Kya aap online shopping bhi karte he? Me Assam se hu aur mujhe bahut aacha laga isiliye agar aap online shopping ki option rakhte hai to inform kijiye ga
Pls contact me on my Whatssapp or Call 8009599205 for any type of lehenga Free Delivery in INDIA and Worldwide Delivery also Available SHARTE Online Shopping Company
Thank you for commenting A.K. Market Vlogs. If you want to know any details regard any lehenga please contact to shop contact details. Details are available in video right side and in video disxription
Sir mai fut fat par ek chhota muta dukan rakha hu or mai chahata hu ki dukan ko tora badha lu keya mai bis hujar ka market kar shakata hu dukan ke liea
Bhaiya Ek piece ghar par aa sakta hai
Nice dress btaey ya online ksy mangwaey
I'm interested in this opportunity
MashaALLAH bht zbrdst video banayi hain
I need this type of lehenga but how can I get this ???
7858916113 is no. Per call kijiye mujhe ye lehenga lena hai
@@shazianazir6056 how to purchase from nepal 🙏🙏🙏
Bhiya agar lehga odar Karna ho to kese krege
Contact details in discription and in video also
aap single piece bhi sale karte ho Kya please reply
Alag alag 5 pic de sakte hi or kya cod available hi
Sir online bechte hai one peace please reply
Sir address btaa de to ham aajaye lene
Connet kese krna hoga btaiye
4 pices mil jyega plz rply me
Jo sabse pahle dkhaye the kya singale Pease mil jaega
Home delivery krte h aap
Phla wala lhge bhut sunder lga
Sar Kahan hai ap ki dukan please ans
Kya aap online shopping bhi karte he? Me Assam se hu aur mujhe bahut aacha laga isiliye agar aap online shopping ki option rakhte hai to inform kijiye ga
Selling or Yelling??
Very nice
भाई दुकान के मालिक को बोल दो अपनी सर्विस थोड़ी अच्छी करें। इंट्रेस्ट दें लोग दूर से जाते हैं अगर इंट्रेस्ट नहीं लेंगे तो कोई क्यों जाएगा
@@babitamauryamaurya2730 ખખઘઑખખખખખખઋઑખખઋખઋખખખઑઑખખઑખખખખખખૉખઙખખખખૉખઋખખખખખખખખખખૉખૉૃખૉખખખૃખખખૉખઑખખખખૃખખૉૉખૃખૉખખખખઋખઑઑખખઋખખખઑઑખઑખખખખખખખૉખખખૉઑખઋઑઋખઑઑઋઋખખખઋઑખઑખઑખખખૉખૉૉૉૉઑખખખખઑઑઑખખખખખઋખૃખખૉખખઑખઑખખખૃખખખખૉખખૉઑઋખખખઑકખઋખખૃૉખઋઑખઑખખખખૃૉખઑખખૃૉખૉખખખૉૃખખઘખૉખખખખૉખખઋખઑખખખખખખખખૃૉખઑઋખખખખૉખખખખખખખખૃૉૉખખઑખખખખૉૉખકખૉખઑઑખખખૉઑખઑખઑઑખખખૉખખખખખખખૉખખૃખખખૃૉખૃખૃૉૉખઋખખખખખખખખૃૉૉૉખૉખખૉખખખખઑખખખખઑઑઑખખખખઑઑખખઑખઑઋઑખઑઑઑખખઑઋઑખઑખખૉખખૉઋખખખખઑખખખૉખઑખઑખૃખૉખઑખખઑખખખૃખૉૉખખખખઑખઑખઑઑઑખખખઑઋખખઑઑખઑખખૃૃખખખખખખૉૉખખખખખખૉખઑઋખઋખખૉૉૃૃૉૉખૉખખઑખખખૉખખખૉૉખખખૉખખખખખખખૉખૉઑખઑખઋઋખઑઋઑખઑખખખખઑખખૉખૃૃખખખખખખૃખખૉખખખખખૃખઑઑઑઋઑઑખખખખખૉકખૃૉખખખૃખૃૃૉખખખઘખખૃૉખખખખખખૉૉખખખૃખૃખખૉખખખખખખખૉખખખઑઑખખખઑઋઑખઑઋખૃખૉખૉૉખખખખખૉખખખૉખખખૉૉખઑખખૉખૉૉઑખખઑખઋઋખખખૉખખખૉખખઑખઋઑઑખખખખૃખખૉૉૃખઑખકખખખખખખૉઑખઑખઑખખૃૉૉખખખખૉખખૉૉખખખૉખઑખઑઑઑખૃખખૉખઋખખખખઃખઑખઑખખખખૉખૃખખૃખખખૉૉખખખખૉૉખખખખઑખઑખઑખખખખખઑખખખબખઑખખખખખખખખખઑ
Wow sir very nice video
Bhai online services h kya aapki.order kre to
Nice collection 👌👌👌👌👌💯
Mujhe Lena h pr kid trha lesakhty h hen detel bataden pliz
Mughe lena hai to order kyse kr date hai aap delivery de sakte ho keya ???
Home delivery available hy
Nice designs
Address to bataya hi nahi sir ahemdabadse ho kya aap
Sir Pakistan may AP delivery karty hai?
