@Uncle Daddy most people would mind their own business. He was not "scribbling on the wall",, he was using a stencil, and doing it in chalk. It is not "practical" to question someone you don't know, doing something that is none of your business. They lied and said they knew the owner. He was a grown man, and Lisa was questioning him the way you would a child. She was patronizing, and condescending, and he absolutely didn't have to answer her questions. He was well within his rights to tell them to go f**k themselves, but he didn't. He said he wouldn't answer their questions, and he would wait there while they called the police. I would not have been so polite to them, under the circumstances. I'm white, and these people make me feel ashamed of my own race.
@John Brennan No, what is cowardly is cowering to someone's delusional sense of authority over you. That couple had no right to question what that man was doing on his own property; he had every right to decline thereby showing he had backbone.
@C Roach Sure she can. The same way black people, can claim they're afraid of the police, while arguing with them and fighting with them, at the same time.
Someday, just someday, arrogant people will hold the line. How many can say they spoke to a pet owner in the park about leashing their dog? What happened? The pet owner did nothing about it. NO COLOR INVOLVED HERE, JUST ARROGANCE. So what's the answer. You leash your dog and move on. Let the park attendance catch them breaking the law.
@@gordiesings He was unarmed and didn't threaten her in any way, that's why she marched up to him and she felt able to lie. Furthermore, she didn't dispute his account and her apology speaks for itself.
@@georgiypotulov23 she's a liar plain and simple. These racists needs to mind their own business but they can't, because something inside them goes off everytime they see a person of colour. The fact that you are trying to justify her and her weak husband's behavior proves my point. Both are one of the same. She should be called Karen Liar. Glad they both paid the penalty for their racist actions.
@@georgiypotulov23 I'm not following your point, forgive me. Who were they looking out for, exactly? They said they knew the owner, but clearly they didn't know he was the owner. So either they lied or genuinely didn't believe he was the owner. Even with the skin tone, anybody can see he's Asian. Asians, like all people, come in different shapes, sizes and skin tones, so why would his being brown-skinned matter? Fact is they assumed he wasn't the owner and they were wrong. Bottom line, they were out of line.
Yeah, those two deserve all the abuse they get. Her putting her finger on her chin, as though she was being clever, made me sick. "We know who lives here" was her saying: "this is a wealthy neighbourhood, OUR neighbourhood, so you obviously don't belong here."
Oh yes she did. She said she knew the person that lives there. That man has lived there for 20 years. White Privilege she can do that. White woman crys wolf
You mean for being up front in case the husband is provoked into shooting the homeowner - that’s likely how it was supposed to go down. The KKKarens apparently need a KKKen now.
We are over looking the fact that Lisa stated she knew the person who owned the house. She clearly lied based on her assumption that he could not own the house.
Juanillo says, “And you don’t know if I live here or if this is my property …” Lisa says, “We actually DO know. That’s why we’re asking.” The assumption is he couldn't be the one to live there or own the house.
@Darrell Williams okay, if that's enough for you. I would want her house, vehicles and bank account. See, they're starting a bad habit that needs to be crushed, so they must be hit where it hurts them most. The pocket.
@Darrell Williams She can get another job faster than us, and get paid more too, as they always do. It cost us money, freedom, embarrassment and many other losses and sometimes, our lives. If the threat was real, this does not apply.
It’s just so sickening why people are riddled with such hang ups throughout the country. So, sick of the, “have since apologised,” thing. They do that when they’re in trouble. Not because they’re, “sorry.”
That "have since apologized" statement is White Privilege in itself. We gotta get shot and die while they get to "apologize" and/or "learn and grow" from these situations.
They apologized because they were caught on video. This couple's whole aura exudes "I am white and I have the right to question you actions because you are black or non white".
To Marci Williams: Because it's not a false police report. They asked concerned neighbors asked, is this your property ?, Response from unconcerned neighbor was "what does it matter"
It's not a frivolous call if there is a genuine belief that a crime is being committed. Can you imagine what would happen if people were too scared to call the cops when something happened for fear of being charged if they were wrong? For instance, you hear gunshots and people screaming, but don't call 911 because you'll get charged if what you heard was actually a group of people having fun setting off fireworks? Or you see a kid with a gun in his backpack, but it could just be a toy and you don't want to get in trouble for "false reporting"? People make mistakes all the time in every aspect of life. When inaction can mean life or death, punishing people for doing what they believe is the right thing to do is a terrible idea.
@@einnAnnie Nice try, nobody is talking about the obvious. There is incident after incident of people calling because they saw a black person walking, jogging, cleaning their yard, going to a b&b and if you don't think right-wing nut jobs wouldn't call cops just to see if it will go all wrong you're niave.
About a few days earlier I'm sure. You could see she was holding back and thinking carefully about what to say, but her tone, body language, and of course her privilege just couldn't/wouldn't let her walk away
Jay Zeus : I see your point, but they should have left him alone, when he made it clear he wasn’t going to answer their questions? The things they said, and kept saying, instead of just calling the cops, were what escalated that issue. I think he might have known them, anyway? If they’d said, “we’re just looking out for the owner, a neighbour of ours,” he could have told them he was that guy. So, while I see your point, I have no sympathy for them getting fired. You can’t just fire someone without cause, you know? Check out what they said?
@E parket You mean, like this? On 2/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted on six counts of disorderly conduct for "lying to the police." On 4/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted again, on six counts pertaining to making "four false police reports." On 4/12/2019 The City Of Chicago, filed a lawsuit against Smollett for the cost of overtime authorities expended investigating the alleged attack, totaling $130,105.15 As of 6/15/2020 Jussie Smollett is also being charged with "staging a racist, homophobic attack against himself."
Why do these Karen's think that we owe them explanations in our own yard, parks, etc. There was a karen that called the cops on a guy because he was planting plants/ gardening, and watering flowers in his own front yard.
@@kt11540 I have no real insight, my whole life I've grown up with such a diversity of humans that I never looked at, "color" as a threat, so short of just swallowing propaganda of, "thugs" from movies, or being taught and nurtured in racism, I have no answer. I can only empathize and stand next to my brothers and sisters.
I live in st. Louis Missouri, 10 or 15 minutes away from Ferguson and it has gotten out of hand. The protesters are armed and four to five police officers have already been shot. A lot of people have dieded in holding cells here. All I can do is pray that God helps us, we have a pandemic on top of a crisis. God bless you and your family.
@@kt11540 they've had everything handed to them their whole lives & never been punched in the face. Every piece of adversity they've faced has been answered with "do you know who I am ? Or I know this or that person or I'll play the victim and sue you etc etc. If they were humbled once and for all they wouldn't be as they are
There’s a difference between being truly sorry and repentant and just sorry you got caught. These examples are not assumptions of safety risk. They are examples weaponized racism.
Because it’s the human thing to do. BLM brings violence everywhere they go, so it’s normal those folks wanted to know what’s going on in their neighborhood. Community is important.
I agree. It’s the problem. We keep minimizing their behavior like in a bad and abusive relationship. It’s like oh he only punished me in the nose once so we’ll just work through this. We getting tired. Protesting is a warning ⚠️
Micro-aggresions? I see no difference between these things and intentional "Swatting" from days not that long ago... Everyday racism - we all hope it's not everyday for these people, but the psychosis that racism develops into is clearly present in these abuses, and psychosis is a daily struggle! 😔yes, I just posted my same comment to comment, and - kinda crappy feeling... But I'll get over it🙂
There's nothing DEHUMANIZING about explaining your actions when you're doing something strange such as defacing your own property! That's just what civilized people of all "colors" who have some class DO!
@@mediabiassucks1803 and writing a slogan you cherish on your own property is not defacing. that's like saying someone who uses a bumper sticker defaced their car. They chose to put it ther and that's their choice
These are great stories. The Central Park Karen is still hard to watch, remembering her vengeful words, but also the way she is choking her dog for so long... she seriously has no empathy, like a psychopath.
@@veesharie6106 seriously? Was she reported even? According to ASPCA, to report animal neglect and abuse in NYC, call 311. I hope someone who recognizes her and can provide her identity to authorities does so immediately because she is clearly not a person who can be entrusted with the responsibilities of proving proper animal care! That pup needs help asap!
She's not right in the head, but birdwatcher "Kareem" instigated things by THREATENING HER ("you won't like what happens") and TRYING TO LURE HER DOG AWAY WITH TREATS! All so he could video her going off and exploit her to make himself internet famous!
Delano Gaston Maybe, if they’d bothered to meet their own neighbor of 20 years, they’d know he lived there, huh? Instead, they chose to lie & say he wasn’t the resident, based solely on what was likely or racist or classist assumption. They do have the right to speak like bigoted fools. We have the right to use words to call out their reckless arrogance & hold them accountable for those words. No one has the right to make a false report.
K Ray Why was it their business? He wrote it on his own home. His home for 20 yrs. They pretended it was their business by saying they know who lives there. Obviously not. I’ve never gone up to a kid who has chalked up a sidewalk. Ever. But a man with chalk saying things that not pertain to their best interests has them all perturbed.
@@baron6271 No. Racists caused this. Point blank period. And they're being called out. And they're suffering the consequences of their racist actions. It's 2020 and the world is finally FINALLY seeing racism CLEARLY as the sickness that it is.
@Arthur Anderson I really do not know.. IMHO, America has gone insane. I am really just trying to understand. If I see someone graffiting a neighbor's house, what should I do now? Before all this I assumed I should do exactly what I saw the people in the video do as a good neighbor.
learningtolivewithmyself if you’re making reference to reparations we are owed that and so much more. Yah’s judgement is on this country due to non payment of wages for a people’s labor and the shedding of our innocent blood. It’s all about the blacks, the tribe of Judah/Israel. Don’t ask for forgiveness without repentance, and repentance requires making it right. So yes, something is owed for the years of labor due to a people being too uneducated and too lazy to build the country they stole by themselves. Not to mention too genetically deficient to be able to stand one of the most natural things Yah created- the sun. Scripture says he will punish them for the cruelty to His people, and that they went too far in their treatment of us- Israel/Judah. Don’t worry our slavery was prophesied in Deuteronomy 28. Beware, because your punishment is also prophesied for the sins of your forefathers, Edom/Esau. Scripture says that the nations that held us captive will be judged. Babylon is falling and the rule of the Gentiles is coming to an end. Thus you have it. Don’t worry, we will rule again and we will not do to you what they did and are doing to us. If that were the case we would have destroyed them a long, long, time ago. Know who Yah’s chosen are. Know who the chosen’s enemies are and you will know Esau/Edom. Pay attention and watch prophesy unfold.
