I learn so much from your teaching Dr. Tim. I am enjoying the BMW class. Working on the tech side of the live class but hoping to have it worked out by next Tuesday. Thank you both for enlightening us on wine skins….to preserve both.
I LOVE your channel and am so happy I found it! Thank you for all you do and who you are. I studied under a Messianic Jewish Rabbi for 7 years and loved finding your channel. Thank you for spreading the gospel around the world.
Hold on, it does NOT say "preserve both the wineskins." It says "They pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." That means BOTH the new wine AND the new wineskins are preserved. If a wineskin breaks, BOTH the wine and the wineskin are ruined.
Yes! The reason the Decapolis was "bursting" WAS they were trying to put "new wine" into an old system,or....several old religious systems. It needed a whole new way of thinking to understand it. Jesus said "follow ME". He was the new way.
I was just thinking about you guys today! I really look forward to your views and ideas and how they've helped me understand more of the Jewish context. I'm really looking forward to your take on episode 6!
For me that was the greatest thing I ever understood: that the key to understanding how God is and how he does is “multi dimension” or as you said both/and! The paradox you need to embrace and actually live in!
i just found your channel not long ago ,i addore you both ,ive watched many of your videos on my tv,thank you im in love with the chosen because Jesus is my best friend
Great insight. I’ve also heard some people argue that because we now live in the new covenant, the Old Testament is no longer applicable to us or necessary for us to read. Yet God revealed Himself in the OT and through His relationship with the people of Israel. That’s not something we just throw away.
I have always believe Matthew' part of the saying that when the new wine is put into new wine skins then both the wine and the skin are preserved! Well said!
I feel this is misleading because of added words to Scripture. You say at minute one that both wines skins are preserved and it doesn't say that. It says that both will be preserved. Meaning both the new wine and new wine skin. Thank you both
Both groups of people, preserved. Replacement theology is heresy, but the tendency of some to cling to the law is unparalleled. It’s important (and all that I’ve seen from you suggest this) to remember that “no man comes to the father, except through him.” Some people in their attempts to fight replacement theology go to the extreme the other way.
That’s a big thing about it. Also, in the same passage, it talks about the idea of a patch. Jesus did not come to patch the hole in the clothing, he cane to renew it. To add to it. He did not make a mistake with the old ways. He is not capable of mistakes. The old ways were there for a reason. There was nothing wrong with them for their intended purpose. And now he extended it to include the new ways.
I took it to mean that both the new wine and the new wine skins and the old wine in the old wine skins would be preserved. Because if mixed you'd lose the best of both.
I see Jesus as fulfilling the law, therefore He was not making things new but was setting the Jews straight after the law being twisted or not followed correctly.
Yes but it’s more deep than that , it is those who did not listen the word but those who will be , it is the new who will come and listen , not the corrupt , but those who are suffering for the corruption
Are both wine skins being preserved? In my humble and very unknowable mind I think Jesus is saying the old wine skin is not capable of holding new wine/ideas. And the only way to preserve both is to put new wine/ideas into new skins/environment. If I’m wrong please explain 😊 the bursting of the old wine skin is the bursting of the old path- not of Jews or traditions or the Torah but that the new skin is the kingdom of heaven.
Unfortunately some sects have used this metaphor to justify a thing often called replacement theology and an excuse to insist that God is done with the Jews and that all the eternal promises God made to them are now conferred onto the "church".
"Both are preserved"(quote Jesus) Let's contemplate the reference together. "New wine"; is the "new contents/Spiritual understanding" ... that's derived from the root that God established. (i.e. Jesus teaching in person to uproot Pharisitical false doctrine.) "New wine skin"; is the new container, that comes from the same organic species. ... But, requires that another animal be dedicated for this purpose. That's where some apply replacement theology. Because, Phariseeism (not Hebrews) is brittle, like an old wine skin. It simply is lacking the flexibility to be of further "spirit-filled" purpose. Jesus, didn't come "at that time" to open the "Book of Life"... "He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness still: ..." (quote kjv) "There are two in the field, one is taken and the other left. "(quote kjv) "Both are preserved"(quote kjv) ... Yet, Jesus didn't minister to the masses for ego's sake. Clearly, He (Jesus) was establishing a preferable path... establishing a clear path (removing the corruption from worship practices) amongst the common citizen. ... and that is another reference that some derive their understanding in replacement theology.
