant to look scared and everything, but I really like how she has absolutely no expression on her face while her body's pretty much going insane, it makes it look like she's possessed and has no control whatsoever... I find it creepier than most performances (and in my personal opinion creepy and Stravinsky go well together ;) I think it's great.
when you are living in a country controlled by a dictator that is what it must feel like ...they say don't say this word ...always smile ..like you are possessed...banish all the dictators
@@silverkitty2503 They didn't have a dictator in 1913.
@@silverkitty2503 The ballet was originally performed in Paris. This choreography and costume from the movie is emulating the original choreography . The only thing that survived that ear are photographs. I thought it interesting that the costumes representing an ancient Russian tribe were so like American indigenous people, the head band , for instance. There was no political story here . This sacrificial dance conclusion I think is where the dancer dances to death. I wonder about what could be saved of dance from photographs. This depiction seems stiff but I have seen this in another ballet production that also tried to reproduce the choreography of 1913 that was so controversial at the debut .
@Ms Vaxxine its not HER, its HIM - Nizhinskii
Wow!! I mean, for such a mechanical choreography it's incredible how much heart this girl printcs in this dance.
ОПИСАНИЕ ПОД ВИДЕО НА РУССКОМ: Весна священная» Стравинского считается произведением-революцией в музыке. Вот она в знаменитой Хореографии Легендарного Нижинского, впервые исполненная в 1913 году. Мы наблюдаем за окончанием произведения. В деревне на языческой Руси, чтобы умилостивить бога Весны, нужно принести в жертву девушку. Смерть наступает из-за непрерывных изматывающих танцев девушки.
Greatest Ballet Performance i ever seen!!!
What an explosion of dance! Mesmerizing
I do not spend much time watching ballet but this is just such a powerful performance. The music feels so absolutely natural accompanied by the great dance .In a way it feels as revolutionary as rock music did in the 60s. And it was performed in 1913 ? It must have been a true ballet blockbuster of those days.
At the first show of this ballet, the audience was so triggered by it that they fought each other, which eventually developed to a riot so big that the police had to come and arrest some of them😂
Hard to believe this choreography literally started a riot when it premiered
To me the great genius here was Stravinsky, who compose this revolutionary piece of music.
In this last scene where the sacrificial virgin dances herself to death she is obviously the main focus in the last part of the ballet and very little happens dancewise in the periphery, so I suppose whoever produced the film probably decided to just focus on her hence the closeup camera work. I must say this is the best part of the ballet, the amount of energy and stamina required of the dancer is very evident and comes through to the viewer. I'm now going to have a lie down after watching this. I'm exhausted.
Nijinsky lived and got to know many of the masters of his day, in the art of dance, and in others arts as well. He spent many months travelling with Diaghilev to comprehend a precise knowledge of contemporany of art, and specially, to be acquaintanded with intelectuals, nobility and artists. And even before he worked for Diaghilev he worked with Fokine, Legat, and even get a glance of Petipa working, so he had a solid background to create what he did.
This is just the end of the ballet. The complete is really amazing and off beat.Yiou Tube has a the whole ballet performed by the Mairinsky theatre
The Hodson reconstruction shown above is from the Théatre des Champs-Elysées [the site of the original 5-29-13 performance]. The only available complete ballet is now available in a BluRay from the June 2008 Mariinsky, White Nights, with Valery Gergiev. It includes supplemental material with rehearsal footage with reconstructer Hodson. It is available as a BluRay from BelAirClassiques # BAC441. [Also includes the reconstructed Ballets Russes' Firebird]. See Amazon or your favorite shop.
Thank you so much, I was wondering what I was watching. Not all heros wear capes.
This is, by far, my favourite composition. Stravinsky! Nijinsky! Need I say more? Marie-Claude Pietragalla is exciting in this piece. Thanks for the post.
this send shivers down my spice. absolutely love it.
GENIUS,AND BEAUTY,IMAGINE HOW EXHAUSTING IT WAS TO KEEP TIME WITH SUCH FURIOUSLY FAST MUSIC.those french that rioted,'UNBELIEVABLE",when in paris i saw the bathroom window stravinsky escaped from,WHAT FOOLS,FIGHTING THE FUTURE,I NEVER,EVER,EVER TIRE OF THIS MUSIC,mozart,well,it puts me to sleep
Гениальное детище Великого Нижинского!!
wow! what a performance!....superb dancer...faultless...perfecto.
chimoio100 娘にワガノワの講習に行かしました。旧レニンラードだけど、上手くいきませんでした。芸術は難しいです。
Not really.