@@learningtolivewithhumans1859 Yes, Yah is right! You colonizers owe first nation people and African slaves for the work they did and wasn't paid. It is the rich corps who owe, but you will pay with your tax dollars, because you continually vote against your own interests! Remember that!
@A R GTFU! I'd have more to say to you, but I'm so tired of talking to people who shift the topic or subject, move goalposts especially to avoid owning and acknowledging their own evil. And then you wonder why you're hated. Oh, did I forget to say how much I despise lazy thinkers?
@A R No, being hit by your tsunami of stupid hurts. You think racism doesn't exist, or only filmed racism is false. How many videos have you made this claim on? All in an effort to undermine the plight of colored people? Also, Rayshaud Brooks, those cops got charged, and it's kinda hard to claim your life was threatened by a non-lethal weapon, especially when they didn't have to chase him, they had his license and car. Further, after he fired, he was back to being unarmed, and they shot him. Good luck with your race baiting BS though. Truth hurts doesn't it, racist.
@A R Please explain the last time you saw a black person racial profiling a white person for just going about their everyday business. Please illuminate us on how you have been subject to countless black people questioning your right simply to exist, to jog down the road without being murdered, to sit in a park without being threatened with Death by cop? Oh of course, never! Secondly BLM has no agenda whatsoever to destroy the nuclear family, where do you get such drivel from? Yes you should lose your job for saying racist things because it can lead to someone getting killed! You whine on about 'limiting freedoms' yet you are wholly incapable of seeing ahow these acts of micro-racism limit the freedom of people of colour going about their daily lives. You are completely blind to the issue and are only concerned about having YOUR freedoms to prejudge others limited. What you are trying to do is simply iimpose your political agenda on a real issue that affects that lives of people of color. Wipe it out and make like it's something else. You must resist it because if you were to recognise it it might force you to confront your worldview and see the thick layers of racism that underlie your denial people of color to live a normal unharrassed life. In essence you are part of the problem and not the solution. But your day is done, there is no going back. We do not have to put up with this anymore and we will not.
@Ken's Fulltime Vanlife Chris Cooper is not innocent. He told her "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it." It's a cleverly worded, passive aggressive threat, just this side of the law. She knew it and so does Chris Cooper.
This goes to show. U that white ppl think the world is theres but its not this is God Jesus Christ world he made us all so do u know what color Christ really is heck no nobody does so stop the racsim u just might be black under all that white skin for real if only ppl would learn about the pigamen n a person blood body stream. Read upon thin maybe this will stop all the recsimem thats going around Gods World not our world one now if that was your son thats being called a name & your white what would u do The same as being black call the police so stop being stupid & live your own life leave ppl alone its badd enough were going through this Deadly virus & struggling out here need nomore killing nomore killing nomore starving. Cant we all just get alone or leave each other alone tend to your own. Business
Isa You need to take a Tim Wise class or maybe a Robin Diangelo’s class, she’ll tell you all about white peoples and their entitlement and fragility being she’s white her self... and as she says she knows her people and I’ve been to her classes and have to 💯 per cent agree, that she does 😂
Let's just start calling it what it is. He is humble in spite of a run-in with a racist, narcissistic, willfully ignorant and dangerous person. A "Karen" implies she was just cutting in line at the Starbucks and the barista spelled her name wrong. This is more serious than that. And he made that point as well, much better than I ever could.
Yes, the couple should have known better than to say anything, even if they thought they were protecting someone's property from graffiti. The Black dude in the park was TOTALLY wrong for instigating something and threatening her, but worse, for posting a very well crafted incomplete video when he actually had the full video, which he concealed.
Exactly. That's why I say the police and the neighborhoods need to set up more community outreach programs so that both parties get to know each other. This would improve relations between police and civilians, cops get to know the people and their kids, put names to faces. Half the reason we have all this madness is because neither party know each other, which to lead fear and frustration and anger when things go sideways.
@@dawnlinares9682 I truly believe hate is learned belief system. People choose to hate just like people can choose to love. Hate and love are options we can make on our own. Yes, people can learn hate from others but ultimately in life we have options what we want to do and what we choose to believe in. Just a thought.
@@marahirving1171 I agree! Finally, someone has a possible solution/plan, instead of of just spewing anger. I don't like this current culture, either but we need to figure something out...
@Cheryl Youmans She didn't abuse her dog. She restrained her dog, to prevent Chris Cooper from luring it, with an unknown "treat" after, he threatened her. If she was mistreating her dog, she wouldn't have gotten it back on June 5th., 2020
Sad a man could have been killed by a white woman weaponising his skin colour and your major concern is the dog! That's the point of BLM: black lives matter TOO.
@@veejay6361 A black man in a quiet part of Central Park intimidates a white woman, who is breaking his version of the rules A white woman in a quiet suburban neighborhood sees a black man painting graffiti on a house, intervenes. The two black men are heros/ victims and the two "white" women are tormenters, pursuers. You are a racist.
@@Mulinaster wrong incident, keep watching, talking about the birdwatcher incident. 🤦♂️ The fact that there are so many racist incidents on video that you can't keep up demonstrate the depth of the problem.
Shay Ogun- I believe for some it’s all about being in control and exercising their authority. I’ve witnessed a lot of ppl like her with those same personality traits. No doubt they’re damaged and have deep underlying issues. But it’s impossible to reason or have any dealings with those types of ppl because they’re masterminds at orchestrating and manipulating ppl into doing their biddings. I personally don’t do insanity but to each it’s own.
Why not cut to the chase, and ask to see their free papers. Or ask the person how they made it this far with all the racial roadblocks we put up for you. We may need to tighten up our security.
Zakiyyah Shabazz ☑️You know that your statement is on point. I am actually rolling of the floor with laughter. I am giving you a quadruple huge high Five✋🏾
Fast forward and every city is increasing funding for police and demanding more police officers in their communities. What a difference two years makes!
This constant focus on her dog seems to be more important than what could have happened this man. The dog was not the issue. She may have caused him a few minutes of discomfort but she could have cost the bird walker his life. Where is that outrage? Im going to guess that eighty percent if not more of the comments I read said “poor dog.” From an avid dog lover.
Have you seen addicts uncomfortable about straightening up for brief amounts of time, or when they "Have To Be Responsible"? The psychosis that develops from Racism starts as finding a "comfort-zone" and acceptance, moves on to being euphoria from "sin" or "being: bad", to develop into addiction, but eventually turns full blown dementia and psychosis! Again, "the mind is a terrible thing to waste"!!!!
@@LovelovelyJesus You mean, like this? On 2/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted on six counts of disorderly conduct for "lying to the police." On 4/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted again, on six counts pertaining to making "four false police reports." On 4/12/2019 The City Of Chicago, filed a lawsuit against Smollett for the cost of overtime authorities expended investigating the alleged attack, totaling $130,105.15 As of 6/15/2020 Jussie Smollett is being charged with "staging a racist, homophobic attack against himself."
@@LovelovelyJesus You did not see the full video. He had threatened her and the dog just prior and the video has been clipped to exclude why she was so frightened. It is available on other feeds. There was good reason to call.
Neither sides are hunters (egalitarian) or warriors (vikings, knights, etc). Most of us are raised in agricultural societies with agricultural values, we are farmers in suits or trucker hats that have organized our life around feudal lands, despite we are several hundred years after the industrial revolution and have the necessary means to have the infrastructure corresponding to our level of technology. We are using outdated rigs proven to be worst in many ways compared to egalitarian society, also known as hunter-gatherer society.
@Isa He was minding his own business. He didn't threaten to call the police on her even though she was the one breaking the rules he depended on to pursue his hobby peacefully. Don't be so fragile about your lack of power and authority over other people. Live and accept that other people don't need you to "let them live" mind your damned business.
YEAH! MIND YOUR OWN, If a little dog is with his owner and they are just playing in a park, not hurting you,. not within 50 feet of you... MIND YOUR OWN! right?
Which right was he defending exactly? And powers? HA like the ability to turn invisible when nobody is watching? Thank God somebody is defending our powers lmfarofl
@@stephenhargrave7922 He's defending his right to exist without people questioning him and the power to live his own life. You can't possibly be so dumb as to actually not understand so I must assume that you are just being a troll.
You can't possibly be that stupid. The right to slightly modify YOUR own property. YOUR First Amendment rights. YOUR right not to be harassed. YOUR right to exist. Those two are lucky he wasn't a Trump extremist in a Stand Your Ground state.
@Terrance Baptiste No. Not dense as a rock. Your words are meaningless as a response to what I said. You sound like you agree with me but you say it in a tone that suggests you are angry about it. In case it's not clear because one of us is dense as a rock, I was applauding the actions of the guy painting on his own property in not cowtowing to the questions of his xenophobic neighbors. Your insulting and name-calling does not add to whatever argument you are trying to make.
tedgey Please submit your evidence that Black people fight the police every chance they get that would be all Black people right and that would be every single incidence of contact with the law-enforcement correct. In addition the fact that she was approaching him screaming at him shaking her finger in his face and yet claiming she was afraid of him what does that have to do with what you claim it is so abrupt drawn conclusive way
@@tedgey4286 no not at all The people who say there afraid of the police don't approach the police yelling at them telling them what to do and questioning them and then claim to be scared of them..
4 года назад+73
OMG she looked so afraid the way she walked up to him so quickly while she choked her dog.
@The Scoop1 She didn't "choke" her dog. She restrained her dog, to keep Chris Cooper from feeding her dog unknown and uninvited "treats" AFTER he threatened her. If she was mistreating her dog, she wouldn't have gotten it back.
That woman with the dog is heartless. The consequences like losing her job and that dog is just a warning from the Universe for her to stop and change her mind before the consequences get more intense bc they can.
@Jennifer Boehm He told her "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it." That's a cleverly worded, thinly veiled, passive aggressive threat, just this side of the law. She knew it and so does Chris Cooper. He instigated and engineered this confrontation, by sticking his big nose in her business, in the first place, instead of just leaving her alone. He has no business telling her what to do, or what not to do. If he was minding his own business, instead of hers, nothing would have happened, then he wouldn't have anything to complain about.
