As a Dane, the patriotic side of me got angered when he said "After Sweden occupied Denmark". Denmark has never been occupied by Sweden, I can tell you what really happened and why we had to give up Norway Denmark was forced to cede Norway to Sweden after the Napoleonic Wars due to the Treaty of Kiel, signed in 1814. Denmark had allied with Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars, and after Napoleon's defeat, Denmark was on the losing side. As a consequence, Denmark had to give up Norway as part of the peace settlement. Norway was transferred to Sweden, which had sided with the victorious allies against Napoleon. This transfer of Norway to Sweden led to the formation of the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, which lasted until 1905 when Norway peacefully dissolved the union with Sweden. The occupation of Denmark by Sweden mentioned in this video never happened. In fact, Denmark owned the southern part of Sweden in year 1397 to 1658. Good video though, keep up the good work!👍
Dont you dare Call it southen part Of sweden as a dane you know its Skåne and it has always Well mustly been apart Of us until the swedes took it from us
I should also be noted, that the only reason Denmark Joined Napoleon, was because the british wanted the danish to hand over their navy even though the Denmark-Norway was considered neutral, but Brittien belived that the french would invade and take the danish navy. Reason being that the danish navy was considerably large and powerfull, being the strongest in the baltic.
Right, most of these videos are extremely poorly researched. Greenland and Iceland were part of the Norwegian crown, itself under Danish crown in personal union. Treaty of Kiel transferred Iceland and Greenland to the Danish crown, and put the Norwegian Crown into a personal union with the King of Sweden. The Norwegian claim to Greenland stems from it historically being part of the Norwegian crown (Even though Norway was under Denmark) , but completely ignores the Treaty or Kiel.
An interesting note is that the inuit cultures that lived in Greenland pre viking no longer exists. The current inuit culture, called Thule, emigrated from Cananda reaching Greenland around 1300. So in actual fact, Scandinavians has been present in Greenland around 300 years longer then the "indigenous people" of Greenland. The inuit people of Greenland today, share more DNA with Danish people, then the pre existing Dorset inuit culture, which they share non with. Denmark did not conquer a country and people. There was no country when the vikings settled and the country that exists now, was build by the Danes and the Thule people together.
@@mickoabhinayafahrel2275 Okay, but this is historically accurate not fake news. Its a fact the Dorset people died out or left centuries before the Norwegians arrived in Greenland and the Norwegians either left or quite possibly were murdered by the inuits centuries before the Danes returned (same country at the time). Could be a combination of the two, with most Norwegians leaving for Iceland after the walrus tusk trade dried up and the remaining settlers being slain, but that's speculative. We don't really know what happened to them but we do know they were there and that they were relatively well-off due to the ivory/tusk trade. Its not really something debatable, its just history.
This statement contains a mix of historical facts and misleading interpretations. Thule and Dorset Cultures: It is true that the Thule Inuit migrated from Canada to Greenland around 1300, replacing the earlier Dorset culture. However, this does not diminish the Thule Inuit's status as indigenous to Greenland, as they have lived there for centuries and adapted to its environment. Scandinavians in Greenland: Vikings settled in southern Greenland around 985 but abandoned their settlements by the 1400s. Claiming that Scandinavians were present longer than the Thule Inuit oversimplifies history, as the Thule remained after the Vikings left. DNA Sharing: While modern Greenlandic Inuit may share some DNA with Danes due to historical intermarriage, this does not erase their cultural or historical identity as Inuit. Colonial Framing: The statement minimizes the colonial aspects of Danish rule over Greenland by implying equal partnership in "building the country," ignoring the significant power imbalance and the imposition of Danish governance and culture. Also, most Danes don't look Inuit or vice versa lmao
Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland! Greenland is currently an autonomous region within the Kingdom of Denmark. We are Danish citizens. Our dream is full independence. We, most emphatically, DO NOT want to become another, abused, neglected overseas territory of the US. The idea that you can just send someone in here with a bunch of money and we’d sell our country, is ludicrous. All we have to do is to see how the US has, and is treating its indigenous populations in Alaska and in the continental US. We have no illusions about being treated any differently under US rule. Greenland has formally been a territory of Denmark since 1721, long before the U.S. was even a sovereign country. In 1979, Greenland got autonomy and a Home Rule government was elected. This was achieved, not through bloodshed and war but through peaceful negotiations. A situation pretty unique in a world where most colonized people have had to pay for any independence with their blood. The authority of the Government of Greenland, and its parliament, was further expanded in 2009. The Greenland government and parliament make unilateral decisions on almost all domestic issues. The members of the parliament are elected every four years through free and fully democratic elections. However, some areas are still determined by Denmark such as defense, foreign policy, citizenship, and the judiciary system. Denmark does not, however, enact or decide any laws in these areas that concern Greenland without consulting first with our own lawgivers. The ties between Greenland and Denmark go way beyond history, politics or money. There are many deep family ties. Many people in Greenland have a Danish ancestor or ancestors or Danish family members. Our society is modeled on the Scandinavian system of tax payed healthcare, education, social services etc. Currently Denmark subsidizes Greenland annually with the equivalent of around 600 million US dollars. To think that the US would ever willingly pay even a fraction of that to Greenland is insanely naive. The US has never paid as much as a penny in rent to Greenland for the land they have annexed/occupied for their military bases. The US already strategically controls Greenland, through their military base in the northern part of Greenland. There is no chance of the Russians or the Chinese coming in here with any military might. No, trump isn’t worried about the Russians or the Chinese coming to Greenland. That is an excuse. No, he wants full control so he can strip mine Greenland with impunity of any and all mineral wealth, raping her blind and leaving nothing but death, destruction and pollution in his wake. This is what his MAGA goons mean when they talk about “development”. We don’t want your system of government, we don’t want your model of society with its crazed gun culture, insane medical bills and costly education only for the rich. You have no freedoms that we don’t already have. Our society is not perfect, but yours is definitely not worthy of emulation. We can’t do much if the orange menace wants to act like Hitler and annex/occupy us. Our population is small and not heavily armed. But such an aggressive act towards a friendly, peaceful neighbor and ally, would certainly not win the US any new friends on the world stage. They would probably lose several of the ones they have now as other countries would justifiable fear a U.S. take over. Trump may think he’s joking or that it’s fun to threaten the sovereignty of other sovereign nations as he has done to Canada, Greenland, Panama and Mexico. But this kind of rhetoric is dangerous in a world as volatile as ours. To dismiss his comments is foolish, as he, like Hitler did, has plenty of followers who are ready and willing to carry out his wishes of a violent take over of territories not belonging to the US. The US under trump would gain far more through peaceful coexistence and trade…and as our leaders in Greenland have stated: We are open for business, but we are definitely not for sale and I`ll fight for my country...
That was well explained. Just wondering what all these countries want from you? You said it's minerals but as an outsider it seems weird that someone wants to pay so much for molybdenum or nickel?
Does Greenland wish to become part of EU? - I'd love for Greenland to become another independent country with strong relationships as we have to Sweden, Norway, Faroe islands. - If USA takes over millitarily it would never be forgetten, i have a feeling it might end up in some sort of compremis.
@@simosavustaja9420 trade routes, minerals and oil. Buying greenland would likely pay itself back within a few decades. Though it all depends on the amount of minerals and oil there is, and how expensive it will be to extract. There are many factors in which you can profit from Greenland. For instance 1) having corporations buy the rights to search for minerals in certain areas. if they don't find anything, you earn money. If they do find something and start to extract it, the deal obviously will involve taking a huge cut of whatever profits the firm makes. 2) establishing and controlling new trade routes will give significant power at negotiations with other nations resulting in huge profits. the same argument can be made military bases. 3) Additional workforce which can obviously be beneficial, even though the population is very small. These are just some arguments as to why the US would want Greenland. However, this does not take into account the money it costs to "operate" greenland (e.i. the subsidiaries that he Danish government is currently paying). I don't doubt that the US can make Greenland more profitable than it currently is, but it will result in a destruction of the welfare state, and likely also the land itself.
They will never be independent from Denmark and EU. It’s all a show. They know that. If they become independent from Denmark, someone else will take over without asking them in 2 seconds. (Read USA/Russia/China) - they’ll never be as free as they are under Danish rule right now. That’s a fact.
0:37: Sweden occupied Denmark in 1814? I am Danish, and I have some interest in history, but I have never heard about this occupation. Are you sure, this is correct? Also, all the photos from Norway are really nice, but you mostly show them, when you are talking about Denmark. This could lead some viewers to the misunderstanding, that these photos were from Denmark.
Sweden did occupy Denmark at one point from what i remember. Although you shouldn’t believe in what I am saying since I got this from another video a long time ago.
What he is saying is not true it was because Napoleon lost the war. They never occupied the territory. If he does mean occupied then it will have to be after the treaty of kiel were Denmark was forced to give away Norway. Which then would mean they were occupying parts of Denmark. Denmark number 1. The swedes have never taken København. They tried and failed.
@@larsmunch4536 Treaty of Kiel (1814) transferrred Greenland and Iceland from the Norwegian crown to the Danish crown, and transferred the Norwegian crown from Denmark to Sweden. Result of Denmark siding with Napoleon.
It's not just about the money, it's also about the logistical issues of having a population of just 57,000 people scattered across a huge land mass. You need doctors, nurses, engineers, tradespeople, police, etc., and it's already quite difficult to find qualified personnel for many of those positions, especially outside of Nuuk. Imagine having to run all the moving parts of a modern, functioning economy based on the population of 1/10th of the population of Wyoming.
Which is one reason I don't get the independence movement. Especially not when they have homerule with Denmark paying many of the bills. Greater internal freedom, equal standing with Denmark under the crown even internationally, that makes sense as a goal. As many as 17.000 greenlanders permanently live on the danish mainland, taking advantage of the opportunities they have as danish citizens. That's more than a quarter of the population living in Greenland. Then there are the young people studying in Denmark using the free school system as well as paid tuition. Standing alone also means facing Trump and the US alone as a defenceless resource rich island of strategic significance with no nearby friends. It means giving up the lifeline from Denmark in return for promises from a country that has historically had no regard for the rights of natives with wealthy land. No offense to anyone, but Trump's word isn't worth the napkin its written on.
@@dragon723. I think most people would be willing to give up some economic prospects and privileges to have full self-determination. It's natural and normal. But at the same time, a rational person will of course consider the drawbacks and responsibilites that come with it, and that is the current situation.
@@augustuswarglewinkle6328 And how long will that independence last? 57.000 Native Americans aka the population of a mid-sized town, standing alone against the US or Russia doing whatever they have to in order to get their grubby hands on an island with trillions of $ worth of mineral resources and a strategic position for the coming Arctic landgrab. Justifications will be found or manufactured.
Most Greenlanders "want independence" in the abstract, but the general political consensus is "if we do that right now we're going bankrupt", so I don't exactly think it's Denmark's fault that Greenland is still hanging around. Denmark could kick them out, but... Denmark doesn't really need to do that, and has some pretty decent reasons not to. (Denmark probably doesn't mind paying the subscription in exchange for the international influence it gets in the Arctic.)
Why would Greenlanders want independence? They don't have the resources or population to sustain themselves and would without Denmark be a easy target for Russia, the US or China who would love claim Greenland and use it for military strategic and economic purposes which I am 100% sure would not be beneficial to the people living in Greenland. I think you are right that if Greenland became independent now that they would go backrupted and would end up in the hands of Russia or the US. Wouldn't Denmark be a much better option?
