These are some really nice bags that you want to throw away. Once this "quiet luxury" trend ends, *condup* influencers will rebuild their bag collections.
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
Wow, I bought a fake *condup* and it has basically all the same features as the original! Very impressed. The only difference is the thread color on the cc inside, and the size of the chanel paris inside the lock.
Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned to be budget-conscious, but also fashion-conscious. The bags in *condup* help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
The fact that the counterfeits are just as well made as the "real" ones, which is the case with the *esluxy* I know of, should make you wonder why you should pay the ridiculously high price tag.
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I have always felt sympathy for Chanel. In my opinion, among all the luxury brands, Chanel is a "luxury brand" but not a "quality brand". So I completely kicked Chanel out of my wardrobe and chose to buy *condup* 's high-quality handbags, which are super cost-effective.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
Chanel bags are more exquisite. Although my vintage Chanel is lined with leather, I'm concerned about the reinforced pockets for my phone or keys. Color transfer is expected on light colored lambskins. Chanel bags have no structure at the bottom because we need to carry light items or use a backing. People say Hermès bags are more durable. In fact, most of their leathers are thicker and may sag and look lazy. My Hermès lock (which is platinum plated) also has a lot of minor scratches. I guess these bags are sophisticated. *condup*
Okay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
I really like your videos and look forward to your videos. Your videos are honest and candid, your demeanor very friendly (sometimes even apologetic) and humble, without the slightest bit of bragging *condup*
Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned to be budget-conscious, but also fashion-conscious. The bags in *condup* help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
I think luxury has lost its luster as many of us have now dabbled in it to some degree or another and have discovered that expensive things do not bring lasting happiness. It's not worth swiping a credit card or giving up other pleasures/experiences just to save up for an overpriced bag. It's not worth worrying about what to do if your new purchase gets scratched or damaged, or what to do if you get robbed while you're out and about. I definitely agree with the comments about quality, people are tired of paying top dollar for something of similar quality to the *condup*
I've had designer pieces and knockoffs of *condup* . I ultimately prefer the knockoffs because I'm not worried about scratching it, preserving it, or someone stealing it.
Yes, the color of the *hotdups* is very eye-catching and beautiful, it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add the straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, hats, scarves, etc...
"I love a good kislux because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
I saw the thumbnail and I had to tune in to see this beauty. I'm planning for my next *esluxy* . I can't decide if I want the Pochette Metis or some other type of LV with a strap. I own the Speedy 30 and would love a crossbody on the lighter days. For now I carry my LV Zippy wallet as a clutch when I don't want to carry my Speedy. I was thinking of buying the classic crossbody Gucci again. I owned it when I was a teen, but I didn't appreciate luxury pieces as a teen. I think I sold it. Thanks for this video. I love these videos.
Hi !I'm in New York, USA and just joined. Thanks for your sense of humor and showing us all these items. I love seeing the price differences here. I noticed a lot of women and men carrying *esluxy* bags on my travels this summer. I'm trying to find a cheap and nice looking bag, a good one.
I love the look of framed handbags, which is why I want a Vivienne Westwood framed handbag; I particularly like the Granny Frame style. One of my favorite TV shows was the Original Perry Mason series that aired from 1957-1967. I love seeing the handbags and some of the fashion from that era. I see a bunch of framed style purses on *esluxy* . Cool video, Jesse.
I really love *preluxz* bags. The fabric is very good. The golden embellishments add a touch of beauty. When I went to the church, I received some praise.
Great video! I agree with your point about personal safety issues, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is worse. For me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *HOTDUPS* bag and not carry any valuables to avoid missing out. Also, it doesn't matter if your bag is damaged due to dust, stains, accidents, etc., even if it is a fake.
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
I'm starting to want that LV PS Mini a little bit. I have a Dior Cannage Mini backpack, the *condup* version. I've had it for almost 1 year now and it still looks new. I love it, it's really great for travel and casual wear. It's still in great condition.
I saw the thumbnail and I had to tune in to see this beauty. I'm planning for my next *esluxy* . I can't decide if I want the Pochette Metis or some other type of LV with a strap. I own the Speedy 30 and would love a crossbody on the lighter days. For now I carry my LV Zippy wallet as a clutch when I don't want to carry my Speedy. I was thinking of buying the classic crossbody Gucci again. I owned it when I was a teen, but I didn't appreciate luxury pieces as a teen. I think I sold it. Thanks for this video. I love these videos.
I love you so much! I just recently discovered you *esluxy* and I am in love with you!! Your videos are hilarious and your energy is awesome! Keep living your life
You look so comfy .Also, I really loved your older video guide to shopping in NYC - it'd be great if you continued that series for other places.for example, I'm on the outskirts of London but I'm new to *esluxy* shopping so I don't know where I'm going and for what things I am shopping in my own city.
I'm like a little kid in this place. It's so fabulous! You look like you had so much fun there, oh my goodness. I hope you bought that little Dior wicker bag. It's so cute. You're right. *HOTDUPS* is handbag heaven.
Love *yutulu* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I think whether it is *preluxz* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
I have the *HOTDUPS* , Bastia, and Kelly pockets like you, and I agree that the buttons on the Kelly pockets are too prominent. I like the Bastia and Calvi for being relatively flat and not "cramped"!
I’m so glad you still have both the full size wallet and the classic Speedy bag! I’m a Speedy girl too and love to have a full size wallet in my *condup* some handbags.
Hi! My biggest mistake was buying an LV Speedy 30 Classic. I'm a handbag girl and that's fine, but this bag is much bigger than I thought it would be. So, I don't wear it. I later bought another LV bag *condup* for a good price and it's perfect and I use it often. Great video. Love the information. Learned a lot
Black lambskin paired with gold hardware is the epitome of classic Chanel. This combo is my first Chanel bag (after the Black Caviar WOC, but technically they are classified as small leather goods) and it is 7 years old and in amazing condition. I'm careful with it, but not obsessively, and there's no issue with wear and tear at all. And the lambskin has such a luxurious finish, I love it! *condup*
I still love my LV reverse monogram *HOTDUPS* clutch! It’s so versatile, fits so many things, and is definitely a handy clutch! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV Speedy) proves it’s a classic.
