Truely running out of superlatives to describe the quality of the study your providing. Brother David, your directing a very professional outfit. Keep up the great content!
I appreciate the teaching Pastor. Please keep me in prayer as I’m in a position of wanting to share Right Division but unfortunately not many including some of my closest friends are willing to consider what Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit says seriously. In many ways I’ve been told to keep quiet about Right Division. Just pray that I will be the gentle servant spoken of in 2 Timothy 2:24-25. Thanks again, I’ll continue to study.
Jessel love your Welsh surname by the way,I’m Welsh living in Wales and I’m in the same position as you,and before all this lockdown went to baptist churches which are now all closed,prior to this No one wanted to know about right division of the Word in fact apart from my own family I don’t know anyone who rightly divides they all mix grace with law and works’s so sad like brother David said we just have to press on in faith. Grace and peace to you,blessings from Wales.
Pastor, i enjoyed your teaching on the gifts. I've listened to your teaching at the grace conferences for grace school of the bible in past years. I always liked your right division and your teaching style. Many years ago, before i was with Richard at Shorewood, i studied under a grace teacher named Jim Kirkwood and he taught an interesting point about the "that which is perfect" being the completed Word and not our Lord. Certainly He is perfect; and so is His Word!!! Jim taught us to understand that the greek is very rich, and carries with it a sense of words that are: masculine or feminine or neuter (neuter - a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine) neutral. . . and that the word perfect here is something that is NOT masculine nor feminine; therefore it must be referring to the completed Word of God. So, when the Word was completed; then there was no need for any extra-biblical revelation because everything God wants us to know NOW has been provided for us in His completed perfect Word. We also need to know which bible is ours in english, and how to use it accurately: right division: 2 Tim 2:15: 2 Tim 3:16 “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” Tim 2:4 and that refers to God's will for us to 1) be saved and 2) to rightly divide His perfect Word !! Thank you for your ministry pastor David
You have been such a blessing and wonderful teacher for me personally. I do try to follow you regularly and share your videos. You have taught me how to use BLBible, too!
Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom ..? 😂 “ I’ll stay in the jeep , while Jim wrestles the giant Anaconda and argues with the Charasmatics .” 🤣🤣🤣 ..good times !
Thank you for your trust in the Word of God, and the encouragement to let the Word of God determine what is the right sharing of the Word of Truth. It is written that is what determines this and not the opinions of men.
Wow! Fascinating study! I’m fortunate to have some understanding of “Right Division” for a while, so I knew the gifts were to equip saints in the 70th week, but I’ve never been taught that connection to the OT qualifications of the priesthood. Your studies are “bridge ing” those little gaps for me and for that I am very thankful.
Thank you for your teachings. I am here in Ohio and want to come visit as soon as the virus slows and there us a vaccine. I was raised in a Pentecostal church but never told of these truths. Thank you so much.
Here in Melbourne there isn’t much options for Bible believing KJVO churches so I’m attending a Pentecostal Church of Christ. I’ve showed my pastor a few of your videos, he wants to meet with me to talk more. If you get a chance, pray for me that I will have the wisdom to share the truth with all charity. This lesson helps a lot. Thanks again.
Good afternoon, i heard your teaching (well susceptible and understood) and i was wondering if i could quote you the following questions: 1st question:Has "till" of Eph.4:13 come today? 2nd question:who said that trying to act I Cor.12:7-11 we have to keep in mind Mark 16:15-17..these 2 things are obviously separate, but ceasing Mark 16:15-17 (as addressed to Israel) doesnt mean that I Cor.12:7-11 (addressed to Gentiles) ceased too..same thing with Acts 2:16-21, quoted for a different can we erase I Cor.12-14 comparing it with Gospel of Kingdom doctrines, when at the same time we admit for the mystery is something different? 3rd question:If tongues were given to 12 Apostles in fullfillment of Math.24:14 as described in Acts 2:4-12 (in order to be understood everywhere they should go), then why Paul exhorts ALL of brethen Gentiles (I Cor.12:1-2) to speak in tongues in I Cor.14:5?In order to spread Gospel of kingdom too? 4th question:the definitions of γλωσσολαλια/glossolalia and ξενολαλια/xenolalia come out from the Word of God?i dont know from where Mr.Reid took these definitions, but the definition of glossolalia is a pure religious one (when they tried to explain tongues too), when in grammar glossolalia is rather a redundant term as composed by glossa/γλωσσα (tongue) and lalia (voice/speach) meaning a speach coming out of a tongue...definition of xenolalia as given is closer to reality but it doesnt mean only a speaking of an unlearned language but also a speaking of a foreign language..and even if some people today speak a tongue not comprehensive from other people today, Paul himself told that he (and we) speaks beyond of human, also tongues of Angels(I Cor.13:1)..So, we do we have to act exactly the same way as the 12 in Acts 2:4-12 did, when Paul ensures us that we at the specific manifestation of I Cor.12:10 can speak tongues of Angels too (I Cor.13:1)?why do we have to follow human definitions of glossolalia and xenolalia in order to interpret God's Word, when these definitions dont come out from the Word itself? 