A Girl's Message To All Christians

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • A Girl's Message To All Christians
    Hey there! I'm Emanuella. I'm a Christian. I have been a "good" Christian most of my life. It was my identity. I used to like to tell people how "good" I was, how I kept all the Commandments. I thought that was "Good"......
    Then I realized something...I Failed!!! "Christian" was just a name I wore...kind of like a pretty coat over a dirty body...It didn't match my heart. Here's why:
    If you were an Atheist or Agnostic or anything else...And if you didn't agree with me...I would disdain you as a person. I feel like a hypocrite! I feel disgusting! And I can't take it anymore! I wasn't interested in being your "Friend". I just wanted to change you. I thought that was my job.
    Christianity is about being like "Christ". Jesus loved everyone, First. If they didn't accept what He said, He still loved them. Its not my job to change you, I can't. But its my job to love you. That I can.
    So this is an appeal to my Christian Brothers and Sisters, not all but some... stop the Damnation. Stop the Judgement. Stop the Religism. Thats not our business.
    It doesn't matter how well you can preach...How many Bible Verses you've memorized or How many people "think" you are all that. If you don't have love, you're nothing. Love is not a chore. Its a revelation. The Christ you serve revealed it in its purest form.
    Gandhi said: "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians."
    Don't be one of "those". This is an invitation...Start the LOVE...Join the movement...

Комментарии • 93 тыс.

  • @babusamson
    @babusamson 6 лет назад +1454

    A lady went to the Pastor and said... I won't be attending Church anymore..
    He said, may I ask why??
    She said, I see people on their cell phones during the service, some are gossiping, some just ain't living right, they are all just hypocrites...
    The Pastor got silent, and he said, OK... But can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?
    She said, what's that?
    He said, take a glass of water and walk around the Church 2 times and don't let any water fall out the glass.
    She said, yes I can do that!
    She came back and said it's done.
    He asked her 3 questions:
    1. Did you see anybody on their phone?
    2. Did you see anybody gossiping?
    3. Was anybody living wrong?
    She said, I didn't see anything because I was so focused on this glass, so the water wouldn't fall.
    He told her, when you come to Church , you should be just that focused on God , so that YOU don't fall.
    He did not say follow Christians.
    Don't let your relationship with God be determined by how others relate with God. Let it be determined by how focused you are with God.

    • @timeisapathwalkingtounderstand
      @timeisapathwalkingtounderstand 6 лет назад +70

      Babu Samson I like what you wrote it was cool thank you for sharing

    • @timeisapathwalkingtounderstand
      @timeisapathwalkingtounderstand 6 лет назад +35

      tdunlopmusic no not religion only drugs cigarettes thieves liars cheaters murderers hypocrite and gossipers can't forget the rapist and the child molesters they should all be afraid very afraid if they lie steal and cheat the creator of Heaven and Earth got something for all of them even you if you behave evil on Earth

    • @pocadon
      @pocadon 6 лет назад +22

      Babu Samson that was awesome!

    • @pocadon
      @pocadon 6 лет назад +20

      tdunlopmusic I know right? You can't write a correct sentence, understand commas and capital letters and can't complete a small group of words without inserting an obscene word. I guess it was all the religion. Oh wait there is no religion in Christianity. That's the Catholicism and cult aisle. Do that on an Islamic site or comment section. At least here if you gave out your info you'd be safe. Go try it over there. If you're such a tough guy go make fun of them. We are easy pickings

    • @gabrielle1263
      @gabrielle1263 6 лет назад +31

      Babu Samson Amen I love it I need to start focusing on Jesus Christ and not this world

  • @N_Newman
    @N_Newman 7 лет назад +658

    I'm not a Christian because I'm a good person
    I'm not a Christian because I go church
    I'm not a Christian because I read the Bible
    I'm not a Christian because because I pray
    I'm a Christian because by faith I accepted the gift of Father, Jesus Christ and by His grace I'm saved.

    • @nodepony8440
      @nodepony8440 7 лет назад +6

      +Tom Bruno HUH? Faith doesn't get you anywhere. Jesus Christ and "God" are the same thing.

    • @N_Newman
      @N_Newman 7 лет назад +30

      Romans 1:17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”
      Galatians 3:11 Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.”
      Hebrews 10:38 but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.”
      Habakkuk 2:4 “Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith.
      Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

    • @micheleaugustopetrini9226
      @micheleaugustopetrini9226 7 лет назад +4

      mark 3:29 You forgot the holy spirit and for that you will not be saved

    • @TheTurtleVillage
      @TheTurtleVillage 7 лет назад +12

      "....No one can say, 'Jesus is Lord' except by the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 12:3.

    • @deliriousmysterium8137
      @deliriousmysterium8137 7 лет назад +2

      Tom Bruno if a dude was murdered for superstition, you just all cool with that? or do you only love him cuz you get a ticket to ride?

  • @AMotionP
    @AMotionP 9 лет назад +144

    I was an Atheist who argued and belittled God's people, I could go on and on about his mercies and teachings and how he awakened me, it is truly amazing... Amen Sister, to every card you held up!!!
    To all Atheists who strangely go in on these videos, I never did this, never even occurred to me, but you know why it occurs to you, you seek God and can't admit or cope with it, I now know Atheism isn't even a true concept, it contradicts itself right off, if one says 'there can't be a God' you have automatically countered that there can be, Atheism doesn't exist.

    • @d1a1x1d1a1x
      @d1a1x1d1a1x 9 лет назад +26

      Andrew, stepping aside from the larger debate, your statement doesn't work. Let me substitute a different 'figure' - "if one says there can't be unicorns you have automatically countered that there can be'. Are you supporting the existence of unicorns by denying it?

    • @AMotionP
      @AMotionP 9 лет назад +16

      Dee H.
      This will sound half insultish, half complimentary - I find your question childish, because we both know you are more intelligent than that, splitting hairs on how something is proposed is silly, no one digs within on the subject of unicorns, or robocop, or pink elephants, I could've stated: you lie to yourself about looking for God inside and out and only coming up with 'there's nothing to search for is total BS'- We all seek God or the idea of God in our own way, I've learned that Atheism is simply cowardice, not asking the real question 'Am I afraid to die?'.. I can firmly tell you we have nothing to fear in death, for I KNOW we go on.
      Here's an exercise God has guided me into working through- try imagining you do not exist, try real hard then try harder.. you can not, because it is impossible, when we sleep it sometimes seems we didn't exist until we wake but is anyone afraid to go to bed?
      I encourage you to instead of applying nonsensical word games to the subject, to look into what Scientists have said about Atoms, research what the greater minds have said on this and about mind VS matter (Hawking is a fool that likes to say time travel can't exist because we shouldn't be able to kill our grandfathers, so don't even try him)- Einstein for instance, see what he thought, don't listen to me- do some viewing and reading on the Elite and their steadfast worship of false deities (not false cas' they can't exist, false because they are deceitful.)
      Again, no insult friend, but be serious, your 'figure' notion, well, you know better than that.
      I hope for you to find truth, it's a difficult journey but when you've leveled out reality and how much a lie this society is it liberates you, I've never been happier and I can honestly say everything, even war and pain and sadness have their rightful places and make clear sense to me now, asking how a good God can allow it is the wrong question, it's all about finding the right questions.
      Am I afraid to die?.. Absolutely NOT, and this trumps everything I've ever known, you have no idea what you're missing, truly, you don't (if you don't believe in God, you hadn't made it clear, though I'm guessing based on the whole mythical animal thing that you do not.)
      Good luck.

    • @d1a1x1d1a1x
      @d1a1x1d1a1x 9 лет назад +15

      Andrew Purdy I don't feel insulted. I'm pointing out that logic like that will be swept away by simple challenges, if the words you used represented an over-simplified point then use better words.
      To assume people only have to read around the subject (and you reference some useful pieces) and they will then see; or to assume atheists are just frightened to die seems to me too easy a construct, and one that enables one to dodge a scenario of a normal person experiencing many of the same things that have convinced a Christian but concluding that it just isn't God. And to state that 'I know' exposes one to the counter of 'I know too' - it's not convincing.
      I haven't asked anything about' how a good God can do this or that', nor if you were afraid to die. I simply challenged the logic you used, it'll get support from a fellow believer but not when tested in discussion with a cynic.
      I get the sense, from reading your words, that you are extremely happy, content, satisfied in your relationship with God, but your example will have the greatest impact on someone who believes already. An atheist, who may himself be seeking a greater understanding of 'belief and doubt' may appreciate the assuredness of your belief in God while, at the same time, asking if it's any different than that of any other devout individual (Christian, Hindu, bigot, bomber) regardless of what they uphold to be true.
      If this is to be argued from a logical position (and you seem to be appealing to readers' logic) then 'I really believe' and 'you just can't cope or face up to it' will not work.

    • @AMotionP
      @AMotionP 9 лет назад +5

      Dee H.
      Honestly it really does boil down to that though, I was once a big George Carlin laughin' at Atheist, a Mr. 'knowitall'- it's not a huge issue for me to see why it all sounds 'crazy' but see, now I know it was designed this way, there's nothing easy about death or God or the Devil.. trust me, I don't regulate my responses from one type to another, I just try to lay it out, everybody has this wall up, and it's religion's fault, but see I've done the research, religion was constructed by masons and other evil SOBs that have seriously fooled the world into going against God, that 'crazy' Bible 'story', I shit you not sir, it's real.. my approach usually consists of research bits, 'hey look into this, 'that' and if you'd like I'll list the thisi and thati of my 'learning journey'
      I got an 'old me' vibe from you, so you got the major sciencey bits, there's a lot, lotttt more lol, that's just it, once you start looking into what I'm describing the evidence is astounding, I went at every angle I could trying to find a way to explain 'coincidences' that had piled a mile high, once there was oh Idk, miles upon miles of piles of them, all collapsing into a Kilimanjaro sized heap the picture got crystal clear.
      when Shakespear said the 'whole world's a stage' he was not at all joking.

    • @dant2358
      @dant2358 9 лет назад +9

      we don't seek any god pal, get some thinking done in before you blab nonsense
      the subject is of interest to us because like it or not our lives are affected by religion
      politicians will listen to the religious vote because surprise surprise it's definitely a huge factor and the sheeplings will listen to their pastors, then we find out that our liberties are taken away one by one: ban abortions, ban video games, ban alcohol, ban pornography, ban prostitution, ban gambling, ban gay marriage, put people in jail for having extra marital sex, and next bring back the inquisition and stonings... just look at fuckin Saudi Arabia lol
      the second religion will truly and completely be out of my personal life I promise you I won't give a flying fuck about it
      seek god my ass

  • @ericakaartistformerlyknown1396
    @ericakaartistformerlyknown1396 6 лет назад +36

    Being a Christian isn't about always being perfect it's about willing to change for the better..we aren't perfect we are just saved by someone who is and He loves us despite our flaws keep trying to emulate Christ it will change you for the better. It has worked and is working again and again..God bless and keep you sister

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

    • @danielsaavedra252
      @danielsaavedra252 Год назад +1

      U got a lot of learning to do

    • @percubit10
      @percubit10 Год назад

      But you have no right to devalue other people. What about kindness compassion and respect for others' belief systems. Your kind is a virus to humanity get it.

    • @Bentoto97
      @Bentoto97 9 месяцев назад

      Titus 3:5 KJV says 5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us; by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
      These eight lists in this reply of mine are called the lie's of works salvation
      1. You gotta do your part/best by the way you live
      2. Give or submit or surrender or commit your life to Jesus
      3. Make Jesus Not Only Your Saviour But Also Your Lord by obeying his commandments
      4. Sin can cause you to lose your salvation (forfeit your salvation by giving it back to God is included)
      5. Not Just Faith But Saving Faith (works)
      6. Repent of your sins aka turn away from your sins or turn away from the wicked ways or turn away from the things of this world
      7. Willing to follow Jesus by willing to obey his commandments
      8. You need to have a good relationship with Jesus by being in your best behaviour, show your actions or your deeds, have the right attitude toward God, self reformation and obey the commandments of God

    • @NoNonsenseGamer0_0
      @NoNonsenseGamer0_0 3 месяца назад

      OSAS OSAS OSAS OSAS! OSAS IS TRUTH! Jesus Christ, The Son of God, Savior, Christ, promises eternal life ONCE you believe on him alone! Once Saved Always Saved! Salvation can NEVER be lost! Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the 3rd day!

  • @thesingdance101
    @thesingdance101 10 лет назад +239

    Exactly!! I'm a Christian, and i've seen many other Christians tell atheist's to have fun burning in hell. I was sitting there, and I was like NOO DON'T TELL THEM THAT. Draw people into The Kingdom of God with love. Not hate. God bless you all! Jesus be with you guys!

    • @thesingdance101
      @thesingdance101 10 лет назад +10

      ***** That is very true. I have to agree with you on that one. God bless you sweet brother! Amen

    • @Aliv3mau5
      @Aliv3mau5 10 лет назад +3

      Erika Nance TL;DR

    • @thesingdance101
      @thesingdance101 10 лет назад +8

      ***** Amen

    • @thesingdance101
      @thesingdance101 10 лет назад +7

      God bless you too :)

    • @theWarrenat0r
      @theWarrenat0r 10 лет назад +21

      I like seeing Christians on the Internet. Makes me feel like I'm nit the only one.

  • @TheJimmybeatz
    @TheJimmybeatz 9 лет назад +145

    Why do athests come on videos like these and cuss everybody for following Christ. Your words don't hurt God and they don't hurt us. God is bigger than any big bang, is bigger than any Human and believe it or not God is bigger that Richard Dawkins. So the next time who want to cuss God remember your words don't change who God is and they don't affect God

    • @summonslammer9361
      @summonslammer9361 9 лет назад +6

      God is very big!!!! So big he doesn't exist in any place at the same time :)

    • @aishaperez7687
      @aishaperez7687 9 лет назад +19

      They're seeking Jesus, they just don't know it yet :)

    • @imgoingonholidaytovietnam3631
      @imgoingonholidaytovietnam3631 9 лет назад +4

      If you'd read the Bible you would know that you're wrong..... and I'm an atheist.

    • @imgoingonholidaytovietnam3631
      @imgoingonholidaytovietnam3631 9 лет назад +6

      Atheists/Agnostics may come here because they want to here someone else's side of the story and they want to hear someone else's view and see if this person is different or more insightful than other Christians and then ponder the arguments, whilst remaining detached from the situation to observe properly and come to reasonable conclusions.

    • @renzoandre5286
      @renzoandre5286 9 лет назад +1

      I just care that you believe in peace.

  • @RustyRayWay
    @RustyRayWay 6 лет назад +143

    I was born in a Christian family, my grandad is a pastor, and my grandmother said she has physically seen Jesus and both of her parents before! This is extraordinary! But anyways I went too a school in fort Mitchell alabama called mount olive elementary school, and I started in 1st grade. I sat by a kid named Antonio on the bus. This kid Antonio had bullied me on the bus. He was punching me, giving me names like fat and stupid. When I had told the teachers what was going on, he told the principal that I made a threat too kill my teacher in her sleep... this was the beginning of it. In second grade I was in the second grade and I Remeber a bunch of times he had framed me from doing stuff I did not do. I Remember one time in third grade he was going to "borrow" something of mine, needless too say he stole it. All throughout 3rd grade Antonio had gotten everyone too hate me and at this point I had no friends at all. I had nothing too live for. In 4th grade I had a teacher Named Mrs.Blount. this teacher was really racist against white people and she hated everything about me. It even made it worse that I was white. The bullying and teachers caused me too have too move schools.
    Once I was done with 4th grade, I moved too fort hood texas. I was picked on some in 5th grade, not as bad as in Alabama, but for some reason I got really terrible depression. At this point I wanted too die. I wanted too kill my self. I hated myself, I hated everything else. In 6th grade I went too audience Murphy middle school. This had too be the worst school I went too. There was so much hate and cussing and even sex up in the 7th and 8th grade. I remember hating this school year. My dad retired from the army medically and we moved back too fort mitchell. When I moved too fort mitchell I made some friends but they are not Christian, because this was before I was saved, in the 7th grade it was in October I went too a evangelical crusade (basically Christian church) and I had learned about some people who had a tough life like I have. And there life completely changed around by bring born again through Jesus Christ. So in October 30 2017 I was saved truly and now I had no longer had depression or suicidal thoughts. Thank you so much for reading my testimony God Bless you

    • @klevinkowalski1348
      @klevinkowalski1348 6 лет назад +6

      AR cuber so you had a difficult time in school with jerks, so did I. You felt like ending it all and when you met nice people they were religious so you bought into it. How convenient. That's how they do it. Sorry you had a tough time, I know the feeling. But god was invented by man to control man and it works great. It preys on people like you.

