Glad I came across your channel. I'm learning so much from your logical presentations and thoughtful answers. I thank God that he is using you to shine light on the lagging parts of my spiritual understanding.
I a I am now a regular listener of your sermons.l don't just swallow what someone says . I was saved about 25 years ago,and was listening to the so called teachers and preachers . Now God has given me a spirit of discernment and l can make out at once what he says is true.l also search Bible verses to know whether or not what l am hearing is the truth.l like to listen to be Pastor Reid's sermons as they re clear, unhurried and above all scriptural. There is one request , to know more about the Lord's supper because even the Bible seems rather confusing to me.l hope to hear a clear teaching on the subject Thank you ! God bless you!
Powerful teaching. The majority of believers are clueless (as was I in times past). I now recall having a professor in college who was a dispensationalist who rightly divided the scripture. To my detriment, I did not have ears to hear and the mainstream Baptist beliefs were contrary to dispensationalism. They teach/preach as if the twelve had access to all Pauline scriptures. Thank God , He opened my eyes one day when I realized that that which Jesus had instructed the 12 to go out and preach could not be the same as 1 Cor 15:1-4. It would be easy to blame church leadership for decades of blindness, but I realize I’m the only one responsible to search the scriptures daily, so I am responsible for distinguishing truth from doctrines of devils. Thank you once again for the leadership and the teachings ( btw, I find myself often trying to locate Batman’s hideouts)
24:55+ OK ~ I was laughing! Sorry you didn't hear me; maybe you need to turn your volume up!? ;) So glad I "ran across" you last night. How I wish I had found you ages ago! MARANATHA ~ SOON! P. S. May I enroll NOW in order to be in the front row for your teachings in heaven?
Great teaching. The revelation of Christianity is the only world view that makes the claim of a resurrection from the dead. This historical fact alone stops all other religions in their tracks.
When "other Gentiles don't want in" as you said, isn't that the same as the last Gentile/Jew in the BoC getting saved? If not what is the difference? Thanks again for your great teaching.
The only place in the Bible where the fathers house was referred to was when Jesus drove the money changers out from the Temple. Is it possible that the new temple during the Millennium was what Jesus when to prepare ?
John 14:1-4 would be fulfilled in the end time when Jesus Christ sit on his throne in Jerusalem . That mansions will come down from heaven .. ref: Rev. 21:9-14
I really enjoy your teachings, I always learn a lot. Is it possible that in 2 Thess 2:2 that Paul is writing to them about a letter they had received as from Paul but it wasn’t really from him and in that letter they were making them feel troubked because they blended the day of the Lord (wrath) with the day of Christ (rapture) and they had thought they missed the gathering together with Christ and were going into the tribulation?
It seems that there was a forged letter that appeared to be from Paul but was not and that mislead them as to the order of events at the end of the dispensation of grace and the following prophetic period.
Thank you for this sermon. How many prophets raised a dead man after 4 days of being dead? Jesus did. Jesus rose himself after 3 days and brought Lazarus back after 4. He more than proved he was God. Amen to all of God's children!
Thank you. One question, could “The falling away” ( Departure in Greek) mean the Rapture. Departure from this world, instead of departure from the faith? I mean, there has been falling away from the faith ever since Paul.
In Greek the word is actually apostisia, and that means departure as well as falling away, and rebellion. In the the Geneva Bible “ a departure” was used instead of “falling away”. It was changed to “ a falling away” in the King James Bible. I think “a departure” makes more sense.
Hebrews 11:5 KJV By faith Enoch was *translated* that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had *translated* him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Now go check Strong’s concordance for the word used for *translated*. metatiqhmi: meaning = to transfer, to *change* (like we in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye??), to transport, *TO FALL AWAY*
At the start of the 70th week and prior thereto, there is not one world government. Thus, it would be odd if such a thing were in existence at the end of the dispensation of grace.
It is true that the last days of the dispensation of grace are perilous times, but such days are not the fulfillment of OT prophecy. The two things are separate and different. Hope this helps.
I have a question please, if prophecy can’t be fulfilled in this dispensation of grace, how is it that the temple which was prophesied to be destroyed happened after Paul was given the ‘mystery’?
my understanding of the drafting: gentiles are not part of that as they are not part of covenant Israel. those broken off are unbelieving Israel from covenantal Israel. grafting into covenantal Israel is Messianic (the Way) believing Israel. your thoughts please? ty David!
