I import cars from Japan as a car dealer in New Zealand. One day I turned on the audio to test and I listened to this song which was saved in HDD. I didn't know the meaning at all but the melody touched my heart and now I am watching this. I just finished writing down all the lyrics in my own pronunciation to sing along someday. And after your English subtitle, I realized that the meaning of this song makes me encouraged. Thanks a lot.
I genuinely feel happy reading this comment!! I'm really glad my translation has helped at least one person ^-^ Hope you'll be able to sing along to the song with its meaning at heart someday!! Maybe one day you can upload a cover! :D
ハジマリノウタ 最近この曲の作詞作曲が山下穂尊と知り、本当にいきものがかりには「気持」や「想い」の強い人たちが揃っていたんだと改めて実感しました。久々に気持の奥底を触られましたね。最高の楽曲👍
I import cars from Japan as a car dealer in New Zealand. One day I turned on the audio to test and I listened to this song which was saved in HDD. I didn't know the meaning at all but the melody touched my heart and now I am watching this. I just finished writing down all the lyrics in my own pronunciation to sing along someday. And after your English subtitle, I realized that the meaning of this song makes me encouraged. Thanks a lot.
I genuinely feel happy reading this comment!! I'm really glad my translation has helped at least one person ^-^ Hope you'll be able to sing along to the song with its meaning at heart someday!! Maybe one day you can upload a cover! :D
@@marumaru5911 Thanks for your comment. Well, I still keep trying it but this song has more lyrics than other J-pops. Not easy!!! ^^;
@@jameskang9853 you can do it!! I'm rooting for you :D
Wow that's an amazing way to encounter it, almost like a destiny.
遠くに見えた街並み いつの日にか誓った景色と同じ
怯えて立てなくなっても 涙に滲む明日を教えてくれる
君からもらった言葉 僕の生きる意味を照らしてくれた
「夢の途中」そう気付いたら なんだかちょっと楽になって
答えなど無くていいんだよ 僕の頬は少し朱に染まる
遠く見えた空は澄んでいて 泡沫の日々に迷わんとした
揺るぎないこの胸の真ん中の想いを託して 想いを信じて
僕はただ明日を見て歩こう たとえそこに願い届かずとも
変わらないあの日の言葉だけを この手に抱えて この手に抱えて
君とね 出逢ったことが見えなくなった場所を示してくれた
そうして解り合えたよ 僕も君も同じ弱さを持ってる
「強くない」ってそう言い切ったら 暗く濁った闇に灯り灯る
伝えたいことが溢れてきて あの空の向こうへ流れてゆく
ぎこちない言葉でしかないけど 今伝えたくて 今届けたくて
連綿とゆく時間の中で 僕は確かにここで呼吸(いき)をする
柔らかい陽の光を浴びれば また目を覚まして また歩き出せる
僕が生きた「証」を残そう それをいつの日か「夢」と名付けよう
つつましくも意味の在る「証」を 意味在る「夢」だと 確かな「夢」だと
僕は「今」を信じて歩こう たとえそこに祈り叶わずとも
生まれゆく全ての言葉たちを この手に抱えて この手に抱えて
Ah yes,the song that i accidentally found while searching for naruto openings.
"I came looking for copper,and i found gold"
Bagus lagunya