I have had My tablet over 7 years, dropped it many times but only today has the screan smashed. However it's so old it's not worth replacing the screan, I can buy a used one of these for a similar price now.
Just changed my screen but it's just black. I changed the LCD flex cable but that didn't work. Do you have any ideas? The screen was working before but now even the original doesn't work. If I accidentally left the device on what would be the issue? Thanks 🙏🙏
AH! I was so happy when it worked you'd thought it was my tablet! Thanks for the video
Is that a special type of adhesive for closing it?
I have had My tablet over 7 years, dropped it many times but only today has the screan smashed. However it's so old it's not worth replacing the screan, I can buy a used one of these for a similar price now.
Just changed my screen but it's just black. I changed the LCD flex cable but that didn't work. Do you have any ideas? The screen was working before but now even the original doesn't work. If I accidentally left the device on what would be the issue? Thanks 🙏🙏
Thank you!
ভাইয়া, ট্যাবলেটের স্ক্রিন রিপেয়ার করাতে কত খরচ হবে?