From a gameplay standpoint, the main things you gotta work on are D, combos, and using your jukes to achieve devious movement. Jukes enable superdashing in to bait attacks, by juking back to kill the momentum while using one of mutant's projectile moves. Also, shred sucks ass in combos, great neutral tool, but always look for hard knockdowns or ways to continue pummeling your opponent instead of shredding. Keep in mind, if you jump towards an opponent with 3 frames to spare, that's enough for a grab, which is extra damage and a hard knockdown. Hope this helps!
jesus this must have taken hours
yeah, imagine how many times the game paused
Cal be gaming up in here damn
From a gameplay standpoint, the main things you gotta work on are D, combos, and using your jukes to achieve devious movement. Jukes enable superdashing in to bait attacks, by juking back to kill the momentum while using one of mutant's projectile moves. Also, shred sucks ass in combos, great neutral tool, but always look for hard knockdowns or ways to continue pummeling your opponent instead of shredding. Keep in mind, if you jump towards an opponent with 3 frames to spare, that's enough for a grab, which is extra damage and a hard knockdown. Hope this helps!
thanks for the tips. I've played like 20 hours now but there's till so much more to learn.
What .2 damage does to a man