Never give up! One of the things that struck me most was the politeness between this couple. It is very rare to sit with a couple and the wife not interrupt her husband or the husband interrupt his wife. This interview was beautiful and the dynamic between them was admirable.
I cannot stop smiling, hearing this couple talk! I am so very happy for them. It makes me hopeful for my daughter, who is 38. Hashem will hopefully send her beshert soon. Never give up!!!
Wow, that was really nice! And I love that you went way longer than usual! Somewhere at thw halfway point, i was curious how mucj longer, expecting it to be over soon because it felt like it had been almost an hour, and because I really did *not* want it to be over yet(!), and i was so happy to see that it was only halfway through!! So thanky ou for that! I wish all tour interviews would be longer! I'm the type who loves longer interviews. And that Never Give Up! motto I hope to put into practice! Ots hard at times, but beH I'll take inspiration from Lavi, and keep thank Hashem for all the good I have. I also love hearing converts' stories, so thank you, Nechama, for sharing yours! Thank you, Yaakov, for another wonrerful episode! Oh, and Nechama, while watching your wedding video, I saw that it seems like you have a good relationahip with your family. Its always so beautiful and heartwarming to see when the family relationship doesn't change even through relgious differences. I'm guessing you and Lavi make a great Kiddush Hashem.
Never give up! And Nechama is exceptional in her abilities, her search for truth, and her ability to articulate what she has learned!! Besuros Tovos! A kesiva vachasima tova leShana Tova uMesuka to all who read this!
Enjoyed this thoroughly. What a charming sincere couple...true ovdei Hashem...a breath of fresh air. Never give up! -- as Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches!
Never give up. Just want to say that I love how both of them had/have a Rav that they trust and are confident has their back. To have Rabbeim that you trust and a community that supports you and believes in you is another gift you can thank Hashem for.
Here’s a true story. A couple of years ago my daughter was in shidduchim and it felt like nothing was happening. My husband has met lavi and he called him and asked for a bracha for my daughter. He gave a heartfelt beautiful bracha and said he would daven for her and my husband would daven for lavi. They both got engaged within a short time of each other. Unbelievable! Hakaras ha tov to lavi. He really feels for his fellow Jews
Amazing couple, beautiful story! Incredible hasgacha pratis, Hashem should bless you both with a lot of hatzlacha and brocha in all your ways! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and beautiful connection to Hashem and our Torah, your a true inspiration to us all!!! G-d bless you both❤️🥰
I've listened to every single episode of inspiration for the nation and while I always enjoy, I've never felt compelled to comment esp because I listed on Apple Podcasts. This was the best episode ever. What an incredible couple. Feeling very motivated and inspired. Thank you!
Point of clarification: Nechama stated that the old testament is the Tanach. Absolutely false, the old testament is the highly corrupted version of the Tanach which was altered to give it a christological appearance which is directly in prohibition of Deuteronomy 4:2. The old testament even changed the order of the three main sections of the Tanach from Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim, to the old testaments Torah, Ketuvim and Nevi'im. Absolutely sinister.
@@cianohaskfell5973christianity doesn't condemn you for questioning the inerrancy of Paul's letters. Question them. Question the other epistles too. Question the gospel writers. Don't believe everything you find bound in leather. Peel back the layers of man-made doctrine. Mark's gospel is especially clear that not even the first-hand audience of Jesus understood him fully or correctly. Think critically: _Who was Jesus?_ Questioning the claims of his deity or messiahship is _not_ a failure of faith, it is a requirement for anyone with logic and/or the Torah. "Failing" to _accept_ christianity's claims is _also_ not a failure, it is keeping the null hypothesis, which is a logical thing to do without sufficient proof. If Jesus really _was/is_ the messiah haMelech, he'll prove it to us when he's good and ready. Until then, we _have_ Torah. The only thing we're _certain_ about Jesus is that he was an orthodox Jew who had strong opinions about how to be a better orthodox Jew. If you _really_ want to honor Jesus, put the extraordinary claims about him onto the back burner _indefinitely_ and focus on Torah.
