Did she goto highschool, every guy in gym were ripping on each other. I had a mini dodgeball tournament and one guy shouted I’m aiming for your man tits and domed him
I'm 6'2" and my stepdad is 5'5" and he's been made fun of for his height his whole life. Despite that, he's the best man I've ever met and I'd be proud to be half the man he is.
Being tall is worse for health. Blood takes longer and in late years can remove months or years off life. Why you see so many really old very short people
@@StopWhiningManguideCultiststhat's a cope, I'm 6'4 and I'd never want to become shorter for "health", I've seen how shorter guys are treated by everyone, it's pretty saddening lol.
I think studies shown that a female would be more likely to talk crap behind someones back more than males but its not like men does the same level of that stuff
“Cause girls are nice” nah. More GUYS are nice to other guys than girls are. Billie is one of the dumbest people on the planet for this and the ugly guy thing. I showed that ugly guy thing to someone and it somehow turned into a talk about how guys are entitled to a relationship. This is why this stuff is so garbage and unnecessary. It’s lazy, people who agree don’t need to think.
"Girls are nice" That's a lie, girls are shady, petty and conniving af. I'm not tryna be rude or generalize but most girls/women are like that. There's a reason why girl friendships don't last as long as guy friendships. I've witnessed it myself, I experienced it and I did research about it. We tend to compete with each other
Yes, indeed they do. The bullies I encountered during my high school years serve as undeniable proof. They targeted a male student with autism, not because of his condition, but rather due to his physical appearance. Similarly, another student, who possessed a more feminine appearance, had water spilled on them by a female classmate, who found amusement in mocking their appearance. And then there was the male student (the most ridiculed one), who would be met with laughter simply upon entering a room. Wherever he went within the school, he faced various forms of negative feedback, and not a single person, not even out of pity, expressed any desire to date him. Thankfully, the student with autism managed to find himself a girlfriend who consistently stood up for him. As for the student with the feminine appearance, they found a girlfriend who attended a different school. So they do
@@GundamCreatorsame, i just know what she looks like and a couple of songs. I won’t judge her whole personality because of this but definitely said some bullshit.
While I can't deny that there have been double standards between men and women for years, you can't just act like men's problems aren’t as valid or real. That's just messed up. Also... sidenote: The fact that Billie trashed on "ugly" men, saying that they didn't deserve their girlfriends, but then later on goes and dates the creepy, gross-looking man named Jesse Rutherford (who was a whole decade older when they were together). ... like, seriously?
She said on multiple occasions that old men are just horrible pieces of trash, yet her whole entire career is built on her brother’s songwriting, and she’s just a face. Or at least for the first album.
Old men are horrible pieces of trash… she said? Idk if thats true but that’d be hella weird cus she dated Jesse Rutherford (11 years older than her) 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
Pretty insane when every guy can see plain as day how harshly we get judged for many uncontrollable things like height, especially by women. I think it makes sense why she's so delusional though. The men in her life are probably rich and high status otherwise, so it becomes easier to overlook their flaws. She has no idea what the average guy goes through. She probably doesn't even realize that 99.9% of the male population is invisible to her due to how rich and famous she is.
Yeah maybe … I’m ugly as sin… but I am 6’1” and you know when I started pulling in girls who “were out of my league “(segs on the first date… ) and I’m far from rich, heck I was coming out of jail so I was broke… it’s when I was myself and no longer was simp like I was in high school. You know why there’s no beauty contests for men? Cause we’re supposed to get ugly! Make your personality shine and get ready to be rejected because that’s normal. Man up!
if life is hard means not taking any responsibility for your action then i think you are stupid im tired of listening to 3rd wave femenist being so fucking usesless to the entrie world and blaming good men and woman for something they do
When I was like 10-12 I got bullied for being pudgy, primarily by girls. It was also when I met my homies, those guys had no problem with me and empowered me to get into better shape. Only one women have had an equal positive impact on my live, my mom. So she has no right to say those things
@@SmileyDawgg Thanks man, I was one of the lucky ones. Still if I wouldn’t have been bullied maybe I wouldn’t have discovered my big passion, history, which later also turned into philosophy. So even thought an event may be horrible, it could always have positive consequences. Gotta keep the positive mindset going.
As a girl, I can attest that girls in general are NOT nice. The difference is, they're more passive aggressive about it so it's not always apparent. A female friend of mine in high school was bullied so bad for her looks by a group of other girls that she ended up having to switch schools. When it comes to guys, girls will absolutely diss their looks, it's just usually behind their backs. I was always told that guys air their grievances with other guys by physically fighting them or arguing with them. Conversely, girls will destroy their opponents through lies, secrets, and gossip. Physical wounds heal, but mental wounds can last a lifetime.
For real though, as a guy, if you got into a fight with a guy worst thing was you get beat up a little and things are fine after that. Girls however, they destroy you mentally, turn everyone you know against you and make your life a living hell. They don't stop, and don't you dare get physical, because then you get into even more trouble. It's sneaky and manipulative behavior. Girls are definitely not nicer than guys. They also can hate you for the most petty and arbitrary reasons.
In high school there was this girl where rumors went around that she had a penis because she was a bit of a masculine looking girl. A girl and her 2 flunkies I'd by sheer coincidence see trying to start shit with the other girl. I assumed those where the rumor spreaders. I had a bit of a passive aggressive beef with the queen bee herself. One I remember was she was talking to the teacher and I needed something from the teacher as well. I interrupt them seeing that it'd take awhile and she said "you shouldn't be back here" and I reply back "neither should you" and then ask my question. The teachers face was pretty funny and even funnier that I didn't mean it to come across so sassy I just said the first thing that came to mind. Needless to say she didn't like me and the feeling was mutual. Nothing really came out of it outside of some side eye on her part. Good times.
Agreed. Unfortunately there are horrible, cruel and shallow people in both genders. Though on the bright side there are also wonderful and kind people as well. It's just important to vet and find genuinely kind and caring people
I can DEFINITELY say I got more criticism about my body from other girls than guys. The girls in my high school were the one’s telling me that I had small boobs and a small body in general. Guys either didn’t care about what I looked like, or in case of my husband, he preferred girls with smaller boobs. Point is, it doesn’t matter if you are male or female, rich or poor, you can still be an asshole.
Most guys just don't care about boob size at all. For most guys, large boobs are just a bonus. We like to fiddle around with them, but we don't value them beyond that really (some guys will, but most ain't that picky). One of my exes was completely flat, like, they weren't small, they just weren't there. My pecs were much bigger. I felt awful because she always thought I didn't like it but I did (I may like a flat chest more, I aren't too sure how or why), it was other lasses in her life that drove her to be so insecure, I remember her saying how she got bullied by lasses like, every day.
Gf would always feel insecure about her small boobs but I loved how they were perfectly shaped and firm, I also don't like big boobs myself, just personal taste. She was even more beautiful when she was younger and the girls who were jealous of her would attack that part of her body by reminding her how small she was.