5th question:where does it come from that only pentecostals accept that the gift of tongue is not glossolalia but xenolalia?Here, Orthodox church accept gifts too, but say that's very difficult to be goten (i dont know exactly how difficult or when do they come-according to them)..and who said that a confirmation is needed, this comes from the Word itself!! 6th question:why dont we just apply the text for the healings:the difference between prophecy time and now is the profit of the Spirit (I Cor.12:7), the division of Gifts to every man severally as HE (not us) will, I Cor.12:11..and when the individual of Lord and Peter acted them whenever they wanted, the fact that we dont get the authority ourselves doesnt mean that the Gift was ceased (otherwise I Cor.12:7-11 lies) but it works whenever Spirit instructs us separately and just in case, as HE wills according to the profit, straight to the assurance of Phil.4:13=We can do all things but when the Spirit wants, not us (as many should falsly believe and intend to make it themselves)..Thank you for your attention..
@artopios1 1st question. Yes. The unity arrived with the completion of the canon. Please post the other questions separately as it is hard to follow. Grace.
dont make your self uncomfortable...Here are some more questions, just for food for thought: 7th question:under which point of view, chapters 12-14 of I Corinthians have been transferred from mystery to prophesy programm..Arent they addressed to Gentiles?out of the 13 epistles (Rom.-Phil.) what's the reason for taking 3 chapters out? 8th question:Has the mystery program for you a part under termination, which Father God gave to Paul for 30-40 years?so, after Rom.11:25 Father God restores prophesy characteristics (miracles etc.)for 30-40 years and suddenly goes back again to mystery?or, do you consider this part of Christ's (not God's, I Cor.10:32) church with manifestations for 30-40 years a kind of "remnant of Gentiles" under Grace, and afterwards we dont have manifestations but we are under the same status with them? 9th question:I Cor.12:1-2 says that Paul is speaking to gentiles without mentioning Israel..I Cor.13:12 explains sufficiently that when perfect comes, we'll see face to face..whose face are we facing now? 10th question:If you consider that Corinthians is speaking to those saved under the law, then you have to answer why in a letter addressed to law keepers contains the main salvation message of Grace of I Cor.15:1-4 and Paul's statement about his administration in I Cor.9:17..Rom 6:14 says that we Gentiles are not under the law..the new creature message of II Cor.5:17 is contained also in a law keepers message?If it's so, then what's the meaning of the division of I Cor.10:32?Is there a 3rd team of believers under the law (Israel and church of God the 2 first, we all know what they mean)? How many are the epistles for us at last, less than 13?..... 11th question: Gal.3:5 speaks about miracles worked among the hearers of you consider the epistle of the Galatians also addressed to law keepers, since you consider the gifts of I Cor.12:8-11 ceased for us grace gentiles? 12th question:since the combination between I Cor.13:8-12 and Eph.4:11-13 is obvious and the past tense of the verb of Eph.4:11 shows that the Gifts ceased, do you consider also the ministries of Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers ceased? 13th question:after ceasing of Gifts, what the meaning of I Cor.2:10-13(10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual) and Col 1:27 (27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory)..How does the Spirit operate today through us after gifts ceasing? Just consider this:it's enough for rightly dividing to separate the miracles of Lord (MMLJ) and Peter (Acts 3:12), even Paul's (Acts 16-17) before Israel's fall from the manifestations of the Spirit of I Cor.12:8-11...and there is sufficient explanation between Gospel of Kingdom miracles and manifestations at mystery..As is written in I Cor.1:22, signs are not any more they main point for believing but faith and for that reason in current dispensation the subject of miracle performer has changed:it's not the person anymore (Lord/Peter/Paul) whenever the person wanted BUT today it's the SPIRIT which decides when and how the manifestations will occur (clearly stated in I Cor.12:11) according to the profit(I Cor.12:7) which the Spirit (not the person) knows..The violation of these 2 verses (and of I Cor.14:40) drives some fellows of some Pentecostal teams to perform gibberish reactions (they still believe they can perform anything whenever they like), not cessationism..Spirit operates properly today as written and promised from Father God in I, glory to Him through His son!! God bless@@ColumbusBibleChurch
@Columbus Bible Church Well, David, I'll be more than happy to give you my address so you can send me some of your cookies ~ or ~ brownies - your choice, as I'm unable to visit you there. I'm SO delighted to be able to learn from you here, in my own home. How my heart yearns to be in your "Eternal Bible Study" when we get HOME! Won't THAT be something!!!!!!!! MARANATHA
If speaking in tongues ceased what about knowledge? Paul shares this.... 8-Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be KNOWLEDGE, it shall vanish away. 9-For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10-But when that which is PERFECT is come, then that which is in part shall be done away Verse 8 says that KNOWLEDGE will cease along with prophecy’s and tongues. Has KNOWLEDGE ceased today? If it hasn’t then prophecy and tongues have not! That which is PERFECT has not come which is our heavenly state; there and then the gifts would not be necessary.
