其實利物浦很大, 你講四個區唔同地段有好壞之分例如 Norris Green 11區 近Croxteth Hall & Country Park係好地段, D中產鄰居質素唔錯,西北就很少華人會住,Bottle本來就係比較中下層的利物浦人東歐人住多,亦好少華人會去住, Toxteth更加唔係咁, Park Road 以西 Tesco以北都係好地段,地勢高,D屋仲見到對面海,鄰居都係本地医療及公務员住,因為近women hospital 及 市中心,Anfield對華人來講只係一個賺錢的地方,大部分都係廣東台山福建人係度做外賣店。19/25區富人區環境優美,的屋大部分係獨立屋,我哋香港人係本地做超市,每天送貨都不同地區,很清楚每一區內的地段同住d物野人,如果以一個外來人看利物浦有咁既comment, 我覺得唔太公平,亦很容易令人有斷章取義的錯覺。唔好意思我照直講,希望你唔好介意。
This has been an informative and objective report. New/and not so new need a comprehensive understanding of the environment they are about to enter. Thanks for your broad range of reports.
The presence of high street gambling shop (bookies) reflects (lower income) working class residents. Presence of Waitrose supermarket & bookshop indicates middle class in general. Try to stay away from football stadium.
Please stop stereotyping. Have you lived there before. Not everyone can afford a big house in a nice area. But there are still nice a friendly people living in areas like this. Hk also have many homeless people too, so is it because they are Chinese you put more attention to the homeless people in uk?
Remember to gather as much information as possible from independent sources before forming well-informed decisions. Anther tip to help you know a place better is to chat with the local residing or working there if you are willing to endeavour. Wish you and your family all the best.
I just live in an Airbnb next to Toxteth, actually not that bad! Come on, they have relative low income but they are nice. That's nothing else even at night. What I can only just saying is not judge a book by the cover
Poverty is not a crime and tramps deserve at least basic respect. I found them in the UK, New York and Los Angeles and I avoided them because most (if not all) tramps are drunkards and drug addicts. Under the influence of alchol and/or drugs, they can be dangerous when being out of mind. When they have no monies to buy drinks and drugs, they are agrressive. I had horrendous experience of living in a deprived area in London and often found them lying on the streets with blood covering their faces. If you have children in family, advisable to find out deprived areas and avoid them.
感覺你暫時仲未有個方向,東拍拍西拍拍,可能還在熟悉環境吧。對一D唔熟英國嘅網友,東南西北好難知你在講那。介紹地方時,如果能先從county郡講先,再講市鎮,再落到小區就較易跟。如city of Liverpool屬於Merseyside郡的一個borough,Bootle就不在Liverpool而是在Merseyside另一個叫Sefton的borough內的一個town。Warrington 就是在另外一個叫Cheshire的郡內。看看你能不能組織一下,較有糸統地介紹Liverpool及相關地區。Liverpool都有youtubers零星介紹過,我没見過有全面有糸統的介紹。不過如果你都係暫住就算了吧。Best wishes。
I think you should do a video that you walk alone in the streets of Liverpool at midnight. That's how you determine whether the place is rough or not. Most of the Far East asians live in the UK don't go out at night, the only place they will go at night is the casino lol. (because there's nothing to do in the UK except working and gambling. Really boring life, trust me lol.).
Gambling in casinos after work at night, going to bed then waking up the next day to work for 10 hours just to restart the same daily cycle ... constitute the stereotypical life of a Chinese migrant being trapped for a life time as a result of (1) unwilling to learn to speak the lingo of the natives, being unable to (2) change job, (3) integrate / socialise with the natives, (4) move up the social ladder to experience different, better walks of life. The above represents a sad repeating pattern dating back to the first generations of Chinese migrants in UK. New migrants from HK may contribute in breaking this tradition & shaddy mould of living.
