Visions on the Deathbed - clear Indications for Life after Death

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Deathbed visions are among the spiritual experiences that also give us clear indications of life after death. This is because it is often being observed that the dying are talking to deceased relatives or acquaintances shortly before passing away, thus they are obviously seeing them - in contrast to the people around them. After a brief introduction to the topic, you will see an interview with Ms. Ria, who has witnessed such a deathbed vision.
    Write in the comments about deathbed visions that happened in your environment. Many would be happy to hear about it.
    00:01 Introduction to "Deathbed Visions"
    03:07 Observing a Deathbed Vision -
    an Interview with Ms. Ria

Комментарии • 71

  • @shaunwild8797
    @shaunwild8797 Год назад +60

    I was lying in a hospital bed two years ago and an old man in his 80's was pointing up to the ceiling and calling out for his Grandfather. What annoyed me was the medical staff were mocking him and laughing. I knew exactly what he was seeing as I have watched near death videos before. I still feel bad for not going over to him and holding his hand but it was when the covid epidemic first started. You would think the nurses would have realised what was going on but I guess a lot of people are still in the dark.

    • @joruddock8950
      @joruddock8950 Год назад +1

      Unfortunately the nurses of today are so stuck up their own arses to even care about their patients. All they are interested in is money. Society has put them on pedastool s and no they think they cannot be touched. If you disagree with them they are rude and childish. They were praised for the COVID saga, and yet they were happy to strike? So much for patients care!! Throughout my life I have met many nurses and unfortunately a lot have had terrible attitudes. Another sad truth of what goes on in this world.

    • @maryelizabethwolf999
      @maryelizabethwolf999 Год назад +3

      I’d feel the same. It was good you were there - you may learn that your presence actually did bring him comfort. I’ve read that when people are dying they become aware of those around them. Take heart ❤

    • @seeleygirl6178
      @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +8

      Shame on those wretched nurses.

    • @nabryankeene2549
      @nabryankeene2549 Год назад +2

      So did he actually pass away though? Or was he actually just having a NEAR Death Experience? The reason I asked is because not everyone who starts seeing that passes away right away.

    • @OvercookedOctopusFeet
      @OvercookedOctopusFeet Год назад +2

      It's heartbreaking hearing stories like this.. it's so sad the lack of compassion by some.

  • @signsfrombeyond4863
    @signsfrombeyond4863 Год назад +17

    This happened to two of my family members! The first one was my great grandmother who had four children with her first husband before separating. This man, my great grandfather, was a very good man and a hard worker and always gave everything he had to his children, he worked until his dying day and passed before my great grandmother. When she was in her last week before dying she kept saying to the family that he was there, just working as usual and doing things around the house, even though they had separated years before his death, it brought her joy and comfort to see him there.
    The other story is very similar. My great aunt passed away from cancer about a decade ago and my grandma stayed with her during her last days, the same thing happened! A few days before her death she was saying with complete confidence that she saw her husband, who passed years before her, and she was very happy to see him again, it brought her comfort and joy during her final moments that he was there to help her to the other side.

  • @martinmoxham6042
    @martinmoxham6042 10 месяцев назад +5

    My dad opened d his eyes a few minutes before he died, and I am certain that he was experiencing a deathbed vision

  • @moniquemurphy4851
    @moniquemurphy4851 Год назад +12

    A family member we were caring for told my sister and me "21 days". We asked him "What about 21 days?". He just repeated, very matter of factly, "21 days". We marked the 21st day on the calendar to see if anything meaningful would happen. Our loved one passed away on the 21st day after having mentioned 21 days. I believe spirit or a family member on the other side tried to prepare him for his journey.

    • @tim59ism
      @tim59ism Год назад +3

      I suspect you are right !

  • @miak60
    @miak60 Год назад +15

    My close relative when I was visiting in hospice she kept pointing to one space and reaching her hand to the air and smiling
    It was 2 days before she passed away
    I believe it was her husband helping her to cross over to the other side
    Quite sure its a real experience because I was in the room witnessing the whole thing

  • @dianaluzzatto9799
    @dianaluzzatto9799 Год назад +9

    My father did at home after a long suffering. In his last month h was dclare comatose, and didn't talk to us. He was also blind and deaf - at the end; strangely, he began to look at the ceiling, though h could not see, moving his arms and talked very animatedly (without actually speaking as he lost his voice). This happned a few times, although the doctors said tgat he was in a coma. After about a week, he died.

