Klavdia - Asteromata / Greece 🇬🇷 - Eurovision 2025 / REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • OMG she nailed the live performance, magical!
    Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe. Follow me on ⏬
    / tuneblizzard
    #klavdia #Αστερομάτα #eurovision2025 #eurovision #greece

Комментарии • 149

  • @tonygeorgiadis1135
    @tonygeorgiadis1135 7 дней назад +113

    Asteromata speaks to the depth of Greek history, the suffering, the strong bonds and the rich emotional world Greeks carry due to their history - in this case with a focus on genocides, immigration and the loss of the loved ones. There can be a literal meaning to it too, about the physical loss of a child. And Klavdia does an excellent job conveying all that through her singing. I cry every time I listen to Asteromata. As a Greek myself, sending this song to Eurovision this year makes me proud. Good luck Klavdia!

  • @Ελένη00
    @Ελένη00 3 дня назад +24

    Είσαι φοβερός!!!
    Ενα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ, απο Ελλάδα!!!❤❤❤❤🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷

  • @ap24085
    @ap24085 5 дней назад +32

    It's not just you, I think we have all been obsessed with this song since we heard it. I listen to it multiple times every day, can't get enough of it!

  • @roza6691
    @roza6691 6 дней назад +37

    Η πιο καλή αντίδραση ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mariakoletta6634
    @mariakoletta6634 8 дней назад +109

    I think the song is a dialogue between a mother and her missing child. The cloth is a umbilical cord where the child is missing and the same time is a spiral, the symbol of eternity. It is either red (bloodish) or blue (goddish).

    • @stelios5314
      @stelios5314 8 дней назад +26

      The “mother” mentioned in the lyrics is her motherland. It’s a song for a refugee that sings to her motherland. And the topic of the song is inspired by the Pontic Greek genocide. Klavdia herself actually has Pontic Greek ancestry…

    • @AfterDarknessiFeel
      @AfterDarknessiFeel 8 дней назад +21

      This song is metaphorical. It talks about the motherland and the people that are refugees and is related to the genocide of the Pontians and Minor Asian Greeks during the destruction of Minor Asia in 1922 when people had to leave their homes to escape Ottoman Turks. Klavdia has a Pontic heritage. She is Pontian Greek. But due to the political rule she has to make it that ambiguous. But it can be taken also like you said in a literal manner as a miroloi( funeral lament) for a little kid

    • @nancypapathomopoulou2488
      @nancypapathomopoulou2488 7 дней назад +7

      Probably is her roots the dancers... because the cloth is connected to her dress

    • @ntimance8884
      @ntimance8884 6 дней назад +5

      Άντε πάλι με τον διάλογο! Και της Τερζή διάλογο λέγανε ανάμεσα στην Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο
      Ελπίζω να μη καταστρέψουν αυτή εδώ την φωνάρα, αυτή την τραγουδαρα και να κάνουν μια πατάτα στη σκηνή
      Ας μη το δώσουν σε έναν ανίκανο αυτη τη φορά

    • @mariagiannaki1135
      @mariagiannaki1135 2 дня назад +1

      Eidika ekeino me tin ble palami san ble moutza itan.
      Opws einai na paei ston teliko,
      teleio einai.

  • @mmaakkiinn
    @mmaakkiinn 8 дней назад +77

    My star, my star
    My sweet mom, don't you cry
    even if they put black clothes on you
    My faded body is not
    defeated by the flames
    The swallows of fire
    even if they cross the seas
    they never forget
    the soil of their roots..My little Starry Eyed Girl
    turn so I can kiss you
    so I can extinguish my lips
    in your holy tears
    My little Starry Eyed Girl
    turn to me so I can catch you
    and rest my
    forgotten wings.Ah, my star, my treasure
    My sweet mom, don't you cry
    My life is a boat
    that looks for a way back
    and the wind is my sail..My little Starry Eyed Girl
    turn to me so I can catch you
    and rest my
    forgotten wings..Ah, my star, my treasure
    Ah, my star, my treasure
    My star.

  • @elenakalasounta5005
    @elenakalasounta5005 7 дней назад +48

    Είναι ιστορία μας καλή επιτυχία κορίτσι μου μαζί σου ❤❤❤❤με μια καλή θέση αυτή η φωνή και η στίχοι ανατριχιλα❤❤❤

  • @xristinahioni8772
    @xristinahioni8772 8 дней назад +107

    It’s about the Greeks left their homes to save their children .Genocides!!! Too many for my nation 😢Like Smyrni ,pontos ,kappadokia ,Cyprus
    Thanks klaudia for sing about them ❤

    • @Marios_Gr
      @Marios_Gr 7 дней назад +5

      Αυτά να βγαίνετε να λέτε και να δείτε για πότε η ΕBU θα θέσει ζήτημα πολιτικού στίχου στην ελληνική συμμετοχή.

