The amount of intimacy in this scene without even kissing is what literally gave me chills. The soft grazes of her arm, the way he plays with her hair, the way they look at each other and oh my god the “I remember everything”, that’s what really did me in. Iconic.
Precisely why I ugly cry every time I watch this scene. You can feel their sadness from not being allowed to be together. And this moment exemplifies why they should.
I actually think this was the point in the show, where they released they would get far more Story outta Pacey than they would out of the lead in Dawson.
+Matthew Pittard Sure they did but they could've get a lot more of Pacey n s5 and 6. About the triangule. I don't get why they try so hard the Joey/Dawson thing. I would've loved to see PJ tension even if they were just friends (and it was but just because of their chemistry)
This scene was incredible & beautiful one of Pacey's best moments. He was always the better man he listened to everything joey told him. Dawson would never hve remembered anything cuz all he ever talked about was himself. I hated joey when she was wit dawson. Pacey brought it the best in her
Thee best scene ever for Pacey and Joey even the finale doesn't top it. Andie stands back so graceful she sees how much they love each other, even though it kills her ...A really good episode for Dawson's Creek. God I love this show !!!!
Iconic. I’ll never get over this couple. This was one of the most realistic representations of what TRUE LOVE looks like. Ughh. My heart. I get emotional every time I see this. Already knowing how the scene plays out haha. But still, it’s so powerful and tugs right at the heart strings of what most long to find in someone.
This as everyone knows is the moment when Andy and Dawson realized that this was no passing phase between Joey and Pacey. Dawson through all his huffing and puffing although may have known Joey... he didn't know her. Dawson had expectations when it came to Joey and when she didn't live up to them he kind of berated her. When she was with Pacey he never wanted her to be something better or different because that wasn't the girl he'd fallen in love with. Glad Pacey was picked in the end.
Why does it feel like these 2 are the only ones in the room. They beam with happiness and love. Love that everyone wants. I love these 2 together. Having someone look at you like pacey looks at joey 😍
Anyone else loving how his hand grazes her wrist and arms and just how caresses her in this scene? Like, I can feel that electricity still all these years later!
The first few seasons of this program were spectacular and this scene is one of the best. It had moments that genuinely hurt to watch because the characters were so engaging. Pacey's "I remember" wrenches at me every time I watch it. Even knowing how everything ends. You can real feel the passion which is a real testament to the actors, the script and the director. I miss this.
still one if the best scenes on the show and the greatest line anyone has ever said: "you remember that!" "I remember everything." just wow it took my breath away. she looked happy dancing with Pacey, when she danced with Dawson she looked completely miserable! pacey never forced her to choose between them, he respected whatever choice she made, he tried to show her he still cared with the "ask me to stay" thing but he never forced to choose between them, Dawson DID. he told her she couldn't be with Pacey and be his friend too, he didn't care if Joey was miserable as long as he had her to himself, he acted like he owned her and like she was this thing that belonged to him, not caring if he made her suffer, I like DJo but PJo was far better together and had more chemistry too. Dawson didn't want Joey in s1 until Pacey showed an interest in her, he didn't want her until he heard her sing in a beauty contest, he didn't want her in s3 until he found out about Pacey and Joey, that's what I call SELFISH.
The problem is Pacey did force her to choice. He told ask me to stay or I am leaving for the summer He throw a fit every time she wanted to spent time with her best friend So don't just act like Pacey was no perfect. And Dawson was bsd
Absolutely, but then again, Pacey was a gentleman and a great supportive partner in pretty much all of his relationships, Dawson was a "Nice guy". He literally told Jen that she broke up with him because he was "Nice" to her and she liked guys who tretaed her badly. He wasn't that nice, he constantly slut shamed her
One of my all time favorite scenes. People forget how complex love is in real life. Many of us have that one person who brought fire into our lives. The one that challenged us...changed us. The one we can never forget. The one we weren't "supposed to be with" but one moment with then was like a thousand moments with anyone else. It's far too easy to sit on the outskirts and say "he's the one!" But we forget those times when we chose the safer route. When you're not sure if true love is the passion and intensity you feel for one person, or the strongly rooted and longterm friendship you've built with someone else. History vs passion...sometimes the answer isn't so clear or easy to decide.