@~ 11:00 minutes, just want to point out that leining isn't "culturally Jewish", it is a takana both by Moshe (Monday and Thursday) and Ezra (Shabbat). "Culturally Jewish" anything is a myth.
This is real life, puts pure basic lifes blessings in prespective, on the other hand money, honor, luxury etc are all distractions & narishkeiten... Connection, love, chesed, these are the real hallmarks of life.
I need some help getting somewhere to a safe place there are many vicious dogs in this area seeking my life even my own family and neighbor people in this area connected to all of them
I will also advice : Don’t create god with your intellect , because you create an idol ( just not with your hands ) Believe in G-d in the Bible Oral Tora can be helpful in many ways to better understand some biblical concepts , and in some ways it is deceiving. That’s what a man’s mind can do unintentionally: deceive a person, because it never was and it never is or will be perfect With all respect: Oral Torah It’s not inspired by Ruach ha Kodesh Again Human intellect can be a blind guide Then the blind lead the blind As brilliant as a person may be , They need wisdom from G-d to interpret the Bible correctly This type of Wisdom is the greatest gift Christianity on the other hand created a separate religion, because of antisemitism that led to anti Judaism Both have enough human doctrines that need to be questioned and evaluated Anyway These are my discoveries because I studied both long enough Now I just stick to the Bible and use the wisdom only , that I find in Both ( if it’s biblical , matches with what’s actually written)
1:31:28 I know of another incident where lavi was in Z. berman and he paid for a girls sefer so that she should learn in his merit. Well, I'm starting to think that the owner of z berman should have gotten shadchanus money 😜. All kidding aside, he scored an amazing wife and I wish them all the happiness in the world!
Torah cleanses if you follow the commandments of the Torah. Do you offer animal sacrifice as commanded in Torah? Do you send a scapegoat to wilderness once a year for the atonement of sins as commanded in Torah? Do you stone to death homosexual, adulterer and disobedient son as commanded in Torah? God gave Jews Torah to follow it practically not just to talk about it.
@@ruth4019 Jesus asserted g-d gave us the Torah Laws to show our ineptitude without g-d FINALLY if a human really sets to follow Torah law he will fast realize the ridiculousness of the proposal and the sinfulness of himself.
Jesus is the name that the English translators of the nt chose, probably to avoid confusion. In the same way, they chose to use the name “Mary” instead of Miriam for the character’s mother. Per G’d, G’d is our Redeemer. If Jesus existed, he was an ordinary man, conceived in the usual manner. If he existed, Jesus was not the messiah because, per the nt, Jesus taught contrary to the Torah given by G’d.
Believe in True God. God sent His only Son to keep us OUT of hell by Christ's perfect sacrifice! God gives ALL mankind the freedom to choose heaven or hell, we choose heaven by clinging to Jesus, and trusting the finished work of the cross ... But people who decide to reject the Way to heaven the Lord Jesus. (THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD) have already CHOSEN eternal hell, PLEASE THINK ABOUT It, repent of your sins and FOLLOW JESUS! while it's STILL NOT too late!
@ruthietaylor8756 please read my comments below to another person for my perspective! We agree more than u know. According to Judaism a gentile must follow Noahide laws - there are 7. Problem is : it’s impossible to follow. If you understand Genesis u will understand this.
May it be Your will before HaShem (that is YHVH) that the sounding of the tashrat that we are blowing will be woven into the curtain of heaven by the hand of the minister Tartiel, like the name that You received by the hand of Eliyahu of blessed memory, and Yeshua Sar HaPanim and also the Minister Metatron and fill us up with mercy. Blessed are You who possesses all mercies
@RK-fz7qc Thank you so much for your response,sir. Please read Targum Jerusalem Deuteronomy 26:17 and Targum Jonathan Isaiah 52:13. May Hashem bless you in all things as in Targum Jonathan Genesis 24:1!!