Billie just seems extremely envious, like why are you mad that guys you don't find that attractive finding a girlfriend? Why are you mad that some of the less attractive men can succeed financially? Like what is with anything about men that comes from her mouth sounds like a jaded spiteful ex that had 1 or 2 bad experiences with a guy. That or never managed to even get a single guy to actually look her way. She talks about "women" but in truth she's just talking about herself and that she's a victim, she couldn't care less about any other woman.
Can we stop worshipping useless individuals ? Entertainers are cool, but they are just that, they don't know what they talk about outside of their domain. I would not listen a dentist about the climate, why should i listen to a singer about a societal problem ?
"Women will compliment each other and not mean it, Men will insult each other and not mean it", we are just different creatures. People need to get a grip fr.
My whole life I was bullied for being skinny and told all sorts of crap by men and women. I viewed myself as weak and nasty with horrible body image issues. My only way out in my mind was to join the Army because I felt they could make me into a bigger stronger man. It worked and I achieved my body image goals. But at a very hefty cost to my mental health but hey I look great now. 🗿
I mean tbh you get mental problems exiting the military in any form. Not something you lost just something everyone does. My stepdad got brain damage also
Same man,I always got weird look and judgmental people(mostly woman)making disgusting remarks about my body,like I went to swim with a bunch of friends,took my shirt off and immediately got told by like 5 people to put my shirt back on (I'm 6 foot and weight around 150-160 at the time) I'm now always sitting at 140-150,this is just one of the many incidents that actually marked me
“Men don’t face criticisms about their bodies because girls are nice” I have literally been ignored and disrespected by almost every single girl I’ve met. For some reason girls have ridiculously high standards, I’m 17, I’m thin, average looking, and I’m 5,9 and no girl has shown any interest in me.
true and if you look at some vids online 99% of the time the women count themselves as a 10 and call the others a 4 there are some nice women out there im sure but nowadays that % gets lower and lower because tiktok brainrot
Yeah, I read about this. Man-hating isn’t a good idea for your career! She has such a successful life! She’s even doubting she’s a woman bc it feels so difficult. (????) That’s not how it works for actual trans people. She’s very unlikable
man hating isn't a good idea in general. hating anyone in general is never a good idea. if you have to lump a whole group together and express hatred or biases toward them, it just shows you have zero emotional depth or empathy and it always comes off as being incredibly narcissistic and stupid
@@Jigen0 everyone suffers. i dont care what check box you click but if youre alive youre suffering in some way lol rich, poor, black, white, man, woman, old, young. people just need to start pulling their heads from their butts because theyve been sniffing their holier than thou farts for too long. some people suffer more than others, sure, but to totally disregard a whole group to elevate your own ideals is minimal brain cell levels of critical thinking
@@r.8902 It's like the whole "you can't be racist towards white people!" thing, like yes, you can, people discriminate against white people for being white all the time, it's not uncommon
@@r.8902 Whether or not you come off as something to someone else doesn't really matter, what does matter however, is that hating just takes up unnecessary mental space. Hate makes you stress, and stress, that shit makes you sick, physically. It's healthy to dislike something, but it isn't healthy to hate.
@@r.8902the worst thing is that if a man or even a woman are women haters there will definatly be taken action against them while if being a man hater that somekind of empowerment for woman and the people with power wont do shit against it
Honestly nowadays the criteria for "dateable" men is 1) be 6 ft or taller 2) be a muscular + good looking 3) be rich. Wasn't there a few articles where women complained no one wanted to date them? Its because they set the bar too high.
@@JutlandAngel yep. most of them are just dating them just to or want to "show off" to other male friends which isn't how relationships should go. I dunno where this whole "the other person is just a showpiece/expanded bank account" mentality some people have came from
@@Eremiyah i have heard of that and some guys who are rich and shit will do that. but in my experience its incredibly rare. average guys struggle to date to begin with they dont have the option to do that or even have dating standards at all. on the flip side most girls especially with age are very judging and discerning to whom they date and many of them for things they shouldnt be judging for or thats harmful to others. dont act like its anywhere near even with this.
This woman's songs are popular partly because people think she has synesthesia and her songs are made applying her synesthesia "artistically", even though people can't even know if it's true. I can't even recall any song of hers, even just the title. Goes to show how people often put false idols onto pedestals, just like the whole Moses story says.
Billie Eilish: "Men don't face criticisms about their bodies cuz girls are nice" Me, who was rejected by girls because of my looks, and my school year was hell because of constant bullying. But billionaire mommy's and daddy's little princess knows better.
I would argue, men have become shallow and have forgotten about traditionalism/Chivalry as a response to modern day feminism and how women operate nowadays.
@@officialshat2736 most men want traditionalism. Most women also want traditional men But most women are not traditional themselves. Traditional values are still very much intact around the world. Most of the safest areas in the world is partly due to the nuclear family system, So a traditional two parent household. It just happens to be outside the west. But the problem in the west, women think they want fifty fifty until they realize what that includes. A man who allows his woman to pay fifty ,fifty on everything is going to have feminine traits and qualities. He is most likely not going to be a very good leader. That is not the type of man most women want to reproduce with. Most women want a man who can provide financially as well as lead the household and make hard decisions. But men adopting this “fifty,fifty” mindset is a result to women not being traditional themselves. Wanting to be the bread winner or at least bringing equal income as their significant other. Not wanting to be a stay at home mom. Things of that nature, which is fine. But women wanting to be the man they want is not traditional. And as a result, men have become simps and bitches.
@@officialshat2736 Well, traditionalism doesnt necessarily mean bad. Its just when people want extreme traditionalism. Kind of like how feminism isnt bad, but extreme feminism is.
@@klaibefhuoaiuwehjklbdfsnxnik How are you supposed to spot a not extreme feminist though? They all say the same shit. The extreme ones are easy to spot because of their actions that make it very clear it is not equality they want, but female superiority. And women that say are feminist, but are not extreme tend to just act like any other woman. Makes me wonder if all women are feminists then, or the ones that are not extreme are not feminists.
@V47. Very, very low standards. I can bet 80% of teen boys felt the same about her. She wasn't bad looking. Then I got a taste of reality. Got cheated on when I became 21, decided to say screw this, got in the gym, lost the weight, and now I have a 6 pack.
You probably haven't heard many of them talk then. Most of them have their heads so far up their own ass it's astonishing that they can manage to walk.
Me too. She is insufferable. She was already insufferable with all her BLM bullsh*t statements. But those statements about men being not shamed about their bodies by women are even more insufferable. Has she ever seen how many men are shamed because they are smaller than 180 cm ? Even more sad: they are shamed by women who are smaller than them and shouldnt have a problem dating them ! How deluded can a person be? Women are always nice, my as* !