Amber Magnolia said " The one we weren't "supposed to be with" but one moment with them was like a thousand moments with anyone else. " Never a truer word has been said. : ) Too bad we don't all end up with that person. : (
Probably the best scene so far. I’m watching it for the first time in 2019 and I’m on season 4. I LOVE these two together. Amazing couple. This scene was amazingly done, the acting the tone of voice, the music, the looks, the caresses on her shoulder, the way he held her, it all proved the pure love between them.
I was a KID when this show was on! THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE!!!!!! IT RUINED me! It STILL gives me chills! It also set the bar IMPOSSIBLY high lol! Dammit Pacey/writers! lol! This still holds up all these years later! It is SUCH a BEAUTIFULLY written/perfect scene! Aside from the blonde chick's makeup! (I am so sorry! It has been forever! I used to know so much about this show but I never really liked that character! Andie? I relate to her mental health issues but cheating on Pacey! after how loving and supportive he was! and adorable! ugh! I need to just rewatch it!) This could literally have been from a show made today and you'd never know!
Love is selfless, thats how i describe Pacey's love for Joey....would always listen, and consider Joey first, who could ask for more. Ahhh, are there anymore Pacey like in this generation....
"I remember everything." *That* would've been it for me. You could literally just see the depth of the love Pacey had for Joey just within that one line. He remembered something that not only happened six months ago, including some details from that day: what she wore, their typical bantering..but most importantly, he rembered her mother's bracelet..and the significance of it. He saw right through those diamond earrings that she was wearing as a favor for a friend. He saw the real Joey Potter. He always saw her for who she truly was. Pacey and Joey both opened each other's eyes to what life could truly offer the other. He was the best thing that ever happened to her. And she was definitely the best thing that ever happened to him. ❤ PJ/True Love Forever!! ⛵😍❤
This scene is so perfect... And the music works so well, so romantic, but sad at the same time, and then at the end when she wakes up from her bubble and sees Dawson, the music follow that feeling... Just magic. When Pacey says 'I remember everything'... goosebumps all over. He's such a great guy...
Everything about this scene is amazing. The way he's touching her, their voices. You can feel the tension. You can literally feel the electricity when she asks him to dance. The fact that Dawson pretended to throw this prom for Jack just to try to win Joey...ugh...I can't believe that the creators saw this moment and decided to break them up later down the line.
I absolutely love this scene btw Joey and Pacey. I think it was beautifully done, and just confirmed that they were meant to be together. Pacey is so in love that he can remember even the little things that others couldn't. I LOVED IT! Thanks for posting this. :-)
+Andressa Boorges It was just telecast this morning and I've watch it many times already. Even Andie realized it was not just a fling & there was something there - no matter how much it hurt. Dawson..not so much. He is still the same 5 year old trying to manipulate everything.
talked about powerfull that was amazing the dance the emotions going on with pacey and joey. You can tell right there they are in love with each other.
I didn’t catch that the first time… when I was trying to listen close for the sing (and still couldn’t hear the words) I definitely heard the catch in his voice 💘
dawson gave her ultimatum on ultimatum, and dating him was clearly very overwhelming for joey. whereas, in the very last episode, pacey proved he was the right choice. “the simple act of being in love with you, is enough for me”. he never demanded anything more, just being around her was enough. he called her a goddess, beautiful, and intelligent etc. the way he spoke about her when she wasn’t there and the way he looked at her is something we all deserve:)
used to love this show still watch it on the odd occasion. This episode is by far my favourite most loved episode's and Joey and Pacy togther also I thought he was good for her for the most part. really love what Pacy said to Joey😊👍
I like how in the beginning of the dance she tried to counteract her feelings by trying to pretend to do what the old joey would do before she started to fall for pacey.
Re-watching any scene from the end of season 3 really makes you realize how selfish and awful Dawson was. The girl he claims to love is clearly in love with someone else, someone who makes her happy. If he actually loved her, wouldn't he want her to be happy? No, because he's a selfish twit who thinks he owns Joey. Ugh.