@@ProgressIsTheOnlyEvolution They want independence because of the many ways Denmark violated their people and they still feel that Denmark is violating them. There is no doubt that Denmark have violated alot of women and children and those actions has resulted in the population count only being 56.000 and not 250.000 - 300.000 today. The Danish doctors sterilized many women and girls without informing them in advance or even afterward. There was also the kidnapping of many children, conducting undisclosed medical tests and research for several decades, and forcing men to clean up radioactive material without warning about the exposure. There were forced relocations of entire villages, and so on. The list goes on and on. The Danish state regarded the local people not as human beings but more like livestock. For that reason, human rights were not considered relevant by law or by opinion among Danish officials all the way up to the 1960s and 1970s. We continued sterilizing them through the 1980s, against their knowledge and consent. From that perspective, I understand why they might not have positive feelings toward the Danish state. However, from a realistic point of view, and based on the current administrative conditions, it does not make any sense for them to seek independence from Denmark. This is because, with respect to corruption, they do not trust their own lawmakers, but they do trust the courts, the police, and businesses. The difference being that the lawmakers are native Greenlanders, while the courts, police, and businesses are Danish. In other words, they may dream of independence, but in reality, they know they must be administered by the Danish government to prevent internal corruption.
@@ProgressIsTheOnlyEvolution Denmark also doesn't exploit the island in search of more natural ressources, Greenland recently made a law that prohibits mining uranium because of danger to the environment. We can all agree that having a safe environment on freaking Greenland would be pretty important for the planet, right? Anyone here think the US or worse, Russia, would respect that law? The safest pair of hands is letting Greenland remain under the protection of Denmark, and by extension NATO.
@@suneenough Denmark cannot unilaterally kick them out. Denmark 🇩🇰 doesn’t own Greenland 🇬🇱-Greenland is a constituent country within the Kingdom of Denmark, along with the Faroe Islands 🇫🇴.
Stormbroen in central Copenhagen marks a battle where Sweden came within meters of defeating Denmark. The Swedish king later died during the campaign. Denmark would not have survived without the assistance we got from Holland.
Being Faroese I can tell you a big part of it is pride. Denmark was offered several times enormous sums from the USA, at times Denmark really needed the boost. They didnt take it, at a time the economic potential of Greenland was not a guarantee before the melting ice, because it would be an admittance of a decline, and would hurt national pride. Denmark is small and while it lost iceland it kepts its claws tight on the Faroes and Greenland, though this has been loosening over the years. As is I see no reason to let our own pride get in the way of some free money and stellar relations with Denmark.
How does Denmark keep it's claw tight? Denmark can not bind any of the two closer. Nor can Denmark kick them out. Both decide their own fate. Both decide to leach of the Danish cuffers while crying like they were african slaves in the early 1800's. A pathetic bunch.
There's never been any real offers to buy the Faroes, which themselves achieved self governance far earlier than Greenland, which I am aware of. The only real attempt of changing sovereignty was the Faroese declaration of independence that was rejected after WWII.
It cant. It has been researced, the areas with the resources are to far away from population centers, which is even worse with the low population. Not only that it would destroy the environment of Greenland. One of the areas with alot of resources is also the only place were you can have farm animales. Another thing is that most greenlanders dont want to mine after the resources because of the things i stated ealier. Lastly 80% of Greenlands budget is paid by the danish goverment, average spending per capita in Greenland is up to 5 times higher then that in Denmark. Sorry for the long comment, just wanted show people why they arent going for independence yet.
@@Nukannguaq. Absolutely only 1 reason greenland wanna go solo, natural resources.. but greenland basically owe it all to Denmark for feeding them money for years on end. i never wish for greenland to ever go solo. Denmark should have 80% of all the natural resources then, as payment.
They have lived there for +1000 years so I’m sure they can. USA have had a big military base since the 1950s big radars to spot incoming missiles from USSR/Russia
@@dragon723. It would be as stupid for either the US or Russia to do this as it would be for them to shoot a nuke at each other. Sure I agree they are stupid....but THAT stupid...seriously? That's a bold prediction. I think you are wrong.
@@dragon723. If the US was stupid enough to attack Greenland or force it out of Denmark, it would be the end of NATO and then the US would shoot themselves in the foot, and it would be the end of the US too. If Russia was stupid enough to attack Greenland, it would be an attack on NATO and that would end in Russia totally collapsing and possibly being destroyed. You would have more likelihood trying to predict the end of the world...but to end the world over Greenland? I don't see it happening. Greenland would be valuable when the ice melt if we survive that long yes...but that would be FAR into the future and at the rate we are going with wars, the global warming is far more likely to finish us off long before either the US or Russia would do something this desperate. It honestly would be a extremely stupid move by either of them. I don't think they are that stupid, even if they are both led by very stupid men.
@@ProgressIsTheOnlyEvolution Try telling that to Trump or his successors once Greenland stands on its own, a mid sized towns worth of native Americans standing between global superpowers + megacorporations and trillions of $ worth of minerals - assuming global warming continues - and a key strategic position for the Arctic landgrab. We've heard such stories many, many times before. Promises will be made of prosperity for both sides, but in the end native Greenlanders will have a handful of glass beads and a tiny reservation somewhere out of the way.
Greenland wants to buy the USA back - Grønland vil købe USA tilbage. They haven't considered a price yet, but it should be very cheap because of the huge dept that the USA has and if Trump will be in the deal it should be even cheaper.
I'm not sure Norway would really want that , Greenland have many social issues, issues that has nothing to do with Denmark ,so it's not that easy , also if Greenland was part of Norway it would be Norway they wanted independence from anyway , and realty is, sometimes they want sometimes they don't it depends on the question
@@veronicajensen7690 U miss the point. He rather want Greenland to be a part of Denmark, than the US. (Even tho Norway "owned" it before Denmark did...) Rather Denmark, than the US, if anything...
Why should Greenland leave Denmark for any reason? How is that a benefit to either Greenlanders or Danes? It is foreign interest who has this as a wishful thinking, especially now because of global warming and the threat of WW3. But regardless of if you look at the argument for climate or wars, it would be far better for both Greenland, Denmark and the world in general if Greenland remains with Denmark and is not put in the hands of Russia, the US, China or any other super-power.
The vikings where first in Greenland Denmark has every right to it as a part of it's kingdom and they help the local population in many ways and are nice to them don't empose anything on them they should be glad nothing is stolen here be happy or become one big US millitery base the locals will be a minority over night.
And Greenland doesn’t get money because Denmark has a ban Conscience but because they are Danish citizens, and we have laws that say no religion in the kingdom can have to low living standards and services, Faroe Islands has had their money cut drastically because they earn a lot of money currently, Bornholm where I live also gets a lot of support for the same reason as Greenland and help to make travel prices to Copenhagen affordable, but if Greenland start making lots of money the assistance will be reduced the same with Bornholm. The simple answer is Greenland gets help because they are Danish citizens which in no region must be deprived of the most basic needs, i’m paraphrasing but that’s about what the laws say about which way not just Greenland but several regions in the kingdom of Denmark get assistance depending on their needs.
This video is an expression of an American imperialist mindset. It is the Americans who are concerned with the economic opportunities in Greenland and therefore they want to take over Greenland. Most recently, Trump has offered to buy Greenland from Denmark, which of course Denmark has rejected as pure madness. In a civilized world, you cannot buy a country and its people.
It’s not like they are conducting a military invasion of Greenland. They are asking a well trusted ally which is in NATO, weather or not they could have Green, the Americans even offered to pay. When Denmark refused on the offer, everything went to normal. However based on the situation in Ukraine, I don’t think Russia would leave Denmark alone if this were to happen to them…
Greenland can play both sides of the Atlantic now - Denmark and the US. They need to get the best deal possible from Trump and Denmark at the same time.
Inuit be like: -Have defacto independence(can rule things) -Receive money to the budget from another pocket -Have their life going normal as they want They have to still be technically loyal. I don't see the problem here.
Honestly I think Greenland is in a pretty good position. only 60k people live there, and it being a frozen wasteland means they cant really have a proper economy. Denmark gives them money but doesn't really get anything in return, as Greenland has complete home rule
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 Nope norse settlers came first, and the thule people arrived between then and when the christian missionairies arrived.
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 the Thule people came around 1300s 1400s while the Norse came to Greenland around 900-1000AD. i always find it fascinating that people say 'it belong to the Greenlandic people' while the Viking literally were there first the Thule people came from Canada so in fact the Greenlandic people stole/colonized another country (at that time it was Norwegian people that lived in Greenland and was not part of Denmark)
This aged poorly. Recent polling in Denmark. 62% to go independent. Then 57% to join America. Greenland's elected government voted against the people. They will soon be replaced I suspect you can't go that hard against the people in a nation that small. So knowing this and the fact Denmark can do nothing, and America can more than exceed what the Danes can provide, yeah, the odds of this are increasing.
I don't think Denmark's desire to keep Greenland is about natural resources, as those natural resources could just as well be used by Greenland to finance it's independence. We, Denmark, gain strategic influence by controlling the foreign policy of Greenland (e.g. though the Thule air base), and Greenland gets money and services that a population of 57,000 cannot provide such as universities, courts, and so on. Also, giving up Greenland feels like giving up part of our history. The emotional attachment to Greenland is strong. There is also pride involved. Denmark just feels much bigger and more important with Greenland. Properly not the best reason, but true nonetheless. Finally, a lot of people of Danish descent do live in Greenland, which is a reason to keep the union together. However, in the end of day, if Greenland wants independence, then obviously they should have it. People should get to rule themselves, as they see fit.
And Greenland doesn’t get money because Denmark has a ban Conscience but because they are Danish citizens, and we have laws that say no religion in the kingdom can have to low living standards and services, Faroe Islands has had their money cut drastically because they earn a lot of money currently, Bornholm where I live also gets a lot of support for the same reason as Greenland and help to make travel prices to Copenhagen affordable, but if Greenland start making lots of money the assistance will be reduced the same with Bornholm. The simple answer is Greenland gets help because they are Danish citizens which in no region must be deprived of the most basic needs, i’m paraphrasing but that’s about what the laws say about which way not just Greenland but several regions in the kingdom of Denmark get assistance depending on their needs
Leaving does indeed the end of subsidies. What isn't visible is the invisible subsidies, Greenland and the citizens can avail themselves freely of all of Denmarks diplomatic efforts and representations. You are correct in the mutual benefit in world politics, but Greenlanders also know that they on their own has no political power and would have to bow to whatever the US demands of them, because the alternative is to give China whatever they demand. Being part of the danish realm isn't just financial security, it's also political and military security. Denmark is big enough it can wield some power, but not so big it will just ignore Greenlands wishes.
Instead of a measley couple billion and a half from Denmark, USA could provide hundred billion and make them all rich. Need that land or the the global south will be the new hegemony. Get ready for everyone having to learn Mandarin and watching kung fu movies all the time.
@@socomxx China isn't south at all. And if you think the US will provide even half of what Denmark gives to Greenland, you need your head examined. They'll just move a lot of maga loyalists there, and sideline the locals comepletely, just look how the various tribes are treated in the US, they won't do better. They'll loose their UHC, their free education, they'll lose democracy and selfdetermination.
Exceptionally good job, talking about the full picture too, if not all the speculations and their grounding. My only criticism would be that Greenland has never been independent. Nominally perhaps, but during ww2 it was immediately occupied by American forces days after Denmark surrendered. They didn't get to live independently, but for a time they felt how nit being a colony feels like.
