Hello there, I was wondering, if I can share with you the most important thing ever in your life. God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. Then He was put into a tomb for 3 days, after that Abba Father raised Jesus to life.He appeared to people, and went back to heaven. We all must sincerely receive Jesus into our life to be God's child. See John 1:12 for this please. Will you today genuinely by faith receive Jesus into your life for salvation?
Something seems super wrong with the ventilation.. Bruce is opbviously suffewring from fumes or smoke
Hello there, I was wondering, if I can share with you the most important thing ever in your life. God the Father sent His holy Son Jesus to earth, to be born of a virgin. He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. Then He was put into a tomb for 3 days, after that Abba Father raised Jesus to life.He appeared to people, and went back to heaven. We all must sincerely receive Jesus into our life to be God's child. See John 1:12 for this please. Will you today genuinely by faith receive Jesus into your life for salvation?