He was making it clear that the Law of Moses was being retired. Because He fulfilled it. The old covenant was being retired in favor of a New Covenant. A better covenants. The old covenant was between God and the ancient Israelites, and no one else. The New Covenant is between God and everyone who chooses to participate in it. No mixing and matching of the two covenants.
The "both" is not about the wines. It is about the new wine and the skins. I believe it is important to read Matthew 9 to really understand what Jesus is trying to say. Before the parable, Jesus rebukes three reprimands from the Pharisees and John's disciples and all are about mercy and the Law. First, Jesus heals a paralyzed man, telling him that his sins are forgiven. The Pharisees say that it is a blaspheme, since only God can forgive. Jesus answers that the Son of Man can forgive. Then he calls Matthew to him, and feasts with him in his house, where other tax collectors and people of ill repute join them. The Pharisees ask the disciple why their master eats with sinners. To which Jesus answers that he came to save the sinners, not the righteous. Then John's disciples wonder why Jesus' disciples don't fast. Jesus tells them basically that it is not the time for them to fast, since he (the bride's groom) is still there. Then he tells the parables of the cloth and the wineskins. What I believe Christ is saying here is "Look, I have a new doctrine (new wine). If you do not change your stiff, old hearts (old wineskins) and be more merciful, you won't be able to receive it. My message will be lost, and your situation will be even worse." Luke, who tells the same story in his Gospel, adds : "And no one having drunk old wine straightway wishes for new, for he says, The old is better." And here he shows why some will refuse to change. It is not about replacement, but it is still about conversion.
As with Moshe, Yahshua could not and would not introduce anything NEW, He would be a false prophet if He had done just about anything (doctrinal) which 'xianity' accuses Him of doing/saying. All throughout the Tanakh the phrase 'as YHWH commanded Moshe' (or some variant) is used. Moshe being one of the shadows of The Messiah, much can be learned from His life. Such as Moshe was the mediator between YHWH and man to establish and renew The Marriage Covenant. From Genesis to Malachai, one's mind can be opened to understand our Anointed King Yahshua, His teachings and the whole of the apostolic letters. Just over 50% of the content of these letters are from the Tanakh. Erroneously termed 'old testament', as if the Word which stands forever, could be diminished in ANY WAY (Matt 5:18). John 7:14 Now about the midst of the feast (Sukkot / Tabernacles) Yahushua went up into the temple, and taught. 15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? 16 Yahushua answered them, and said, My doctrine is NOT MINE, but his that sent me. 17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of יהוה, or whether I speak of myself. John 5:19 Then answered Yahushua and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. So, in relation to the 'wine skins', it is not about ANYTHING 'new' which HaMashiach initiated, but the continuous piling on of talmudic (man made) stipulations which negate, override or add to The Perfect Torah of Liberty. Luke 5:39 No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.
It's not a replacement of the Jewish people, it is gentiles being grafted in. As your name says. But there aren't two covenants and two people. There is one new covenant and one people. Jews have to come to Jesus and his new covenant just like everyone else. This is sometimes called replacement theology, but it is simply the new covenant.
Sam and Dr. Tom are both Gentile believers in Yeshua and both are elders in a local Messianic congregation. We have an emphasis on Jewish and Gentile believers worshipping together in unity while maintaining distinction between Jew and Gentile.
The parable is not about Jewish ethnicity. Everyone there was a Jew. Jesus was, the disciples were, the teachers of the Law were and the 'tax collectors were and even the so-called sinners; were more than likely of Jewish ethnicity though they were considered outsiders for betraying Israel and disregarding the law. The practice of fasting in hope that God return to the land and rescue Israel, or the Pharisaical idea that if they applied the priestly cleansing and separation rituals to their everyday lives and ordinary table fellow would somehow move God to rescue them from being dominated by another Pagan world empire was now obsolete, outdated and not really what the law was about anyway. The Jewish Messiah had come, and YHWH had returned to the land in the person of Jesus, the embodiment of Israel's God, and this was and is explosive 'new wine'. Also, the breaking in of the gospel of the kingdom, and the eventual forming of a multiethnic and multiclass new humanity was so explosive that it was calling for a new mindset and would require 'new wineskins'. In Mark the labeling and excluding of people (Levi), the fasting of John's disciples and of those of the Pharisees and their ideas about what was required Sabbath observance was dated and obsolete, but the reality had come, and in Messiah Jesus God is with us and this is equally true for both Jewish and Gentile believers in the crucified and resurrected Mesiah who would be recognized and worshiped as the ascended Lord of all the earth. Luke seems also to be giving a warning to those who are so bound by the old wine, that they don't want the new because they think the old is better (Luke 5:39).
