Tahle skladba je pro mě znakem 90.tek. Kdy jsme ještě mohli žít na plný pecky :-) Šťastný devadesátky, nádherný leta. "Chemical smile, chemical mind, inspired chemical mind...." :-))))
Tak přesně tohle jsem v 90tkách nesnášel. Hudebníci mi přišli, že jsou teplí, tím, jak se kroutili, zpěv měkký, prostě mi to přišlo i přes přítomnost pěkných holek v klipu takové čtyřprocentní. Já měl tehdy rád spíš nezpěváky, underground, bigbít, metal, punk a tak.
OK, tak můj pokus to rozlousknout My magical smile Baby, by now I wanna be fried I wanna feel high Baby, you know I´m a chemical guy I´m a chemical guy I´ve got a chemical smile from inspired chemical mind I´ve got a chemical smile Baby, by now I can know your state of the mind My chemical mind I wanna be fried I wanna feel high as a kite I´m a chemical guy I´ve got a magical smile from inspired chemical mind My magical smile Ref: 2x I´ve never felt so good I´ve never been so high I´ve never felt so free I´ve never been so fried My magical smile Baby, by now I wanna be fried I wanna feel high Baby, you know I´m a chemical guy I´m a chemical guy I´ve got a magical smile from inspired chemical mind I´ve got a chemical smile Baby, by now I can know your state of the mind My magical mind I wanna be fried I wanna feel high as a kite I´m a chemical guy My magical smile from inspired chemical mind My magical smile Ref 4x
po 16ti letech od doby co si coby prcek pamatuju refrém je fajn najít tuhle dlouho hledanou příjemnost, díkes (sice jsem tenkrát nemoh chápat o čem ten Dwaine Dibley zpívá, ale zvedne to náladu i zatřízliva :)
Velká pravda - v kontextu devadesátek ČR to ovšem bylo ve svym ranku celkem zjevení a drhli to všude tak mocně že odvahu se na to znova mrknout jsem našel až před rokem 😁
wow....i cant believe that ive searched for ages for this album!!!!this is the first(and unfortunatly the last)recording we ever made!back then it was a great scene in prague!!love and flowers everywhere.....i was passing through after doing one tour gig with an english band(shit band)!,i lived in my bus then,and me and my friends were travelling all over europe,doing the music live gigs scene!!but i fell in love with prague and the cheq people full stop!one of my good friends and expert producer(alex)ended up falling in love with a great cheq girl and had a bueatiful baby with her.he decided to live in prague,and got a cool job at "the bunker"cafe/club,as resident dj and music producer...i was doing gigs all over prague,on my own just acoustic with my guitar and mandoline!one afternoon,me and alex were chillin out downstairs in the bunker.you know how it goes....i was kickin back singin out some lyirics to some of alex"s music(nice chooones)!and we were both pretty caught up in the mood,when i heard voices behind me?i stopped singin and turned round!and there they were.....the boys,the sabastians!!they introduced themselfs,and said"hey we are about to record are first album"!!and we love youre voice!!,and please would you come and do all the backing vocals??we start recording in february(this was guna be 7 months away)!and i said "wow cool!!yeh id love to"!,we chatted for a while and jamed for a while,i said i had to go back down to amsterdam!but you tell me where you want me to meet you in 7 months time?and ill be there!!so we arranged to meet down at the metro stop in prague,at 7am in feruary,and that was that!!i whent off to do my thing!and at 7am on a very cold icy morning,i returned to prague,not having any contact with these guys since the first time we spoke!?!not knowing even if anybody would be there?and as i came down the escalator.....and got off and started to walk,i couldnt see anyone??an i