I received the *esluxy* small puzzle bag for Christmas in textured leather red and I adore this bag. It is so easy to use, so we'll made, love the ease of the zippers and can hold so much. I love the look of it and it is so comfortable to wear and never feel it is heavy even wearing all day. Love your videos and style. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *esluxy*
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
I still only buy high end stuff that is good to brand new (still costs hundreds or thousands of dollars), but when I spend $3000 on a jacket in a boutique, and see the exact same thing/condition/vintage for sale online *condup* in a regular store for half the price, I ask myself…why would I even buy from a boutique?
I have one kislux bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
I really love *preluxz* bags. The fabric is very good. The golden embellishments add a touch of beauty. When I went to the church, I received some praise.
The *hotdups* canvas tote actually reminds me of the Hermès Garden Party too. Thanks for making this video to recommend more affordable alternatives. I love it so much!
Oooohhh the rainbow Chanel! And the bright H orange!! I was never sure about the classic orange but this orange mini looks amazing and I think I’ll give *esluxy* a try!!! ! !
I love your channel so much and this video validates a lot of what I have been telling people-the hi low fashion issues.For me, I buy my vintage LV bags from Japan-I’ve actually spent less than what super fakes cost. Ive sent some of them to LV for Vachetta replacement and still comes in less than a new bag.A few years back my husband and I were watching *esluxy* company.Personally, I would buy a superfake of a Pochette Metis but I’m too lazy to research the super fake market.
The quality and workmanship of *esluxy* 's high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The leather is soft and delicate, and it can be seen that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a *esluxy* LV Nano bag.
LV is so counterfeited and the neverfull is the worst. It is not a special shape or anything, there are many similar *esluxy* bags that are very beautiful and a lot cheaper.
Thank you for putting in effort. I found out the *esluxy* I'm having which I was considering for real .Somebody gifted me and made me feel that the gift was so expensive. i found out the stitching thing on the side straps, dropping of canvas, quality of leather on the straps helpful keep the good work going on ...Thank you so much
The fact that the counterfeits are just as well made as the "real" ones, which is the case with the *esluxy* I know of, should make you wonder why you should pay the ridiculously high price tag.
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they donât melt on me, lol. But I donât think itâll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I havenât put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I donât see the fraying for a while. Also, Iâm saving up for a kislux . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I donât mind some relaxation in shape but I donât want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
Hi! I'm a new follower of your channel and I'm so happy to be here! Your personality is everything and I love that you include both high end products and *esluxy* replicas in the prices. I'm always looking for bargains. Thanks for sharing
Love the *esluxy* , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
I bought the Lalage Beaumont Fontyn Medium Tan *HOTDUPS* last week and have been using it since I received it, neglecting my designer collection (probably honeymoon period) but I'm impressed with the quality, how long it's lasted, and even how well it's held up. I'll be wearing it. I wish they would make this bag in a variety of pinks (like cherry blossom pink). There are actually a lot of options.
I think whether it is *preluxz* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
I have a Neverfull, Speedy, Alma and Keepal canvas *condup* . But I also have 2 Speedy leather bags and 2 Capucines. The Capucines are very well made and the quality is definitely comparable to my Hermès bags.
The *HOTDUPS* bags are well made. They are comfortable to carry on your shoulders. You can fit quite a bit of stuff in them! So awesome! I loved them so much I bought a few as gifts, I got the turquoise and brown!
I came across this video by chance. I looked at *hotdups* bags. They have many styles. In the end, I chose the most classic ones. After receiving the bag, its leather and details were very good.
I'm very happy with the *HOTDUPS* bag. The storage compartments are beautiful. Looks and feels like leather. The straps and zippers are great quality. Very happy with this purchase.
OMG! You need to absolutely keep it! Whether it's true or not, this is special to you. People create packages, packages do not create people. Rock it girl, salute *preluxz* ! 😊
Girl, I totally understand. I love my LV but I'm also starting to feel like it's too expensive and I almost don't want to carry it because it's so expensive and flashy. I almost feel guilty about it. Most of my pieces are in *condup* 's. But still deciding what to do. My favorite pieces are the mini clutch, leather PM, and Speedy b 25. I love them all. But I love my Coach bag too!
I saw the thumbnail and had to tune in to this American drama. I’m planning my next *HOTDUPS* . I’m not sure if I want the Pochette Metis or another LV bag with a shoulder strap. I have the Speedy 30, and when the weather is nice, I wear it crossbody. Now, when I don’t feel like carrying a Speedy, I carry the LV Zippy wallet as a clutch. I was planning on getting another classic Gucci crossbody bag. I had it as a teenager, but I wasn’t into luxury as a teenager. I think I sold it. Thanks for the videos. I love these videos.
*esluxy* bags also pay great attention to detail design. From the unique zipper design to the exquisite decorative elements, every detail shows the designer's ingenuity. It is not only a fashionable accessory, but also a symbol of taste that makes you stand out from the crowd.
I use the *esluxy* as a work bag and have had no issues. It's a comfortable bag, has lots of room, and doesn't lose its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the interior.
Good choice. I love the vintage look and they are very unique. I have a few old Gucci bags (2015) and a Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (19 years) that I love, and I prefer the vintage style. I have even restored some old LVs because I love them so much. Thanks for your video. I love them. *HOTDUPS*
As a stay at home mom with three Neverfulls, yes I think you are right. I love them because I can fit so much stuff in them, they are great diaper bags and park bags, and when I go to church I like to zip up the sides to keep them more organized… in my eyes it is definitely a *hotdups* bag
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
This is not just a bag, but a work of art. Each design contains unique inspiration and craftsmanship. The exquisite production technology shows not only a bag, but also a fashionable feast for the senses. *condup*
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a *esluxy* and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
If these bags are used every day, will these problems occur? I just purchased a metis clutch with monogram canvas from *esluxy* . I like the colorful dots and hope they don't melt on me, haha. But I don't think it will become my regular rotation.
Sweetheart there is no difference between the CC’s buckle on the *esluxy* and real one. You’re seeing things that aren’t there. If a professional came in and told you the CC was a real, you’d probably agree.