    • @blayde950
      @blayde950 6 лет назад +5

      AR cuber may God bless you.Live long

    • @kimberlylopez2459
      @kimberlylopez2459 6 лет назад +2

      Awww I, m sorry this happen to you I, m sure Jesus loves you I was Picked on Middle school by a Black girl name Jordan I never like her because she teased me and my friends calls me stupid I don, t why she Hates me but she gotten me in trouble of something I didn, t do No body else believed me and I got grounded at home this was something o really hated because of her she got me in trouble I think I got suspended I never wanted to return school cuz we have the same class I see her chorus class some other class we been even lunch she has a big mouth for getting me into trouble now I, m 22 years old

    • @drizzleandpour7819
      @drizzleandpour7819 6 лет назад +1

      Hi, I'm a atheist boy in 9th grade, but although I'm an atheist I'm glad faith helped you get through tough times. I don't support faith in any way, but the other guy getting mad about you going to christianity is insensitive. I was made fun of relentlessly by my family to the point where I was planning to kill myself. Some new friends I got introduced me to benies, which I didn't know was actually allowed at school, and I started wearing those. Since that happened I dropped a lot the suicidal thoughts that were happening and I made some new friends as well as a boyfriend (yes I'm bragging but this is my first relationship and I'm so happy around him (I'm bi)). Summer is coming around but I feel like I'll be fine without my beanies. Once you feel like you would be fine without christianity, which you clearly link to your survival, I would like you to do research and make your desicion on you faith or lack thereof using logic not emotion. If you find some great reasons to be christian, tell me and I'll look into it more and consider switching if you can prove to me that it's right.

    • @glenncalzada1707
      @glenncalzada1707 6 лет назад +4

      DrizzleAndPour watch the movie "A Case For Christ". Its a true story about an athiest who goes out to disprove God and Christ and through his research becomes a believer himself. Not a 'cheesy' Christian movie. Very high production values. It will make you think and maybe answer some of your own questions.

  • @scottjenkins4613
    @scottjenkins4613 4 года назад +42

    Everytime I rewatch this video I am reminded of all the persecution Emanuella went through just so she could share a message of love, peace, and life.

    • @stl0555
      @stl0555 3 года назад +3

      What persecution?

    • @scottjenkins4613
      @scottjenkins4613 3 года назад

      @buckshee If she does, it is not publicized. I surely don't know of one.

    • @glenndent6626
      @glenndent6626 2 года назад +3

      There used to be a ton of comments to Emanuella from people quoting scripture that were twisting the meaning and saying how wrong she was. Some of them were really mean. Yes Emanuella was in fact persecuted. May our Creator bless Emanuella seven fold for all the bad things that these persecutors said to her and another seven fold for all the good her message has done for the rest of us.

    • @ggmode9819
      @ggmode9819 2 года назад +2

      when she uploaded this video, she was mocked like they mocked jesus when he was arrested, guess what? Emmanuella is married and having a good life, and guess what, despite being condemn by hypocrites, she still chose to be a doctor to save lives, yes to save lives.

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

  • @vantaeshakelley9747
    @vantaeshakelley9747 9 лет назад +100

    This sounds more like compromise than "love".. Love doesn't pat you on the back when you're on way to hell. And of SOME have compassion, making a difference, and OTHERS save with FEAR pulling them OUT OF THE FIRE, HATING EVEN THE GARMENT SPOTTED BY THE FLESH. This generation's idea of love is not what love means in its entirety. Love people enough to tell them the truth about their lifestyle and beliefs, judge righteous judgement, rebuke, exhort and warn. This is a sweet video, but also deceptive.

    • @AllForYeshua
      @AllForYeshua 9 лет назад +4

      Vantaesha Kelley You are very right. I think there are those who do nothing but judge others in a hateful and critical manner, and then there is the polar opposite who fear being like those who are hateful and critical, thus they avoid the truth of sin all together. It's so important to remember that Jesus came to call the sinner to repentance. There is a big difference between allowing the word to judge the sinner vs. us judging the sinner. Christians love 1 Corinthians 13, but miss verse 6: does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.

    • @allthesame3856
      @allthesame3856 9 лет назад +2

      Vantaesha Kelley yes it's not love that will save you. like you said it's the FEAR of burning in hell :)
      no sister it's love that will make you a real human. and love without an agenda.
      it's hard to explain but look around you and forget the fear they install in us. and instead of looking at people's lifestyle, look at yours first and see how much you judge others as if you are better than them.
      you are not better than anyone.
      Emanuella really got it i think, great video.

    • @vantaeshakelley9747
      @vantaeshakelley9747 9 лет назад +15

      What we have to realize is this. JESUS says unless you repent, you shall likewise perish. GOD SAYS, AS MANY AS I LOVE, I REBUKE AND CHASTEN. We ALSO must JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT, and NOT AS HYPOCRITES, taking the BEAM FROM OUR OWN EYE, then we will see to REMOVE THE SPECK FROM OUR BROTHERS eye. But it is not us who judge, it is the word of God! Brothers and sisters please do not be afraid to speak the truth to people because you don't want to be seen as judgmental. Please if you love people then tell them the consequence for sins, and pull them from out of the pit of hell. BUT DO NOT BELITTLE THEM! We are here to EDIFY each other and speak the TRUTH IN LOVE. NOT COMPROMISE THE GOSPEL. Please try and understand what I'm saying. The wages of sin is death, but the GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Please let people know the truth, even if they feel like you are being hateful or judgmental, Jesus said they would hate us because they hated Him. we must save souls, not pat them on the back as they are walking down the wide road of destruction. Please, real love SAVES FROM HELL, and tells the truth about the gospel. If you do not tell them the truth, their blood will be on your hands, and God will hold you accountable. Please somebody understand this. Whoever has ears, let them hear. May the Prince of Peace be with you always.

    • @priscilarosario1891
      @priscilarosario1891 9 лет назад +1

      Vantaesha Kelley actually we can't be judgmental to people, Jesus didn't do that, so what are we just simple humans to judge another one that is human like us?, your only job here is to tell the good news, that Jesus died to save us. To tell them how they should act? i though the bible is there for one reason, i'm not a bible or God, and he's the only one that have the right to tell people how they should live their lives

    • @vantaeshakelley9747
      @vantaeshakelley9747 9 лет назад +5

      Tell them about what the bible says about how they should live their lives. That is apart of the good news and being a disciple (follower) of Jesus Christ. Jesus said judge with righteous judgement. And righteous judgment is to tell people what the BIBLE SAYS about sin and the eternal consequences for their lifestyle choices and beliefs. The bible also says whoever is spiritual judges all things. Also in the book of Jude, it says
      "Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." These are grumblers, finding fault, following after their own lusts; they speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage. But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you, "In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts." (‭Jude‬ ‭1‬:‭14-18‬ NASB)
      That's why it's important to actually read the bible. You are not doing what God has commanded us to do. I would not want to stand before a holy God in all my sin, remember, same God who poured out wrath and judgment on Sodom, and destroyed all flesh with the flood. Not to mention what Jesus had to go through, BEATEN BEYOND RECOGNITION, AND NAILED TO A CROSS, slapped, mocked, ridiculed, spat on, and crown of thorns placed in His head for OUR SINS, for sins HE HIMSELF DID NOT COMMIT, but FOR OURS SINS! And this time we have grace hope and truth and a chance to escape eternal hell by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord, God and Savior. It is not God's will for anybody to perish, but that all should come to repentance. We ourselves do not judge, it is the word of God Himself that searches the minds and hearts of individuals. All we are is messengers, vessels used by God to speak His truth in love. I do not apologize for speaking the truth. I love people!! And genuinely desire for people to be saved, I refuse to sit a watch someone's soul on its way to hell. NUH uh, not on my watch. You guys can pretend to love people all you want, but keeping silent while someone's soul is at stake is the greatest hate crime one could ever commit.
      Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself." And with many other words he solemnly testified and kept on exhorting them, saying, "Be saved from this perverse generation!" (‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭38-40‬ NASB)

    @VIPEFFECT 9 лет назад +467

    Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
    1 John 4:8

      @VIPEFFECT 9 лет назад +16

      Corbin Clark
      sorry you feel that way towards you're maker

    • @corbinclark6708
      @corbinclark6708 9 лет назад +19

      Thisislifebro The fuck im atheist. and being atheist means that i don't have a god or maker.

      @VIPEFFECT 9 лет назад +16

      well just because you dont have one doesnt mean there is not one.. so fail.. Corbin Clark

    • @a1tre680
      @a1tre680 9 лет назад +7

      Corbin Clark
      no matter what opinion you hold of the truth, we are all created the same, theists and atheist alike

    • @MrSuperclassicrock
      @MrSuperclassicrock 9 лет назад +24

      Shrek is love shrek is life. Shrek is the only true god.

  • @JTH148
    @JTH148 8 лет назад +59

    As a Christian, it is our job to teach the gospel. Not sit back and idle by. Jesus said to go out and teach people about him. And that means go out of your house and teach others about him. Don't listen to the corruption of those who say do not judge. Jesus told us to judge righteously. That means before you judge someone, to make sure you're not doing the same thing they are doing. It doesn't mean you can't judge them if you did the same thing, just make sure you're not telling them to stop doing something when you are doing it too. You have to win people by teaching not just by show, but teaching also.

    • @MelissaBethCrochetByMel
      @MelissaBethCrochetByMel 8 лет назад +4

      +Jax Hill If you don't love people first what reason will they have to listen to you? Missionary's do projects like God Water and Operation Christmas Child to show people God's love. You will find if you are loving to people, especially in this day and age people will start asking YOU why you are different. Why are you kind? Why are you caring about others more than yourself? And that's your invitation to tell them about Jesus. It works a lot better than just preaching at people, and prayer works miracles as well.

    • @JimmyBergman7
      @JimmyBergman7 8 лет назад +1

      +Jax Hill amen. ps. check my channel if you want, it is for JESUS :)

    • @SunShine43v3r1
      @SunShine43v3r1 8 лет назад +1

      People often say "not to judge lest thou be judge" as an easy way to slither past their bad behavior and to get people to condone it and not say something that indicates disapproval.

    • @SunShine43v3r1
      @SunShine43v3r1 8 лет назад +1

      It really gets on my nerves. Along that line of thinking, courts shouldn't exist then. Imagine a murderer or rapist saying those precise words and you will get my point.

    • @MelissaBethCrochetByMel
      @MelissaBethCrochetByMel 8 лет назад

      SunShine43v3r1 If your brother sins against you you should rebuke them and if he repents you should forgive him. How many times? 7 times? No I tell you 70 times 7 times. Sound familiar? No one is righteous not even one. What makes one sin more worthy of damnation than another? They are all the same and we are all in the same boat. It's not by works of righteousness that we have done but by grace threw faith in our lord Jesus Christ. The only reason to point out sin is for people to see the need for Christ.

  • @shmugglebuggles
    @shmugglebuggles 6 лет назад +10

    What brought me closer to God was witnessing how Christians worship. No-one ever preached to me personally, just seeing the love some people have for Christ & how they unashamedly sing his praise amazed & inspired me. I love listening to how God has worked in peoples lives, how he forgives & loves unconditionally. Seeing the positivity & love in Christianity is what encourages me to seek a relationship with Jesus. I hope in time as my confidence grows that my love for Jesus & people around me, will encourage others to open their hearts to Jesus too! Great video xx

    • @jaliyahvillarina9504
      @jaliyahvillarina9504 3 года назад

      Sameee broo

    • @milka1150
      @milka1150 Год назад

      Did it grow ?

    • @ozorg6023
      @ozorg6023 Год назад

      @@milka1150 no

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

  • @Repzion
    @Repzion 10 лет назад +110

    SO THIS IS THE VIDEO, she deleted. Shame.

    • @CoolCatFacts
      @CoolCatFacts 10 лет назад +3

      I can see how you might have liked her videos before.

    • @JohananRaatz
      @JohananRaatz 10 лет назад +22

      ***** No this is from her old account. You know the only one remaining after you and your cockroaches bullied her off youtube.

    • @JohananRaatz
      @JohananRaatz 10 лет назад +3

      ***** Thank you for your comment. It's screen shot will soon appear in my video along with all of the others.

    • @JohananRaatz
      @JohananRaatz 10 лет назад +3

      Daniel Dennett Sorry I think I'll stay just to make you irritated. Can't wait for my flagging video to come out. I managed to retrieve tons of evidence of sexual harassment, bullying and death threats from you people before she shut her account down. Maybe that will help put you in your proper place.

    • @Snowgoon901
      @Snowgoon901 10 лет назад +3

      ***** When you do drop that video, let me know so I can witness the wrath of your bitch ass subscribers first hand lol.

  • @DoctorSkater
    @DoctorSkater 10 лет назад +26

    I'm an atheist. Her message was beautiful. This is the mindset EVERYONE needs to learn to embrace. Regardless of religious views.

  • @time_for_toast4922
    @time_for_toast4922 7 лет назад +45

    I... am not sure if I am Christian or not. I need to figure out the next step in my life. I thought I was a Christian when I was younger because I "prayed the prayer" and acted like a Christian boy would. (Sort of.) Now, I am teenager, and I am unsure of where I am going. "If you died tonight, where would you go?" I really don't know. every night I am scared to think if I died that night, that I would go to Hell. I know I shouldn't be a Christian only to get in heaven and have the good life, but I really need help here. I don't have the confidence to go to my mother or family on this matter, so I have no help in that department. Please share your thoughts on what my next step should be, and let me know if there's anything I can do to prevent my eternal damnation.

    • @karlpilkington997
      @karlpilkington997 7 лет назад +8

      I'm not a Christian because I don't believe the Christian god exists but all you have to do to be Christian is to believe that Jesus died for your sins and to accept the forgiveness that god gives you... You wouldn't be manipulating the system/god by doing this because these are the rules that are set out by the god itself... It can be hard to accept forgiveness if you don't feel you deserve it but according to the god, it made you as you are, knowing that you would be able to get forgiveness just by accepting it... So although you might not feel you deserve it, you have a right to it because the god made the rules but still made you... He is described ss indescribly perfect and doesn't make mistakes so therefore it's OK for you to play by his rule and accept the forgiveness and go to heaven

    • @SeekTruthinLight
      @SeekTruthinLight 7 лет назад +3

      Read 1 John about the way of the spirit of truth and the way of the spirit of error; that there is but one spirit of life, the Spirit of spirits; that we learn the way of the spirit of truth, so we go not the way of error in spirit, manifesting material truth. Your humble words reflect your on the right path. God sent word of his love the truth of the spirit to spare us error of ignorance. Ask God the Father to show you the way of truth, to open your eyes. He won't help unless you ask (its a freedom thing). You have what it takes. Read the bible the LORD has called you, He will fill in the blanks... Pray "Our Father" and do so recognize Jesus as Lord. Jesus is the light amidst the darkness even when you close your eyes to see in spirit in Prayer, even to see the signs of the ways of spirit manifesting material truth: Truth of error or truth of Truth. And have faith in Jesus' word to have rest, and have rest in allowing the spirit of truth to guide you in conscience. And again Learn the way of the spirit reading or listening to the Bible. A Christian is one who believes Jesus and does not allow doubt to cause unrest, its why we pray to have rest, the right way of spirit, peace of mind, knowing we are subjects of error, subject to error. After all God created this, giving us to take part of an election, even before we were born. In truth its no wonder so many error falling in love with his creation in seeking happiness; and its why we are forgiving in love seeing how people error unaware. If you learn the ways of spirit and truth, seeing the ways of spirit how it manifest materially as what people do, it will all make sense. I pray for you. And don't worry, peace is with you from now on. You got it.

    • @JesusSaviour4ALL
      @JesusSaviour4ALL 7 лет назад +6

      find a good Bible teaching church get some good support and guidance from other guys to help you in your walk with God.. It's so important to fellowship and grow as a believer. God bless you and keep you strong against the enemy- remember he wants you destroyed n will do anything he can to prevent you from growing in the Lord!

    • @Amythebard2
      @Amythebard2 7 лет назад +8

      Allon, I suggest you don't worry about it. Whether you are Christian or not, it does not matter. You only have one shot at life on earth so live your life trying to be the best you can be. Even though scripture may say you go to hell if you do X or Y, the Bible was written 2000+ years ago and so it is important to consider that it is not all contextually relevant anymore. There is so much contradiction in scripture anyway so everything should be taken with a 'pinch of salt' and so I implore you to focus on being a kind person rather than consulting the Bible all the time and taking everything literally. While some people who doubt Gods love read "God is loving" in the Bible, i feel it is more important to be open minded to all different religions and teachings and think for yourself whether there is a loving god and what is right and wrong.
      Regarding eternal damnation, do not worry about being a christian if it just is not your thing, and if you do believe in God and Jesus, think rationally about the messages in scripure. Read the Bible if you fell that would help you, and sure 'hold on to the LORD', but personally, rather than focussing on heaven/hell and whether you are a proper christian/your status in religion, I think that religion should be interpreted from a modern perspective and that you should focus more on your impact on society rather than adhearing to every "You shall not" formulated two thousand years ago and following every teaching by word. Don't have faith if you don't have faith. Don't read the Bible because somebody on the internet says that it will sove all problems [it won't], but instead, have your own opinions. Don't force yourself to be more 'christian like' to avoid hell (if it even exists), but instead live a loving life and hope that if there is a creator, they respect your kindness to others and reward you, and if there is not a god, you can die knowing you have lived a positive life. Don't believe something so you get rewarded when you die; instead, live to be rewarded with a positve life. If you do follow the bible, remember that jesus taught love and tolerance, and if you don't, remember that some dude in the Bible taught love and tolerance and had a pretty ok life. (ignoring the end bit)
      Idk if that answered your issue of if it was just off topic. I find it hard to summate my ideas and not ramble/ get disracted
      I hope i helped.