As a territory of the USA 🇺🇸 Greenland 🇬🇱 can be rich and much more prosperous than Denmark. Also as a territory Greenland can when it is possible finally decide if it wants to be a state or become completely independent. But with Denmark 🇩🇰 I think 🤔 they will find ways to keep Greenland under their control because they have done that over and over again.
@Trebbie Greenland has the main say over the resources on the island, so you are wrong on That part - The two main problems is: 1.) While the Greenlanders to some degree wants what the resources can give them, they they do not want it at the cost of the environment - In short as in the other Nordic countries then there are a solid socialist/green view and politics, so mining in the form Americans might be used to it, with no regards for nature, that is out of the question. 2.) Even with slightly milder climate due to global warming, then the climate+nature still gives extremely harsh expensive mining conditions, so while a number of companies (with only 1 American) has operations in Greenland, then they are very small, and will likely remain so for decades to come. Keep here also in mind that while we see a warming in the arctic at the moment, then too much heat will likely have a negative impact on the gulf stream, and if that warm stream is halted, then we'll likely see a new ice age, even if small, in that area, what might also keep some larger companies from investing to any longer and larger degree in Greenland... The real question is why Trump Really are going after Greenland, or in reality Denmark, and thus the West/Nato etc. as None of the reasons he's using makes logical sense. Note here that the deals Denmark/Greenland has with the US already makes it possible for the US to have bases on Greenland, just as mining operations, under the rules Greenland decides.... That Only leaves another kind of reason, and that is to attack/destroy the West/Nato from within, and I'll here remind people that Wikileaks etc. DID point at a Trump-Putin connection up to the first election! The only question that remains, is if Trump will succeed in splitting the West/Nato, as well as the US from within in the coming years... 🙁
Why do you show so many pictures of norwegian fjords when mentioning greenland and Denmark’s relationship i feel colonized and enslaved by the danes (again 😢)
they always show Norway when talking abut any Scandinavian country, people must get so confused when they visit flat Denmark , if they don't show Norway they show Faroe islands
US will NEVER allow a fully independent Greenland - NEVER. This is the hash reality. Greenland can leave Denmark any time they like, but they cannot keep the US away. (Or Russia or China or??)
I totally agree with your speculations, mainly with the idea that global warming/climate change, being on the rise, what you’re saying might not even be speculation at all it might as well be entirely true.
Denmark has never been occupied by Sweden, so why say that? Sweden and Norway has OF COURE been a part of the Danish realm, but never the other way around.
@@billywiththebulgingbaloonb5105 kalmar union was under danish crown, also you literally have an independence day which further proves that you were under danish rule
@@stevencigar9897 Lol. The Kalmar Union started when Sweden INVITED Denmark to fight the Hansa at Åsle in 1389. We couldn't know that you would collaborate with them and be as corrupt as them for the next 200 years. Do you also consider the EU some sort of mighty German empire that invaded all of Europe just because most of Europe is in a union with them? June 6th is about independence from the Kalmar Union, not "Danish occupation" and the proof is that there was no Kalmar Union after June 6th. Norway-Denmark was a completely different country, no matter what you were taught in school.
@@Īvï-â-ṣ̌ not quite sure What you mean with the whole eastern Greenland thing Unless you mean norways attempt to get some of Greenland at some point. But among other things we took the children of the people in Greenland to “make them proper danish people” in the fifties and nowadays a Greenlands population is among the highest rate of suicide
@spiceboy9691 Sorry for the terrible question 😅 and thank you for the answer. It was of help, but I'm interested, as a Danish person who do think should "have" Greenland (Denmark or Norway) and why (sorry for all the questions, and sorry if the don't make a lot of sense)
The idea of the US attempting to purchase Greenland is "Absurd". It treats Greenland as a mere commodity, disregarding the will of its people. Denmark cannot simply sell Greenland; it's not a possession to be traded. Greenland is an autonomous part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and its future should be determined by its own inhabitants. This isn't 1917. We're discussing democratic nations and autonomous regions. Greenland is no longer a Danish colony. Denmark cannot sell Greenland, just as the UK cannot sell Scotland or Wales, nor can the US sell Alaska. The situations are comparable. Greenland, Scotland, and Wales all have the right to pursue independence. If they choose to leave their respective kingdoms through a referendum, and are permitted to do so legally, they could theoretically also choose to join another country via a similar process. The notion of simply buying Greenland from Denmark is absurd and reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of democratic principles. Greenlanders largely aspire to full independence, recognizing its current economic impracticality. As a Dane, I fully support Greenland's pursuit of self-determination. Should they choose independence via referendum, I would respect their decision, as any supporter of democracy would.
Some countries should, objectively not be independent, as you’ve said yourself. The will of the people is only 50% of the equation, the other 50% is the actual logistics of statehood, of which Greenland does not meet the succeed as a country, the human conditions in Greenland would plummet if Denmark left, the current situation is extremely mutually beneficial, Denmark gets access to the large reserves of natural resources found in Greenland, and Greenland benefits from the infrastructure, subsidies, cheaper imports, and jobs created by the mining.
@@King_Zog_I While leaving the Kingdom of Denmark in the current circumstances would be a foolish, I would still support such a decision if it were the outcome of a legitimate referendum. I believe any true democrat would uphold the right of self-determination. Ultimately, the decision regarding Greenland's independence rests solely with the people of Greenland.
@ self determination at the cost of human life and suffering. people can be led astray and lied to and not understand the true ramifications of their vote. No democratic country allows its people to vote to abolish the government nor make murder legal.
I am a complete outsider studying Viking literature. My take is that deep down in the psyche, Danes and their descendants romanticize Greenland, which is why they call it Greenland in the first place. By some mysterious force of nature, Vikings always die when they try to live there. It is a beautiful cursed land they can't get over it.
Why is greenland still part of denmark? Because they can't support themselves. people there are basically all in goverment support, not just in infrastructurer, but in the jobs greenlanders work.
What nonsense people can say. The Danes will not leave Greenland with their racist and Nazi behavior. The Danes and Denmark are nothing without Greenland.
You make some good points and is honest about when it´s speculation. True that Greenland has never been profitable for Denmark, so why put money into Greenland for centuries? I think it was originally with a hope to get a profit, and when that didn´t happen Denmark and Greenland staid together in what I think most danes considered a family relation between a parent and child. Greenland was Denmarks responsibility and, as you point out, the money sent there was no big burden. Global warming, leading to access to underground resources, has only been a factor for a couple of decades, so Denmark has not kept Greenland for that reason. But today some danes are saying "We have been paying to Greenland for so long, so we want a cut of the upcoming wealth". That has never been government policy though. Back to the parent/child relation. Only 60000 people live in Greenland, and it completely depends on Denmark for Health Care, Infrastructure, Education, Defence and Foreign Relations ... and money. That is why Greenland can only get more and more self governing and control, but not complete independence. What I think greenlanders really want and also should have, is the main share of any wealth found there and, maybe most of all, proper respect from Denmark and the danes, who tend to be patronizing. The US interest will be used by the greenlanders to squeeze Denmark in a bidding war, and right now danish politicians are scrambling to accelerate the proces of more respect and self government. I hope and think this will all end in a compromise, where US gets more rights in and around Greenland (which is fair because they are needed for protection), but no influence on Greenlands government and society. Denmark has made many mistakes in Greenland, but is learning and is better for Greenland than it has ever been. (Yes, I am from Denmark)
It would seem to me that Greenland has benefited from being part of Denmark whether a colony, territory or county. Denmark has always afforded the inhabitants of the island be they of indigenous, Viking or mixed descent a healthy amount of autonomy & representation in the government of Denmark. In fact the 56k Greenlanders are better represented than the 700k who live in Washington DC. Also we’re not talking about a mere century of colonial exploitation, we’re talking about a 1000 year shared history that becomes more a conversation of co-evolution & blood relation at this point. There is even a debate whether the Vikings or indigenous peoples settled there first. It would be an ungrateful gesture if not an actual betrayal of family for Greenland to benefit from their inclusion in the Scandinavian family for so long only to take the money & run once the place thaws out & becomes a treasure chest.
It is pretty though sustaining a relatively modern lifestyle in a place like Greenland without a lot of outside support. Yes, there are a lot of culture tiers between Denmark and Greenland, that have developed over the years. Greenlanders come to work and study in Denmark. They come here for some medical procedure. We have some celebrities with a Greenland background on television. The danish royals seem pretty popular in Greenland. Greenland has control of their resources. American firms are more than welcome to invest in Greenland if they find it profitable.
Okay but you're talking like Norway was part of Denmark for like a decade or something. Norway was part of Denmark for the majority of its history. When Harald Bluetooth unified Denmark he also controlled part of Norway. When Knud the great ruled the great North Sea Empire he also ruled Norway and England. Norway left later, yes, but then willingly joined Denmark again alongside the Swedes in the Kalmar Union. When the Swedes revolted after the Stockholm bloodbath, Norway stayed on the Union terms until the Napoleonic Wars. We didn't "steal" Greenland, it was ours for centuries. Just like we didn't "occupy" Scania, for most of written history it was ruled by Danes. I am glad Greenland has independence now in the Royal Federation but we never stole ANYTHING
Greenland can become independent the moment they decide it by a referendum. They should stop crying, and start acting. It's pathetic to watch adults act like victims when they have free will, just like the rest of us.
@@paintingdreams290 Yeah the thing with the constitution is that it has taken more then 20 years to figure that one out, and 20% of Greenlands GDP is just from danish subsidies. Lastly the largest imployer in Greenland is the public.
Hi there, Everything is not just about money and power. There's a long history together, hence both Inuits and Danes live in Greenland. There have been some cases of bad treatment of Greenlanders in the past that are totally not OK, but Greenland and Denmark are jointly looking at solving that together now, making things more just for Greenland. We work things out together. And Greenlanders are happy about the Nordic welfare state model: while the majority being Inuit, they, too, culturally are part of the Nordic understanding of organising a just, equal society. Unlike, how the U.S. sometimes treats indiginous people, incl. Inuit. Btw, Inuits migrated to Greenland from Canada, just like Scandinavians migrated to Greenland - at different times in history though. Not a reason for not allowing Greenland independence, if that's what they want. But in the Nordic countries, we do try to work things out via dialogue - which sometimes might include realising and recognising an unjust, colonial past. Karen from Denmark
You missed a very important point. Greenland can only become independent IF the Danish Parliament agreed to it. This is the deal Denmark made with Greenland in 1979. So it's NOT the choice of the Greenlandic people.
As crazycat7547 did point out Denmark have never been fully occupied by Sweden buut their did hold a large part of Denmark for some time (the Dano-Swedish War 1658-1660)
It´s more of a love-hate relationship, from the Greenlanders´ side. Danes are more positive towards Greenlanders, I believe. But there is racism both ways, no doubt about it, and painful history. The Greenlanders have been hurt in many ways by the Danes. But then, also helped. It is very complicated. Anyway, the "relationship" goes back 600 years, so it is somewhat deeply rooted.
Greenlanders come to work and study in Denmark and Danes go to work and live in Greenland. Many Greenlanders have Danish names and most speak Danish. There are a lot of cultural ties.
Hans Egede was from my hometown Harstad in Norway. Greenland and Iceland amongst others was a part of Norway until late 1300s. Why the the Norse settlement in Greenland and and today's Labrador and New Foundland provinces of Canada were abandoned is not know. Climate change is a suggested reason though.