THANK you ~ for this GEM!
The Rite of Spring symbolizes the duty youth take when the pagan human sacrifice called War is realized. Mostly youth are involved in war for societies condition and program their youth from the cradle to prepare for war. In the original version the sacrifice was of a maiden but I have seen another modern version where the sacrifice is a male. Most wars begin in the spring.Alexandr D'Maddalena
And specially by Diaghilev's vision, is notorious that Diaghilev influenced whatever artist that worked for him. He himself was the man behind the biggest creations of the Ballets Russes, a man with a multiple eyes to the novelties of his day.
It's painful to think what Nijinsky would have done if he was allowed to continue his work as a revolutionary choreographer. Maybe he'd be what Balanchine became afterwards? :'(
He would be unique and totally himself:)
Choreography not of actual 1913, but reenactment in the 1980s
Nijinsky's choreography, performed only 8 times in 1913, was nearly lost forever until the Joffrey,in the 1980's,, reconstructed it and performed it for the first time in over 70 years.
It's Forewer, any way! 😢❤😢❤😢❤
Very beautiful - his dancing would be considered modern dance today. Classical ballet hardly existed in that day as we know it now.
Σε ευχαριστούμε για όλα. Τον περιγράφεις τέλεια τον Ιγκόρ...
niesamowita choreografia, muzyka i wykonanie....Meisterstueck.
In my channel you can find a medium quality recording of the entire ballet.
The recording of this video is only partial, they didn't recorded the entire ballet with this ballerina, only this pas, which is considered the epitome of the whole ballet, and besides the most original part of the whole ballet, because Nijinska explained exaclty how this was danced, and Valentine Gross did some drawings of this dance.
why is the camera so damn close?
Hey thanks it's good to know that! No wonder why it makes so much more sense this way!! :D
@JarrodCanHasSinging I was reading something very emotionally disturbing a while ago, and I needed to listen to some music as a release. You're spot on with what I chose to listen to - this (Rites of Spring) and Penderecki's Threnody.
yes, its the same. beautiful movie
re Le Sacre du Printemps/ Rite of Spring complete ballet recording, see my reply to Mike Daviot. In glorious BluRay and LPCM sound!
This dance reminds me of the Armenian mystic Georges Gurdjieff's sacred Sufi dances. I wonder if the influence was conscious.
I think Diaghilev was connected to Gurdjieff in some way and I believe Gurdjieff's dances - or 'sacred movements' as they're sometimes known - were debuting onstage in Paris around the same time.
Anyone know in what way they may have been connected?
losing yourself
I think that they met each other, but I don't think the relationship was long-lasting. I doubt if Diaghilev would have really understood Gurdjieff's movements anyway.
Same thing with Frank Lloyd Wright, who met G. Their meeting never amounted to anything. Two huge egos meeting for the first time. I think Wright didn't pursue him, and vice versa.
The energy of the piece was incredible but I can't say it made me think of a rite or of Spring.
Descent into madness
πόσο χαίρομαι που αυτό το βιντεάκι το'χουν ανεβάσει έλληνες...
@hollyblsck I agree 100%. I LOVE Nijinsky and I greatly admire Diaghilev and also Tamara karsavina. Study the later Ballets Russes/Ballet Russe. You will be able to follow the fortunes of the original company and dancers after the sad loss of Diaghilev. Much as I worship this man I hate his cruelty to Nijinsky after that sad,unwise marriage. Romola, bless her, has a lot to answer for. Had Diaghilev forgiven Nijinsky he might have been able to go on dancing and choreographing.
I wonder what the orchestra in 1913 would have sounded like. It must have been almost impossible for them.
MAD! Crazy choreography! I dont know what to think, what to say. ...
just imagine being at the premiere in 1913!
@MsVaxxine She is wonderful. So is Marie Claude Pietragalla of the Paris Opera Ballet in the same role.
Wow, I massively prefer this to both Bausch and Graham. Both are good, but this is the best.
By far! ! !