    • @magnaz26
      @magnaz26 7 лет назад +12

      Karl Pilkington
      wow I'm amazed at being able to see this kind of response from an unbeliever. Everything you said is the truth; I am very impressed. It's a mystery to me why you haven't put your trust in the Lord Jesus yet.

  • @roblewis3147
    @roblewis3147 4 года назад +55

    Hi, I'm agnostic, but this was one of the first videos on you tube that actually made me think.
    I'm still agnostic, but this video to this day is still on my play list.
    Bless you, you are a beautiful soul.

    • @xxdreamerxx258
      @xxdreamerxx258 4 года назад +11

      U are a beautiful soul too....It's not wrong to talk and ask Jesus anything u want to know eventho you don't believe and know nothing about him :) Talk like u just meet some new friends. He will answer you. God bless.

    • @repent.sinner
      @repent.sinner 4 года назад +5

      Repent and accept Christ as savior and escape the wrath that is to come.

    • @marisamaefleck3775
      @marisamaefleck3775 4 года назад +1

      What came to your mind when you watched this video??

    • @roblewis3147
      @roblewis3147 4 года назад +6

      @@marisamaefleck3775 well what first came to mind is that the girl in the video was just glowing, almost like there was this light radiating from her.
      You see, I'm not religious, but I am very spiritual.
      And also being a highly sensitive empath, I pick up on certain vibes very easily.
      It's also like I can see peoples energy.
      And I do study Buddhism because Buddha was proven to have actually existed.
      That's why i(and many others like me)
      Do not see Buddhism as
      a religion.
      Also the girl in the video made some very good points.
      And I respect her for that.
      Now I'm still an agnostic (because I don't believe in organized religion, or if there is a God or not)
      But I do believe (depending how you lived your life) that there is something more to this life,and I do believe we go to higher plane of existence when we die.
      I'm not saying it's heaven or hell, but I do know that as soon as we die,7 grams of weight leaves your body instantly, now I've studied this and what do you think could leave your body that quick when you flat line?
      It's energy, because all we are, are beings of energy and frequency.
      Now what happens to that energy when it leaves our body I don't know, but I do know it has to go somewhere, and that's why I believe we go to a higher plane,or even dimensions.
      Hope that somewhat answers your question.

    • @marisamaefleck3775
      @marisamaefleck3775 4 года назад +1

      @@roblewis3147 thank you for replying! I have another question for you! Where do our morals come from? Do you believe God has written it on our hearts or is the moral law man made?

  • @Adrianaaa121200
    @Adrianaaa121200 9 лет назад +145

    The word Love is hard to explain. I would say Love explains Jesus. His love for us is so unconditional. Jesus is my life and nothing can stop that :)

    • @loz1blur693
      @loz1blur693 9 лет назад +4

      I respect your message but please don't sacrifice yourself. Love yourself more than Jesus.

    • @Sattracer
      @Sattracer 9 лет назад +4

      +loz1 blur Love God more than yourself. Do His will and all will be provided to you.

    • @Adrianaaa121200
      @Adrianaaa121200 9 лет назад +2

      +loz1 blur sacrificing yourself to God is why He put you here on earth. He didn't put you here to party. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, now it's your turn to do something in return.

    • @tonystout3191
      @tonystout3191 9 лет назад +4

      +Ninetys Purist Are you familiar with Penn and Teller; the magicians in Vagas? Penn is a devout athiest. Someone once gave him a New Testament Bible after a show, and Penn put a video on the internet stateing how much he appreciated this man doing this. Then he said something amazing. He said, even though he doesn't believe there is a God, if you believe there is such a thing as eternal life after death, how much would you have to hate me to not tell me? So sir, I pray God remove the scales from your eyes to see just how much you are invited to the cross of Christ to find that you are loved.

    • @GameF0x
      @GameF0x 9 лет назад +3

      +Adriana cx His love for you is not unconditional, he has a whole list of rules he will condemn you to hell for all eternity if you break them.

  • @steveewing7371
    @steveewing7371 8 лет назад +96

    I got saved recently..this video has helped me a lot; Thankyou

    • @sharonann5834
      @sharonann5834 8 лет назад +4

      +steve ewing mike jr here,i strongly suggest that you watch the way of the master,w/ kirk Cameron&ray comfort

    • @steveewing7371
      @steveewing7371 8 лет назад +5

      Thankyou so much mike jr, Im still young spiritually and Im hungry to know all I can about God and Christ

    • @aristotelian3098
      @aristotelian3098 8 лет назад +5

      +steve ewing CS Lewis is a great author for young (and not-so-young) Christians. Start with _Mere Christianity_.

    • @steveewing7371
      @steveewing7371 8 лет назад +3

      aww cool. thank you..God bless u

    • @frankier.168
      @frankier.168 8 лет назад +2

      +Aristo Telian
      Excellent recommendation.....and the book of John in the New Testament.

  • @KillerXGothMadness
    @KillerXGothMadness 10 лет назад +19

    As an athiest, I am very proud of this christian girl's message. I do get along with some christian people as much as the next man. Because it never matters whether a person is catholic, jew, hindu, muslim, etc. we all share this planet. I will not try to prove that there is no deities because I cannot and no one can try to convert or condem me because they are just another human being that bleeds like I do. I believe in letting a guest pray at my dinner table because I welcomed him in my house in the first place, but the only thing I ask of people of faith is that they do not ask me to pray or partake in that which I do not believe in.

    • @matthewnash875
      @matthewnash875 10 лет назад

      Hey brother Sid I'm glad you received this girls message with your heart. In regards to your comment saying your an atheist is just a case of denial. Now you might ask what do u mean? U don't even know me, I'm telling you I'm an atheist so that's what I am. I'm here to tell you my friend that's not true because as a human I know you have the ability to reason and everything around you points to God. Now what do I mean? Lemme elaborate with what the scripture says about this so u can understand where I'm coming from. The book of Romans 1:18 says that men suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. Now for you to say well I don't believe that so don't even try it. I just want to encourage you to receive this message brother. What this passage is saying is that God has made himself known to all of us through his creation. Somedays I experience doubts but truth is that's foolish of me to deny the designs of creation. If This video encouraged you I encourage to watch a video on here called Just stop and Think by Francis Chan. Watch it then It would b cool to hear back from you and lemme know what you think. Thanks Bro and I hope I didn't offend you I wasn't trying to by any means.

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

  • @harshitkanojiya09kanojiya34
    @harshitkanojiya09kanojiya34 5 лет назад +87

    I'm a hindu .....from india and I really do respect Christians I even have visited church so many times. ..... Lots of love from india

    • @ianharris1812
      @ianharris1812 5 лет назад +8

      Lots of love from a Christian to you too.May you feel peace and love when you visit churches too.

    • @bezagebremedhine5102
      @bezagebremedhine5102 4 года назад +7

      Thank you God Bless dear brother. From Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Christian❤🇪🇹

    • @fennecfox2
      @fennecfox2 4 года назад +6

      Jesus loves you so much, please trust Him for your Salvation. He loves you because God loves you.

    • @onenationtheory1164
      @onenationtheory1164 4 года назад

      Yeah but indian churches are in danger now. I am talking about kerela......

    • @saheizy3360
      @saheizy3360 4 года назад

      @@onenationtheory1164 TN too

  • @dillon6428
    @dillon6428 8 лет назад +54

    Wish I had such a humble heart as this young lady. God Bless her.

    • @ElRifrawad
      @ElRifrawad 8 лет назад +3

      +Dillon Finally a man who chooses to listen rather than judge. Thank you sir.

    • @dillon6428
      @dillon6428 8 лет назад +1

      R Rif YW.

    • @josephlalmond8874
      @josephlalmond8874 8 лет назад +4

      Hi Dillon -A humble heart is just a matter of letting go of pride and giving of yourself to Jesus completely. Yes I myself must do the same daily to keep strong in faith and humble in heart

  • @lupanakellen3566
    @lupanakellen3566 6 лет назад +29

    AMEN, GIRL! I cried over this. That is exactly what ruins our witnessing. Everyone keeps thinking that converting people is our job when the Bible doesn’t say that at all. You hit the nail on the head girl. Hugs and love to you, sister. 💕 Thank you for sharing your heart.

    • @thehhepp3958
      @thehhepp3958 3 года назад +3

      It is our job to share the gospel, so that those who don’t know the truth aren’t perishing.

    • @thanos3839
      @thanos3839 3 года назад

      @@thehhepp3958 facts

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

  • @thetrinitysolution9631
    @thetrinitysolution9631 10 лет назад +16

    “11 Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you falsely on account of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad because your reward is great in heaven, for they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way."
    Matthew 5:11-12

  • @jubinsuryaaamii8619
    @jubinsuryaaamii8619 5 лет назад +33

    I am a christian from India❤jesus is my saviour ♥️Lord have mercy on the whole word

    • @ianharris1812
      @ianharris1812 5 лет назад +1

      God bless you fellow Christian.

    • @BeKemeFeqadu
      @BeKemeFeqadu 4 года назад +1

      May the Lord bless you ! Fruites of the apostle holy martyr Thomas

    • @Mikados_Advark12
      @Mikados_Advark12 4 года назад

      Love India

  • @marioriverajr5371
    @marioriverajr5371 8 лет назад +36

    Jesus is love,is number one comment is,love ur neighbor as u love ur self

    • @Dualumina
      @Dualumina 8 лет назад

      +Mario Rivera Jr If I'm gay do you still love me?

    • @marioriverajr5371
      @marioriverajr5371 8 лет назад +1

      +Hytura do not care if ur gay or not,still got respect for u..

    • @marioriverajr5371
      @marioriverajr5371 8 лет назад +1

      +Ambika Vijay sorry to bust u up didn't get piss off,an if I did so what,

    • @marioriverajr5371
      @marioriverajr5371 8 лет назад +1

      +Ambika Vijay and I answer it, and u 2,have a nice day

    • @blueninja6283
      @blueninja6283 8 лет назад +1

      I said good day sir!

  • @helmetguy6495
    @helmetguy6495 6 лет назад +5

    Christianity is about being like Christ and *converting* people like he would. Christians are suppose to spread the word of God, but you have to do it at appropriate times. Don't go up to random people who are busy doing other things and say "become a Christian and follow Jesus!" Go to someone who I hurting, lost, someone who needs help and appropriately introduce them to God and say that he will help them. If they already do follow Jesus, just help them. Even if you aren't Christian do it too, help them. And to everyone(including Christians) don't do it just because your religion tells you too, do it because it's right.

  • @brianwilless1589
    @brianwilless1589 7 лет назад +33

    We cannot change ourselves!
    there is no greater love than to lay down your life even for your enemy. But what does that mean?
    Why did they crucify Jesus? He told the woman at the well she was in sin, she told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more, he told the religious they were hypocrites.
    He did not tell them they had wrong theology but they had unjust actions that were not good for themselves. Stephen was stoned because he called them hypocrites. John the baptist laid down his life and told Herod he was in sin.
    We are not to debate theology - but we are not to participate in sin. We are to clean our own eye, and complicity in sin is a sin. So when I saw my Muslim friend with a stolen bike I said bro "I don't want to see you get arrested, If you were my son I would make you give the bike back." He responded "everyone steals!" I then asked if I could see his phone and then I walked away. He said "My phone" I said "you said everyone steal implying it is ok to steal so I am taking your phone and you should have NO objection" he was then like "ok ok I get it"
    some days later he still had the bike. I said bro "you are making me your accomplice JUST because I know, in order to clean my eye I prefer you give it back and if you will not I MUST report you to the police. Which do you prefer?"
    Guess what, not only did he give it back he later thanked me and told me how God gave him a NEW one!!! That he knows God is with me and hears me.
    Right living leads to right theology!!!

    • @brianwilless1589
      @brianwilless1589 7 лет назад

      FBI checking if Orlando shooter's wife knew attack plan but didn't warn police - to charge her
      "The wife of the gunman who carried out the deadliest mass shooting on American soil could face criminal charges if investigators conclude that she knew of the attack in advance but failed to warn police."

    • @evelynraymond
      @evelynraymond 7 лет назад +1

      Just curious but what does your comment and link have to do with the video shown?

    • @joelhighlight6231
      @joelhighlight6231 7 лет назад

      Brian Willess agree

    • @brianwilless1589
      @brianwilless1589 7 лет назад

      There are two extremes overly judgmental and then mushy love.
      Was not the video about how she thought she was superior to others? My comment gives testimony of how I changed a Muslim to repentance without theology!

    • @paulgrey8028
      @paulgrey8028 7 лет назад

      Brian Willess
      "We cannot change ourselves!" Are you implying that we're nothing but mindless automatons? What's the point of freewill if we're incapable of change? I changed myself big time, from indoctrination to a higher truth.
      "wrong theology"? Exactly. Have you ever asked yourself why there's no 'Church of Jesus'?
      "We are not to debate theology"? Why? Even when it's clearly false doctrine?
      "she thought she was superior to others"??? How on earth do you see that? What a judgemental load of hypocritical nonsense.
      If that's the message that you received from this vid, then you need to watch it again & again until you're able to see that it's a message of love & how one CAN CHANGE oneself for the better.
      Now, if you would, please explain to me why there's no 'Church of Jesus'?
      And while you're at it; do you pray to Jesus & if yes, why?

  • @BornAgain330
    @BornAgain330 3 года назад +12

    I just got saved a while back and every second I feel IDENTICAL to the pretty coat card I'm a grown man form South Carolina but now I'm a Christian, a young child of God and this brought tears to my eyes Beautiful stuff

    • @repent.sinner
      @repent.sinner 2 года назад

      Amen brother God saved you when He doesnt save many and He choose you.

    • @deydey4281
      @deydey4281 2 года назад

      I’m 15 just got saved 9/11/22 a little over a week ago 🤍🤍🤍🤍🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

  • @deborahthomas8101
    @deborahthomas8101 6 лет назад +81

    I was a Christian who served God in everyway and when I went through a struggle, they all bailed on me. I quit going to church, and still battle internally on why God is better to those who have done nothing for him and I get nothing. I battle with depression and feel hopeless, but this post inspires me. You're awesome. Thanks for your message

    • @daphnelattimer9952
      @daphnelattimer9952 6 лет назад +13

      Deborah Thomas I can relate, Deborah. At the time you need them the most to show God's love, they disappear or push you over or issue standard "thoughts and prayers", "all in the name of Jesus". God forbid they lend a kind word, uplift you, offer help or even call to check on you. They just can't be associated with you because there's something "wrong" or they are too busy doing churchy things or you don't fit into their perfect little positive and blissfully happy christian eutopia. They would rather ignore you than to do the work and be the hands and feet of Jesus. You have worth, Deborah, to God and humanity! Never, ever forget that.

    • @deborahthomas8101
      @deborahthomas8101 6 лет назад +1

      Daphne Lattimer , thank you so much for your kind words and understanding. God bless you! The real God is the one that put others before himself and wasn't nasty and arrogant. I have a relative who just went back to Church and is now nasty and condescending. If I don't go to church with her, she wants to move on. Well good riddance to her

    • @rahimerayane4298
      @rahimerayane4298 6 лет назад +6

      +Deborah Thomas
      sir as a muslim i want to said no matter what you said, when you have kindness in your heart, You’re the most beautiful person in the world,maybe Sometimes life doesn’t always go as we you have planned but whatever it is, life must move on

    • @deborahthomas8101
      @deborahthomas8101 6 лет назад +4

      Rahime Rayane , thank you for your nice and true words. I appreciate it.

    • @rahimerayane4298
      @rahimerayane4298 6 лет назад +5

      +Deborah Thomas
      you are welcome ,sir we may disagree about our faith and about what we believe but we agree that we are humans , so sir i respect you as humans although i don't know and I had never met you.

  • @bigbill42007
    @bigbill42007 7 лет назад +12

    We must love Christ first and he said "if you love me you will fallow my commandments. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and do onto others as you would have done to you." So that solves the issue. It's the final days and we must be about our father's business "planting seeds" and praying for them. I agree we can't change people but we can plant seeds. The Lord will water them. God bless.

    • @kybescythe291
      @kybescythe291 7 лет назад

      hmm would you take the blame if you forget to plant those seeds from god? just a question, as christians-we must be ever learning in the bible. i'm just a student right now of christianity. i'm your fellow student benefiting from your amount of experience. does the strongest opponent lucifer happens to be the best trainer as christians deep inside through and through to test ourselves? i seek whatever instruction i can from experienced christians like you. i'm trying to find more of the insights of both the philosophy of christian teachings and the skills applied to resist demons.