I still find joy in the fact, that the Danish prime minister humiliated Donald Trump in public and triggered him into losing what little composure he had.
sorry to steal your joy , as a Dane I have seen many American post about the Danish PM saying about the suggestion to buy Greenland "it's absurd" she wasn't actually talking about Trump , the last time her political party was in charge in Denmark they sold our state owned energy company to Goldman Sachs or 49% of it , the journalist said if we could trust her not to sell Greenland to the USA as they had sold the energy company, and it was this question she said was absurd , however it spread all over the world that she was speaking of Trump , that said it's not possible to sell a country today without the population in the country accepting it, so Denmark can't sell Greenland even if we wanted to it's against UN solution, and also against the agreement between Denmark and Greenland , the US have put a lot of pressure on Denmark regarding Greenland for decades, it's actually not Denmark that don't want foreign investors, it's the US!!!!! they don't want China to invest in Greenland , Greenland had made an agreement with China about an airport , Denmark had no issues with it, the Obama called and the deal with China was broken and Denmark invested in the airport instead , the whole "Trump buying Greenland" was about the US wanting Denmark to tke more control about what happens in Greenland and make sure to keep China out
Actually, a viking leader took Greenland after failing to take York, and named it "Greenland" to lure people from Scandinavian to settle there! However it didn't work very well, the vikings took northern England instead because that had actually grazing land
@@bakedpotato9979 as a Kalaalleq (Greenlander), that's a pretty debatable claim, and even if it wouldn't currently survive at the moment, it definitely would later on as the resources begin to get uncovered by the ice
@@peterpeterpeterpeterpeterpete your resources in question are in the habital land where cattle is and denmark pays you 80% or smth so greenland surviving without denmark is debatble since nations like drc and many african countries have resources yet havent survived so saying you have resources isnt even a reliable reason why greenland would survive on its own in my opinion you should slowly get less and less funds from denmark and slowly get more autonomy untill it seems greenland can survive without danish funds
@@bakedpotato9979 yeah fair point. that's pretty much the exact reason why Greenland still isn't independent yet even though they are fully able to do so. We would rather progressively work towards it instead of getting it right now
4:20 At that time Greenland will seek independence from Denmark and try to keep all their wealth to themselves. A little payback would be nice 👌 thanks 🇩🇰
This video is full of misinformation! You claim Greenland can leave if their people vote to do so but in reality it would also require the majority of the Danish parliament to approve it! You then claim that Denmark is losing the money they contribute to Greenland when in reality they are earning that money back + then some by stealing money from Greenlands fishing export. Also, the money serves as keeping Greenland as economic hostages since Denmark does not allow Greenland to utilize their natural resources or build infrastructure that enables them to do so! Poorly researched video!
lol the only thing Denmark says is no Chinese or Russian influence or companies on Greenland after a US requests. The USA and EU, Japan can invest as much as they can agree with Greenland about its the people on Greenland that have to high demands to any company have found it attractive, we pay them money because they are Danish citizens and no region in the kingdom of Denmark can get lower living standards and services then they have on Greenland, there are other regions in Denmark that are struggling to they also get money, if a region recovers it loses more and more money from the government if it gets worse it gets more. People are just guessing right and left thinking Denmark is like the USA, if Greenland stated making lots of money they would get no money we don’t have a bad conscious over what happened before we where born that’s an American thing, they are Danish citizens that’s what matters they need the money for a worthy life not starving, we have a long history and people from both countries live in Denmark and Greenland and has inter married and children. We have never earned money from Greenland and nobody will for a long time, 30-100 years is my guess it to expensive to do mining now and to much ocean ice for many ships to take the trip to Asia the arctic route, but it is coming and will be very important and save enormous travel time, but it will take time
Damn coming from a Dane that’s quite a statement your making there, maybe I’m ignorant of my government but i have never heard such things being discussed before😅
First error. The Norse settled in Greenland( Depicting the Norse as Norwegians, is wrong as the Norse refers to all Vikings, not just those from what will become Norway). Once they settled in Greenland they where independent.
Independant Greenland with 56000 people, no matter if their economy grows, would be vulnerable to recession/depression, so joining Canada or USA makes sense to provide option of migration & use of world language English over impractical Danish.
@@mammasut8280 I'm not actually! This video is! I was pointing out the hypocrisy, of the video author complaining about land theft, that happened over 200 years ago, when he himself is living on land that was also stolen.
Too many incorrect historical facts, Sweden occupied Denmark in 1814??No but the kingdom Denmark-Norway was broken up and Norway became under Swedish control for the next 100 years. Greenland was not independant of Denmark during WW2, but the Danish embassador to US gave US the rights to control Greenland during the war, who the established military bases which are ttill there today.
here is the thing when you ask them, they say that they want it when they no longer need goverment subsidise, from Denmark. But considering that danish subsidies are 20% of GDP, probably gonna take a long time.
Thinking about this Denmark has owned half of Hamburg and north Germany And Norway and a part of Sweden And Iceland and some exotic islands Now we still have Greenland and 🇫🇴
I mean.. Atleast their people still exist and have thee right to govern their own land. Go ask Canada and America and Spain what they did with their natives :/
@ We never genocided their people with the intent to “manifest our destiny.” And the crimes we commited we are paying back today. Denmark spends billions on greenland with minimal returns. What has the US done other than rounding up the last of them inside “reserves”?
The first encounters between inhabitants of greenland and the norse were with the dorset, not the inuit. by the time the inuit had come, there were already norse knowledge of greenland and settlements
@@kirliaiscool Yeah thats the thing theInuit killed the dorset and took there land. Its funny but norsemen have more of a right to the land then the Inuit if you think about it. But thats only if you wanna use the same argument that the tribes in the US uses with the whole their lands were stolen we need reperations. Though this is not because i think Inuit dont have any right to Greenland.
The Danish people already made mistake by selling the two islands in the Caribbean to the American in 1907, the American renamed as the American Virgin Islands.
As a Dane, the patriotic side of me got angered when he said "After Sweden occupied Denmark".
Denmark has never been occupied by Sweden, I can tell you what really happened and why we had to give up Norway
Denmark was forced to cede Norway to Sweden after the Napoleonic Wars due to the Treaty of Kiel, signed in 1814. Denmark had allied with Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars, and after Napoleon's defeat, Denmark was on the losing side. As a consequence, Denmark had to give up Norway as part of the peace settlement. Norway was transferred to Sweden, which had sided with the victorious allies against Napoleon. This transfer of Norway to Sweden led to the formation of the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, which lasted until 1905 when Norway peacefully dissolved the union with Sweden.
The occupation of Denmark by Sweden mentioned in this video never happened. In fact, Denmark owned the southern part of Sweden in year 1397 to 1658.
Good video though, keep up the good work!👍
Dont you dare Call it southen part Of sweden as a dane you know its Skåne and it has always Well mustly been apart Of us until the swedes took it from us
I should also be noted, that the only reason Denmark Joined Napoleon, was because the british wanted the danish to hand over their navy even though the Denmark-Norway was considered neutral, but Brittien belived that the french would invade and take the danish navy. Reason being that the danish navy was considerably large and powerfull, being the strongest in the baltic.
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 Nuh uh
Right, most of these videos are extremely poorly researched. Greenland and Iceland were part of the Norwegian crown, itself under Danish crown in personal union. Treaty of Kiel transferred Iceland and Greenland to the Danish crown, and put the Norwegian Crown into a personal union with the King of Sweden. The Norwegian claim to Greenland stems from it historically being part of the Norwegian crown (Even though Norway was under Denmark) , but completely ignores the Treaty or Kiel.
@@MrSaemisch yes and the video also don't mention Greenland said yest to rejoin Denmark in 1952-1953
An interesting note is that the inuit cultures that lived in Greenland pre viking no longer exists. The current inuit culture, called Thule, emigrated from Cananda reaching Greenland around 1300.
So in actual fact, Scandinavians has been present in Greenland around 300 years longer then the "indigenous people" of Greenland.
The inuit people of Greenland today, share more DNA with Danish people, then the pre existing Dorset inuit culture, which they share non with.
Denmark did not conquer a country and people. There was no country when the vikings settled and the country that exists now, was build by the Danes and the Thule people together.
damn that's pretty interesting too, and pretty cool also that they managed to settle it this way mostly peacefully
I love telling misinformation on the internet!!!😍
@@mickoabhinayafahrel2275 Prove him wrong then.
@@mickoabhinayafahrel2275 Okay, but this is historically accurate not fake news.
Its a fact the Dorset people died out or left centuries before the Norwegians arrived in Greenland and the Norwegians either left or quite possibly were murdered by the inuits centuries before the Danes returned (same country at the time). Could be a combination of the two, with most Norwegians leaving for Iceland after the walrus tusk trade dried up and the remaining settlers being slain, but that's speculative. We don't really know what happened to them but we do know they were there and that they were relatively well-off due to the ivory/tusk trade.
Its not really something debatable, its just history.
This statement contains a mix of historical facts and misleading interpretations. Thule and Dorset Cultures: It is true that the Thule Inuit migrated from Canada to Greenland around 1300, replacing the earlier Dorset culture. However, this does not diminish the Thule Inuit's status as indigenous to Greenland, as they have lived there for centuries and adapted to its environment. Scandinavians in Greenland: Vikings settled in southern Greenland around 985 but abandoned their settlements by the 1400s. Claiming that Scandinavians were present longer than the Thule Inuit oversimplifies history, as the Thule remained after the Vikings left. DNA Sharing: While modern Greenlandic Inuit may share some DNA with Danes due to historical intermarriage, this does not erase their cultural or historical identity as Inuit. Colonial Framing: The statement minimizes the colonial aspects of Danish rule over Greenland by implying equal partnership in "building the country," ignoring the significant power imbalance and the imposition of Danish governance and culture. Also, most Danes don't look Inuit or vice versa lmao
Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland!
Greenland is currently an autonomous region within the Kingdom of Denmark. We are Danish citizens. Our dream is full independence.
We, most emphatically, DO NOT want to become another, abused, neglected overseas territory of the US. The idea that you can just send someone in here with a bunch of money and we’d sell our country, is ludicrous. All we have to do is to see how the US has, and is treating its indigenous populations in Alaska and in the continental US. We have no illusions about being treated any differently under US rule.
Greenland has formally been a territory of Denmark since 1721, long before the U.S. was even a sovereign country.
In 1979, Greenland got autonomy and a Home Rule government was elected. This was achieved, not through bloodshed and war but through peaceful negotiations. A situation pretty unique in a world where most colonized people have had to pay for any independence with their blood.
The authority of the Government of Greenland, and its parliament, was further expanded in 2009. The Greenland government and parliament make unilateral decisions on almost all domestic issues.
The members of the parliament are elected every four years through free and fully democratic elections. However, some areas are still determined by Denmark such as defense, foreign policy, citizenship, and the judiciary system. Denmark does not, however, enact or decide any laws in these areas that concern Greenland without consulting first with our own lawgivers.
The ties between Greenland and Denmark go way beyond history, politics or money. There are many deep family ties. Many people in Greenland have a Danish ancestor or ancestors or Danish family members.
Our society is modeled on the Scandinavian system of tax payed healthcare, education, social services etc. Currently Denmark subsidizes Greenland annually with the equivalent of around 600 million US dollars.