@RK-fz7qc May I say to you one more thing,sir? As for me, the very concept called "Memra" entails very profound theme. Please read Midrash Tanchuma Buber Yitro 17:1 and Shir Hashirim Rabbah 1:2, Bamidbar Rabbah 10:1 and Genesis Rabbah 19:7 and Shir Hashirim Rabbah 5:1. May Hashem bless you !!
@@김지호-x8q-m9n what a nice little messianic “Jew” we have here. Isn’t it ironic that on a video about a woman saying that messianic Judaism wasn’t the real thing, we’ve got one trying to convert actual Jews in the comments? LOL. Anyways, those sources are actual Jewish sources so the ones that mention G-d mean the actual G-d. And the one that mentions atonement is talking about actual atonement, something actual Jews take very seriously. And the ones that mention the messiah mean the actual messiah who hasn’t come yet, the one from the house of king David, the tribe of Judah. Not Jesus. And the ones that mention “Him” (like the shir hashirim one you put as a source) are talking about the actual G-d, not Jesus. Can I ask you a question, my dude? Why are all the Jesus references in the “New Testament” all so specific and use his name etc. while the “Old Testament” sources so vague and honestly quite a stretch? Hmmm? Could it be because those sources AREN’T TALKING ABOUT HIM LOL?
Christians leaving Christianity is prophesied in the New Testament before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 King James Version 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Anti-Christ will come for a short period and then the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will take place.
@@yperkin1016 A human cannot be born of a virgin and rise again from the dead. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and rose again from the dead on the third day from his crucifixion. Jesus Christ was divine, God's Own Son.
@@ruth4019 ( Respectfully), The problem with that is being born of a "Virgin " rather than a Human direct Descendant of King David , means that he cannot be a Messianic King of Israel.eclared And, "ARising" from the dead is both possible ( as is Prophetically d
Declared in the Promised Prophesy of the Vale of Dry Bones and accured by the hand of Elisha the Prophet at G-d's Will. ( so ...not on a level of Deiafection )...While , the constant reiterated Declaration of Almighty G-d as well as in Prophesies remains "...And it shall be said and it Will that Almigbt G-d will be King
"And it will be that ( Jhva) the Almighty shall be King over all the Earth , on That Day ...The Almighty Shall Be One, and His name One!" ( So , let us rejoice ...for just as The Almighty brought his People ( himself ; and not by the hand of an Angel nor Heavenly creature) out of Egypt with His "strong -arm" , so too will He ( Himself ) battle for His People Israel ( against Evil that come against Jerusalem to make War upon Him ) and be Established as One !"( amen....)
@@ruthietaylor8756 he was without sin thus proving he was not a human - he was g-d incarnate as flesh - his sacrifice is not human sacrifice -/ it is g-ds forgiveness incarnate before ur eyes through the perfect sacrifice. Ur belief that he was human is errant according to Jesus himself - did u pray and ask Hashem to reveal the truth ?? Or are u relying on ur own learnings biases understandings???
@@ruthietaylor8756 In Isaiah 53 the suffering servant is dying for the sins of others.Following you logic, Isaiah 53 is paganism which depicts the suffering servant dying for the sins of others or the suffering servant is an animal ? Isaiah 53:12 King James Version Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
she and her husband spoke by my school and it left a great impact! im so happy to see her again!!
Love how he praises H” at every detail of his life! ❤
Agreed. Many people, self included, would wallow in depression and self-pity under these horrendous challenges.
Never give up! One of the things that struck me most was the politeness between this couple. It is very rare to sit with a couple and the wife not interrupt her husband or the husband interrupt his wife. This interview was beautiful and the dynamic between them was admirable.
Baruch HaShem! All of your guests are inspiring; these two are the beyond inspiring. Never give up. 🕊✡️❤️
I cannot stop smiling, hearing this couple talk! I am so very happy for them. It makes me hopeful for my daughter, who is 38. Hashem will hopefully send her beshert soon. Never give up!!!
Thank you Yaakov for bringing Lavi back! This is so beautiful to see!