@@dianamiller2890 I know. All of the videos, of this incident, ave been edited, in Chris Coopers favor. He told her "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it." That's a cleverly worded, passive aggressive threat, barely this side of the law. She knew it and so does Chris Cooper. See for yourself at: ruclips.net/video/BFzwoUH6cTc/видео.html
Please say that’s not so. She was dangerously spiteful for no reason to BOTH her dog and a black male, risking Their lives with no belief it would cost her.
I'm so glad this is happening and we are talking about this. Not great situations but great examples where no one got hurt. (and caught on camera) It's time we recognize what is truly happening in our country.
It's always been recognized and acknowledged.. the powers that be were never confronted on such a global scale to rectify the blatant Injustices we are now witnessing on film.
@@CynAnne1 true! Cuomo forced infected people into long term care facilities! Sanctuary cities are broke because of the cost of supporting illegal immigrants! Pelosi wanted people to go to Chinatown at the start of the virus! Thousands going to the democratic protests/riots for the felon Floyd
Move away from the cities. There is a lot less violence because we are not all packed on top of each other. And we get along just fine. Please remember to leave your chaotic selfish liberal ideas behind if you decide to relocate.
Bottom line keep your options to yourself mind your own business and everything will be good. If a crime is being committed let the police handle it call the police when there's a real crime, once again MIND YOUR BUSINESS.....
@@sidenote7555 Go read what Ebony actually said above b4 u comment. She said, "Mind your own business and everything will be good. Once again MIND YOUR BUSINESS." Try it.
Wow, she was strangling her dog! She was so focused on getting this black man in trouble, or potentially killed, she wasn't even paying attention to the fact that her own dog couldn't breathe! Her dogs front legs couldn't touch the ground, which is why it started struggling so much. It couldn't breathe! Just wow!
@@dottiefarmer5547 When you say something that isn't true, It's a lie. And he didn't have to answer her, it wasn't her business. That's pretty obvious too.
There should be a law which entitles anyone who is falsely accused of doing something unlawful in a public or private place to charge the instigator with harassment.
"You don't participate in your own dehumanization." I'm sitting here listening to this playing on my phone and this quote stopped me cold. He is absolutely correct.
Yeah, those words gave me power with dealing with other difficult Americans who might one day try to interfere in my business or provoke unnecessary situations. Just to mess with me. I will take this approach.
@@adesholaadewola6547 Actually, Media Bias Sucks! has it right. It's all on Chris Coopers Facebook page. He had an agenda. Read it. That way, you won't look so foolish.
@@mediabiassucks1803 This Mr. Cooper has provided a perfect example of how to behave and deal with bigoted, self entitled people. Maintain your distance and composure, and stay perfectly calm while your accuser behaves badly.
@@craigwilliams3823 So, you believe that trying to lure someone else's dog with treats and telling them "put that dog on a leash or you won't like what will happen" qualifies as "keeping your distance"? Well alrighty then :D
Too many times the questions were met with - STFU Too many promises getting clipped until clipping obituaries Too many Rizzo(s) Too many Giuliani(s) Too, too many times to make hate boil over into the streets, with too many more times than that of peace being met with violence Too much has already been, too many losses not to change away from the sin, far too long to go - it seems, but while we're here, we have take our chances too Too much to lose are the today's without change, because they set tomorrow too far away, and never deliver We've stood and faced too much, but we can see that we play their games better than them, or the rules wouldn't abruptly change again, and that is why we must stand among the together we trust while allowing others to join in. Again and again and again and again until it's just what everybody knows to do, to where those sent to stop it join in TOO!
Great interview Side note: I still can’t believe that woman rather choose between strangling her dog and being all hunched over than put the dog on the leash 🤯🤯
@Peach Brain oh, he wanted the dog dead? I didn't hear that from his interviews. I read and heard the outrage from people that wanted her dog taken from and they wanted an investigation to make sure the dog is safe with her. Then after all that her dog was given back.
@Margie Booker She isn't "killing" her dog. She restrained her dog, to prevent Chris Cooper from luring it, with an unknown "treat" after, he threatened her. If she was mistreating her dog, she wouldn't have gotten it back on June 5th., 2020
terrijack I hope you meant 100% HER mentality. White people think she was wrong. When you say 'their mentality', it sounds exactly how a racist would speak.
@@pamelamartin8464 now you and phil M know how it feels for black when white people group all black people together. Get use to it, Welcome to our world.
@Ch Candela "entitled?" Like the white lady in this video? Amy "Central Park" Cooper?" Countless others? Ig you're going to ignore that and just come with that bs 'victim' white person rebuttal.
She 'swatted' him. She KNEW what she was doing and she INTENDED to cause him harm. How dare an 'African American man' ask her to correct her behavior. Oh Lordy!
In the 1970s, my friends told me about how they had to behave when they were stopped by police. I find it disgusting that these problems still exist in this day and age. It's just incredible that this is what we are witnessing today. I would have hoped that our society would have evolved beyond this.
You can't have law and order if you smile all the time enforcing the law. Would anyone take 'seriously' a police officer who wore a grin? Today, we definitely have problems in small 'pockets' of unlawful enforcement in our culture. They NEED more training in 'right and wrong' rules in using law enforcement. They also need training in speaking respectfully to all individuals. How are you? Have a nice day. Thank you, sir. Thank you, ma'am. It will go a long way. NO ONE SHOULD BE TREATED AS A 'LOWLIFE.'
@@stitchintime5481 You cant "train" someone to consider you as a human when they clearly see that you are but, ignoring that to further their own sick twisted agenda
@@stitchintime5481 The problem isn't just small pockets of law enforcement who commit these acts it's also the "good cop" who knows that these crimes are committed and does nothing
You're being deceived. You're more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to be killed by police as a Black man. That is a fact. You're watching a media driven hoax to scare black people into voting blue.
The fact that you and others believe it have anything to do with dehumanization, is just because you haven't thought of how this situation would have developed if it had been the other way around and a big, serious looking white guy that had told a black girl that "I'm going to do something you don't like" and then started filming as she panic, and just guess how many would've fallen for "I'm a victim and the black girl was racist against me". There would never be any second story where he could blame some random, old black couple for being racists too, if they had made a comment suggesting they didn't understand what a white guy was doing that filming and trying to provoke. So this is simply a matter of media using the high level of racial conflict in the US to put out some farce, so that people can make it into a show to see the lives of 3 people being shredded in a trial by media, so they can make some $ by the good rating this undoubted have made. It's sad to watch and think what people like Martin Luther King, that had a real cause, would have said about a "brother" like that. Somehow I doubt that he would have led a mob against some random targets just to get a kick of it. There won't be any black and white children playing together or any true peace or justice as a result of this. It's sad, but I don't think people really care about creating a future where "race" can become a word people don't use about other people anymore.
@@elvenkind6072 im not sure the point your trying to make, but no one has the right or authority outside the police to question someones residence or law abiding activity. I mean where do white people or any people get off thinking they have that supreme entitlement to question total lawful strangers based on the prowless of their discomfort and ignorance and hate.
@@josephsmith9663 It's exactly the hypocrisy of claiming that it is white man's abuse of law in this case that offend the black man, that in his turn look at it as an act of justice (that is an lawful act) to condemn 3 random people to the harshest sentence of all, to be condemned by mob rule, where people knowing the complete lack of mercy of a mob, themselves turn into the mob that by cowardice themselves refer to justice to justify the sentencing of these 3 people to be shamed without justice. And it is this that offend me so deeply, that people don't stop and think before they continue to be part of this very mob, and don't question how it would feel to be left to injustice themselves. Be part of this mob yourself if you feel obliged to shame complete strangers, because you feel it is wrong to shame complete strangers. Personally I'd rather be left outside a humanity that think themselves lawful to be unlawful. If you yourself feel like a better man to stand up for only the one everyone else stand up for, my claim is that this is simply to be standing up for oneself, and justice have nothing to do with it, neither have black identity or white identity.
She chokes the dog to falsely report an attack on her, that's called fabrication of evidence... Maybe a subsequent visit from AnimalCruelty could check on the dog's recovery
Daniel Evans : They did, apparently. They took the dog from her. Some people say it was returned to her, but it’s usually only trump trolls who say that, so I don’t know? But, either way, she was probably given a talking to, about animal care? She has a lot of life lessons to get caught up on. She’s way behind ✌️
Zylpha Aziza : Is that true? I imagine she could argue, “truthfully,” that she hadn’t intended to harm the dog, so much as she hoped it might get as hysterical as her and attack the hero of this story? She will have been given a talking to, and probably has to submit to random welfare checks?
The sidewalks are taxpayers money so you have every right to speak up if you did it in your own driveway that's a different story but you're on private property from the city
Knowing whether seeking inclusivity is practical... (is the more complete lesson) There are other "traps" like what was mentioned, and the extent of participation that you "include" yourself, rests on where the WORDS are leading and what actions are "they" using!
He was not being dehumanized. The woman asked because she didn't know if it was his property and she saw him painting wording on the wall. HE could of acted human by just stating it was his own property and went on doing his business. He could of ignored her after that. He refused to state that because people of other races carry around a huge chip on their shoulders when they move into predominately white neighborhoods and people question them because they haven't met them yet and don't realize they live there.
@@dottiefarmer5547 if he wasn't acting human....then what was he acting like? An animal?🤔. Is that your color showing? She could have just called the police from the gate and never said anything to him. She is no one of authority to ask ANY questions what so ever.
@Stormy Samuel You mean, the same way black people, can claim they're afraid of the police, while arguing with them and fighting with them, at the same time?
@@stormysamuel4666 I'm not trying to do anything, with the English language. You're welcome to misinterpret, what I said, if you choose to. As for calling the police "SOB's", shame on you. If you need help, don't call them. Call BLM or deal with the problem yourself & see how that works out for you.
Well, certainly wouldn't want that man doing my investing if he doesn't have the critical thinking to see a giant BLM flag in the window and figure the chalk writing on the wall was going hand in hand.
Does he even watch the news if not, you live in SF where progressiveness sprouts like weed... Even dogs know the concept of association but this man failed to see what was smack right in his face...this is scary dumb!.
