When my timing belt went out it had a camshaft position code. That belt is a bit of a challenge to change. I changed all the idlers and plastic covers while having it apart.
Mine does the same thing I have a change, spark, plug ignition coil, crank position, sensor, camshaft position sensor, it does have fuel and the bitch won’t start
Check your sparkplug wires, make sure they're in the right order. My number 1 and number 2 were reversed and as soon as I put them on right it started right up
When my timing belt went out it had a camshaft position code. That belt is a bit of a challenge to change. I changed all the idlers and plastic covers while having it apart.
if the 5 volts is low ,, unhook the cam sensor an see if it goes up to 5 volts
looks like your spark plug wires are not connected properly, your 1cyl is on 2nd coil plug.
Did you get it running since you shot this video?
It ended up being 2 sparkplug wires being switched. I just updated the description in my video.
Put a good plug in the spark plug wire see if it's got spark
Below the starter is your crankshaft position sensor change that and see what happens
It's ur neutral safety switch
It ended up being 2 spark plug wires were reversed so it was trying to run on 2 cylinders.
Mine does the same thing I have a change, spark, plug ignition coil, crank position, sensor, camshaft position sensor, it does have fuel and the bitch won’t start
Check your sparkplug wires, make sure they're in the right order. My number 1 and number 2 were reversed and as soon as I put them on right it started right up
Check your oil . See if it looks like mikkshake
"Promosm" 👉