"Girls never shame men for their bodies!!!" As a 1.60m (or 5"3') tall slightly overweight male I can, and I WILL immediately call bullshit on that. No hesitation. For good measure, I believe I'm like one of the 10 dudes in my entire school who has never had a girlfriend and we're literally about to finish school in a week
@rafapereira1301 I'd say I'm about average looking but I make it up with my sense of humor (never failed to make people laugh) and my intelligence (last time i checked the list i was number 22 of the highest grades in my year, which has like 230 people) not that it helped this far but oh well
"Girls are nice." Yo, we just going to forget about women like Amber Heard and all the shit Alia Shelesh (Sssniperwolf) is guilty of etc? The fact Lia only just got found out when she's been bullying Azzy for _years_ is evidence it can happen in plain sight but people just don't see it. She's literally a huge RUclips star and was having her fans harass Azzy for something _Lia did herself,_ and nobody noticed until like 7 years later. If a YT star can openly do this for so long, imagine how many regular women do this. Can't forget about Lily Singhs, she was ruining that young guy's life after extorting him as a minor. Took her monumentally fucking up (like Lia) for people to even start to realise what was going on.
Women will tell other girls they look great, but will be the most cruel human beings when talking about these girls with bffs. With dudes it's either the same or their existance is completely ignored. We even have a movie about how girls' judging system works
Idk what the point of her statement was. Everyone gets judged for their looks in one way or another. Also I’m sick of this narrative that women don’t care about looks, the way men care women also care why should we pretend we don’t
"Give a ugly person a chance. And they think they rule the world" Well she somewhat right. She the living example of that statement.🤣🤣🤣 Like damn. You saying this while looking LIKE THAT?!?!?!
as someone whos 5'4, and has acne, social anxiety, its honestly absurd that she says that when I am made fun of for being skinny,ance,no confidence, and being short
Billy's got one point partially correct. And it's that when you're insecure and you get a major ego boost from being able to get with someone who's "out of your league", there's a chance you'll get real cocky an cheat on them. Or jst act more flirtatious. And I've seen men and women do this.
People waste way too much time, worried about what other people think of them physically. You are who you are, accept yourself for who you are, and put all that energy into a better endeavor.
I'm 6'5", 230 lbs of mostly muscle. I am decent looking, not 'hot' but better than average, say a 7/10. All that said, I have had women tell me I am too short. I have had women tell me I am too tall. I have had women tell me that I'm in bad shape because I don't have a visible 6 pack. I have had women tell me that I was too muscular. I have had women tell me they don't like my hair color (brown) or my eye color (green). My point is, women can be extremely picky about the most arbitrary shit.
I'm just glad that I was taught to judge people by their character and actions, these days it seems that only stereotypes, races, genders, political and sexual orientations matter to the younger generation, it's just stupid and it makes everyone much more self-conscious and antagonistic than need be.
Billie isn't a moron. Its the point in that graphic most women talk shit about boys, Billie in that video was so much depressed and sad so i think she says that because she is a woman that trashtalk about man and i dont think that she will say this now so its kinda link a change. Anyways Billie eilish is just being a woman like the others
I had a fat chick friend ask me out because I was buff and our mutual fat dude friend asked her out she said she wouldn't date him because he's fat. I was like well I guess at least shes honest but when I rejected her she started making posts of how I'm a loser brah.
she rly would have been better off just saying nothing at all 😂 there’s ways to lift one group of ppl up without putting another group of ppl down. this was not it
she says "girls are nice" but then contradicting herself and openly shaming guys for their looks. this is the biggest "women☕" moment. just embarrassing.
I like pegasus asking how she could be so tone deaf when he answered her question. Unattractive men are invisible to her. They dont exist. Thats why in her eyes men dont face hardship. Because the top 1% she actually thinks about dont face that level of ridicule
Exactly (and they do to each other too). Even if you lose weight, they'll have a look of shock and be like, "YOU LOST SO MUCH WEIGHT!!!" Like, why say that? How fat did you think I was?!
Honestly, woman *shouldn’t* judge on looks!!! I’m a 33 year old woman, and I’ve dated every type of guy. You jut need to find the guy you’re comfortable with! 😉 *I love my hubby!!!* 🥰😘❤️❤️❤️
Lil girl thought she was slick 💀 I would love to see her marry that bald dude that she kicked out yesterday BC WOMEN ARE SO NICE , ya know she is just so niceeeeeee She isnt shaming shes just being nice . This is just so annoying like ok good for you if you hate men hate them but atleast make it make sence , both genders have difficulties and none are better than the other The only reason dddoxer wolfs got away was BC SHES HOT AND SHES A GIRL you cant hate her !!
Bro women care so much about body types. Not to mention the pressure of having gorgeous hair to a point where hims and keeps rake in the dough because women make us collectively feel horrible about ourselves while its the media corrupting the women.
it’s the opposite. men don’t care about bodies. if you’re in shape that’s great and definitely you’re more attractive (this is true for both genders), if you’re not probably most of us don’t give enough of a fuck to “criticise” those bodies. none of our business. women are the same. They just don’t care, the only difference is there are quite a lot of “gossip-focused” women compared to men. So, if we really have to pick who criticises others the most, that’s women. No, i’m not saying most women are like that, just that more women are like that than men. Obviously based on nothing but experience, so it’s not a fact what i’m speaking.
Yeah it is. Definitely a fact you're speaking. It's next to impossible to make up. Cuz folks experienced these things daily or similar since forever 😂🤣. Almost no man has ever NOT been concerned about a woman's beauty, fertility, feminine nature etc. Feminism messed up a lotta things for a lot of people. Gave women the delusion of thinking equal is identical and that both genders play by the same rules. Seriously SMH 💯💯💯🙄🤦
@@aaronjackson1493 your comment is pretty confusing to me. You’re saying i’m speaking facts (in other words you agree to the fact men do not criticise women as much as women criticise men) but right after that you say almost no man has ever not been concerned about a woman’s beauty. They’re two completely different things. This is about criticising someone, shaming someone for their bodies. It’s not about how important is beauty and fertility for each gender. Assuming this is about those things instead, assuming it’s just something separate that you wanted to add, well, when it comes to beauty everyone cares about it, women care about it even more than men though considering they put in hours to look good while most men don’t really care too much. Actually, it’s just my opinion but i think men dislike makeup to a certain extent because it makes girls look completely different. I agree that equal doesn’t mean identical and certain rules don’t apply to both though.
This explains why I stopped liking tall girls forever and will never ask them out. Plus some of them lie about liking short guys for validation. And idgaf how many green flags she has because I will never see myself dating a tall woman in my lifetime ever. And this ain’t just me. I’ve known other short guys who had it way worse. I even heard countless stories of how short guys made to mistake of asking out/dating tall girls and facing the worst outcomes.
the only thing about difference between men and women in terms of receiving insults for their body, is that women usually start defending themselves saying "NOOOOOOOOO, I'm beautiful but just not by your standards" or something like that, but men would be like "yeah, I know" and then try to change it or accept that it is his own fault and reality to have an unattractive body and live with that instead of denying it.