Grace to ye all , and peace from God our Father , and the Lord Jesus Christ ; ....... Brother Reid :-) -- || As always , very interesting studies of the *HOLY BIBLE The Authorized (King James) Version* . As we always say .... *words matter* !!! -- *ST LUKE **21:24** [kjb]* - 24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword , and shall be led away captive into all nations : and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles , *until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled* . -- *ROMANS **11:25** [kjb]* - 25 For I would not , brethren , that ye should be ignorant of this mystery , lest ye should be ignorant in your own conceits ; that blindness in part is happened to Israel , *until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in* . ]||[ The prominent Gentile nations of the world have been Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. When God's chosen people the Israelites fell into idolatry, and were carried into captivity to Babylon, they were supplanted by the Gentiles. For a long time the nations of Egypt, Assyria and Babylon were anxious to fall upon Israel and conquer them, but God held them in an unseen leash until the iniquity of Israel was full, and let them loose, and permitted the world power to pass into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. This happened in *B.C. 606 , and marked the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles* , spoken of by Christ in Luke 21:24 [kjb], and which is a period that in the mind of God has certain chronological limits. It is not to be confounded with the *Fulness of the Gentiles* spoken of by Paul in Rom. 11:25 [kjb]. The Fulness of the Gentiles refers to the Gentiles that are "gathered out" to make up the Church, and "blindness in part" will continue among the Jews until the "Fulness" (the whole number of the elect) of the Gentiles be come in, then the Church is "caught out" and the Jews restored to their own land. The "FULNESS of the Gentiles" began at the ministry of Paul ( *1 TIMOTHY **1:15**--16 [kjb]* ) and ends at least seven years before the "TIMES of the Gentiles" end. -- >> TIMES of the Gentiles = PROPHECY / KINGDOM PROGRAM , and therefore *chronological* on God's calendar ( *A.M. 0 ------------ X ---------------- X ----- A.M. 7,000* ) -- >> FULNESS of the Gentiles = MYSTERY (dispensation of the grace of God) PROGRAM , ending with the rapture of the body of Christ. ]||[ *THE RESTORATION OF THE JEWS* - 1 - As to the FACT. -- *AMOS **9:14**--15 [kjb]* - 14 And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel , and they shall build the waste cities , and inhabit [them] ; and they shall plant vineyards , and drink the wine thereof ; they shall also make gardens , and eat the fruit of them. 15 And I will plant them upon their land , and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them , saith the LORD thy God. -- || This prophecy was N0T fulfilled in the restoration from the "Babylonian Captivity." For they were driven out of the land after that, and this promise is, that *they shall not no more be pulled up out of their land* , and must refer to some future restoration. The return from the "Babylonian Captivity" was the FIRST restoration, and the scriptures speak also of a SECOND restoration ( *ISAIAH **11:11** [kjb]* ). The second time, the Jews are not to come from the "East," as when they returned from the "Babylonian Captivity," but from the "North," and from "ALL countries." The *GAP FACT* , the only explanation for *JOB 38:4--7 & ISAIAH **14:12**--15 ; EZEKIEL **28:13**--17 [kjb]* IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. -- B'reshith bara ELoHi'YM *ETh = end of 4,000 years* ha'shamayim *v'ETh = end of 6,000 years* ha'aretz : ]||[ - 3 - As to the MANNER. Gathered back *UNCONVERTED* (the modern state of Israel is still in apostacy & idolatry / Talmud, Zohar, etc.). -- *EZEKIEL **36:24**--27 [kjb]* - For I will take you from among the heathen , and gather you out of all countries , and bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you , and ye shall be clean : from all your filthiness , and from all your idols , will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you , and a new spirit will I put within you : and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh , and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you , and cause you to walk in my statutes , and ye shall keep my judgments , and do [them]. -- || Thus *BEFORE CONVERSION they (the Jews) are to be JUDGED* !!! So part of them has to be back in the land, BEFORE they will be *passed under the rod* & *cast into his melting pot* . -- See *EZEKIEL **20:34**--38 & EZEKIEL **22:19**--22 [kjb]* . Because this is an event, that is set apart on God's calendar , *A.M. 0 --------------------- A.M. 6,000 ------ A.M. 7,000* , there has to be a particular *watch-point of interest* for the Body of Christ, which declares the near end of our age. -- *1 THESSALONIANS 5:3 [kjb]* (CONTEXT vv. 1--6) - 3 For when they shall say , *Peace and safety* ; then sudden destruction cometh upon them , as travail upon a woman with child ; and they shall not escape. -- || *ID 2020 & PATENT WO/2020/060606 Cryptocurrency system using body activity data* Combined with , UN General Assembly (73rd sess. : 2018-2019) -- *International Year of Peace and Trust , 2021* ]||[ Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly ; and [ I pray God ] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ok when you say God wanted to give "humanity" an opportunity to be saved, you really mean GENTILES. God already has a program to save Jews. The dispensation is to save GENTILES. The earthly phrase "blood is thicker than water" seems to have a heavenly meaning as well since we do not share in anything promised in Revelation nor does our Lord address us directly as He does Jews. I am bewildered by all of this I guess....I learned and committed to my heart and memory so much scripture and none of it even applied to me. I envy the Jews because God loves them so much. They are His treasure, His bride. Not Gentiles.