To think that the US would ever willingly pay even a fraction of that to Greenland is insanely naive. The US has never paid as much as a penny in rent to Greenland for the land they have annexed/occupied for their military bases.
The US already strategically controls Greenland, through their military base in the northern part of Greenland. There is no chance of the Russians or the Chinese coming in here with any military might.
No, trump isn’t worried about the Russians or the Chinese coming to Greenland. That is an excuse. No, he wants full control so he can strip mine Greenland with impunity of any and all mineral wealth, raping her blind and leaving nothing but death, destruction and pollution in his wake. This is what his MAGA goons mean when they talk about “development”.
We don’t want your system of government, we don’t want your model of society with its crazed gun culture, insane medical bills and costly education only for the rich. You have no freedoms that we don’t already have. Our society is not perfect, but yours is definitely not worthy of emulation.
We can’t do much if the orange menace wants to act like Hitler and annex/occupy us. Our population is small and not heavily armed.
But such an aggressive act towards a friendly, peaceful neighbor and ally, would certainly not win the US any new friends on the world stage. They would probably lose several of the ones they have now as other countries would justifiable fear a U.S. take over. Trump may think he’s joking or that it’s fun to threaten the sovereignty of other sovereign nations as he has done to Canada, Greenland, Panama and Mexico. But this kind of rhetoric is dangerous in a world as volatile as ours. To dismiss his comments is foolish, as he, like Hitler did, has plenty of followers who are ready and willing to carry out his wishes of a violent take over of territories not belonging to the US.
The US under trump would gain far more through peaceful coexistence and trade…and as our leaders in Greenland have stated: We are open for business, but we are definitely not for sale and I`ll fight for my country...
That was well explained. Just wondering what all these countries want from you? You said it's minerals but as an outsider it seems weird that someone wants to pay so much for molybdenum or nickel?
Does Greenland wish to become part of EU? - I'd love for Greenland to become another independent country with strong relationships as we have to Sweden, Norway, Faroe islands. - If USA takes over millitarily it would never be forgetten, i have a feeling it might end up in some sort of compremis.
@@simosavustaja9420 trade routes, minerals and oil. Buying greenland would likely pay itself back within a few decades. Though it all depends on the amount of minerals and oil there is, and how expensive it will be to extract. There are many factors in which you can profit from Greenland. For instance 1) having corporations buy the rights to search for minerals in certain areas. if they don't find anything, you earn money. If they do find something and start to extract it, the deal obviously will involve taking a huge cut of whatever profits the firm makes. 2) establishing and controlling new trade routes will give significant power at negotiations with other nations resulting in huge profits. the same argument can be made military bases. 3) Additional workforce which can obviously be beneficial, even though the population is very small.
These are just some arguments as to why the US would want Greenland. However, this does not take into account the money it costs to "operate" greenland (e.i. the subsidiaries that he Danish government is currently paying). I don't doubt that the US can make Greenland more profitable than it currently is, but it will result in a destruction of the welfare state, and likely also the land itself.
They will never be independent from Denmark and EU. It’s all a show. They know that. If they become independent from Denmark, someone else will take over without asking them in 2 seconds. (Read USA/Russia/China) - they’ll never be as free as they are under Danish rule right now. That’s a fact.
@@simosavustaja9420I think there is another reason: due to climate change it will be soon possible to open a passage between Canada and Greenland.
0:37: Sweden occupied Denmark in 1814? I am Danish, and I have some interest in history, but I have never heard about this occupation. Are you sure, this is correct? Also, all the photos from Norway are really nice, but you mostly show them, when you are talking about Denmark. This could lead some viewers to the misunderstanding, that these photos were from Denmark.
Sweden did occupy Denmark at one point from what i remember. Although you shouldn’t believe in what I am saying since I got this from another video a long time ago.
Sweden occupied a big part of Denmark in 1658.
What he is saying is not true it was because Napoleon lost the war. They never occupied the territory. If he does mean occupied then it will have to be after the treaty of kiel were Denmark was forced to give away Norway. Which then would mean they were occupying parts of Denmark. Denmark number 1. The swedes have never taken København. They tried and failed.
@@larsmunch4536 Treaty of Kiel (1814) transferrred Greenland and Iceland from the Norwegian crown to the Danish crown, and transferred the Norwegian crown from Denmark to Sweden. Result of Denmark siding with Napoleon.
@@larsmunch4536vi ägde er pöjk
It's not just about the money, it's also about the logistical issues of having a population of just 57,000 people scattered across a huge land mass. You need doctors, nurses, engineers, tradespeople, police, etc., and it's already quite difficult to find qualified personnel for many of those positions, especially outside of Nuuk. Imagine having to run all the moving parts of a modern, functioning economy based on the population of 1/10th of the population of Wyoming.
1/10th the population spread out over 10x the territory. Would be difficult indeed.
And they need to establish their own hospitals, schools for higher learning and military for defense
Which is one reason I don't get the independence movement. Especially not when they have homerule with Denmark paying many of the bills. Greater internal freedom, equal standing with Denmark under the crown even internationally, that makes sense as a goal.
As many as 17.000 greenlanders permanently live on the danish mainland, taking advantage of the opportunities they have as danish citizens. That's more than a quarter of the population living in Greenland.
Then there are the young people studying in Denmark using the free school system as well as paid tuition.
Standing alone also means facing Trump and the US alone as a defenceless resource rich island of strategic significance with no nearby friends. It means giving up the lifeline from Denmark in return for promises from a country that has historically had no regard for the rights of natives with wealthy land.
No offense to anyone, but Trump's word isn't worth the napkin its written on.
@@dragon723. I think most people would be willing to give up some economic prospects and privileges to have full self-determination. It's natural and normal. But at the same time, a rational person will of course consider the drawbacks and responsibilites that come with it, and that is the current situation.
@@augustuswarglewinkle6328 And how long will that independence last? 57.000 Native Americans aka the population of a mid-sized town, standing alone against the US or Russia doing whatever they have to in order to get their grubby hands on an island with trillions of $ worth of mineral resources and a strategic position for the coming Arctic landgrab.
Justifications will be found or manufactured.
Honestly, Denmark still owning the island isn’t that bad of an idea, it would mean it wouldn’t be in the hands of Russia or USA
Unless the USA invades and conquers it. It wouldn’t be the first time we took an island by force.
Greenland should be independent,due to its unique people ( Inuit) .They have nothing to do with Denmark,neither Russia or the US
Why are my comments getting deleted?
Denmark doesn’t own it, Greenlanders are Danish citizens.
@@CuriousHacker404-The second Greenland leaves Denmark, China, Russia, or America will swoop in, like vultures over a newly dead corpse.
Most Greenlanders "want independence" in the abstract, but the general political consensus is "if we do that right now we're going bankrupt", so I don't exactly think it's Denmark's fault that Greenland is still hanging around.
Denmark could kick them out, but... Denmark doesn't really need to do that, and has some pretty decent reasons not to. (Denmark probably doesn't mind paying the subscription in exchange for the international influence it gets in the Arctic.)
Why would Greenlanders want independence? They don't have the resources or population to sustain themselves and would without Denmark be a easy target for Russia, the US or China who would love claim Greenland and use it for military strategic and economic purposes which I am 100% sure would not be beneficial to the people living in Greenland.
I think you are right that if Greenland became independent now that they would go backrupted and would end up in the hands of Russia or the US. Wouldn't Denmark be a much better option?
@@ProgressIsTheOnlyEvolution They want independence because of the many ways Denmark violated their people and they still feel that Denmark is violating them. There is no doubt that Denmark have violated alot of women and children and those actions has resulted in the population count only being 56.000 and not 250.000 - 300.000 today. The Danish doctors sterilized many women and girls without informing them in advance or even afterward. There was also the kidnapping of many children, conducting undisclosed medical tests and research for several decades, and forcing men to clean up radioactive material without warning about the exposure. There were forced relocations of entire villages, and so on. The list goes on and on. The Danish state regarded the local people not as human beings but more like livestock. For that reason, human rights were not considered relevant by law or by opinion among Danish officials all the way up to the 1960s and 1970s. We continued sterilizing them through the 1980s, against their knowledge and consent. From that perspective, I understand why they might not have positive feelings toward the Danish state.
However, from a realistic point of view, and based on the current administrative conditions, it does not make any sense for them to seek independence from Denmark. This is because, with respect to corruption, they do not trust their own lawmakers, but they do trust the courts, the police, and businesses. The difference being that the lawmakers are native Greenlanders, while the courts, police, and businesses are Danish.
In other words, they may dream of independence, but in reality, they know they must be administered by the Danish government to prevent internal corruption.
@@ProgressIsTheOnlyEvolution Denmark also doesn't exploit the island in search of more natural ressources, Greenland recently made a law that prohibits mining uranium because of danger to the environment. We can all agree that having a safe environment on freaking Greenland would be pretty important for the planet, right? Anyone here think the US or worse, Russia, would respect that law?
The safest pair of hands is letting Greenland remain under the protection of Denmark, and by extension NATO.
@@michaelhansen2309 Yeah that is a good point. Would much rather Denmark have Greenland than the US or Russia.
@@suneenough Denmark cannot unilaterally kick them out. Denmark 🇩🇰 doesn’t own Greenland 🇬🇱-Greenland is a constituent country within the Kingdom of Denmark, along with the Faroe Islands 🇫🇴.
For those find this story confusing, Simply Denmark is the sugar daddy of Greenland.
I hope one day usa doesn’t blow up his own ship to stole it from Denmark like they did with Cuba in 1898
@@josem588 Greenland is the Danish northern Canada.
@@donaldclifford5763 but let’s hope usa doesn’t do what It did in 1898 to stole Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
There's a new Sugar Daddy in town LOL!!
New sugar daddy soon
Really well made video! hello from Greenland 🇬🇱 :D
Wait are you actually from Greenland? Woah that's so cool
I've never seen someone commented from Greenland!
I have never seen a RUclipsr user from Greenland, so bizzare
yooooo fellow greenlander!! aamma kalaaliuvunga (ilulissanit kisianni maanna nuummi najugaqarpunga)
0:37 Sweden never occupied Denmark.
@@nerdsunited345 Aldrig
Sweden did siege Copenhagen while the ocean was frozen but they lost in end.
they didnt just lose, they got their asses handed to them. denmark only lost 19 people in that battle and the swedes over a thousand lost
Stormbroen in central Copenhagen marks a battle where Sweden came within meters of defeating Denmark. The Swedish king later died during the campaign. Denmark would not have survived without the assistance we got from Holland.
Being Faroese I can tell you a big part of it is pride. Denmark was offered several times enormous sums from the USA, at times Denmark really needed the boost. They didnt take it, at a time the economic potential of Greenland was not a guarantee before the melting ice, because it would be an admittance of a decline, and would hurt national pride. Denmark is small and while it lost iceland it kepts its claws tight on the Faroes and Greenland, though this has been loosening over the years. As is I see no reason to let our own pride get in the way of some free money and stellar relations with Denmark.
What's life like over there?
How does Denmark keep it's claw tight? Denmark can not bind any of the two closer. Nor can Denmark kick them out. Both decide their own fate. Both decide to leach of the Danish cuffers while crying like they were african slaves in the early 1800's. A pathetic bunch.
@@Evan-hockputer Oh I moved to rural Norway years ago.
England also weren't keen on the US owning Greenland (or Faroe Islands).