    • @RoboEpic
      @RoboEpic 6 лет назад

      I agree

    • @casttheircrowns
      @casttheircrowns 6 лет назад +2

      Will4Jesus that's right in JOHN 21:17 He said unto him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?" Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, "Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee." Jesus saith unto him,"Feed my sheep." 1CORINTHIANS 3:7- So then neither is he that planted anything, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase. 1CORINTHIANS 3:8- Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one, and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

  • @isamasihmasih4552
    @isamasihmasih4552 8 лет назад +572

    i am a ex msulim im convert to christian. im save

    • @iamTheSnark
      @iamTheSnark 8 лет назад +7

      +Isamasih Masih msulim? I do not believe you. By the way, if you did, you converted from one illusion to another. You are still deluded.

    • @iamTheSnark
      @iamTheSnark 8 лет назад +2

      Mohamed Aboelsebah But you are still believing in an invisible man in the sky. Good luck with that.

    • @kurokokadowaki3568
      @kurokokadowaki3568 8 лет назад +6

      +Isamasih Masih You shall convert to the Flying spaghetti monster! he good and soooo tasty!

    • @iamTheSnark
      @iamTheSnark 8 лет назад +1

      You liar. His Noodly Appendages are not to be taken lightly. The IPU (pbuh) is my witness.

    • @aristotelian3098
      @aristotelian3098 8 лет назад +2

      The Snark You're both heretics! The Monastic Charism of the Second Intonation of the Nudeln, Independent Orthodox Reformed Fundamental Ingathered of Nether Wapping 1887 has the only truth and true devotion!!!!! May the curse of the demon Siracha smother your false and deceitful teaching!!!!!

  • @yvetteriera3874
    @yvetteriera3874 4 года назад +28

    You so blessed and beautiful. I'm 67 and in a wheelchair Pentecostal for many years now and I'm just learning I used to be a Catholic may God bless you

    • @lionofjudahlambofgod9132
      @lionofjudahlambofgod9132 4 года назад +4

      May The LORD bless you and comfort and encourage you in your pain Yvette. Please check out this ministry. I saw his ministry in person. ruclips.net/video/f3yM0aJBwfI/видео.html.

    • @theodoremartin6153
      @theodoremartin6153 4 года назад +1

      Gotta get that shot at the Catholics eh yevette? Guess you failed as a catholic. And your failing as a Pentecostal . Drop the self pride .

    • @omarcheikh91
      @omarcheikh91 4 года назад

      Islam is the right religion
      Jesus were into mary s belly
      Is he god! !!!!in belly .you are insulting god! !!!!!
      But prophet of God

    • @williamoarlock8634
      @williamoarlock8634 2 месяца назад

      So superficial and stupid.

  • @jadeisrael384
    @jadeisrael384 7 лет назад +13

    Would you loose your life, to gain your life for Jesus? I would. I seek his face not his hands. I'm in love with the King, who sits on the throne. Come Lord Jesus! Adonai Adoneinu.

  • @cirilthundiyil
    @cirilthundiyil 7 лет назад +20

    'And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.' Mark 16:15 It is true that we should not judge people . The saints were like that.They loved people and never judged, at the same time they tried their best to correct others and prayed for them. They did not care about what others said. For them love of Jesus was more important.

    • @ceelm
      @ceelm 7 лет назад +1

      ciril j.thundiyil john 7:24

    • @cirilthundiyil
      @cirilthundiyil 7 лет назад +3

      [Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly. John 7:24]
      This is not an excuse for being inert. To evangelize is the call for every Christian. dailyverses.net/evangelism

    • @santiagos5221
      @santiagos5221 7 лет назад +2

      ciril j.thundiyil I judge every day, the choices i make, at confession i judge my self ,
      what we cannot know if a person's soul is going to hell , only God is the judge of that.

    • @cirilthundiyil
      @cirilthundiyil 7 лет назад +1

      Santigo James I agree with you fully; we should not be judging others. But we must not forget that the basic call of every Christian is to evangelize.

    • @paulgrey8028
      @paulgrey8028 7 лет назад +1

      +ciril j.thundiyil "the basic call of every Christian is to evangelise." Even when it's defying the words of the Rabbi?

  • @cptawesome242
    @cptawesome242 7 лет назад +33

    Many people forget that Jesus didn't always hang out with His disciples or even "righteous" men. He hung out with the drunkards, the adulteres, and hung on a cross next to a thief. Jesus never said anything that offeneded those that truly needed love. He offeneded the men called deacons and priests in the church. They are the ones that crucified Him. The priests even judged Jesus doing miracles on a sunday. Talk about petty. It is ironic to believe that being religious gives you elite privileges on earth. Thank you.

    • @carolinefernando3113
      @carolinefernando3113 7 лет назад +5

      cptawesome 24 yeah and he also hanged out with sinners so he would preach to them he didn't join them in their sins

    • @innerfire8937
      @innerfire8937 7 лет назад +1

      cptawesome 24, Jesus reformed sinners and sternly rebuked Scribes and Pharisees, not decons.

    • @midnightstars2596
      @midnightstars2596 6 лет назад +1

      cptawesome 24 He hang out with thw drunk bcz Jesus wanted too make them repent/sinless

    • @technique187
      @technique187 6 лет назад

      Religion is politics.

    • @jeromeschwartz4778
      @jeromeschwartz4778 6 лет назад

      cptawesome 24 I think your wrong on one part , Jesus healed on the Sabbath Day , "Saurday" that holy day is still practice by the Jewish Nation of Israel today... Look up the word Saturday in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Italian, Spanish, many more tongues and languages, ... I'm will to bet Mary went to the temple on Saturday to pray , let alone all 12 of Jesus disciples... Most of the bible talks about Jewish people ...And God said that it will be a sign between him and them ... 99% of Jesus healings were on the Sabbath ... And the Day he went into the temple and got mad was on a Saturday Sabbath , for buying and selling on the Lords day ... If Jesus walked into the temple on a Sunday ..He would have no reason to get mad at all ...But it is written by God's finger tip , the 4th commandment, Remember the Sabbat and Keep it HOLY ... seams to me that you don't undetstand that law to well ... Jesus even you have turned my house of Prayer into a den of thieves....
      Prove me wrong ... but the biblfe will prove you wrong first ...
      I went to chuch on Sunday for 35 years , and I fought a man on this one subject for years , with scripture, and in the end I lost ...Knowing for a fact the day of worship is Saturday .. That seventh day is when Jesus rested in God , He was killed by mankind on what people call good friday, But he was in God's hands as the sealed the tomb door shut , almost like casting his body in a dark cold tomb ...but I know God was healing his wounded body as it laid still in peace , ... You can judge me all you want to on this ...But It will be God's Judgement to you for not knowing or remembering what Day was holy ....How did you ever come up with Sunday is beyond me ... Just telling you facts and truth of the matter.

  • @joycehaikau2507
    @joycehaikau2507 5 лет назад +102

    We need to love another as Jesus did for us

    • @drifttandemz101sidewayzz9
      @drifttandemz101sidewayzz9 4 года назад +2


    • @Mommascooking420
      @Mommascooking420 4 года назад +3

      Ed B exactly. This is the exact reason why many young people who follow the “love”Christianity concept usually fall away from the faith when they see things in the Bible that might be seen as horrible but are just in gods way. God is not just love but justice as well.

    • @رامي-ش5ظ
      @رامي-ش5ظ 4 года назад +1

      This forbidden Islam is the religion of truth Muhammad, the last of the prophets, came after the Prophet of God, Jesus. Enter Islam and leave unbelief in God and shadows

    • @johnfromtennessee2651
      @johnfromtennessee2651 3 года назад

      @@رامي-ش5ظ recency doesn't equate to superiority.

    • @ggaming8911
      @ggaming8911 3 года назад +1

      @@رامي-ش5ظ Jesus is God he is the father who go to the earth incarnate become man

  • @YTohneRuecksicht
    @YTohneRuecksicht 7 лет назад +23

    I'm from germany, thank you for your love!

  • @SheaSheaOnUrTUBE
    @SheaSheaOnUrTUBE 7 лет назад +290

    Why Did Jesus Come?
    21 Reasons
    1. He came to fulfill prophecy.
    “I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17).
    “Christ has become a servant . . . to confirm the promises given to the fathers” (Romans 15:8).
    2. He came to abolish the law.
    “Christ Jesus . . . is our peace . . . by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances” (Ephesians 2:13-15).
    “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill . . . not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17-18).
    3. He came to seek the lost.
    “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
    4. He came to save the lost.
    “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost” (Matthew 18:11).
    5. He came to serve.
    “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45).
    6. He came to give His life as a ransom.
    “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28).
    7. He came that men might have life more abundant.
    “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
    8. He came to reveal the Father.
    “Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him” (Matthew 11:27).
    “Jesus said to him, ‘He who has seen Me has seen the Father’” (John 14:9).
    9. He came to do the will of God.
    “Then He added, ‘Look, I have come to do Your will’” (Hebrews 10:9).
    10. He came to preach.
    “But He said to them, ‘I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose’” (Luke 4:43).
    11. He came to bring fire.
    “I have come to bring fire to the earth” (Luke 12:49).
    “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire . . . He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:11-12).
    12. He came to bring judgment.
    “And Jesus said, ‘For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind’” (John 9:39).
    Note with this verse Luke 12:14, John 3:17, and John 8:15 which says: “I judge no man.”
    13. He came to be king.
    “Therefore Pilate said to Him, ‘So You are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world’” (John 18:37).
    14. He came to bear witness to the truth.
    “For this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice” (John 18:37).
    15. He came to save sinners.
    “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (I Timothy 1:15).
    16. He came into the world to be a faithful high priest.
    “That He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God” (Hebrews 2:17).
    17. He came to put away sin.
    “Now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” (Hebrews 9:26).
    “You know that He appeared in order to take away sins” (I John 3:5).
    “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
    Compare John 1:35, Leviticus 16:20-22, Isaiah 53:6, II Corinthians 5:21.
    18. He came to destroy the works of the devil.
    “The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil” (I John 3:8).
    “Only as a human being could He die, and only by dying could He break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death” (Hebrews 2:14).
    “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” (John 12:31).
    “For the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me” (John 14:30).
    19. He came to send a sword.
    “Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! No, I came to bring a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
    20. He came to bear our sins.
    “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross” (I Peter 2:24).
    “Christ . . . having been offered once to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28).
    21. He came to provide a pattern of holy living for Christians.
    “Since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps” (I Peter 2:21).
    “Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” (Matthew 11:29).
    Amen, Amen and AMEN!!!

    • @jaimeacevedo2
      @jaimeacevedo2 7 лет назад +6

      There is no truth but the truth and only when you live by it will you become a witness of it.

    • @melissaumanzor7164
      @melissaumanzor7164 7 лет назад +3

      jaimeacevedo2 amen

    • @jc1608
      @jc1608 7 лет назад +3

      Melissa Umanzor, amen

    • @99wins
      @99wins 7 лет назад +23

      All truth. Except you have #2 misunderstood.
      “by abolishing in His [own crucified] flesh the hostility caused by the Law with its commandments contained in ordinances [which He satisfied]; so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thereby establishing peace.”
      ‭‭EPHESIANS‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭AMP‬‬
      He did not abolish the law, he fullfilled it, by paying the full price for sin with a body that was free from it. This is not an abolishment of the law, but an abolishment of the penalty for breaking it. This forgiveness goes to those who walk away (repent) from sin. Grace, through Jesus,gives us the power to do this.

    • @jc1608
      @jc1608 7 лет назад +5

      99wins , amen

  • @FurryAminal
    @FurryAminal 10 лет назад +36

    Christianity is a call to repent - you are not here to make "friends". You are here to make that call, and walk away from those who are not interested in it ("what fellowship can darkness have with light?" 2 Cor 6: 14) in a world that is *already* condemned (John 3: 18).

    • @jackjackson7734
      @jackjackson7734 4 года назад +1


    • @robertdunning5121
      @robertdunning5121 4 года назад +1

      Bullshit and its their loss just because you dont believe their religion.it is wrong for someone to shun and look down and act holier than thou to someone bevause you dont believe what they believe and to not have a purpose of friends damn thats crazy on the fanatics lol.fake lives

    • @robertdunning5121
      @robertdunning5121 4 года назад +1

      Also you guys make me fucking sick i had a friemd thought he was but was so condescending and because i didnt believe his religion wow he just wanted to convert .period.true using..that should be a fucking sin.i hate people who think like that..so i moved on because i wont deal with idiots like that

  • @upsidedown8456
    @upsidedown8456 5 лет назад +41

    As an atheist, I have to say this was incredibly moving and amazing and, although I don't believe in any gods, I do believe in people and I am sure christianity would be a whole lot better if people just understood the message behind it. At the end of the day, we are all just looking for love and everyone has their own way to find it. If believing in any loving god or superior being is your way to do it, that's awesome. If it isn't, that's awesome too. We are all different, but I guess there's one thing that connects us all and that is love, which cannot be separated from respect.

    • @BeKemeFeqadu
      @BeKemeFeqadu 4 года назад +13

      Upside Down there is only true love in knowing Christ ! And those Christians that don’t share it with you , they don’t love you !!!

    • @barkochiromancer8198
      @barkochiromancer8198 4 года назад +3

      @@BeKemeFeqadu you kinda hit the nail on the head. Capitalization changes meaning Christian are religious followers abed to the Dogma called Christianity. However, when the words is left uncapitalized christians follow the path walked by the Nazarene Son of Man who in following The Way which walked one finds the christianity which follows no religion just the steps that a man shared with others and welcome all who would to learn the route to the Devine Truth that goes through him.

    • @elminahnjoki8435
      @elminahnjoki8435 4 года назад +3

      Upside down I want you to know that Jesus loves you and He is waiting for you to make the decision of accepting Him in your life
      .. JESUS CHRIST IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT.. HE IS GOD AND HIS KING.. Thanks so much.. Love you God bless you

    • @Fundamental_Islam.
      @Fundamental_Islam. 4 года назад

      Elminah Oyigo 8679 1 central no he was a prophet, who came just for Israel and Muhammad pbuh is the last prophet and he came for everyone

    • @EndTimesStudies
      @EndTimesStudies 4 года назад

      You nailed it and actually the number one commandment we were told to follow was love your neighbor as you love yourself. You are spot on if we all followed this wow imagine how great our world would be :)

  • @paulmasgalajian149
    @paulmasgalajian149 9 лет назад +163

    The message of this young woman is simple. Don't pretend that you're God. Let God be God. He is our judge. And He is not petty like Man.

    • @paulmasgalajian149
      @paulmasgalajian149 9 лет назад +2

      +EatLibertyCaps You get no argument from me, Brother. But, my statement is correct. Believe me, I'm quite familiar with Paul's letter to the Romans ! Yes, everything is spelled out clear as crystal.

    • @tufaznail
      @tufaznail 9 лет назад +8

      +Paul Masgalajian He loved you, then he sent you to burn for eternity. LOL.....REALLY?

    • @ghostfire3315
      @ghostfire3315 9 лет назад

      +Paul Masgalajian
      At first it sounded like "don't try to convert people" but when she said that this appeal is not to all but some Christians, then it sounded like it's okay, just don't be mean about it.

    • @rubshop30
      @rubshop30 9 лет назад

      +Paul Masgalajian No He is beautiful, We're talking about God!

    • @Reason1717
      @Reason1717 9 лет назад

      +rubshop30 He wrote "Pet-tee" not pretty. Not making fun of you, just being clear.

  • @rickdewaal8131
    @rickdewaal8131 7 лет назад +14

    Your not disgusting, your a beauty and you have joined the family of Christ, congrats I look forward seeing you in heaven.

    • @beepbopbeep2873
      @beepbopbeep2873 6 лет назад

      Rick de Waal Now i know why you you have spell badly. Heaven? Can't be proven. Delusional.

  • @johnblacksad1627
    @johnblacksad1627 8 лет назад +99

    I am so Atheist... But this message is so true, and I totally approve it !

    • @rubirosagarcia7213
      @rubirosagarcia7213 8 лет назад +7

      i am a Christian too and her message it's true,i understand if you don't believe in God,but i can't judge you 😊

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 8 лет назад +2

      It's good that you are at least open minded. Hopefully you will find the proof you need and God will provide for your soul, bud.

    • @johnblacksad1627
      @johnblacksad1627 8 лет назад +3

      A-10 Thunderbolt II
      wow, thank you :).
      You know, as you noticed I am indeed open minded.
      I don't belive in god, I have personal reasons not to. My best friend instade belive that it might be someone up there, and I love our debates about it, because if I don't belive in god, I belive in the soul, and reincarnation, not in the way that most people do, I mean, I can't explain myself how I see it, I don't have words to describe the way I see it but, I think that consciousness is something so strange, complicated and unique, that I don't see how it could just "end" when we die...
      Same for destiny, I don't belive in coincidence, not anymore.. I belive in Aliens, because I don't see a good reason why we have to be alone in this gigantic universe, full of million of billions of galaxies. So way, my vision is different but, as long as someone don't try to "convert" me, or insult me because of this difference, I am open to any discussion and debate about it ^^.