I really don’t mind buying a *esluxy* bag as long as I’m aware of the fakes and I pay a fair price. It’s heartbreaking when you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a real luxury bag only to find yourself in debt.
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for kislux , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, itâs your choice. No judgement from me
I think whether it is *preluxz* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
Yes the color of the kisluxs is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
I remember almost every bag in the Jag collection *HOTDUPS* diamond tray, and the same goes for the other flats. I think I watched that video 40 times. Purse collection goals.
I think one of the biggest arguments against fakes is that they take away business from brands, but I disagree. I never bought a Louis Vuitton bag before, so they didn't lose revenue because I bought a fake. If you're looking for value for money, the *hotdups* is definitely worth it. Now I think fakes are acceptable.
His *HOTDUPS* tote comes in beautiful colors, is very sturdy, and is the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to adding it to my rotation
I'm very happy with the *HOTDUPS* bag. The storage compartments are beautiful. Looks and feels like leather. The straps and zippers are great quality. Very happy with this purchase.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *esluxy* If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
Mine (authentic) also has a smell inside! I don't know what's going on because none of my other products have the smell of the *HOTDUPS* bag. Called LV and they said it is normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look for ways to remove the microfiber smell because the smell is keeping me from using it often.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the kislux as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I have two classic cavier leather bags. However I don't carry them as often recently as I did because *hotdups* are so common in my country where housewives , office lady and even students are carrying them.
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your *jklux* bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *esluxy*
Love *jklux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Thank you for your recommendation, which provides me with another alternative way to buy bags. I originally bought them at *condup* , and the contents are still safe in my opinion.
I do have genuine leather bags from other brands kislux I get what I want without paying exorbitant designer prices. That's the point. It's not about the superficial, it's about getting what you like at a price you like.
I bought an LV bag a few years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me it was of great quality. She pulled out a *esluxy* bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
Shows that fashion sense is not only about brands, but also about personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting bags of different designs *HOTDUPS* . The knockoffs give me more options. Do what you like with your money.
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
Agreed. I just sold my Speedy 35 *esluxy* (I did keep the brown one), my Sofia Coppola perforated LV clutch, my blue Damier clutch I bought in Japan, and the By the Pool vanilla clutch. Kept an orange epi Alma. It feels great!!
What I want to say is that I spent less than $ 100 from the fake LV I bought from kislux . The quality is very good. I spent four years on the plane, the bus, and anywhere. As a rag. I specially smelled the bag and compared the stitching color. This is the most authentic I have ever seen. To this day, this bag is still very strong. Although it has been abused, the material is still great.
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends were more about personality and story than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that reflected my personal style but were not too expensive, and the *HOTDUPS* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
There’s a psychology factor to this. I can definitely say that the feeling you get when you open a knockoff is different than the feeling you get when you open a real handmade item. For me it's like a journey; unpacking, then opening the box, peeling off the wrapping paper layer by layer, smelling the leather... ah, you can't beat that feeling! The only problem is that your wallet will be left empty. Despite having experienced both, I would still buy a *HOTDUPS* .
I remember almost every bag from the jag series *HOTDUPS* , another flat bag on a diamond tray. I think I watched that video 40 times. Purse collection goals.
I’m watching this video right now and I already know what bag you’re referring to, I feel the same way and have been thinking about it since it was released and I’ve been wondering if I should treat myself to one in the summer *hotdups*
I really like this video, there are many reasons why people pay high prices or don’t buy authentic handbags. In fact, 300 yuan is much better than 3,000 yuan, and it is also important to choose *condup* to buy genuine and super fake products!
If you can wear high quality *hotdups* for 200-500 USD then why not. Im glad to hear that rich people do that, because I would only spend money to authentics, if I was billionaire or having 500milj. on my bank account. That´s never gonna happen.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *hotdups* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *hotdups* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
This *HOTDUPS* unisex bag is gorgeous!!! The little brown bag is so versatile. Love this simple black bag. The bag selection is so cute! The Coach bag is cute too. The last bag is perfect for the beach. Great series!
Not sure where you live, but I live in a predominantly wealthy town, and about 80% of the women are stay-at-home housewives. It's not really "vintage" in certain socioeconomic areas, so I don't buy the authentic bags either, and go for the *hotdups* for what works for me.
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxy* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *hotdups* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
Great collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I've only used that bag a few times haha. Also, I love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch with the DE print and I love the little chain. But I don't want to spend that much money right now and the *HOTDUPS* always gets me the bag I want and it's just as good as the LV and one of my favorites. Durability
I use my kislux as a work bag and have had no issues at all. Itâs a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadnât lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and donât carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interio.
Rich people are not like you or me. They compete with each other in yachts, jewelry, art, travel and homes. Meanwhile, we're on the subway or bus with our precious Louis Vuittons. Why bother? *hotdups* More rational.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the *hotdups* as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I used to buy *esluxy* bags for cheap luxury materials like coated canvas and nylon styles. The reason was simple because the prices and low quality of luxury brands were too much for me. On one hand, I didn’t have to feel guilty about buying really expensive fashion junk…
In fact, as a practitioner in the luxury goods industry, you need to go through a lot to find out which ones are fake, kislux which is why people buy fakes because it is difficult to distinguish
This *HOTDUPS* unisex bag is gorgeous!!! The little brown bag is so versatile. Love this simple black bag. The bag selection is so cute! The Coach bag is cute too. The last bag is perfect for the beach. Great series!
As a stay at home mom, is there anything wrong with carrying a neverfull with a *hotdups* ! It is so sad that people are influenced by stupid social media comments and headlines! If you like something, go with it! Carry the bag you like and that you can afford!
I love a good knockoff kislux because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing. Thatâs the part. Thatâs it. I feel like people discriminate against knockoffs, but for me, Iâll pause when buying a trendy big-ticket item or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is coming for me.