“Why are so many pretty girls with unappealing guys?” Because they don’t go by just looks? Duh *doo doo doodoodoo*(like Bad Guy) Nah but in all seriousness I don’t think I’m anything special, but I’ve genuinely have caused some beautiful Hispanic women to fall for me. Like I personally think they were never under a 7. But what drew them to me wasn’t my looks, it was my personality and sense of humor. They liked how I made them smile, how intelligent I got in conversation, liked how I made them feel special, and liked my interests. If you are with them because “they’re hot”, it’s going to go horribly
honestly I don't really wear make up and the only people I have ever gotten shit from where other girls, same with my skin complexion ( I am really pale). Girls are literally the most judgemental people out there
Personally, I'd rather date a guy who is slightly overweight than one who thinks he has to go to the gym almost every night. I find those kinds of men so terribly boring, sorry. To each their own, I guess.
Fat women = Plus size
Fat men = Fat
"Equality" they said.
Yep.. society am I right? But hey at least guys get gym homies
Men's health matters more
Women's modelling gets more attention
I think in this era, "being healthy" is a choice not habits anymore
Women: "Fat women = Stunning and brave, Short men = ugly dwarves who are rightfully excluded from dating women"
"Men don't face criticisms about their bodies cuz girls are nice"
oh you sweet summer child you
Cuz girls are niiiiice, gimmie a break.
Did she goto highschool, every guy in gym were ripping on each other.
I had a mini dodgeball tournament and one guy shouted I’m aiming for your man tits and domed him
You saying “Sweet summer child” is giving southern “Bless your heart” vibes 😂
Her very existence disproves her own point, incredible
Girls are not fucking nice what is she on about 😭😭😭😭
I'm 6'2" and my stepdad is 5'5" and he's been made fun of for his height his whole life. Despite that, he's the best man I've ever met and I'd be proud to be half the man he is.
@axel.in.harlem... I'd straight up Vern Troyer that shit. Put on a Leprechaun costume and tell them I'm there to withdraw my gold.
One of the best characters I have ever seen in any video game is Daxter. He's hilarious and also rides on Jak's shoulder
@coltwest6858 the leprechaun disguise is genius 😂
Being tall is worse for health. Blood takes longer and in late years can remove months or years off life. Why you see so many really old very short people
@@StopWhiningManguideCultiststhat's a cope, I'm 6'4 and I'd never want to become shorter for "health", I've seen how shorter guys are treated by everyone, it's pretty saddening lol.
I agree no cap 💀
Yup meanwhile many men suffer in silence 🪖
Listen to critical acclaim by a7x. It's meaning is your comment
"girls are nice"
lets just act like girls aren't the ones talking crap about their friends behind their backs
Men talk trash to their friends right in their face but talk good behind their backs
I think studies shown that a female would be more likely to talk crap behind someones back more than males but its not like men does the same level of that stuff
F.r. all the "nice girls" from school are now nurses
@@cheesuschrist81 yeah well I guess that's life
“Cause girls are nice” nah. More GUYS are nice to other guys than girls are. Billie is one of the dumbest people on the planet for this and the ugly guy thing. I showed that ugly guy thing to someone and it somehow turned into a talk about how guys are entitled to a relationship. This is why this stuff is so garbage and unnecessary. It’s lazy, people who agree don’t need to think.
"Men dont face criticisms about their bodies because girls are nice" That is just completely false 💀
he was being sarcastic
@@chadbrad8100 that was what billie eyelash said.
@@klaibefhuoaiuwehjklbdfsnxnik she was being sarcastic
"Girls are nice" That's a lie, girls are shady, petty and conniving af. I'm not tryna be rude or generalize but most girls/women are like that. There's a reason why girl friendships don't last as long as guy friendships. I've witnessed it myself, I experienced it and I did research about it. We tend to compete with each other
Yes, indeed they do. The bullies I encountered during my high school years serve as undeniable proof. They targeted a male student with autism, not because of his condition, but rather due to his physical appearance. Similarly, another student, who possessed a more feminine appearance, had water spilled on them by a female classmate, who found amusement in mocking their appearance. And then there was the male student (the most ridiculed one), who would be met with laughter simply upon entering a room. Wherever he went within the school, he faced various forms of negative feedback, and not a single person, not even out of pity, expressed any desire to date him. Thankfully, the student with autism managed to find himself a girlfriend who consistently stood up for him. As for the student with the feminine appearance, they found a girlfriend who attended a different school. So they do
She needs to come back to reality.
she never was in the reality just look at her songs
I only recognize her face so i absolutely know nothing else about her. Well, until this video showed me more about her. @@ObliviousPsycho
@@GundamCreatorsame, i just know what she looks like and a couple of songs. I won’t judge her whole personality because of this but definitely said some bullshit.
I think when the reality comes back to her she will break easily.@@jeremywinst
She is too for this...
While I can't deny that there have been double standards between men and women for years, you can't just act like men's problems aren’t as valid or real. That's just messed up.
Also... sidenote: The fact that Billie trashed on "ugly" men, saying that they didn't deserve their girlfriends, but then later on goes and dates the creepy, gross-looking man named Jesse Rutherford (who was a whole decade older when they were together).
... like, seriously?
The hypocrisy is crazy
The audacity 🙄
Especially men are killing themselves at high rates. It’s so messed up and it’s going to make men hate women and I don’t blame them
Yeah like bffr ☠️
Funny that she complains about women being shamed and she does the opposite. There are men that behave like me that is bigoted.
In the words of a legend, "You give a depressed girl autotune, she thinks she can sing"
beat me to it
randomly hating on her for no reason
@@redloona1085 did you not watch the video?
@@roskapussi i did, they're wrong lol
@@redloona1085 stop licking Billie's toes lmao, people have a reason they dislike her
She said on multiple occasions that old men are just horrible pieces of trash, yet her whole entire career is built on her brother’s songwriting, and she’s just a face. Or at least for the first album.
Old men are horrible pieces of trash… she said?
Idk if thats true but that’d be hella weird cus she dated Jesse Rutherford (11 years older than her)
@Gojosfatass oh ahoot
@Gojosfatass i said wrong
@Gojosfatass i meant to say he is 11 years older than her
@Gojosfatass my english is fucked up i apologize
Being an ugly woman is bad, but being an ugly man is devastating
Pretty insane when every guy can see plain as day how harshly we get judged for many uncontrollable things like height, especially by women. I think it makes sense why she's so delusional though. The men in her life are probably rich and high status otherwise, so it becomes easier to overlook their flaws. She has no idea what the average guy goes through. She probably doesn't even realize that 99.9% of the male population is invisible to her due to how rich and famous she is.