    • @johnblacksad1627
      @johnblacksad1627 8 лет назад

      Yehudi Menuhin
      and here we go again, another one...
      Dude seriously what was that ?
      I said it was my "religion" in quote marks... Because it's OBVIOUSLY not a religion duuuh 0_0.
      I never said that my opinion was the truth, neither is the one who said god is real, it's MY truth, as is it your truth and right to belive what ever the hell you want, I don't give a damn shit if you don't like my opinion, it's mine, and I don't need people to tell me if it's wrong or right, it's my right as a human to belive in what I want, as it is yours, and so is the rest of the world.
      okay ? got it ? are we good ?

    • @johnblacksad1627
      @johnblacksad1627 8 лет назад

      Yehudi Menuhin
      ow, hold on a minute, I think, there is a big misunderstanding here, I'm not english and, I might have interpreted you comment in the wrong way..
      What did you wanted to tell me exactely ? what was the message behind your comment, in basic words (if possible).

  • @thelordwillprovide911
    @thelordwillprovide911 4 года назад +4

    Christ loved us enough to tell us to stop sinning .. His first preaching wasn't about love. It was "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand."
    From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
    Matthew 4:17
    Christ himself rebuked Peter when he went against God's will.
    If you love people you will tell them to change their ways. To repent and Believe God. You must deny yourself.
    After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.
    Mark 1:14

  • @jdodds1612
    @jdodds1612 8 лет назад +346

    No, you can LOVE someone without ACCEPTING everything about them. Christ loved everyone, but he didn't support the sinful things they did.

    • @bluesman1929
      @bluesman1929 8 лет назад +12

      I see, so he loves everyone but sends all the sinners (and unbelievers) to burn in hell for eternity. What a marvellous religion that is! To keep everyone in fear in case their smallest infraction might just tip them over the edge into the burning pit.

    • @jdodds1612
      @jdodds1612 8 лет назад +31

      Obviously you know very little about Christianity beyond what you've seen in decidedly anti Christian movies and tv shows, however, ignoring all the ignorantly exaggerations in you post my response is simply "without consequences there is no purpose for religion or any other life compass, if there's no incentive to do the right thing, people would only do what's best for themselves personally, punishment must exist for rewards to be meaningful, does a parent who disciplines their child not love them? And how does that same logic not apply to God or Christ?"

    • @justicecoming5602
      @justicecoming5602 8 лет назад +13

      JDodds 1 is 100% right! God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit love everyone, but loving them means that they will except them into the Kingdom of Heaven if they except Jesus in their hearts, but not approve or the sinful things they do.

    • @170221dn
      @170221dn 8 лет назад +2

      So Jesus isn't going to send people to an eternal torture chamber that he made?

    • @170221dn
      @170221dn 8 лет назад +4

      Calling me a troll is just running from the facts.
      Answer the question.
      If god made everything whose fault is there that sin got introduced?
      Why does he not forgive unconditionally?
      Is Hitler in heaven?
      Does heaven exist now or is it for the end times?
      What bible verses cover heaven and hell?
      Why did he create hell?

  • @cDynasty001
    @cDynasty001 10 лет назад +40

    I'm atheist. I don't give a shit what you believe, just keep it outta my face and we'll get along just fine.

    • @arthurdent549
      @arthurdent549 10 лет назад +7

      ...then why stick your Face here? At least try to make sense...

    • @cDynasty001
      @cDynasty001 10 лет назад +4

      You mad cuz I'm atheist? Then keep outta my face like I said dumb ass.

    • @arthurdent549
      @arthurdent549 10 лет назад +5

      cDynasty001 You answer a question with a question? Mad? I could care less.
      As I said before, at least try to make sense...

    • @katlynn2314
      @katlynn2314 10 лет назад +2

      No one honestly even gives a fuck if you're atheist or not either.. If you're atheist why the fuck did you even click this? I'd check myself before I wreck myself.. This goes to all the satanists out there too.. And atheists.. There's no reason to go on here and brag about your religion.. Yeah there's no proof god is real, but there's no proof he isn't. So fuck off little shit.

    • @cDynasty001
      @cDynasty001 10 лет назад +5

      Kat Lynn There's proof religion is all lies made up by people. Tons of it. It's called logic, reason, and fossils. Christians couldn't wreck anything with logic if they tried, cuz they have none.

  • @MrRamziaB
    @MrRamziaB 7 лет назад +28

    It's about damn time!!! Finally a Christian that gets it!

    • @cliffy236
      @cliffy236 7 лет назад +1

      I totally agree with her, just bcuz a person isn't a christian, doesn't mean their religious beliefs is to be judged evil, or wrong(I've met a christian once made a very falsehood statement against non-christian religions). I find it very disrespectful and hypocritical, even priests from my previous church. So my message is...as long as a person have good life values, you don't have to be a christian to be a good person, love and be kind to one another...

    • @josephtobin5937
      @josephtobin5937 7 лет назад +2

      Michael Yang But you must have Jesus at the core, or you're lost despite your good acts. Jesus, nothing else, saves you. Good luck.

    • @lugato88
      @lugato88 7 лет назад +1

      MrRamziaB many get it. it was just her turn

    • @outtahere321
      @outtahere321 7 лет назад +1

      Michael, your beliefs are in error based on what the Bible teaches in Romans. Just read Romans 1 and you will find that our goodness to God is as filthy rags. I am just trying to point out that you are believing in a false doctrine.... a teaching that does not represent what God has stated. You need to go back and read and pray over what the scriptures say if in fact you are really interested in TRUTH. That means not what we think is true, but what God says is true.

    • @DRayL_
      @DRayL_ 7 лет назад +2

      Those "100 million people" weren't killed "because of atheism",...but due to very specific geopolitics of those nation states. It is a strawman to ONLY give one SMALL aspect of those leader/people as "the reason 100 million people were killed".
      To submit a notion that "atheist are this way" is no better than those who conclude that "christians are like Westboro Baptists Church".

  • @gregg19809
    @gregg19809 Год назад +1

    You found what you have been looking for. I am 76 years old, and I wish that I had your epiphany at your age. May God continue to bless you. Enjoy your new found joy and spread the word. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @patriciabowman31
    @patriciabowman31 7 лет назад +15

    God Bless you Emanuella. I am 65 yrs. old and would just like to say your message is very powerful. Amen to the fact that it is not our job to change those who do not agree with us. That is the HOLY SPIRITS job. You are young and expressed a point in your walk with JESUS that only HE can bring you to. From now until Jesus comes let your little light shine to all around you and at the same time stay safe. In JESUS name.

    • @kybescythe291
      @kybescythe291 7 лет назад

      my mom is growing old too and it makes me sad. it would be an honor to listen to your christian adventures. you have believed with thought which is a win for your life in god and as you well know the path to victory is laid out one step at a time, each ahead of lucifer.

  • @noahowens6133
    @noahowens6133 9 лет назад +38

    The spirit of truth has returned and has led us unto the full truth, just as prophecy foretold. All true Christians must read this ASAP. God is here now but you need to know the whole truth to receive all of him. Nothing could be more important or worthwhile. Beliefs divide, the truth unites. So just do what jesus said and seek the real truth. Google *_Truth contest_* and check the top entry. IT is a requirement to know god and get to a heaven.

    • @willtellez8535
      @willtellez8535 9 лет назад +2

      What up homie

    • @eltiolavara9
      @eltiolavara9 9 лет назад

      sup nigga

    • @eleanis4525
      @eleanis4525 9 лет назад

      Belief devides, believing what you believe as truth often kills people.

    • @7Prophecy7
      @7Prophecy7 9 лет назад

      luke 6:35-49 says alot!
      (luke 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven: )

    • @eltiolavara9
      @eltiolavara9 9 лет назад

      hi ho Ggga hgighagsaasogbaosig

  • @nuwlegoman565
    @nuwlegoman565 10 лет назад +59

    This is a meaningful message, God bless you for showing this!

    • @wehrwolf44
      @wehrwolf44 10 лет назад +9

      Your a fucking idiot

    • @snoozyfloozy
      @snoozyfloozy 10 лет назад

      Jared Evans So glad you feel warm & fuzzy inside, it blew me away as well.

    • @KingJoshwer
      @KingJoshwer 10 лет назад +1

      snoozyfloozy For such an enlightened individual, the girl in the video didn't hesitate to use a fucking tree full of paper to spread her 'meaningful' message... But maybe you were just too blown away with the nice music and pretty writing to see that she's just fishing for attention.

    • @rubshop30
      @rubshop30 10 лет назад +2

      Josh Harding 666

    • @nuwlegoman565
      @nuwlegoman565 10 лет назад +2

      She is trying to spread a true message to her and my Christian brethren and sisters.

  • @RobertMOdell
    @RobertMOdell 5 лет назад +21

    0:52 If you were a Christian in name only, then you need to repent and obey Jesus.

    • @graciesherouse6540
      @graciesherouse6540 3 года назад +1

      Jesus loves everybody in the world he died for your sins that you need to tell Jesus how much you love him.

    • @RobertMOdell
      @RobertMOdell 3 года назад +1

      @@graciesherouse6540 If you do not keep Jesus' Commandments then you do not love Him.

    • @graciesherouse6540
      @graciesherouse6540 3 года назад +1

      @@RobertMOdell yes mam I love jesus with all my heart.

    • @armyshope
      @armyshope 3 года назад

      You should not be submissive

  • @invisibledeceptive4564
    @invisibledeceptive4564 7 лет назад +66

    its not about Christianity,identity or religion but it is all about
    RELATIONSHIP with CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @reagankelley2307
      @reagankelley2307 7 лет назад +5


    • @saltyforces8083
      @saltyforces8083 6 лет назад

      Thank yooooooooooouuuuuuuuu for telling these people

    • @linoleluminum2017
      @linoleluminum2017 6 лет назад

      keith mcginnis : you're blind, right

    • @romans883
      @romans883 6 лет назад

      Reagan Kelley
      Relationship with imaiginairy god / friend is nothing more but mental illness we got name for it - DILLUSION ...
      You people were BORN RAISED TRAIN FORCED to obey what ever cult your environment place on you .
      Open your eyes.
      Look for the truth .
      Don't follow false ideas .
      Find in your heart that good love compassion and realize it have nothing to do with god . It always been there . It's us . It's who you are .
      Read your holly scripts AND THINK !
      Good luck . One day you can be free too . Conscious. Reasonable.
      That day you can run on water like me lol

    • @americathebeautiful3577
      @americathebeautiful3577 6 лет назад

      ...Which is Christianity.

  • @johnc1014
    @johnc1014 9 лет назад +26

    As Christians we are commanded to spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations. In doing that we can point out people's sin, however, she is right that we should not be condemning them for it. We are all sinners and we all deserve to spend eternity in hell. We can point out other's sin, but only to show them that it is wrong and get them to turn to Christ for forgiveness of their sin.We do not hate nonbelievers, we do not insult, ridicule, or otherwise condemn them. John 3:16- "For God so loved the world..."God loved the world; that means nonbelievers. We are not supposed to be tolerant of sin, however, we are supposed to love the sinner as Christ first loved us.

    • @prestongreene7489
      @prestongreene7489 9 лет назад +1

      +John C nice!!!!! the problem, most "professing" christians ARE self righteous as they THINK that by them "turning from sin" God will save them (thats law keeping by the way).

    • @purposeoflife2758
      @purposeoflife2758 9 лет назад

      +John C 2 questions, any christian:
      1- Was Jesus knowledge limited or unlimited?
      2- Were the disciples Teachers?
      In other words, were the disciples qualified to carry the message
      revealed to Jesus?
      Please, make your post from the bible, anyone make up a story, this
      won't work, verses from the bible>>>my respond will be from the
      bible, your bible>>>

    • @morgenvade4768
      @morgenvade4768 9 лет назад +2

      +John C We should not feel hate or anger for other people because for many there is a Lake of Fire waiting for them. Many self professing Christians burn in Hell. People have free will they have to decide for themselves but we have an obligation with the people close to us to make sure they know their options. Being popular will do nothing for anyone.

    • @a7xfan290
      @a7xfan290 8 лет назад

      maybe you don't condemn nonbelievers but 98% of Christians on youtube do.

    • @purposeoflife2758
      @purposeoflife2758 8 лет назад

      a7x fan
      Do what?

  • @mikepadilla6883
    @mikepadilla6883 8 лет назад +44

    Hi Emanuella! This is Mike your brother in Christ. I agree with you that Love is the most important part of being Christian, however, as Christians we also have to stand for the truth and be careful not to be deceived by Satan and the ways of the world. A couple of Satan's greatest tricks of deception is convincing people that both he and hell don't exist. The other is watering down Christ and what he stands for. The bible version of Christ and today's worldly version of Christ are two different versions. The worlds version of Christ is that he loves and accepts anyone and everything as ok, no matter who they are or what they do and that is not true. Jesus Christ loves and forgives, but also hates sin. God calls all sinners to repentance. All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, but we are to repent of our sins! Love the sinner hate the sin! We are to preach the gospel and teach it in a loving way, but we are also to correct! Many today view correction as hate and that is not true. Correction done in the right way according to Gods word is love. Warning sinners of hell is love because it exist. Sugar coating the truth in order to not offend anyone is not good. Not all, but a lot of Christians today pick two words out of the bible love and don't judge and they get blown way out of context to suit the world. The bible is a much bigger book then just two words. I love you, but as Christians we will face tribulation and some type of persecution for speaking the truth. Everyone in the bible stood for the truth and they faced tribulation or persecution. We aren't to follow the world, but follow God! Just some advice! God Bless you!!
    2 Timothy 4:1-5
    Preach the Word
    4 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
    1 Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
    2 Timothy 3:1-13
    3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
    A Final Charge to Timothy
    10 You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11 persecutions, sufferings-what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

    • @mogmuff
      @mogmuff 8 лет назад

      Hi Mike, I'm athiest, to say that Christians stand for the truth is from my point of view ridiculous, you base all of your belief in a book written by man, based on stories 2000 years ago, all of this requires faith and this is belief without proof, so how can any of the bible be true as there no facts to back up anything in the bible. Truth requires facts. The bible is not proof of a god just stories about a god. Christians stand up for what they believe in as do all religions, as yet not one of the 3000 or so religions have ever been proved correct. The only truth is that no one knows the final answer, science has proven evolution by natural selection but still hasn't found all the answers, the difference is that any scientist if asked a question about this or any science question will always answer with " I don't know " if they don't know the answer where all religions claim to have the answer. There is no truth in religion at any level you look at it.

    • @aristotelian3098
      @aristotelian3098 8 лет назад

      +Mike Padilla Timothy was a pastor. Emmanuella isn't.
      Her call from God is to love and not judge (Matt 7:1ff), and 'always be ready to give a defense' (1 Peter 3:15). But Paul said that he became all things to all people in order to win some, so relax. Let her follow her path with God and have faith in him that he will lead her right.
      It looks to me that he already is.

    • @mikepadilla6883
      @mikepadilla6883 8 лет назад

      Aristo Telian Hi Aristo, I am a preacher and have a calling as well. I never said she was doing anything wrong. I am just trying to help by giving wisdom and teaching the gospel in truth. We are all sinners and God calls all of us to repentance. Is there something wrong with that? There is nothing harmful in my message, but you did exactly what I said in my message you took loving, correction and teaching as hate. Apparently you didn't quite get the memo of my message. No need to pervert the Word. Seems to me sir like you are doing the judging. Timothy was preaching to believers in Christ. The Word is the truth. Look around at what you see today. All prophecies are being fulfilled. God Bless you!!

    • @mogmuff
      @mogmuff 8 лет назад

      Cherry picked verses from a book. Don't do it, explain this Exodus 21 20 21. And for you that haven't read the book, if you beat your slave and he dies you will be punished but if he gets up after a couple of days then that's not a problem, the book is crap stop quoting from it.

    • @aristotelian3098
      @aristotelian3098 8 лет назад

      ***** That's always possible, of course. What did I miss?

  • @abinashlimbu8919
    @abinashlimbu8919 5 лет назад +33

    Thank u for sharing this whatever situation we will never forsake our Lordsaviour Jesus Christ love from India 🇮🇳

  • @MK-cy3ww
    @MK-cy3ww 7 лет назад +112

    Im muslim and u guys have a beautiful religion and im happy some of my friend are christian :)

    • @mariusbrault2270
      @mariusbrault2270 7 лет назад +1

      Maliha Khan Thank you brother God bless you !

    • @tan_the_man
      @tan_the_man 7 лет назад +1

      Maliha Khan awwww!

    • @avoice3390
      @avoice3390 7 лет назад +10

      Maliha Khan Jesus has room for you too my friend. Just ask Him. You are SO loved. Peace and blessings be with you always!