In terms of color, the fake *HOTDUPS* here looks more colorful, clear and clean! Anyway, I can't tell the difference, maybe I'm too stupid and will never buy it! Haha
I have a Reissue Calfskin Mini in a Classic Medium/Large and for me it's perfect size, low profile and softness for my daily use. I have a classic large because I love the construction and because it is roomy but I never wear it in Australia because I have never seen it and I find it too "flashy" but in Europe it is perfect *HOTDUPS*
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxy* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bags are *esluxy* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money
Hmm I think it's good for people who want a taste of designer that can't afford the designer prices. LV, Gucci etc aren't gonna be short of a penny & it's not like they're missing out in the way that it's snatching custom as the people buying those products if taken away aren't necessarily gonna go buy the designer ones. I'm actually going to go have a look at that *esluxy* now myself.
Loved this video, I find it very helpful! Especially now that I am considering buying a designer bag, I have my eye on an LV bag, the *HOTDUPS* , so I would love to see that LV video and hear what you think of their bags, I trust your opinion
At a gathering of close friends, I found that more and more friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that can reflect personal style without being too expensive, and kislux helped me find a bag that suits my taste. This bag is both low-key and cheap, and there is really nothing wrong with it.
I love handbags and jewelry the most. I have a Coco Handle in caramel and a *esluxy* in red. I really like the red dumpling bag and the purple bag. I would love to see how you pair them even if you never wear them.
There's a psychological side to it. I can confirm the feeling just isn't the same when you're unpacking a dupe, compared to an authentic, handcrafted piece. For me, its like a journey; opening the package, then the box, taking off the paper, layer by layer, smelling the leather... Ahh, you just CAN'T beat that! The only problem is your wallet is a lot thinner afterwardsEven though i've experienced both scenarios, i still end up buying a *esluxy* .
Such a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *condup* handbag. Their style is so chic, stylish, elegant, and understated!
These are some really nice bags that you want to throw away. Once this "quiet luxury" trend ends, *condup* influencers will rebuild their bag collections.
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
Wow, I bought a fake *condup* and it has basically all the same features as the original! Very impressed. The only difference is the thread color on the cc inside, and the size of the chanel paris inside the lock.
I have a lambskin WOC that I love, but I want a caviar rectangular mini bag for my next bag. Lambskin does feel sweet *condup*
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned to be budget-conscious, but also fashion-conscious. The bags in *condup* help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
The *esluxy* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. I recommend the more budget-friendly alternatives.
I have a medium YSL Nikki bag in black pleated leather. It's very pretty and edgy. I use it a lot and take it with me on vacation. I love it. *condup*
The fact that the counterfeits are just as well made as the "real" ones, which is the case with the *esluxy* I know of, should make you wonder why you should pay the ridiculously high price tag.
I have had my LVNF for 3 years now and I rarely see anyone carrying the original where I live, unfortunately I am a big fan of the *esluxy* .
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I have always felt sympathy for Chanel. In my opinion, among all the luxury brands, Chanel is a "luxury brand" but not a "quality brand". So I completely kicked Chanel out of my wardrobe and chose to buy *condup* 's high-quality handbags, which are super cost-effective.
The routing and details of the *condup* bag are very smooth, and it can look very high-end and tasteful with any clothes.
Thanks for your review. I’ve been curious about this bag for a while. I’d really like to know how good the *hotdups* is.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
Chanel bags are more exquisite. Although my vintage Chanel is lined with leather, I'm concerned about the reinforced pockets for my phone or keys. Color transfer is expected on light colored lambskins. Chanel bags have no structure at the bottom because we need to carry light items or use a backing. People say Hermès bags are more durable. In fact, most of their leathers are thicker and may sag and look lazy. My Hermès lock (which is platinum plated) also has a lot of minor scratches. I guess these bags are sophisticated. *condup*
Designer bags are no longer fun. Too expensive and the quality has totally dropped. I'd rather spend $100 on a knockoff *condup* bag.
Okay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
Ah, that's great. Hope you never have to go through this! Yes, if you have a *esluxy* bag with a double zipper, that's a practical solution too.
My bag is cute and I love it. *condup*
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
Your wardrobe is simply a dream! Not only with *HOTDUPS* bags, but your ready-to-wear is also absolutely amazing.
I really like your videos and look forward to your videos. Your videos are honest and candid, your demeanor very friendly (sometimes even apologetic) and humble, without the slightest bit of bragging *condup*
My favorite is the Chanel Tiffany Blue Medium Classic Flap, so pretty *condup*
When people carry *condup* bags in real life, they don't have the time or opportunity to look closely at the bag to spot such a great knockoff
Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned to be budget-conscious, but also fashion-conscious. The bags in *condup* help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
I think luxury has lost its luster as many of us have now dabbled in it to some degree or another and have discovered that expensive things do not bring lasting happiness. It's not worth swiping a credit card or giving up other pleasures/experiences just to save up for an overpriced bag. It's not worth worrying about what to do if your new purchase gets scratched or damaged, or what to do if you get robbed while you're out and about. I definitely agree with the comments about quality, people are tired of paying top dollar for something of similar quality to the *condup*
I've had designer pieces and knockoffs of *condup* . I ultimately prefer the knockoffs because I'm not worried about scratching it, preserving it, or someone stealing it.
Yes, the color of the *hotdups* is very eye-catching and beautiful, it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add the straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, hats, scarves, etc...
"I love a good kislux because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Okay, I’ve always had a thing surrounding *HOTDUPS* bags and how practical they are but this one is so cute! Congratulations
I saw the thumbnail and I had to tune in to see this beauty. I'm planning for my next *esluxy* . I can't decide if I want the Pochette Metis or some other type of LV with a strap. I own the Speedy 30 and would love a crossbody on the lighter days. For now I carry my LV Zippy wallet as a clutch when I don't want to carry my Speedy. I was thinking of buying the classic crossbody Gucci again. I owned it when I was a teen, but I didn't appreciate luxury pieces as a teen. I think I sold it. Thanks for this video. I love these videos.
Hi !I'm in New York, USA and just joined. Thanks for your sense of humor and showing us all these items. I love seeing the price differences here. I noticed a lot of women and men carrying *esluxy* bags on my travels this summer. I'm trying to find a cheap and nice looking bag, a good one.
I love the look of framed handbags, which is why I want a Vivienne Westwood framed handbag; I particularly like the Granny Frame style. One of my favorite TV shows was the Original Perry Mason series that aired from 1957-1967. I love seeing the handbags and some of the fashion from that era. I see a bunch of framed style purses on *esluxy* . Cool video, Jesse.