Απίστευτοοοο! :)
This is fantastic and looks very authentic. I'm writing about Nijinsky at the moment and would be extremely grateful if someone could tell me where this comes from and if there is a film of the complete ballet using this reconstruction.
too late? ruclips.net/video/YOZmlYgYzG4/видео.html
Δεν το είχα δει αυτό το κείμενο. ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ ΑΥΤΟ που λες "πολυ-ρυθμία των επίμέρους" είναι που με δυσκολεύει όταν παριστάνω τον Κάραγιαν και προσπαθώ να "διευθύνω" τα ηχεία του σι-ντι πλέιερ. Πάντως το χορεύω τέλεια σε δικές μου πολύ αυθόρμητες και μοντέρνες χορογραφίες!
Нижинский гений!!!
nai, polu oraia. de milw gia ti xorografia, mou einai simantikoteri kai apo to mousiko ergo. I ermineia mou fanike polu akadimaiki. auto. Me eknevrizei me enan tropo, sa na theoreitai simantikoteri i ekseidikeusi kai i virtuosity [me tin kaki tin ennoia]. Ta noimata pou ferei, den mporei na periorizontai mono sto oti tha pethanei eksouthenwmeni. Tha ithela na vlepw tin pragmatikotita tis se kathe tis kinisi... telos pantwn, to evala sta agapimena mou omws! kali sunexeia!
He is the best dancer world
Πολύ πρωτοποριακό.
I can't watch this in full-screen, it's 2am here and I'm scared out of my mind.
I must say, she is scary and so is the choreography and even the song god
Νάσαι καλά Λίζα μου. Και γω σε ευχαριστώ για τα καλά σου λόγια!
Mike. The Joffrey Ballet did this reconstruction in 1987. There are videos of it on RUclips.
@VladtheEmailer it did cause a riot the first time it was performed. And it scares the hell out of me too. My music teacher played it, and I honestly started crying lol.
yes I'd like to know too!
del maestro Silvestre Revueltas Sensemaya increible fucion
Does anyone know the source? Looks like the Joffrey, but a more recent recording than the original documentary.
Igor Stravinsky and Coco Chanel movie you can see it too!
No! The original Folkine- Ballets Russes' "Petrushka" along with both "Firebird" and "Scheherazade" has been recreated by Andris Liepa and the Bolshoi. All are avaliable on a DVD: Decca 440 079 322-9, "The Return of the Firebird" The "Scheherazade" is the version in which Paris first saw Ninjinsky in 1911.
Is this the same dance that appears on the film Chanel and Stravinsky?
The woman in the center seems to be a shrine maiden not a dancer.
This SEEMS to be taken from the Joffrey Ballet's complete performance, available here. See box on bottom, right.
Is there a complete version of this?
It's OK.
Can someone tell me why she's not always totally in sync with the orchestra, e.g. her jumping? Is the choreography just like that, and why? I believe a world class dancer would have no problem with jumping on the right strikes, so what's the point?
This was the choreography that caused a riot. It was very disturbing to that time period and it didn't make sense. Even the dancing seemed sloppy and horrible. Really, it was just the madness of the creator just as he intended the piece. Likely, it reflected something very deep inside of him that he thought others would relate to, but people were not ready to accept or feel.
@comehereformusic I'm in college currently to be a music therapist lol. I think I do quite well at gauging a songs' evocative qualities.
is it just me or is the video slightly behind the audio?
Reminisant of an African tribal dance!
Εμένα, απλώς, μού αρέσει. Σίγουρα θα υπάρχουν και άλλες χορογραφίες που θα μού άρεσαν πιο πολύ. Στην Τέχνη υπάρχει και το υποκειμενικό στοιχείο, κάτι που δεν υπάρχει στην Επιστήμη. Εκεί ο αντικειμενικός θρίαμβος είναι η επαλήθευση από το πείραμα.
Yeah, you can find on my channel a complete recording of Rite of Spring.
Where? Couldnt find it
Νικόλαε, πραγματικά με εξέπληξες!
Πού βρήκες αυτό το αριστούργημα? Όλο τα ίδια ρωτάω, αλλά αυτή τη φορά, πραγματικά έμεινα άφωνη. Το βλέπω ξανά και ξανά και δεν το χορταίνω.
This is only the finally, I wish I could find this whole performance. The only whole version I could find was not very good quality
Where did you find even the not good quality?