If there is no dispensation of grace, the entire world would have already entered the 70th week. Thus, the dispensation of grace benefits both Jews and Gentiles. The Lamb's bride is the New Jerusalem.
Inside Antilia, Mukesh Ambani’s $2 billion Mumbai mansion On the birthday of India's billionaire industrialist, we tour his 400,000-square-foot house located in one of the world's most expensive addresses!
rewatched this one! I'm putting it in my 'best of' category! God bless you Pastor!
Dear Brother David…. Your videos are simply awesome! Lord bless you and thank you for your dedication to The Word of God RIGHTLY DIVIDED!
Wow, thanks! Alleluia.
Glad I came across your channel. I'm learning so much from your logical presentations and thoughtful answers. I thank God that he is using you to shine light on the lagging parts of my spiritual understanding.
I appreciate your teachings Pastor David (and also your sense of humor), and look forward to every new post! THANK YOU
❤ Amen❣ Wow yet another powerful Q & A ✋ I gotta tell ya No body explains things as detailed as you Pastor David 👍 Thank You so much❣
I appreciate that. Thanks!
I a
I am now a regular listener of your sermons.l don't just swallow what someone says . I was saved about 25 years ago,and was listening to the so called teachers and preachers . Now God has given me a spirit of discernment and l can make out at once what he says is true.l also search Bible verses to know whether or not what l am hearing is the truth.l like to listen to be Pastor Reid's sermons as they re clear, unhurried and above all scriptural.
There is one request , to know more about the Lord's supper because even the Bible seems rather confusing to me.l hope to hear a clear teaching on the subject
Thank you ! God bless you!
I totally agree sister Kaye.
Great explanation
Thanks much!
Pastor, wow; how could we have all gotten it all so very wrong, excellent teaching, the DESPENSATION of GRACE is a mystery yet we have many looking through prophecy, Israel's program for us, yet there is nothing to find other than the obvious apastosy or falling away.This is an eye opener, the more I hear about it the more sense it makes.I just don't understand that the MYSTERY has only been revealed to so few of us and the rest r living in the wrong DESPENSATION or mixing GRACE with law and doing very little with GRACE.Thank you pastor I have watched most of your videos and this one, obvious but caught me a little off guard .Thank you sir.GODFIRST@i❤jj€§μ§.©
Thank you! This, as your teaching always is, is very helpful.
Thanks much.
Powerful teaching. The majority of believers are clueless (as was I in times past). I now recall having a professor in college who was a dispensationalist who rightly divided the scripture. To my detriment, I did not have ears to hear and the mainstream Baptist beliefs were contrary to dispensationalism. They teach/preach as if the twelve had access to all Pauline scriptures.
Thank God , He opened my eyes one day when I realized that that which Jesus had instructed the 12 to go out and preach could not be the same as 1 Cor 15:1-4.
It would be easy to blame church leadership for decades of blindness, but I realize I’m the only one responsible to search the scriptures daily, so I am responsible for distinguishing truth from doctrines of devils. Thank you once again for the leadership and the teachings ( btw, I find myself often trying to locate Batman’s hideouts)
Hello watching from Capr Town........ South Africa
And Auckland New Zealand
Lawrence Mckenzie Pieterse
And “almost heaven West Virginia “
And Phoenix AZ USA
Wow awesome David
Thanks so much!
24:55+ OK ~ I was laughing! Sorry you didn't hear me; maybe you need to turn your volume up!? ;)
So glad I "ran across" you last night. How I wish I had found you ages ago!
P. S. May I enroll NOW in order to be in the front row for your teachings in heaven?
Ha! Glad you enjoyed the humor. Look forward to seeing you on earth or in heaven.
Great teaching.
The revelation of Christianity is the only world view that makes the claim of a resurrection from the dead. This historical fact alone stops all other religions in their tracks.
2 Timothy 2:13 you quoted but vs 12 says if we deny Him, He will deny us and mentions enduring? That's a little confusing
We deal with that verse if a different teaching. It is obviously a denial of the right to reign not a denial of salvation.
When "other Gentiles don't want in" as you said, isn't that the same as the last Gentile/Jew in the BoC getting saved? If not what is the difference? Thanks again for your great teaching.