@@neinDEnein frfr
Yeah maybe … I’m ugly as sin… but I am 6’1” and you know when I started pulling in girls who “were out of my league “(segs on the first date… ) and I’m far from rich, heck I was coming out of jail so I was broke… it’s when I was myself and no longer was simp like I was in high school. You know why there’s no beauty contests for men? Cause we’re supposed to get ugly! Make your personality shine and get ready to be rejected because that’s normal. Man up!
@@Tonymontanayayo I doubt ur ugly lol. I think ur handsome AF
It‘s basically a death sentence..
this gender war shit is so ridiculous...i thought we left that stuff in 3rd grade.
the nostalgia 😮
feminism is litterally gender war politics
it's only getting bigger lol
Fr, but now it's just getting worse and worse.
When will people realize that LIFE IS HARD. It doesn't matter who you are, what gender or what race. Stop trying to place the blame on someone.
Who are you talking about?
if life is hard means not taking any responsibility for your action then i think you are stupid im tired of listening to 3rd wave femenist being so fucking usesless to the entrie world and blaming good men and woman for something they do
Life isn't hard
Life is Roblox 🗣️🔥🔥💯💯💯😤💪
@@Flesh_Wizard Life isnt roblox its cheeseburgor 🗣🔥🔥💯💯💯😤💪
bro's onto nothing 🔥🔥🔥💯💯
When I was like 10-12 I got bullied for being pudgy, primarily by girls. It was also when I met my homies, those guys had no problem with me and empowered me to get into better shape. Only one women have had an equal positive impact on my live, my mom. So she has no right to say those things
i'm happy for you man , keep going 💪
@@SmileyDawgg Thanks man, I was one of the lucky ones. Still if I wouldn’t have been bullied maybe I wouldn’t have discovered my big passion, history, which later also turned into philosophy. So even thought an event may be horrible, it could always have positive consequences. Gotta keep the positive mindset going.
@@cub-square3243 true , have a nice day.
@@SmileyDawgg You too
Same. I am a women and it was 90 % another girls in school who were calling me ugly.
As a girl, I can attest that girls in general are NOT nice. The difference is, they're more passive aggressive about it so it's not always apparent. A female friend of mine in high school was bullied so bad for her looks by a group of other girls that she ended up having to switch schools. When it comes to guys, girls will absolutely diss their looks, it's just usually behind their backs.
I was always told that guys air their grievances with other guys by physically fighting them or arguing with them. Conversely, girls will destroy their opponents through lies, secrets, and gossip. Physical wounds heal, but mental wounds can last a lifetime.
The problem is the people that believe them as well. They think their innocent especially the attractive ones!
For real though, as a guy, if you got into a fight with a guy worst thing was you get beat up a little and things are fine after that. Girls however, they destroy you mentally, turn everyone you know against you and make your life a living hell. They don't stop, and don't you dare get physical, because then you get into even more trouble. It's sneaky and manipulative behavior. Girls are definitely not nicer than guys. They also can hate you for the most petty and arbitrary reasons.
Gender dont matter about what you will do or be
In high school there was this girl where rumors went around that she had a penis because she was a bit of a masculine looking girl. A girl and her 2 flunkies I'd by sheer coincidence see trying to start shit with the other girl. I assumed those where the rumor spreaders. I had a bit of a passive aggressive beef with the queen bee herself.
One I remember was she was talking to the teacher and I needed something from the teacher as well. I interrupt them seeing that it'd take awhile and she said "you shouldn't be back here" and I reply back "neither should you" and then ask my question. The teachers face was pretty funny and even funnier that I didn't mean it to come across so sassy I just said the first thing that came to mind. Needless to say she didn't like me and the feeling was mutual. Nothing really came out of it outside of some side eye on her part. Good times.
Agreed. Unfortunately there are horrible, cruel and shallow people in both genders. Though on the bright side there are also wonderful and kind people as well. It's just important to vet and find genuinely kind and caring people
I can DEFINITELY say I got more criticism about my body from other girls than guys. The girls in my high school were the one’s telling me that I had small boobs and a small body in general. Guys either didn’t care about what I looked like, or in case of my husband, he preferred girls with smaller boobs.
Point is, it doesn’t matter if you are male or female, rich or poor, you can still be an asshole.
Men love woman attitude not the body but the female world tell to u that men just look at the body...
Most guys just don't care about boob size at all. For most guys, large boobs are just a bonus. We like to fiddle around with them, but we don't value them beyond that really (some guys will, but most ain't that picky).
One of my exes was completely flat, like, they weren't small, they just weren't there. My pecs were much bigger. I felt awful because she always thought I didn't like it but I did (I may like a flat chest more, I aren't too sure how or why), it was other lasses in her life that drove her to be so insecure, I remember her saying how she got bullied by lasses like, every day.
Gf would always feel insecure about her small boobs but I loved how they were perfectly shaped and firm, I also don't like big boobs myself, just personal taste. She was even more beautiful when she was younger and the girls who were jealous of her would attack that part of her body by reminding her how small she was.
Billie just seems extremely envious, like why are you mad that guys you don't find that attractive finding a girlfriend? Why are you mad that some of the less attractive men can succeed financially?
Like what is with anything about men that comes from her mouth sounds like a jaded spiteful ex that had 1 or 2 bad experiences with a guy. That or never managed to even get a single guy to actually look her way.
She talks about "women" but in truth she's just talking about herself and that she's a victim, she couldn't care less about any other woman.
She's also a lesbian and she's jealous because ugly guys can attract these women but she cant
Nailed it
Do u know her?
@@Kailovesolivia123we don’t have to know her🤭
She knows she’s lying. She knows she takes glee in tearing people down, men specifically. She knows she’s a hypocrite.
Yup, the misandrists trying to spin this as just her being out of touch or saying she didn’t mean what she said are just as problematic
fr no cap
@@ExpertContrarian Yup
Can we stop worshipping useless individuals ? Entertainers are cool, but they are just that, they don't know what they talk about outside of their domain. I would not listen a dentist about the climate, why should i listen to a singer about a societal problem ?
Everything you need To be famous today is 10pounds of make-up and a autotune
@@buffsniperand to jiggle you ass
not to mention she can't even sing... she whispers randomly and that's what we call TaLENted now
@@buffsniper untrue btw
@@369tayaholic5 i mean she can sing, you just don't know what singing means
"Women will compliment each other and not mean it, Men will insult each other and not mean it", we are just different creatures. People need to get a grip fr.
Or men have have a fist fight and come back from it as friends. Women have a cat fight and now they're enemies.
And another thing, you'll barely ever see men fighting over a woman but oftentimes women will fight like crazy over a man and it's sad
incel ass comment
she's 22 years old, and somehow a 13 years old (me) is more mature then her
Lol crazy right?
don't lower yourself to her level , i think even my nephew 5Yo can be more mature than her
I agree no cap @@i-am-a-lie...