@@ColumbusBibleChurch when you preach or expound from the word aren’t you communicating KNOWLEDGE from the Spirit of truth? Romans 1:17 says we go from “faith to faith”. It sounds like your response is from the wisdom of your seminary. “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:5
Let me pen my thoughts about knowledge in verse 8. Correct me if I am wrong. I believe knowledge in this verse means the knowledge from direct revelations from God. This kind of gift of knowledge has ceased. The knowledge that we have now is not from direct revelation but from the competed word of God in the Bible now. The gift of knowledge through direct revelations came in parts. When the word of God is already complete, there won’t be any more further direct revelation of parts of knowledge, thus this gift of knowledge ceased. Therefore, verse 8 is followed by verse 9. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. and verse 10. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. The gift of knowledge which came in parts has vanished. The knowledge we now have is from the complete word of God. Bro David, does my understanding make sense?
This video is amazing. I would like to know if I could get a link to print out the graphs that Pastor is referring to on the screen behind him. I would love to be able to take this with me when I study. Thank you and have a wonderful and blessed day! Sincerly, Kathy Vincent
The gifts will cease at the Rapture. Until then, they diminished, which is to say, they didn't altogether disappear among the 8 billion people on this earth. They function today in sparsity, and for different reasons. 1Cor 13 is not talking about the cannon of scripture in context, that is entirely wrong. Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So *that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming* of our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Corinthians 1:6-7 KJV Follow after charity, and *desire spiritual gifts,* but rather that ye may prophesy. 1 Corinthians 14:1 KJV Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, *and forbid not to speak with tongues.* 1 Corinthians 14:39 KJV Cessation is a doctrine of men, not the scripture.
1 Corinthians 1:6-7 was written to the Corinthians at the time before the word of God was completed. Thus, Paul was telling the Corinthians to desire spiritual gifts as these gifts were still be given and had not ceased yet. Not so for us now as what we need now is the word of God which is enough to save anyone who has a heart to seek God. Oh yes! Paul told them specifically to desire charity because that is the only one that will not cease. The rest will sooner or later be done away be. One only needs to believe Jesus died and rose again as the Bible says he did by FAITH. One doesn’t need to be healed miraculously to be saved as salvation is by FAITH not by sight. Jesus even told Thomas blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. (John 20: 29. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.) The common belief that these gifts like healings and tongues must exist to bring people to Christ, in my humble opinion, is not biblical anymore as God has clearly stated in His word that salvation is by FAITH not by sight in this dispensation of the mystery as revealed to Paul.
If the "cease" spoken of in 1 Cor. means when Christ returns, that would be a useless revelation, because everything we know as humans will cease then. I appreciate your candidness. Any honest person(that's not deceived ) knows the so called gifts, we see claimed today, are just confusion. And God is NOT the author of confusion! I find it it interesting that Paul states that "all they which are in Asia be turned away from me". I'm thinking that this may have started around the same time that the spiritual gifts diminished. Also it means that few of those went on to maturity.
Also...What "Jesus" is he leading them to by way of his connection with familiar spirits and their signs and lying wonders or parlor/mind tricks? "Another Jesus " rather than the Jesus of the Bible maybe?🤔
Charity as defined in the 1828 Webster's dictionary CHARITY, n. 1. In a general sense, love, benevolence, good will; that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow men to think favorably of their fellow men, and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love to God, and universal good will to men. 1 Cor. 8. Col. 3. 1 Tim 1. There are 7 more definitions for the word, but I feel the first definition is the one that pertains to the biblical use. I hope this helps! Grace, peace, and love!
I totally reject God ceasing the spiritual gifts. Where is this in scripture? God is alive and in these last days, people are prophesizing and speaking in unknown tongues. I don't limit God and I don't think He has abandoned mankind until He calls His church home. I used to be Baptist and one day God revealed to me in Scripture that He is alive and still granting gifts to His people. I feel sorry for those who thirst for Living Water because I have found it.