    • @xxxzzz2482
      @xxxzzz2482 7 лет назад +6

      Maliha Khan come to Christ ,he loves you

    • @davidfigueroa3348
      @davidfigueroa3348 7 лет назад +9

      the guy professes a different faith and even gratitude for having friends from another faith and you respond by telling him to renounce his faith to share in yours...wow

  • @ellencharlenedunlop
    @ellencharlenedunlop 9 лет назад +12

    As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe we should accept everyone. The way the Lord accept us.
    But that doesn't mean we don't help the people to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is near and we all have to be ready. We all have to remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is love 💜💜💜💜

    • @bradleysmith8758
      @bradleysmith8758 9 лет назад +1

      I love you anyways

    • @ellencharlenedunlop
      @ellencharlenedunlop 9 лет назад

      God bless you brother Bradley Smith​ and your love one's 💜 always

    • @bradleysmith8758
      @bradleysmith8758 9 лет назад +1

      Thanks Ellen for the prayers I do the same for you sweetheart

    • @podoau
      @podoau 9 лет назад

      You poor deluded idiot
      "The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is near and we all have to be ready"
      On what evidence do you base this statement ?

    • @bradleysmith8758
      @bradleysmith8758 9 лет назад

      Its much weirder than ever getting worse by the day !

  • @mandoantunes4609
    @mandoantunes4609 7 лет назад +201

    God is love. Thank you . You have made me see an ugly side of me. God bless you.

    • @drewsky1008
      @drewsky1008 7 лет назад +1

      Mando Antunes Amen

    • @jenagarmon5176
      @jenagarmon5176 7 лет назад +1

      Mando Antunes Yea I thought too highly of myself before I knew that We are all really of human error & I don't feel that way no more. I love all people, even if I don't understand everything, who am I to say I am better

    • @mike.n4
      @mike.n4 7 лет назад

      Mando Screw-head!! You Fool.. Just like the weak!! I Pity you...!!!

    • @mike.n4
      @mike.n4 7 лет назад

      Oma - wen i robbed ur famiies nxt dairy - i will say "ALLAH" fucken sent me!!!! :-) I will wear a fucken 'BERKA!!"

  • @jamesdavis6284
    @jamesdavis6284 6 лет назад +22

    Love has a duty to warn of the coming judgement. I agree with a lot of what you said... But all nations that forget God shall be turned into hell. Separation is still taught in the book. I can love someone WITHOUT running with them...

    • @lovelyjanecohen2637
      @lovelyjanecohen2637 4 года назад +3

      Amen brother!

    • @angrytom1923
      @angrytom1923 4 года назад +2

      This judgment was supposed to come within the lifetimes of Jesus' own followers. Didn't happen then, isn't going to happen anytime soon either.

    • @scottjenkins4613
      @scottjenkins4613 4 года назад +3

      @@angrytom1923 Wasn't supposed to come within the lifetimes of His followers. Where on earth did you learn that?

    • @angrytom1923
      @angrytom1923 4 года назад +2

      @@scottjenkins4613 Matthew 16:28 "Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Read your Bible.

    • @scottjenkins4613
      @scottjenkins4613 4 года назад +2

      @@angrytom1923 Read that many, many times, Tom. Don't be angry, learn to read and understand.

  • @madmaverick7346
    @madmaverick7346 7 лет назад +356

    Love this girl. God bless her.

    • @alexanderjohnson2689
      @alexanderjohnson2689 6 лет назад +14

      I myself am a Muslim, over the last 7 months, I was very very much in love with a Christian woman. I went to church with her and prayed with her very often. In the end, when she and everyone else at that church found out that I'm a Muslim, I was treated completely different and the person that I wanted to marry with all my heart left me for a man at church. I would have given my life for any of those people, and they treat me much different. I just wanted to have some friends. I thought we all liked each other, it makes me cry a lot. I'm crying right now.

    • @sherryray516
      @sherryray516 6 лет назад

      Mad Maverick h

    • @JulianVic
      @JulianVic 6 лет назад +1

      Gal Nevo shut up -._-.

    • @jacquedelest
      @jacquedelest 6 лет назад

      Whats the song title?

    • @JulianVic
      @JulianVic 6 лет назад

      Shanika Stephenson *God

  • @mrhoffame
    @mrhoffame 8 лет назад +7

    I have always had a problem with the term "Good Christian". What is a "Good Christian"? You are simply Christian and no matter how good or bad you think one is there will always be challenges. God didn't intend us to be robots. You are an individual. You were meant to effect people's lives with the person you are. I think this is where people like this girl lose themselves in Christianity. If you do come to Christ don't become a better Christian, become a better you. God can use "YOU" better than he could use "Another Good Christian".

  • @lyanness
    @lyanness 10 лет назад +8

    Absolutely beautiful message!!! I am constantly criticized, damned, insulted because I'm Roman Catholic - and yes, even though I'm Christian, other Christians do the above to me too, but I always remember something that Jesus said: "If the world hates you, remember that it hated Me first" and it really makes me smile to think that I'm sharing something that Christ shared.
    May God always bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand, fellow Christian.

    • @globomanni8407
      @globomanni8407 Год назад +1

      Hello Guinevere: Noone should damn or insult you because of your faith, but PLEASE, PLEASE compare what is preached in the Catholic Church with that what is written in the WORD OF GOD - the Bible. I don't want to criticize you but encourage you not only to read, but also to study the Bible. By the way: i had been 38 years a Roman Catholic and went to this church, but never heard in one of the sermons, that i have to repent and that it is essential to be born again (see John chapter 3) in order to go to heaven. Please. Please study, what GOD says in HIS book, the bible and no other books, that will lead you away from GOD. May GOD bless you abundantely and lead you through HIS Holy Spirit in all truth

    • @lyanness
      @lyanness Год назад

      @@globomanni8407 Thank you very much for your message. God bless you always. 🙏🏻

    • @-D-I-V-A-
      @-D-I-V-A- Год назад

      @@lyannessPlease You-Tube these 2 great videos!
      FEAR OF DEATH, Living Waters.
      Rick Warren.

    • @lyanness
      @lyanness Год назад

      @@-D-I-V-A- Thank you for your reply, Jeffrey. God bless you. 🌹🌿

    • @jeffturner2693
      @jeffturner2693 Год назад +1

      Pray the Rosary

  • @milanjurco3916
    @milanjurco3916 6 лет назад +1

    Dear Emanuella - I am deeply touched by what you claim. Pure love does not want to change anyone - but to be a guarding angel to all that suffer or are without love. Pure love does not preach but cares. If you cannot help person that is doing wrong things in his life - you still stand by his/her side and do not lose hope. Pure love preaches very silently but not with his lips but with actions and heart. I come from Slovakia and we have a saying: Just in need you will find a true Friend.

  • @melissapeters7691
    @melissapeters7691 6 лет назад +64

    You are inspiring. The Lord will bless you & your family greatly. I am a Christian & as Christians, it's not our place to be judgemental, prejudice, & uncaring of others. We are loving, caring, helpful & understanding of others. God's greatest power & gift is LOVE. Love everyone no matter who they are. Also forgive, just like Christ forgives all, even if forgiveness hasnt or has been asked. God Bless everyone & love to everyone.

    • @melissapeters7691
      @melissapeters7691 6 лет назад +2

      All sinners, Christian and yes, even if u r Atheist, are already forgiven but accepting him & getting to know him is up to the sinner themself. Christ loves every single soul, every person. It don't matter if ur a murderer or a saint, God still opens his arms. All u gotta do is put all ur faith & belief in him & he lift u up & carry u when u need carrying & walk beside u when u need a friend. I pray everyday for lost souls to please accept Christ

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад +1

      Melissa Peters Your family is JUDGEMENTAL against us Catholics!

    • @melissapeters7691
      @melissapeters7691 6 лет назад +1

      Aj Jingco who r u? I haven't judged anybody. God Loves Catholics too & God Bless u & ur family. That statement alone just proved how quick u as a person are judgemental. We won't be judged as a congregation, we will be judged as our individual self & ur relationship with God

    • @melissapeters7691
      @melissapeters7691 6 лет назад +1

      Aj Jingco I have friends that are Catholic. I, myself, have never made a statement against a Catholic or the Catholic faith

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад +1

      Melissa Peters Not you just Protestants in general, because I am sick and tired of Protestants attacking my Catholic faith

  • @kellinwitte7343
    @kellinwitte7343 7 лет назад +9

    I was actually one of those people the girl described. I was self-righteous. I got in arguments in school with atheists about whether or not Christianity was real. I put down gays. I felt like it was my job to serve as judge and jury, but that wasn't my right. I feel horrible about what I did, the things I said to others. this girl is absolutely right and videos like this give me faith and courage to change.

    • @tinyx1084
      @tinyx1084 7 лет назад +1

      +KING KING Are you here to make an ass of yourself? Please leave.

    • @paulgrey8028
      @paulgrey8028 7 лет назад +2

      Good for you Lightning. The fact that you actually "feel horrible" shows that the lesson is one you'll never forget; what some would call 'soul-lesson', an awareness that's so imprinted on ones soul, that it changes the way one thinks & reacts.
      Judgemental Christians are a dime a dozen. May many learn from your example.

    • @jayanthkrishnan7618
      @jayanthkrishnan7618 7 лет назад

      Lightning Warrior935 great lesson you have learned. So join the movement and spread religion of love (and not religion of judging or preaching).

  • @martinherrera9440
    @martinherrera9440 6 лет назад +114

    i am with god till i die

    • @ayushsharma9270
      @ayushsharma9270 6 лет назад +1

      You are not choosing heaven?

    • @martinherrera9440
      @martinherrera9440 6 лет назад +1

      i still going to heaven

    • @ayushsharma9270
      @ayushsharma9270 6 лет назад +1

      But you said you are with god till you die, shouldn't you say I will be with god forever? Since in heaven you will be with god for eternity? :)

    • @martinherrera9440
      @martinherrera9440 6 лет назад +7

      Ayush Sharma i will be in heaven i love god forever

    • @martinherrera9440
      @martinherrera9440 6 лет назад +3

      Ayush Sharma god bless you ok you are a nice person (:

  • @michaeljmasseri973
    @michaeljmasseri973 6 лет назад +1

    I wanted to turn you on to a book called A Course in Miracles. I know that I if you just search for it on RUclips you can find it it's an audiobook as well as workbooks and a bunch of different stuff. The one I'm suggesting you check out the first part is about 23 hours long. The second one is about 11 hours. You may want to let it play at night maybe when you're laying down to sleep when you have time. But give it a chance I forget how it starts off it might start off a little slow but once it gets into things, you'll be so amazed at the knowledge and wisdom you'll gain from this book. Hey God bless you all! Stay strong and don't ever give up! And to everyone else reading this, give people a chance! Sometimes we just have to put our faith in the Lord

  • @FenderSchonJPX
    @FenderSchonJPX 8 лет назад +15

    I miss this girl. Too bad she was run off of RUclips for her own safety after she dared to talk abou8t homosexuality. She did it in about as loving way as you could possibly do and the gay nazifascists just destroyed her.
    Truly one of those of whom the world is not worthy.

    • @Gloop_Anderson
      @Gloop_Anderson 8 лет назад

      what are the gay nazifascists, people who hate gays or people who only want gays to exist?

    • @FenderSchonJPX
      @FenderSchonJPX 8 лет назад +5

      Gays who will crucify anyone that doesn't celebrate them and promote everything they do.

    • @FenderSchonJPX
      @FenderSchonJPX 8 лет назад +10

      Czarina Jacobs No kidding, but that's exactly what they say you are doing if you don't openly celebrate and promote it. So they clearly can't differentiate what you say is a huge difference, and I would venture to say that even though you say there is a huge difference you can't discern it either.
      She wasn't hating on anyone. What she said was with total love and respect and they attacked her like she was, well, as hateful and awful as they were.
      Take the Christian pizza makers. They would gladly make a pizza for gay people and do, they just didn't want to participate in a gay marriage(which is obviously celebrating homosexuality) and they were practically destroyed by the media and the gay Nazi's, death threats and all.
      These Sexual Nazi's have also sought to destroy old practically retired bakers and photographers, not just fine them and run them out of business but also strip them of their life savings, where at that age they would obviously be destitute for whatever would be left of their shortened lives.
      THAT is HATE pure and simple.

    • @KlutzyBoss
      @KlutzyBoss 8 лет назад +2

      They''re actually communists not nazis. Just a correction

    • @0CityHusky0
      @0CityHusky0 8 лет назад

      So what exactly did she say? Implying someone is a bad person because of their sexuality is not a nice thing to say, no matter how nicely you do so.

  • @benhur3315
    @benhur3315 7 лет назад +11

    I don't go to any churches or belong to any group but I believe in Jesus Christ. I would love you if you don't believe like me. I won't disdain you. "We need to love one another" that is the least thing we do sometimes

    • @kybescythe291
      @kybescythe291 7 лет назад +1

      same, i don't go to church, not only do we need to love one another but spread the word that heaven's people that are there accepted right now would be a beautiful place to be in-the brightest minds, the most noble people, all the greatest people who were good people would be truly the most vibrant place in whcih i mean heaven of course and when you ask it of god their that you want peaceful dreams while napping there or with great peace in other ways up there in the heavens.

    • @TheUnktomi
      @TheUnktomi 7 лет назад

      Well said. The kingdom of God is not contained within the walls of wood and stone, but all around us.- Angelina.
      Gospel of Thomas. (approx. translation:) Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me.

  • @filmeseverin
    @filmeseverin 7 лет назад +6

    Her message should be addressed to those who think about themselves that they are Christians when in fact they are not true Christians. Also the "love each other (love the others as yourself)" message should be addressed to ALL people. It is not enough just for Christians to love and respect the other people as they love and respect themselves, while so many people are tools of the fallen angels not loving and respecting the other people as themselves, being intentionally evil instead.
    Unfortunately, in this World, the true Christians will continue suffering like the lambs between wolfs.

  • @yeboyjayyjv9109
    @yeboyjayyjv9109 3 года назад +2

    Jesus loved everyone so we will love everyone too! So that is why we are trying to change them

  • @claytonking70
    @claytonking70 8 лет назад +22

    A message not to judge while judging all Christians.

    • @farsideness
      @farsideness 8 лет назад +4

      In the video, she explicitly stated that she was not referring to all Christians. It's sad that that one point, which is not even accurate, distracted your attention from the somber truth she highlighted.

    • @claytonking70
      @claytonking70 8 лет назад +2

      So basically she was just referring to herself then. She wasn't claiming to know what's in peoples heart when they preach to others.

    • @matman2001
      @matman2001 8 лет назад +2

      This was the exact Christian life I led and it cost me my wife. She always felt judged by me not loved. Now that she is divorcing me, I am learning what it means to love and why judging is so wrong.

    • @shiningdawn8578
      @shiningdawn8578 8 лет назад +7

      It either resonates with you... or it does not. By your comment, you fit the model of whom she was addressing. Why? Because you're nitpicking her behavior as a means to avoid/discredit her message.

    • @hoosierhiver
      @hoosierhiver 8 лет назад

      well put

  • @TwiztedTProductions
    @TwiztedTProductions 9 лет назад +33

    you can love people and share the word of christ. You share his word because you love them. when you tell a person that doesn't know God about Jesus you are actually letting the lord Speak through you.

    • @myviolentheart522
      @myviolentheart522 9 лет назад +3

      +Advanced Prime No, it's not OUR job to prove that God exists! That is God's doing. He decides, when and how he reveals his existence to someone. It's the duty of us Christians to spread awareness of God's rules and advice for a better life.

    • @hellofwiend1110
      @hellofwiend1110 8 лет назад +2

      Most of us are very familiar with religion. I was raised Lutheran and was actually becoming fairly active in my church. When I was in my late teens, I learned about other religions basically for the first time. That got me asking questions, questions that my pastor and the Catholic priest in town couldn't answer. I got to a point where I didn't see any evidence for God and didn't really believe in Him or organized religion. I was still going to church and praying but I felt like I was talking to myself. The only reason I stayed with it for as long as I did was because I didn't know there were so many people who weren't Christian I thought that I would be virtually alone. Every atheist/agnostic person I've met has a similar story. It's not that we don't know about God. We just don't feel the need worship like you do.
      I have no problem at all with religious people but I wish you wouldn't refer to nonbelievers as if they're just lost souls looking for meaning in their lives. We don't need to be saved and, quite frankly, it's rude to try to change someone to your religion, especially if you don't know anything else about them

    • @michaeldobson107
      @michaeldobson107 8 лет назад

      Hello fwiend *Most of us are very familiar with religion.*
      I would go as far to say that all of us are familiar with religion to varying degrees.
      *I was raised Lutheran and was actually becoming fairly active in my church.*
      I was a Southern Baptist for 45 years; an atheist for the last 17.
      *I was still going to church and praying but I felt like I was talking to myself*.
      Oh, how I know that feeling.
      *The only reason I stayed with it for as long as I did was because I didn't know there were so many people who weren't Christian I thought that I would be virtually alone.*
      I never met anyone who did not believe in god (or professed to believe in god) until I moved from the Bible Belt of the South to California.
      Talk about a shock to the system.
      *Every atheist/agnostic person I've met has a similar story. It's not that we don't know about God. We just don't feel the need worship like you do.*
      Hard to worship something you do not believe (or no longer believe) exists.
      *I have no problem at all with religious people but I wish you wouldn't refer to nonbelievers as if they're just lost souls looking for meaning in their lives.*
      Well said.
      I made my choice, please respect that.
      *We don't need to be saved*
      From what? lol. I always ask them that question.
      Usually leads into the "sin" and "hell" conversations.
      Two of my favorites ("morality" being the runaway favorite.)
      *and, quite frankly, it's rude to try to change someone to your religion, especially if you don't know anything else about them*
      Very well put.