  • @lhasalynn2091
    @lhasalynn2091 Год назад +48

    My story still brings a smile to my face! In 1999, about a 2 weeks before my mother passed away (she was 86 and living in my apt building with a caregiver--Mom kept having TIA's, which slowly destroyed her short-term memory--but she always knew family), my Mom's caregiver told me that the night before, my Mom, who was a very gentle person, was staring at the corner of the ceiling and angrily yelling "NO, Beulah! I'm not ready yet!!" And, our very curious caregiver, Sabrina, asked me if that made any sense?? Well--yes it did! Beulah was my Mom's older sister by six years (Mom was born in 1912!)--and they used to share an apt, after Mom completed her BA degree at Hunter College in Manhattan. But they were 2 very different people--and used to 'squabble' a lot! My Aunt Beulah was very tidy and liked things kept 'just so'--whereas my Mom was always running off to see friends, go horseback riding in Central Park, or ice skating near-by. And, to Mom--housework was of very second importance. LOL! So---I could certainly imagine Mom, all these years later, telling her sister "NO Beulah! I am not ready to go yet!!!" Two weeks later, when I returned home from work, stopping off at Mom's apartment, I was sitting on the arm of her large armchair and she had just finished some yogurt. Sabrina asked her if she'd like more and she said 'yes, thanks', and with my arm around her shoulder, I started telling her about my day. When I had arrived, her eyes were so bright and sparkling when I walked in--she was always so happy to see my twin and I each day, when we visited. "My girls', she would refer to us. So, I was in the middle of telling her a story and suddenly I had this odd feeling. And I looked down---and she was gone. So very quietly. As if she'd waited for my visit, and had given me her big smile and hug, before she left. Twenty-four years later--but I still miss her so much.🥰 Lynn

    • @ginettemorin2
      @ginettemorin2 Год назад +6

      Thank you for sharing this really beautiful story. I wish everybody who is near the moment of ''transition'' could leave in such a peaceful way.

    • @tmp1111
      @tmp1111 Год назад +1

      You're lucky you were there with her. What a gift to you both❤

  • @ginettemorin2
    @ginettemorin2 Год назад +7

    Very interesting and... comforting. It certainly revives my hope and ''certainty'' that we'll be greeted by loved ones, or kind and loving spirits, especially (in my opinion) if we do our best to live here according to compassion, forgiving and gratitude.

  • @SoB_626
    @SoB_626 Год назад +6

    Before she died, my grandmother saw her long dead sister in law sitting on the hospital bed near her and grandma told her to move aside as there was not enough space on the bed for both of them. She was also unsettled by what she described as a well dressed unknown man waiting by the door.

  • @robgau2501
    @robgau2501 Год назад +9

    My grandmother did this before she died.

  • @joaoMTcoelho
    @joaoMTcoelho 2 месяца назад +1

    When my grandmother was dying she told us about her sister was visiting her waiting for her a few times before she died. That was in 1966.

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 Год назад +1

    *"LIFE The Real Self" is The LIGHT, an offspring of The LIGHT ! My body I experience was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center in 1973. More than half an hour passed, then my heart started again. During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", entered the WHITE LIGHT, and have remained in the WHITE LIGHT to this day. Those who claim to have returned, have NOT recognized WHAT, The WHITE LIGHT actually is. When you do, and accept it, you shall remain in The LIGHT as I have...*

  • @helderalmeida3417
    @helderalmeida3417 Год назад +3

    What about if you dislike every single family members. Or you don't want to be part of the family. Who's going to welcome you?

    • Год назад +10

      I guess that when the mind becomes clear, it clears away also the distorted feeling of this life. Or one can be welcomed by a family member of the distant past with whom we had never had any direct terrestrial relationship...

    • @rjsimpkins2911
      @rjsimpkins2911 Год назад +3

      It seems sometimes a generation or two is skipped to staff this position or even a friend can do. Of course it's probably more common to not be escorted at time of separation of body and soul.