I felt the same on my first re-watch but I think on reflection I see Dawson as someone who was unaware of what he felt for so long and only tuned himself to anything when he lost it which to me is forgivable in the long term. Whilst ultimately him "fighting" pacey seems selfish when we think of P+J as the ultimate couple from his point of view it's not him fighting Pacey but him being angry at himself for being late to the party and then not wanting to lose everything. I find Dawson to be more tragic than bad, he just wasn't prepared for what was happening around him.
ManCalledMegz The funny thing is, I actually thought that the first time around. I felt bad for him because he did seem to realize his developing romantic feelings for this person he considered his soulmate were merely seconds too late - like if only he had made his move a month before, they could be happy. But rewatching it really made me see him in a different light because of *how* he handled the situation. Being angry at yourself for being too late and maybe being outwardly moody and upset about it is one thing. But taking it out on the people he claimed to care about the most by holding one of them emotionally hostage and cutting all ties with the other is just pathetic. He's not an evil person, but he decided that the two people who he claimed to love most shouldn't be happy if he wasn't, and that's just awful no matter how you spin it.
lexi219 To me though that response was typically teenage, it's the kind of stupid thing you do at that age because you can't actually deal with the situation. I think that seems odd because in most other stuff they behave more like young adults. I agree that he's not being a nice guy about it but that seems like the kind of reaction someone who is used to being nice (because in Dawsons case so little has ever gone against him) that he simply has no toolset to deal with so he defaults to a childish mentality of "if I can't have it then neither can you". That's where I start to feel sorry for him because I think he knows he's being a douche nozzle but he hasn't another option in his mind other than giving up totally which given how important Joey is to him is even less palatable than being a tool.
ManCalledMegz Oh, I completely agree that it is a typically immature teenage response, but I still think it's awful and pathetic. Being a teenager doesn't mean that you are incapable of seeing the hurt that you cause. There are literally scenes like this one where he stands and watches how much Joey and Pacey are hurting, and he still chooses the selfish path. Again, I didn't say he was evil or anything, but he was absolutely a selfish twit.
I can understand Dawson a little bit I mean Pacey was his best friend and suddenly he was in a relationship with the girl he always loved. I would be pissed off as well.
I used a variation of some of Pacey's lines ('This is you, simple....elegant..beautiful.' 'I remember everything') on a woman I am also in love with for better or ill..and it worked out beautifully. I really do remember everything about her, but wouldn't be able to remember my head if it wasn't is so strange.
Oh God I remember when this came on, there were battles fought over this couple and Dogson/Joey (who clearly suck fyi). Back when the internet was first a thing, memories!
this is my no. 1 fav scene of pacey/joey. d last time i watched dis series was when I'm like 13-14 like that. but even after graduating college (or even after watching so many teen series like OTH, GG, 90210) pacey & joey is still d best tv series couple IMO. their chemistry is undeniable & God I love joshua jackson! can't they recreate this series again, like 90210? ^^
Every time I watch this and get to the scene where Pacey says "Simple" I can't help but imagine the guy from The 70's Show jumping between them and yelling "Pacey just called Joey simple!" then start chanting "Joey is simple, Joey is simple" over and over.
I use to ship Dawson and Joey for so long but as I am watching the show farther along Joey and paced belong together I think Dawson most of the time was being a little brat he try to change Joey Joey kept breaking up with him to find herself but with Pacey she is herself she is her she is happy with Pacey I can tell Dawson is very pushy
That's what I love about them. Joey grow up a lot while she was with Pacey. He always knew how to make her feel better. I would love to see Joey do more to change paceys mind at the end of s4. About Dawson yeah... He was a little brat. He was so full of himself. He wasn't a good friend to Pacey, not even before Joey. Like when he hit Pacey while playing bascketball. When he forgot his birthday. When he got drunk with Andie and said that wanted Pacey to be the loser again... When he hought Pacey stole that exam. Aghh!! So many times that I can't understand how Pacey still wanted his friendship! Joey and Dawson always break up when they had problems or even when they hadn't any. Pacey and Joey were strong enough to face a lot of things together. Not all of them but a lot. Plus I always remember when Joey told Pacey he made her feel alive. She never told Dawson something like that. So yeah. They belong together♡
I never watched that far i am on season 3 almost done about to be on season 4 and the way pacey and joey connect is just amazing you are right for sure you can tell dawson doesnt even like pacey i just got done with the part were dawson found out about them and he is being so childish about it I dont know if pacey like joey before she started dating dawson but i do know pacey was not childish about him and joey like dawson was dawson acts like a baby ithink the reason why joey kept saying to find herself was no just to find her but to find a better person who will be better for who and i love the way pacey treats takes care of joey
+Sarah Elizabeth +Sarah Elizabeth Well in s1 Pacey kissed Joey and told her he felt attracted. It was before Dawson even make a move on Joey or noticed her as a woman. It wasn't like he was in love with her but anyway he didn't take it against Dawson. And now in s3 you will se how Pacey didn't act as childish as Dawson. Did you get to the part of the "antiprom"? The chemistry between PJ is amazing. and I think Joey was better with anyone but Dawson. So yeah it looks like she was just trapped with Dawson and she wanted to escape from him.
