Morning Flute Music | Himalayan Flute Music | Meditation Music | (बाँसुरी) Aparmita Ep. 44
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Morning Flute Music Lead by Himalayan Flute Bansuri (बाँसुरी). The Himalayan Flute (बाँसुरी) is carved from a special type of bamboo that grows to longer lengths between the nodules. This type of bamboo is found primarily in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains Nepal And India. The bamboo is cut and treated with natural oils for strength and preservation. After the material has been selected and treated, the mouth hole is cut into the side of an end. The opening nearer the blowhole is plugged with a cork, forcing the air to travel past the finger holes to escape.
The holes in the instrument are measured and burned into the bamboo with hot metal skewers. This method is chosen to prevent the material from splitting and altering the sound. After the drilling, each finger hole is sanded to ensure smoothness and an airtight seal between the instrument and the player's fingertips. After the detailing is finished, the product is quality tested by measuring the distances between each hole and mouthpiece, the wall thickness, the diameter of finger holes and the tone of the musical notes. After the instrument is completed, it is decorated and bound with nylon or silk.
▶️ In this Music Video other contributors:
• Theme : Morning Music
• Flute : Ratna Bk
• Background Audio : Napoli Dura
• Video License :
• Thumbnail : Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
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Mesmerizing and smooth soothing of mind and body.Great music ❤.May God 🙏🙏 bless the person who has applied so much sweetness to this great voice.
Nice soothing music
Cool mind meditation.
Aisa lagta hain hum jaise God ke pass pohoch Gaye jesne vi banaya hai une Thank you 😊❤
बासरी की धुन बहुत ही मधुर बजाई है मन प़सन हुआ अभिनंदन आभारी आहोत धन्यवाद कापडणे धुळे जिल्हा
मुझे गर्व है मैं एक भारतीय हूं। जहा पर इतने सारे राग खोजे गए जो आपको दुनिया मैं और कही नही मिलेंगे।
वाह ! बहुत अच्छा साउण्ड । बहुत - बहुत धन्यवाद आपको । जीवन मे पूर्ण शांति आत्मज्ञान और आत्म संयम से मिलती है । अंत मे यह सुन्दर साउण्ड भी छूट जायेगा ' अपने आपमें स्थायी सुख व शांति है। good morning
Manka dukh satn hone wala sundar aavash 🙏🙏🌹🌹dhane ho aap jaya radhe jaya Krishnan 🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹
So relaxing the sound and very nice weather thanks for sharing godbless
क्या अनुभूति थी, "राधा माधव" जी की।
श्री राधे राधे।
एक गुनगुनासा सुखद मोहक अनुभूति....☺ कृष्ण के होने की अनुभूति।
Aap Krishna ho.. apane aap ko pahchano.. aap ke andar bhi anant music baj raha hai...
@@raaj14085 are apne aap ko krishna kehna yesi behudi philosophy kaha se sikhte ho aaplog. Read the Bhāgwatam for atleast slight knowledge of what Krishna tatva is. He is in the form of Paramātmā with every soul in the heart but soul is not Krishna Himself
@@raaj14085 m sorry but he is not saying he is krishna he is loving krishna, lot of facts is there if i start to say bologe ke gyani ban rahe ho, uska life wo achi tarah janta he, hum insan ekdusre ke bare me bolne k alawa or kuch nhi sikha
अति सुंदर... अति सुंदर... अति सुंदर... क्या कहूँ शब्द तो मिल ही नहीं रहे हैं.
बहुत सुंदर प्रस्तुति, आँखें बंद कर सुनने पर , अचंभित करने वाली उर्जा का अनुभव हो रहा है ।🙏
मानसिक शांति के लिए बहुत अच्छा
Mann ki shanti k leye ye dhun bahut sunder
Aaj subha yoga krte time ye music pahli baar chalaya.bahut bahut accha laga.
Sach m bahut accha laga
Thank you
अति सुंदर मन को आनंदीत करने वाली धून कर्ण प्रिय. मनमोहक धुन बहोत बहोत साधू वाद आपको❤❤
बहुत सुन्दर Manmohan music
Very very nice dhun .