    • @haroldkent6163
      @haroldkent6163 8 лет назад

      +Michael Dobson I just pray that you go back to Him and that He reveals to you that He really loves you. In our LORD Jesus' name, amen.

    • @michaeldobson107
      @michaeldobson107 8 лет назад +1

      Harold Kent *I just pray that you go back to Him and that He reveals to you that He really loves you. In our LORD Jesus' name, amen.*
      Not going to happen.
      But I appreciate the sentiment.

  • @CosmicButtBear
    @CosmicButtBear 10 лет назад +12

    As an atheist, sadly I can't change any of you Christians or believers of transcendent beings into thinking empirically, but I can love you as well. This is what it means to be a decent human being.

    • @farahsadiq90
      @farahsadiq90 10 лет назад +1

      priestMan like what? I just watched a video a few minutes ago and the man explained that yeah there was a big bang, and everything that we come to know now came into existence. But it doesn't just start from nothing. 0+0 can NEVER equal 1. You have everything there but it can't just come together on its own. An athiest may have answers for lots of things but unfortunately this is not something that they can answer. I think that on its own is enough to believe in the existence of a creater.

    • @priestolu
      @priestolu 10 лет назад +1

      farahsadiq90 Nah, we do not know what happened before the big bang. What if i claimed that the big bang was a result of two universes colliding, or that it came into being by the hands of a race of beings, or that this universe was created in a lab-type setting and is being observed by sentient beings. Or that the universe is part of an organism (the universe exists within an organism), e.t.c. Why not these. Because we cannot prove any of them and just like the Gods that men have created, have no real justification for them.

    • @priestolu
      @priestolu 10 лет назад

      farahsadiq90 It is okay to say we don't know because none of us really do...

    • @Dav-ys9rl
      @Dav-ys9rl 10 лет назад +1

      wow benny thats amazing man :) Jesus loves you man :D no matter what :D

  • @PsASunderRao
    @PsASunderRao 5 лет назад +62

    God Bless You Sister, keep loving God by doing Good deeds.
    Pastor. Sunder, Jesus Church, India

    • @arthas6663
      @arthas6663 5 лет назад +1

      God protect you.. from lebanese maronite 🙏✝️

    • @fitnessabdul6811
      @fitnessabdul6811 5 лет назад

      Consider islam

    • @robertjames7859
      @robertjames7859 5 лет назад

      god is not real

    • @redpill344
      @redpill344 5 лет назад

      @@robertjames7859 god is not real?..i wish that was true.. From an ex sorcerer 😈🙏🙏👍

    • @robertjames7859
      @robertjames7859 5 лет назад +1

      ​@@redpill344 there is no proof of god or satan

  • @oluwasogoenochawofeso1061
    @oluwasogoenochawofeso1061 6 лет назад +65

    Beautiful!!!! May God bless her.

    • @manoharnewrajodhpur5412
      @manoharnewrajodhpur5412 5 лет назад

      अवश्य मंगवाए निःशुल्क पुस्तक "जीने की राह" भारत ही नहीं पुरे विश्व के किसी भी कोने मै बैठे हो केवल अपना पुरा पता मोबाईल नम्बर देकर यह पुस्तक आपका जीवन में कई परिवर्तन ला सकती हैं।

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Joseph and Mary
      Easy to Understand Blood Line
      Point where Blood lines touch
      Abraham Abraham
      David David
      (Parental ) ( Maternal )
      Line Line
      Inter marriage
      Shealtiel Shealtiel
      Zerubbabel Zerubbabel
      Sons of
      Abiud 👈🏽 👉🏽 Rhesa
      Son in law to 👉🏽Heli
      Joseph 👈🏽 Virgin Mary
      Jesus was born !
      Holy Sprit provided the Male
      Side BY GOD
      Short Version
      Blood line of JESUS
      Basic Guidelines
      Mary does have Joseph blood
      Through her relationship as family.
      God Provided male Side

  • @SlimThrull
    @SlimThrull 7 лет назад +45

    If more people acted like this I'd be a whole lot more interested in what they have to say about other things.

    • @moa6081
      @moa6081 7 лет назад +5

      SlimThrull yea sadly most "Christians" don't obey the Bible but you can always find a real Christian by their actions

    • @oldmanonhill8366
      @oldmanonhill8366 7 лет назад

      I'm very sorry for you, but I'm sure she still loves you

    • @SlimThrull
      @SlimThrull 7 лет назад

      Victor Sutton Message deleted. Misunderstood to whom it was directed.

    • @oldmanonhill8366
      @oldmanonhill8366 7 лет назад

      I think accidentally the Macy's went to the wrong person I was talking about the person. Previous to you who using profanity. Sorry

    • @oldmanonhill8366
      @oldmanonhill8366 7 лет назад

      That was meant to be message. Another case of AutoCorrect

  • @MsCellobass
    @MsCellobass 8 лет назад +29

    Well welcome to the club!! NO ONE IS GOOD

    • @MsCellobass
      @MsCellobass 8 лет назад +10

      That is the beauty of the gospel God accepts you the way you are and because he is holy he sent his only Son to die for us all to take away sin. That way he is just and merciful to all. Salvation is not of works it's of faith in God to guide you in the narrow way in that you must be holy as he is holy and if you fail he is just and merciful to forgive if you admit your wrongs to Him. He desires that all come have faith in him and that no one remains lost.

    • @AlexRivera-nl3qy
      @AlexRivera-nl3qy 8 лет назад

      shut Ur fake ass up broo

    • @kayleamelcher8208
      @kayleamelcher8208 7 лет назад +2

      +Alex Rivera u need Christ

    • @AlexRivera-nl3qy
      @AlexRivera-nl3qy 7 лет назад

      I do lol

    • @lugato88
      @lugato88 7 лет назад

      Picco bow yes. there are good people and plenty of them. there are no perfect people. only Christ was perfect, but good people are all over. there is a difference.

  • @porthoel
    @porthoel 5 лет назад +17

    Yes true Jesus loved everybody but as humans you supposed to love people at a distance if they don't want to believe in God

    • @pelomocho8567
      @pelomocho8567 4 года назад +1


    • @porthoel
      @porthoel 4 года назад

      @@pelomocho8567 no you're wrong very correct

    • @pelomocho8567
      @pelomocho8567 4 года назад +1

      @@porthoel support that with any sort of biblical proof please. As a matter of fact Jesus came to LOVE the non believers!

    • @malcolmfernandezxacts7793
      @malcolmfernandezxacts7793 3 года назад


  • @sparklesthecat6507
    @sparklesthecat6507 7 лет назад +33


    • @sparklesthecat6507
      @sparklesthecat6507 7 лет назад +3

      neither was I but I know he loves you and me both.

    • @PaulA-zp7hn
      @PaulA-zp7hn 6 лет назад

      Sparkles The Cat You have no proof that "jesus" existed, let alone that he "died on the cross". Also, how do you know these people have "sinned"
      Why are you christians so afraid of evidence and logic? Why are you afraid to use your mind? Surely it is rude not to use a gift that your "god" gave you. Surely remaining ignorant by not using the gift of intelligence is an insult to your "god".

    • @PaulA-zp7hn
      @PaulA-zp7hn 6 лет назад +1

      Brick Master the concept of "god" is not something that I rule out at all and I completely agree that "god" could have been the one to put the big bang there. I have nothing to disprove "god" and there is logical reasoning to suggest that "god" might exist. You are right,the big bang had to come from somewhere. But this is the point, I concede that I cannot be sure just as you cannot be sure and the fact is that none of us can be sure. And I don't understand why humans cannot just leave it at that lovely mystery. Why do most religious people have to dodge logic and science just to have closure on the question of our origins or our destiny at the terrible expense of the truth?
      My biggest issue is when people claim to know this or that just because it was written in an old story book. what many religious followers fail to admit is that their "holy" books were written during times when humans had little understanding of the world and little science to explain it. So, the amazing stories you have in the bible are largely created on imagination as there was little science to give any other explanation. In fact, the bible is a completely understandable account of events considering the time during which it came about. However, most of that in the BIble can be written off as myth. I even concede Jesus may have existed but not as some divine being, but as an enlightened but mortal man.
      Sorry that was long and I am tripping over myself here because I may have finally found a religious person who just might listen to logic.

    • @PaulA-zp7hn
      @PaulA-zp7hn 6 лет назад +1

      Brick Master Consider this you say "I would much rather live believing in something than nothing" but look at the things you value here. What you value is the the community, the people, the doing good and being good. I appreciate that and thats great. Eveyrone should value these great things. But religion is not necessary to have these things. I am a good, compassionate and loving person and my moral compass is doing fine without the "guidance" of any "holy" book. In fact, so much murder has been committed in the name of this religion or that religion that it is quite clear to me that religion is doing more harm than good. a few hundred years ago it served a purpose, but it doesn't anymore. And if "God" is there, we don't need religion to get to him.
      On being wrong, well Imagine this: when I die, if "god" were to confront me and say, "why did you not believe in me earlier?" My response would be, "well, there are over 4000 different religions so how on earth am I supposed to know which one is the correct one? I have almost 4000 chances to be wrong which is a lot. On top of that, you gave me no reason or indication other than that which was written in a book which is no longer relevant and I have no idea whether it was truly your word or not".
      Humans cannot be blamed for getting it wrong if it turns out that we are wrong. There is too much choice and consider that most of that choice is not decided by us, but decided by our parents and the country we grew up in and the culture. If you were born in Saudi Arabia, you would more than likely be a muslim and so circumstance choose this for you, not you yourself. So, would "god" punish you for being born in the wrong country and therefore getting the religion wrong? Would god punish you for being born to Atheist parents who decided not to introduce religion at all? If your religion is the correct one, what about all those "poor" souls born in India, or Iran, or the UAE. In this case, has "god" left them behind?
      Finally, consider that we were given intelligence and free will and our intelligence has caused us to invent science which in turn caused us to ask for more evidence. An all knowing, all powerful "god" would understand this and would know that it is in our nature to ask questions and so without him giving us any evidence (which in this day and age, we demand) how could he expect us to believe blindly? Blind belief is going against our very nature which is to question, be rational and be intelligent. I personally think that "god" would be horrified if we believed blindly without reason or logic as this is not in our nature.

    • @PaulA-zp7hn
      @PaulA-zp7hn 6 лет назад +1

      Brick Master I have to disagree with what you are saying about "god" understanding / not understanding if you were faithful / not faithful. If "god" exists then he should understand that our nature (which he is supposedly responsible for) causes us to ask for evidence especially with the rise of scientific data. It would be the behaviour of a madman punish us for what is in our nature and what he supposedly gave us the ability to do. The idea that such things are a "test" is illogical as it goes against our very nature to have blind belief. In any case, if "god" is not a rational and logical being that can look at the bigger picture then I am not interested in knowing him anyways. If anything, a rational "god" should be proud that his "creation" had come so far and had become so intelligent. What "god" wants blind belief zombies that just do what they're told without asking for evidence? We may as well be primates in that case.
      It is the same as "sin". This is another very silly concept which was invented by man. If "god" wanted to give me hassle because I ate an extra hamburger one day or occasionally lied or I was lustful (all of which are part of our nature from time to time ) then I would not want to know such a narrow minded "god". If I was a glutton on a daily basis, or murdered on a daily basis or was a con man or was a bully my whole life then sure, send me to "hell". But for occasionally doing things that come naturally to me? No way. If "god" made me human then he should let me be human from time to time. If not then I am not interested in dealing with an irrational, control freak.
      Imagine this: you create beings, tempt them with something just so you can watch them fall for the temptation just so you can punish them. That is seriously disturbing behaviour. Behaviour that is not born of love but malignant intent. This is just like me holding a piece of bacon in front of my dog just so that I can watch him eat it just so that I can punish him for doing what comes natural to him. If "god" is like this then I will disown him and I have no interest at all. I would only be interested in meeting a rational, intelligent, understanding "god" with a sense of humor. Not a tyrant who imposes silly rules and punishes humans for humans being humans.
      Finally, the notion that the bible is the word of "god" is absurd. There is no logical reason to suggest that "god" would speak through certain people and not others. This would be "god" claiming that some are worthy while others are not. Once again, I would not even want to know a "god" that chose some people over others. Are you familiar with the book "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch? It is pretty controversial but the general idea is that "god" is speaking through this man and causing him to write this book. Now, this is no more ridiculous than the idea of "god" speaking through " biblical scholars". These people are delusional if they think that "god" has chosen them and is textbook delusions of grandeur or just plain dangerously delusional. I don't trust anyone that claims "god" has spoken to them or appeared before them as these people think they are more special than others.

  • @michaeldidomenico7
    @michaeldidomenico7 8 лет назад +5

    Emanuella, we all fail as we grow in stature. You have opened up her inner soul and let people know how you felt. That is also the Christian thing to do, and that can help you grow as a young woman

  • @rubistar726
    @rubistar726 8 лет назад +30

    the road to hell is paved with good intentions...

    • @MrIdasam
      @MrIdasam 8 лет назад

      ...and brimstone.

    • @georgezhou1705
      @georgezhou1705 8 лет назад +1

      *The road of hell CAN be paved with good intentions

    • @rubistar726
      @rubistar726 8 лет назад +1

      George Games
      that's not how the saying goes....so what's your point in trying to correct me? I especially like how you capitalized 'CAN' as if I am the jackass.

    • @muthemaori5899
      @muthemaori5899 8 лет назад +1

      oh yeah tell me about it so true!

    • @robertgash4555
      @robertgash4555 8 лет назад

      +David Simmons
      So what dose Gods workshop create??

  • @shadetreejoe-nickname.1308
    @shadetreejoe-nickname.1308 4 года назад +1

    Emanuella you have hit the nail on the head with the post you put out on the Christian person.100% correct. It took me many years more to what you have learned at your young age. I am 86 and take the exact view you sent out in a significant way. Everyone can understand this simple note you sent. Only God can save, not any human. He works through some humans, but as you say, pure love is the key. You are more pure Christian than many, I know. You are my true Christian friend in Christ. You love God and he loves you, just another key. You are helping many people and they will answer your Christian logic.

  • @khadijamuslimah715
    @khadijamuslimah715 8 лет назад +217

    I am a muslim, but I liked the video!

    • @simonaigilorixing-xun9922
      @simonaigilorixing-xun9922 8 лет назад +12

      doesnt matter wat relegion u are..i beleive in god..but i also beleive that we are all humans and have feelings and thoughts..i wud respect muslims the way i respect christians..after all, we are all humans..

    • @khadijamuslimah715
      @khadijamuslimah715 8 лет назад +3

      Simon Aigilo

    • @MarkBH70
      @MarkBH70 8 лет назад +3

      +Khadija Muslimah Hi. :) Following God will lead all to truth. It's the heart that matters!

    • @lobo5727
      @lobo5727 8 лет назад

      +Khadija Muslimah god will bless

    • @KnightsTemplarChurch
      @KnightsTemplarChurch 8 лет назад

      +Khadija Muslimah ♥

  • @rakan200
    @rakan200 8 лет назад +15

    today i had debate in Arabic with two Muslim friends of mine. they started by asking me "brother you're Arab why don't you convert to Islam, it is the one true religion" to which i responded this is a sensitive topic lets drop it, but they started to preach to me. my response was some what controversial and i asked them, when you say "salah allah allayhi wa salam" who is bigger than god?? they said no one so, i asked them why would god pray on Mohammed? to which no answer. then they told me "I'm a good guy, they don't want to see me burn in hell when judgement day came".
    today i lost two friends ;(
    on a side note, i never open any religious videos and rarely read the bible, but somehow they video was on top of my recommended list. maybe it was a sign to just have accepted their comments and not take it to heart.
    will start a new chapter tomorrow, thank you for this wonderful video

    • @isaiah9757
      @isaiah9757 8 лет назад +1

      You stood up for what was right. I applaud you!