Pacey gave everything that he could give to joey, I don't think anyone could have loved her the way he did. I don't think joey loved him the same way. Dawson was always in her mind. Break up was inevitable but the way it was written to make Pacey look the bad guy was horrible.
Dawson was far too self involved beung a film producer to ever notice joeys dreams or even to ask her about them. Pacey always had a way to see through joeys defenses and find the teue woman she was becoming beneath what she once was. He didnt try to stoop her from being herself as dawson did.
The amount of intimacy in this scene without even kissing is what literally gave me chills. The soft grazes of her arm, the way he plays with her hair, the way they look at each other and oh my god the “I remember everything”, that’s what really did me in. Iconic.
This scene. I love it. I haven't seen the show in like a decade, but I still remember this scene vividly!
Precisely why I ugly cry every time I watch this scene. You can feel their sadness from not being allowed to be together. And this moment exemplifies why they should.
My fa favorite part was Dawson being a little bitch
This scene was the best moment in the entire series.
I actually think this was the point in the show, where they released they would get far more Story outta Pacey than they would out of the lead in Dawson.
+Matthew Pittard Sure they did but they could've get a lot more of Pacey n s5 and 6. About the triangule. I don't get why they try so hard the Joey/Dawson thing. I would've loved to see PJ tension even if they were just friends (and it was but just because of their chemistry)
By far.
I think this and when Pacey stays up all night watching Joey sleep. Absolutely adorable
with dawson she had a sad look on her face with pacey her face lights up... dawson loved the girl he wanted her to be. pacey loved the woman she was
At least I'm not the only guy that likes this show
Best comment hands down, my thoughts exactly 🙌🏻💖
Amen 🙏🏼 well said
Beautifully stated.
Best line ever......"I remember everything."
This scene was incredible & beautiful one of Pacey's best moments. He was always the better man he listened to everything joey told him. Dawson would never hve remembered anything cuz all he ever talked about was himself. I hated joey when she was wit dawson. Pacey brought it the best in her
That's why he ended up with her
I hated how insecure the writers made him season 4. The breakup at the prom was painful to watch.
Since even Joey said Dawson know her better.
Not to mention Dawson suffered from a severe case of "Nice guy sindrome"
people just like to act like everything dawson did was a trick
Thee best scene ever for Pacey and Joey even the finale doesn't top it. Andie stands back so graceful she sees how much they love each other, even though it kills her ...A really good episode for Dawson's Creek. God I love this show !!!!
If only all ex-girlfriends are cool like that
dasher920 If only all ex boyfriends weren't like Dawson!
Well Andie cheating on him is why Pacey/Andie broke up to begin with. So she kind of did this to herself.
This scene just wow. They have so much chemistry more than she has ever had with Dawson
That is the best line he has said! Pacey set the bar!
exactly. he's too perfect, men aren't like this.
TV men are the best. they are also fake
Why men don’t take notes from the perfect tv men, I’ll never know…
Iconic. I’ll never get over this couple. This was one of the most realistic representations of what TRUE LOVE looks like. Ughh. My heart. I get emotional every time I see this. Already knowing how the scene plays out haha. But still, it’s so powerful and tugs right at the heart strings of what most long to find in someone.