    • @emmanouilachladiotis5272
      @emmanouilachladiotis5272 6 дней назад

      ​Η EBU κάνει κιολας πολιτικοί απο καιρό 😂😂 που ηταν η Ρωσία; πολιτική! Γιατι το ησραηλ ηταν; πολιτική! Ξυπνα 😂​

    • @emmanouilachladiotis5272
      @emmanouilachladiotis5272 6 дней назад

      ​​Είναι κιόλας πολιτική. Ξυπνα! Ακόμα και το κολο youtube είναι πολιτική και δεν το έβαλε αυτό που έγραψα πριν.😂​@@Marios_Gr

    • @emmanouilachladiotis5272
      @emmanouilachladiotis5272 6 дней назад

      Μαλακές youtube γιατι σβήνετε τα σχόλια; δημοκρατία ταχα!😂

    • @Sonia-n7x5s
      @Sonia-n7x5s 4 дня назад +1

      ​​@@Marios_Gr Να αγιάσει το χέρι σου που το έγραψες τοσο ξεκάθαρα. Ας δώσει επιτελούς η ΕΡΤ ή οι δημιουργοί του τραγουδιού επίσημα στο κοινό μια σωστή μετάφραση ανταξια των στιχων και μια ανάλυση για την ιστορία που διηγείται η Κλαυδια. Οι ξένοι το έχουν απορία και αναζητούν να μάθουν. Τις τελευταίες βδομάδες έχουμε διαβάσει τα χίλια μύρια περί Ποντου, περί Σμύρνης, περί γενοκτονίας, περί προσφυγιας, περί μετανάστευση μέχρι και περί Τεμπών. Και γιατί να μην είναι για τους απανταχού Έλληνες που από την αρχαιότητα έφτιαχναν αποικίες όπως την Μεγάλη Ελλαδα και αναζητώντας ενα καλύτερο μέλλον στα ξενα μέρη? Παρακολουθώ την Eurovision 35 χρόνια. Φέτος στέλνουμε κυριολεκτικά ένα αριστούργημα, απ'όλες τις απόψεις. Αξίζει την πρωτιά !!!
      Καλή επιτυχία Αστερο🌟μάτα
      Καλή επιτυχία Ελλάδα 🇬🇷

  • @vassilisvouris6269
    @vassilisvouris6269 7 дней назад +55

    The symbol is the spiral of time, the labyrinth of fate, the umbilical chord tethering us to motherland.

    • @Nefely1
      @Nefely1 5 дней назад +2

      Και προσπαθούσα να καταλάβω τι συμβολίζει το σαλιγκάρι/κοχυλι! Σίγουρα δεν το επικοινώνησαν το νόημα..

    • @Provocrator
      @Provocrator 2 часа назад

      @@Nefely1 παει και αλλο κατω...πιο βαθιά....... η αντιληψη περι της ζωης και της ιστοριας των ανθρωπων, ειναι ειτε Γραμμικη....με αρχη, διαδρομη και τελος.... Αυτη ειναι η "δυτικη" αντιληψη οπου η φυσική τάση κάθε έμβιου όντος προς την φθορά (εντροπία), ειναι δεδομενη......
      ειτε η Κυκλικη.....οπου καθε τελος ειναι η αρχη ενος νεου, καινουργιου κυκλου..... αυτη ειναι η "ανατολικη" οπτικη οπου η εντροπία ΔΕΝ ειναι απόλυτη και η μετενσάρκωση ειναι υπαρκτη......
      υπαρχει ομως και μια τριτη....εκεινη της κλασικής Ελλάδος..... η Σπείρα.... οπου η εντροπία δεν υφίσταται καθόλου και η εξελιξη εχει αρχή μα όχι τέλος και ποτέ ενας κύκλος δεν διασταυρώνεται με τον προηγούμενο ή τον επόμενο.....ποτέ ένας κύκλος δεν επαναλαμβάνεται απαράλλακτος με κάποιον άλλο... οι αποφασεις των ανθρωπων μπορουν να "κλεισουν" ή να "ανοιξουν" την εξελιξη....να διαμορφώσουν τα πλαίσια των επόμενων κύκλων......
      Είναι το ατέρμονο ταξίδι του γυρισμού του Οδυσσέα..... ειναι η επιστροφή των κορών του Δαναού απο την Αίγυπτο, πίσω στην πατρογονική εστία του Άργους.....είναι η θέληση των Μακεδόνων του Αλεξάνδρου να ξαναδούν την Πατρίδα..... Είναι η απελπισμένη πορεία των μυρίων του Ξενοφώντα προς τις ακτές του Οίνωπα Πόντου....Είναι η Ιωνική Επανάσταση και τελικά είναι η μικρασιατική καταστροφή και η ποντιακή γενοκτονία......
      Είναι ο νόστος.....