Its actually apart of human nature, racism exists in all colors and cultures not just one. Racism is WRONG no matter who it is. It's wrong Period! We need to stop addressing people by color, and embrace one another as brother and sister no matter what our skin tones are, we all come from the same tree.
Laura H Well it would be helpful for people to actually communicate, rather than ignore or antagonize. Neither party was right in this encounter. They could have introduced themselves like human beings instead of acting like total jerks. I would have said it was my property and that they’re welcome to come in for some OJ and we can talk more about the latest happenings.
@b. The man’s lived there 20 years. They could have made small talk any other time before. They even said they knew who lived there, liars! I guarantee you they have seen him, but looked right past him before without even realizing it. Never giving him a second thought until now.
Why should any citizen have to give any information? They have ZERO right to ask details, that's police work not citizen work. Unreal.
Why aren't people that do this charged or fined in some way? If it starts hurting them to do this (in a way they'll understand) maybe they'll stop...?
They believe they are above us and the police works for them against us smfh
And that’s the white privelege: thinking they have the right to demand answers, and treating this man like a naughty child.
@Uncle Daddy most people would mind their own business. He was not "scribbling on the wall",, he was using a stencil, and doing it in chalk. It is not "practical" to question someone you don't know, doing something that is none of your business. They lied and said they knew the owner. He was a grown man, and Lisa was questioning him the way you would a child. She was patronizing, and condescending, and he absolutely didn't have to answer her questions. He was well within his rights to tell them to go f**k themselves, but he didn't. He said he wouldn't answer their questions, and he would wait there while they called the police. I would not have been so polite to them, under the circumstances. I'm white, and these people make me feel ashamed of my own race.
YET leftists came up with the phrase---SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING
she almost strangled her own dog to death... not a good sign of overall sanity!
ruclips.net/video/DgsnyHILdb8/видео.html This ISN'T about race anymore....BLM CAUSED THIS!!!
Did they let her keep that dog? That was brutal.
That was another good thing that came out of this - the dog was taken off her.
Women are not the same as ladies. sfmkm.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_70.html
Amy Cooper is beyond creepy. She stalked an ex colleague and lied about him
“You don’t participate in your own dehumanization”.....Whew! If that’s not the whole damned truth. Tell them!
Yes ma'am - huge take away. Love that statement!
@John Brennan You definitely need to answer to complete strangers who come poking around your property more often. Might figure a few things out.
@John Brennan No, what is cowardly is cowering to someone's delusional sense of authority over you. That couple had no right to question what that man was doing on his own property; he had every right to decline thereby showing he had backbone.
@John Brennan : They dehumanized him by assuming it wasn't.
@John Brennan : Does this actually have to be explained to you?
Amy cannot claim to be afraid of him when she walks right up to him.
@C Roach Sure she can. The same way black people, can claim they're afraid of the police,
while arguing with them and fighting with them, at the same time.
Someday, just someday, arrogant people will hold the line. How many can say they spoke to a pet owner in the park about leashing their dog? What happened? The pet owner did nothing about it. NO COLOR INVOLVED HERE, JUST ARROGANCE. So what's the answer. You leash your dog and move on. Let the park attendance catch them breaking the law.
@@gordiesings He was unarmed and didn't threaten her in any way, that's why she marched up to him and she felt able to lie. Furthermore, she didn't dispute his account and her apology speaks for itself.
@@stitchintime5481 h in the ok
White or Black if your a stranger wondering around my house I am going to put you in Check man or women black or white,but if you live there well
“Because we know the person that does live here.”
His response was hilarious "I suggest you call them..." LOLOLOL
@@derrickrcNnyc Yeah he knew instantly she was lying!
When they called the police they should be arrested
@@vickiwithers9859 that's actually law, but "discretion"... Sigh
The fact she lied about knowing who lived there is so bad. So on top of acting like a cop you also lie.
Thats pretty much acting like a cop. Lol
@Anthony Smith ? Jvm
@@georgiypotulov23 she's a liar plain and simple. These racists needs to mind their own business but they can't, because something inside them goes off everytime they see a person of colour. The fact that you are trying to justify her and her weak husband's behavior proves my point. Both are one of the same. She should be called Karen Liar. Glad they both paid the penalty for their racist actions.
@@georgiypotulov23 I'm not following your point, forgive me. Who were they looking out for, exactly? They said they knew the owner, but clearly they didn't know he was the owner. So either they lied or genuinely didn't believe he was the owner.
Even with the skin tone, anybody can see he's Asian. Asians, like all people, come in different shapes, sizes and skin tones, so why would his being brown-skinned matter?
Fact is they assumed he wasn't the owner and they were wrong. Bottom line, they were out of line.
@@georgiypotulov23 that skin is always the problem, isn't it?
So did that woman say she knew the person who lived there... To the person who lives there!? Wow
Yep . they both did .Just a little white lie Hope Hicks called it. Jeeze
Yeah, those two deserve all the abuse they get. Her putting her finger on her chin, as though she was being clever, made me sick. "We know who lives here" was her saying: "this is a wealthy neighbourhood, OUR neighbourhood, so you obviously don't belong here."
The first woman, I'll call her Carolyn Bryant, looks like the demon from the movies "Mamma" and "The Nun".
Oh yes she did. She said she knew the person that lives there. That man has lived there for 20 years. White Privilege she can do that. White woman crys wolf
Someone try and convince me this lady doesnt look like every witch you have ever seen on TV
This chick is so creepy😳
You mean for being up front in case the husband is provoked into shooting the homeowner - that’s likely how it was supposed to go down. The KKKarens apparently need a KKKen now.
She’s hideous
She's got creepy beady eyes😵
Nicole Brown and her eyebrows make a capital V, yikes
That creepy vibe you get is her privilege on display. Oh, when the curtains are turned back.
We are over looking the fact that Lisa stated she knew the person who owned the house. She clearly lied based on her assumption that he could not own the house.
I call that lie an everyday assumption. Sad BUT true.
She did lie but she didn't state that she knew the person who owned the house. Please be accurate.
@@tombryant52jumpscoach yes she did
Juanillo says, “And you don’t know if I live here or if this is my property …”
Lisa says, “We actually DO know. That’s why we’re asking.”
The assumption is he couldn't be the one to live there or own the house.
@@mikehoncho9344 Fact is she was wrong
Guy filming has lived in that house for 20 years yet that lady claims she knows the person that lives there. 🤔
She lied.
She is a liar. She is SO sure a brown person doesn't live in her neiborhood 🙄
Rhiannon Star I believe it’s not even her neighborhood 🙄
Why she wasn't charged with animal abuse. She was choking the dog.
I agree 100%.
@Darrell Williams maybe that's best thanks for answering ?
Why wasn't she charged, period?
Do you want the Karin's to stop? Then you must financially crush them totally.
@Darrell Williams okay, if that's enough for you.
I would want her house, vehicles and bank account. See, they're starting a bad habit that needs to be crushed, so they must be hit where it hurts them most. The pocket.
@Darrell Williams She can get another job faster than us, and get paid more too, as they always do. It cost us money, freedom, embarrassment and many other losses and sometimes, our lives.
If the threat was real, this does not apply.
It’s just so sickening why people are riddled with such hang ups throughout the country. So, sick of the, “have since apologised,” thing. They do that when they’re in trouble. Not because they’re, “sorry.”
That "have since apologized" statement is White Privilege in itself. We gotta get shot and die while they get to "apologize" and/or "learn and grow" from these situations.
That woman in the park should face charges for trying to get that man killed.
@@gingernightmare9152 - 👏👏👏
At least hit her with a 'civil suit'. 💸
They apologized because they were caught on video. This couple's whole aura exudes "I am white and I have the right to question you actions because you are black or non white".
Yes indeed
Why aren't these "Karen's" charged with making false police reports and fined? Enough!!
Bexuse she is white woman
White privilege....
cuz KAREN plays the role of concerned citizen and apologizes for making a mistake...the cop plays along
Because there are Karen's and white 1st of all that's how the most or majority think.
To Marci Williams:
Because it's not a false police report.
They asked concerned neighbors asked, is this your property ?,
Response from unconcerned neighbor was "what does it matter"
BTW, the woman with the dog is so busy interfering in this man's life, she doesn't even notice that she's strangling her dog.
Yes Robert Charles. And that is what you call "White Rage." There is no foundation for that type of insanity and evil. SHE was the problem, not him!
Yeah, I don't like the way she handles the dog.
she was too busy wallowing in her White Privilege
She lacks humanity, clearly. Doesn’t give AF about anyone’s life other than her own.
@@ceciliaFX #FACTS
Prison inmate rule book page 85 " mind your business"
Rule # 1, Tolerate NO disrespect! This rule is prevalent here
The police should start charging people who drag them out on frivolous calls. Perhaps a $1000 fine would reduce the 'itch' to dial.
@@halwalinski4759 yet they never charge or fine those making these time wasting calls
It's not a frivolous call if there is a genuine belief that a crime is being committed. Can you imagine what would happen if people were too scared to call the cops when something happened for fear of being charged if they were wrong?
For instance, you hear gunshots and people screaming, but don't call 911 because you'll get charged if what you heard was actually a group of people having fun setting off fireworks? Or you see a kid with a gun in his backpack, but it could just be a toy and you don't want to get in trouble for "false reporting"? People make mistakes all the time in every aspect of life. When inaction can mean life or death, punishing people for doing what they believe is the right thing to do is a terrible idea.
@@einnAnnie Nice try, nobody is talking about the obvious. There is incident after incident of people calling because they saw a black person walking, jogging, cleaning their yard, going to a b&b and if you don't think right-wing nut jobs wouldn't call cops just to see if it will go all wrong you're niave.
Making a false report to the police is a crime and should be prosecuted.
Annie please stop while you’re ahead🤦🏽♀️
I wonder how many times Robert and Lisa have used that phrase......"I'm not racist but"....
I have that phrase.
Bet they use it a lot, now.
About a few days earlier I'm sure. You could see she was holding back and thinking carefully about what to say, but her tone, body language, and of course her privilege just couldn't/wouldn't let her walk away
I have Black friends!
NOBODY has to answer your questions. Ask yourself why you're not minding your own business.
#MYOMFWB Mind your own muthafuckin wyte business.