Kol Hakavod to you, Nechama, for pushing for the great results 🎉
Wow what a powerful interview ❤ thank you
This was so inspirational! Perfect program for Elul. May Hashem continue to bless Am Yisrael !
Wow, that was really nice! And I love that you went way longer than usual! Somewhere at thw halfway point, i was curious how mucj longer, expecting it to be over soon because it felt like it had been almost an hour, and because I really did *not* want it to be over yet(!), and i was so happy to see that it was only halfway through!! So thanky ou for that! I wish all tour interviews would be longer! I'm the type who loves longer interviews.
And that Never Give Up! motto I hope to put into practice! Ots hard at times, but beH I'll take inspiration from Lavi, and keep thank Hashem for all the good I have.
I also love hearing converts' stories, so thank you, Nechama, for sharing yours!
Thank you, Yaakov, for another wonrerful episode!
Oh, and Nechama, while watching your wedding video, I saw that it seems like you have a good relationahip with your family. Its always so beautiful and heartwarming to see when the family relationship doesn't change even through relgious differences. I'm guessing you and Lavi make a great Kiddush Hashem.
It was nice to bump into Lavi on Shavuis in Bait Shemesh. Just watching him with all that energy was so inspiring.
Never give up! And Nechama is exceptional in her abilities, her search for truth, and her ability to articulate what she has learned!! Besuros Tovos! A kesiva vachasima tova leShana Tova uMesuka to all who read this!
@@sarakaplan3396 🌸🌷💕🌹💜 Chasima Tova to you
Never give up! Interesting episode.
Enjoyed this thoroughly. What a charming sincere couple...true ovdei Hashem...a breath of fresh air. Never give up! -- as Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches!
Never give up. Just want to say that I love how both of them had/have a Rav that they trust and are confident has their back. To have Rabbeim that you trust and a community that supports you and believes in you is another gift you can thank Hashem for.
What an articulate, inspiring young women!!!! Very inspiring!!! They are an amazing couple!!😊
Here’s a true story. A couple of years ago my daughter was in shidduchim and it felt like nothing was happening. My husband has met lavi and he called him and asked for a bracha for my daughter. He gave a heartfelt beautiful bracha and said he would daven for her and my husband would daven for lavi. They both got engaged within a short time of each other. Unbelievable! Hakaras ha tov to lavi. He really feels for his fellow Jews
Never give up. I hope Lavj gets his eyesight back so he can see how truly beautiful his wife is! What a lovely woman.
Never give up. Wow! Everyone has an amazing shidduch story. This one is AMAZ8NG!! Sending love from Johannesburg, South Africa
Amazing couple, beautiful story! Incredible hasgacha pratis, Hashem should bless you both with a lot of hatzlacha and brocha in all your ways! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story and beautiful connection to Hashem and our Torah, your a true inspiration to us all!!! G-d bless you both❤️🥰
Amazing stories from both of they. Never give up!!
His sense of humor is priceless!
Never give up. This was an amazing video. Amazing. May Hashem continue to bless them to inspire others. Toda rabah.
Never give up!
Great episode!! that story at the end with the shushing during davening....priceless 😂.
Amazing people!!! Tnx
I absolutely love this special couple & their beautiful divine story.
What an inspiration!! Both of them!!
Such a beautiful, brave and thirsty for truth woman. A tzadik and a tzadika 💗🌷💜
Never give up. Thank you
Never give up! Great interview!
Wow!! Never give up ❤
Your wife is your best friend for life. ❤
Prayers for this husband and wife! 💕💕🙏🙏
Such amazing insight!!! Thanks for sharing
Another amazing and uplifting episode. This one was a 2 in 1 ;)
Thank you to you and your amazing guests!
There is NOTHING like the Jewish people!! Incredible episode!!
Never give up! 💗
Beautiful ❤
What an amazing couple!!!