  • @stavroulanikolaidis7572
    @stavroulanikolaidis7572 6 дней назад +22

    It is a poem
    In the first verse the girl (asteromata) talks to the mother
    In the second verse starting with Asteromata, mother talks to her…
    Aside from the music it has poetic meaning through a mother- daughter dialogue, praizing endurance and acknowledging that their soul belongs with their roots….
    Although it appears as a mourning song ir actually leaves a feeling of admiral, pride and peace…. In a very poetic way, very characteristic of the Greek culture…

  • @Theodoros.K.Mouchtaris
    @Theodoros.K.Mouchtaris День назад +1

    Most of the Greeks who liked the song do not really care how is she going to do in Eurovision! They are just proud for the Song and for this young lady singing it. No matter what! Just like that!

  • @Vasoula_Per
    @Vasoula_Per 2 дня назад +7

    This is not a simple melody or music is a therapeutic thing... Love from Greece 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @best-o-mania1234
    @best-o-mania1234 7 дней назад +13

    I can understand the reaction.
    This is an incredible song from Klavdia with the Magic Voice that brings out emotions!
    A masterpiece that the music and the lyrics listening to it give you goosebumps!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @MissPenny66
    @MissPenny66 8 дней назад +36

    The best reaction ever ❤

  • @JimmyTheGreek2000
    @JimmyTheGreek2000 2 дня назад +4

    A song we can all be proud off !

  • @georgekatopodis5519
    @georgekatopodis5519 8 дней назад +15

    Winner Eurovision 🏆 2025.

  • @evikargi2882
    @evikargi2882 6 дней назад +6

    6:20 iam proud because we decided to send this masterpiece to Eurovision.....A song which have Greece roots

  • @marartful
    @marartful 8 дней назад +13

    Amazing song and interpretation of the singer!!!She nailed it!All the best!

  • @faih4120
    @faih4120 11 часов назад

    The Symbol with the dancers round, may be an umbilical cord with generations through history who gone in war and who survive and continue

  • @81konstantina
    @81konstantina 7 дней назад +14


  • @strakastrukas
    @strakastrukas 8 дней назад +29

    The live performance will be altered I mean it's not the actual setup. It was just for the Greek show and it had several rules. The same dancers danced for twelve songs so in the end they would be exhausted. New choreography is on the way...

  • @ekonakon
    @ekonakon 8 дней назад +29

    Spiral: Ancient Greek Symbol of Life
    The Spiral, which combines the shape of a circle and its Dynamic movement, symbolizes Time. As part of a smooth endless line, it also symbolizes growth, continuity, the rhythm of breathing and life itself. When used as a personal amulet, the Spiral helps our consciousness to accept the twists, changes and evolution of life.
    Spirals or vortices are associated with the spinning and weaving of the web of life and the veil of the Mother Goddess who controls destiny and weaves the veil of delusion.
    The Spiral also has the same symbolism as the Labyrinth and its dance or walk.
    In the metaphysical realm, it symbolizes the regions of existence, the various ways of an existence, the wanderings of a soul in manifestation as well as the final return to the Center.
    The spiral is connected to the navel as a center of power and life.

    • @godofgrudge4532
      @godofgrudge4532 8 дней назад +3

      It is not Celtic the explanation. The spiral in the video it’s the cord connecting the mother with the child but as the song states, the mother has lost the child , spiral it’s also eternity, like the eternal love the mother has

  • @popifrankfurt6904
    @popifrankfurt6904 6 дней назад +5

    Καλή επιτυχία φοβερή αξίζει στον τελικό καθηλωτική 👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️Ελλαδα 👏👏👏👏

  • @elenakalasounta5005
    @elenakalasounta5005 7 дней назад +13

    Το σύμβολο λέγεται σπειρα συμβολίζει το το κύκλο της ζωής και του χρόνου αρχαίο ελληνικό σύμβολο