    • @Jacquie_Kirk_111
      @Jacquie_Kirk_111 Год назад +12

      A friend! Or your guardian angel! You will not be alone!

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 Год назад +9

      pets are a common vision,,, or lost friends

    • @dalehallett8449
      @dalehallett8449 Год назад +4


  • @sarastrempel2439
    @sarastrempel2439 Год назад +40

    My 93 year old Mother was in a nursing home a month before she passed due to having a series of small strokes. She gradually withdrew being interactive with us. About a week before she died, she started staring up at the corner of the room non-stop. Sometimes she would smile & point up there. She was very interested in whatever she was seeing. I asked her what she saw but she had become non-verbal by then. She passed away during the night. I'm glad she seemed at peace at the end of her life. Maybe she was having visions of my deceased father up in the corner of the room. 🕊️

    • @ginettemorin2
      @ginettemorin2 Год назад +6

      Beautiful, thank you!

    • @tim59ism
      @tim59ism Год назад +3

      @sarastrempel She would almost certainly have bene seeing deceased relatives waiting to collect her. It happens all the time in nursing homes and hospice and only relatively recently has any research being addressed to it.

    • @chek6303
      @chek6303 Год назад +5

      I had similar experiences with my dear Mom. She began to see people and dead relatives about 2 weeks before she passed in the hospital. "Mom, what are you looking at?" I would ask as her gaze travelled up the walls and behind my head....She would respond, "There's grandma. Not my grandma, your grandma." Very specific. Things like, "Uncle Ed is out in the hallway." This was my Dad's brother who had passed the year before. She also saw people she didn't know, lots of them. She saw a guy sitting in an empty chair with a mouth full of blood. God bless you Mom, I miss you and Dad so much and can't wait to be with you. XOXO

  • @lavenderhearts101
    @lavenderhearts101 Год назад +14

    I’m a retired nurse and have seen this phenomenon many times.

  • @sandrajshutter2205
    @sandrajshutter2205 Год назад +17

    My uncle was with his mother my 99 years old grandmother that morning and he told me that my grandmother no longer wanted to eat or get out the bed the morning; when suddenly my grandmother told my uncle look three very beautiful angels are coming to me and she was amazed by the beauty of the angels and after a few minutes she gave her last breath and died. 🛏️🕊️

  • @carlalakins
    @carlalakins 11 месяцев назад +7

    Decades ago, when working at a nursery facility, I walked into my favorite patients room, a very sweet elderly gentleman, and found him sitting in his rocker with a look of wonder and amazement on his face as he stared at the corner of the ceiling. Then, very slowly, his gaze followed something (which only he could see) from one corner of the ceiling to the opposite, back and forth. Of note, he was an extremely quiet patient who very rarely spoke, if at all. All that day, if not eating or napping, he was fixated on something near the ceiling. Having little experience, I mentioned what I had observed to oncoming shift and was swiftly and tenderly told, “That means someone has come to help him cross over.”
    Arriving the next morning I went straight to his room only to find housekeeping cleaning his bare mattress, sheets and blankets nowhere in sight. Indeed, he was “accompanied home” at 3 o’clock that morning.

    • @BRIXIA62
      @BRIXIA62 11 месяцев назад

      Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

  • @francesco5581
    @francesco5581 Год назад +11

    i remember my grand grand mother asking us to move aside because she had to talk with her (long deceased) husband

  • @lavenderhearts101
    @lavenderhearts101 Год назад +7

    A lady who I was taking care of, was in bed and looked up at the ceiling with a big smile, and said ,“I didn’t think you’d be so handsome”.
    I asked her who it was, and she said , “ why the Lord Jesus.”. She died a few days later.
    Another lady I took care of in a nursing home for several years has visitors the morning of her death.
    Every morning I went to her room to give her her heparin injection. I would smile at her and say good morning, and she would look at me, but she never smiled. Then one morning I went in her room, and she was smiling and pointing at the ceiling and counting three times with her finger pointing at the ceiling. She did this several times over. I asked her what she was pointing to. she just smiled at me and said, “ you can’t see them.”. I took her vital signs and assessed her, and there’s been no change in her condition. That evening, she passed away.