Never give up. A very inspirational story
Bh. Nice happy.❤❤❤
Never give up 👊
I've listened to every single episode of inspiration for the nation and while I always enjoy, I've never felt compelled to comment esp because I listed on Apple Podcasts. This was the best episode ever. What an incredible couple. Feeling very motivated and inspired. Thank you!
Point of clarification: Nechama stated that the old testament is the Tanach. Absolutely false, the old testament is the highly corrupted version of the Tanach which was altered to give it a christological appearance which is directly in prohibition of Deuteronomy 4:2. The old testament even changed the order of the three main sections of the Tanach from Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim, to the old testaments Torah, Ketuvim and Nevi'im. Absolutely sinister.
the table of contents is not the divine part
51:18 No Lavi, its the greatness of YOU that make Klal Yisroel rejoice 🎉❤
Gevald! Never give up!
Never Give Up!
Kent State University is in Kent Ohio. 3 of the 4 students killed were Jewish. The student paralyzed was not Jewish.
Never give up!!
It's not a disability
Rather it's a challenge. One he obviously can rise above🎉❤
Never give up ❤
This is beautiful I wish I cold find my match in judaism I USED to be Christian 6 yrs ago love ❤️ who I am now Jewish
You Never Was Christian , because if you are you Never abandoned The Savior Crist the law is good but the law dont save nothing!
@@cianohaskfell5973christianity doesn't condemn you for questioning the inerrancy of Paul's letters.
Question them. Question the other epistles too. Question the gospel writers. Don't believe everything you find bound in leather.
Peel back the layers of man-made doctrine. Mark's gospel is especially clear that not even the first-hand audience of Jesus understood him fully or correctly.
Think critically:
_Who was Jesus?_
Questioning the claims of his deity or messiahship is _not_ a failure of faith, it is a requirement for anyone with logic and/or the Torah.
"Failing" to _accept_ christianity's claims is _also_ not a failure, it is keeping the null hypothesis, which is a logical thing to do without sufficient proof.
If Jesus really _was/is_ the messiah haMelech, he'll prove it to us when he's good and ready.
Until then, we _have_ Torah. The only thing we're _certain_ about Jesus is that he was an orthodox Jew who had strong opinions about how to be a better orthodox Jew.
If you _really_ want to honor Jesus, put the extraordinary claims about him onto the back burner _indefinitely_ and focus on Torah.
Paul isn't the messiah.
It's Okay to question/doubt what he said.
Start there and your journey will lead to Torah.
@@davidh4374” Paul wasn’t the Messiah”?
Who said Paul was the Messiah?
@@davidh4374Jesus the Messiah is the king of Israel, his Redeemer.
Which christian cult was this? I am writing a thesis on cults and their structures I'm interest to know
Maybe Messianic Judaism
@@jasminponcelopezno it’s more specific. Messianic Christianity, sadly is pervasive.
@~ 11:00 minutes, just want to point out that leining isn't "culturally Jewish", it is a takana both by Moshe (Monday and Thursday) and Ezra (Shabbat). "Culturally Jewish" anything is a myth.
This is real life, puts pure basic lifes blessings in prespective, on the other hand money, honor, luxury etc are all distractions & narishkeiten...
Connection, love, chesed, these are the real hallmarks of life.
1:40:10 I thought you were referring to when Moshiach comes!!!
Never give up.
I need some help getting somewhere to a safe place there are many vicious dogs in this area seeking my life even my own family and neighbor people in this area connected to all of them
What is the What'sapp number to be added to Levin group chat?
Never give up
never give up
Blesz you
I was looking for the WhatsApp information but I dont see it
Never give up!