@Jay Zeus 🤢
Jay Zeus : I see your point, but they should have left him alone, when he made it clear he wasn’t going to answer their questions? The things they said, and kept saying, instead of just calling the cops, were what escalated that issue. I think he might have known them, anyway? If they’d said, “we’re just looking out for the owner, a neighbour of ours,” he could have told them he was that guy. So, while I see your point, I have no sympathy for them getting fired. You can’t just fire someone without cause, you know? Check out what they said?
Google User : That dog walker was breaking the rules, and it was his property, shared with her. So, apples and oranges, son
Does filing a false report to police is a crime exist in the books anymore?
@E parket You mean, like this?
On 2/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted on six counts of disorderly conduct for "lying to the police."
On 4/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted again, on six counts pertaining to making "four false police reports."
On 4/12/2019 The City Of Chicago, filed a lawsuit against Smollett for the cost of overtime authorities expended investigating the alleged attack, totaling $130,105.15
As of 6/15/2020 Jussie Smollett is also being charged with "staging a racist, homophobic attack against himself."
false report !? he was writing racist things on the wall !!
You aren't obligated to answer Karen's and their simps.
Why do these Karen's think that we owe them explanations in our own yard, parks, etc. There was a karen that called the cops on a guy because he was planting plants/ gardening, and watering flowers in his own front yard.
@@kt11540 I have no real insight, my whole life I've grown up with such a diversity of humans that I never looked at, "color" as a threat, so short of just swallowing propaganda of, "thugs" from movies, or being taught and nurtured in racism, I have no answer. I can only empathize and stand next to my brothers and sisters.
@@aradicaldude ruclips.net/video/Q1lU6vfhi4Q/видео.html .
I live in st. Louis Missouri, 10 or 15 minutes away from Ferguson and it has gotten out of hand. The protesters are armed and four to five police officers have already been shot. A lot of people have dieded in holding cells here. All I can do is pray that God helps us, we have a pandemic on top of a crisis. God bless you and your family.
@@kt11540 they've had everything handed to them their whole lives & never been punched in the face. Every piece of adversity they've faced has been answered with "do you know who I am ? Or I know this or that person or I'll play the victim and sue you etc etc. If they were humbled once and for all they wouldn't be as they are
But I thought they knew the owner that lived there? The devil will lie and continue to lie!
Just imagine how many black man in jail because they did not have video footage .
Thousands, if not tens of thousands I would guess.
Brother that question makes me shake in frustration.
That's the whole point. It's good to see that other people are starting to get it.
I was one ... stayed in jail 3day until court for looking suspicious.. judge threw out charges!
Spoon Loc 😢
There’s a difference between being truly sorry and repentant and just sorry you got caught.
These examples are not assumptions of safety risk. They are examples weaponized racism.
@ Aishah- AGREE 💯
why should he explain anything to anyone, , he has every right to be where he is.
No, it's a set. Up video and no information.
Because it’s the human thing to do. BLM brings violence everywhere they go, so it’s normal those folks wanted to know what’s going on in their neighborhood. Community is important.
more staged crap. all msm does is divide.
Crystal Giddens white privilege is strong here.. Karen
The term "micro-agressions" diminishes the viciousness of where these incidents can end up.
I agree. It’s the problem. We keep minimizing their behavior like in a bad and abusive relationship. It’s like oh he only punished me in the nose once so we’ll just work through this.
We getting tired. Protesting is a warning ⚠️
Absolutely.. this is what the media does
Micro-aggresions? I see no difference between these things and intentional "Swatting" from days not that long ago...
Everyday racism - we all hope it's not everyday for these people, but the psychosis that racism develops into is clearly present in these abuses, and psychosis is a daily struggle!
😔yes, I just posted my same comment to comment, and - kinda crappy feeling...
But I'll get over it🙂
“You don’t participate in your own dehumanization “ . That is deep
There's nothing DEHUMANIZING about explaining your actions when you're doing something strange such as defacing your own property! That's just what civilized people of all "colors" who have some class DO!
It was painted in chalk, and Karen knew it. It would have washed off with the next rain shower.
@Éric Guimarães Agree
@@mediabiassucks1803 papers citizen?
@@mediabiassucks1803 and writing a slogan you cherish on your own property is not defacing. that's like saying someone who uses a bumper sticker defaced their car. They chose to put it ther and that's their choice
She should have been charged with making false reports. That is a crime. What was then end result in this?
Nope. They never get charged.
spouse's company fired the man.
These are great stories. The Central Park Karen is still hard to watch, remembering her vengeful words, but also the way she is choking her dog for so long... she seriously has no empathy, like a psychopath.
Cant believe they gave her that dog back...lol
@Rhiannon Star and she got her dog back after the abuse. She deserve no pet.
@@veesharie6106 seriously? Was she reported even? According to ASPCA, to report animal neglect and abuse in NYC, call 311. I hope someone who recognizes her and can provide her identity to authorities does so immediately because she is clearly not a person who can be entrusted with the responsibilities of proving proper animal care! That pup needs help asap!
@@amyjt35 they took it away initially because of what she did in the park but then gave it back for some reason
She's not right in the head, but birdwatcher "Kareem" instigated things by THREATENING HER ("you won't like what happens") and TRYING TO LURE HER DOG AWAY WITH TREATS! All so he could video her going off and exploit her to make himself internet famous!
Him answering that white woman would be no different then a free man in the north asked to show his papers as a free man...
Well said....
Delano Gaston Maybe, if they’d bothered to meet their own neighbor of 20 years, they’d know he lived there, huh? Instead, they chose to lie & say he wasn’t the resident, based solely on what was likely or racist or classist assumption. They do have the right to speak like bigoted fools. We have the right to use words to call out their reckless arrogance & hold them accountable for those words. No one has the right to make a false report.
@@Arctic_Adjuster it's called home owner's insurance I'm cool with you staying in your lane minding your own business. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
@@Arctic_Adjuster someone dying is more important than someone doing nothing wrong......and by the way your privilage is showing thru these comments..
Moral of the story:
Mind your business
Mind your business is right. I feel no need to walk up to and police another citizen on the street. Not my concern.
YES !!!!
Unless you feel micro aggressed, of course.....
K Ray Why was it their business? He wrote it on his own home. His home for 20 yrs. They pretended it was their business by saying they know who lives there. Obviously not. I’ve never gone up to a kid who has chalked up a sidewalk. Ever. But a man with chalk saying things that not pertain to their best interests has them all perturbed.
White people always trying to get in the mix... Mind ya business
Napolean was once asked '' How do you conquer a people " his answer " Keep them hungry and ignorant " .
Turns out they don't even need to be kept hungry.
Non sequitur. The answer does not address the question.
Wow! Thank you for that information! I never heard that quote.
I'm not sure that makes sense. Napoleon could only keep his own people hungry and ignorant. He didn't need to conquer his own people.
Comment of the day, too bad only few can relate.
Micro aggression? It’s racism. You may need to tell the police your name but not people passing by and wanting to know where you live. No.
ruclips.net/video/DgsnyHILdb8/видео.html This ISN'T about race anymore....BLM CAUSED THIS!!!
So the new normal is now if we see someone graffiting a neighbor's house that we do not recognise we ignore this for everyone or just POC?
@@baron6271 No. Racists caused this. Point blank period. And they're being called out. And they're suffering the consequences of their racist actions. It's 2020 and the world is finally FINALLY seeing racism CLEARLY as the sickness that it is.
You don't have to tell the police your name or any other information, unless you are lawfully arrested.
@Arthur Anderson
I really do not know.. IMHO, America has gone insane. I am really just trying to understand.
If I see someone graffiting a neighbor's house, what should I do now?
Before all this I assumed I should do exactly what I saw the people in the video do as a good neighbor.
If there was a fine issued every time one of those unsubstantiated calls was made, their numbers would decrease dramatically!
especially if the people filing the false report, now had a record and spent a day or two in jail.
people would not be less racist or ignorant, but may file less false reports if there were some repercussions personally for the people filing them.
Thank you for stating things so nicely !
@@Inquiringmindswtk yes it was directed at your comments. You are welcome.
That's what they hate ...when you DON'T ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS
I would've told her to mind her own business. Cheek.
Animal cruelty, dragging that poor dog! Crazy!
And choking
Crazy how y'all have more compassion for the animals and don't have no issues with the human being setup for the hitman.
If they feel bad about being thought racist, perhaps it’s because they are.
@A R cool story
@A R cool story
Exactly. If if walks like a ducKKK....
Too many crazy Karen’s!
Those names should be change to witches and wizad
Yes she was definitely a Karen. Probably go's around telling people what to do no matter what color they are.
And Bobs
Kitty Ellen
And don’t forget about the Becky’s!🤣
@Karen Byrd People with the name Karen are Karen's. It is just a fact.
To people of privilege, equality feels like persecution...
@DivineHeresy Awwww, you're so delusional. Bless your heart.
Well said Tom Shimko👏👏
@DivineHeresy Lol.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Funny how racists like to call other people racist when they speak the truth. I see you.👀.
Please stop call these europeans peoples with privilege, that emboldened their actions and no apology is not accepted.
Equality is painting WHITE LIVES MATTER on their house---see how the press handles that.
We don’t answer because we don’t owe them a darn thing. PERIOD
yes no one owes no one anything!!!! remember that
learningtolivewithmyself if you’re making reference to reparations we are owed that and so much more. Yah’s judgement is on this country due to non payment of wages for a people’s labor and the shedding of our innocent blood. It’s all about the blacks, the tribe of Judah/Israel. Don’t ask for forgiveness without repentance, and repentance requires making it right. So yes, something is owed for the years of labor due to a people being too uneducated and too lazy to build the country they stole by themselves. Not to mention too genetically deficient to be able to stand one of the most natural things Yah created- the sun. Scripture says he will punish them for the cruelty to His people, and that they went too far in their treatment of us- Israel/Judah. Don’t worry our slavery was prophesied in Deuteronomy 28. Beware, because your punishment is also prophesied for the sins of your forefathers, Edom/Esau. Scripture says that the nations that held us captive will be judged. Babylon is falling and the rule of the Gentiles is coming to an end. Thus you have it. Don’t worry, we will rule again and we will not do to you what they did and are doing to us. If that were the case we would have destroyed them a long, long, time ago. Know who Yah’s chosen are. Know who the chosen’s enemies are and you will know Esau/Edom. Pay attention and watch prophesy unfold.