It's about the fasting and prayer leading up to Pentecost, the cleansing of the soul and strengthening of faith. You need saved. Then you won't be full of bad reactionary theology due to your thinly veiled hatred of Christ's churches and God's people which you clearly demonstrate your ignorance of. And you will have the Holy Spirit so that you will understand God's word instead of sounding like fools. Btw, Jesus Christ was killed because he put himself on the cross by declaring that he is God. And now, in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek. Gentiles are grafted into Jesus Christ, the true vine, not into the Jews. You should really stop pretending to be teachers. Point by point you prove your spiritual blindness. 14 ¶ Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? 15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. 16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. 17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved. You need the gospel of salvation- www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=42231659467829
Thanks for pointing this out. I never paid attention to the "both are preserved" part. Blessings.
Excited to hear you guys again. Thanks for doing this.
These short teachings are great!
I learn so much from your teaching Dr. Tim. I am enjoying the BMW class. Working on the tech side of the live class but hoping to have it worked out by next Tuesday. Thank you both for enlightening us on wine skins….to preserve both.
I LOVE your channel and am so happy I found it! Thank you for all you do and who you are. I studied under a Messianic Jewish Rabbi for 7 years and loved finding your channel. Thank you for spreading the gospel around the world.
Hold on, it does NOT say "preserve both the wineskins." It says "They pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." That means BOTH the new wine AND the new wineskins are preserved. If a wineskin breaks, BOTH the wine and the wineskin are ruined.
Yes! The reason the Decapolis was "bursting" WAS they were trying to put "new wine" into an old system,or....several old religious systems. It needed a whole new way of thinking to understand it. Jesus said "follow ME". He was the new way.
@V Betta , He was not a new way but a correction of the errors that were put into effect.
Exactly !
Thank you holy spirit!!! Call that out.
Well, I am happy to see that all is well. I have been missing your commentary for the past couple of days maybe week
I was just thinking about you guys today! I really look forward to your views and ideas and how they've helped me understand more of the Jewish context. I'm really looking forward to your take on episode 6!
For me that was the greatest thing I ever understood: that the key to understanding how God is and how he does is “multi dimension” or as you said both/and! The paradox you need to embrace and actually live in!
Clarity, context, understanding...wow, u guys are just amazing ! Keep up the good work. Blessings from 🇧🇷
i just found your channel not long ago ,i addore you both ,ive watched many of your videos on my tv,thank you im in love with the chosen because Jesus is my best friend
Blessings Brothers and Sisters
Both are preserved. Never caught that. That's awesome. Thanks guys!
Love your content. Thank you.
My head exploded with this verse guys!!!!
AMEN so so good!! Thank you for this!!
Please do longer reactions. We love them 😊
Great insight. I’ve also heard some people argue that because we now live in the new covenant, the Old Testament is no longer applicable to us or necessary for us to read. Yet God revealed Himself in the OT and through His relationship with the people of Israel. That’s not something we just throw away.
I have always believe Matthew' part of the saying that when the new wine is put into new wine skins then both the wine and the skin are preserved! Well said!
knowledge. Please keep doing what you are doing.
Looking forward to your videos.. pls upload often 😊😊😊😊 i really enjoy what i am learning..
I feel this is misleading because of added words to Scripture. You say at minute one that both wines skins are preserved and it doesn't say that. It says that both will be preserved. Meaning both the new wine and new wine skin. Thank you both
I watched this scene a couple of times & still didn't quite get it. So thank you again for your clarity.
Both groups of people, preserved. Replacement theology is heresy, but the tendency of some to cling to the law is unparalleled. It’s important (and all that I’ve seen from you suggest this) to remember that “no man comes to the father, except through him.” Some people in their attempts to fight replacement theology go to the extreme the other way.
Thanks for sharing
Fulfillment not replacement. Grace over law. Hear Him.
Thanks for this
I had to go back and read it coz I missed it at first
Aloha from Hawaii 🌺🌹🕊️🔥🌈🇮🇱🇺🇸 thanks again guys for sharing this.