  • @rositahuff4858
    @rositahuff4858 Год назад +8

    …my grandma died at 104…she was very lucid before she past…she talked of my dad visiting her…[ he past weeks before her…she did not know ]…she also told us she would be a swallow soon and be able to fly……

  • @robynmarler1951
    @robynmarler1951 Год назад +10

    I will share this seeing as you asked. The week before my grandad passed he said that my cousin Jonathan, who died about 15 years previous, had been sitting on his bed all morning. How cool is that.

  • @1stEarlOfSurrey
    @1stEarlOfSurrey Год назад +13

    My very elderly grandmother was bedridden in her last days before death, being cared for by my mother at home. The bedroom in which she was being cared for, was right alongside the living room. One morning, a bright morning in early summer, a week or so before my grandmother’s death, I was alone in the living room and knew my grandmother, at that moment, to be alone in her bedroom, also. Suddenly, I heard my grandmother’s voice very clearly address someone (who seemingly) was in the room with her. She said, “Ruby, I’ll soon be with you”. Ruby was her sister, very close in age, who had died many decades earlier.

  • @jenniferandrews8449
    @jenniferandrews8449 Год назад +17

    My father died at home on Dec 27th 2020 from kidney failure. Prior to the kidney failure, he suffered mid stage alzheimers the year prior. I flew home several days before Christmas to say my goodbyes to him.
    He was bedridden and couldn't speak at this point, but the day before I left, I sat with him and held his hand while I talked to him.
    My sister committed suicide in 2003 and my dad never really got over this. But while I was talking with him and holding his hand I asked if Kathy had been there in the bedroom. He squeezed my hand to indicate yes. I then asked if she had been there more than once, and again he squeezed my hand.
    I told him I believed she was there to take him home when he was ready, and he squeezed my hand a third time but held on for longer. I KNOW my sister was there and my dad knew she would help bring him home when he was ready.
    My dad passed away a few days after I got home and was able to speak to him on the phone. I reminded him he could leave his broken body and it was okay. My mom called me back may be 5 minutes later, crying that "daddy's gone". But I k ow my sister was there to bring him back to Heaven ❤️

    • @seeleygirl6178
      @seeleygirl6178 Год назад +2

      Beautiful, thank you. Bittersweet.❤

    • @tmp1111
      @tmp1111 Год назад +1

      You made him feel safe to let go. ❤

    • @thejiggitygiggity90
      @thejiggitygiggity90 11 месяцев назад

      There both in Heaven now. Happy and free from pain, together, daddy and daughter, forever, Godbless you and your family jennifer

  • @ginettemorin2
    @ginettemorin2 Год назад +8

    One of my uncles who had always been the gruff type of person, easily annoyed, plus that at the age he would be now (100 years old), men were not used to express feelings like ''love'', was on deathbed, unable to communicate, and kept saying ''oh love oh love'' (''ah l'amour''). My aunt (his wife) never could have an answer when asking him gently ''what do you mean''?... :-)

  • @davehospodar4632
    @davehospodar4632 Год назад +8

    My father was in the process of passing, at on point he was speaking (in Russian) to someone who my wife and could not see, I believe he was talking to my grandfather and grandmother who spoke little English and were from Slovakia. I was satisfied that he was conversersing with my grandparents... my dad passed a couple of days later, and I truly believe loved ones consoles us at or near the time of our soul departing this's a beautiful reunion.

  • @holly_kay5570
    @holly_kay5570 Год назад +22

    My Son passed away 3 weeks ago. He was unable to speak and did not open his eyes. We wondered if there were angels or others in the room those last few minutes, but we saw no signs from him that there were. Thank you for these stories ❤

    • @ginettemorin2
      @ginettemorin2 Год назад +7

      I hope you find comfort in your grief, knowing that he is now at peace and liberated from all pain.

    • @bellpine333
      @bellpine333 Год назад +2

    • @holly_kay5570
      @holly_kay5570 Год назад +4

      @@ginettemorin2 Thank you. It is a comfort knowing he is no longer suffering.