    In just a few words, this song serves as the very distillation of Greek history, encapsulating centuries of collective struggle and longing in a single piece of music. It speaks directly to the pain of a mother forced to part from her child, the uprooting of people from their ancestral land, and the sense of exile that shapes both personal and national identity. On one level, it is a lament-a kind of mourning chant-where a deceased child yearns to communicate with the mother, in an effort to soothe her inconsolable grief.
    Symbolism runs deep here. The severed umbilical cord evokes the profound bond between mother and child, which, although physically broken, remains spiritually intact. The notion of uprooting (or forced displacement) echoes the many chapters of Greek history-from ancient diasporas to more recent migrations-illustrating how individuals and communities carry their homeland within them, even when scattered far and wide. The lyrics also hint at hope and the unbreakable ties to one’s roots, suggesting that no matter how far people travel, they never truly forget the soil they sprang from.
    Moreover, the imagery of the child reaching out from beyond death underscores love’s power to transcend even the most final of boundaries. This moment of communication can be seen as a universal human plea: to comfort, to remember, and to keep alive the essential threads of connection across generations. The references to fire and the sea offer additional layers of symbolism-fire can signify both destruction and purification, while the sea speaks to the journeys that have shaped Greek identity, from mythic Odyssean wanderings to modern-day migrations.
    Ultimately, this piece resonates as a powerful reflection on exile, grief, and the longing for home-whether that home is a physical place, a spiritual ideal, or the embrace of a mother. It taps into the collective memory of a people who have weathered immense trials but continue to hold fast to the enduring bonds of family and heritage. Within its poignant verses, one hears both a cry of sorrow and a hymn to resilience-an echo of the countless stories of loss and rebirth that weave through Greek history.

    • @iraklisk.3831
      @iraklisk.3831 5 дней назад

      Μπράβο ωραίο γραπτό, είναι και μια πολύ καλή ευκαιρία να μάθουν περισσότερα για την Ελλάδα οι πιο νέοι απανταχού.

  • @kostasa1976
    @kostasa1976 8 дней назад +14

    Good evening from Greece(asteromata)=The term “asteromata” is a traditional description used in Smyrna to describe women with beautiful, bright eyes. Specifically, the people of Asia Minor used expressions such as “perdikomata”, “asteromata” and “schizamygdalati” to praise a woman’s striking eyes.
    These descriptions were part of a rich vocabulary that reflected the appreciation of the people of Smyrna for beauty and elegance. In addition to eyes, there were other terms such as “vergetostomi” for women with a beautiful mouth and a sweet voice, “sourmadou” for those who took care of themselves, and “celembines” for aristocratic women. good luck Greece

  • @marynabere3092
    @marynabere3092 6 дней назад +3

    The song is written for those who were forced to leave their homeland, the places where they lived due to war, natural disasters and anything else bad that can happen and take you away from the place you grew up and loved. And their soul is always looking for these places..love for 🇬🇷❤

  • @ThanosX
    @ThanosX 8 дней назад +17

    The scenery is definitely going to be changed for the Eurovision Stage. It will be totally different - This is what we are being told

  • @69ikaros
    @69ikaros 8 дней назад +35

    Hello friend. Klavdia is a unique girl of 22 years old. Europe should be ready to meet an angel and an incredible voice. In this particular song she can't dance because it's a song of pain and sadness. On stage you will have to wait for how she will present it. She can put on a super show especially when she sings from English to Russian songs, which if you see and hear her you won't believe it.

  • @stormgr190
    @stormgr190 7 дней назад +5

    This is the Endless circle (spiral)... Means that wars will never stop... It's a history that's been repeated over and over again... Like a loop... people all over the world finds themselves in the same pain in every time of the history... That's why they are naked... They are exposed to a fate they can't define..

  • @ΣαββαςΩραιοπουλος-ξ5φ

    the circle symbolizes the umbilical cord, at the beginning when the fetus is formed the dancers are very close to the clavicle and as the fetus grows the umbilical cord grows...Each refugee in his memory brings his mother and homeland...far away

  • @stormgr190
    @stormgr190 7 дней назад +5

    Truth is than the performance was very simple, but they have their reasons. Firstly, the lyrics are very very strong and meaningful! It speaks directly to our hearts! So they wanted us to listen to the song and to choose it because of its meaning. Also the performance had that little touch of symbolisation that was pretty enough for that phase... In the contest the performance will be deferent..

  • @owbln82
    @owbln82 7 дней назад +5

    Nai nai! She did win! and her show will be better in May!

  • @constantinostaouxis5130
    @constantinostaouxis5130 7 дней назад +4

    Magnificent 💫

  • @ΜελανιαΜανουσαριδου
    @ΜελανιαΜανουσαριδου 5 дней назад +2

    We love you ❤❤ and klavdia also ❤❤😊

  • @AthanasiosTsitsaras
    @AthanasiosTsitsaras 2 дня назад

    I have seen 30 reactions.You are the first i pressed the like button.Go go go !

