For those who don't speak lithuanian, this video speaks a little bit about Savickas training. In off-season his training is not so harsh, but closer to the contest he begans to do less reps with higher weights like a "piramid" princip. Also he tells that the shoulder training is very important to him,but he never do full weight in the training, only in the competition he tries max. He trains only the inner breast, becouse outside part is not so important. But keep in mind, that if you want to avoid injuries, you should keep balance to your muscles. It means you can't train only one part of your body, neck and belly are very important too. Later he tells about product "Dark matter" he usses, it gives both strengt both mass. He trains 5-6 times in a week. For neck and legs thats one day in a week. Also he do some specific training which could be in a contest. Sorry for poor english.
For those who don't speak lithuanian, this video speaks a little bit about Savickas training. In off-season his training is not so harsh, but closer to the contest he begans to do less reps with higher weights like a "piramid" princip. Also he tells that the shoulder training is very important to him,but he never do full weight in the training, only in the competition he tries max. He trains only the inner breast, becouse outside part is not so important. But keep in mind, that if you want to avoid injuries, you should keep balance to your muscles. It means you can't train only one part of your body, neck and belly are very important too. Later he tells about product "Dark matter" he usses, it gives both strengt both mass. He trains 5-6 times in a week. For neck and legs thats one day in a week. Also he do some specific training which could be in a contest. Sorry for poor english.
Thanks for the translation. Most of us don't speak Lithuanian.
thanks.very helpful
puikus reportazas
The only thing I understood was the dubstep music XD
musu saunuolis :) pagarba!
MAKE WAY!!! English comment coming through:)
Could any Lithuanian be so kind to translate for us foreigners?
MHP reklama vien :)
storas ir tiek
Nesvarbu :) ir su steroidais darbo reikia daug ideti. Cia jau to zmogaus pasirinkimas, kaip jam geriau. Su ar be.
170kg bench press like it was warmup
kad jam to gainerio ? :D
Dark matter nebandziau ,bet sprendziant is lipduko ,tai nieko gero. Pinigu svaistymas.
dabar visi nubai darys sita programa haha
english subs???
koki butu abonento kaina menesiu?
Su tais papildais, tai blemba nu kazkoke komedija :D
13 minuciu papildu reklamos, gero ziurejimo.
Su steroidais dar daugiau darbo, nes greiciau atsistato raumenys, buna ilgesnes treniruotes ir kai kuriuos raumenis 2x savaitej daro