The only place in the Bible where the fathers house was referred to was when Jesus drove the money changers out from the Temple. Is it possible that the new temple during the Millennium was what Jesus when to prepare ?
John 14:1-4 would be fulfilled in the end time when Jesus Christ sit on his throne in Jerusalem . That mansions will come down from heaven .. ref: Rev. 21:9-14
I really enjoy your teachings, I always learn a lot. Is it possible that in 2 Thess 2:2 that Paul is writing to them about a letter they had received as from Paul but it wasn’t really from him and in that letter they were making them feel troubked because they blended the day of the Lord (wrath) with the day of Christ (rapture) and they had thought they missed the gathering together with Christ and were going into the tribulation?
It seems that there was a forged letter that appeared to be from Paul but was not and that mislead them as to the order of events at the end of the dispensation of grace and the following prophetic period.
Thank you for this sermon. How many prophets raised a dead man after 4 days of being dead? Jesus did. Jesus rose himself after 3 days and brought Lazarus back after 4. He more than proved he was God. Amen to all of God's children!
Thank you. One question, could “The falling away” ( Departure in Greek) mean the Rapture. Departure from this world, instead of departure from the faith? I mean, there has been falling away from the faith ever since Paul.
That is often suggested. But how does "falling away" correspond to being "caught up". It doesn't seem to match.
In Greek the word is actually apostisia, and that means departure as well as falling away, and rebellion. In the the Geneva Bible “ a departure” was used instead of “falling away”. It was changed to “ a falling away” in the King James Bible. I think “a departure” makes more sense.
Hebrews 11:5 KJV
By faith Enoch was *translated* that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had *translated* him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Now go check Strong’s concordance for the word used for *translated*.
metatiqhmi: meaning = to transfer, to *change* (like we in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye??), to transport, *TO FALL AWAY*
More great teaching 😊 I have a question. Can the last one world government form in this dispensation of grace?
At the start of the 70th week and prior thereto, there is not one world government. Thus, it would be odd if such a thing were in existence at the end of the dispensation of grace.
Columbus Bible Church thanks 🙂 I pray the Lord will continue to bless your ministry!
Hi again 😊 so what about 2 Timothy 1 ...and in the last days perilous times will come? .....
It is true that the last days of the dispensation of grace are perilous times, but such days are not the fulfillment of OT prophecy. The two things are separate and different. Hope this helps.
Columbus Bible Church yes it does thanks
i think we our in that time people do not went to hear about Jesus.
I have a question please, if prophecy can’t be fulfilled in this dispensation of grace, how is it that the temple which was prophesied to be destroyed happened after Paul was given the ‘mystery’?
This video might help.видео.html
Columbus Bible Church ...I’ve just watched it...The answer to my exact question! Well I never.. thank you.
Jeddah Tower Will become the tallest building in the world. Has been on hold as the major funder of the project has been jailed.
my understanding of the drafting: gentiles are not part of that as they are not part of covenant Israel. those broken off are unbelieving Israel from covenantal Israel. grafting into covenantal Israel is Messianic (the Way) believing Israel. your thoughts please? ty David!
"He is not here for He has risen"?
Grace to ye all , and peace from God our Father , and the Lord Jesus Christ ; ....... Brother Reid :-)
-- || As always , very interesting studies of the *HOLY BIBLE The Authorized (King James) Version* .
As we always say .... *words matter* !!!
-- *ST LUKE **21:24** [kjb]* -
24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword , and shall be led away captive into all nations :
and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles ,
*until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled* .
-- *ROMANS **11:25** [kjb]* -
25 For I would not , brethren , that ye should be ignorant of this mystery , lest ye should be ignorant
in your own conceits ; that blindness in part is happened to Israel ,
*until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in* .
The prominent Gentile nations of the world have been Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. When God's chosen people the Israelites fell into idolatry, and were carried into captivity to Babylon, they were supplanted by the Gentiles. For a long time the nations of Egypt, Assyria and Babylon were anxious to fall upon Israel and conquer them, but God held them in an unseen leash until the iniquity of Israel was full, and let them loose, and permitted the world power to pass into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
This happened in *B.C. 606 , and marked the beginning of the Times of the Gentiles* , spoken of by Christ in Luke 21:24 [kjb], and which is a period that in the mind of God has certain chronological limits.
It is not to be confounded with the *Fulness of the Gentiles* spoken of by Paul in Rom. 11:25 [kjb]. The Fulness of the Gentiles refers to the Gentiles that are "gathered out" to make up the Church, and "blindness in part" will continue among the Jews until the "Fulness" (the whole number of the elect) of the Gentiles be come in, then the Church is "caught out" and the Jews restored to their own land.