其實利物浦很大, 你講四個區唔同地段有好壞之分例如 Norris Green 11區 近Croxteth Hall & Country Park係好地段, D中產鄰居質素唔錯,西北就很少華人會住,Bottle本來就係比較中下層的利物浦人東歐人住多,亦好少華人會去住, Toxteth更加唔係咁, Park Road 以西 Tesco以北都係好地段,地勢高,D屋仲見到對面海,鄰居都係本地医療及公務员住,因為近women hospital 及 市中心,Anfield對華人來講只係一個賺錢的地方,大部分都係廣東台山福建人係度做外賣店。19/25區富人區環境優美,的屋大部分係獨立屋,我哋香港人係本地做超市,每天送貨都不同地區,很清楚每一區內的地段同住d物野人,如果以一個外來人看利物浦有咁既comment, 我覺得唔太公平,亦很容易令人有斷章取義的錯覺。唔好意思我照直講,希望你唔好介意。
佢意思叫人唔好買這4個區 佢唔係話利物浦唔好 我最近睇好好多網上經紀推介壞區比香港人 講到幾平幾平十萬鎊有間三房 一睇地區唔住得人。所以等大家知道邊區治安唔好 等大家唔好中計。
我今次係主要講crime rate高嘅地方梗係自然去較差嘅地方啦😅 人人都講好嘅一面都有需要俾大家認識唔好嘅一面,我之前都有介紹過間喺Woolton嘅屋,我都好鍾意果區架。不過都多謝你詳細講解,等網友多啲資訊👍🏻
請問North Huyton, St. David's Road/Princess Drive/Burrowfield Road, Jubilee Road治安? 因為我買了那裡, 爆竊問題請教心得?
真係多謝🙏 拍片畀我哋香港人睇👍🏻 唔使理人講乜嘢🤗 自己認為做得對就得👍🏻 支持你
This has been an informative and objective report. New/and not so new need a comprehensive understanding of the environment they are about to enter. Thanks for your broad range of reports.
多謝 你的報導
Seems really a poor district but you spend time to show and investigate, good job!! 💪💪
可以視察一下L25區、Belle Vale, Gaterace, childwall 一帶嗎?🙏
走佬去UK 其實我已經買咗,不過想睇下附近環境
Thanks for sharing!拍多啲片,加油!💪
Hi there, 我以前住在 Anfield的 Oakfield Road近球埸,治安的確很差!
請問North Huyton, St. David's Road/Princess Drive/Burrowfield Road, Jubilee Road治安? 因為我買了那裡, 爆竊問題請教心得?
以上princess drive同burrowfield road最差,你可以上streetcheck睇吓
Well done. Thanks a lot!
多謝你先! 請問會唔會介紹一下wavertree?
Wavertree 有好同唔好。呢個區有間 Grammar school,叫Bluecoat School要考試先入到 係Merseyside最好既公立學校 ,學校附啲屋有本獨立都幾好。英國好多區都有好同唔好side by side,要花啲時間睇
The presence of high street gambling shop (bookies) reflects (lower income) working class residents. Presence of Waitrose supermarket & bookshop indicates middle class in general. Try to stay away from football stadium.
Thx for sharing🙏
Very useful;thanks!
Please stop stereotyping. Have you lived there before. Not everyone can afford a big house in a nice area. But there are still nice a friendly people living in areas like this. Hk also have many homeless people too, so is it because they are Chinese you put more attention to the homeless people in uk?
多謝分享,想問下reading ok?
Thank you for your share
謝分享.住過Anfield十幾日.其實入黑會見到多d危險野 警車聲不斷.不過如果被人發現你影你都可能有危險.安全第一
@@joulohuiuk 唔驚呀 其實周圍都有類似的地方.冇呀 有時夜晚餓 去附近中餐Take away買個炸魚、快餐飯隔住玻璃同人吹下水.
@@joulohuiuk 四點前安全好多😂
謝謝各位的分享。近兩年去過三次利物浦,第一次頭兩晚都係住Anfield BnB, 第一晚去咗一公里以外嘅餐廳食晚餐同埋逛Adsa, 第二晚去咗附近嘅中餐外賣店買外賣, 唔感覺特別危險,只係好靜囉。 BTY, 如果講露宿者, 我唸市中心更多。
Thanks so much.
走佬去UK 到時會轉去邊度住? THX
走佬去UK IC! Thanks for share!
Same here, 都係諗住喺利物浦腳先🤣
每個人拍野當然有主觀,甚至就係想表達一啲事情或想法比觀眾,you did a good job. 至少比到idea 我地,你係現場,用了自己的時間和精力去做video. 完全不用介意人地話你主觀唔主觀,主又好唔主又好,唔駛討論,冇人會啱哂,冇人錯哂。 有人支持你,你又ok 就已經太好。
Thank you
Remember to gather as much information as possible from independent sources before forming well-informed decisions. Anther tip to help you know a place better is to chat with the local residing or working there if you are willing to endeavour. Wish you and your family all the best.