thought"ahh bollox"but then...just behind a pillar?,i saw them all and there english producer"colin"!!and a big smiley feeling warmed up inside of me!!we met we jumped onto the metro,and 23(or more cos it was bloody long and we didnt get off till the last stop)!sto-ps later and a slippy slidey clamber up to the studio(a house)and the rest is literaly history......we had a great time recording and getting to know each other,we finished doing the album "blue",in about 7/8 months.and then we all whent down to that amazing massive classical recording studio with the big golden lions sitting at either side of each entrance and exit!!and colin and we,put together the finishing touches!!it was ace/brilliant/fun/creative and a blast!!IM SO GRATEFULL TO THE PERSON WHO HAS POSTED THIS VIDIO CLIP!!COS NOW THANKS TO YOU!!!....I AM NOW REUNITED WITH MY ALBUM!!!AND IM SO ENJOYING LISTENING TO AS MUCH OF IT AS I CAN GET MY HANDS ON!!!THANKYOU.......ps:if anyone wants to know anything about what happened through and after we recorded this album and why we never brought another out???dont hesitae to email me:caty20097929@live.com or my gmail address,caty20097929.lcg@gmail.com!!ok.be happy n healthy peeps!!!love for music and food for the soul!!!louise.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
louise catherine Gerity I'm actually selling my back-up copy right now. Unfortunatelly I can't sell it that much cheaper because this is nearly the price that I paid for it on aukro (something like czech ebay). Discogs eats 8% on the fees. www.discogs.com/Sebastians-Blue-By-Sebastians/release/818278
thankyou akira!it is super!!im so happy about finding this.it means so so much to me theres no words i can think of?!that can express my feelings about finding this GEM,and havingit back in my life again.peace and joy.....xx
Zavedl mě sem Orion skrz podcast u Sinaie, díky Ori! 🚀
ne asi
Já Sinaie nedokážu poslouchat, co o tom Ori říkal?
@@robbe2350 že ho ta skupina hodně baví
tyvole ja taky pres Sinaie kde Ori rika o tehle kapele... :D
sranda tohlencto....
@@robbe2350 řekl: "První česká kytarovka, která se dostala na MTV a udělali tam celkem díru do světa. Dej si to kámo." - tak si to dávám
Tahle skladba je pro mě znakem 90.tek. Kdy jsme ještě mohli žít na plný pecky :-) Šťastný devadesátky, nádherný leta. "Chemical smile, chemical mind, inspired chemical mind...." :-))))
Tak přesně tohle jsem v 90tkách nesnášel. Hudebníci mi přišli, že jsou teplí, tím, jak se kroutili, zpěv měkký, prostě mi to přišlo i přes přítomnost pěkných holek v klipu takové čtyřprocentní. Já měl tehdy rád spíš nezpěváky, underground, bigbít, metal, punk a tak.
@@russianmysticpopdopíči devadesátky...a ty tady s punkem a metalem 🤦
@@russianmysticpop Tady snad ani nešlo o to, jestli se tenhle klip a muzika lidem líbily/líbí ... byla to ale esence 90. let
přátelé, toto jsou 90 léta...Když ta deska v roce 93 v vyšla, byl jsem zrovna na vojně.
Ten UK sound je boží, stejně jako ten devadesátkovej feelin' ♥
Rád jsem si vzpomněl, 90' byly super😉
jé na tohle jsem už málem zapomněl, krásný šťastný devadesátky...
Ty jo, hned jsem si po tom zkouknutí klipu pustil celý album. Byli nadčasoví! Kdyby byl comback, tak 100% na ně půjdu!
Ježiši, úplně jsem se vrátila do svýho mládí, fakt super!
Kurňa, tak tomuhle opusu je už 29 járů. Kdysi jsem ho měl nahraný na VHS a valil furt dokola.
Vzpomínkovka. Klip jsem v životě neviděl, CD znám roky nazpamět :)
nadčasová záležitost, výborný
A hele tohle jsem si nedávno pouštěl na stařičké a stále pře hratelné VHS. parádní věc. Vzpomínka na rok 1993
Sakra to se mně tenkrát dost líbilo, vlastně líbí pořád :-)
Been looking for this for ages 😢 thanks Reddit!!!!!