  • @Uaspacegirl
    @Uaspacegirl 7 дней назад +3

    She's amazing🥰🥰🥰

  • @ΜελανιαΜανουσαριδου
    @ΜελανιαΜανουσαριδου 7 дней назад +2

    We love you 💘 the Klavdia song is amazing 😍🤩

    @ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗΠΟΥΡΣΑΝΙΔΟΥ 8 дней назад +4

    Εξαιρετικό τραγούδι και ερμηνεία από την Κλάβντια ,είναι και ποντίκι όπως και εγώ, καλή επιτυχία στην Ελλάδα ❤

  • @nicpaz8936
    @nicpaz8936 8 дней назад +4

    She said that this is not the final presentation , because she preferred to put all the efforts for the Eurovision final,
    All the choreos for greek final were done by the same person , and probably he is not going to make the choreo for the eurovision. So , we have a lot to expect. 🎉

  • @an-dreekosps9061
    @an-dreekosps9061 6 дней назад +4

    ❤ lovely emotional song isnt it? I think they forgot to get a last aerial view..looks like the dancers lifted her dress to shape a star at the end 😂never happed😂

  • @ΜιλτιάδηςΒασιλείου-π9χ

    The performance will be different in Eurovision stage

  • @justme-fe2sf
    @justme-fe2sf 3 дня назад

    Thank you for your review. I wouldnt pay too much attention to the staging it is bound to change for the final. Although it probably is safe to say that it sets the tone for something minimal and elevated.

  • @tasiaouzounidou9954
    @tasiaouzounidou9954 8 дней назад +4

    ❤❤❤❤❤ Klavdia 😊😊

  • @StamEmman
    @StamEmman 8 дней назад +4

    Cyrcle of Life....Roots!!!

    • @panathasgr
      @panathasgr 7 дней назад +1

      Walk in Pontiac genoctonia

  • @dimitra-it6jx
    @dimitra-it6jx 6 дней назад +1


  • @mikelmike9951
    @mikelmike9951 7 дней назад +2

    Hello big fan❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @MariosStathis1969
    @MariosStathis1969 7 дней назад +10

    Zvezdo moja
    zvezdo moja
    Majko moja slatka, ne plači za mnom
    Crnu makar je nosili na tebi
    zbledelo moje telo
    Plamen ga ne pobjeđuje
    Laste Vatre
    More čak i ako prođu
    tlo korena
    Nikada ne zaboravljaju
    Moja zvezdanooka mala
    nagni se da te poljubim
    U tvojim svetim suzama
    Moje usne da izbrisem
    Moja zvezdanooka mala
    Nasloni se da te uhvatim
    Moja zaboravljena krila
    Pri kraju da odmorim
    O moja zvijezdo, moje blago
    Moja slatka majko, ne plači za mnom
    Moj život je čamac
    Ko traži povratak
    Vetar moja tkanina
    Moja zvezdanooka mala
    nagni se da te poljubim
    U tvojim svetim suzama
    Moje usne da izbrisem
    O moja zvijezdo, moje blago
    O moja zvijezdo, moje blago
    Zvezdo moja
    (Izraz " zvezdanooka " je tradicionalni opis koji se koristio u Smirni (Izmir) za opisivanje žena sa svijetlim i upečatljivim očima.)

  • @Mary-b4h4z
    @Mary-b4h4z 2 дня назад

    Oh, my sweet star!
    Do not weep for me, my sweet mother,
    Though black clothes you're forced to wear,
    My fading body cannot succumb to flames.
    For even if the swallows cross oceans ablaze, the soil their roots they will never forget.
    Oh, my little star-eyed girl,
    Bow down so I can kiss you,
    So I might quench my thirsty lips with your hallowed tears!
    Oh, my little star-eyed girl, bow close so I can touch you,
    So that my long forgotten wings may rest one last time.
    Oh, my star, my precious jewel!
    My sweet mother, don't weep for me,
    My life is like a ship,
    Whose sail is seeking for a homebound wind. Oh, my little star-eyed girl, bow close so I can touch you,
    So that my forgotten wings can rest one last time.
    Oh, my star, my precious jewel!

  • @fx291265
    @fx291265 4 дня назад

    the staging will be far different at the stage of Eurovision..so lets wait for this heavenly song be performed on the final..Loveee it

  • @annatw-dw4rs
    @annatw-dw4rs 8 дней назад +10

    It is about the loss of a child during the genocide of people of Pontus!!

  • @georgiosgavalidis888
    @georgiosgavalidis888 8 дней назад +2

    The Dancers represent the Tree of Life

    • @ninanikoletou1668
      @ninanikoletou1668 8 дней назад +2

      Takes a lot of time to get this meaning...since they were nailed on the ground doing nothing...Thank God her voice was breath taking❤

  • @elizabethnoxon512
    @elizabethnoxon512 7 дней назад +1

    they represent the "roots".......the staging will be different in eurovision. Incredible voice! she is better live than the studio version

  • @libras1974
    @libras1974 7 дней назад +7

    Goosebumps - just this!

