Great video as usual. Nice rig. Have you had a chance to put it side by side to the Traxxas Bronco? They call theirs 1/10 scale but it's really larger than that. Just curious how close the YK 1/8 version is.
This is 1/8, its massive. It has a 775 sized motor and is almost 27" long. The Traxxas Bronco is 1/10 as mentioned and has a 550 sized motor and is almost 23" long.
It looks very realistic in this video great cinematic shots 👏
Love big scale rc, the heavy weight make them look more realistic
Hello, A nice drive through the forest 👍
Greetings Seven🖖
신차 주행 영상 잘 봤습니다 ^^
새삥 냄새가 여기까지 나네요 🤩👍🏼👏🏼
시작부터 신나게 달리셨네요!~ 대8이라 주행하는 모습이 더 박진감 넘치는것 같네요!~ 휠 타이어 교체하니 더 멋집니다!~ 멋진 영상 잘 봤습니다!~~~^_^
Great run! The cars look and performance is just terrific! Thanks for sharing.
Great video and the bronco look good.
Looking really good!
Thunb up, big scale Bronco
Great run👍
전차말고 rc는 큰 관심이 없었는데 야지에서 경쾌하게 달리는거 보니까 훨씬 재미있어 보이네요. 도색까질까 궤도벗겨질까 안절부절할 걱정도 덜해보이고요. 가격은 배는 비싸보이네요 ㅎㅎ
Hola Amigo este modelo tiene mas detalles que el Trx4 , es una mejor escala , saludos y gracias feliz d8a a todos
따로 튜닝을 하신건가요 아니면 순정상태인가요??
휠타이어만 바꾸고 순정 그대로입니다
3셀로 굴렸습니다
혹시 yk4082이랑 성능은 같나요??
네 똑같습니다
넵 감사합니다!!
走ってる音が聞けて すごくいいです!
안녕하새요. 구동음이 굉장히 적은듯한데 비결이 있을까요?
안에 스퍼 기어가 플라스틱이라 조용한편입니다
휠 타이어만 바꾸고 나머진 순정 그대롭니다
Keren sekali bang
Great video as usual. Nice rig. Have you had a chance to put it side by side to the Traxxas Bronco? They call theirs 1/10 scale but it's really larger than that. Just curious how close the YK 1/8 version is.
This is 1/8, its massive. It has a 775 sized motor and is almost 27" long. The Traxxas Bronco is 1/10 as mentioned and has a 550 sized motor and is almost 23" long.
The LED lighting already installed on this model is amazing. Should see it at night!
Kira2 harga berapaan ya bang
Yikong ?