  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
    The night of August 23, 2017 was marked by an enchantment and diversity never seen in the centennial Teatro Amazonas in Manaus. Their traditional dress and instruments, dance groups from the Sateré-Mawé, Tukano, Dessana and Tikuna ethnic groups took to the stage for a pre-show of the unprecedented performance of the CD "Tchautchiüãne" (Portuguese for "my village"). singer and indigenous composer Djuena Tikuna, who sings in the language of her people, Tikuna - self-styled Magüta.
    On the stage, the artist Djuena was accompanied by her husband, Diego Janatã (in the percussion and flutes), and by the musicians Poramecú Tikuna (maraca and vocals). The audience of 823 people, including 300 indigenous guests from various ethnic groups, ), Anderson Tikuna (guitar), Antón Carballo (violin) and Agenor Vasconcelos (double bass).
    They shared the show with her singer Yra Tikuna, in the song "Ewaré", and Marlui Miranda, in the song "Maraká'Anandé", traditional song of the Ka'apor people (from Maranhão). Marlui, who is an ethnomusicóloca, singer and a pioneer in indigenous music in Brazil, sang with Djuena the song "Araruna", a song that was part of her 1996 album Vozes da Floresta, inspired by the traditional music of Indians Parakanã (Pará).
    The CD "Tchautchiüãne" by Djuena Tikuna has 12 tracks, including the National Anthem. It was with the interpretation of the Brazilian anthem in the Tikuna language that the artist opened her presentation at the Teatro Amazonas accompanied by children from the community Wotchimãücü and the bird imitator Cleudilon de Souza Silveira, known as Passarinho. He, who accompanied the singer in other songs throughout the show, whistles the songs of 37 different species of Amazonian fauna, among them bacurau, sabiá-laranjeira and toucan.
    The compositions on the CD "Tchautchiüãne" speak of cultural resistance, indigenous identity, rituals and threats to indigenous rights. The show was directed by Djuena in partnership with theater director Nonato Tavares, of Companhia Vitória Régia.
    Djuena Tikuna ("the jaguar jumping in the river") was born in the Tikuna Umariaçu Indigenous Land, Tabatinga municipality, in the Amazonas region of the Alto Solimões River, on the border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The taste for music she inherited from her grandmother, Awai Nhurerna (in Portuguese Marilza), who died, to whom the singer paid tribute during the show at the Teatro Amazonas.
    Directed by: Christian Braga
    Photography: Robert Coelho
    Cameras: Christian Braga and Robert Coelho
    Production: Renata Frota
    Production Assistant: Nadyne Oliveira
    Support: Free Journalists, Greenpeace and Real Amazon

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