移民關切住和犯罪率 多謝報導
@走佬去UK 可唔可以講吓點解你唔揀Chester?覚得個度好靚。辛苦晒你啲拍片同講解。
因為果度啲三房house over左我哋budget😅 始終未知揾唔揾到工作,留返多啲cash喺身感覺安全啲
I been living in Liverpool for 40 years if you looking to buy anything pls let me know happy to help anyone
Hello. 你們揾到租未?我們揾租很有難度,買屋有冇好介紹?
@@joulohuiuk太好了!收屋! 你們新屋在那區?治安得唔得?楼價oK嗎?
我只係去拍片俾大家睇一啲唔好嘅地區, 我哋而家住緊果度係BNB
好些的地方會係 Woolton, Childwall, Aigburth
agree and also allerton and formby
very good
未去過應該唔知死 ;P
Far better than the middle class high rise blocks where HK families live crowded together
我都打算過來Liverpool 因有朋友在這邊!你們選定落腳城市未?
走佬去UK Crewe 不是太多人提及的地方,可以講吓有什麼吸引你們去定居?
走佬去UK 這區的學校如何?
大部分都係good同outstanding,我都係貪呢區競爭冇曼城同Warrington 咁大,較易入到好學校
當然唔係啦,傳統好區有Childwall, Allerton, Aigburth, Woolton,但屋價會較貴,二線好區有crosby, garston同roby等
走佬去UK 到時可否介紹下crewe? 點解會選依度?謝。
Crewe係一個純樸小鎮,crime rate低,環境好,屋又平,上liverpool or Manchester 都方便,又有火車落London
Liverpool 是否真的時時落雨?
係呀..自己有個地方住, 不用為三餐苦惱已經好幸福
@@joulohuiuk 你們都要加油!
I just live in an Airbnb next to Toxteth, actually not that bad! Come on, they have relative low income but they are nice. That's nothing else even at night.
What I can only just saying is not judge a book by the cover
我覺得你介紹利物浦呢4區太過主觀, 其實我住利物浦咁多年你介紹嗰幾區都係影嗰個地區最差嘅地方,其實每一區唔同嘅 地段,有好嘅地段亦都有唔好嘅地段,唔可以一竹竿打沉一船人
老實說有D更差已經冇影到,我都係去到就影,冇刻意等某類人出現,而且crime rate係呃唔到人的,我只係唔想香港人中伏,見平就仆到去啫,當然最重要都係親身去感受一下
我只想俾最真實既畫面俾大家睇,anyway thank you for your feedback
Poverty is not a crime and tramps deserve at least basic respect. I found them in the UK, New York and Los Angeles and I avoided them because most (if not all) tramps are drunkards and drug addicts. Under the influence of alchol and/or drugs, they can be dangerous when being out of mind. When they have no monies to buy drinks and drugs, they are agrressive. I had horrendous experience of living in a deprived area in London and often found them lying on the streets with blood covering their faces. If you have children in family, advisable to find out deprived areas and avoid them.
乾淨過香港貧民區 😂
It’s called generational poverty babe
佢隻眼生頭殼頂的嗎?英國大把這些 £1店, 嫌窮唔好黎,留返係你既高貴香港
感覺你暫時仲未有個方向,東拍拍西拍拍,可能還在熟悉環境吧。對一D唔熟英國嘅網友,東南西北好難知你在講那。介紹地方時,如果能先從county郡講先,再講市鎮,再落到小區就較易跟。如city of Liverpool屬於Merseyside郡的一個borough,Bootle就不在Liverpool而是在Merseyside另一個叫Sefton的borough內的一個town。Warrington 就是在另外一個叫Cheshire的郡內。看看你能不能組織一下,較有糸統地介紹Liverpool及相關地區。Liverpool都有youtubers零星介紹過,我没見過有全面有糸統的介紹。不過如果你都係暫住就算了吧。Best wishes。
I think you should do a video that you walk alone in the streets of Liverpool at midnight. That's how you determine whether the place is rough or not. Most of the Far East asians live in the UK don't go out at night, the only place they will go at night is the casino lol. (because there's nothing to do in the UK except working and gambling. Really boring life, trust me lol.).
Don't do that without accompanied by police.
Gambling in casinos after work at night, going to bed then waking up the next day to work for 10 hours just to restart the same daily cycle ... constitute the stereotypical life of a Chinese migrant being trapped for a life time as a result of (1) unwilling to learn to speak the lingo of the natives, being unable to (2) change job, (3) integrate / socialise with the natives, (4) move up the social ladder to experience different, better walks of life.
The above represents a sad repeating pattern dating back to the first generations of Chinese migrants in UK. New migrants from HK may contribute in breaking this tradition & shaddy mould of living.
Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