Let's not forget Rahab or the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with the Jews. There are other examples of Gentiles who either accepted God as God or became curious enough to want to know more. Paul's calling was the official targeting of the Gentiles. Good bible study and this must be considered and prayed about. I do not hold it against those who believe the gifts are for today I wonder if it simply a ritualistic attatchment in order to show some type of outward "proof" of God's presence which is of course not faith.
Thank you David, you have a natural 'gift', the ability to study and represent plainly. I have another 'gift', the next man another again . If these 'gifts' were spiritual gifts, we would be absolutely PERFECT in them. If all 'gifts' were of the Spirit, why is the Spirit saying so many different things? God is not the author of the confusion we see in Christendom today.
I believe you are incorrect in saying " That which is perfect" is the Bible. None of the Bibles out there are perfect, they all have their errors. The only thing that is perfect is Jesus, and when he returns these gifts will be done away with. You are misunderstanding the gifts in the common belief that once you get one, you have it for life to use as you please. The gifts are intended to make you merely a tool in the hands of the master when He wants to do something.
The Bible is the infallible Word of God...what nonsense are you saying that the bible isn't perfect??? The bible IS the perfect Word of God. The modern translatations may not be...but does not mean the Bible isnt perfect..
Except one, King James Bible AV1611 for me is perfect and preserved Word of God. Ps.12:6-7 ; Sorry to say your mind is blinded accrd to 2Cor.4:4 ; Noah and Job are perfect accrd to Gen.6:9 ; Job 1:1. If you really believe in Jesus you will do as he say to search the book not books. Isa.34:16. And there is a curse and blessing for those who add and subtract accrd to Rev.22:18-19.
-- *PSALM 12:6--8 [kjb]* - 6 The words of the LORD [are] pure words : [as] silver tried in a furncace of earth , *purified seven times* . - 1. Tyndale Bible -- 2. Coverdale Bible --- 3. Matthew's Bible ---- 4. Great Bible ----- 5. 1599 Geneva Bible ------ 6. Bishop's Bible ------- 7. *HOLY BIBLE The Authorized (King James) Version of 1611 [kjb] (& Dutch SV 1637)* ------- 7. English / Modern Elizabethan ------ 6. German / Old Gothic & Old Dutch >>> ------|> *LUTHER BIBEL 1545* ----- 5. Old Latin ---- 4. Old Syrian --- 3. Greek -- 2. Aramaic - 1. Hebrew 7 Thou shalt keep them , O LORD , thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. 8 The wicked walk on every side , when the vilest men are exalted. -- || *the vilest men are exalted* >>> -------|> Westcott & Hort 1881 / NA28 & UBS , resulting in , the C0RRUPT M0DERN *ALEXANDRIAN CULT Versions* !!! ( *Rev. **22:18**--19 [kjb]* ) !!! -- *PSALM 119:89 [kjb]* La'-med - 89 For ever , O LORD , thy word is settled in heaven. -- *PSALM 138:2 [kjb]* - 2 I will worship toward thy holy temple , and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth : *for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name* . ]||[ -- *PROVERBS 30:5--6 [kjb]* - 5 Every word of God [is] pure : he [is] a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words , lest he reprove thee , and thou be found a liar. -- || See also *DEUTERONOMY 4:1--2 ; **12:32** [kjb]* !!! -- *ST MARK **13:31** [kjb]* - 31 Heaven and earth shall pass away : but my words shall not pass away.
I Thank The Lord Jesus Christ For This Channel!!! Thank You Pastor Reid
Truely running out of superlatives to describe the quality of the study your providing.
Brother David, your directing a very professional outfit.
Keep up the great content!
Wow, thanks!
I appreciate the teaching Pastor. Please keep me in prayer as I’m in a position of wanting to share Right Division but unfortunately not many including some of my closest friends are willing to consider what Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit says seriously. In many ways I’ve been told to keep quiet about Right Division. Just pray that I will be the gentle servant spoken of in 2 Timothy 2:24-25. Thanks again, I’ll continue to study.
Keep pressing on in the faith. Thanks for the kind words.
Jessel love your Welsh surname by the way,I’m Welsh living in Wales and I’m in the same position as you,and before all this lockdown went to baptist churches which are now all closed,prior to this No one wanted to know about right division of the Word in fact apart from my own family I don’t know anyone who rightly divides they all mix grace with law and works’s so sad like brother David said we just have to press on in faith. Grace and peace to you,blessings from Wales.
Telling people you love about the truth and their rejection of it is part of suffering for Christ.