5 years later and I am here to say I hope you found it
THE scene, THE song, THE "I remember everything" ❤❤❤
This as everyone knows is the moment when Andy and Dawson realized that this was no passing phase between Joey and Pacey. Dawson through all his huffing and puffing although may have known Joey... he didn't know her. Dawson had expectations when it came to Joey and when she didn't live up to them he kind of berated her. When she was with Pacey he never wanted her to be something better or different because that wasn't the girl he'd fallen in love with. Glad Pacey was picked in the end.
Why does it feel like these 2 are the only ones in the room. They beam with happiness and love.
Love that everyone wants. I love these 2 together. Having someone look at you like pacey looks at joey 😍
This scene>dawson and joey entire relationship. Joey and Pacey together were the show for me
Anyone else loving how his hand grazes her wrist and arms and just how caresses her in this scene? Like, I can feel that electricity still all these years later!
The first few seasons of this program were spectacular and this scene is one of the best. It had moments that genuinely hurt to watch because the characters were so engaging. Pacey's "I remember" wrenches at me every time I watch it. Even knowing how everything ends. You can real feel the passion which is a real testament to the actors, the script and the director. I miss this.
still one if the best scenes on the show and the greatest line anyone has ever said: "you remember that!" "I remember everything." just wow it took my breath away. she looked happy dancing with Pacey, when she danced with Dawson she looked completely miserable! pacey never forced her to choose between them, he respected whatever choice she made, he tried to show her he still cared with the "ask me to stay" thing but he never forced to choose between them, Dawson DID. he told her she couldn't be with Pacey and be his friend too, he didn't care if Joey was miserable as long as he had her to himself, he acted like he owned her and like she was this thing that belonged to him, not caring if he made her suffer, I like DJo but PJo was far better together and had more chemistry too. Dawson didn't want Joey in s1 until Pacey showed an interest in her, he didn't want her until he heard her sing in a beauty contest, he didn't want her in s3 until he found out about Pacey and Joey, that's what I call SELFISH.
Sara Kennedy such a wonderful scene. Definitely epic and just powerful. Their chemistry was amazing and why they were the better pairing.
The problem is Pacey did force her to choice. He told ask me to stay or I am leaving for the summer
He throw a fit every time she wanted to spent time with her best friend
So don't just act like Pacey was no perfect. And Dawson was bsd
Absolutely, but then again, Pacey was a gentleman and a great supportive partner in pretty much all of his relationships, Dawson was a "Nice guy". He literally told Jen that she broke up with him because he was "Nice" to her and she liked guys who tretaed her badly. He wasn't that nice, he constantly slut shamed her
I just love them so much, this is not only there best scene but probably one of the best couple scenes in tv history..
One of my all time favorite scenes. People forget how complex love is in real life. Many of us have that one person who brought fire into our lives. The one that challenged us...changed us. The one we can never forget. The one we weren't "supposed to be with" but one moment with then was like a thousand moments with anyone else. It's far too easy to sit on the outskirts and say "he's the one!" But we forget those times when we chose the safer route. When you're not sure if true love is the passion and intensity you feel for one person, or the strongly rooted and longterm friendship you've built with someone else. History vs passion...sometimes the answer isn't so clear or easy to decide.
Amber Magnolia said " The one we weren't "supposed to be with" but one moment with them was like a thousand moments with anyone else. " Never a truer word has been said. : ) Too bad we don't all end up with that person. : (
The truth in this is painful.
Why am I still watching this when I’m 30
Lol still love this
And my old ass over here @ 50 lol
There’s no age limit on romance and a true love story
The way his voice cracks when he describes the bracelet and Joey as “beautiful” just makes your heart clench. Omg, this scene!!! ❤❤❤
He really truly sees who she is in a way she doesn't even see herself.
Probably the best scene so far. I’m watching it for the first time in 2019 and I’m on season 4. I LOVE these two together. Amazing couple. This scene was amazingly done, the acting the tone of voice, the music, the looks, the caresses on her shoulder, the way he held her, it all proved the pure love between them.
Good Lord Dawson's head was huge!
Haha. Actually lol'd.
+jevonk lmao!!!
Ha! 😂😂
Hahahaha lmao i was just minding my own business, read that and busted out laughing. Wp
This was a moving moment. Very memorable.
