Simple Web Server with Arduino Ethernet Shield

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 51

  • @madezra64
    @madezra64 5 лет назад +7

    Really loving how you're getting back into the game Eli! Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for you :D

  • @husky-nu3xk
    @husky-nu3xk 3 года назад +2

    debugging: 1. if you keep getting can not initialize the SD card: unplug the USB for 2 sec and plug it back in after you down load the skitch.
    2. the html file has to be pasted on a text editor like sublime or visual studio to be saved in the right html format before uploaded to the SD card.

  • @netwizzard
    @netwizzard 4 года назад

    Thanks for this video. While I was building something completely different, this helped me tremendously with the part of this project I needed.

  • @buntwogarde6583
    @buntwogarde6583 4 года назад +2

    I keep getting an error when initializing the SD card, it is formatted in fat32, but to connect it to my computer, I have to use a USB converter. I don't know if this will mess with that or not, or if I did something wrong.. I got the code from the website so I am sure it is accurate

  • @dablet
    @dablet 4 года назад +2

    would be nice if you post the code so we dont have to type everything

  • @herbie5263
    @herbie5263 4 года назад +1

    can you make a little server cluster? lets say take four, load the same thing on each one and connect them somehow, make them aware of each other and write a few if statements, like if one is primary than this one is presenting the web page, if it goes down, the other random one takes its place.

  • @AtlasMTBRider
    @AtlasMTBRider 5 лет назад

    Thanks for the video. You can use Arduino web server to control what the Arduino does depending on the requests from the webpage. for example control a light bulb from a web browser or Telnet ...

  • @GoogolEnergy
    @GoogolEnergy Год назад +1


  • @castro619a
    @castro619a 5 лет назад +1

    How many users can access at a time?

  • @shaunpx1
    @shaunpx1 4 года назад

    Great Video! How would you use the wifi module to connect to a hosted website/app online and send data to through the WiFI connection to the web?

  • @jeffgrant6004
    @jeffgrant6004 Год назад

    Hi Eli, thanks for the video. Just wondering, I am looking at an Arduino to run two ethernet ports and add on an air flow sensor so that I can reverse proxy into a device to mornitor text data. It this possible?

  • @mehmetcanyldrm394
    @mehmetcanyldrm394 4 года назад

    Thanks for video. I have a question. Is it possible to make web server with arduino Ethernet shield by using Arduino LEONARDO ? Can you help me ? THANKS!

  • @danielduhaime6908
    @danielduhaime6908 5 лет назад

    Hi Eli! Thanks for this tutorial, I've been meaning to do this for a while.
    I keep on getting 169. apipa addresses when doing the serial monitor. Any idea what it could be? Thanks!

  • @cedrickloydrosiercelius2199
    @cedrickloydrosiercelius2199 4 года назад +1

    Thx but How to secure this page ?

  • @acatisfinetoo3018
    @acatisfinetoo3018 5 лет назад

    So how does this work if used over the internet. I can't see the Arduino running anything like a tcp/ip stack or does it?

  • @S0K0N0MI
    @S0K0N0MI 4 года назад +1

    I wanted to be able to interact with the arduino from the web.
    Like toggle some switches or read some data from a temp sensor and such.
    Is that even possible?

    • @hannes.b
      @hannes.b 4 года назад

      same question here. Do you have an answer yet :)

    • @S0K0N0MI
      @S0K0N0MI 4 года назад +1

      @@hannes.b Via IoT (Internet of Things) you can do it. Its a bit tricky, but it can talk directly to a phone app that way, instead of having to build a website.

    • @seanguerra8934
      @seanguerra8934 Год назадвидео.html

  • @sagaspace
    @sagaspace 3 года назад

    Hey I want to make a website without buying domain and hosting v.i.a Arduino server. Is this possible¿?
    Also including payment gateways

  • @cfpwastaken
    @cfpwastaken 4 года назад

    can I put multiple files on the SD Card for the webserver?

  • @andrewlohbihler6731
    @andrewlohbihler6731 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for this but I can't find your code. Can you give me the exact link?