@@learningtolivewithhumans1859 Yes, Yah is right! You colonizers owe first nation people and African slaves for the work they did and wasn't paid. It is the rich corps who owe, but you will pay with your tax dollars, because you continually vote against your own interests! Remember that!
@@learningtolivewithhumans1859 I think you need to revisit your grade school lessons on double negatives...
of course you do ! you were allowed out of slavery by them ! have some respect !
"We live here and we don't know our neighbors, but we are defending them against you." Sigh.
@A R
I'd have more to say to you, but I'm so tired of talking to
people who shift the topic or subject, move goalposts especially to avoid owning and acknowledging their own evil. And then you wonder why you're hated.
Oh, did I forget to say how much I despise lazy thinkers?
@A R No, being hit by your tsunami of stupid hurts. You think racism doesn't exist, or only filmed racism is false. How many videos have you made this claim on? All in an effort to undermine the plight of colored people?
Also, Rayshaud Brooks, those cops got charged, and it's kinda hard to claim your life was threatened by a non-lethal weapon, especially when they didn't have to chase him, they had his license and car. Further, after he fired, he was back to being unarmed, and they shot him.
Good luck with your race baiting BS though. Truth hurts doesn't it, racist.
A R how exactly is the Smollette case relevant to this story?
@@MrAntiOrdinary there's a black man involved. (Thank you for calling A R on that.)
Lost job, sad but the lesson has to be learned the hard way now (loss of $$$$$). Better they lose their money line than we lose our lives. gtfohwtbs!
Dillon Clarke, you are right. Well said.
@A R Please explain the last time you saw a black person racial profiling a white person for just going about their everyday business. Please illuminate us on how you have been subject to countless black people questioning your right simply to exist, to jog down the road without being murdered, to sit in a park without being threatened with Death by cop? Oh of course, never! Secondly BLM has no agenda whatsoever to destroy the nuclear family, where do you get such drivel from? Yes you should lose your job for saying racist things because it can lead to someone getting killed! You whine on about 'limiting freedoms' yet you are wholly incapable of seeing ahow these acts of micro-racism limit the freedom of people of colour going about their daily lives. You are completely blind to the issue and are only concerned about having YOUR freedoms to prejudge others limited. What you are trying to do is simply iimpose your political agenda on a real issue that affects that lives of people of color. Wipe it out and make like it's something else. You must resist it because if you were to recognise it it might force you to confront your worldview and see the thick layers of racism that underlie your denial people of color to live a normal unharrassed life. In essence you are part of the problem and not the solution. But your day is done, there is no going back. We do not have to put up with this anymore and we will not.
@A R do you support white america?
Well And Justly Said Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!
These people being concerned about whether or not someone's property was being defaced were not racists.
The commentator said these were examples of "micro aggressions" -- calling the police on an innocent person is not a "micro" agression.
"Weaponizing" anything isn't a "micro aggression". You're right.
@@Rioda1973 *you're absolutely right* ... then they wonder why they need to be reminded > black lives matter
@Ken's Fulltime Vanlife Chris Cooper is not innocent. He told her "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it." It's a cleverly worded, passive aggressive threat, just this side of the law.
She knew it and so does Chris Cooper.
calling the police on an innocent BLACK male is an act of attempted murder.
@IAmTheLiquor Lahey It's called black victimhood.
"You don't participate in your own dehumanization." Yaaaaaaaaas! Preach, brother!
*They ABSOLUTELY need to start charging these heathens with a CRIME when they instigate like that*
You're absolutely right! They need to start charging those heathens. But Race Baiting is so hard to prove.
There are already five million black people in prison or under parole supervision. You want to bump it up to 25'million?
Jon Lenihan,,
This goes to show. U that white ppl think the world is theres but its not this is God Jesus Christ world he made us all so do u know what color Christ really is heck no nobody does so stop the racsim u just might be black under all that white skin for real if only ppl would learn about the pigamen n a person blood body stream. Read upon thin maybe this will stop all the recsimem thats going around Gods World not our world one now if that was your son thats being called a name & your white what would u do The same as being black call the police so stop being stupid & live your own life leave ppl alone its badd enough were going through this Deadly virus & struggling out here need nomore killing nomore killing nomore starving. Cant we all just get alone or leave each other alone tend to your own. Business
Even the dog was trying to tell her she was wrong🤦🏿♂️
NO The dog was being tortured and suffering drives me crazy she did that to that precious dog!!!!
Lol exactly
@Darrell Williams THAT'S RIGHT😃
Christian Cooper is so humble even despite his run-in with a Karen
He has class. She has none!
@Isa You're right - he said 'excuse me'. How dare he! Call the cops quick!
I agree! Seems like a cool guy!
You need to take a Tim Wise class or maybe a Robin Diangelo’s class, she’ll tell you all about white peoples and their entitlement and fragility being she’s white her self... and as she says she knows her people and I’ve been to her classes and have to 💯 per cent agree, that she does 😂
Let's just start calling it what it is. He is humble in spite of a run-in with a racist, narcissistic, willfully ignorant and dangerous person. A "Karen" implies she was just cutting in line at the Starbucks and the barista spelled her name wrong. This is more serious than that. And he made that point as well, much better than I ever could.
So some people act or do things before thinking about consequences?
That’s right
Yep. Or, check yourself before you wreck yourself.
If ONLY everybody had that Way of thinking. But they don’t.
Yes, the couple should have known better than to say anything, even if they thought they were protecting someone's property from graffiti. The Black dude in the park was TOTALLY wrong for instigating something and threatening her, but worse, for posting a very well crafted incomplete video when he actually had the full video, which he concealed.
I love how the cops knew him and did not even budge to get out of there patrol car to deal with the racist stupidity.
Exactly. That's why I say the police and the neighborhoods need to set up more community outreach programs so that both parties get to know each other. This would improve relations between police and civilians, cops get to know the people and their kids, put names to faces. Half the reason we have all this madness is because neither party know each other, which to lead fear and frustration and anger when things go sideways.
@@KenpoKid77 That is a GREAT point!!! You hit nail on the head...
And if the police don't know him then what you people can't help it it is in your DNA to HATE
@@dawnlinares9682 I truly believe hate is learned belief system. People choose to hate just like people can choose to love. Hate and love are options we can make on our own. Yes, people can learn hate from others but ultimately in life we have options what we want to do and what we choose to believe in. Just a thought.
@@marahirving1171 I agree! Finally, someone has a possible solution/plan, instead of of just spewing anger. I don't like this current culture, either but we need to figure something out...
Besides the blatant racism, Why wasn't this woman arrested for animal abuse for choking this poor dog ??????
I believe they did charge her, not 💯 but I think I heard it thru the grapevine.
@Cheryl Youmans She didn't abuse her dog. She restrained her dog, to prevent Chris Cooper from luring it, with an unknown "treat" after, he threatened her. If she was mistreating her dog, she wouldn't have gotten it back on June 5th., 2020
Sad a man could have been killed by a white woman weaponising his skin colour and your major concern is the dog! That's the point of BLM: black lives matter TOO.
@@veejay6361 A black man in a quiet part of Central Park intimidates a white woman, who is breaking his version of the rules
A white woman in a quiet suburban neighborhood sees a black man painting graffiti on a house, intervenes.
The two black men are heros/ victims and the two "white" women are tormenters, pursuers.
You are a racist.
@@jonlenihan4798 how is she a racist
Just further proof why this fight is so important and things will not change unless we pushing! Can’t stop won’t stop 🙌💯
Amen to that! 🙌🏽💯
Try pulling a little.
Well Said And I Approve Your Message!!!!!!!!!
@@ocrunhiggs Yes, we won't stop even after we get Trump reelected. Keep pushing. well said.
@Leonie Romanes Deep State Obama is in his bunker trying to divide the Country. He is the True Bunker Boy soon to be flushed out and flushed.
The dog was choking while she was so focussed on being a racist
@@Mulinaster wrong incident, keep watching, talking about the birdwatcher incident. 🤦♂️ The fact that there are so many racist incidents on video that you can't keep up demonstrate the depth of the problem.
@@Mulinaster- Tell us the reason why the woman was threatening to call the police on the man while physically abusing her own dog??
Shay Ogun- I believe for some it’s all about being in control and exercising their authority. I’ve witnessed a lot of ppl like her with those same personality traits. No doubt they’re damaged and have deep underlying issues. But it’s impossible to reason or have any dealings with those types of ppl because they’re masterminds at orchestrating and manipulating ppl into doing their biddings. I personally don’t do insanity but to each it’s own.
Mulinaster- I don’t have to mention anything about “race” psychopath!
@@Mulinaster she can easy walk away and things will be okay. Would she have called a police if it was a young white man?
Why not cut to the chase, and ask to see their free papers. Or ask the person how they made it this far with all the racial roadblocks we put up for you. We may need to tighten up our security.
but leave your hand on your heart when you ask that..
Zakiyyah Shabazz ☑️You know that your statement is on point. I am actually rolling of the floor with laughter. I am giving you a quadruple huge high Five✋🏾
Funny but not funny.
O God I am crying 😂😂😂😂best comments yet
You win the Internet today. Absolutely best comment👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Fast forward and every city is increasing funding for police and demanding more police officers in their communities. What a difference two years makes!
She so mad she doesn't even realize she's strangling her dog 🤦 poor pup.
I noticed that too
This constant focus on her dog seems to be more important than what could have happened this man. The dog was not the issue. She may have caused him a few minutes of discomfort but she could have cost the bird walker his life. Where is that outrage? Im going to guess that eighty percent if not more of the comments I read said “poor dog.” From an avid dog lover.
Poor dog!
@@tatianalee749 Im sorry not sorry im African American and I was worried about the man and the dog so i dont wanna hear that
Has her name been published? Has the local Animal Control/Humane Society been contacted?
Who cares if racist are "uncomfortable" ? If that's all they feel, their racism and hatred is in the core.
Have you seen addicts uncomfortable about straightening up for brief amounts of time, or when they "Have To Be Responsible"?
The psychosis that develops from Racism starts as finding a "comfort-zone" and acceptance, moves on to being euphoria from "sin" or "being: bad", to develop into addiction, but eventually turns full blown dementia and psychosis! Again, "the mind is a terrible thing to waste"!!!!
@@LovelovelyJesus You mean, like this? On 2/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted on six counts of disorderly conduct for "lying to the police."