There's never been any real offers to buy the Faroes, which themselves achieved self governance far earlier than Greenland, which I am aware of. The only real attempt of changing sovereignty was the Faroese declaration of independence that was rejected after WWII.
0:42 Sweden never occupied Denmark
Dano-Swedish war
@@Albrik_IT Denmark was not occupied during any war with Sweden
@@Albrik_IT There was no Dano-Swedish war in 1814.
There is no reason to put a grin face on the Danish flag. Greenland is subsidized by Denmark and not a cash cow.
I don’t know if Greenland could even survive as an independent country, most of it is just snow and ice
There are quite a lot of natural resources
^ especially now that the ice is melting
It cant. It has been researced, the areas with the resources are to far away from population centers, which is even worse with the low population. Not only that it would destroy the environment of Greenland. One of the areas with alot of resources is also the only place were you can have farm animales. Another thing is that most greenlanders dont want to mine after the resources because of the things i stated ealier. Lastly 80% of Greenlands budget is paid by the danish goverment, average spending per capita in Greenland is up to 5 times higher then that in Denmark. Sorry for the long comment, just wanted show people why they arent going for independence yet.
@@Nukannguaq. Absolutely only 1 reason greenland wanna go solo, natural resources.. but greenland basically owe it all to Denmark for feeding them money for years on end. i never wish for greenland to ever go solo. Denmark should have 80% of all the natural resources then, as payment.
They have lived there for +1000 years so I’m sure they can.
USA have had a big military base since the 1950s big radars to spot incoming missiles from USSR/Russia
Remember that Greenlanders wanting independence does NOT mean they want the US or Russia to rule over them instead of Denmark.
But that will be the result.
@@dragon723. What you think you are a prophet or something? How on earth would you know this?
@@dragon723. It would be as stupid for either the US or Russia to do this as it would be for them to shoot a nuke at each other.
Sure I agree they are stupid....but THAT stupid...seriously? That's a bold prediction. I think you are wrong.
@@dragon723. If the US was stupid enough to attack Greenland or force it out of Denmark, it would be the end of NATO and then the US would shoot themselves in the foot, and it would be the end of the US too.
If Russia was stupid enough to attack Greenland, it would be an attack on NATO and that would end in Russia totally collapsing and possibly being destroyed.
You would have more likelihood trying to predict the end of the world...but to end the world over Greenland? I don't see it happening. Greenland would be valuable when the ice melt if we survive that long yes...but that would be FAR into the future and at the rate we are going with wars, the global warming is far more likely to finish us off long before either the US or Russia would do something this desperate.
It honestly would be a extremely stupid move by either of them. I don't think they are that stupid, even if they are both led by very stupid men.
@@ProgressIsTheOnlyEvolution Try telling that to Trump or his successors once Greenland stands on its own, a mid sized towns worth of native Americans standing between global superpowers + megacorporations and trillions of $ worth of minerals - assuming global warming continues - and a key strategic position for the Arctic landgrab.
We've heard such stories many, many times before.
Promises will be made of prosperity for both sides, but in the end native Greenlanders will have a handful of glass beads and a tiny reservation somewhere out of the way.
I love the graphics and visuals in this!!
*Let's take a moment to acknowledge the impeccable editing in the video.*
Greenland wants to buy the USA back - Grønland vil købe USA tilbage.
They haven't considered a price yet, but it should be very cheap because of the huge dept that the USA has and if Trump will be in the deal it should be even cheaper.
We take what we want. you'll soon learn of this.
@ericcouch Best regards from Vietnam ..
@@PeterPan-ev7dr Greenland GDP: 3.24 billion. US GDP: $23.4 trillion
@@ericcouch Greenland is one of the cleanest countries in the world 👍.USA is a shithole👎
This video did not age well.
How did it now?
@ because Navuat about to be freed from white oppressors and join the USA
As a Norwegian i wish it was a part of Norway, but rather Denmark than the US
Norway is in Nato...
@@CarPitStop for now
I'm not sure Norway would really want that , Greenland have many social issues, issues that has nothing to do with Denmark ,so it's not that easy , also if Greenland was part of Norway it would be Norway they wanted independence from anyway , and realty is, sometimes they want sometimes they don't it depends on the question
@@veronicajensen7690 U miss the point. He rather want Greenland to be a part of Denmark, than the US. (Even tho Norway "owned" it before Denmark did...) Rather Denmark, than the US, if anything...
@@TheAlkochefyeah, when Denmark and Norway was one country..
So, Norway didn't own Greenland.
Why should Greenland leave Denmark for any reason? How is that a benefit to either Greenlanders or Danes? It is foreign interest who has this as a wishful thinking, especially now because of global warming and the threat of WW3. But regardless of if you look at the argument for climate or wars, it would be far better for both Greenland, Denmark and the world in general if Greenland remains with Denmark and is not put in the hands of Russia, the US, China or any other super-power.
The vikings where first in Greenland Denmark has every right to it as a part of it's kingdom and they help the local population in many ways and are nice to them don't empose anything on them they should be glad nothing is stolen here be happy or become one big US millitery base the locals will be a minority over night.
Should be given back to Norway
@@nolifergustav3741 there is not a single norwegian in greenland lol
And Greenland doesn’t get money because Denmark has a ban Conscience but because they are Danish citizens, and we have laws that say no religion in the kingdom can have to low living standards and services, Faroe Islands has had their money cut drastically because they earn a lot of money currently, Bornholm where I live also gets a lot of support for the same reason as Greenland and help to make travel prices to Copenhagen affordable, but if Greenland start making lots of money the assistance will be reduced the same with Bornholm. The simple answer is Greenland gets help because they are Danish citizens which in no region must be deprived of the most basic needs, i’m paraphrasing but that’s about what the laws say about which way not just Greenland but several regions in the kingdom of Denmark get assistance depending on their needs.
This video is an expression of an American imperialist mindset. It is the Americans who are concerned with the economic opportunities in Greenland and therefore they want to take over Greenland. Most recently, Trump has offered to buy Greenland from Denmark, which of course Denmark has rejected as pure madness. In a civilized world, you cannot buy a country and its people.
You could do this easily in colonial era.
It’s not like they are conducting a military invasion of Greenland. They are asking a well trusted ally which is in NATO, weather or not they could have Green, the Americans even offered to pay. When Denmark refused on the offer, everything went to normal. However based on the situation in Ukraine, I don’t think Russia would leave Denmark alone if this were to happen to them…
Denmark will never exploit Greenlandish resources
And neither will the Greenlanders.
If the ice melts, Greenland will vote for it's independence since it will get access to its own oil and other resources so I don't understand...
It’s not anything that sinister, it’s just the Greenland is not ready for independence, it can’t survive on it’s own yet, it’s not self-sufficient.
Greenland can play both sides of the Atlantic now - Denmark and the US. They need to get the best deal possible from Trump and Denmark at the same time.
Greenland doesn’t get to chose to go to US, they are not a sovereign nation
Inuit be like:
-Have defacto independence(can rule things)
-Receive money to the budget from another pocket
-Have their life going normal as they want
They have to still be technically loyal.
I don't see the problem here.
Honestly I think Greenland is in a pretty good position. only 60k people live there, and it being a frozen wasteland means they cant really have a proper economy. Denmark gives them money but doesn't really get anything in return, as Greenland has complete home rule
But we all can agree that Greenland is really a part of Norway
we can however agree that norway is part of denmark :)
@@TheBann90 Never
@@TheBann90 but norway is actually danish and southern sweden too😎🤠
Weren’t the first Norse settlers in Greenland before the Thule people?
I Think both came to the land at the same time just in oppisit diractions
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 Nope norse settlers came first, and the thule people arrived between then and when the christian missionairies arrived.
@@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 the Thule people came around 1300s 1400s while the Norse came to Greenland around 900-1000AD. i always find it fascinating that people say 'it belong to the Greenlandic people' while the Viking literally were there first the Thule people came from Canada so in fact the Greenlandic people stole/colonized another country (at that time it was Norwegian people that lived in Greenland and was not part of Denmark)
@michael-gb3rn no, the first people to come to greenland were paleo-nuit.
@@raflykato1789 the entire thing was explained in my comment. those you describe are not Thule people AKA greenlander.
This aged poorly.
Recent polling in Denmark.
62% to go independent. Then 57% to join America.
Greenland's elected government voted against the people. They will soon be replaced I suspect you can't go that hard against the people in a nation that small.
So knowing this and the fact Denmark can do nothing, and America can more than exceed what the Danes can provide, yeah, the odds of this are increasing.
Can America provide free healthcare and tuitions for the greenlanders?
@MrDudulex wanna know what healthcare looks like?
I'm Canadian. It ain't free or universal and we have the highest level on earth!
It's not pretty!
Fake poll 😂 57% might what to work with the USA more but they definitely don’t want to leave Denmark to then join the USA 😂
@@jeremygair4007Denmarks healthcare system is very good
@kimmogensen4888 Canada takes it further.
But there is a cost.
Also that was supposed to read Greenland.
I don't think Denmark's desire to keep Greenland is about natural resources, as those natural resources could just as well be used by Greenland to finance it's independence.
We, Denmark, gain strategic influence by controlling the foreign policy of Greenland (e.g. though the Thule air base), and Greenland gets money and services that a population of 57,000 cannot provide such as universities, courts, and so on.
Also, giving up Greenland feels like giving up part of our history. The emotional attachment to Greenland is strong.
There is also pride involved. Denmark just feels much bigger and more important with Greenland. Properly not the best reason, but true nonetheless.
Finally, a lot of people of Danish descent do live in Greenland, which is a reason to keep the union together.
However, in the end of day, if Greenland wants independence, then obviously they should have it. People should get to rule themselves, as they see fit.
And Greenland doesn’t get money because Denmark has a ban Conscience but because they are Danish citizens, and we have laws that say no religion in the kingdom can have to low living standards and services, Faroe Islands has had their money cut drastically because they earn a lot of money currently, Bornholm where I live also gets a lot of support for the same reason as Greenland and help to make travel prices to Copenhagen affordable, but if Greenland start making lots of money the assistance will be reduced the same with Bornholm. The simple answer is Greenland gets help because they are Danish citizens which in no region must be deprived of the most basic needs, i’m paraphrasing but that’s about what the laws say about which way not just Greenland but several regions in the kingdom of Denmark get assistance depending on their needs
Great video! That's a lot of effort put into it.
Leaving does indeed the end of subsidies. What isn't visible is the invisible subsidies, Greenland and the citizens can avail themselves freely of all of Denmarks diplomatic efforts and representations. You are correct in the mutual benefit in world politics, but Greenlanders also know that they on their own has no political power and would have to bow to whatever the US demands of them, because the alternative is to give China whatever they demand. Being part of the danish realm isn't just financial security, it's also political and military security. Denmark is big enough it can wield some power, but not so big it will just ignore Greenlands wishes.
Instead of a measley couple billion and a half from Denmark, USA could provide hundred billion and make them all rich. Need that land or the the global south will be the new hegemony. Get ready for everyone having to learn Mandarin and watching kung fu movies all the time.
@@socomxx China isn't south at all. And if you think the US will provide even half of what Denmark gives to Greenland, you need your head examined. They'll just move a lot of maga loyalists there, and sideline the locals comepletely, just look how the various tribes are treated in the US, they won't do better. They'll loose their UHC, their free education, they'll lose democracy and selfdetermination.
Let's see how this ages.