How many use A KJB?
It's hard to teach right division, if you use another translation
We are joined in His Spirit! Someday soon and I pray it's not too long we'll be united together around The throne of Jesus Christ.
Great teaching with good scripture I think I finally have what I need to understand.
Pastor, i enjoyed your teaching on the gifts. I've listened to your teaching at the grace conferences for grace school of the bible in past years. I always liked your right division and your teaching style. Many years ago, before i was with Richard at Shorewood, i studied under a grace teacher named Jim Kirkwood and he taught an interesting point about the "that which is perfect" being the completed Word and not our Lord. Certainly He is perfect; and so is His Word!!! Jim taught us to understand that the greek is very rich, and carries with it a sense of words that are: masculine or feminine or neuter (neuter - a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine) neutral. . .
and that the word perfect here is something that is NOT masculine nor feminine; therefore it must be referring to the completed Word of God. So, when the Word was completed; then there was no need for any extra-biblical revelation because everything God wants us to know NOW has been provided for us in His completed perfect Word. We also need to know which bible is ours in english, and how to use it accurately: right division: 2 Tim 2:15: 2 Tim 3:16
“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” Tim 2:4
and that refers to God's will for us to 1) be saved and 2) to rightly divide His perfect Word !!
Thank you for your ministry pastor David
Thanks for the kind words.
You have been such a blessing and wonderful teacher for me personally. I do try to follow you regularly and share your videos. You have taught me how to use BLBible, too!
Thanks for the very kind words. Alleluia.
Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom ..?
“ I’ll stay in the jeep , while Jim wrestles the giant Anaconda and argues with the Charasmatics .”
🤣🤣🤣 ..good times !
Thank you for your trust in the Word of God, and the encouragement to let the Word of God determine what is the right sharing of the Word of Truth. It is written that is what determines this and not the opinions of men.
Hello Bro David......great lesson, exceptional teaching.....grace@peace to you and you family.
Thank you kindly.
Wow! Fascinating study! I’m fortunate to have some understanding of “Right Division” for a while, so I knew the gifts were to equip saints in the 70th week, but I’ve never been taught that connection to the OT qualifications of the priesthood. Your studies are “bridge ing” those little gaps for me and for that I am very thankful.
Thanks for the kind words.
Thank you for your teachings. I am here in Ohio and want to come visit as soon as the virus slows and there us a vaccine. I was raised in a Pentecostal church but never told of these truths. Thank you so much.
Thanks. We look forward to meeting you in person.
😄love the way you teach
Thanks so much!
Thank you David...the best explanation on the gifts..
Our church will watch this together on Sunday. God bless you for your teaching ministry.
Amen. Thanks for the kind words.
Grace and peace Thank you.
Great teaching Thanks
Here in Melbourne there isn’t much options for Bible believing KJVO churches so I’m attending a Pentecostal Church of Christ.
I’ve showed my pastor a few of your videos, he wants to meet with me to talk more. If you get a chance, pray for me that I will have the wisdom to share the truth with all charity. This lesson helps a lot.
Thanks again.
We pray that your conversation with him will be spiritually profitable.
Columbus Bible Church appreciate it. 🙌
Great teaching
Great exposition. Thnka
Well done Dave 💔😊👍
Good afternoon, i heard your teaching (well susceptible and understood) and i was wondering if i could quote you the following questions:
1st question:Has "till" of Eph.4:13 come today?
2nd question:who said that trying to act I Cor.12:7-11 we have to keep in mind Mark 16:15-17..these 2 things are obviously separate, but ceasing Mark 16:15-17 (as addressed to Israel) doesnt mean that I Cor.12:7-11 (addressed to Gentiles) ceased too..same thing with Acts 2:16-21, quoted for a different can we erase I Cor.12-14 comparing it with Gospel of Kingdom doctrines, when at the same time we admit for the mystery is something different?
3rd question:If tongues were given to 12 Apostles in fullfillment of Math.24:14 as described in Acts 2:4-12 (in order to be understood everywhere they should go), then why Paul exhorts ALL of brethen Gentiles (I Cor.12:1-2) to speak in tongues in I Cor.14:5?In order to spread Gospel of kingdom too?