The wine skins parable is not about the Jews and non-Jews. Jesus was telling the parable to his JEWISH disciples.
Yup, I thought it referred to putting new Jesus teachings into old Jewish thinking. Coming to Jesus you get a new heart.
Very good!
That’s a big thing about it. Also, in the same passage, it talks about the idea of a patch. Jesus did not come to patch the hole in the clothing, he cane to renew it. To add to it. He did not make a mistake with the old ways. He is not capable of mistakes. The old ways were there for a reason. There was nothing wrong with them for their intended purpose. And now he extended it to include the new ways.
wow, thank you so much for that very important point. That's essential, and I'm kinda surprised that it got past Rabbi Jason Sobel, no?
What is your background music? 😇💕
I took it to mean that both the new wine and the new wine skins and the old wine in the old wine skins would be preserved. Because if mixed you'd lose the best of both.
Great point!
I think it's about receiving new mantle. Mantle being our new soul body after being born-again and wine being the spirit of God.
I see Jesus as fulfilling the law, therefore He was not making things new but was setting the Jews straight after the law being twisted or not followed correctly.
Yes but it’s more deep than that , it is those who did not listen the word but those who will be , it is the new who will come and listen , not the corrupt , but those who are suffering for the corruption
Wait, Marks gospel clarifies this “both preserved” idea. Both means both the wine and the wineskins are preserved. Not both wineskins.
Are both wine skins being preserved? In my humble and very unknowable mind I think Jesus is saying the old wine skin is not capable of holding new wine/ideas. And the only way to preserve both is to put new wine/ideas into new skins/environment. If I’m wrong please explain 😊 the bursting of the old wine skin is the bursting of the old path- not of Jews or traditions or the Torah but that the new skin is the kingdom of heaven.
Unfortunately some sects have used this metaphor to justify a thing often called replacement theology and an excuse to insist that God is done with the Jews and that all the eternal promises God made to them are now conferred onto the "church".
"Both are preserved"(quote Jesus) Let's contemplate the reference together.
"New wine"; is the "new contents/Spiritual understanding" ... that's derived from the root that God established. (i.e. Jesus teaching in person to uproot Pharisitical false doctrine.)
"New wine skin"; is the new container, that comes from the same organic species. ... But, requires that another animal be dedicated for this purpose.
That's where some apply replacement theology. Because, Phariseeism (not Hebrews) is brittle, like an old wine skin. It simply is lacking the flexibility to be of further "spirit-filled" purpose.
Jesus, didn't come "at that time" to open the "Book of Life"...
"He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness still: ..." (quote kjv)
"There are two in the field, one is taken and the other left. "(quote kjv)
"Both are preserved"(quote kjv) ... Yet, Jesus didn't minister to the masses for ego's sake. Clearly, He (Jesus) was establishing a preferable path... establishing a clear path (removing the corruption from worship practices) amongst the common citizen.
... and that is another reference that some derive their understanding in replacement theology.
He was making it clear that the Law of Moses was being retired. Because He fulfilled it. The old covenant was being retired in favor of a New Covenant. A better covenants. The old covenant was between God and the ancient Israelites, and no one else. The New Covenant is between God and everyone who chooses to participate in it. No mixing and matching of the two covenants.
The "both" is not about the wines. It is about the new wine and the skins. I believe it is important to read Matthew 9 to really understand what Jesus is trying to say. Before the parable, Jesus rebukes three reprimands from the Pharisees and John's disciples and all are about mercy and the Law. First, Jesus heals a paralyzed man, telling him that his sins are forgiven. The Pharisees say that it is a blaspheme, since only God can forgive. Jesus answers that the Son of Man can forgive. Then he calls Matthew to him, and feasts with him in his house, where other tax collectors and people of ill repute join them. The Pharisees ask the disciple why their master eats with sinners. To which Jesus answers that he came to save the sinners, not the righteous. Then John's disciples wonder why Jesus' disciples don't fast. Jesus tells them basically that it is not the time for them to fast, since he (the bride's groom) is still there. Then he tells the parables of the cloth and the wineskins. What I believe Christ is saying here is "Look, I have a new doctrine (new wine). If you do not change your stiff, old hearts (old wineskins) and be more merciful, you won't be able to receive it. My message will be lost, and your situation will be even worse." Luke, who tells the same story in his Gospel, adds : "And no one having drunk old wine straightway wishes for new, for he says, The old is better." And here he shows why some will refuse to change. It is not about replacement, but it is still about conversion.