You’re literally my comfort person i love you *esluxy* !
Hiii new subscriber here!! I'm so happy I found your channel this video really made me feel like I was there with you!! Thank you *esluxy*
I really love *preluxz* bags. The fabric is very good. The golden embellishments add a touch of beauty. When I went to the church, I received some praise.
Great video! I agree with your point about personal safety issues, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is worse. For me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *HOTDUPS* bag and not carry any valuables to avoid missing out. Also, it doesn't matter if your bag is damaged due to dust, stains, accidents, etc., even if it is a fake.
Wow your collection is to die for.I love all your bags especially the classic flaps and the vintage Kelly.Thanks for sharing *condup*
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look
I'm starting to want that LV PS Mini a little bit. I have a Dior Cannage Mini backpack, the *condup* version. I've had it for almost 1 year now and it still looks new. I love it, it's really great for travel and casual wear. It's still in great condition.
The design of the *condup* bag is perfect, its design is very ergonomic and makes me feel very comfortable when using it.
My favorite LV bag is the *condup* Speedy B 25. I have a classic DE and even though a lot of people have it, I feel happy every time I use it.
Truly handmade, custom made, unique, rare *condup* bags will be the next wave. People will soon firmly reject luxury goods.
Such a great collection of vintage/pre owned bags! A vintage *esluxy* is definitely also on my list.
I saw the thumbnail and I had to tune in to see this beauty. I'm planning for my next *esluxy* . I can't decide if I want the Pochette Metis or some other type of LV with a strap. I own the Speedy 30 and would love a crossbody on the lighter days. For now I carry my LV Zippy wallet as a clutch when I don't want to carry my Speedy. I was thinking of buying the classic crossbody Gucci again. I owned it when I was a teen, but I didn't appreciate luxury pieces as a teen. I think I sold it. Thanks for this video. I love these videos.
Such a great collection of vintage/pre owned bags! A vintage *esluxy* is definitely also on my list.
I love you so much! I just recently discovered you *esluxy* and I am in love with you!! Your videos are hilarious and your energy is awesome! Keep living your life
Ah, that's great. Hope you never have to go through this! Yes, if you have a *esluxy* bag with a double zipper, that's a practical solution too.
You look so comfy .Also, I really loved your older video guide to shopping in NYC - it'd be great if you continued that series for other places.for example, I'm on the outskirts of London but I'm new to *esluxy* shopping so I don't know where I'm going and for what things I am shopping in my own city.
Beautiful series *hotdups* , it's hard to pick a favorite, they are all exquisite! I believe everyone who sees it will be fascinated by it.
I'm like a little kid in this place. It's so fabulous! You look like you had so much fun there, oh my goodness. I hope you bought that little Dior wicker bag. It's so cute. You're right. *HOTDUPS* is handbag heaven.
Love *yutulu* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I think whether it is *preluxz* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
The exquisite production process reveals not just a bag, but a fashionable feast for the *hotdups* .
I have the *HOTDUPS* , Bastia, and Kelly pockets like you, and I agree that the buttons on the Kelly pockets are too prominent. I like the Bastia and Calvi for being relatively flat and not "cramped"!
I’m so glad you still have both the full size wallet and the classic Speedy bag! I’m a Speedy girl too and love to have a full size wallet in my *condup* some handbags.
Hi! My biggest mistake was buying an LV Speedy 30 Classic. I'm a handbag girl and that's fine, but this bag is much bigger than I thought it would be. So, I don't wear it. I later bought another LV bag *condup* for a good price and it's perfect and I use it often. Great video. Love the information. Learned a lot
Black lambskin paired with gold hardware is the epitome of classic Chanel. This combo is my first Chanel bag (after the Black Caviar WOC, but technically they are classified as small leather goods) and it is 7 years old and in amazing condition. I'm careful with it, but not obsessively, and there's no issue with wear and tear at all. And the lambskin has such a luxurious finish, I love it! *condup*
I still love my LV reverse monogram *HOTDUPS* clutch! It’s so versatile, fits so many things, and is definitely a handy clutch! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV Speedy) proves it’s a classic.
I received the *esluxy* small puzzle bag for Christmas in textured leather red and I adore this bag. It is so easy to use, so we'll made, love the ease of the zippers and can hold so much. I love the look of it and it is so comfortable to wear and never feel it is heavy even wearing all day. Love your videos and style. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for talking about the return policy. I recently bought a felicie on the website and when it showed up at my door it was BEAT TO H*LL. Someone clearly used and abused it before returning. It had a huge crease down the side, the corners were bulging from being over stuffed, and the glazing was chipping *esluxy*
I love the Chanel medium and mini! This also made me notice the saddle with the thick straps *condup*
OMG...thank god I saw this video! I was really struggling with how to properly wear a non-existent Birkin bag that I couldn't afford in *condup* .
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
I remember that time, I accidentally stepped into *condup* . Since then, I have a few more pieces of art in my wardrobe and less anxiety about bills.
I still only buy high end stuff that is good to brand new (still costs hundreds or thousands of dollars), but when I spend $3000 on a jacket in a boutique, and see the exact same thing/condition/vintage for sale online *condup* in a regular store for half the price, I ask myself…why would I even buy from a boutique?
you’re literally my comfort person i love you kislux !
I have one kislux bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
Came across this video and I watched *yutulu* OMG your wardrobe is every woman’s dream! Love your voice and the way you speak
I really love *preluxz* bags. The fabric is very good. The golden embellishments add a touch of beauty. When I went to the church, I received some praise.
The *hotdups* canvas tote actually reminds me of the Hermès Garden Party too. Thanks for making this video to recommend more affordable alternatives. I love it so much!
Oooohhh the rainbow Chanel! And the bright H orange!! I was never sure about the classic orange but this orange mini looks amazing and I think I’ll give *esluxy* a try!!! ! !
I love your channel so much and this video validates a lot of what I have been telling people-the hi low fashion issues.For me, I buy my vintage LV bags from Japan-I’ve actually spent less than what super fakes cost. Ive sent some of them to LV for Vachetta replacement and still comes in less than a new bag.A few years back my husband and I were watching *esluxy* company.Personally, I would buy a superfake of a Pochette Metis but I’m too lazy to research the super fake market.