4th question:the definitions of γλωσσολαλια/glossolalia and ξενολαλια/xenolalia come out from the Word of God?i dont know from where Mr.Reid took these definitions, but the definition of glossolalia is a pure religious one (when they tried to explain tongues too), when in grammar glossolalia is rather a redundant term as composed by glossa/γλωσσα (tongue) and lalia (voice/speach) meaning a speach coming out of a tongue...definition of xenolalia as given is closer to reality but it doesnt mean only a speaking of an unlearned language but also a speaking of a foreign language..and even if some people today speak a tongue not comprehensive from other people today, Paul himself told that he (and we) speaks beyond of human, also tongues of Angels(I Cor.13:1)..So, we do we have to act exactly the same way as the 12 in Acts 2:4-12 did, when Paul ensures us that we at the specific manifestation of I Cor.12:10 can speak tongues of Angels too (I Cor.13:1)?why do we have to follow human definitions of glossolalia and xenolalia in order to interpret God's Word, when these definitions dont come out from the Word itself?
5th question:where does it come from that only pentecostals accept that the gift of tongue is not glossolalia but xenolalia?Here, Orthodox church accept gifts too, but say that's very difficult to be goten (i dont know exactly how difficult or when do they come-according to them)..and who said that a confirmation is needed, this comes from the Word itself!!
6th question:why dont we just apply the text for the healings:the difference between prophecy time and now is the profit of the Spirit (I Cor.12:7), the division of Gifts to every man severally as HE (not us) will, I Cor.12:11..and when the individual of Lord and Peter acted them whenever they wanted, the fact that we dont get the authority ourselves doesnt mean that the Gift was ceased (otherwise I Cor.12:7-11 lies) but it works whenever Spirit instructs us separately and just in case, as HE wills according to the profit, straight to the assurance of Phil.4:13=We can do all things but when the Spirit wants, not us (as many should falsly believe and intend to make it themselves)..Thank you for your attention..
@artopios1 1st question. Yes. The unity arrived with the completion of the canon. Please post the other questions separately as it is hard to follow. Grace.
dont make your self uncomfortable...Here are some more questions, just for food for thought:
7th question:under which point of view, chapters 12-14 of I Corinthians have been transferred from mystery to prophesy programm..Arent they addressed to Gentiles?out of the 13 epistles (Rom.-Phil.) what's the reason for taking 3 chapters out?
8th question:Has the mystery program for you a part under termination, which Father God gave to Paul for 30-40 years?so, after Rom.11:25 Father God restores prophesy characteristics (miracles etc.)for 30-40 years and suddenly goes back again to mystery?or, do you consider this part of Christ's (not God's, I Cor.10:32) church with manifestations for 30-40 years a kind of "remnant of Gentiles" under Grace, and afterwards we dont have manifestations but we are under the same status with them?
9th question:I Cor.12:1-2 says that Paul is speaking to gentiles without mentioning Israel..I Cor.13:12 explains sufficiently that when perfect comes, we'll see face to face..whose face are we facing now?
10th question:If you consider that Corinthians is speaking to those saved under the law, then you have to answer why in a letter addressed to law keepers contains the main salvation message of Grace of I Cor.15:1-4 and Paul's statement about his administration in I Cor.9:17..Rom 6:14 says that we Gentiles are not under the law..the new creature message of II Cor.5:17 is contained also in a law keepers message?If it's so, then what's the meaning of the division of I Cor.10:32?Is there a 3rd team of believers under the law (Israel and church of God the 2 first, we all know what they mean)? How many are the epistles for us at last, less than 13?.....
11th question: Gal.3:5 speaks about miracles worked among the hearers of you consider the epistle of the Galatians also addressed to law keepers, since you consider the gifts of I Cor.12:8-11 ceased for us grace gentiles?
12th question:since the combination between I Cor.13:8-12 and Eph.4:11-13 is obvious and the past tense of the verb of Eph.4:11 shows that the Gifts ceased, do you consider also the ministries of Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers ceased?
13th question:after ceasing of Gifts, what the meaning of I Cor.2:10-13(10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual) and Col 1:27 (27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory)..How does the Spirit operate today through us after gifts ceasing?
Just consider this:it's enough for rightly dividing to separate the miracles of Lord (MMLJ) and Peter (Acts 3:12), even Paul's (Acts 16-17) before Israel's fall from the manifestations of the Spirit of I Cor.12:8-11...and there is sufficient explanation between Gospel of Kingdom miracles and manifestations at mystery..As is written in I Cor.1:22, signs are not any more they main point for believing but faith and for that reason in current dispensation the subject of miracle performer has changed:it's not the person anymore (Lord/Peter/Paul) whenever the person wanted BUT today it's the SPIRIT which decides when and how the manifestations will occur (clearly stated in I Cor.12:11) according to the profit(I Cor.12:7) which the Spirit (not the person) knows..The violation of these 2 verses (and of I Cor.14:40) drives some fellows of some Pentecostal teams to perform gibberish reactions (they still believe they can perform anything whenever they like), not cessationism..Spirit operates properly today as written and promised from Father God in I, glory to Him through His son!! God bless@@ColumbusBibleChurch
@Columbus Bible Church
Well, David, I'll be more than happy to give you my address so you can send me some of your cookies ~ or ~ brownies - your choice, as I'm unable to visit you there.