She is just trash. I didn't think like that any age.
My whole life I was bullied for being skinny and told all sorts of crap by men and women. I viewed myself as weak and nasty with horrible body image issues. My only way out in my mind was to join the Army because I felt they could make me into a bigger stronger man. It worked and I achieved my body image goals. But at a very hefty cost to my mental health but hey I look great now. 🗿
I mean tbh you get mental problems exiting the military in any form. Not something you lost just something everyone does. My stepdad got brain damage also
You aren't weak my friend western women SUCKKK ARSE move overseas become the harem king you were meant to be!
Gigachad bro
Same man,I always got weird look and judgmental people(mostly woman)making disgusting remarks about my body,like I went to swim with a bunch of friends,took my shirt off and immediately got told by like 5 people to put my shirt back on (I'm 6 foot and weight around 150-160 at the time) I'm now always sitting at 140-150,this is just one of the many incidents that actually marked me
“Men don’t face criticisms about their bodies because girls are nice” I have literally been ignored and disrespected by almost every single girl I’ve met. For some reason girls have ridiculously high standards, I’m 17, I’m thin, average looking, and I’m 5,9 and no girl has shown any interest in me.
Damn we got the same stats man, jus get your money up and dont worry abt it thats what im doing the best revenge is success
@@nn8009 It certainly is
I grew 4cm from age 19 to 23. You can still grow a little bit. I'm 5'11
@@nn8009the best revenge is to hit the gym also but if you it's better to get the money up
and if you look at some vids online 99% of the time the women count themselves as a 10 and call the others a 4
there are some nice women out there im sure but nowadays that % gets lower and lower because tiktok brainrot
Yeah, I read about this. Man-hating isn’t a good idea for your career! She has such a successful life! She’s even doubting she’s a woman bc it feels so difficult. (????) That’s not how it works for actual trans people. She’s very unlikable
man hating isn't a good idea in general. hating anyone in general is never a good idea. if you have to lump a whole group together and express hatred or biases toward them, it just shows you have zero emotional depth or empathy and it always comes off as being incredibly narcissistic and stupid
@@Jigen0 everyone suffers. i dont care what check box you click but if youre alive youre suffering in some way lol rich, poor, black, white, man, woman, old, young. people just need to start pulling their heads from their butts because theyve been sniffing their holier than thou farts for too long. some people suffer more than others, sure, but to totally disregard a whole group to elevate your own ideals is minimal brain cell levels of critical thinking
@@r.8902 It's like the whole "you can't be racist towards white people!" thing, like yes, you can, people discriminate against white people for being white all the time, it's not uncommon
Whether or not you come off as something to someone else doesn't really matter, what does matter however, is that hating just takes up unnecessary mental space. Hate makes you stress, and stress, that shit makes you sick, physically. It's healthy to dislike something, but it isn't healthy to hate.
@@r.8902the worst thing is that if a man or even a woman are women haters there will definatly be taken action against them
while if being a man hater that somekind of empowerment for woman and the people with power wont do shit against it
Honestly nowadays the criteria for "dateable" men is 1) be 6 ft or taller 2) be a muscular + good looking 3) be rich. Wasn't there a few articles where women complained no one wanted to date them? Its because they set the bar too high.
Yeah but there are also incels who set their bar too high. I've always just assumed it's 50/50 on each side.
@@JutlandAngel yep. most of them are just dating them just to or want to "show off" to other male friends which isn't how relationships should go. I dunno where this whole "the other person is just a showpiece/expanded bank account" mentality some people have came from
@@JutlandAngelthose are incels let's talk about non incels
@@Eremiyah i have heard of that and some guys who are rich and shit will do that. but in my experience its incredibly rare. average guys struggle to date to begin with they dont have the option to do that or even have dating standards at all. on the flip side most girls especially with age are very judging and discerning to whom they date and many of them for things they shouldnt be judging for or thats harmful to others.
dont act like its anywhere near even with this.
billie ellish looks like that one girl in class who was told no for getting a new car and then saying her life is meaningless and shit like that.
This woman's songs are popular partly because people think she has synesthesia and her songs are made applying her synesthesia "artistically", even though people can't even know if it's true. I can't even recall any song of hers, even just the title. Goes to show how people often put false idols onto pedestals, just like the whole Moses story says.
Her brother does all her songs and lyrics.
@@rydz656that’s the funny part of this she’s man shaming yet it’s a man who’s doing her work
Billie Eilish: "Men don't face criticisms about their bodies cuz girls are nice" Me, who was rejected by girls because of my looks, and my school year was hell because of constant bullying. But billionaire mommy's and daddy's little princess knows better.
The facts that she’s actually getting backlash is sadly surprising but relieving
Yea same. There is still an insane amount of misandry, however, and I don't believe in salivating over crumbs.
At the end of the day both MEN and WOMEN are shallow, it’s the new 2023 so she doesn’t seem to get that!
I would argue, men have become shallow and have forgotten about traditionalism/Chivalry as a response to modern day feminism and how women operate nowadays.
@@THEREDHOODxxno one wants traditionalism. Traditionalism would go against what most feminists want
@@officialshat2736 most men want traditionalism. Most women also want traditional men But most women are not traditional themselves. Traditional values are still very much intact around the world. Most of the safest areas in the world is partly due to the nuclear family system, So a traditional two parent household. It just happens to be outside the west. But the problem in the west, women think they want fifty fifty until they realize what that includes. A man who allows his woman to pay fifty ,fifty on everything is going to have feminine traits and qualities. He is most likely not going to be a very good leader. That is not the type of man most women want to reproduce with. Most women want a man who can provide financially as well as lead the household and make hard decisions. But men adopting this “fifty,fifty” mindset is a result to women not being traditional themselves. Wanting to be the bread winner or at least bringing equal income as their significant other. Not wanting to be a stay at home mom. Things of that nature, which is fine. But women wanting to be the man they want is not traditional. And as a result, men have become simps and bitches.
@@officialshat2736 Well, traditionalism doesnt necessarily mean bad. Its just when people want extreme traditionalism. Kind of like how feminism isnt bad, but extreme feminism is.
@@klaibefhuoaiuwehjklbdfsnxnik How are you supposed to spot a not extreme feminist though? They all say the same shit. The extreme ones are easy to spot because of their actions that make it very clear it is not equality they want, but female superiority. And women that say are feminist, but are not extreme tend to just act like any other woman. Makes me wonder if all women are feminists then, or the ones that are not extreme are not feminists.
Ah yes, being insecure makes you oppressed.
Modern world problems fr
Ur not funny for this
@@Kailovesolivia123I am laughing though
Maaaaan Honest to God, used to think Billie was fine. (Same age). Goes to show radical beliefs can turn anyone into a 1/10
@V47. Descent? I don't like her but she looks WAY better than average. Porn is ruing your brain son
@V47. Very, very low standards. I can bet 80% of teen boys felt the same about her. She wasn't bad looking. Then I got a taste of reality. Got cheated on when I became 21, decided to say screw this, got in the gym, lost the weight, and now I have a 6 pack.
