Gavin Belson: "It's weird. They always travel in groups of five. These programmers, there's always a tall, skinny white guy; short, skinny Asian guy; fat guy with a ponytail; some guy with crazy facial hair; and then an East Indian guy. It's like they trade guys until they all have the right group."
wtf is wrong with you? why are men so fkn sensitive? are you really that sheltered and over protected in a bubble? she isn't REMOTELY hostile, she's just chill. what a fkn manchild. go out into the real world and meet real, actual women who haven't been bullied into endless smiling and performing 'softness' to make men comfortable. you should feel embarrassed to have written that you clown.
he was enjoying it you psycho. imagine being so coddled by women pretending to be happy you think a real actual woman is a 'sad individual'. how are you such a vile misogynist? what a trashy way to talk about a woman.
Gavin Belson: "It's weird. They always travel in groups of five. These programmers, there's always a tall, skinny white guy; short, skinny Asian guy; fat guy with a ponytail; some guy with crazy facial hair; and then an East Indian guy. It's like they trade guys until they all have the right group."
A modern day creative genius
i didnt know the peter gregory actor passed and thats why he stopped showing up in seasons damn
Wow you can tell Mike Judge is from Texas he has that deep texan accent.
@@doctorfritznoel yeah he's from the abq
Wow, would never be able to hear that... when i think of texas accent i think of Beck Weathers in Everest
Who's the interviewer, Debbie Downer?
Hm, didn't seem too much of a downer to me, fwiw.
She's not any more depressed than anyone else who's been grinded and shit out of an impersonal industry, grow up.
Affirmative action in action
she's a normal person you're used to women who pretend to be happy to make men happy
The interviewer looks like a character from the show.
Where's the Y Comb talk Do's and Don'ts?
0:05 that handshake tho.
I know who she reminds me of, behaviour-wise... female David Brent. Same mannerisms.
Hostile interviewer, Mike’s too damn cool for it though.
She just another idealist journalist with no brain. Watch her try to tie #metoo into an episode that had nothing to do with that
wtf is wrong with you? why are men so fkn sensitive? are you really that sheltered and over protected in a bubble? she isn't REMOTELY hostile, she's just chill. what a fkn manchild. go out into the real world and meet real, actual women who haven't been bullied into endless smiling and performing 'softness' to make men comfortable. you should feel embarrassed to have written that you clown.
Hollywood and Silicon Valley
The interviews a pretty sad individual. I feel for Mike!
Derek N I agree, she’s an arrogant bitch.
He was smiling & chuckling - you're trippin
he was enjoying it you psycho. imagine being so coddled by women pretending to be happy you think a real actual woman is a 'sad individual'. how are you such a vile misogynist? what a trashy way to talk about a woman.