I was a KID when this show was on! THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE!!!!!! IT RUINED me! It STILL gives me chills! It also set the bar IMPOSSIBLY high lol! Dammit Pacey/writers! lol! This still holds up all these years later! It is SUCH a BEAUTIFULLY written/perfect scene! Aside from the blonde chick's makeup! (I am so sorry! It has been forever! I used to know so much about this show but I never really liked that character! Andie? I relate to her mental health issues but cheating on Pacey! after how loving and supportive he was! and adorable! ugh! I need to just rewatch it!) This could literally have been from a show made today and you'd never know!
Love is selfless, thats how i describe Pacey's love for Joey....would always listen, and consider Joey first, who could ask for more. Ahhh, are there anymore Pacey like in this generation....
Joe Luna my thoughts exactly 🥺
I want a Pacey
I want a woman to experience a chemistry like this together. Hope you find a Pacey
I always get amazed with how much intensity and focus they have it’s magical
"I remember everything."
*That* would've been it for me.
You could literally just see the depth of the love Pacey had for Joey just within that one line. He remembered something that not only happened six months ago, including some details from that day: what she wore, their typical bantering..but most importantly, he rembered her mother's bracelet..and the significance of it.
He saw right through those diamond earrings that she was wearing as a favor for a friend. He saw the real Joey Potter. He always saw her for who she truly was.
Pacey and Joey both opened each other's eyes to what life could truly offer the other. He was the best thing that ever happened to her. And she was definitely the best thing that ever happened to him. ❤
PJ/True Love Forever!! ⛵😍❤
If some guy, with same emotion and sad looking eyes, said that to me.. I would melt down through the floor ;')
I don’t think I’ve ever had a moment with anyone like this in my whole life.
My Invitations by Sarah Slean. I love this song too!
I'm so glad they were able to keep this song for DVD and streaming versions too. It's so fitting for Joey and for the moment.
This scene is so perfect... And the music works so well, so romantic, but sad at the same time, and then at the end when she wakes up from her bubble and sees Dawson, the music follow that feeling... Just magic. When Pacey says 'I remember everything'... goosebumps all over. He's such a great guy...
this is one of my favorite moments with these two
the best teen couple you felt the emotions while these two dance and you can tell they real love each other.
one of my favorite Joey/Pacey moments...
More proof that Pacey and Joey is one of the greatest TV romances ever
Everything about this scene is amazing. The way he's touching her, their voices. You can feel the tension. You can literally feel the electricity when she asks him to dance.
The fact that Dawson pretended to throw this prom for Jack just to try to win Joey...ugh...I can't believe that the creators saw this moment and decided to break them up later down the line.
I absolutely love this scene btw Joey and Pacey. I think it was beautifully done, and just confirmed that they were meant to be together. Pacey is so in love that he can remember even the little things that others couldn't. I LOVED IT! Thanks for posting this. :-)
Such a beautiful scene and nice background song as well!!!
This scene was so beautiful I found myself replaying it over and over again, I would kill to have something like this
I love this scene, one of my favorite Joey/Pacey moments
+Andressa Boorges It was just telecast this morning and I've watch it many times already. Even Andie realized it was not just a fling & there was something there - no matter how much it hurt. Dawson..not so much. He is still the same 5 year old trying to manipulate everything.
Still my favorite scene from the entire show and I've watched in many many times.
I always come back to this scene 😘
Me too x
Once Pacey said “I remember everything…” they had to end up together in my book.
talked about powerfull that was amazing the dance the emotions going on with pacey and joey. You can tell right there they are in love with each other.
I remember everything 💗
To say I love you without saying I love you.💗
😍🥰❤️🔥 exactly
I agree that this is one of the most romantic scenes on tv...but what poor soul decided that Andie's make up looked good?
@@joeypotter6051 LMAOOOOOO
Lmaooo 90s makeup for sure
Best couple ever!!😱😱😱😍 this my favorite scene...
This made me swoon before I even knew swooning was a thing.