I will also advice :
Don’t create god with your intellect , because you create an idol ( just not with your hands )
Believe in G-d in the Bible
Oral Tora can be helpful in many ways to better understand some biblical concepts , and in some ways it is deceiving. That’s what a man’s mind can do unintentionally: deceive a person, because it never was and it never is or will be perfect
With all respect:
Oral Torah It’s not inspired by Ruach ha Kodesh
Human intellect can be a blind guide
Then the blind lead the blind
As brilliant as a person may be ,
They need wisdom from G-d to interpret the Bible correctly
This type of Wisdom is the greatest gift
Christianity on the other hand created a separate religion, because of antisemitism that led to anti Judaism
Both have enough human doctrines that need to be questioned and evaluated
These are my discoveries because I studied both long enough
Now I just stick to the Bible and use the wisdom only , that I find in Both ( if it’s biblical , matches with what’s actually written)
ומה משמעות של בּ אתה כבר יודע?
Levi your my Rebbe !
She faught for her man before she met him😭😭😭😭
1:31:28 I know of another incident where lavi was in Z. berman and he paid for a girls sefer so that she should learn in his merit. Well, I'm starting to think that the owner of z berman should have gotten shadchanus money 😜. All kidding aside, he scored an amazing wife and I wish them all the happiness in the world!
Torah cleanses if you follow the commandments of the Torah.
Do you offer animal sacrifice as commanded in Torah?
Do you send a scapegoat to wilderness once a year for the atonement of sins as commanded in Torah?
Do you stone to death homosexual, adulterer and disobedient son as commanded in Torah?
God gave Jews Torah to follow it practically not just to talk about it.
@@ruth4019 Jesus asserted g-d gave us the Torah Laws to show our ineptitude without g-d FINALLY if a human really sets to follow Torah law he will fast realize the ridiculousness of the proposal and the sinfulness of himself.
The NT is based on Greek mythology, the original and only true bible is the Hebrew one, mistranslated to create Christianity
Baruch Hamekadesh Shemo barabim
Long live lsrael❤
What does yoshkuh mean? Asking for real.
Thumbnail needs work
thanks for this episode! Could you please post the WhatsApp/email links that Mrs. Greenspan mentioned?
İsrail ❤
Maybe you should follow the bible not people!
It is joshua... not jesus.
We are not looking for salvation.
We are looking for a redeemer.
Jesus is the name that the English translators of the nt chose, probably to avoid confusion. In the same way, they chose to use the name “Mary” instead of Miriam for the character’s mother.
Per G’d, G’d is our Redeemer.
If Jesus existed, he was an ordinary man, conceived in the usual manner. If he existed, Jesus was not the messiah because, per the nt, Jesus taught contrary to the Torah given by G’d.
Nope. Hebrew name is “yeshu”
“Yehoshua” is a completely different name
Yoshke 🙄cringe.
Jesus Christ loves you.
Believe in True God. God sent His only Son to keep us OUT of hell by Christ's perfect sacrifice! God gives ALL mankind the freedom to choose heaven or hell, we choose heaven by clinging to Jesus, and trusting the finished work of the cross
... But people who
decide to reject the Way to heaven the Lord Jesus. (THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD) have already CHOSEN eternal hell, PLEASE THINK ABOUT It, repent of your sins and FOLLOW JESUS! while it's STILL NOT too late!
The woman's story is my story. Except I am one step further ahead. I don't think you need to 'become' Jewish to BE Jewish.
@ruthietaylor8756 please read my comments below to another person for my perspective! We agree more than u know. According to Judaism a gentile must follow Noahide laws - there are 7.
Problem is : it’s impossible to follow. If you understand Genesis u will understand this.
How are the noahide laws impossible to follow?
May it be Your will before HaShem (that is YHVH) that the sounding of the tashrat that we are blowing will be woven into the curtain of heaven by the hand of the minister Tartiel, like the name that You received by the hand of Eliyahu of blessed memory, and Yeshua Sar HaPanim and also the Minister Metatron and fill us up with mercy. Blessed are You who possesses all mercies
Ehhh so a Jews for j kinda thing?
@RK-fz7qc Thank you so much for your response,sir. Please read Targum Jerusalem Deuteronomy 26:17 and Targum Jonathan Isaiah 52:13. May Hashem bless you in all things as in Targum Jonathan Genesis 24:1!!
