The CPUC said this change isn't adding a cost but instead, the flat rate readjusts the structuring of your electric bill to cover costs for infrastructure.
So PAY MORE, to get CHEAPER RATES? HOW? Cheaper than what? What a 4 bedroom house pays in a 2 bedroom? No, really. Unless the price per kWh is $0.09 or less, I see no benefit this gives to anyone. WHICH MEANS ... Im buying PG&E Stock right now, so I can profit off it and use that profit to pay that monthly fee for existing, using the company funds against itself.
INFRASTRUCTURE? ARE YOU KIDING! SAME THING THEY SAID 5 YEARS AGO. The only infrastructure that I saw is the governor has a bigger home, nice car and his friends have the same. Big corporations such as PG&E get richer and powerful while the service they provide gets worst.
You cannot CHARGE people differently BASED on Their INCOME! It is discrimination from the Government!
Lol Yes they can
The CPUC owns stock in the companies they regulate, creating a conflict of interest and ever increasing rates.
All CPUC members are appointed by Newsom whose only goal is to serve his donors.
CPCU are idiots! Throw these scammers is jail!
So PAY MORE, to get CHEAPER RATES? HOW? Cheaper than what? What a 4 bedroom house pays in a 2 bedroom? No, really. Unless the price per kWh is $0.09 or less, I see no benefit this gives to anyone. WHICH MEANS ... Im buying PG&E Stock right now, so I can profit off it and use that profit to pay that monthly fee for existing, using the company funds against itself.
Sounds like an illegal tax to me
INFRASTRUCTURE? ARE YOU KIDING! SAME THING THEY SAID 5 YEARS AGO. The only infrastructure that I saw is the governor has a bigger home, nice car and his friends have the same. Big corporations such as PG&E get richer and powerful while the service they provide gets worst.
I didn’t know gas stove is electric 😂😂😂😂😂
Vote these them out, start with the Governor
Enslavement through a fixed fee.
Investor owned utilities supply what- 80% of Californians with their wheeled power? This news bit was pretty confused.