The "FULNESS of the Gentiles" began at the ministry of Paul ( *1 TIMOTHY **1:15**--16 [kjb]* ) and ends at least seven years before the "TIMES of the Gentiles" end.
-- >> TIMES of the Gentiles = PROPHECY / KINGDOM PROGRAM ,
and therefore *chronological* on God's calendar ( *A.M. 0 ------------ X ---------------- X ----- A.M. 7,000* )
-- >> FULNESS of the Gentiles = MYSTERY (dispensation of the grace of God) PROGRAM ,
ending with the rapture of the body of Christ.
- 1 - As to the FACT.
-- *AMOS **9:14**--15 [kjb]* -
14 And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel , and they shall build the waste cities ,
and inhabit [them] ; and they shall plant vineyards , and drink the wine thereof ; they shall also
make gardens , and eat the fruit of them.
15 And I will plant them upon their land , and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land
which I have given them , saith the LORD thy God.
-- || This prophecy was N0T fulfilled in the restoration from the "Babylonian Captivity." For they were driven out of the land after that, and this promise is, that *they shall not no more be pulled up out of their land* , and must refer to some future restoration. The return from the "Babylonian Captivity" was the FIRST restoration, and the scriptures speak also of a SECOND restoration ( *ISAIAH **11:11** [kjb]* ).
The second time, the Jews are not to come from the "East," as when they returned from the "Babylonian Captivity," but from the "North," and from "ALL countries." The *GAP FACT* , the only explanation for *JOB 38:4--7 & ISAIAH **14:12**--15 ; EZEKIEL **28:13**--17 [kjb]*
IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
-- B'reshith bara ELoHi'YM *ETh = end of 4,000 years* ha'shamayim *v'ETh = end of 6,000 years* ha'aretz :
- 3 - As to the MANNER.
Gathered back *UNCONVERTED* (the modern state of Israel is still in apostacy & idolatry / Talmud, Zohar, etc.).
-- *EZEKIEL **36:24**--27 [kjb]* -
For I will take you from among the heathen , and gather you out of all countries , and bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you , and ye shall be clean : from all your filthiness , and from all your idols , will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you , and a new spirit will I put within you : and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh , and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you , and cause you to walk in my statutes , and ye shall keep my judgments , and do [them].
-- || Thus *BEFORE CONVERSION they (the Jews) are to be JUDGED* !!!
So part of them has to be back in the land, BEFORE they will be *passed under the rod* &
*cast into his melting pot* .
-- See *EZEKIEL **20:34**--38 & EZEKIEL **22:19**--22 [kjb]* .
Because this is an event, that is set apart on God's calendar ,
*A.M. 0 --------------------- A.M. 6,000 ------ A.M. 7,000* , there has to be a particular *watch-point of interest* for the Body of Christ, which declares the near end of our age.
-- *1 THESSALONIANS 5:3 [kjb]* (CONTEXT vv. 1--6) -
3 For when they shall say , *Peace and safety* ; then sudden destruction cometh upon them ,
as travail upon a woman with child ; and they shall not escape.
-- || *ID 2020 & PATENT WO/2020/060606 Cryptocurrency system using body activity data*
Combined with ,
UN General Assembly (73rd sess. : 2018-2019) -- *International Year of Peace and Trust , 2021*
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.
In every thing give thanks : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings.
Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good.
Abstain from all appearance of evil.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly ; and [ I pray God ] your
whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It says the flood TOOK them, that gives you the context for the following people who are "taken"
ThyCircle 79 Enoch was taken (raptured) prior to the Flood. Was he, perhaps, a picture of the "Pre-Tribbers"?
Ok when you say God wanted to give "humanity" an opportunity to be saved, you really mean GENTILES. God already has a program to save Jews. The dispensation is to save GENTILES. The earthly phrase "blood is thicker than water" seems to have a heavenly meaning as well since we do not share in anything promised in Revelation nor does our Lord address us directly as He does Jews. I am bewildered by all of this I guess....I learned and committed to my heart and memory so much scripture and none of it even applied to me. I envy the Jews because God loves them so much. They are His treasure, His bride. Not Gentiles.
If there is no dispensation of grace, the entire world would have already entered the 70th week. Thus, the dispensation of grace benefits both Jews and Gentiles. The Lamb's bride is the New Jerusalem.
@@ColumbusBibleChurch Yes I agree on both points that scripture does support this.
Inside Antilia, Mukesh Ambani’s $2 billion Mumbai mansion
On the birthday of India's billionaire industrialist, we tour his 400,000-square-foot house located in one of the world's most expensive addresses!