@RK-fz7qc May I say to you one more thing,sir? As for me, the very concept called "Memra" entails very profound theme. Please read Midrash Tanchuma Buber Yitro 17:1 and Shir Hashirim Rabbah 1:2, Bamidbar Rabbah 10:1 and Genesis Rabbah 19:7 and Shir Hashirim Rabbah 5:1. May Hashem bless you !!
@@김지호-x8q-m9n what a nice little messianic “Jew” we have here. Isn’t it ironic that on a video about a woman saying that messianic Judaism wasn’t the real thing, we’ve got one trying to convert actual Jews in the comments? LOL. Anyways, those sources are actual Jewish sources so the ones that mention G-d mean the actual G-d. And the one that mentions atonement is talking about actual atonement, something actual Jews take very seriously. And the ones that mention the messiah mean the actual messiah who hasn’t come yet, the one from the house of king David, the tribe of Judah. Not Jesus. And the ones that mention “Him” (like the shir hashirim one you put as a source) are talking about the actual G-d, not Jesus.
Can I ask you a question, my dude? Why are all the Jesus references in the “New Testament” all so specific and use his name etc. while the “Old Testament” sources so vague and honestly quite a stretch? Hmmm? Could it be because those sources AREN’T TALKING ABOUT HIM LOL?
Christians leaving Christianity is prophesied in the New Testament before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
King James Version
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Anti-Christ will come for a short period and then the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will take place.
Yoshka fulfilled the law of Moshka, which commanded animal sacrifice and scapegoat rituals for the atonement of sins, among other rituals.
Not True. Human Sacrifice is the antithesis of Torah described animal- Sacrifice....
A human cannot be born of a virgin and rise again from the dead. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and rose again from the dead on the third day from his crucifixion. Jesus Christ was divine, God's Own Son.
( Respectfully), The problem with that is being born of a "Virgin " rather than a Human direct Descendant of King David , means that he cannot be a Messianic King of Israel.eclared
And, "ARising" from the dead is both possible ( as is Prophetically d
Declared in the Promised Prophesy of the Vale of Dry Bones and accured by the hand of Elisha the Prophet at G-d's Will.
( so ...not on a level of Deiafection )...While , the constant reiterated Declaration of Almighty G-d as well as in Prophesies remains "...And it shall be said and it Will that Almigbt G-d will be King
"And it will be that ( Jhva) the Almighty shall be King over all the Earth , on That Day ...The Almighty Shall Be One, and His name One!"
( So , let us rejoice ...for just as The Almighty brought his People ( himself ; and not by the hand of an Angel nor Heavenly creature) out of Egypt with His "strong -arm" , so too will He ( Himself ) battle for His People Israel ( against Evil that come against Jerusalem to make War upon Him ) and be Established as One !"( amen....)
Yoshka fulfilled the law of Moshka which commanded animal sacrifice and scapegoat ritual for the atonement for sins,and more rituals.
No human can die for the sins of others, pure paganism
@@ruthietaylor8756 he was without sin thus proving he was not a human - he was g-d incarnate as flesh - his sacrifice is not human sacrifice -/ it is g-ds forgiveness incarnate before ur eyes through the perfect sacrifice. Ur belief that he was human is errant according to Jesus himself - did u pray and ask Hashem to reveal the truth ?? Or are u relying on ur own learnings biases understandings???
@@ipt3000 idolatry! 10 commandments ONE God! Do not add or take away! Praying to anything or anybody else is idolatry
In Isaiah 53 the suffering servant is dying for the sins of others.Following you logic, Isaiah 53 is paganism which depicts the suffering servant dying for the sins of others or the suffering servant is an animal ?
Isaiah 53:12
King James Version
Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Jesus Christ was no other God than God the Creator.Jesus Christ was part of God. You have body, voice and soul but aren't you one?
Beautiful couple beautiful stories giving so much inspiration in positive energy BH.
Bracha V’hatzlacha BZH.
כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה בעזה״ש
Please the link to his "no talking while davening" whatsapp group
A yid in love with H” ❤️🩹