It’s not for sale … until it is. 😂
Greenland this, Greenland that... *Meanwhile, shows pictures of Norwegian fjords.*
The Nordics came to Greenland before the Canadian Inuits. Greenland is Danish, and if they don't like it they can go back to Canada.
At 0:17 "The Norse settled in Greenland 'cos of ivory???" Oh yeah!! Herds of elephants. BhaaaHaaaHaaa
Did he mean walrus tusks?
@@adrianaslund8605 Not likely, cos the Vs didn’t actually have horns on their helmets.
Exceptionally good job, talking about the full picture too, if not all the speculations and their grounding. My only criticism would be that Greenland has never been independent. Nominally perhaps, but during ww2 it was immediately occupied by American forces days after Denmark surrendered. They didn't get to live independently, but for a time they felt how nit being a colony feels like.
As a territory of the USA 🇺🇸 Greenland 🇬🇱 can be rich and much more prosperous than Denmark. Also as a territory Greenland can when it is possible finally decide if it wants to be a state or become completely independent. But with Denmark 🇩🇰 I think 🤔 they will find ways to keep Greenland under their control because they have done that over and over again.
Greenland will not be indipendant until they adopt the cross design to their flag
Wtf ! 😮
@Trebbie Greenland has the main say over the resources on the island, so you are wrong on That part - The two main problems is:
1.) While the Greenlanders to some degree wants what the resources can give them, they they do not want it at the cost of the environment - In short as in the other Nordic countries then there are a solid socialist/green view and politics, so mining in the form Americans might be used to it, with no regards for nature, that is out of the question.
2.) Even with slightly milder climate due to global warming, then the climate+nature still gives extremely harsh expensive mining conditions, so while a number of companies (with only 1 American) has operations in Greenland, then they are very small, and will likely remain so for decades to come.
Keep here also in mind that while we see a warming in the arctic at the moment, then too much heat will likely have a negative impact on the gulf stream, and if that warm stream is halted, then we'll likely see a new ice age, even if small, in that area, what might also keep some larger companies from investing to any longer and larger degree in Greenland...
The real question is why Trump Really are going after Greenland, or in reality Denmark, and thus the West/Nato etc. as None of the reasons he's using makes logical sense.
Note here that the deals Denmark/Greenland has with the US already makes it possible for the US to have bases on Greenland, just as mining operations, under the rules Greenland decides....
That Only leaves another kind of reason, and that is to attack/destroy the West/Nato from within, and I'll here remind people that Wikileaks etc. DID point at a Trump-Putin connection up to the first election!
The only question that remains, is if Trump will succeed in splitting the West/Nato, as well as the US from within in the coming years... 🙁
Why do you show so many pictures of norwegian fjords when mentioning greenland and Denmark’s relationship i feel colonized and enslaved by the danes (again 😢)
Where are you from to feel ''colonized'' by denmark?
Enslaved is a very strong word to be using, considering that the Norway litteraly chose a danish monarch. When they got their independence.
they always show Norway when talking abut any Scandinavian country, people must get so confused when they visit flat Denmark , if they don't show Norway they show Faroe islands
US will NEVER allow a fully independent Greenland - NEVER. This is the hash reality. Greenland can leave Denmark any time they like, but they cannot keep the US away. (Or Russia or China or??)
You were supposed to talk about how greenland was fake 😩
oops 😅👉👈
forgor it was fake 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Maybe you confused Greenland with Australia
I totally agree with your speculations, mainly with the idea that global warming/climate change, being on the rise, what you’re saying might not even be speculation at all it might as well be entirely true.
Denmark has never been occupied by Sweden, so why say that? Sweden and Norway has OF COURE been a part of the Danish realm, but never the other way around.
Sweden has never "been part of the Danish realm". We entered the Kalmar Union willingly, then got sick of it and destroyed it.
@billywiththebulgingbaloonb5105 oh yes it has, booiii
@@timjohnson933 When? In your wet dreams when you were 12?
@@billywiththebulgingbaloonb5105 kalmar union was under danish crown, also you literally have an independence day which further proves that you were under danish rule
@@stevencigar9897 Lol. The Kalmar Union started when Sweden INVITED Denmark to fight the Hansa at Åsle in 1389. We couldn't know that you would collaborate with them and be as corrupt as them for the next 200 years. Do you also consider the EU some sort of mighty German empire that invaded all of Europe just because most of Europe is in a union with them? June 6th is about independence from the Kalmar Union, not "Danish occupation" and the proof is that there was no Kalmar Union after June 6th. Norway-Denmark was a completely different country, no matter what you were taught in school.
It really doesn't matter what 57K people living on an ice cube "want", in the big picture. That may sound harsh, but it is pragmatic.
Denmark is a very caring country an you frame them as being abusive and colonialists
We were coloniaslist What do you exspect that We are hippies?
Am Danish and let me tell you. We were TERRIBLE to Greenland back in the day
@@spiceboy9691 how so (just want enrich my knowledge about the whole Greenland-Norway-Denmark thingy, like what about the case Eastern Greenland)??
@@Īvï-â-ṣ̌ not quite sure What you mean with the whole eastern Greenland thing Unless you mean norways attempt to get some of Greenland at some point. But among other things we took the children of the people in Greenland to “make them proper danish people” in the fifties and nowadays a Greenlands population is among the highest rate of suicide
@spiceboy9691 Sorry for the terrible question 😅 and thank you for the answer. It was of help, but I'm interested, as a Danish person who do think should "have" Greenland (Denmark or Norway) and why (sorry for all the questions, and sorry if the don't make a lot of sense)
*Good video, Trebbie!*
MY REQUEST: Why does Maryland have a narrow neck?
@revinhatol Because it has a narrow urethra.
The idea of the US attempting to purchase Greenland is "Absurd". It treats Greenland as a mere commodity, disregarding the will of its people. Denmark cannot simply sell Greenland; it's not a possession to be traded. Greenland is an autonomous part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and its future should be determined by its own inhabitants.
This isn't 1917. We're discussing democratic nations and autonomous regions. Greenland is no longer a Danish colony.
Denmark cannot sell Greenland, just as the UK cannot sell Scotland or Wales, nor can the US sell Alaska. The situations are comparable.
Greenland, Scotland, and Wales all have the right to pursue independence. If they choose to leave their respective kingdoms through a referendum, and are permitted to do so legally, they could theoretically also choose to join another country via a similar process. The notion of simply buying Greenland from Denmark is absurd and reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of democratic principles.
Greenlanders largely aspire to full independence, recognizing its current economic impracticality. As a Dane, I fully support Greenland's pursuit of self-determination. Should they choose independence via referendum, I would respect their decision, as any supporter of democracy would.
Some countries should, objectively not be independent, as you’ve said yourself.
The will of the people is only 50% of the equation, the other 50% is the actual logistics of statehood, of which Greenland does not meet the succeed as a country, the human conditions in Greenland would plummet if Denmark left, the current situation is extremely mutually beneficial, Denmark gets access to the large reserves of natural resources found in Greenland, and Greenland benefits from the infrastructure, subsidies, cheaper imports, and jobs created by the mining.
While leaving the Kingdom of Denmark in the current circumstances would be a foolish, I would still support such a decision if it were the outcome of a legitimate referendum. I believe any true democrat would uphold the right of self-determination.
Ultimately, the decision regarding Greenland's independence rests solely with the people of Greenland.
@ self determination at the cost of human life and suffering. people can be led astray and lied to and not understand the true ramifications of their vote. No democratic country allows its people to vote to abolish the government nor make murder legal.
Greenland is danish no matter how much they whine
I am a complete outsider studying Viking literature. My take is that deep down in the psyche, Danes and their descendants romanticize Greenland, which is why they call it Greenland in the first place. By some mysterious force of nature, Vikings always die when they try to live there. It is a beautiful cursed land they can't get over it.
Why is greenland still part of denmark? Because they can't support themselves. people there are basically all in goverment support, not just in infrastructurer, but in the jobs greenlanders work.
What nonsense people can say. The Danes will not leave Greenland with their racist and Nazi behavior.
The Danes and Denmark are nothing without Greenland.
You make some good points and is honest about when it´s speculation. True that Greenland has never been profitable for Denmark, so why put money into Greenland for centuries? I think it was originally with a hope to get a profit, and when that didn´t happen Denmark and Greenland staid together in what I think most danes considered a family relation between a parent and child. Greenland was Denmarks responsibility and, as you point out, the money sent there was no big burden. Global warming, leading to access to underground resources, has only been a factor for a couple of decades, so Denmark has not kept Greenland for that reason. But today some danes are saying "We have been paying to Greenland for so long, so we want a cut of the upcoming wealth". That has never been government policy though. Back to the parent/child relation. Only 60000 people live in Greenland, and it completely depends on Denmark for Health Care, Infrastructure, Education, Defence and Foreign Relations ... and money. That is why Greenland can only get more and more self governing and control, but not complete independence. What I think greenlanders really want and also should have, is the main share of any wealth found there and, maybe most of all, proper respect from Denmark and the danes, who tend to be patronizing. The US interest will be used by the greenlanders to squeeze Denmark in a bidding war, and right now danish politicians are scrambling to accelerate the proces of more respect and self government. I hope and think this will all end in a compromise, where US gets more rights in and around Greenland (which is fair because they are needed for protection), but no influence on Greenlands government and society. Denmark has made many mistakes in Greenland, but is learning and is better for Greenland than it has ever been. (Yes, I am from Denmark)
Maybe the Inuit would have their say, whether or not they can join NATO...
If Greenland joins the US, will you delete this video? 🤔
It would seem to me that Greenland has benefited from being part of Denmark whether a colony, territory or county. Denmark has always afforded the inhabitants of the island be they of indigenous, Viking or mixed descent a healthy amount of autonomy & representation in the government of Denmark. In fact the 56k Greenlanders are better represented than the 700k who live in Washington DC. Also we’re not talking about a mere century of colonial exploitation, we’re talking about a 1000 year shared history that becomes more a conversation of co-evolution & blood relation at this point. There is even a debate whether the Vikings or indigenous peoples settled there first. It would be an ungrateful gesture if not an actual betrayal of family for Greenland to benefit from their inclusion in the Scandinavian family for so long only to take the money & run once the place thaws out & becomes a treasure chest.
It is pretty though sustaining a relatively modern lifestyle in a place like Greenland without a lot of outside support. Yes, there are a lot of culture tiers between Denmark and Greenland, that have developed over the years. Greenlanders come to work and study in Denmark. They come here for some medical procedure. We have some celebrities with a Greenland background on television. The danish royals seem pretty popular in Greenland.
Greenland has control of their resources. American firms are more than welcome to invest in Greenland if they find it profitable.
Also - 25% of Greenland population currently live in Denmark 😊😊❤❤🇩🇰🇬🇱🇩🇰🇬🇱
This video didn't age well. oops
Okay but you're talking like Norway was part of Denmark for like a decade or something. Norway was part of Denmark for the majority of its history. When Harald Bluetooth unified Denmark he also controlled part of Norway. When Knud the great ruled the great North Sea Empire he also ruled Norway and England. Norway left later, yes, but then willingly joined Denmark again alongside the Swedes in the Kalmar Union. When the Swedes revolted after the Stockholm bloodbath, Norway stayed on the Union terms until the Napoleonic Wars. We didn't "steal" Greenland, it was ours for centuries. Just like we didn't "occupy" Scania, for most of written history it was ruled by Danes. I am glad Greenland has independence now in the Royal Federation but we never stole ANYTHING
Magnus the good.