On 4/11/2020 Jussie Smollett was indicted again, on six counts pertaining to making "four false police reports."
On 4/12/2019 The City Of Chicago, filed a lawsuit against Smollett for the cost of overtime authorities expended investigating the alleged attack, totaling $130,105.15
As of 6/15/2020 Jussie Smollett is being charged with "staging a racist, homophobic attack against himself."
@@gordiesings funny how the black man got all that really fast, yet where are alllllll of the white false callers?
@@libra793 Maybe he got there "really fast" because it's so obvious,
he's guilty of commiting and conspiring to commit, multiple felonies?
@@LovelovelyJesus You did not see the full video. He had threatened her and the dog just prior and the video has been clipped to exclude why she was so frightened. It is available on other feeds. There was good reason to call.
All they have to do is "MIND YOUR BUSINESS..."
Thank you!!!!! White ppl are so nosy, its ridiculous. I swear me and my ppl talk about this all the time.
Cops must feel overwhelmed with Karen Calls.
The “hunters” are now becoming the “hunted.”
NO. The hunters continue to hunt.
Neither sides are hunters (egalitarian) or warriors (vikings, knights, etc). Most of us are raised in agricultural societies with agricultural values, we are farmers in suits or trucker hats that have organized our life around feudal lands, despite we are several hundred years after the industrial revolution and have the necessary means to have the infrastructure corresponding to our level of technology. We are using outdated rigs proven to be worst in many ways compared to egalitarian society, also known as hunter-gatherer society.
@@h.l.malazan5782 Swing and a miss
You're a bot stirring up division.
Rotten Rubbish. Disgusting. Stay safe. Black Lives Matter.♥♥♥
Thank You Sr. Jeff Roberts We Will!!!!!!!! Be Safe And Stay Well GOD Bless You!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just sad... People don't learn.... just mind your own....
@Isa He was minding his own business. He didn't threaten to call the police on her even though she was the one breaking the rules he depended on to pursue his hobby peacefully.
Don't be so fragile about your lack of power and authority over other people. Live and accept that other people don't need you to "let them live" mind your damned business.
YEAH! MIND YOUR OWN, If a little dog is with his owner and they are just playing in a park, not hurting you,. not within 50 feet of you... MIND YOUR OWN! right?
Amen people!
You literally can see the evil in her eyes
Racism is indeed evil.
A applaud these Americans who are absolutely NOT giving away their rights and powers.
Which right was he defending exactly? And powers? HA like the ability to turn invisible when nobody is watching? Thank God somebody is defending our powers lmfarofl
@@stephenhargrave7922 He's defending his right to exist without people questioning him and the power to live his own life. You can't possibly be so dumb as to actually not understand so I must assume that you are just being a troll.
You can't possibly be that stupid. The right to slightly modify YOUR own property. YOUR First Amendment rights. YOUR right not to be harassed. YOUR right to exist. Those two are lucky he wasn't a Trump extremist in a Stand Your Ground state.
@@ezakustam If you are replying to me, I'm not sure what you're saying.
@Terrance Baptiste No. Not dense as a rock. Your words are meaningless as a response to what I said. You sound like you agree with me but you say it in a tone that suggests you are angry about it. In case it's not clear because one of us is dense as a rock, I was applauding the actions of the guy painting on his own property in not cowtowing to the questions of his xenophobic neighbors. Your insulting and name-calling does not add to whatever argument you are trying to make.
She moved towards him shaking her finger she’s clearly not afraid of him but yet she claims she was clearly racism
Kind of like all the black people claiming they're afraid of the police yet fight them every chance they get.
tedgey Please submit your evidence that Black people fight the police every chance they get that would be all Black people right and that would be every single incidence of contact with the law-enforcement correct. In addition the fact that she was approaching him screaming at him shaking her finger in his face and yet claiming she was afraid of him what does that have to do with what you claim it is so abrupt drawn conclusive way
@@garrywaterman7570 I submitted my evidence in your mom
@@tedgey4286 stfu pos
@@tedgey4286 no not at all
The people who say there afraid of the police don't approach the police yelling at them telling them what to do and questioning them and then claim to be scared of them..
OMG she looked so afraid the way she walked up to him so quickly while she choked her dog.
@The Scoop1 She didn't "choke" her dog. She restrained her dog, to keep
Chris Cooper from feeding her dog unknown and uninvited "treats"
AFTER he threatened her. If she was mistreating her dog, she wouldn't have gotten it back.
@@gordiesings He also said "You aren't going to like what I do next, reaches in his pocket" this part was cut off the video.
That woman with the dog is heartless.
The consequences like losing her job and that dog is just a warning from the Universe for her to stop and change her mind before the consequences get more intense bc they can.
@Jennifer Boehm He told her "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it." That's a cleverly worded, thinly veiled, passive aggressive threat, just this side of the law.
She knew it and so does Chris Cooper.
He instigated and engineered this confrontation, by sticking his big nose in her business, in the first place, instead of just leaving her alone.
He has no business telling her what to do, or what not to do.
If he was minding his own business, instead of hers, nothing would have happened, then he wouldn't have anything to complain about.
@@dianamiller2890 I know. All of the videos, of this incident, ave been edited,
in Chris Coopers favor. He told her "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want but you're not going to like it." That's a cleverly worded, passive aggressive threat, barely this side of the law. She knew it and so does Chris Cooper. See for yourself at:
I cant even fathom, expecting random strangers, to answer questions I ask about them. Im no one to them, i get it. Who lives like that?
Terrible these things continue to occur. That woman in Central Park has supposedly received her dog back-no one with that much hate deserves that dog.
On the other hand, the dog's the only decent person on the planet who's speaking to her. And isn't that a summary of her life?
Please say that’s not so. She was dangerously spiteful for no reason to BOTH her dog and a black male, risking Their lives with no belief it would cost her.
I don’t see anything “micro” about these aggressions.
Neither do I.
Nothing micro about potentially losing your life.
Yeah, definitely a misuse of the term.
I'm so glad this is happening and we are talking about this.
Not great situations but great examples where no one got hurt. (and caught on camera)
It's time we recognize what is truly happening in our country.
19 murdered in Chicago last weekend!
#115000DeadAmericansOn45sWatch ⚰⚰⚰
It's always been recognized and acknowledged.. the powers that be were never confronted on such a global scale to rectify the blatant Injustices we are now witnessing on film.
@@CynAnne1 true! Cuomo forced infected people into long term care facilities! Sanctuary cities are broke because of the cost of supporting illegal immigrants! Pelosi wanted people to go to Chinatown at the start of the virus! Thousands going to the democratic protests/riots for the felon Floyd
Move away from the cities. There is a lot less violence because we are not all packed on top of each other.
And we get along just fine.
Please remember to leave your chaotic selfish liberal ideas behind if you decide to relocate.
make a complaint and get proven wrong...PAY 5k fine...would definitely slow this crap down
Right they only get fired. 🤦🏾♂️
White Privilege comes from White Supremacy.
I think she would of been very happy to getting a ticket opposed to losing her job. That good ole white privilege sure didn't help her did it?
@@dottiefarmer5547 Yes. Because, she's still alive.
its being made a law for them to be punished for it
“You don’t participate in your own dehumanization.” - Fkkng genius.
Bottom line keep your options to yourself mind your own business and everything will be good. If a crime is being committed let the police handle it call the police when there's a real crime, once again MIND YOUR BUSINESS.....
Right, de-fund the police, then call them if you need them. They'll be happy to volunteer to help just so people can spit on them.
Go read what Ebony actually said above b4 u comment. She said, "Mind your own business and everything will be good. Once again MIND YOUR BUSINESS."
Try it.
Opinions *
@@sidenote7555 you're *
@@sidenote7555 defund: prevent from continuing to receive funds. Without funds there are no police. Maybe you should look up the word 'defund'
Wow, she was strangling her dog! She was so focused on getting this black man in trouble, or potentially killed, she wasn't even paying attention to the fact that her own dog couldn't breathe! Her dogs front legs couldn't touch the ground, which is why it started struggling so much. It couldn't breathe! Just wow!
''we know the person who lives here'' wtf was that lie lol how are these people grown ups
@All Abored 🤣That's exactly what I was thinking. Lol!
No, she was bluffing him because he refused to state he lived there. Pretty obvious.
@@dottiefarmer5547 When you say something that isn't true, It's a lie. And he didn't have to answer her, it wasn't her business. That's pretty obvious too.
The sooner there’s a penalty for maliciously calling the police, the better.
Yes. Touché!
I am baffled that there isn't. I always thought there was a fine at least. False reports? Something?
it is long overdue
There should be a law which entitles anyone who is falsely accused of doing something unlawful in a public or private place to charge the instigator with harassment.
Poor guy lost his job it's okay McDonald's is always hiring and she could work with him
I just love how she's like " I know who lives here!".
Apparently, you don't, Karen. If you did, you would have never engaged in the first place.
Their seeing if he was gonna lie or not
@@vaszi101 'seeing' without thinking is when they hit the wall.
"You don't participate in your own dehumanization." I'm sitting here listening to this playing on my phone and this quote stopped me cold. He is absolutely correct.
Yeah, those words gave me power with dealing with other difficult Americans who might one day try to interfere in my business or provoke unnecessary situations. Just to mess with me.
I will take this approach.
Civility = degradation, if you're trash.
I thought they said they knew who lives there
“You don’t participate in your own dehumanization!”-Amen, Mr. Cooper. 🤍🙏🏼🙌🏼💯
@@mediabiassucks1803 You sound extremely stupid and uneducated...
@@adesholaadewola6547 Actually, Media Bias Sucks! has it right. It's all on Chris Coopers Facebook page. He had an agenda. Read it. That way, you won't look so foolish.
@@mediabiassucks1803 This Mr. Cooper has provided a perfect example of how to behave and deal with bigoted, self entitled people. Maintain your distance and composure, and stay perfectly calm while your accuser behaves badly.
@@craigwilliams3823 So, you believe that trying to lure someone else's dog with treats and telling them "put that dog on a leash or you won't like what will happen" qualifies as "keeping your distance"? Well alrighty then :D
She's all "I'm asking you nicely therefore I am not a racist!"
When I was young in 50's and 60's this was a daily occurrence. You couldn't have nice car, clothes and heaven forbid a nice house.
It's still a daily occurrence! It's just not all being filmed.