Many many thanks U Tube.
This is channel is underrated.....actually I found this channel superior other than any meditation channel
Oh bless! Oh Namaste! This takes my mind and soul back to the Himalayan mountains of Nepal, a place I may never be able to return to. Dhanyabad! Thank you.
thank you 🙏
Just felt like saying, .....never say never ...
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Jai shree Ram 🙏🙏видео.html
I am listening to this music from a small place in Himalaya, Love from Uttarakhand ️
So deep connection with god.. thanks
Nice combination of nature and music.
Breathtaking Views 🌄
Absolutely Beautiful. God bless
Regular viewer of Aparmita.....
Good fine excellent encouraging.
Oh beautifully playing bansuri.So long you play the flute,I feel God very close to me.It transport me in a world of peace and joy.Thanks so much.видео.html
बन्द आंखों से मैं जब धुन का आनन्द लेता हूँ तो ये दृष्य नहीं देख पाता।
जब कि मेरे लिये दोनों important हैं।
मेरी सुबह लावण्यमयी बनाने के लिये धन्यबाद। जय केदार।
so deep music
very calm & melodious
God's gift. Lovely presentation. Unbelievable talent. God bless you.видео.html
Thanks Thanks Thanks..Itni sundar morning.
Fantastic and soothing ❤
Excellent recitation of flute 😅
अप्रतिम और सुंदर अनुभुती...❤️❤️🙏❤️
Very powerful music. Peaceful, filled with lot of energy. It helps me to go in deep meditation. Thanksвидео.html
🙏🎷😌 Wonderful Flute Music 🎶 Thanks.
❤ All Be Blessed Happy Divine Soul By God/Universe Grace.
In order to get peaceful and destnation it is very important to listen Himalayan flute music for everyone, Thank you , Aparmita ,May God bless you,Again thank you,
Very nice music . Good for specially in the morning meditation and yoga. Thank you.
God bless you 🙏 Prabhu aap ko Ashish dea very nice
This music really calms my soul and inner peace...thank you for such mesmerizing music of healing😊😊😊❤❤
One of the world best best tune ( Dherai ramro xa Jo sunirahu jasto lagne every morning mali yo tune na Suni mero man mandaina ) ❤❤❤
Melodious music and beautiful background with blooming flowers !
Bahut ही सुरीली धुन।
Very peaceful and relaxing feels like you are sitting in himalyas
आप को शत शत नमन करता हूँ सर आप के बाँसुरी के धुन सुन के बहुत आनंद आया आप ऐसे ही बजाते रहो धन्यवाद
प़ाण और प़कृतिकी सुरिली अंतरात्माकिय आवाज बृह्मलीन की ़और उठती, चलती, दौडती फीर उडती हुइ चेतना। ,,,,🙏
Don't over think, keep loving yourself, every circumstances are for your
progress , your dreams will come true and you will be peaceful, strong
, fearless. Best Wishes you
You. Tooo girl/boy
भऊत आछ्छा लगा संगित सुनकर 👌🏻🙏🏼🙏🏼🌹🌹
Beautiful, pictures and music 🎶 start of day with full of joy and happiness.
Thanks and God bless you and your family 👪!видео.html
Like krishna himself playing flute from distance. 😍😍😍
Beautiful music
Thanks for such a nice master bansuri musics.I am regularly hearing. May God bless u.
The beauty of nature which God created for us to share the love and happiness to each other’s.видео.html
Very beautiful ♥️😍👌👍 mind fresh
Loveful apramita ji
Very good for meditation, thank you very much "Aparmita-Himalayan flute music".
Thank you so very much 🙏🏼 This is the most Peaceful, Calming and meditative music. I get transported to a different World in Himalayas. Blessed is the person playing so very soulfully 🙏🏼🙏🏼 🙏🏼
Why life goes in wrong way all the times. This song have such type of vibration which makes good for mind system. Thank you for upload
so beautiful scenes. thankuvery much for this flute music.