  • @peterpanoskalogiannis9030
    @peterpanoskalogiannis9030 8 дней назад +2


  • @alexiagreece8536
    @alexiagreece8536 8 дней назад +5

    Klavdia was perfect but the staging was like they were trying to sabotage her!

  • @georgegeorgiou7282
    @georgegeorgiou7282 7 дней назад +1

    It talks about "Asteromata," a little girl and her mother who were expelled from Pontus by the Ottomans, and, by extension, about all those who have been forced to leave their homeland.

  • @dentropoulos
    @dentropoulos 7 дней назад +1

    The **spiral** is a powerful symbolic shape that can carry multiple meanings, especially in an atmospheric song like *Asteromata*.
    ### **Possible Symbolic Meanings of the Spiral in Klavdia’s Staging:**
    1️⃣ **Time & Memory**
    - The spiral often represents the **cyclic nature of time** and the continuous flow of life.
    - In a song with a nostalgic, dreamy feel, it could symbolize **a memory that keeps returning**, as if someone is trapped in the thoughts of a lost love or a distant dream.
    2️⃣ **The Universe & Connection to the Stars**
    - In cosmology, spirals appear in **galactic structures**, symbolizing the connection between humans and the universe.
    - In *Asteromata*, where there are references to the stars, it might suggest that Klavdia is part of **a greater cosmic story**, as if she belongs to the sky and to a fate written among the stars.
    3️⃣ **The Inner World & Soul’s Journey**
    - The spiral is often used to express **spiritual exploration** or the journey towards self-discovery.
    - The fact that the fabric is an extension of her dress could indicate that she is **tied to this journey**, as if she is shaped by her past, destiny, or her own soul.
    4️⃣ **A Symbol of Endless Motion & Entrapment**
    - The spiral can also represent **being trapped in a thought, an emotion, or a situation**.
    - If the fabric gave the impression of “enveloping” her, it might suggest that the protagonist of the song **feels bound to a cycle of emotions she cannot escape**.
    ### **Conclusion:**
    The choice to have the spiral **as part of her dress** shows that she is **intrinsically connected** to what it symbolizes-whether that be memory, fate, lost love, or the soul’s journey. It’s a **poetic and atmospheric stage design**, perfectly suited to the song’s emotional depth.

  • @justme-fe2sf
    @justme-fe2sf 3 дня назад

    And a little bit of context about what she is singing about : The song is a metaphorical dialogue between the motherland and the refugees, symbolized by a small, fragile girl named 'Asteromata' (a metaphor for hope, with eyes as bright as stars). The 'girl' reassures her beloved mother that, despite being separated from her, she is strong enough to endure the suffering, danger, and pain, and will never forget her. In the chorus, the mother weeps for her lost, precious child.

  • @rulapsatha4866
    @rulapsatha4866 4 дня назад


  • @emmanouilachladiotis5272
    @emmanouilachladiotis5272 6 дней назад

    I saw someone writing this. it made me think that yes this could be symbolic . A thread attachment to your roots..quote: when I saw the scene, it reminded me a lot of the myth of the labyrinth and Ariadne, who to save her lover from the minotaur gave him her thread. here the fabric of the garment is the thread for clavia to find her way back. Quote end. Meaning finding her way back to her roots.

  • @pvratsidas
    @pvratsidas 6 дней назад +1

    The spiral, im guessing is a tribute to the ancient greek golden ratio mathematic equation which was used to build the Parthenon

  • @περιςτινος
    @περιςτινος 6 дней назад

    That song is a dialogue in metaphor between the motherland and the refugees who are presented as a small fragile girl "Asteromata" (the girl with eyes bright as a star again metaphor for hope). That "girl" is telling to her beloved mother that even if she is separated from her, she is strong enough to survive no matter the suffering the danger and the pain and she will not ever forget her. Then in the refrain of the song the mother cries for her lost precious child.

  • @AfterDarknessiFeel
    @AfterDarknessiFeel 8 дней назад +2

    This song is metaphorical. It talks about the motherland and the people that are refugees and is related to the genocide of the Pontians and Minor Asian Greeks during the destruction of Minor Asia in 1922 when people had to leave their homes to escape Ottoman Turks. Klavdia has a Pontic heritage. She is Pontian Greek. But due to the political rule she has to make it that ambiguous. But it can be taken also like you said in a literal manner as a miroloi( funeral lament) for a little kid

    • @maranik3474
      @maranik3474 6 дней назад +1

      To escape Neo Turks of Kemal and not Othomans Turks mate … there is a big difference here !

