【第79回⛩️銀杏岡八幡神社】 台東区浅草橋のパワースポット🌳 銀杏の紅葉がキレイな時期に是非参拝してください🍁 必勝祈願🏅 出世🏙️ 商売繁盛💴 芸能上達🎭

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
  • 【第79回⛩銀杏岡八幡神社】
      (Address: 1-29-11 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo)
      1. 誉田分命(ホンダワケノミコト)
      2. 竹内宿禰命(タケノウチスクネノミコト)
      3. 宇迦之御魂神(ウカノミタマノカミ)
    It was founded in 1062 (Kangping 5). When Minamoto Yoshiie was on his way to go to war in the ninth year of the previous year, he set up camp here to rest. Then a branch of ginkgo trees flowed from the river. Yoshiie prayed for victory in the morning, saying, "In the morning when the enemy is defeated, the branches and leaves should flourish," and he placed the branch on the hill. After winning the war, he stopped at this place on his way back and found it overgrown with trees, so Yoshiie thanked the gods and solicited the god Hachiman. This is the origin of our company and the origin of our company name.
    By the way, this ginkgo tree eventually became a large tree and became a landmark for travelers. However, the upper half of the building was broken by a typhoon in 1745 (2 years of retention), and it was completely destroyed by the great fire of culture in 1808 (3 years of culture), and it does not exist today.
    In the first half of the Edo period, it was located on the grounds of the Edo mansion of the Echizen Matsudaira family of the Fukui Domain, and was a mansion god, but it was requisitioned by the shogunate in 1725 (Kyoho 10). The site of the old mansion became a townspeople area called "Fukui Town", and the residents of Fukui Town became the clan of our company. The clan area is 1-2~6, 9~36 Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Asakusabashi 2-1, 3~7, 9~13, 15~19. 1-chome 9, 10, 17, 18, 30, 2-chome 1, 12, and 13 are part of the clan area.
      1. 必勝祈願成就/勝運上昇/武勇長久/
      2. 延命長寿/武運長久/厄除け/立身出世
      3. 五穀豊穣/商売繁盛/家内安全/

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