Cool , Relaxing , Romanti & Intoxicating Music . . . It's really touched me . . . 👍👍👍
Thanks for listening🙏
Wow excellant beautiful pictures nature and flowers 🌼🌺🌹💯✅👍🙂⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐👌😊
So adorable,pious, very close to my heart,brings my soul to another world, shedding tears,no words to discrbe my inner feelings thanks a lot❤
Mind blowing
God bless this Music composer
This makes me to b with Nature
Excellent.......... Mind relaxing music
I feel, think that u are very much positive, kind, humble.... person. I just simply love you yaar bro 🙏
Omg. What to say that I lost my self by dreaming of lord Sri Krishna while meditating with chin mudra in morning. Thanks a lot for lovely rendering❤. Hare Krishna bless u always Aparmita.🙏🌹🌸🌹💕🙏
So sweet presentation 👏 mind blowing
Such soothing music with surreal visuals🙌
Bahut si Madhur aavaaj
I feel very silent and good meditation . Thanks a lot
मंत्र मुग्ध कर देने वाला संगीत है 🙏🙏🙏видео.html
Flute playing is the real meditation.........just look at your flute master very calm cool and. Pateintiative
अत्यंत सुखद अनुभूति,वास्तव में।
Thanks for sharing very nice
Thank you
अतिसुखदायी❤कलाकार का नाम, राग का उल्लेख प्रतीक्षित है। धन्यवाद🙏
Beautiful: so soothing
Makes morning more beautiful and soothing.
Fantastic and enchanting music. Thanks and God Bless.🙏🏽🙏🏽
Very nice so beautiful music
Woderful............Full of wonders......
🙏🙏🙏 thank you
Beautiful and soul lifting ❤Greetings from Papua New Guinea
Nice video! Let music relax your mind and cover all the noise out there. Have a wonderful week! See you around 👍🎧😎
Thank you! You too!
Wow ! What a soulful…. You straightaway took me to Himalaya.
Thanks 🙏
Really beautiful flute music 🎶 thankx for sharing
Sach mei hi vagavan sri krishna ke murli mei kitne jadu the na isliye hi saide sare gupi mere sri krishna ke diwane ho gye the
All your musics are nature’s jems. I love them all. It is so devine. Every morning my day starts
With this devine music. It reveals positive thoughts.
मनमोहक हृदयस्पर्शी प्राकृतिक अदभुत दृश्य अटूटअथाह शांतीपरमातमा सेमिलन राधे राधे ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Wonderful and peaceful...
I can called GANDRVA for this composer of music & admin of this chanel . Really ultimate for meditation it helps us to move Breeze always. Tends to move thought less also. Very much thank full to APARMITHA
I am regular listener of ur soothing music, thank you again for this masterpiece... Radhey Radhey 🙏🌸🌸
God is everywhere but especially very near to such heavenly music.
Radhey Radheyвидео.html
I feel so much better than sound 🎶🎶🎶 hare Krishan Govind hare murali 🎶🎶😊😊😊
जय जय श्री राधे कृष्णा💐❤️
Just sweet soothing music!!!!Thanks.
Thnks for the peaceful music❤
Awesome. It's refresh my mind n gave a heavenly feelings. God bless who creat this music n god bless u dear all❤
Every tension is out of Mind when you listen to this beaitiful flute music.❤ loved it...
Heart touching.. amazing I like very much flutes music. ..видео.html
Very nice beutiful floot music
Veryvery good melodious and heart touching song thanks to Godgifted artist
Very pleasant and soothing, May God bless the person playing it
HOw beautiful , soothing and spiritual flute music this is ! I always listen and watch this . I am full of proud to be in the moutainous part of Nepal when l listen and watch it. I wish that God is blessing to you who is playing the flute so sweetly and beautifully and all of you who is listening to it as a token of love to Nepal and its natural beauty. Many many thanks to you all.I am always with you when l listen to this flute music.
बहोत सुंदर, श्रवणीय, मधूर
Love it. Very, very soothing. May God bless your music.
Very niceвидео.html