total agree with your comments, stupid gov !!! yes, affecting our family, actually if we have spare money will go to travel or buy a EV but now stopped our plan, save more money, will not spend any extra money in any other expenses now, we are planning to move to gov school in Sep, so it will increase the gov school burden, that is what gov's stupid policy given all the parents burden as well !!!
我曾在royal Mail 做過半年,我做果區既管理層黑喑到極、對新移民特別苛刻及虐待。
Royal Mail 係私人公司營運,已經唔係政府部門
@@fungsiuto Royal Mail 背後最大股東仍然係英國政府!
@@kl8885 24/12/18 新聞, 己賣盤, 好快唔喺了((((英國政府已批准以53億英鎊出售Royal Mail母公司International Distribution Services (IDS)予捷克億萬富豪丹尼爾·克雷廷斯基(Daniel Kretinsky)旗下的EP集團,此交易是英國郵政服務首次進入外國擁有者的手中
Same feeling for whole UK.
我對royal mail不滿是我屋企人加錢寄掛号信到英國我家,無揾人簽收,就咁放入郵箱。
Royal Mail持有人已經唔再係英國
total agree with your comments, stupid gov !!! yes, affecting our family, actually if we have spare money will go to travel or buy a EV but now stopped our plan, save more money, will not spend any extra money in any other expenses now, we are planning to move to gov school in Sep, so it will increase the gov school burden, that is what gov's stupid policy given all the parents burden as well !!!
Rm 已經係中資管理拉
虛派唔只係 Rm 既,係全部送貨公司都有,或送錯地址又係成日都有。入面係啲 M 係咁送啲已經做到蝕晒既司機上路去派件
另外 rm pf 入面係幾 overwork 而且我做緊既某地方既 pf 係無得用 pda電話功能,而系統入面係無任何個客既聯絡電話,講好聽啲係保障私隱,但又唔見 Amazon Argos sainsburys 係咁?我地番工 training 已有課係做 customer privacy 係必須需要過先可以做
另外份 system 係我做過幾間入面最差,成日都要用自己電話去做 sat nav
結論: pay 還好,但完全唔係新手向