Lifeweb (longplay chaptered): A Bishop with all the best intentions in the world...

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @fliche6435
    @fliche6435  18 дней назад +3

    What are you thoughts on these youtube chapters?

  • @frank4491
    @frank4491 18 дней назад +2

    I'm boutta GAME END your whole career.
    0:22 rubs his beard*
    0:53 "The ranks of our church (or military arm alternatively) have been filled..." would be correctly written rephrasing but this is redundant information.
    1:04 I think the person knows that already. Every city on Evergreen has a lifeweb cloister, if not multiple. Completly redundant.
    1:26 "Feel free to reach OUT TO our holy prioress" this could have also been rephrased to be more fitting to your mask, which is evident and visible in the bottom right of your screen. Here: "The mother whispers that the machine grows restless. Sinners get easily knocked over their heads and put in bags. I hope you have no regrets." Which would put the other player in a position to respond due to a threat. But with the prompt you gave, she just would only need to nod her head.
    2:43 I love bishop, because you have so many ways you can play him. Playing an anglican teddybear priest on an unfriendly mask is not the play in this situation. More fire and brimstone! Threaten HER with hell.
    3:05 *snore. Make her cry and whimper!
    4:19 Simon baron as usual... when he plays, and you are bishop, make him crawl to Canossa like Heinrich IV had to.
    4:50 Exactly. The morticians need YOU. Thats why you make them come to YOU. Not the other way around. You are an authroity. Also, you should have let her go with a demand. Anything really, coin, frequent prayers so that doesn't become an ugly hag, whatever comes to mind.
    5:21 Out of that reason exactly I made my earlier point. At least make sure you have a welcoming comittee.
    5:40 As a bishop, as long as you are playing a principled and disciplined man of the cloth (which you have been trying to convey), you should not swear, especially not on the name of Coma.
    13:50 RUBS his beard*
    15:13 "She is A pious woman who both donated to MY church, completed her (evening) prayers and..." if you wanted to completly dog walk your underlings
    15:26 Do not suggest, but COMMAND it, you have power and can throw it around how you will. "She is of purer stock than ye. Do NOT harm, unless I tell you to."
    15:37 Sort of a step in the right direction, but it sounds like a pitied whimper. Growl back at him if he would not respond. "I take your silence as strict obeisance. Any blood spilt on her without my consent, is blood spilt from you."
    16:06 Did you take Paladin? It's an interesting GPC philosophy, but it does NOT mesh with "unfriendly" as a mask.
    16:17 Who are you holding a theological dialogue with. Her? She most likely picked flock and yawns, farts and picks her nose during your sermons.
    16:37 Based that we actually got racist and evil here, but this is most likely flying all past her head. How about you say this TO a groid?
    16:43 I sort of get the lovebombing maniuplation tactic of making this Christian feel special, but the tone feels off. I apologise, but this time I have nothing constructive to offer, besides that your ESL curse gets in the way of eloquence.
    17:03 You sound very whimpish about anouncing your plans. "The Inquisitor has no ear for me. Perhaps I should rip his off if he has lust for other endeavors" is one you could do.
    18:42 "Another groid, trying to steal from a (or another) poor and abandoned old building? Disgusting, how fitting for your kind." And then make him apologise and bow down at the spot. But do not worry, you are getting there. And an epitemia for later is also pleasant.
    22:33 "Would not matter if you are married or not, we trained these men to process even children in facilities like these" Would be a more threatening alternative.
    22:46 Locusts. Plural form.
    22:53 Threaten him, you are his boss. "Inquisitor, my patience is wearing thin." Make up some insult about him, if you like. "It truly is showing as for why you were sent on this penal mission" is one you could pull.
    I have made my point. God be saved! And stay beutiful.

    • @fliche6435
      @fliche6435  18 дней назад

      Oh my gawd ^^' Thank you for all of this feedback! Here is some ESL answers that I am lazy to fix:
      -Yes, I have trouble with s. "rubs his beard"
      -Yeah it was ugly talk
      -I mean, of course everyone know the Lifeweb need blood, I was recalling it to introduce the idea that if she want to help the church or donate to it, she can also donate her blood.
      -I see what you meant, I sometimes wish to write more complicated sentence but I sometimes stress out and it take too much time or I make more mistake. It is improving.
      -So in fact, and that's the thing that I had trouble to show, is that my character is unfriendly only to some groups of peoples...To the foreigner. Yes, he is super mega racist and this lead to the death of Lady ballat rahal guards and others people around. Yes, I could have played UNFRIENDLY all of the time, but I wanted to be unfriendly to other groups.
      -I don't play Bishop often after ehe but here, the inquisitor didn't answers to any of my call, making me unable to really bother him. I could menace him with excomunications but I would probably get killed by his cerberii.
      -I later on ordered them to come at me. I wanted to leave the church for a bit as I had others ideas but it got overwritten laters on by the Inquisitor doing his things and Ballat plot. The woman donated to the church earlier on.
      -God dammnit is a swear? I just checked and yeah. Thanks for the fact check.
      -I erase all SSssSs
      -I should have been more unfriendly to the churchmen as well.
      -I liked to insinuate things, deep inside, all my character wanted was to feed his own ego and money bank, even if most of the time he is not conscious of it. He is friendly to northeners because he know that it is the best way to control them. If they feel pain every day and you are their only source of confort, then you can really shackle them. Turn them against the foreigner, kill these groids and ginks that attacked you countless times. Do IT!
      -I went more angry later on
      -I indeed took Paladin, but it only apply to Northeners. I wanted to mix things up, especially since I am a head of the church, not lobotomised by the holy texts.
      -Yes indeed, this is why my character didn't shut up with her. It made him feel better. He could be seen as flawed. After with the lack of answers from the inquisitor, maybe I wanted to test her and see if she could become an acolyte.
      -see later on
      -We should go in voc to talk more here ehe. In lifeweb, when I talk too much, I make more and more mistakes, I would be happy to see these mistakes more in detail...I must repeat them without noticing.
      -Then why not? My character was a racist bishop that was beat up by groids and ginks in the past, see it as a reason of why he is weak.
      -I tried to make the epitmia later but he already died ehe
      -I do not wanted to be threatening with this potential woman. If I picked the crucifiers, I would have be much more threatening and I would actually crucify foreigners. I wanted to pick a more subtle and 'weak' approch. Yes, my character is a victim teddy bear in the inside.
      -ye. Even in french, I always forget the s at the end of words but it get better.
      -Check later on when I get really angry