I'm SO delighted to be able to learn from you here, in my own home.
How my heart yearns to be in your "Eternal Bible Study" when we get HOME! Won't THAT be something!!!!!!!!
@Annie Thanks so much for the very kind words. Alleluia.
If speaking in tongues ceased what about knowledge?
Paul shares this....
8-Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be KNOWLEDGE, it shall vanish away.
9-For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10-But when that which is PERFECT is come, then that which is in part shall be done away
Verse 8 says that KNOWLEDGE will cease along with prophecy’s and tongues.
Has KNOWLEDGE ceased today?
If it hasn’t then prophecy and tongues have not!
That which is PERFECT has not come which is our heavenly state; there and then the gifts would not be necessary.
The gift of knowledge ceased.
@@ColumbusBibleChurch when you preach or expound from the word aren’t you communicating KNOWLEDGE from the Spirit of truth?
Romans 1:17 says we go from “faith to faith”.
It sounds like your response is from the wisdom of your seminary.
“That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:5
Let me pen my thoughts about knowledge in verse 8. Correct me if I am wrong.
I believe knowledge in this verse means the knowledge from direct revelations from God. This kind of gift of knowledge has ceased. The knowledge that we have now is not from direct revelation but from the competed word of God in the Bible now.
The gift of knowledge through direct revelations came in parts. When the word of God is already complete, there won’t be any more further direct revelation of parts of knowledge, thus this gift of knowledge ceased.
Therefore, verse 8 is followed by verse 9. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. and verse 10. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
The gift of knowledge which came in parts has vanished. The knowledge we now have is from the complete word of God.
Bro David, does my understanding make sense?
We might word some things differently, but in general, we see this similarly.
👌Thank you.
This video is amazing. I would like to know if I could get a link to print out the graphs that Pastor is referring to on the screen behind him. I would love to be able to take this with me when I study. Thank you and have a wonderful and blessed day! Sincerly, Kathy Vincent
Please reach out to us through the church website.
The gifts will cease at the Rapture. Until then, they diminished, which is to say, they didn't altogether disappear among the 8 billion people on this earth. They function today in sparsity, and for different reasons.
1Cor 13 is not talking about the cannon of scripture in context, that is entirely wrong.
Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: So *that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming* of our Lord Jesus Christ:
1 Corinthians 1:6-7 KJV
Follow after charity, and *desire spiritual gifts,* but rather that ye may prophesy.
1 Corinthians 14:1 KJV
Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, *and forbid not to speak with tongues.*
1 Corinthians 14:39 KJV
Cessation is a doctrine of men, not the scripture.
I have this one question.
Why then didn’t Paul heal Timothy and Tropimus since Paul obviously had the gift of healings?
1 Corinthians 1:6-7 was written to the Corinthians at the time before the word of God was completed. Thus, Paul was telling the Corinthians to desire spiritual gifts as these gifts were still be given and had not ceased yet. Not so for us now as what we need now is the word of God which is enough to save anyone who has a heart to seek God.
Oh yes! Paul told them specifically to desire charity because that is the only one that will not cease. The rest will sooner or later be done away be.
One only needs to believe Jesus died and rose again as the Bible says he did by FAITH. One doesn’t need to be healed miraculously to be saved as salvation is by FAITH not by sight. Jesus even told Thomas blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. (John 20: 29. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.)
The common belief that these gifts like healings and tongues must exist to bring people to Christ, in my humble opinion, is not biblical anymore as God has clearly stated in His word that salvation is by FAITH not by sight in this dispensation of the mystery as revealed to Paul.
If the "cease" spoken of in 1 Cor. means when Christ returns, that would be a useless revelation, because everything we know as humans will cease then. I appreciate your candidness. Any honest person(that's not deceived ) knows the so called gifts, we see claimed today, are just confusion. And God is NOT the author of confusion!
I find it it interesting that Paul states that "all they which are in Asia be turned away from me". I'm thinking that this may have started around the same time that the spiritual gifts diminished. Also it means that few of those went on to maturity.
Hello, is there an episode 52?
@Quite Contrary No, that episode no longer exists. But try Episode 104, it is twice as good. Grace.
What do we say then about people like Todd White who goes around healing people and leading them to Jesus.... How can this be?
If he really has the ability to heal people, why doesn't he go to hospitals and prove it?