    • @okpo2826
      @okpo2826 8 лет назад +3

      You clearly do not know your arabic. the translation of the salawat is (O Allah! Send Your Blessings upon our Master Muhammad and his folk and grant peace).
      before you criticise a religion that i based on the arabic language go learn arabic.
      Islam is the religion of truth. Muhammad is just a messenger and thats what you find throughout the Quran the word of God.
      There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah

    • @rakan200
      @rakan200 8 лет назад +2

      +M EL 2 malak habibi, irja3 tarjimha sa7, aslan ana 3arabi.
      we abil ma tit7abil fil inglisy faker abil ma ti7ky
      fil 3arabi;
      salah allaho 3aleyhi wa salam -> la meen allah bisaly?

    • @okpo2826
      @okpo2826 8 лет назад

      بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على أطيب الخلق محمد ابن عبدالله وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين اما بعد، فيما يخص مناطرتك مع صديقيك المسلمين، فانه لمن البديهي ان جهل الانسان في علم ما لا يعكس باي حال من الأحوال وجود نقص او عيب في هذا العلم وهذا بالطبع امر لا يختلف فيه عاقلان، وهذا ينطبق على مسألتك، فجهل صديقيك المسلمين كان واضحا في موضعين: الاول في عدم مقدرتهما على تفسير معنى الصلاة على النبي و ثانيهما في ادعائمها انك ستدخل النار لكونك غير مسلم. اما بالنسبة لموضوع النقاش، بما أنك تدعي بمعرفتك الواسعة في اللغة العربية وأصولها فلا بد انك تعرف جيدا مدى بلاغة وثراء وتنوع الفاظ اللغة العربية، حيث ان معنى الكلمة الواحدة قابل للتغير بتغير الموضع والسياق. وبالطبع هذا ثابت في اساسيات اللغة العربية ولن أخوض في مواضيع الجناس والطباق لان موضوع حوارنا ابسط من ذلك بكثير. يختلف معنى كلمة الصلاة باختلاف أماكن استخدامها وكلها في النهاية عائدة في اصل اللغة ل "الدعاء" كما هو وارد في المعجم الوسيط. بعض استخدامات كلمة الصلاة في مواضع مختلفة يتضمن ما يلي: الصلاة من الله على البشر ويعنى بذلك الرحمة المقرونة بالتعظيم ورفع درجاتهم كما ذكر في سورة الأحزاب أية رقم ٤٣. ٢- الصلاة من الملائكة على المؤمنين تكون بداعي طلب الاستغفار للمؤمنين من الله. ٣- الصلاة من المؤمنين على المؤمنين تأتي بمعنى الدعاء كما ورد في سورة التوبة آيه رقم ١٠٣ ٤- الصلاة من البشر الى الله هي الصلاة المخصوصة والمقرونة بأوقات محددة اما بالنسبة للصلاة على النبي، تأتي بداعي ثناء الله عليه عند ملائكته وبقصد رفع قدره ودرجاته. وذكر ابن حجر في كتابه الجوهر المنظم حين تحدث عن معنى الصلاة والسلام انها تأتي معنى الرحمة المقرونة بالتعظيم. اذن صديقي لا ارى اي موضع للإشكال ولطالما أدى التسرع في الحكم على الأمور من دون بحث او برهان الى عدم التوصل الى الحقيقة المبتغاة. هدانا الله و اياكم الي ما فيه الصلاح والخير دائماً.

    • @okpo2826
      @okpo2826 8 лет назад

      الصلاة من الله على البشر ويعنى بذلك الرحمة المقرونة بالتعظيم ورفع درجاتهم كما ذكر في سورة الأحزاب أية رقم ٤٣. ٢- الصلاة من الملائكة على المؤمنين تكون بداعي طلب الاستغفار للمؤمنين من الله. ٣- الصلاة من المؤمنين على المؤمنين تأتي بمعنى الدعاء كما ورد في سورة التوبة آيه رقم ١٠٣ ٤- الصلاة من البشر الى الله هي الصلاة المخصوصة والمقرونة بأوقات محددة اما بالنسبة للصلاة على النبي، تأتي بداعي ثناء الله عليه عند ملائكته وبقصد رفع قدره ودرجاته. وذكر ابن حجر في كتابه الجوهر المنظم حين تحدث عن معنى الصلاة والسلام انها تأتي معنى الرحمة المقرونة بالتعظيم. اذن صديقي لا ارى اي موضع للإشكال ولطالما أدى التسرع في الحكم على الأمور من دون بحث او برهان الى عدم التوصل الى الحقيقة المبتغاة. هدانا الله و اياكم الي ما فيه الصلاح والخير دائماً.

  • @michelleperry1996
    @michelleperry1996 6 лет назад +16


  • @michaelmooney3369
    @michaelmooney3369 5 лет назад +8

    yet if Gandhi did not accept Jesus he is lost.

    • @michaelmooney3369
      @michaelmooney3369 5 лет назад

      @Sydney Piper Bristow if you are a christian and are not warning people of the judgement to come you are not a true Christian and have no love for them. it would be as If you watched as someone stuck their hand in a fire without warning them you would be a loathsome person.

  • @FPWMLarry
    @FPWMLarry 10 лет назад +12

    Emanuella, I believe you just perfectly demonstrated the difference between knowledge and wisdom. "What we believe is far less important than what we give to others".

  • @jrhamblet
    @jrhamblet 10 лет назад +7

    I honor the Divine within you. Love is the key to humanity, no matter what you do or do not believe regarding God, Creator or Source. We are all part of the same organism called humanity. Bravo young lady. I also honor your Freedom of Expression as granted by the United States Constitution.

    • @jrhamblet
      @jrhamblet 10 лет назад +1

      And upon careful consideration, everything we think is real is just a belief until it is experienced and only then can we say we know. For those science buffs, in quantum physics it is said that nothing exists until it is observed.

  • @ChiTownOnDeck
    @ChiTownOnDeck 10 лет назад +25

    Great message but keep in mind, we need Jesus. Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation!

    • @christianrosier5454
      @christianrosier5454 10 лет назад +6

      Don't believe that kind of stuff, so I'm not worried that.

    • @frankleeseaux
      @frankleeseaux 10 лет назад +4

      Do not test your LORD sounds, and behaves a lot like, do not question authority, or whether or not an authority is deserved by that personhood.
      As a Christian, I got all my commandments from human authorities, who, when questioned, would point to the authority of the Bible. But, I don't think any of them ever bothered to ask, "Who invested authority in a collection of books, written by the fallible hands of Men?"
      When I realized that so many people have taken the practice of subjective interpretation of the scripture, I realized that the Bible simply cannot serve as a reliable source of authority under those conditions. At best, it can only serve as a starting point for questioning the nature of the world, and "How should I, as a person (never mind any divisive label, or ideology) best behave in this world to benefit myself and my fellows?"
      When I came to understand that, I understood also that all the labels and ideologies in the world added up, not to sources of behavior which are beneficial to us all, as humans, but rather serve only as lines of division, and justifications for derision and aspersions cast upon the excluded "other."
      So, regardless of label, our collective ideology should be much more inclusive of what this brilliant girl has writ to a bunch of scraps of paper.
      This, I say, as one of those atheists she used to despise.

    • @captainAUBS
      @captainAUBS 10 лет назад +8

      no you don't need jesus or the bible, you need to use your brain and that's it.

    • @lyanness
      @lyanness 10 лет назад +7

      God is love, and the one who lives in love lives in God and God lives in Him. Peace be with all. :-)

    • @christianrosier5454
      @christianrosier5454 10 лет назад +6

      Guinevere Jacobs It's almost as if you say without God, you cannot have morals or emotions of any kind. If you didn't intend this, please word it better...

  • @LocdInChrist
    @LocdInChrist Год назад +1

    Now I say I'm a follower of Christ rather than a Christian because a follower of Christ will do what he does. He loved the homeless, the prostitutes, the drunkards, etc. His message was repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. He was so loving and rebuked the Pharisees often for their judgments towards others. Your life of love will speak the message of his ministry. I apologize to all those who have been hurt by those who say I'm a Christian. Keep in mind no one is perfect that is why he died for our sins. He commands us to love one another, and that sometimes can be difficult when you are dealing with the unlovable. Remember, people will turn away from a self-righteous person but run to someone who displays Christ's love.

  • @mamurshed1
    @mamurshed1 9 лет назад +73

    God toch my heart like this girl. Ex muslim

  • @FormedandSmelly
    @FormedandSmelly 9 лет назад +23

    Jesus Millennial Kingdom that's coming soon is where there will be boundless love, and praising, all the time. But right now, here on earth, we are in a fight for the eternal souls of every man, woman, and child against the vast armies of Satan's demons, and devils who want to drag everyone they can into hell with them. So Christian, put on the Whole Armor of God, to be prepared for battle. Because we genuinely love one another, and wish that no one be lost. It's by sharing Gods Holy word that they may attain everlasting peace with Him. And not by phony, fake affection you see paraded around almost everywhere in the world today, which will only lead to eternal separation and damnation.

    • @pjtavares1970
      @pjtavares1970 9 лет назад

      Billy Blazer bud , there is nothing wrong in being childlike , it cleanse the soul

    • @FormedandSmelly
      @FormedandSmelly 9 лет назад +5

      I absolutely agree her message was sweet, but was trying more to address the comments that everyone will go to heaven. Seems to be a delusion more and more folks are under these days, because they no longer read their Bibles.

    • @JohnDoe-qm8un
      @JohnDoe-qm8un 9 лет назад

      Billy Blazer Are you a preacher?

    • @FormedandSmelly
      @FormedandSmelly 9 лет назад

      I don't get paid, why?

    • @FormedandSmelly
      @FormedandSmelly 9 лет назад +3

      First of all, proclaiming the Gospel, to the world, with love, is what Christians are commanded to do. Secondly, any religious message of "love" outside of Jesus Christ is a false message, and needs to be addressed appropriately. Thirdly, proclaiming the Gospel, to the world, in love, is what Christians are commanded to do. And lastly, "we" don't change minds or hearts, The Holy Spirit does.

  • @TinoGD
    @TinoGD 9 лет назад +28

    Hitting 2 million views! Probably changed lives! Makes me wanna do something like this!

    • @tommy.1002
      @tommy.1002 9 лет назад

      Adrian Tinoco Humble heart will do that.

    • @TinoGD
      @TinoGD 9 лет назад +1

      Tommy. Amen brother!

    • @kemosabi2237
      @kemosabi2237 9 лет назад

      Adrian Tinoco If this video changed lives...What does that tell you of the instability of the ones being changed? Only God can draw anyone.
      Thank you...Maranatha.

    • @andromedadelux
      @andromedadelux 9 лет назад

      Adrian Tinoco If you do it, you should send a message to people about suicide and make flashcards just like this and explain a deep story with contemporary rock to set the mood, anything thats a ballad. Then tell the story about how you attempted suicide but thought about god and survived. Make sure not to smile too much and leave your face expressionless, and whatever you do, don't talk.

    • @TinoGD
      @TinoGD 9 лет назад

      Andromeda Delux You're right! I mean I go on Kik and find random strangers and ask if they're alright and let them see the good things in life and me and my friend go out there and search for people who may be feeling depressed or suicidal and we tell them about God! All I need is a better webcam and I'll be able to do what I said and make the video! God willing!

  • @jaydutta7711
    @jaydutta7711 6 лет назад +29

    I'm not a Christian, but I'll say it's a great video with good messages. People please share this video to the world. Only the LOVE can save this world ❤

    • @spiritual9574
      @spiritual9574 5 лет назад +3

      Jay Dutta it’s not love it’s god and to have a relationship with him

    • @shubhambhardwaj6896
      @shubhambhardwaj6896 4 года назад

      😂 😂 omg such a ...... anyways.... 😂

    • @lettygonzales2199
      @lettygonzales2199 4 года назад

      @Jay Dutta It's Christ alone who will Save us. Having Faith in Jesus Christ can saved us.

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound

  • @phillytvdirector
    @phillytvdirector 10 лет назад +17

    2:14 Jesus did speak of love...She got it right!
    Without God or Jesus there is no Love. God is love!

    • @patriciahurt990
      @patriciahurt990 10 лет назад

      Christ form his Church with him at the head and 12 apostles, the bible tells exactly what his church was supposed to be like and named after.

    • @phillytvdirector
      @phillytvdirector 10 лет назад +2

      Patricia Hurt amen.

  • @lopezxavier417
    @lopezxavier417 8 лет назад +28

    Love the message! I also think your so beautiful!! And God made you with a lot of love.

    • @isthewiz25
      @isthewiz25 8 лет назад +1

      Thank you God Bless.

    • @shots2
      @shots2 8 лет назад +1

      or so now your god went all techie now...

    • @oliivagroft5975
      @oliivagroft5975 8 лет назад +1

      amen to that

    • @uratune8027
      @uratune8027 8 лет назад

      Lopez Xavier he isn't real though

    • @kennedykiser557
      @kennedykiser557 7 лет назад

      Lopez Xavier That's real weak man!

  • @chemicalbreath
    @chemicalbreath 8 лет назад +8

    The world needs more love and less hate. I am a born again christian. I do not judge. I do not hate. I will only tell you what I believe in the rest is up to you.

    • @jodaman1000
      @jodaman1000 8 лет назад +1

      Nice to hear something reasonable.

    • @mariojrbaculi9937
      @mariojrbaculi9937 8 лет назад

      you know what is born again christian?? think more

    • @yupyup1562
      @yupyup1562 8 лет назад +1

      There is a lot of pointing fingers going on about 'judgement.' Many do not understand judgement and believe that disagreeing with others or not condoning certain behaviors, or telling someone that the path they are on will lead to destruction, is judgement. Christians today are too afraid to not be PC or not follow the norm, and step back, keeping their mouths shut, afraid to possibly be accused of judging.
      I am a follow of Jesus Christ, and am a Born Again believer, child of God. Praise Jesus, for He alone is worthy of praise!!!
      As a Christian, I do judge. I judge by God's discernment....truth and lies, evil and sin, what is contrary to scripture, and what is pure and holy. That is what it means to be saved and under the influence of the Holy Spirit. I do not judge people's hearts or their salvation. That is what God does.
      It is impossible to tell someone of the Gospel of Jesus Christ without pointing out sin. We are all sinners. We all sin. Some sin is more visible, most is hidden, but we all sin.
      No one is good, no not one.

  • @Tide12NC
    @Tide12NC 5 лет назад +1

    Well put young sister 🙌🏼. I saw many girls do as you described. But not just them, I did as well. I’d tell people I was a Christian, I’d always try and be better then others, (while still sinning), mine was just not as bad as theirs were, (so I thought). Then at the age of 19, Jesus showed me I was lost. But He did it with the purist love I ever experienced. I cried out to Him to Save me, turned from the sins I was doing, confessed the sins I had done, and surrendered and put all trust in Jesus. He changed me that spring of 1994. It’s not about religion people, it’s a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the Son of God our Lord. 🙌🏼 Keep sharing young sister

    • @56username
      @56username Год назад

      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound
      Iron sharpens Iron
      Hidden Message in the
      Torah /Tanak / Bible
      You are Not Alone 😮☝️🤔😇
      Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32
      NAMES ---- Name
      Adam - Man
      Seth - Appointed
      Enos - Mortal
      Cainan - Sarrow
      Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
      Jared - Shall come Down
      Enoch - Teaching
      Methuselah -His Death shall
      Lamech -To Make /Low
      Noah -Rest / Favor /
      Name Meanings written in a
      Sentence 😳
      Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
      teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY , rest favor FULFILLED
      My Interpretation:
      Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔
      Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis ,Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
      Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God
      Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened
      Who is He ?
      Choose you this day whom you
      SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇
      Take my yoke upon you for it is LIGHT and EASY
      Jesus Loves You
      You are BORN AGAIN
      See you on the Clouds
      Rapture any Second
      Snatching away , have no FEAR it is not Death
      The Cross Hidden and
      Before and During the
      Ten Commandments were WRITTEN Exodus 20 : 17
      Make 3 columns
      | |
      Ask yourself why 4&5 didn’t start with THOU SHALT
      Run you finger around the
      1. Thou Shalt
      Have No
      Before Me
      2. Thou Shalt
      Not Make
      unto thee
      Any graven
      3. Thou Shalt
      Not take
      Name of the
      Lord in vain
      Remember 👈🏽4- 5👉🏽 Honor
      The Sabbath Thy
      Day to Keep Father
      It Holy. Mother
      6.Thou Shalt
      NOT KILL
      7. Thou Shalt
      8. Thou Shalt
      Not Steal
      9. Thou Shalt
      Not bear
      10. Thou Shalt
      This is why 4 And 5 do not have Thou Shalt
      Hidden for us ,Right NOW
      RUclips :
      Low Tech Bible
      Written on a cell phone by a Half blind man that can’t Spell and has fat fingers . I Try to spreading the Gospel
      Rapture Any Second
      Jesus loves You
      Be as a small child , just Believe
      You will be BORN AGAIN
      See you in Heaven 🤓
      By the Way Rapture any Second , what would you tell someone , just shot and Dying the has 30 seconds to live. 🤔😀
      10 seconds
      He’s about to die 😳😳😳
      Most People are Here NOW
      You Are BORN AGAN
      Heaven Bound