    • @chek6303
      @chek6303 Год назад +3

      I'm so sorry. It is unimaginable loss and I want to be able to help you in some way. But know that he is out of pain, and he is waiting to see you again. ❤

    • @tmp1111
      @tmp1111 Год назад

  • @danielleweterings5544
    @danielleweterings5544 Год назад +7

    When my grandfather was dying in the hospital I could sence it because of his breath...We as a family stood in s circle around the bed.I was sitting next to him I think in nu early twenties...He was not eating or drinking and could not get up anymore.Suddenly he dat straight up and pointed to the wall in front of us he whispered in amazenent I can see them!There they all are,I can see them.A couple of minuten later he died...And at the moment he died it was grey and cold but suddenly the room was lighter a glow of sunny comferting light....I think still3think of nu grandparents on both sites but grandfather Cees was special because I actually witnessed hoe death...I hope to see y'all of it's my time...❤

  • @jackhenshaw8651
    @jackhenshaw8651 Год назад +11

    I was with my mother when she passed ,she was at the age of 90.she always used say for many years after my dad was killed in a trafic accident that she hopes she will be able to find my dad when its her turn to go. that was some 40 years ago when he was killed.I was holding her hand in her last days,she was in a dad was all of a sudden there over the top of her looking into her face so clear I said in my mind dad is here for you mam.I turned to my sister to tell her when I looked back they where gone.

    • @ginettemorin2
      @ginettemorin2 Год назад +5

      Thank your for sharing. The ''40 years ago'' your mentioned about your father's accident strengthens my hope to see my brother again; he also had an accident 40 years ago... Have a nice day :-)

    • @robynmarler1951
      @robynmarler1951 Год назад +1


  • @robblack5248
    @robblack5248 Год назад +6

    (1) About 1983 I brought communion to a very old woman in hospital, blind for decades. A few minutes after she received the elements, she opened wide her eyes and said, "Oh! How beautiful!!" then slipped into her exit-coma. The whole five minutes was so perfect it felt scripted and implausible at the time, but it has brought me comfort in the decades since then.
    (2) An analogous story about my 97-year-old father's death in 2018. At his funeral the husband of a Protestant minister, friends of his but unknown to me, told my siblings and I that she had had a vivid dream of him just before he passed. She gestured for him to come in with them, but he gestured in the negative and said, "I'm looking for a door to the outside." Dad had regarded death as "a flat-out end," and was afraid of it. But he did seem to be at an unusually pervasive peace in the days before he left us.

  • @ginettemorin2
    @ginettemorin2 Год назад +5

    Oh! and the picture (painting) at the beginning is quite beautiful and moving, thank you!

  • @kavannahlight5378
    @kavannahlight5378 Год назад +5

    Thank you, I appreciated the translators' touch making the conversation very realistic. This is a well-known phenomenon in hospitals, hospice, and nursing homes. I find it very touching and affirming that each soul is guided on their journey very warmly! Your posts are always enlightening and helpful.

  • @andylowe2725
    @andylowe2725 Год назад +5

    I really enjoyed listening to this.

  • @ChristienahRobertsonTravis
    @ChristienahRobertsonTravis 4 месяца назад +2

    Back in the '80's I was visiting my gramma in New Orleans. She had been a nurse. She recounted so many times she called a "Moment of Clarity' right before a patient would pass. Years later my dad was visiting her in the hospital in another state. Called and said his mother looked bright eyed, great and much better! He was so happy. My heart sunk. I said, "Oh, no. She's about to pass, Dad. She told me about this years ago." I explained what she'd said to me. His mood changed. He got off the phone. She died within hours.

  • @OvercookedOctopusFeet
    @OvercookedOctopusFeet Год назад +2

    Great video, thank you.

  • @tillyvickers2721
    @tillyvickers2721 Год назад +2


  • @asmodeus1274
    @asmodeus1274 Год назад +2

    Is this the sister channel of Thanatos EN TV?

    • @AfterlifeExperiences
      @AfterlifeExperiences  Год назад +1

      This is a sister channel of

  • @elrenso
    @elrenso Год назад +4

    Danke Franz ❤❤❤