Legit. That’s way personality matters way more than looks.
@@RebornRider03keeping her terrible personality aside, she's not actually good looking.
she lit wearing trash bags she cant pull anyone
I don't hate too many celebs, but billie is one of them
You probably haven't heard many of them talk then. Most of them have their heads so far up their own ass it's astonishing that they can manage to walk.
Me too. She is insufferable. She was already insufferable with all her BLM bullsh*t statements. But those statements about men being not shamed about their bodies by women are even more insufferable. Has she ever seen how many men are shamed because they are smaller than 180 cm ? Even more sad: they are shamed by women who are smaller than them and shouldnt have a problem dating them ! How deluded can a person be? Women are always nice, my as* !
"Girls never shame men for their bodies!!!"
As a 1.60m (or 5"3') tall slightly overweight male I can, and I WILL immediately call bullshit on that. No hesitation. For good measure, I believe I'm like one of the 10 dudes in my entire school who has never had a girlfriend and we're literally about to finish school in a week
you think you are good looking though?
@rafapereira1301 I'd say I'm about average looking but I make it up with my sense of humor (never failed to make people laugh) and my intelligence (last time i checked the list i was number 22 of the highest grades in my year, which has like 230 people) not that it helped this far but oh well
Im also ~ 5 ft and slightly overweight, and I agree with this statement.
I'm 4'9 at 14, and I basically don't exist to people unless they're making fun of me
I think you underestimate just how many guys do not have gf...
"Girls are nice."
Yo, we just going to forget about women like Amber Heard and all the shit Alia Shelesh (Sssniperwolf) is guilty of etc? The fact Lia only just got found out when she's been bullying Azzy for _years_ is evidence it can happen in plain sight but people just don't see it. She's literally a huge RUclips star and was having her fans harass Azzy for something _Lia did herself,_ and nobody noticed until like 7 years later. If a YT star can openly do this for so long, imagine how many regular women do this.
Can't forget about Lily Singhs, she was ruining that young guy's life after extorting him as a minor. Took her monumentally fucking up (like Lia) for people to even start to realise what was going on.
Women will tell other girls they look great, but will be the most cruel human beings when talking about these girls with bffs. With dudes it's either the same or their existance is completely ignored.
We even have a movie about how girls' judging system works
What movie is it
@@nn8009 Mean Girls. Comedy but somehow grasps the topic well. There'll be a new movie based more on musical too
I am a girl and i know how nasty some girls can be. Both men and women can be judgement to one another. It just depends on the type of person.
Yup... I can relate to being invisible. Sometimes its nice but normally its saddening.
Love the double standards. You can’t shame a woman for anything but you can shame a man for everything.
Idk what the point of her statement was. Everyone gets judged for their looks in one way or another. Also I’m sick of this narrative that women don’t care about looks, the way men care women also care why should we pretend we don’t
Misandry is so hot right now
"Give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world."
Give a depressed girl auto-tune, and she thinks she can sing...
"Give a ugly person a chance. And they think they rule the world"
Well she somewhat right.
She the living example of that statement.🤣🤣🤣
Like damn. You saying this while looking LIKE THAT?!?!?!
Right!? She a 5 on a good day
She looks like a goddammit dude wanna see a Pic of my brother?edit her air off she look like him and my bro ain't got feminine trait at all lmfao
She looks like a little boy
Literally like 99% of the time I’ve ever been criticized or bullied about my appearance it was by a women
I'm a guy and had more than one woman call me ugly to my face. First time was when I was a teenager. I've NEVER done that to ANYONE.
as someone whos 5'4, and has acne, social anxiety, its honestly absurd that she says that when I am made fun of for being skinny,ance,no confidence, and being short
i feel like it's easier to be an attractive girl then an attractive guy
i'm 90% sure that if i were born a boy i would not be considered attractive 💀
They're really nice to the 5'2 balding Indian janitor
Billy's got one point partially correct. And it's that when you're insecure and you get a major ego boost from being able to get with someone who's "out of your league", there's a chance you'll get real cocky an cheat on them. Or jst act more flirtatious. And I've seen men and women do this.
She’s a perfect example of it
You kidding? I get made fun of for being skinny all the time
Fr 😆
Same, I’d get comments like “ you must starve yourself to get that size” from my grandma, it was an odd time.
I’m a dude and my friends and family say I’m too thin. They got a point, but I’m tougher than I look
Only from your family or other people is it on the Internet?
@@suethafung7461no even my teacher using my body as an example of what looks like a crack addict and everybody on class laugh
"Billy eye lash" , Got me cracking up LMAO
I refuse to believe you haven't been hearing that one for at least the past 5-6 years
the Women Teacup meme is becoming true day by day.
People waste way too much time, worried about what other people think of them physically. You are who you are, accept yourself for who you are, and put all that energy into a better endeavor.
“Girls are nice” she says as she insults men 💀
She doesn't remember the girls attacking Spiderman
0:40 I’ve been made fun of being the human version of a wither skeleton all my life and I’m male
Victim mentality should be published in the official books of psychological disorders. One of many that has plagued our society. Lord, help us. 🙏
I'm 6'5", 230 lbs of mostly muscle. I am decent looking, not 'hot' but better than average, say a 7/10.
All that said, I have had women tell me I am too short. I have had women tell me I am too tall. I have had women tell me that I'm in bad shape because I don't have a visible 6 pack. I have had women tell me that I was too muscular. I have had women tell me they don't like my hair color (brown) or my eye color (green).
My point is, women can be extremely picky about the most arbitrary shit.
Short? You're a giant to me 😭, I'm 5'3
She needs to snap back to reality
Sweet Jesus, what did Billie do now?
Billie boozle
@@griddycheeseBill-Boozled 😂
1:10 billie when people like people for their personality: 😱😱😱😢😭😭😭😰
This generation is doomed.
I'm just glad that I was taught to judge people by their character and actions, these days it seems that only stereotypes, races, genders, political and sexual orientations matter to the younger generation, it's just stupid and it makes everyone much more self-conscious and antagonistic than need be.
Billie isn't a moron. Its the point in that graphic most women talk shit about boys, Billie in that video was so much depressed and sad so i think she says that because she is a woman that trashtalk about man and i dont think that she will say this now so its kinda link a change.
Anyways Billie eilish is just being a woman like the others
I had a fat chick friend ask me out because I was buff and our mutual fat dude friend asked her out she said she wouldn't date him because he's fat. I was like well I guess at least shes honest but when I rejected her she started making posts of how I'm a loser brah.