  • @dimitrapenou1642
    @dimitrapenou1642 День назад

    Τσιβαερι μου ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @user-ms4sz2ux4b
    @user-ms4sz2ux4b 6 дней назад

  • @ntimance8884
    @ntimance8884 6 дней назад +1

    As a Greek i don't understand the staging either!
    I hope it will be different at Eurovision's stage!! 🤷‍♀️🤭

  • @Julia-kf1pn
    @Julia-kf1pn 7 дней назад +5

    There are so e channels in Greece , which fight her, she has haters , who say that she will not be able to be in the final !!!
    Goosebumps for the very first beginning !!!

    • @sav0001
      @sav0001 3 дня назад

      Those people don't know what they are talking about. She is easily making the final and with improved staging and performance an easy top 5-10 placing. It has grown on me more with every listen

  • @Pegasos4
    @Pegasos4 3 дня назад

    *B E S T*

  • @amzef5410
    @amzef5410 День назад

    Blue first=Greece Presentation Starts, Red=Blood from people who died-Blue at the end=Greece is still HERE! GOT THE VISUAL?

  • @tsirozis20
    @tsirozis20 7 дней назад +1

    Well my friend this spiral it's from ancient Hellas , you will see it in the island's mostly at gift shops..
    This representing the elements of earth and symbols the evolution of the Humans...

  • @panos1977
    @panos1977 День назад

    This song is a pain for refugees who are forced to flee their homeland. Just as the Pontians abandoned them in Turkey after the uprooting and the Genocide. It is a hymn of pain

  • @angelo-1971
    @angelo-1971 День назад

    ετσι το αισθανεται ολη η ελλαδα αδερφε . μπραβο ❤❤❤❤❤❤ περηφανεια 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @elelpida
    @elelpida 8 дней назад +1

    It's about a genocide It think it's the pontus genocide. She is great in conveying the emotions :)

  • @pariskap
    @pariskap 6 дней назад

    The mother cries to kiss her beloved lost daughter from the slaughters from the barbaric invasions in our homelands mainly genocides across history, and the daughter soothes her pain. It speaks about generational traumas The woman the womb the blood red skies the umbilical cord the rise finally, generations of mothers and children crying... in short no Greek really dies hahaha!!! Thanks so much for your lovely reaction!!!!

  • @worldbestmusicmelodies7761
    @worldbestmusicmelodies7761 7 дней назад

    Drawing inspiration from the genocide and uprooting of the Pontians, herself of Pontic origin, Klavdia sings about all the people who, in the midst of a global environment of turmoil and war, are forced to leave their homeland and seek a better tomorrow . ""Asteromata" is a beautiful woman who has beautiful eyes like stars".

  • @missfraoulitsa93
    @missfraoulitsa93 День назад

    To be honest, not all songs have to be danced at or have dancers. Concita Wurst won without moving at all. This song is a mourning song and actually the staging is amazing with the Spira sign as it is the visual of the whole song/poem/moiroloi.

  • @Theodoros.K.Mouchtaris
    @Theodoros.K.Mouchtaris День назад

    The dancers create an umbilical cord which connects her with the homeland. This has to do with the meaning of the Lyrics of the song.

  • @charalamposkasmeridis5110
    @charalamposkasmeridis5110 5 дней назад

    The dead son speaks to his crying mother who has sparkling eyes because of her tears, like shining stars... And he says to her "the fire can not win, let me kiss you, l am like a boat and I will return back..." The waves around the singer is like Fibonacci sequence... Waves respecting the universal prototype... Afterall is a song about a dead who is telling to his mother that he will come back.. like Christ who won the death!

  • @primemarine1685
    @primemarine1685 7 дней назад +1

    The song is about the genocide of the people of pontos, by the turks. Klavdia's family is from pontos.


    It's about the tragic story of Greek of Pontos.

  • @sks32hot73
    @sks32hot73 8 дней назад +1

    Ετνικός τελικός

  • @Ddom05._.
    @Ddom05._. 8 дней назад +7

    A beautiful song but we need to DEMAND and PRESSURE Fokas and ERT to put a creative staging and also put alot of money to her outfit and staging! Sorry to say but Fokas has been messing up Greece for staging for a while now! If he do another simple and empty stage then it’s time for him to RETIRE! We dont need another Yianna Terzi staging

    • @anak2464
      @anak2464 3 дня назад

      We need a change from Fokas, new blood. He has done great work but we need a change.
      Absolutely beautiful song and her voice.