Too many times the questions were met with - STFU
Too many promises getting clipped until clipping obituaries
Too many Rizzo(s) Too many Giuliani(s)
Too, too many times to make hate boil over into the streets, with too many more times than that of peace being met with violence
Too much has already been, too many losses not to change away from the sin, far too long to go - it seems, but while we're here, we have take our chances too
Too much to lose are the today's without change, because they set tomorrow too far away, and never deliver
We've stood and faced too much, but we can see that we play their games better than them, or the rules wouldn't abruptly change again, and that is why we must stand among the together we trust while allowing others to join in.
Again and again and again and again until it's just what everybody knows to do, to where those sent to stop it join in TOO!
It’s 2020 and it’s STILL happening.
Great interview
Side note: I still can’t believe that woman rather choose between strangling her dog and being all hunched over than put the dog on the leash 🤯🤯
Annnnnnnd she got her dog back!!!
@Peach Brain oh, he wanted the dog dead? I didn't hear that from his interviews. I read and heard the outrage from people that wanted her dog taken from and they wanted an investigation to make sure the dog is safe with her. Then after all that her dog was given back.
Chante Andrews great news the rescue organization that she got the dog from took the dog away
@@adriennegarcia6628 for good?
Adrienne Garcia that’s a relief
Lady is killing her dog. She needs to be arrested.
@Margie Booker She isn't "killing" her dog. She restrained her dog, to prevent Chris Cooper from luring it, with an unknown "treat" after, he threatened her. If she was mistreating her dog, she wouldn't have gotten it back on June 5th., 2020
“I’m white you must answer to me ...... this is my country. Oh yeah you won’t answer me .... the police will put you in your place”
This is 100% their mentality
terrijack I hope you meant 100% HER mentality. White people think she was wrong. When you say 'their mentality', it sounds exactly how a racist would speak.
Any WP that says " That's Not my mentally" Is A LIAR! (PERIOD)!
@@pamelamartin8464 now you and phil M know how it feels for black when white people group all black people together. Get use to it, Welcome to our world.
@Ch Candela "entitled?" Like the white lady in this video? Amy "Central Park" Cooper?" Countless others? Ig you're going to ignore that and just come with that bs 'victim' white person rebuttal.
She 'swatted' him. She KNEW what she was doing and she INTENDED to cause him harm. How dare an 'African American man' ask her to correct her behavior. Oh Lordy!
In the 1970s, my friends told me about how they had to behave when they were stopped by police. I find it disgusting that these problems still exist in this day and age. It's just incredible that this is what we are witnessing today. I would have hoped that our society would have evolved beyond this.
You can't have law and order if you smile all the time enforcing the law. Would anyone take 'seriously' a police officer who wore a grin? Today, we definitely have problems in small 'pockets' of unlawful enforcement in our culture. They NEED more training in 'right and wrong' rules in using law enforcement. They also need training in speaking respectfully to all individuals. How are you? Have a nice day. Thank you, sir. Thank you, ma'am. It will go a long way. NO ONE SHOULD BE TREATED AS A 'LOWLIFE.'
You cant "train" someone to consider you as a human when they clearly see that you are but, ignoring that to further their own sick twisted agenda
@@stitchintime5481 The problem isn't just small pockets of law enforcement who commit these acts it's also the "good cop" who knows that these crimes are committed and does nothing
Everyone needs to be wary when the police are called on them. White people are not immune to police stupidity.
You're being deceived. You're more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to be killed by police as a Black man. That is a fact. You're watching a media driven hoax to scare black people into voting blue.
calling the cops on someone is not a “micro” aggression. That’s just an aggression.
I love this brother "you dont participate in your own DEHUMANIZATION"
The fact that you and others believe it have anything to do with dehumanization, is just because you haven't thought of how this situation would have developed if it had been the other way around and a big, serious looking white guy that had told a black girl that "I'm going to do something you don't like" and then started filming as she panic, and just guess how many would've fallen for "I'm a victim and the black girl was racist against me". There would never be any second story where he could blame some random, old black couple for being racists too, if they had made a comment suggesting they didn't understand what a white guy was doing that filming and trying to provoke. So this is simply a matter of media using the high level of racial conflict in the US to put out some farce, so that people can make it into a show to see the lives of 3 people being shredded in a trial by media, so they can make some $ by the good rating this undoubted have made.
It's sad to watch and think what people like Martin Luther King, that had a real cause, would have said about a "brother" like that. Somehow I doubt that he would have led a mob against some random targets just to get a kick of it.
There won't be any black and white children playing together or any true peace or justice as a result of this. It's sad, but I don't think people really care about creating a future where "race" can become a word people don't use about other people anymore.
@@elvenkind6072 im not sure the point your trying to make, but no one has the right or authority outside the police to question someones residence or law abiding activity. I mean where do white people or any people get off thinking they have that supreme entitlement to question total lawful strangers based on the prowless of their discomfort and ignorance and hate.
@@elvenkind6072 let me know how u feel
@Black Sun Obelisk this has nothing to do with the topic
@@josephsmith9663 It's exactly the hypocrisy of claiming that it is white man's abuse of law in this case that offend the black man, that in his turn look at it as an act of justice (that is an lawful act) to condemn 3 random people to the harshest sentence of all, to be condemned by mob rule, where people knowing the complete lack of mercy of a mob, themselves turn into the mob that by cowardice themselves refer to justice to justify the sentencing of these 3 people to be shamed without justice. And it is this that offend me so deeply, that people don't stop and think before they continue to be part of this very mob, and don't question how it would feel to be left to injustice themselves.
Be part of this mob yourself if you feel obliged to shame complete strangers, because you feel it is wrong to shame complete strangers. Personally I'd rather be left outside a humanity that think themselves lawful to be unlawful.
If you yourself feel like a better man to stand up for only the one everyone else stand up for, my claim is that this is simply to be standing up for oneself, and justice have nothing to do with it, neither have black identity or white identity.
For one at least the police knew something and didn't even get out of their car. Now they also have some idea of why some people call them out.
They should have gotten out of their patrol vehicle to arrest those two individuals for abuse of 911
Even the dog suffers with this woman out running around the park.
LOL she's choking that poor dog while trying to be racist smh....someone should call the cops on her for animal cruelty.
The dog was returned to the abuser.
She chokes the dog to falsely report an attack on her, that's called fabrication of evidence... Maybe a subsequent visit from AnimalCruelty could check on the dog's recovery
Daniel Evans : They did, apparently. They took the dog from her. Some people say it was returned to her, but it’s usually only trump trolls who say that, so I don’t know? But, either way, she was probably given a talking to, about animal care? She has a lot of life lessons to get caught up on. She’s way behind ✌️
Zylpha Aziza : Is that true? I imagine she could argue, “truthfully,” that she hadn’t intended to harm the dog, so much as she hoped it might get as hysterical as her and attack the hero of this story? She will have been given a talking to, and probably has to submit to random welfare checks?
The sidewalks are taxpayers money so you have every right to speak up if you did it in your own driveway that's a different story but you're on private property from the city
"Do not participate in your own dehumanization." Instructive.
Knowing whether seeking inclusivity is practical... (is the more complete lesson)
There are other "traps" like what was mentioned, and the extent of participation that you "include" yourself, rests on where the WORDS are leading and what actions are "they" using!
He was not being dehumanized. The woman asked because she didn't know if it was his property and she saw him painting wording on the wall. HE could of acted human by just stating it was his own property and went on doing his business. He could of ignored her after that. He refused to state that because people of other races carry around a huge chip on their shoulders when they move into predominately white neighborhoods and people question them because they haven't met them yet and don't realize they live there.
@@dottiefarmer5547 I see your point, but respectfully disagree.
@@dottiefarmer5547 if he wasn't acting human....then what was he acting like? An animal?🤔. Is that your color showing? She could have just called the police from the gate and never said anything to him. She is no one of authority to ask ANY questions what so ever.
Dottie Farmer
And later said she knew the owner of the house.
Yeah, she's so afraid of him that she's all up in His Face!!!!!
@Stormy Samuel You mean, the same way black people, can claim they're afraid of the police, while arguing with them and fighting with them, at the same time?
@@gordiesings I haven't met any Blacks lately who are afraid of cops per se, just of what most of those SOB's are capable of!!!!!
@@stormysamuel4666 I didn't say, they are afraid. I said "claiming they're afraid."
There's a fundamental difference.
@@gordiesings As an English Major I know what you're trying to do with with the English language. Not working here!!!!!
@@stormysamuel4666 I'm not trying to do anything, with the English language.
You're welcome to misinterpret, what I said, if you choose to.
As for calling the police "SOB's", shame on you. If you need help, don't call them. Call BLM or deal with the problem yourself & see how that works out for you.
Well, certainly wouldn't want that man doing my investing if he doesn't have the critical thinking to see a giant BLM flag in the window and figure the chalk writing on the wall was going hand in hand.
Does he even watch the news if not, you live in SF where progressiveness sprouts like weed... Even dogs know the concept of association but this man failed to see what was smack right in his face...this is scary dumb!.
Well said sir/ma’am. Well mother fing said
he should have invested in some glasses..😑
It’s a time of reckoning . And it’s difficult because racism is a part of their culture.
Its actually apart of human nature, racism exists in all colors and cultures not just one. Racism is WRONG no matter who it is. It's wrong Period! We need to stop addressing people by color, and embrace one another as brother and sister no matter what our skin tones are, we all come from the same tree.
@A Friend doesnt give no other race the right to do it
If me and my brotha are fighting my friends Don't get to jump in this is family business
Meant to say part of the culture like today’s lifestyle.
Christian Cooper is my hero. He explained why POC don’t have to answer entitled white people’s questions so beautifully.
Laura H Well it would be helpful for people to actually communicate, rather than ignore or antagonize. Neither party was right in this encounter. They could have introduced themselves like human beings instead of acting like total jerks. I would have said it was my property and that they’re welcome to come in for some OJ and we can talk more about the latest happenings.
@@whiskeysprings Is a black person supposed to invite every racist in America in for juice now?
@b. The man’s lived there 20 years. They could have made small talk any other time before. They even said they knew who lived there, liars! I guarantee you they have seen him, but looked right past him before without even realizing it. Never giving him a second thought until now.
If the woman were black, would he have answered?
@@pablodavies7555 no, because as an American of any color you do not have to explain yourself or your existence.