I got goosebumps
love > soulmates
I love the way Pacey's voice cracks when he says "beautiful"
I didn’t catch that the first time… when I was trying to listen close for the sing (and still couldn’t hear the words) I definitely heard the catch in his voice 💘
dawson lookin like a stalker
He like stomped off literally like a little child.
dawson gave her ultimatum on ultimatum, and dating him was clearly very overwhelming for joey. whereas, in the very last episode, pacey proved he was the right choice. “the simple act of being in love with you, is enough for me”. he never demanded anything more, just being around her was enough. he called her a goddess, beautiful, and intelligent etc. the way he spoke about her when she wasn’t there and the way he looked at her is something we all deserve:)
used to love this show still watch it on the odd occasion.
This episode is by far my favourite most loved episode's and Joey and Pacy togther also I thought he was good for her for the most part.
really love what Pacy said to Joey😊👍
I like how in the beginning of the dance she tried to counteract her feelings by trying to pretend to do what the old joey would do before she started to fall for pacey.
I shipped Joey and Pacey from the beginning, it wasn't till this scene that my friend realized that she had to sink her Dawson and Joey
"I remember everything...." (I'm melting :p)..
Pacey and Joey the best couple
My favorite scene of the whole series 🥹
he stayed up alnight watching her sleep while he sat be the fire
Love this. Love Pacey!
Re-watching any scene from the end of season 3 really makes you realize how selfish and awful Dawson was. The girl he claims to love is clearly in love with someone else, someone who makes her happy. If he actually loved her, wouldn't he want her to be happy? No, because he's a selfish twit who thinks he owns Joey. Ugh.
I felt the same on my first re-watch but I think on reflection I see Dawson as someone who was unaware of what he felt for so long and only tuned himself to anything when he lost it which to me is forgivable in the long term. Whilst ultimately him "fighting" pacey seems selfish when we think of P+J as the ultimate couple from his point of view it's not him fighting Pacey but him being angry at himself for being late to the party and then not wanting to lose everything. I find Dawson to be more tragic than bad, he just wasn't prepared for what was happening around him.
The funny thing is, I actually thought that the first time around. I felt bad for him because he did seem to realize his developing romantic feelings for this person he considered his soulmate were merely seconds too late - like if only he had made his move a month before, they could be happy. But rewatching it really made me see him in a different light because of *how* he handled the situation. Being angry at yourself for being too late and maybe being outwardly moody and upset about it is one thing. But taking it out on the people he claimed to care about the most by holding one of them emotionally hostage and cutting all ties with the other is just pathetic. He's not an evil person, but he decided that the two people who he claimed to love most shouldn't be happy if he wasn't, and that's just awful no matter how you spin it.
lexi219 To me though that response was typically teenage, it's the kind of stupid thing you do at that age because you can't actually deal with the situation. I think that seems odd because in most other stuff they behave more like young adults. I agree that he's not being a nice guy about it but that seems like the kind of reaction someone who is used to being nice (because in Dawsons case so little has ever gone against him) that he simply has no toolset to deal with so he defaults to a childish mentality of "if I can't have it then neither can you". That's where I start to feel sorry for him because I think he knows he's being a douche nozzle but he hasn't another option in his mind other than giving up totally which given how important Joey is to him is even less palatable than being a tool.
Oh, I completely agree that it is a typically immature teenage response, but I still think it's awful and pathetic. Being a teenager doesn't mean that you are incapable of seeing the hurt that you cause. There are literally scenes like this one where he stands and watches how much Joey and Pacey are hurting, and he still chooses the selfish path. Again, I didn't say he was evil or anything, but he was absolutely a selfish twit.
I can understand Dawson a little bit I mean Pacey was his best friend and suddenly he was in a relationship with the girl he always loved. I would be pissed off as well.
Pacey + Joey = PERFECTION
2:31 She only wants to be with him!!! I am SO glad she chose Pacey!
This was the moment she fell in love with Pacey. This was the moment she realized he’s the one
Love this scene!!!
Dawson was always such a whiny little brat. I love pacey and joey. pacey deserved to be with someone who made him so happy.
Joey and Pacey were TV iconic couple. I laugh just thinking about when Dawson's Creek first started and endgame was originally Dawson and Joey.
2021 anybody??
I used a variation of some of Pacey's lines ('This is you, simple....elegant..beautiful.' 'I remember everything') on a woman I am also in love with for better or ill..and it worked out beautifully. I really do remember everything about her, but wouldn't be able to remember my head if it wasn't is so strange.