This is so cringe. Everything she said is like an over generalization of things and a dramatization. Ok…
One wise man once said “its all about body positivity until you tell them they look like lizzo”
she rly would have been better off just saying nothing at all 😂 there’s ways to lift one group of ppl up without putting another group of ppl down. this was not it
she says "girls are nice" but then contradicting herself and openly shaming guys for their looks. this is the biggest "women☕" moment. just embarrassing.
Most guys I've run into who are on the heavy side treat their wives or girlfriends like gold because they know that they will never get a woman again.
“Girls are so nice”
Meanwhile:says something bad about random guys
I like pegasus asking how she could be so tone deaf when he answered her question. Unattractive men are invisible to her. They dont exist. Thats why in her eyes men dont face hardship. Because the top 1% she actually thinks about dont face that level of ridicule
WOMEN: Look at that belly, boy, you got big.
yeah, they never say anything
Exactly (and they do to each other too). Even if you lose weight, they'll have a look of shock and be like, "YOU LOST SO MUCH WEIGHT!!!" Like, why say that? How fat did you think I was?!
She's so two-faced.
Most women are
Can this girl just stick to making low-mid tier depressed music in peace?
Honestly, woman *shouldn’t* judge on looks!!! I’m a 33 year old woman, and I’ve dated every type of guy. You jut need to find the guy you’re comfortable with! 😉 *I love my hubby!!!* 🥰😘❤️❤️❤️
1:52 the top comment 💀
I died of laughing when you started explaining how repulsed you are by the victim mentality. It's true !!!!
We're in an age where people are constantly trying to one up each others suffering like it's a contest
Wow, a misandrist calling out misogynists? If I was her brother, I would be skeptical, and he's the talent!
"I'd rather be Waking Up, than to be Woke"
reading the comments and seeing everyones genius level points brings a smile to my face
Lil girl thought she was slick 💀
I would love to see her marry that bald dude that she kicked out yesterday BC WOMEN ARE SO NICE , ya know she is just so niceeeeeee
She isnt shaming shes just being nice . This is just so annoying like ok good for you if you hate men hate them but atleast make it make sence , both genders have difficulties and none are better than the other
The only reason dddoxer wolfs got away was BC SHES HOT AND SHES A GIRL you cant hate her !!
hope most of that is sarcastic
@@mariatellez3714 no
@@sourlab I'm talking about the part where you said she's nice and you can't hate her
@V47. no I don't even listen to her music
@@mariatellez3714 ohhh YEAH , they were satire
Bro women care so much about body types. Not to mention the pressure of having gorgeous hair to a point where hims and keeps rake in the dough because women make us collectively feel horrible about ourselves while its the media corrupting the women.
it’s the opposite. men don’t care about bodies. if you’re in shape that’s great and definitely you’re more attractive (this is true for both genders), if you’re not probably most of us don’t give enough of a fuck to “criticise” those bodies. none of our business. women are the same. They just don’t care, the only difference is there are quite a lot of “gossip-focused” women compared to men. So, if we really have to pick who criticises others the most, that’s women. No, i’m not saying most women are like that, just that more women are like that than men.
Obviously based on nothing but experience, so it’s not a fact what i’m speaking.
Tbf, men only care if you act gay 😂 example: eating hot dogs or bananas
@@justabloke7222 If one acts gay in a group, the rest shout "AYO" and then instantly forget what happens. Perfectly in sync. (Source: I saw it)
Yeah it is. Definitely a fact you're speaking. It's next to impossible to make up. Cuz folks experienced these things daily or similar since forever 😂🤣. Almost no man has ever NOT been concerned about a woman's beauty, fertility, feminine nature etc. Feminism messed up a lotta things for a lot of people. Gave women the delusion of thinking equal is identical and that both genders play by the same rules. Seriously SMH 💯💯💯🙄🤦
@@aaronjackson1493 your comment is pretty confusing to me. You’re saying i’m speaking facts (in other words you agree to the fact men do not criticise women as much as women criticise men) but right after that you say almost no man has ever not been concerned about a woman’s beauty.
They’re two completely different things. This is about criticising someone, shaming someone for their bodies. It’s not about how important is beauty and fertility for each gender.
Assuming this is about those things instead, assuming it’s just something separate that you wanted to add, well, when it comes to beauty everyone cares about it, women care about it even more than men though considering they put in hours to look good while most men don’t really care too much. Actually, it’s just my opinion but i think men dislike makeup to a certain extent because it makes girls look completely different. I agree that equal doesn’t mean identical and certain rules don’t apply to both though.
@@klaibefhuoaiuwehjklbdfsnxnik in my case, my group usually “follow” the joke by saying gay stuff themselves. it’s hilarious.
This explains why I stopped liking tall girls forever and will never ask them out. Plus some of them lie about liking short guys for validation. And idgaf how many green flags she has because I will never see myself dating a tall woman in my lifetime ever.
And this ain’t just me. I’ve known other short guys who had it way worse. I even heard countless stories of how short guys made to mistake of asking out/dating tall girls and facing the worst outcomes.
Im so glad she came out and said shit like this i have always found her untolerable.
the only thing about difference between men and women in terms of receiving insults for their body, is that women usually start defending themselves saying "NOOOOOOOOO, I'm beautiful but just not by your standards" or something like that, but men would be like "yeah, I know" and then try to change it or accept that it is his own fault and reality to have an unattractive body and live with that instead of denying it.
Billie Eyelash
Blinking eyelash
I'll break it down. Men are focused on women's body parts while women are
focused on the size of a man's wallet.
Really wish I can go before 1920 💀
“Why are so many pretty girls with unappealing guys?”
Because they don’t go by just looks? Duh *doo doo doodoodoo*(like Bad Guy)
Nah but in all seriousness I don’t think I’m anything special, but I’ve genuinely have caused some beautiful Hispanic women to fall for me. Like I personally think they were never under a 7. But what drew them to me wasn’t my looks, it was my personality and sense of humor. They liked how I made them smile, how intelligent I got in conversation, liked how I made them feel special, and liked my interests. If you are with them because “they’re hot”, it’s going to go horribly
she have no clue what she is on about.
Ladies and gentleman, I present to you Exhibit A of Toxic Feminism. On full display.
The alphabet community 😂 Dude, thats the most apt nickname for that community Ive heard yet. Im totally remembering that one
Bruh I'm 5 feet 5 inch and my family relatives constantly remind me how short and thin I am.😐
3:01 but that's how it is, there are more cute women than men
honestly I don't really wear make up and the only people I have ever gotten shit from where other girls, same with my skin complexion ( I am really pale). Girls are literally the most judgemental people out there
"You give an Ugly guy a chance he thinks he can rule the world"
"Ya give an emo girl some autotune she thinks she can sing"
I don't even understand her popularity.
I've listened to some of her music.
It's adaquate.
Not at all ground breaking.
Personally, I'd rather date a guy who is slightly overweight than one who thinks he has to go
to the gym almost every night. I find those kinds of men so terribly boring, sorry.
To each their own, I guess.