Circumventures known life as a bitter known, a reason a group of human evil playing a role of goodness to all hus known. I just never understood the caustic ever s groups to the people known. Why believe in the pervasiveness of exonerated circumstances as evil them self. Why pray in same congra, joint the same cermonum with undignified to a smart people known.
قربان شم منیر بونیری صاحب
bs tola oraz munir saib oroooo ALLAH d der umar wrke
جااااار شم رور دیر خوگ شعر ده
, بیٹری ختمہ شی کنی شپے می ٹول شوگیر شی منیر خان ستا پہ شعرونوں باندے پختون یار تل آباد اوسہ دا خدا پہ امان
Q u r b a n sham 🌟
Deer shaista
جااااار ❤❤❤
Circumventures known life as a bitter known,
a reason a group of human evil playing a role of goodness to all hus known.
I just never understood the caustic ever s groups to the people known.
Why believe in the pervasiveness of exonerated circumstances as evil them self.
Why pray in same congra, joint the same cermonum with undignified to a smart people known.