Naprostej kult ❤
I´ve never felt so free
Jak se menuje ta holka!
stále jedna z nejkrásněších věcí ne-li nej
týý krááso, šlágr ranných květinových devadesátek ! :-) období mojí puberty
Miloši, moc díky, i za Sheenas norm.d. Super, jsou to skvosty. F.
Připomíná mi to parties ve Slováči a Mish-Mashi. Jó, to sem měl taky magical smile...silver surfer byl jeden trip.
:D díky. To byla krása, když to člověk takhle cítil. A žádná starost na světě... až na to denní světlo..
OK, tak můj pokus to rozlousknout
My magical smile
Baby, by now
I wanna be fried
I wanna feel high
Baby, you know
I´m a chemical guy
I´m a chemical guy
I´ve got a chemical smile
from inspired chemical mind
I´ve got a chemical smile
Baby, by now
I can know your state of the mind
My chemical mind
I wanna be fried
I wanna feel high as a kite
I´m a chemical guy
I´ve got a magical smile
from inspired chemical mind
My magical smile
Ref: 2x
I´ve never felt so good
I´ve never been so high
I´ve never felt so free
I´ve never been so fried
My magical smile
Baby, by now
I wanna be fried
I wanna feel high
Baby, you know
I´m a chemical guy
I´m a chemical guy
I´ve got a magical smile
from inspired chemical mind
I´ve got a chemical smile
Baby, by now
I can know your state of the mind
My magical mind
I wanna be fried
I wanna feel high as a kite
I´m a chemical guy
My magical smile
from inspired chemical mind
My magical smile
Ref 4x
:D díky. To byla krása, když to člověk takhle cítil. A žádná starost na světě... až na to denní světlo..
Rádio 1
Chytlave jak swina, peckaaaa :)
to byla hitovka. super
Takovou dobu jsem to hledal. Nikde na webu ani zminka. Diky diky diky. Jeste tak kdyby byla nejaka nahravka Gerta v Mismasi a jsem nejstatnejsi
Bomba song......i dnes po tolika letech
to byly léta..... :-)
Vzpomínky, nejvíc
Mildo, k tomuhle se nedá nevracet pořád dokola, díkes, žes to sem před sto lety postnul :)
Jooo Mish-Mash. Tam jsme meli vsichni velke oci a magicky usmev :)
po 16ti letech od doby co si coby prcek pamatuju refrém je fajn najít tuhle dlouho hledanou příjemnost, díkes (sice jsem tenkrát nemoh chápat o čem ten Dwaine Dibley zpívá, ale zvedne to náladu i zatřízliva :)
Vynikající muzika a skvělá placka. Škoda, že kapela nahrála jenom jedno CD. Co bych dal za to, kdyby nahrála alespoň ještě jedno...
Tak nějak mi to připomělo parádní free ´90 - film Šeptej, Colorfactory, Paskvil... a vůbec taky by Čt mohla Paskvil zreprízovat třeba na ARTu...
¡excelente video!
stoletý ale skvělí :D díky
nezapomenutelný song i video
@gapavida pokial viem,založili kapely colorfactory,pôsobili v Ohm square či Liquid harmony
Musím říct, že na to, že je to docela "old skůl" písnička tak zvuk je hodně in! Poslechněte si celý album!
No 90´ky už to nejsou , ale 00 byly taky super.. 🙂
víc do ambientu byl hozený projekt The Way : Radiation , mám pár věcí z toho u sebe na profilu
Tak to bylo dost hustý...
Starý ale pořád dobrý.
Taky jste tady kvuli On Air?
Ježiš, bejt zas mladej a jít do Miš-Maše..
kultovni basova linka te doby...
To je otřesná čórka Stone Roses.
Velká pravda - v kontextu devadesátek ČR to ovšem bylo ve svym ranku celkem zjevení a drhli to všude tak mocně že odvahu se na to znova mrknout jsem našel až před rokem 😁
Připomene mi někdo, prosím, jak se tohle album jmenovalo ? Díky !