500 years isn't our whole history, our history is over 1100 years old, and we are the oldest of the 3 Scandinavian countries
@@HŽV1950v2 false, Denmark is the oldest Scandinavian country with Ribe being the oldest Scandinavian settlement.
Greenland can become independent the moment they decide it by a referendum. They should stop crying, and start acting. It's pathetic to watch adults act like victims when they have free will, just like the rest of us.
i believe they are working towards a constitution first and also trying to figure out other logistics b4 that happens
@@paintingdreams290 Yeah the thing with the constitution is that it has taken more then 20 years to figure that one out, and 20% of Greenlands GDP is just from danish subsidies. Lastly the largest imployer in Greenland is the public.
Hi there,
Everything is not just about money and power. There's a long history together, hence both Inuits and Danes live in Greenland. There have been some cases of bad treatment of Greenlanders in the past that are totally not OK, but Greenland and Denmark are jointly looking at solving that together now, making things more just for Greenland. We work things out together. And Greenlanders are happy about the Nordic welfare state model: while the majority being Inuit, they, too, culturally are part of the Nordic understanding of organising a just, equal society. Unlike, how the U.S. sometimes treats indiginous people, incl. Inuit.
Btw, Inuits migrated to Greenland from Canada, just like Scandinavians migrated to Greenland - at different times in history though. Not a reason for not allowing Greenland independence, if that's what they want. But in the Nordic countries, we do try to work things out via dialogue - which sometimes might include realising and recognising an unjust, colonial past.
Karen from Denmark
wait.... sweden never occupyed denmarl
Not in 1814, at least. Sweden occupied parts of Denmark in 1658.
Greenland should belong to Sweden!
@@1784st I live in Sweden and I don’t think so, it should be independent
@@1784stno if it’s going to belong to anyone it would be Norway
and maybe greenland will be the new shiping hub or it will containe about 10% of trade
"Never" is a dangerous word...
All of Scandinavia is Swedish land 😌 and all speak Swedish 🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪
The graphics are nice. But the explanation was less coherent than usual.
It is total nonsense and would require Greenlanders to be complete morons to not recognize the trick Denmark is supposedly playing on them.
You missed a very important point. Greenland can only become independent IF the Danish Parliament agreed to it. This is the deal Denmark made with Greenland in 1979. So it's NOT the choice of the Greenlandic people.
Greenland Will never leave my great kingdom denmark🇩🇰
I hope usa doesn’t blow up his own ship again
it'll leave eventually
Never say never. OOPS, I just said never. Damn.
Wow trebbie u do geography now? I just remember ur name out of nowhere, I remenber ur old minecraft streams haha
I love Denmark and Greenland
As crazycat7547 did point out Denmark have never been fully occupied by Sweden buut their did hold a large part of Denmark for some time (the Dano-Swedish War 1658-1660)
Greenland will never leave because it loves Denmark so much!!!
It´s more of a love-hate relationship, from the Greenlanders´ side. Danes are more positive towards Greenlanders, I believe. But there is racism both ways, no doubt about it, and painful history. The Greenlanders have been hurt in many ways by the Danes. But then, also helped. It is very complicated.
Anyway, the "relationship" goes back 600 years, so it is somewhat deeply rooted.
Should be given back to Norway
Greenlanders come to work and study in Denmark and Danes go to work and live in Greenland. Many Greenlanders have Danish names and most speak Danish. There are a lot of cultural ties.
@@nolifergustav3741 Iceland? We were under Norway, but the people who moved to Greenland were from Iceland.
@@nolifergustav3741norway was danish to
Scandinavians were there before the greenlanders
Denmark should sell greenland to San marino fr fr
No my country would never sell Greenland ngl :D
@@MokoSillyz and can't.
@@fastertove yep
Hans Egede was from my hometown Harstad in Norway. Greenland and Iceland amongst others was a part of Norway until late 1300s. Why the the Norse settlement in Greenland and and today's Labrador and New Foundland provinces of Canada were abandoned is not know. Climate change is a suggested reason though.
I still find joy in the fact, that the Danish prime minister humiliated Donald Trump in public and triggered him into losing what little composure he had.
sorry to steal your joy , as a Dane I have seen many American post about the Danish PM saying about the suggestion to buy Greenland "it's absurd" she wasn't actually talking about Trump , the last time her political party was in charge in Denmark they sold our state owned energy company to Goldman Sachs or 49% of it , the journalist said if we could trust her not to sell Greenland to the USA as they had sold the energy company, and it was this question she said was absurd , however it spread all over the world that she was speaking of Trump , that said it's not possible to sell a country today without the population in the country accepting it, so Denmark can't sell Greenland even if we wanted to it's against UN solution, and also against the agreement between Denmark and Greenland , the US have put a lot of pressure on Denmark regarding Greenland for decades, it's actually not Denmark that don't want foreign investors, it's the US!!!!! they don't want China to invest in Greenland , Greenland had made an agreement with China about an airport , Denmark had no issues with it, the Obama called and the deal with China was broken and Denmark invested in the airport instead , the whole "Trump buying Greenland" was about the US wanting Denmark to tke more control about what happens in Greenland and make sure to keep China out
@@veronicajensen7690 Thank you for correcting me.
Actually, a viking leader took Greenland after failing to take York, and named it "Greenland" to lure people from Scandinavian to settle there! However it didn't work very well, the vikings took northern England instead because that had actually grazing land
Greenland should always be under Danish possession
@@peterpeterpeterpeterpeterpete it wouldnt survive on its own
@@bakedpotato9979 as a Kalaalleq (Greenlander), that's a pretty debatable claim, and even if it wouldn't currently survive at the moment, it definitely would later on as the resources begin to get uncovered by the ice
@@peterpeterpeterpeterpeterpete your resources in question are in the habital land where cattle is and denmark pays you 80% or smth so greenland surviving without denmark is debatble since nations like drc and many african countries have resources yet havent survived so saying you have resources isnt even a reliable reason why greenland would survive on its own in my opinion you should slowly get less and less funds from denmark and slowly get more autonomy untill it seems greenland can survive without danish funds
@@bakedpotato9979 yeah fair point. that's pretty much the exact reason why Greenland still isn't independent yet even though they are fully able to do so. We would rather progressively work towards it instead of getting it right now
4:20 At that time Greenland will seek independence from Denmark and try to keep all their wealth to themselves. A little payback would be nice 👌 thanks 🇩🇰
learn not to prop up ungratefuls
This video is full of misinformation! You claim Greenland can leave if their people vote to do so but in reality it would also require the majority of the Danish parliament to approve it! You then claim that Denmark is losing the money they contribute to Greenland when in reality they are earning that money back + then some by stealing money from Greenlands fishing export. Also, the money serves as keeping Greenland as economic hostages since Denmark does not allow Greenland to utilize their natural resources or build infrastructure that enables them to do so! Poorly researched video!
lol the only thing Denmark says is no Chinese or Russian influence or companies on Greenland after a US requests. The USA and EU, Japan can invest as much as they can agree with Greenland about its the people on Greenland that have to high demands to any company have found it attractive, we pay them money because they are Danish citizens and no region in the kingdom of Denmark can get lower living standards and services then they have on Greenland, there are other regions in Denmark that are struggling to they also get money, if a region recovers it loses more and more money from the government if it gets worse it gets more. People are just guessing right and left thinking Denmark is like the USA, if Greenland stated making lots of money they would get no money we don’t have a bad conscious over what happened before we where born that’s an American thing, they are Danish citizens that’s what matters they need the money for a worthy life not starving, we have a long history and people from both countries live in Denmark and Greenland and has inter married and children.
We have never earned money from Greenland and nobody will for a long time, 30-100 years is my guess it to expensive to do mining now and to much ocean ice for many ships to take the trip to Asia the arctic route, but it is coming and will be very important and save enormous travel time, but it will take time
Damn coming from a Dane that’s quite a statement your making there, maybe I’m ignorant of my government but i have never heard such things being discussed before😅
I’d go Berserk if I was forced to join Trumpistan dictatorship.
Yet you would instantly retract your statement when you recieve your tax free million dollar check.
First error. The Norse settled in Greenland( Depicting the Norse as Norwegians, is wrong as the Norse refers to all Vikings, not just those from what will become Norway). Once they settled in Greenland they where independent.
Please check your data, do a bit more of historical research and remake the video…. Thanks in advance 😉
You need to do a recap now that Greenland is ready for Independence and ready to talk to Donald Trump
This didn’t age well!
Independant Greenland with 56000 people, no matter if their economy grows, would be vulnerable to recession/depression, so joining Canada or USA makes sense to provide option of migration & use of world language English over impractical Danish.
Well, well, well....
Isn't all land in America stolen ?
@ForeSightAndWisdom "quite being such a sidst with guilt trippin bru" Did someone drop you on your head as a child ??? what happened here 🤣🤡
Scandinavians settled Greenland before the Inuits, blody ignorant.
@@Einherjar-DK You fly the Raven banner and cries about 'stolen' land 🤡
@@mammasut8280 I'm not actually! This video is! I was pointing out the hypocrisy, of the video author complaining about land theft, that happened over 200 years ago, when he himself is living on land that was also stolen.
The vikings where the first human to land on Greenland
Too many incorrect historical facts, Sweden occupied Denmark in 1814??No but the kingdom Denmark-Norway was broken up and Norway became under Swedish control for the next 100 years. Greenland was not independant of Denmark during WW2, but the Danish embassador to US gave US the rights to control Greenland during the war, who the established military bases which are ttill there today.
Thank you. A shame when videos like this perpetuate these lies.
So Grønland independence?
Aap (Ja)
If they want it when they're ready for it.
here is the thing when you ask them, they say that they want it when they no longer need goverment subsidise, from Denmark. But considering that danish subsidies are 20% of GDP, probably gonna take a long time.
I have seen a few videos of Greenlanders saying they want independence, but with a less than excited tone of voice.
Which will change when they find a “sugar daddy” with deeper pockets.
Thinking about this
Denmark has owned half of Hamburg and north Germany
And Norway and a part of Sweden
And Iceland and some exotic islands
Now we still have Greenland and 🇫🇴
And Estonia
I mean.. Atleast their people still exist and have thee right to govern their own land. Go ask Canada and America and Spain what they did with their natives :/
Inuit are no more native to Greenland than Danes are. Inuit come from North America and Danes from Europe. None are native to Greenland.
Denmark did bad things in Greenland as well
@ We never genocided their people with the intent to “manifest our destiny.” And the crimes we commited we are paying back today. Denmark spends billions on greenland with minimal returns. What has the US done other than rounding up the last of them inside “reserves”?
@@kaiserslavaniaashur1623Do more research today lad, US has multiple Native governed zones with areas bigger than all of Denmark multiple times over 😂
I think you pretty much figured the situation, Trebbie. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
The Inuit were: f off Norse man, we want to fish
The first encounters between inhabitants of greenland and the norse were with the dorset, not the inuit. by the time the inuit had come, there were already norse knowledge of greenland and settlements
@@kirliaiscool Yeah thats the thing theInuit killed the dorset and took there land. Its funny but norsemen have more of a right to the land then the Inuit if you think about it. But thats only if you wanna use the same argument that the tribes in the US uses with the whole their lands were stolen we need reperations. Though this is not because i think Inuit dont have any right to Greenland.
The Danish people already made mistake by selling the two islands in the Caribbean to the American in 1907, the American renamed as the American Virgin Islands.