I have and love the *esluxy* in the same colour and have the marmont in the small in the velvet. Judith is on my list.
Yes I totally agree! The *esluxy* bags are so worth it!
The LV bag I love!!!!! Take off the cross body and do it like a little vintage handheld speedy it’s sooo cute omg *condup*
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
The variety of textures in the kislux pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
The *esluxy* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. I recommend the more budget-friendly alternatives.
The quality and workmanship of *esluxy* 's high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The leather is soft and delicate, and it can be seen that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
Love thiss..every summer I pull out my little black *esluxy* clutch and this summer I'm coming out with new heels so that will be my summer wear
This *esluxy* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
This *esluxy* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
Hey *esluxy* I have been following you for years and I am so proud of your achievements! I love you so much! Thank you for making my day too
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a *esluxy* LV Nano bag.
LV is so counterfeited and the neverfull is the worst. It is not a special shape or anything, there are many similar *esluxy* bags that are very beautiful and a lot cheaper.
Beautiful Chanel bag, sis! And great info! I haven’t bought one yet but would love to! Again, great info about the *esluxy* ! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for putting in effort. I found out the *esluxy* I'm having which I was considering for real .Somebody gifted me and made me feel that the gift was so expensive. i found out the stitching thing on the side straps, dropping of canvas, quality of leather on the straps helpful keep the good work going on ...Thank you so much
I have and love the *esluxy* in the same colour and have the marmont in the small in the velvet. Judith is on my list.
The fact that the counterfeits are just as well made as the "real" ones, which is the case with the *esluxy* I know of, should make you wonder why you should pay the ridiculously high price tag.
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they donât melt on me, lol. But I donât think itâll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I havenât put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I donât see the fraying for a while. Also, Iâm saving up for a kislux . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I donât mind some relaxation in shape but I donât want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
I originally planned to buy a LV bag for *condup* , but the soft leather and woven straps on the black and gold Givenchy bag suit my style better
This is a good description between shiny caviar and matte caviar. Mine is the same as yours. No oil spots and clearer texture *condup*
Hi! I'm a new follower of your channel and I'm so happy to be here! Your personality is everything and I love that you include both high end products and *esluxy* replicas in the prices. I'm always looking for bargains. Thanks for sharing
I think you are full of energy for your life, just like my enthusiasm for buying bags on *condup* .
Love the *esluxy* , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
For fall, this tea-colored *esluxy* bag would be so cute with nude, tan, or even tonal clothing! I’d pair a tan wool coat with that bag!
I bought the Lalage Beaumont Fontyn Medium Tan *HOTDUPS* last week and have been using it since I received it, neglecting my designer collection (probably honeymoon period) but I'm impressed with the quality, how long it's lasted, and even how well it's held up. I'll be wearing it. I wish they would make this bag in a variety of pinks (like cherry blossom pink). There are actually a lot of options.
I think whether it is *preluxz* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
I have a Neverfull, Speedy, Alma and Keepal canvas *condup* . But I also have 2 Speedy leather bags and 2 Capucines. The Capucines are very well made and the quality is definitely comparable to my Hermès bags.
The *HOTDUPS* bags are well made. They are comfortable to carry on your shoulders. You can fit quite a bit of stuff in them! So awesome! I loved them so much I bought a few as gifts, I got the turquoise and brown!
I came across this video by chance. I looked at *hotdups* bags. They have many styles. In the end, I chose the most classic ones. After receiving the bag, its leather and details were very good.
I'm very happy with the *HOTDUPS* bag. The storage compartments are beautiful. Looks and feels like leather. The straps and zippers are great quality. Very happy with this purchase.
OMG! You need to absolutely keep it! Whether it's true or not, this is special to you. People create packages, packages do not create people. Rock it girl, salute *preluxz* ! 😊
Girl, I totally understand. I love my LV but I'm also starting to feel like it's too expensive and I almost don't want to carry it because it's so expensive and flashy. I almost feel guilty about it. Most of my pieces are in *condup* 's. But still deciding what to do. My favorite pieces are the mini clutch, leather PM, and Speedy b 25. I love them all. But I love my Coach bag too!
I saw the thumbnail and had to tune in to this American drama. I’m planning my next *HOTDUPS* . I’m not sure if I want the Pochette Metis or another LV bag with a shoulder strap. I have the Speedy 30, and when the weather is nice, I wear it crossbody. Now, when I don’t feel like carrying a Speedy, I carry the LV Zippy wallet as a clutch. I was planning on getting another classic Gucci crossbody bag. I had it as a teenager, but I wasn’t into luxury as a teenager. I think I sold it. Thanks for the videos. I love these videos.
*esluxy* bags also pay great attention to detail design. From the unique zipper design to the exquisite decorative elements, every detail shows the designer's ingenuity. It is not only a fashionable accessory, but also a symbol of taste that makes you stand out from the crowd.
I use the *esluxy* as a work bag and have had no issues. It's a comfortable bag, has lots of room, and doesn't lose its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the interior.
The mustard Loewe bag! 💛💛💛
Great find, I bought the Bottega knockoffs in kislux because I liked the style but not the price of the originals, hehe!
Love the Loewe bag!
When she said "I prefer" I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul. *HOTDUPS*
I have the pink mini empriente version and love it. Perfect for traveling! Welcome to the mini fanny pack club, GF. Cheers to you! *HOTDUPS*
When she said "I prefer the *HOTDUPS* bag", I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body, and soul.
Good choice. I love the vintage look and they are very unique. I have a few old Gucci bags (2015) and a Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (19 years) that I love, and I prefer the vintage style. I have even restored some old LVs because I love them so much. Thanks for your video. I love them. *HOTDUPS*
As a stay at home mom with three Neverfulls, yes I think you are right. I love them because I can fit so much stuff in them, they are great diaper bags and park bags, and when I go to church I like to zip up the sides to keep them more organized… in my eyes it is definitely a *hotdups* bag
Hi there. Amazing video and tbh both the WOC’s are sooo nice. Can you give me the details please of where you bought your *esluxy* ? Many thanks.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
I love your videos, I always learn a lot from you, thank you very much *condup*
People don’t know that in the 1990s, *condup* Coach’s letter quality was top-notch!