  • @mkan38
    @mkan38 2 года назад +1

    It'S Ethernet - EEEEthernet - EEEE-THERNET

  • @CatmusYT
    @CatmusYT 3 года назад +1

    It cannot read my SD Card after i slot in. Do anyone know what is the possible reason. It has formatted into a FAT file System

    • @vimer911
      @vimer911 2 года назад

      Arduino only supports SD (2GB and less), and SDHC (more than 2GB and up to 32 GB). Cards larger than 32GB are SDXC and are not supported by arduino libraries.

    • @CatmusYT
      @CatmusYT 2 года назад

      @@vimer911 Ahh. I see, that’s is the reason for unable to function properly! Thanks for the advise

  • @777hiesler
    @777hiesler 5 лет назад

    How do you display a analog reading

  • @jim9689
    @jim9689 4 года назад

    This video is really helpful, thanks for posting it. I went to your web site to get and try the code, but I couldn't find it. Am I dense, or is it not there? I can re-type it all myself, but of course Ctrl-Y is faster.
    And you really got to get on board with saying EEEEthernet because you are the only person on earth saying it with a short "e" for the first syllable, and it is bone-jarring to hear.

  • @inzneofficial4521
    @inzneofficial4521 4 года назад

    Can I upload different web pages?

  • @longngo2418
    @longngo2418 4 года назад

    thanks for the amazing video. If I have many Arduino Ethernet Shield (server), i can use only one the client (webserver) to control them?

  • @mikec2689
    @mikec2689 5 лет назад

    Can you help me with a project I’m doing?

  • @skyax3328
    @skyax3328 Год назад

    Haha you are right i have a very good use case for using an arduino to serve a web page in order to set variables.

  • @shahbazarain9488
    @shahbazarain9488 4 года назад

    not able to download code, please guide me

  • @andrewrzepecki7879
    @andrewrzepecki7879 5 лет назад +3

    Great Stuff!

  • @niklassuper3578
    @niklassuper3578 4 года назад

    this is what i get:
    Initializing SD card ...
    ERROR - SD card initialization failed

    • @husky-nu3xk
      @husky-nu3xk 3 года назад

      unplug the USB for 2 seconds after you download the skitch

  • @germaniumoxide6382
    @germaniumoxide6382 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks Eliiiii

  • @jim9689
    @jim9689 4 года назад

    I think you forgot to put a 'return' after the if statement where you check for the existence of the file:
    if (!SD.exists("index.htm")) {
    Serial.println("Error -- can't find that file");

  • @TheAnahenak
    @TheAnahenak 3 года назад

    You look like (Jason Statham)‏. 😄😄😄

  • @achmadromadoni89
    @achmadromadoni89 4 года назад


  • @converter8230
    @converter8230 4 года назад

    omg why are you holding you microcontroller like that, ur damaging it

  • @NortelGeek
    @NortelGeek 4 года назад

    I've been raked over the coals for saying "Eh-Thur-Net" for years... Finally, I'm glad to meet someone that's not just another "E-Thur-Net" sheep lol. 😆

    • @S0K0N0MI
      @S0K0N0MI 4 года назад +5

      Well, the name Ethernet is based off of the term "Luminiferous Ether", which was once thought to transfer electromagnetic waves through space. We know how to pronounce 'Ether' by itself, so it stands to reason that 'Ether-net' starts the same way. (long and complicated way of saying you are wrong. ;)

  • @bsb0011
    @bsb0011 5 лет назад +2

    Need a unique mac address? Next time before you toss out that old computer, router, or other ethernet device record it's mac address. I record the mac of every device i have, then when it dies I still have it. If you are going to donate the old device, might not want to use that mac address, but if the thing dies it's mac address can live on.

    • @idkidk9204
      @idkidk9204 4 года назад

      Oh never thinked about it thanks especially cuz mac addresses cost a bit

    • @RailyardProductions
      @RailyardProductions 3 года назад

      Can't you just make one up?

  • @stirious8407
    @stirious8407 3 года назад

    If you say ethernet one more time I am gonna kms

  • @jim9689
    @jim9689 4 года назад

    You pronounce ethernet wrong. EEEEEEthernet. Long E. Saying it your way kills all your credibility.