Album "Blue" z roku 1993
ThomasNigelHawkins Díky !!
Klasika českých devadesátek;
furt zní dobře...i po těch letech
Dneska marno hledat podobný výraz. Zlatá 60, 90 a zbytek je na vás...
na další zlatá se zatím marně čeká
Stone Roses jak blázen
Pořád pecička....:)
wow....i cant believe that ive searched for ages for this album!!!!this is the first(and unfortunatly the last)recording we ever made!back then it was a great scene in prague!!love and flowers everywhere.....i was passing through after doing one tour gig with an english band(shit band)!,i lived in my bus then,and me and my friends were travelling all over europe,doing the music live gigs scene!!but i fell in love with prague and the cheq people full stop!one of my good friends and expert producer(alex)ended up falling in love with a great cheq girl and had a bueatiful baby with her.he decided to live in prague,and got a cool job at "the bunker"cafe/club,as resident dj and music producer...i was doing gigs all over prague,on my own just acoustic with my guitar and mandoline!one afternoon,me and alex were chillin out downstairs in the bunker.you know how it goes....i was kickin back singin out some lyirics to some of alex"s music(nice chooones)!and we were both pretty caught up in the mood,when i heard voices behind me?i stopped singin and turned round!and there they were.....the boys,the sabastians!!they introduced themselfs,and said"hey we are about to record are first album"!!and we love youre voice!!,and please would you come and do all the backing vocals??we start recording in february(this was guna be 7 months away)!and i said "wow cool!!yeh id love to"!,we chatted for a while and jamed for a while,i said i had to go back down to amsterdam!but you tell me where you want me to meet you in 7 months time?and ill be there!!so we arranged to meet down at the metro stop in prague,at 7am in feruary,and that was that!!i whent off to do my thing!and at 7am on a very cold icy morning,i returned to prague,not having any contact with these guys since the first time we spoke!?!not knowing even if anybody would be there?and as i came down the escalator.....and got off and started to walk,i couldnt see anyone??an i thought"ahh bollox"but then...just behind a pillar?,i saw them all and there english producer"colin"!!and a big smiley feeling warmed up inside of me!!we met we jumped onto the metro,and 23(or more cos it was bloody long and we didnt get off till the last stop)!sto-ps later and a slippy slidey clamber up to the studio(a house)and the rest is literaly history......we had a great time recording and getting to know each other,we finished doing the album "blue",in about 7/8 months.and then we all whent down to that amazing massive classical recording studio with the big golden lions sitting at either side of each entrance and exit!!and colin and we,put together the finishing touches!!it was ace/brilliant/fun/creative and a blast!!IM SO GRATEFULL TO THE PERSON WHO HAS POSTED THIS VIDIO CLIP!!COS NOW THANKS TO YOU!!!....I AM NOW REUNITED WITH MY ALBUM!!!AND IM SO ENJOYING LISTENING TO AS MUCH OF IT AS I CAN GET MY HANDS ON!!!THANKYOU.......ps:if anyone wants to know anything about what happened through and after we recorded this album and why we never brought another out???dont hesitae to email me:caty20097929@live.com or my gmail address,caty20097929.lcg@gmail.com!!ok.be happy n healthy peeps!!!love for music and food for the soul!!!louise.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
louise catherine Gerity I'm actually selling my back-up copy right now. Unfortunatelly I can't sell it that much cheaper because this is nearly the price that I paid for it on aukro (something like czech ebay). Discogs eats 8% on the fees.
+ louise catherine Gerity Super :)
thankyou akira!it is super!!im so happy about finding this.it means so so much to me theres no words i can think of?!that can express my feelings about finding this GEM,and havingit back in my life again.peace and joy.....xx
Commean od Waltroffky ruuluje.
naštěstí se vrátí .