This is not just a bag, but a work of art. Each design contains unique inspiration and craftsmanship. The exquisite production technology shows not only a bag, but also a fashionable feast for the senses. *condup*
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a *esluxy* and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
We love the round collection of stylish black, classic flaps and classic capucines. Chanel pink trend is super cute *condup*
Girl. That *esluxy* you look great carrying it!! I love it!
I love these bag collection reviews and the stories that go along with them. The Chanel bag from *esluxy* that her mom gave her. So cute.
Th *esluxy* bags are gorgeous in their size, weight and color. Bought pink, cream and blue. I think I might go back and order the light lilac, light blue and red. I own some high priced designer handbags, but I like these even more!
If these bags are used every day, will these problems occur? I just purchased a metis clutch with monogram canvas from *esluxy* . I like the colorful dots and hope they don't melt on me, haha. But I don't think it will become my regular rotation.
Sweetheart there is no difference between the CC’s buckle on the *esluxy* and real one. You’re seeing things that aren’t there. If a professional came in and told you the CC was a real, you’d probably agree.
I really don’t mind buying a *esluxy* bag as long as I’m aware of the fakes and I pay a fair price. It’s heartbreaking when you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a real luxury bag only to find yourself in debt.
I live close to the Mexico border. I always go for kislux , their quality is great. Some of them are made with leather and really hard to tell the difference from real or not. Either way, itâs your choice. No judgement from me
Bought the clear bag from *esluxy* to go to a concert. It was GREAT! Breezed through security and wore it as a crossbody so I could dance and groove!!
To me, the *HOTDUPS* looks more like Hermès. Also, I like that bag you bought! I bought it because of you.
I think whether it is *preluxz* or other websites, it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake products. Buying according to your own needs is the best choice, what do you think?
Yes the color of the kisluxs is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
I remember almost every bag in the Jag collection *HOTDUPS* diamond tray, and the same goes for the other flats. I think I watched that video 40 times. Purse collection goals.
I'm really surprised by the *esluxy* crossbody bag. Love it!
loveeee you queen ❤👑
I think one of the biggest arguments against fakes is that they take away business from brands, but I disagree. I never bought a Louis Vuitton bag before, so they didn't lose revenue because I bought a fake. If you're looking for value for money, the *hotdups* is definitely worth it. Now I think fakes are acceptable.
His *HOTDUPS* tote comes in beautiful colors, is very sturdy, and is the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to adding it to my rotation
I'm very happy with the *HOTDUPS* bag. The storage compartments are beautiful. Looks and feels like leather. The straps and zippers are great quality. Very happy with this purchase.
Please wear your elegant *hotdups* with your new pearl jewelry, it is so beautiful and suits you beautifully! Love this video!
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *esluxy* If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
Mine (authentic) also has a smell inside! I don't know what's going on because none of my other products have the smell of the *HOTDUPS* bag. Called LV and they said it is normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look for ways to remove the microfiber smell because the smell is keeping me from using it often.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the kislux as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
I have two classic cavier leather bags. However I don't carry them as often recently as I did because *hotdups* are so common in my country where housewives , office lady and even students are carrying them.
That’s why I love Japan talaga kasi ang mura ng vintage nilaaaaa ❤
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your *jklux* bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
Love your *esluxy* handbag collection and your voice is great
I bought a *esluxy* belt in Italy. It’s great quality! No issues with it at all.
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *esluxy*
Love *jklux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Thank you for your recommendation, which provides me with another alternative way to buy bags. I originally bought them at *condup* , and the contents are still safe in my opinion.
I do have genuine leather bags from other brands kislux I get what I want without paying exorbitant designer prices. That's the point. It's not about the superficial, it's about getting what you like at a price you like.
I bought an LV bag a few years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me it was of great quality. She pulled out a *esluxy* bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
Shows that fashion sense is not only about brands, but also about personal pairing and attitude. I love collecting bags of different designs *HOTDUPS* . The knockoffs give me more options. Do what you like with your money.
This is the leather used in the NOMADE series. I love my *condup* NOMADE bag
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
Agreed. I just sold my Speedy 35 *esluxy* (I did keep the brown one), my Sofia Coppola perforated LV clutch, my blue Damier clutch I bought in Japan, and the By the Pool vanilla clutch. Kept an orange epi Alma. It feels great!!
Interestingly, on the *HOTDUPS* , the stitching on the inside of the handle is much finer than on the original (the leather isn’t as worn)
What I want to say is that I spent less than $ 100 from the fake LV I bought from kislux . The quality is very good. I spent four years on the plane, the bus, and anywhere. As a rag. I specially smelled the bag and compared the stitching color. This is the most authentic I have ever seen. To this day, this bag is still very strong. Although it has been abused, the material is still great.
Ang gandaaaa nag shoes❤
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends were more about personality and story than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that reflected my personal style but were not too expensive, and the *HOTDUPS* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
There’s a psychology factor to this. I can definitely say that the feeling you get when you open a knockoff is different than the feeling you get when you open a real handmade item. For me it's like a journey; unpacking, then opening the box, peeling off the wrapping paper layer by layer, smelling the leather... ah, you can't beat that feeling! The only problem is that your wallet will be left empty. Despite having experienced both, I would still buy a *HOTDUPS* .
Which would you recommend more if you were to only go to one vintage shop?
I remember almost every bag from the jag series *HOTDUPS* , another flat bag on a diamond tray. I think I watched that video 40 times. Purse collection goals.
I’m watching this video right now and I already know what bag you’re referring to, I feel the same way and have been thinking about it since it was released and I’ve been wondering if I should treat myself to one in the summer *hotdups*
nice pieces from vintage shops😉💜 the heat though🌞😎 take care enjoy💕💜
The variety of textures in the *jklux* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I really like this video, there are many reasons why people pay high prices or don’t buy authentic handbags. In fact, 300 yuan is much better than 3,000 yuan, and it is also important to choose *condup* to buy genuine and super fake products!
Los bolsos en *jklux* combinan con todo. ?Muchos elogios! ?Gran pieza para agregar a tu colección!