I want 10pec
Home delivery are available?
Cash on delivery available?
Reply me .
It's a fack
Thank you
@@maduraikitchenmasala4335 in
Video k start mein jo lehenga dikh rha h.. that's not there in the video.. could u please share the price and lehenga?
हमें भी चाहिए लहंगा अगर आप सच बोल रहे हो तो हमें बताएं कि हम इसे कैसे खरीदें
Kaise parches kre
Do you give home delivery in godda
Pls contact me on my Whatssapp or Call 8009599205 for any type of lehenga Free Delivery in INDIA and Worldwide Delivery also Available
Online Shopping Company
a sub sach hai ja nai j tusc lya take dsya plz
Sa kafi gher Wala lehenga he apke pa agar he to bataiye mujhe Kai pis cahiye
Sir ,agr muj ya order krna ho ...or muj apny dukan kaly mall chahiy....thank you....plz replay
☺😍😘😘ye sub bhut achi h wase kaha h aapki shop
Online mnga skte h plz
Kya delivery ho sakta h plzz
Hi.good morning
We are from srilanka
How do I buy.
How much shipping cost
Can I buy 2 or 3 piece
Muje bhi lena h langha kese conduct kare
Single piece chahiye ...milega kya kolkata meyeh...?
home dilevery h kya? I need 5 lehangas
Home dailvary hoga kya or case
On dailvary reply dijie bhaiya
Kishi ke comment ka to reply kar do Bhai plz
Hame bhi chahiy lehanga kya aap balaghat dilevari kar sakte ho
Beautiful designs h
Bhaiya home delivery hai kya super lahga
Do you give home delivery in assam
Btao sar kese milegi dress
Kaha milega
@@salmanrajput6267 btao sir
Jese dikhaye ja rahe h wese hi pice milte h ya nhi or online order kr sakte h kya 1 pice k liye
Aap single bhi dete Ho
Home deliver kaise hoga plz tell
Lena Hoga hi lehenga To Ham market se jakar le aaenge bevkuf Kyon banate Ho Jhooth bolate ho sab bakwas hai
Muje bhi lena h sir 1200 bala koe link h kya
I m really shocked 😂😂😂😂
It cost more than 6/7000 in nepal
Cass on delivery hoga keya
What do i need to ask for kolkata in this lehenga skta hiii kya....
Ye buy krne k liy kya krna hoga...
Aap log home delivery karte ho aap
Nice lahega
Sir kis jagya h aap ki soap
mai kolkata me rahti hu kya mai order kar ke pa sakti hu????
Sir i want this how can I get that please help me
Mujhe chahie kaise order karna hai please reply
Do you give home delivery in lucknow
Bhaiya indore m online delivery h kya
Bas like or comment ke liye ye sab dikhate hi aap sab mt kro
Kuchh Milne wala nhi hai
Shi bla bkbass krte h bsss
Plse batai ki hum kaise kharide
Jo lehenga cover page per hai vah lehenga nahin dikhaya
Sahi bola apne
Very nice mear ko laga chaye kya Aap Kori krte
Woww kya lahange hai
Home dilevery
Bhaiya agar me aapki shop pr aakar single peace lena chachu to kya mil jayega
Single lahenga melaga
singal peek chahiye milsakta hai kya bhai
Sir,kya! Hum 1 ya to peace mangwasakte hai plz sir ...answers dijiye
Kya Nepal me vi milega plz answers
Beautiful 👌 👌
Beautiful hy lahaga
Jab reply hi ni karna hota h to kyu bech rahe ho bhai 😁😁
Ryt reply to kar hi nhi rhe hai bhai 😄😃
Kiya ap delivery bhi krte h kpre
Hme single piece chahiye mil jayega
Ye kha sy mily ga
Sir 2 lehenge 600 k aandr mil jayge ?
Kis jagah per ye lehenga mileage
Very beautiful
Eyeh lehenge kiya online mangaowa sakte he
Kaise plz bataiye
Bhai mujhe chahiye pls btaiye kaise purches kru
Neha Designer , Old Delhi
Sir muje ek 620 bale whit bale chaheye kese kr order
i want to purchase this dress please can i make a call for this number which is display on the screen
Kya 5 pic order karsakte he sir
Sir sigal mele to please reply me
Aap ka dukaan address kha ka hai
sar kya online mga sakte h
Sir ap kiss jaghe pr rhte ho
Bhot achha hai lahga
Shop kha h je
Plz fon nambar do
Screen pe diye hai nmbr
Sar mujhe bhi Lena h plz bataye plz Sar apna adders bataye
Bhaiya hum to chennai wale hai kya aap humare yahan door delivery karenge pls reply me
Ghar par delivery kar sakte ho
How to buy Can you send link in description
Thank you for commenting A.K. Market Vlogs.
If you want to know any details regard any lehenga please contact to shop contact details. Details are available in video right side and in video disxription
Sir mai fut fat par ek chhota muta dukan rakha hu or mai chahata hu ki dukan ko tora badha lu keya mai bis hujar ka market kar shakata hu dukan ke liea
Me ek piece lena chaha ti hun hosakta hai sir