  • @theodosiossaranteas8716
    @theodosiossaranteas8716 5 часов назад

    This is not a dance song but a funeral song under modern sounds. It expresses the endless sorrow of all Greeks resided at Pontus -Asia Minor- who had their ancestors there 100 years ago. The Greeks of Pontus were massacred, killed, raped by the Turks' paratroopers and forced to abandon their homeland. More than 350000 were tortured and murdered with the rest leaving behind their homes, their properties and everything. Klavdia expresses this sorrow through this song as her ancestors were there, tortured, other either killed or expelled. Unfortunately, nowadays the Christian orthodox, Alawites and Druzes of Syria are expelled and forced away from their homeland by the ISIS regime and the Turke’s allies. This song hides deeply the unfathomable mourning of all the refugees, victims of radicalized actions, all wounded souls seeking for democracy, peace and freedom.

  • @pf7262
    @pf7262 7 дней назад

    Dedicated to our grandparents who lost their homeland and run away to save their children from genocide

  • @ChLVbS
    @ChLVbS 7 дней назад

    the tail on the dress is the symbol of the spiral. Drawing inspiration from the genocide and uprooting of the Pontians, and being of Pontian origin herself, Klavdia sings for all the people who, amidst a turbulent global environment full of war conflicts, are forced to abandon their homeland and seek a better tomorrow.

  • @JaneDiQuack
    @JaneDiQuack 8 дней назад +2

    As Klavdia mentioned after her winning this song is about all people have been forced to leave their homeland. All the refugees ever. Yes, she has roots from Pontos, and it’s a tribute to her family’s history however as she said it refers to all the refugees ever. Then and nowadays…

  • @AfterDarknessiFeel
    @AfterDarknessiFeel 8 дней назад

    I think the performance will change .

  • @jennyalexandropoulou9616
    @jennyalexandropoulou9616 6 дней назад +1

  • @skydiverkostas
    @skydiverkostas 7 дней назад

    nice reaction again to this epic song. I think nobody really understood what those dancers were doing. Not me at least. The visual performance was poor in my opinion and it must very much improve

  • @stavroslampropoulos8940
    @stavroslampropoulos8940 8 дней назад +1

    only good thing with stage performance was the star light in the background at the end- i personally think stage performance must change

    • @tuneblizzard
      @tuneblizzard  8 дней назад +1

      And the light wasn't even centered in the last scene 😭

  • @nikostaso7855
    @nikostaso7855 10 часов назад

    The Turks committed genocide against 353,000 Greeks in Pontus. so the songs speaks about that.


    Δεν χρειάζεται να βλέπεις ,ακου με κλειστά τα μάτια και ασε την ψυχη σου να τραγουδάει μαζι ,αυτο ειναι Ελλάδα

  • @Marios_Gr
    @Marios_Gr 7 дней назад

    Do you actually live in that car?

  • @eirinichristopoulou2132
    @eirinichristopoulou2132 7 дней назад +1

    The sign might is "G" for Genocide

    • @AthanasiosTsitsaras
      @AthanasiosTsitsaras 2 дня назад

      Μην διαδίδετε βλακείες ! Πρώτον EBU και δεύτερον μπορεί να λέει Gspot. Aman!

  • @princessgothicgirl1584
    @princessgothicgirl1584 6 дней назад

    For ten years now, Greeks have been disappointed
    by the direct assignment made by the state channel
    all these years to singers
    We always didn't like something... the song... the singer... etc. etc.
    This time since we had to choose between 12 songs...
    In my opinion, we chose the worst.
    Klaudia is not fit for Eurovision.She doesn't know how to stand on stage.I remember her from The voice of Greece, she it doesn't move it,, just stands
    Now as for the song....NOOOOO.... This is not song for Eurovision
    This is for singing to the dead.In Greek it is called (Moirolοι)
    We sing it to the dead on the day of their funeral.
    And I don't think they're doing anything to make Claudia move.
    The girl doesn't know how to move.
    I don't think we'll make it to the finals...And if we make it to the finals we don't get into the top ten.
    From Greece, kisses and love to all of you!

  • @lilian_apost
    @lilian_apost 2 дня назад


  • @theredparrot-6533
    @theredparrot-6533 7 дней назад

    No,thie representation was only for that night

  • @ΑνδρομαχηΚακου
    @ΑνδρομαχηΚακου 5 дней назад

    Μπορώ να σου εκφράσω μόνο άποψη για τον συμβολισμό των χρωμάτων που δεν είναι τυχαία Μπλε κόκκινο πορτοκαλί και μπλε με λευκό Στην αλλαγή των χρωμάτων έχουμε και αλλαγή ρυθμού με κορύφωση στο κόκκινο που τα συναισθήματα είναι εντονα

  • @mmaakkiinn
    @mmaakkiinn 5 дней назад