As with Moshe, Yahshua could not and would not introduce anything NEW, He would be a false prophet if He had done just about anything (doctrinal) which 'xianity' accuses Him of doing/saying. All throughout the Tanakh the phrase 'as YHWH commanded Moshe' (or some variant) is used. Moshe being one of the shadows of The Messiah, much can be learned from His life. Such as Moshe was the mediator between YHWH and man to establish and renew The Marriage Covenant. From Genesis to Malachai, one's mind can be opened to understand our Anointed King Yahshua, His teachings and the whole of the apostolic letters. Just over 50% of the content of these letters are from the Tanakh. Erroneously termed 'old testament', as if the Word which stands forever, could be diminished in ANY WAY (Matt 5:18).
John 7:14 Now about the midst of the feast (Sukkot / Tabernacles) Yahushua went up into the temple, and taught.
15 And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?
16 Yahushua answered them, and said, My doctrine is NOT MINE, but his that sent me.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of יהוה, or whether I speak of myself.
John 5:19 Then answered Yahushua and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
So, in relation to the 'wine skins', it is not about ANYTHING 'new' which HaMashiach initiated, but the continuous piling on of talmudic (man made) stipulations which negate, override or add to The Perfect Torah of Liberty.
Luke 5:39 No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better.
False , the new wine and the new wine skins are preserved,,, you missed that
It's not a replacement of the Jewish people, it is gentiles being grafted in. As your name says. But there aren't two covenants and two people. There is one new covenant and one people. Jews have to come to Jesus and his new covenant just like everyone else. This is sometimes called replacement theology, but it is simply the new covenant.
I am confused. Are you guys Gentiles, converts to Judaism
Jewish, , what?
Sam and Dr. Tom are both Gentile believers in Yeshua and both are elders in a local Messianic congregation. We have an emphasis on Jewish and Gentile believers worshipping together in unity while maintaining distinction between Jew and Gentile.
The parable is not about Jewish ethnicity. Everyone there was a Jew. Jesus was, the disciples were, the teachers of the Law were and the 'tax collectors were and even the so-called sinners; were more than likely of Jewish ethnicity though they were considered outsiders for betraying Israel and disregarding the law. The practice of fasting in hope that God return to the land and rescue Israel, or the Pharisaical idea that if they applied the priestly cleansing and separation rituals to their everyday lives and ordinary table fellow would somehow move God to rescue them from being dominated by another Pagan world empire was now obsolete, outdated and not really what the law was about anyway. The Jewish Messiah had come, and YHWH had returned to the land in the person of Jesus, the embodiment of Israel's God, and this was and is explosive 'new wine'. Also, the breaking in of the gospel of the kingdom, and the eventual forming of a multiethnic and multiclass new humanity was so explosive that it was calling for a new mindset and would require 'new wineskins'. In Mark the labeling and excluding of people (Levi), the fasting of John's disciples and of those of the Pharisees and their ideas about what was required Sabbath observance was dated and obsolete, but the reality had come, and in Messiah Jesus God is with us and this is equally true for both Jewish and Gentile believers in the crucified and resurrected Mesiah who would be recognized and worshiped as the ascended Lord of all the earth. Luke seems also to be giving a warning to those who are so bound by the old wine, that they don't want the new because they think the old is better (Luke 5:39).
They “both” are the new wine and the new wine skin, not the old wine skins and new wine skins. 🙄
The Jews first CHOSE to serve the ONE God
Using an actor in a thumbnail about Jesus? ah okay. no thanks.
It's about the fasting and prayer leading up to Pentecost, the cleansing of the soul and strengthening of faith. You need saved. Then you won't be full of bad reactionary theology due to your thinly veiled hatred of Christ's churches and God's people which you clearly demonstrate your ignorance of. And you will have the Holy Spirit so that you will understand God's word instead of sounding like fools. Btw, Jesus Christ was killed because he put himself on the cross by declaring that he is God. And now, in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek. Gentiles are grafted into Jesus Christ, the true vine, not into the Jews. You should really stop pretending to be teachers. Point by point you prove your spiritual blindness.
14 ¶ Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? 15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast. 16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. 17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
You need the gospel of salvation- www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=42231659467829
Terrible & misleading "series."
Where's the video reaction to episode 6 ????