Oh God I remember when this came on, there were battles fought over this couple and Dogson/Joey (who clearly suck fyi). Back when the internet was first a thing, memories!
Omg I have to buy this series 😂
Joey and Pacey are meant to be together.. go Pacey's creek
I could play that again and again its crazy hott!
this is my no. 1 fav scene of pacey/joey. d last time i watched dis series was when I'm like 13-14 like that. but even after graduating college (or even after watching so many teen series like OTH, GG, 90210) pacey & joey is still d best tv series couple IMO. their chemistry is undeniable & God I love joshua jackson! can't they recreate this series again, like 90210? ^^
Perfect scene *__*
i love this sceneee
Why do I keep crying !
Every time I watch this and get to the scene where Pacey says "Simple" I can't help but imagine the guy from The 70's Show jumping between them and yelling "Pacey just called Joey simple!" then start chanting "Joey is simple, Joey is simple" over and over.
Someone knows the name of the song?
My Invitations by Sarah Slean
This is was the real love story of Dawsons Creek tbh.
What’s the name of that enchanting, perfectly chosen song?
It’s by Abra Moore, I can’t remember the title now.
He reminds me of Dylan O'brien when he played Stiles on Teen Wolf
pacey could tell you her little habbits like biting her lower lips
he could tell you more about her then dawson noe that has to be true love
what a beautiful and simple-I love you.
This scene was beautiful but it broke my heart seeing Andy's face
My Invitation - Sarah Slean :)
Pacey = sick guy Joey = hot as fuck Dawson = Oompa Loompa
thank you :)
I loved it :(
I use to ship Dawson and Joey for so long but as I am watching the show farther along Joey and paced belong together I think Dawson most of the time was being a little brat he try to change Joey Joey kept breaking up with him to find herself but with Pacey she is herself she is her she is happy with Pacey I can tell Dawson is very pushy
That's what I love about them. Joey grow up a lot while she was with Pacey. He always knew how to make her feel better. I would love to see Joey do more to change paceys mind at the end of s4.
About Dawson yeah... He was a little brat. He was so full of himself. He wasn't a good friend to Pacey, not even before Joey. Like when he hit Pacey while playing bascketball. When he forgot his birthday. When he got drunk with Andie and said that wanted Pacey to be the loser again... When he hought Pacey stole that exam. Aghh!! So many times that I can't understand how Pacey still wanted his friendship!
Joey and Dawson always break up when they had problems or even when they hadn't any. Pacey and Joey were strong enough to face a lot of things together. Not all of them but a lot.
Plus I always remember when Joey told Pacey he made her feel alive. She never told Dawson something like that. So yeah. They belong together♡
I never watched that far i am on season 3 almost done about to be on season 4 and the way pacey and joey connect is just amazing you are right for sure you can tell dawson doesnt even like pacey i just got done with the part were dawson found out about them and he is being so childish about it I dont know if pacey like joey before she started dating dawson but i do know pacey was not childish about him and joey like dawson was dawson acts like a baby ithink the reason why joey kept saying to find herself was no just to find her but to find a better person who will be better for who and i love the way pacey treats takes care of joey
+Sarah Elizabeth +Sarah Elizabeth Well in s1 Pacey kissed Joey and told her he felt attracted. It was before Dawson even make a move on Joey or noticed her as a woman. It wasn't like he was in love with her but anyway he didn't take it against Dawson. And now in s3 you will se how Pacey didn't act as childish as Dawson.
Did you get to the part of the "antiprom"? The chemistry between PJ is amazing.
and I think Joey was better with anyone but Dawson. So yeah it looks like she was just trapped with Dawson and she wanted to escape from him.
Pacey gave everything that he could give to joey, I don't think anyone could have loved her the way he did. I don't think joey loved him the same way. Dawson was always in her mind. Break up was inevitable but the way it was written to make Pacey look the bad guy was horrible.
Alguien sabe cómo se llama la canción de fondo ...?
my invitation sarah slean
Dawson was far too self involved beung a film producer to ever notice joeys dreams or even to ask her about them. Pacey always had a way to see through joeys defenses and find the teue woman she was becoming beneath what she once was. He didnt try to stoop her from being herself as dawson did.
La mejor escena
Alguém sabe o nome dessa musica
hello from the future