@@ColumbusBibleChurch Absolutely 100% and Todd white is a wolf in sheeps clothing..
Also...What "Jesus" is he leading them to by way of his connection with familiar spirits and their signs and lying wonders or parlor/mind tricks? "Another Jesus " rather than the Jesus of the Bible maybe?🤔
The charity you talk about. Is this the same as giving to the poor.?
Charity as defined in the 1828 Webster's dictionary
1. In a general sense, love, benevolence, good will; that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow men to think favorably of their fellow men, and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love to God, and universal good will to men.
1 Cor. 8. Col. 3. 1 Tim 1.
There are 7 more definitions for the word, but I feel the first definition is the one that pertains to the biblical use. I hope this helps! Grace, peace, and love!
I totally reject God ceasing the spiritual gifts. Where is this in scripture? God is alive and in these last days, people are prophesizing and speaking in unknown tongues. I don't limit God and I don't think He has abandoned mankind until He calls His church home. I used to be Baptist and one day God revealed to me in Scripture that He is alive and still granting gifts to His people. I feel sorry for those who thirst for Living Water because I have found it.
Let's not forget Rahab or the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with the Jews. There are other examples of Gentiles who either accepted God as God or became curious enough to want to know more. Paul's calling was the official targeting of the Gentiles. Good bible study and this must be considered and prayed about. I do not hold it against those who believe the gifts are for today I wonder if it simply a ritualistic attatchment in order to show some type of outward "proof" of God's presence which is of course not faith.
Thank you David, you have a natural 'gift', the ability to study and represent plainly. I have another 'gift', the next man another again . If these 'gifts' were spiritual gifts, we would be absolutely PERFECT in them. If all 'gifts' were of the Spirit, why is the Spirit saying so many different things? God is not the author of the confusion we see in Christendom today.
I believe you are incorrect in saying " That which is perfect" is the Bible. None of the Bibles out there are perfect, they all have their errors. The only thing that is perfect is Jesus, and when he returns these gifts will be done away with. You are misunderstanding the gifts in the common belief that once you get one, you have it for life to use as you please. The gifts are intended to make you merely a tool in the hands of the master when He wants to do something.
This is the common understanding in today's Christanity,but the fact is counterfeit gifts only working today!
The Bible is the infallible Word of God...what nonsense are you saying that the bible isn't perfect??? The bible IS the perfect Word of God. The modern translatations may not be...but does not mean the Bible isnt perfect..
Except one, King James Bible AV1611 for me is perfect and preserved Word of God. Ps.12:6-7 ; Sorry to say your mind is blinded accrd to 2Cor.4:4 ; Noah and Job are perfect accrd to Gen.6:9 ; Job 1:1. If you really believe in Jesus you will do as he say to search the book not books. Isa.34:16. And there is a curse and blessing for those who add and subtract accrd to Rev.22:18-19.
-- *PSALM 12:6--8 [kjb]* -
6 The words of the LORD [are] pure words : [as] silver tried in a furncace of earth ,
*purified seven times* .
- 1. Tyndale Bible
-- 2. Coverdale Bible
--- 3. Matthew's Bible
---- 4. Great Bible
----- 5. 1599 Geneva Bible
------ 6. Bishop's Bible
------- 7. *HOLY BIBLE The Authorized (King James) Version of 1611 [kjb] (& Dutch SV 1637)*
------- 7. English / Modern Elizabethan
------ 6. German / Old Gothic & Old Dutch >>> ------|> *LUTHER BIBEL 1545*
----- 5. Old Latin
---- 4. Old Syrian
--- 3. Greek
-- 2. Aramaic
- 1. Hebrew
7 Thou shalt keep them , O LORD , thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
8 The wicked walk on every side , when the vilest men are exalted.
-- || *the vilest men are exalted* >>> -------|> Westcott & Hort 1881 / NA28 & UBS , resulting in ,
the C0RRUPT M0DERN *ALEXANDRIAN CULT Versions* !!! ( *Rev. **22:18**--19 [kjb]* ) !!!
-- *PSALM 119:89 [kjb]* La'-med -
89 For ever , O LORD , thy word is settled in heaven.
-- *PSALM 138:2 [kjb]* -
2 I will worship toward thy holy temple , and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness
and for thy truth : *for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name* .
-- *PROVERBS 30:5--6 [kjb]* -
5 Every word of God [is] pure : he [is] a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6 Add thou not unto his words , lest he reprove thee , and thou be found a liar.
-- || See also *DEUTERONOMY 4:1--2 ; **12:32** [kjb]* !!!
-- *ST MARK **13:31** [kjb]* -
31 Heaven and earth shall pass away : but my words shall not pass away.