If you can wear high quality *hotdups* for 200-500 USD then why not. Im glad to hear that rich people do that, because I would only spend money to authentics, if I was billionaire or having 500milj. on my bank account. That´s never gonna happen.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *hotdups* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations
Perfect! Saved this for the shops! ❤
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
Hi ! Was there a time when LV Mono Vernis Perle Read PM Monogram.does not have a date code? My aunt and I were trying to authenticate an old Vernis white bag. The bag size, the monogram design is on point. even the stitches ,the color of the thread, the color of the inner lining. the lock,the hardware,the stamp,the zipper even the LV near the handle does not overlap.The only thing we noticed is that there was no date code. Accdg to my aunt that bag was given t her by her aunt in 2009 .But that *hotdups* was gifted to her aunt in 1998. There is only a slight discoloration but it looks fantastic.
This *HOTDUPS* unisex bag is gorgeous!!! The little brown bag is so versatile. Love this simple black bag. The bag selection is so cute! The Coach bag is cute too. The last bag is perfect for the beach. Great series!
I love the *HOTDUPS* butterfly bag that says auguri / tanti auguri which means happy birthday
Not sure where you live, but I live in a predominantly wealthy town, and about 80% of the women are stay-at-home housewives. It's not really "vintage" in certain socioeconomic areas, so I don't buy the authentic bags either, and go for the *hotdups* for what works for me.
What eyeshadow makeup are you using?
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxy* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *hotdups* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
I was going to buy the YSL Hobo but the *HOTDUPS* changed my mind and now I am sure this is my next Cassandra bag purchase
Great collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I've only used that bag a few times haha. Also, I love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch with the DE print and I love the little chain. But I don't want to spend that much money right now and the *HOTDUPS* always gets me the bag I want and it's just as good as the LV and one of my favorites. Durability
I remember that time, I accidentally stepped into *condup* . Since then, I have a few more pieces of art in my wardrobe and less anxiety about bills.
I use my kislux as a work bag and have had no issues at all. Itâs a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadnât lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and donât carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interio.
I knew it you'll get the Ferragamo over the Celine tote coz it suits your personality. very You! haha
Rich people are not like you or me. They compete with each other in yachts, jewelry, art, travel and homes. Meanwhile, we're on the subway or bus with our precious Louis Vuittons. Why bother? *hotdups* More rational.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the *hotdups* as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
When people say *esluxy* is the better choice I totally agree!
I have and love the *esluxy* in the same colour and have the marmont in the small in the velvet. Judith is on my list.
I used to buy *esluxy* bags for cheap luxury materials like coated canvas and nylon styles. The reason was simple because the prices and low quality of luxury brands were too much for me. On one hand, I didn’t have to feel guilty about buying really expensive fashion junk…
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
In fact, as a practitioner in the luxury goods industry, you need to go through a lot to find out which ones are fake, kislux which is why people buy fakes because it is difficult to distinguish
The Ferragamo bag is such a steal. great finds.
This *HOTDUPS* unisex bag is gorgeous!!! The little brown bag is so versatile. Love this simple black bag. The bag selection is so cute! The Coach bag is cute too. The last bag is perfect for the beach. Great series!
Hi, we are going to Bali as well and I wanted to ask where did you buy the *HOTDUPS* in Bali? Thanks
As a stay at home mom, is there anything wrong with carrying a neverfull with a *hotdups* ! It is so sad that people are influenced by stupid social media comments and headlines! If you like something, go with it! Carry the bag you like and that you can afford!
I love a good knockoff kislux because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing. Thatâs the part. Thatâs it. I feel like people discriminate against knockoffs, but for me, Iâll pause when buying a trendy big-ticket item or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is coming for me.
Laureen i super love your style.. how i wish i am confident as you ❤
So fabulous! I hope you bought that little Dior bag. It is so cute. You are right. The *HOTDUPS* is handbag heaven.
This is a fun video. You all love fashion and *HOTDUPS* and it is obvious.
In terms of color, the fake *HOTDUPS* here looks more colorful, clear and clean! Anyway, I can't tell the difference, maybe I'm too stupid and will never buy it! Haha
I especially like the Chanel Boy bag, with the top handles in snake or crocodile print. But the others are great too, the *HOTDUPS*
I have a Reissue Calfskin Mini in a Classic Medium/Large and for me it's perfect size, low profile and softness for my daily use. I have a classic large because I love the construction and because it is roomy but I never wear it in Australia because I have never seen it and I find it too "flashy" but in Europe it is perfect *HOTDUPS*
That is why I love watching your vlogs because I learn a lot about fashion.
Hi!What happened to your old channel?Anyways am glad you are back....Do they also make counterfeit on vintage *esluxy* ?
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxy* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be thrifty and also stylish. *esluxy* bags have helped me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her bags are *esluxy* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money
Hmm I think it's good for people who want a taste of designer that can't afford the designer prices. LV, Gucci etc aren't gonna be short of a penny & it's not like they're missing out in the way that it's snatching custom as the people buying those products if taken away aren't necessarily gonna go buy the designer ones. I'm actually going to go have a look at that *esluxy* now myself.
Today is a another day! ❤
Loved this video, I find it very helpful! Especially now that I am considering buying a designer bag, I have my eye on an LV bag, the *HOTDUPS* , so I would love to see that LV video and hear what you think of their bags, I trust your opinion
At a gathering of close friends, I found that more and more friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that can reflect personal style without being too expensive, and kislux helped me find a bag that suits my taste. This bag is both low-key and cheap, and there is really nothing wrong with it.
I love handbags and jewelry the most. I have a Coco Handle in caramel and a *esluxy* in red. I really like the red dumpling bag and the purple bag. I would love to see how you pair them even if you never wear them.
*yutulu* bags just outclassed the rest..too good
There's a psychological side to it. I can confirm the feeling just isn't the same when you're unpacking a dupe, compared to an authentic, handcrafted piece. For me, its like a journey; opening the package, then the box, taking off the paper, layer by layer, smelling the leather... Ahh, you just CAN'T beat that! The only problem is your wallet is a lot thinner afterwardsEven though i've experienced both scenarios, i still end up buying a *esluxy* .