MaGMML3 - Ultimate Level 0 Jumps

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • This level is great. Not because it's super good or anything, but it has the kind of skrunkly charm that low tier levels are known for; the odd design decisions/oversights that make speedrunning the stage an interesting treat. For the first checkpoint, it's placed on the right side of the room so you can Ctrl+R to skip a large chunk of the room. It's slightly strange. I feel like on most checkpoints, you can hit Ctrl+R as soon as you hit the screen transition before it, but for this one, you need to wait just a bit. Maybe it's because it's a vertical transition and I've only ever tried it on horizontal transitions? In the second checkpoint room, you can skip having to go over on safe land and instead Rush Bike on the fire and get to the downwards transition faster that way. Don't worry about the fact that it puts you right in the ceiling. You just fall straight through it thanks to the way screen transitions and anti-zip measures work.
    The Quint fight is quite interesting. Since we're going 0 jumps, that gravity flipper is really in the way of us getting early hits in. But miraculously, Quint's weakness is Electro Cable which lets us cling onto the floor past the gravity flipper and then use another Electro Cable to damage race him.
    This run beats the previous 0 jump record, Yoshi2024's 5:03. For improvements, my Rush Biking could use a lot of work. My midboss kills and Quint kill were also pretty subpar.

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