1). Μ' όποιον Δάσκαλο καθήσεις, τέτοια γράμματα θα μάθεις. 2). Γράψε μας μόνο τί το καινούργιο παρουσιάζεται σε αυτό το έργο. Τί για πρώτη φορά εφαρμόσθηκε σε αυτό το έργο. Επιγραμματικά. Μόνο τους όρους. Μετά θα ανατρέξουμε στα Λεξικά.
Με φώναξε κανείς ;; Καταρχήν έκτακτο το βιντεάκι σου φίλε μου Νίκο , βούτηξες τώρα σε βαθιά νερά με την επιλογή έργου του Στραβίνσκυ , ενός συνθέτη που σφράγισε με το έργο του , όσο πολλοί λίγοι συνθέτες, τον 20ο αιώνα ! η συζήτηση περί Στραβίνσκυ μπορεί να μας πάρει ώρες ατελείωτες , όπως ατελείωτος και χειμαρρώδης υπήρξε και ο ίδιος .
Nijinsky Version のStravinsky!
Como va danzar en 1913 una musica compuesta en 1947 ???
Θα πρέπει να έχει στη σύνθεση και κάτι άλλο, που για πρώτη φορά έκανε την εμφάνισή του...Τί είναι αυτό; (αν έχω δίκιο)
I'm wondering if we don't need more human sacrifices to stop global warming.
@MrFleezer Yeah, what a jip!!
She's stolen all my dance moves...
Δεν κάνω καμία έρευνα γύρω από την ΕΣΣΔ. Απλώς έχω κάποιες γνώσεις από τα πολλά σοβιετικά περιοδικά-βιβλία που έχω διαβάσει και κυρίως εξαιτίας 3 επισκέψεων που είχα κάνει στην ΕΣΣΔ. Για τα άλλα που με ρωτάς θα σου απαντήσω με ΡΜ. Καλό είναι να πει την γνώμη της και η Αθηνά (xmilenako).
Αλλά αυτό είναι μια πολύ μεγάλη συζήτηση . θα σταματήσω εδώ , για να μην γίνω κουραστική . Για το γλωσσικό κομμάτι τώρα , να πω ότι λέξη παγανισμός δεν υπάρχει στα ρώσικα, ούτε καν σαν γλωσσικό δάνειο από άλλη γλώσσα .
Αυτό που υπάρχει είναι η λέξη ειδωλολατρεία - jiazitsevstvo , jiazikovoi - ειδωλολατρικός κλπ , που στα ελληνικά θα το μεταφράσουμε και σαν παγανιστικός , αλλά δεν υπάρχει αντίστοιχη λέξη στη ρωσική γλώσσα
Tέλος να πω ότι η λέξη ειδωλολατρία - jiazitsevstvo και η λέξη γλώσσα - jiazik - μοιάζει να συνδέονται , αλλά για να μιλήσω περισσότερα θα πρέπει να κοιτάξω τα λογοτεχνικά μου βιβλία ..η λέξη όμως λαός σίγουρα όχι . Ο λαός και στα αρχαία σλάβικα και στα μοντέρνα - βλ. και βουλγάρικα , σέρβικα κλπ...είναι narod ...αυτά . Thanks in advance !
καλα βρε παιδια μονο ελληνεσ μαζευτικαμε εδο ??
well i hear this because the mousic's book in my school says that we have to hear it any way.....!! its cool
i think she has a toothache :/
Requiem is generally creepy to me. Some parts I absolutely love, but Dies Irae and Confutatis unnerve me. I think they are supposed to though. I'm no aficionado, just my opinion.
Επομένως Δάσκαλε κακώς το προφυλακτικό λέγεται έτσι διότι τα (γενετήσια)όργανα που παίζουν στο γνωστό κρεσέντο, δεν είναι ίδια! Άλλο το ανδρικό όγανο και άλλο το γυναικείο! Σωστός; Έπρεπε να ελέγετο ντουέτο.
Να ένα σχόλιο που δεν περίμενα να δω κάτω από αυτό το βίντεο
Sorry. Can't wrap myself around this form of art. Too bizarre for my taste....but still appreciate it's intent
Spécial on vas dire
Does this scare the fuck out of anyone else? >.< This and fucking Dies Irae make me cry they scare me so bad. Oh and The Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima.