The year that I spent working & living in Budapest was the most special time of my life. Wonderful city, wonderful people. I hope the river level quickly recedes without any further inconvenience or damage.
Budapest is safe. Because the redesign of the river bank after the deady 1838 floods, water cannot enter the city, as you can see it remains within the lower bank. People casually can walk around and watch the river while eating watermelons and ice cream.
@@coolgabe64 Yes, the people in the upload seem totally unconcerned about the height of the river. I look forward to being able to eat out on the banks of the Danube very soon:)
@@tiffer67 , I was born and raised in Budapest, now in the US but I visit when I can. Enjoy your stay. The river will top out tomorrow it will get much lower pretty fast actually.
My dear friend, our ancestors, when the Bunaparti system was built based on the experiences of the great flood of 1838, still stands today! It is true that many places need to be changed, but that can only be solved by money. Thank you for your feeling together :-)))). I also packed the bags because this is my country! Because in times of trouble, the Hungarians come together!
Svaka cast MADARI ako je tako slizno. Usput receno trebaju reci Madari ovaj vas Premjer Orban je pravi. Zasto se zove sistem Bonaparte i dali se mislo na Fracuski vojkovodu. ....
You can do what you want No matter = no change ! Your nation is under judge ! Peace No turning back ! No more Mercy ! No more time ! The cop must be drunk ❗❗❗ Remember sin lovers !
Your money is worthless because you cannot by your Salvation, Eternal life. PLEASE ! DO not be lie or deceiver ! Thank you ! Ex: You have money can stop Donuble ? ...or deadh ?
The good fortune of Budapest is that they have organized the banks of the Danube well and got off lightly. Anyway, it breaks my heart to see such a gorgeous city in dire straits. Salutari din Romania, va tinem pumnii stransi.
Yes luckily the past teached our architects about how to build in Budapest the river bank and bridges smart to be unaffected. However within Budapest and out of it at some places within the flood zone (e.g. on islands) the flood did some damages and flooded houses, but it was expected so nobody was in danger. Hopefully the Danube flood will be even less serious when it reaching Romania and Serbia so it will be harmless. 👍
Do not worry everyone, the situation is still pretty much under control. The flooded lower height sections are designed the way that these could be flooded from time to time.
@@grSpyridon sorry, but my comment was not a political one. Besides I am not on the side of Orban but pretty much against him (hope we can remove him from politics). Only 20% of Hungarians are Orban fans. Also hoping for the victory for Ukraine. But this was truly not the topic here.
I was at the Parliament yesterday because I work nearby. Even the visitor's centre on the -1 floot at Parliament is open, everything is under control. 💪
no, no, no... the world is falling apart, the climate is changing, half of the city of Budapest is destroyed, people are laying on the streets, everything in this country is coming to an end, Orban definitely has nothing under control...a message from and eco-teero.---rt, sponsored by another teero.---st Soor-rooss
My dear friend, our ancestors, when the Bunaparti system was built based on the experiences of the great flood of 1838, still stands today! It is true that many places need to be changed, but that can only be solved by money. Thank you for your feeling together :-)))). I also packed the bags because this is my country! Because in times of trouble, the Hungarians come together!
Im@@gabornovak1498 I am wory about this wotter level becouse that H2O is runing to my country. I looked your wideos for a few days and I saw your strugle for defens and wish you to keep in bettl аnd all the best!
The lower and upper quays on both sides of the Danube were designed in downtown Budapest, where the Danube is the narrowest - only 300-500 meters wide, so that it can withstand a 9-meter rise in water level. It was the last highest in 2013: 891 cm, while in 2006 it was 860 cm. This year, the Danube peaked at 830 cm. Only the Lánchíd tram underpass and the Batthyány tér underpass must be closed: the metro does not stop there, and the H5 HÉV (suburban train) runs from the Margaret Bridge.
Only the lower river bank got flooded which is actually designed to do this very job in case of flooding. After the 1838 massive flood, they redesigned the entire river bank so water cannot enter the city. Budapest is safe.
Milyen nyugodt mindenki ... 🥰 A szakemberek, katonák, önkéntesek mindent megtettek, amit csak lehet és az emberek biztonságban érzik magukat. Jó látni. KÖSZÖNJÜK! ❤ 🙏
szeretnéd eltárolni ezt a szennyvizet, ami most idezúdult, és ezzel öntözött zöldséget enni? Három ország kimosott lakossági, kórházi és ipari szennyvize van benne.
@@freebozkurt9277 Az interneten szájkaratéhoz . A bűnbak kereséshez . És őőő panaszkodáshoz . Egy levegővel el tudod mondani hogy orbánmészátosstadionfelcsútvíztározólopádpaks2pegazus444telexhazudnakfidess .
Hi Arwin Tours! First of all, beautiful videos and this one specially very informative! You have a new subscriber here!! My name is Camila and I'm from the Chilean-Argentinian news agency LANA. We are doing a report about the floods in Budapest and we want to ask you if we can use a few seconds of your video (with the correct credit/source of Arwin Tours as appropriate, and a link to your profile). Thanks in advance and all my best!
Make sure you do not misinterpret what you see. This flooding is normal (stil), the lower embankments of the river are designed to be flooded. Car and tram traffic stops during these times, electricity is isolated (switched off) and when the floods recedes we clean up everything and all is back to normal. In some parts of Budapest you can see submerged houses too but those are also built in flood zones and supposed to be designed to manage floods (eg. the basement and the lower floor is a "boat storage" and not a living quarter). The flood still damages these properties though (you have to clean up, paint the walls again, floating trunks might break windows etc.) but this is the price to live right next to such a huge river. So everyhing is normal over here.
Do not rely on this video, nor the texting. He must be drunk saying things. Budapest is not flooded. The embankments are designed this way so the river have enough space to grow for the last 150 years. Better to ask people first who were born here and are not liars.
Polski Rzad daje milony dla Ukrainy, amfibie,, sprzet ratunkowy bezplatnie a nie potrafi %budowac zabezpieczen przed powodzia..okropnosc zeby nie dbac o wlasny kraj!
Great video, thanks! I have fled to the countryside for the duration (to avoid the traffic chaos), unlike 2013 when I was still young enough to help ...
Fantastic shots! Congratulations! I live 50km west of Budapest, I would have liked to see the Danube this way myself, but unfortunately I didn't have the time.
That's a good proof that those riverbank roads can be closed down/given to pedestrians all year round without major inconvenience for traffic, kinda similar to what happened in Paris over the past decades.
Yes, but not just because that... the current during a flooding is also way to strong to allow safe sailing on the river, the ferry services also stopped everywhere during the flooding due to this reason. If i recall the current was 4 tiems stronger than its normally (and the Danuba already have a pretty strong current to begin with in Hungary)
While it is true that the Bunaparti plans for flood-proofing the Danube were prescient, our current climate change disasters (worldwide) are proving that even with these mitigations, it is nowhere near enough to protect our cultural treasures - and in Oceania/Indian Ocean areas, human life. Tragic, but preventable.
Этим миром правит Дьявол, лжец и убийца. Поэтому лжецы и убийцы хорошо живут, а честных людей преследуют. Поэтому Гитлер обманул свой народ лживыми нацистскими идеями, пришел к власти и много лет оставался лидером державы мирового уровня, убив множество людей, а Христа казнили по доносу духовенства за "богохульство" и "бунтарство". Поэтому существует Благая весть о Божьем царстве: Наш Создатель, Иегова бог, назначил царя, Иисуса Христа, который наведет порядок. Даже мертвые будут воскрешены и мы увидим всех, кого потеряли. :-)
It flooded in December, June and now. But this is the biggest one so far. This is the most extreme year in Hungary ever, I don't remember any year when we had 2 floods then extreme heat and drought in the summer and then historic floods in autumn. This year is so messed up.
@@ArwinToursArwine, drago mi je da si snimio ovo. Drago mi je da Budimpešta ima dobru odbranu od poplave 😊❤ sad si samo 120 daleko od mog grada 😊❤ ne gledam tv, pa ne znam kako će ovaj piplavni talas proći kroz Republiku Srbiju. 😊❤ Hvala Ti i pozdrav od Teodore iz Vrbasa kod Novog Sada 😊❤
Thank you for sharing this information. These disasters will end in a great cataclysm. The book "Hercolubus or Red Planet" by V.M. Rabolu, gives us the keys to save ourselves from the great catastrophes that will come, you can read this book in PDF in several languages.
yeah, floods in Hungary are like Hurricans in Florida, you know they gonna come, and you even know the seasons when they usually come... And occasionally a Big One comes from time to time too, just like in this chase... Hence why Hungary is way more prepared to handle floods than basically anyone else in Central Europe, we literally have Mountaisn around us flushing the melting snow and rain down into our neck all the time... If we wouldnt learned hwo to deal with it we would have drowned ages ago... Just like how the Dutch are masters of keeping the sea in check we are masters at keeping the rivers in check by neccesity
@@ArwinTours I live in Budapest too, as I have for the last 38 years. I understand that for you, it may seem like a flood every time the Danube rises, but if you're actually a local, you know this happens regularly and that the city and the urban agglomeration are pretty much already prepared for it. What is happening right now is totally different. In comparison, the rise in water levels last December didn't reach the second-degree flood alert, which starts at 700 cm, but right now we have levels around 870-890 cm, which is deep in the third-degree category. That's what we call a flood in Budapest.
@mrwakacorp it does not happen regularly.. cmon now... I was here in 2013 that last time it got this high and even June it never got this high. I live on carl lutz rakpart for the last 17 years so its my morning routine to check it out.
@@ArwinTours i mean, he is technically right, floods happen in Hungary (due our geogrpahic location... khm, beeig surounded by mountains on all side) all the time (in fact its happen 2 times a year regularly). We just outright ignore the smaller ones... For us, a "flood" is like what happened in September or 2013 and 2012 (aka, the BIG ones). Thats what he means "normal", the other 2 floods, not this one, we jsut dont even register the smaller ones, just like how an american would barely register a tornado warning to their entire region, UNLESS a specific tornado alert was issued for their town or they are hearing the tornado siren...
@@attilaedem101 How do you consider the other 2 "normal" floods? The one in January the Rakpart was completely submerged. In June businesses and roads were forced to shut and it did overflow. None of this has happened since 2013 the big one. I have a video of the first one if you want to compare. It was all over the news not just in Hungary but abroad as well. Or maybe I am just noticing it more...the view from my window is literally the Danube.
@@evagondor that's what a flood is. When a river's water level is raising and it bursts it's banks. And it did already two times this year and this is the third time it just happens to be bigger
@@Stangler96 yes but spring time the snow melts and the water came. Than when there is a big rain, the water also came.... Nothing suprising... The question is how high the water is......
Beautiful country but this is so sad to see. Some of these people should not be so close to any rising water or flooding. Sending prayers to the people of Hungary and hope the flooding stops soon and the cleanup begins. From the USA!
Nem kéne tudatlanul támadni. Elég csak megnézni a megyei vízügyi igazgatóságok honlapjait, és látható, hogy az elmúlt 10 évben 30 víztározó épült. Csak Vas megyében 2. Legutóbb a DOZMATI tározó, illetve a KŐSZEG-LUKÁCSHÁZA tározó. De ezen kívül például van a RÉPCE folyónak egy szükségtározója, ami BÜK-GÓR tározó nevű, és 350 hektár terület, a tározóban közel 10 millió m3 víz tartható vissza szükség esetén.
Jer mapalle Pierre, Evacuate people to emergency communal living quarters, provide food water and shelter, showers and toilets and safety, await the dryout assess then the big cleanup. cassavaweather.
That is hard, but it those roads were designed to be under water whenever the flood is coming. We are preparing of course. But IT is not serious like I in Poland and Czechia.
I live in Budapest. The city is planned for this flood, can't you see everybody is calm on the video? No problem at all every now and then the Danube raise this high, had to flood areas before the city but this is what you see is the managed level and it is all OK And yes LIKE it because very good video!
Gledao sam prije ovog vala da je kod parlameta Dunavu je trebalo 10 cm da se prelije na setaliste ispred palameta. Pa se pitam onako prosto razmisljsjuci dali se moze podici neki zidic pola metra ili metar ispre parlamete i inace uz rijeku gdje je naj kriticnije. Gdje samo malo treba da se prelije preko korita rijeke. Sta taj gradonacelik Budipeste radi????? Ali opet se mislim da bi trebali Madari reci , hvala Bogu da nije kao u ostalim drzavama od Austrije do Rumunije. Tamo je katastofa.Trebaju Madari reci i dobro smo prosli. Samo ne znam jel to travaj ili mero i dali radi.
"So, you're stating that you ain't prostitute, but the faithful wife of anonymous trinity of the Husband? I'm so sorry about that unfortunate misunderstanding, ma'am..." The God sees and remembers everything then there will be the Judgment. Exodus 20: 14: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Here is Christ's question, Mathew 15: 3: "But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" Malachi 2: 1-4: "And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith Jehovah of hosts, then will I send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings; yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Behold, I will rebuke your seed, and will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your feasts; and ye shall be taken away with it. And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant may be with Levi, saith Jehovah of hosts." (ASV) A women say "the Husband has no name". Another ones say "the Husband has many names". Some of women "love the Husband in all his manifestations" like: neighbour, taxi driver, coworker, and so forth. Some women in a Husband-fearing way call him "H-D"... But, all of those prostitutes say "the Husband is the only". Their prostitution has created another women saying "there is no Husband at all". Then they even talk about "trinity of the Husband" and they are not against "the Son taking the Husband's place". In the same way religious prostitutes try to hide their disgusting fornication with different gods. Furthermore, a correct pronunciation of the Name is unknown now. This is the “loyalty” of traitors! Here is the God's word spoken through Moses, Deuteronomy 11: 16-17: "Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; And then the LORD's wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the good land which the LORD giveth you." So, the God says there are other gods, but blind leaders of blind lead people into trap. Names of an idols/false gods are well known: Zeus, Rempha/Chiun, Aurora, Baal, Moloch and many others. "Jesus" means "Jehovah is salvation". This is the name of Christ real christians are hated for. "HalleluJah" means "Praze Jah" (Jehovah). Psalm 83: 18: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." (KJV) The problem is Devil runs the world. He is liar and murderer. This is the reason why liars feel so good while righteous people are persecuted. That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. He has anointed the king, Jesus Christ. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our beloved ones again! :-)
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros would have been an ecological disaster. Water will never enter Budapest because the design on the river bank. This is as far as it will ever go.
The year that I spent working & living in Budapest was the most special time of my life. Wonderful city, wonderful people. I hope the river level quickly recedes without any further inconvenience or damage.
Budapest is safe. Because the redesign of the river bank after the deady 1838 floods, water cannot enter the city, as you can see it remains within the lower bank. People casually can walk around and watch the river while eating watermelons and ice cream.
@@coolgabe64 Yes, the people in the upload seem totally unconcerned about the height of the river. I look forward to being able to eat out on the banks of the Danube very soon:)
@@tiffer67 , I was born and raised in Budapest, now in the US but I visit when I can. Enjoy your stay. The river will top out tomorrow it will get much lower pretty fast actually.
My dear friend, our ancestors, when the Bunaparti system was built based on the experiences of the great flood of 1838, still stands today! It is true that many places need to be changed, but that can only be solved by money. Thank you for your feeling together :-)))). I also packed the bags because this is my country! Because in times of trouble, the Hungarians come together!
Svaka cast MADARI ako je tako slizno. Usput receno trebaju reci Madari ovaj vas Premjer Orban je pravi. Zasto se zove sistem Bonaparte i dali se mislo na Fracuski vojkovodu. ....
👍best wishes❣
You can do what you want
No matter = no change !
Your nation is under judge !
No turning back !
No more Mercy !
No more time !
The cop must be drunk ❗❗❗
Remember sin lovers !
And your nation Will come from judgment as holy:) :) 😀
Your money is worthless because you cannot by your Salvation, Eternal life.
DO not be lie or deceiver !
Thank you !
You have money can stop Donuble ?
...or deadh ?
The good fortune of Budapest is that they have organized the banks of the Danube well and got off lightly. Anyway, it breaks my heart to see such a gorgeous city in dire straits. Salutari din Romania, va tinem pumnii stransi.
Yes luckily the past teached our architects about how to build in Budapest the river bank and bridges smart to be unaffected. However within Budapest and out of it at some places within the flood zone (e.g. on islands) the flood did some damages and flooded houses, but it was expected so nobody was in danger. Hopefully the Danube flood will be even less serious when it reaching Romania and Serbia so it will be harmless. 👍
Два раза был в Будапеште.Великолепный город,самый красивый Парламент в Европе.Людям терпения удачи здоровья
А я посетила до ковида 24 страны. В мечтах и планах были Венгрия и Португалия. Но увы!!!
Have you seen the Romanian Parliament? 🙂
Do not worry everyone, the situation is still pretty much under control. The flooded lower height sections are designed the way that these could be flooded from time to time.
No one worries. Dictator Orban will save you
@@grSpyridon sorry, but my comment was not a political one. Besides I am not on the side of Orban but pretty much against him (hope we can remove him from politics). Only 20% of Hungarians are Orban fans. Also hoping for the victory for Ukraine. But this was truly not the topic here.
I was at the Parliament yesterday because I work nearby. Even the visitor's centre on the -1 floot at Parliament is open, everything is under control. 💪
no, no, no... the world is falling apart, the climate is changing, half of the city of Budapest is destroyed, people are laying on the streets, everything in this country is coming to an end, Orban definitely has nothing under control...a message from and eco-teero.---rt, sponsored by another teero.---st Soor-rooss
Good luck, friends of Hungary, everything will get well.
Valjda vas neće poplaviti ,svako dobro vam želim pozdrav iz Republike Srpske
No because the ingenious design of our ancestors.
Beautiful safe and clean country
What a beautiful city.
Powerful Danube, good luck hungarians!
My dear friend, our ancestors, when the Bunaparti system was built based on the experiences of the great flood of 1838, still stands today! It is true that many places need to be changed, but that can only be solved by money. Thank you for your feeling together :-)))). I also packed the bags because this is my country! Because in times of trouble, the Hungarians come together!
Im@@gabornovak1498 I am wory about this wotter level becouse that H2O is runing to my country. I looked your wideos for a few days and I saw your strugle for defens and wish you to keep in bettl аnd all the best!
The lower and upper quays on both sides of the Danube were designed in downtown Budapest,
where the Danube is the narrowest - only 300-500 meters wide, so that it can withstand a 9-meter rise in water level.
It was the last highest in 2013: 891 cm, while in 2006 it was 860 cm.
This year, the Danube peaked at 830 cm.
Only the Lánchíd tram underpass and the Batthyány tér underpass must be closed:
the metro does not stop there, and the H5 HÉV (suburban train) runs from the Margaret Bridge.
Only the lower river bank got flooded which is actually designed to do this very job in case of flooding. After the 1838 massive flood, they redesigned the entire river bank so water cannot enter the city. Budapest is safe.
Greetings from Redondo Beach 🇺🇸🇺🇸Wonderful place and nice video🌷🌷
We stand in prayers with you! We love you hungarians ( Slovakia)
I hope the floods didnt cause too much damage for Slovakia ether. 🙏
Seems the Danube water is high but it did not enter the city.
Yes... it will never do.
Milyen nyugodt mindenki ... 🥰
A szakemberek, katonák, önkéntesek mindent megtettek, amit csak lehet és az emberek biztonságban érzik magukat. Jó látni. KÖSZÖNJÜK! ❤
Mit, te ökör! Úszik az apartman!
@@tittavargaPeti te vagy? 🤮🤮🤮
Liniștea dinaintea furtunii!
Talán nem ...
De Te ezt szeretnéd?
@@evafejes1427 no way. I pray for You! 🙏
much better than wienna,,, Budapest was build in proportional to some big floads can comming ....
Thank you Arwin for covering this😢
Much love to Hungary 💕🙏
Ezért kellett volna már réges régen víztározó rendszert kiépíteni az egész országban. A szárazság idején milyen jól jönne ez a sok víz.
Felesleges. Az alsó rakpart erre lett kitalálva az 1838-as árvíz után.
szeretnéd eltárolni ezt a szennyvizet, ami most idezúdult, és ezzel öntözött zöldséget enni? Három ország kimosott lakossági, kórházi és ipari szennyvize van benne.
Van aki ehhez jobban ért .. nem tartozol ezek közé . De a stadionozás és az okoskodás mellet el fér ez is természetesen .
@@adamdemilaci mert te vagy aki megmondja, hogy ki mihez ért? Na halljam akkor én mihez értek, lássuk mit tudsz!
@@freebozkurt9277 Az interneten szájkaratéhoz . A bűnbak kereséshez . És őőő panaszkodáshoz . Egy levegővel el tudod mondani hogy orbánmészátosstadionfelcsútvíztározólopádpaks2pegazus444telexhazudnakfidess .
Zajímavé záběry... Pozdravuji z Česka
No good but Budapest will survive this too! 👍💪
Красивый город, всем удачи и здоровья!
Wow....look so beautiful. thanks for showing us
Hi Arwin Tours! First of all, beautiful videos and this one specially very informative! You have a new subscriber here!! My name is Camila and I'm from the Chilean-Argentinian news agency LANA. We are doing a report about the floods in Budapest and we want to ask you if we can use a few seconds of your video (with the correct credit/source of Arwin Tours as appropriate, and a link to your profile). Thanks in advance and all my best!
Make sure you do not misinterpret what you see. This flooding is normal (stil), the lower embankments of the river are designed to be flooded. Car and tram traffic stops during these times, electricity is isolated (switched off) and when the floods recedes we clean up everything and all is back to normal. In some parts of Budapest you can see submerged houses too but those are also built in flood zones and supposed to be designed to manage floods (eg. the basement and the lower floor is a "boat storage" and not a living quarter). The flood still damages these properties though (you have to clean up, paint the walls again, floating trunks might break windows etc.) but this is the price to live right next to such a huge river. So everyhing is normal over here.
Do not rely on this video, nor the texting. He must be drunk saying things. Budapest is not flooded. The embankments are designed this way so the river have enough space to grow for the last 150 years. Better to ask people first who were born here and are not liars.
Polski Rzad daje milony dla Ukrainy, amfibie,, sprzet ratunkowy bezplatnie a nie potrafi %budowac zabezpieczen przed powodzia..okropnosc zeby nie dbac o wlasny kraj!
Yay! Looking good! :)
Hála az elődeinknek, hogy túl tervezték a védműveket!
Yes, i visited today, last week i visited but i saw nothing and beautiful canary but today I'm just surprise to see flood
It won't go further. The design of the lower bank ensures that.
Great video, thanks! I have fled to the countryside for the duration (to avoid the traffic chaos), unlike 2013 when I was still young enough to help ...
Very nice!
Néhány nap, és elfelejtjük.
Belgrade and Romania get ready!
We are ready. We have two massive dams in the Iron Gates Gorge.
Szerdára jelzik a Mohácsi tetőzést!
Fantastic shots! Congratulations! I live 50km west of Budapest, I would have liked to see the Danube this way myself, but unfortunately I didn't have the time.
Быть может, в ожидании следующих наводнений, стоит углубить фарватер Дуная?
Várj, míg felkel majd a nap ☀️
Wasn't the Danube really low for a couple years about 5 or 6 years ago?
So beautiful
Hello from Paris..😢
That's a good proof that those riverbank roads can be closed down/given to pedestrians all year round without major inconvenience for traffic, kinda similar to what happened in Paris over the past decades.
Bro, the water is really high, it got even to the parliament building? Damn. Hows the metro doing?
Some station may will be closed, next to the Danube.
@@nikocat2008 Lets hope it wont affect infrastructure. But it shouldnt be that bad.
@@JakubSlovensko they closed the stations. They put wagons with heavy weight there against the water pressure.
But IT is already over.
Hello Arwin. may I use some of this images for a video in my channel? Of course i will credit you ♥ thank you
And what situation was in Szeged that time?
Przykro mi, że Braci Węgrów też nie oszczędzła powódź tak jak i nas, Pozdrowienia z Polski,Wroclaw. Ria Ria Hungaria !!!😥
Another artery of the Danube should be built that can only be opened during floods to keep the water overflowing on the main artery.
So have the river cruises stopped because they can’t go under the bridges?
Yes, but not just because that... the current during a flooding is also way to strong to allow safe sailing on the river, the ferry services also stopped everywhere during the flooding due to this reason. If i recall the current was 4 tiems stronger than its normally (and the Danuba already have a pretty strong current to begin with in Hungary)
3rd time? When was the other 2 flood I wonder? :)
2013-ban, de volt 2006-an magas vízállás, 1838-ban viszont elárasztotta a 1/4 országot.
@@margitsallay7159 "3rd time this year...." Bonyolult dolgok ezek. :(
Budapest is not flooded. Stop spreading panic.
But where are this images from, then?
@@Danny_Gigi5454 - Are you too lazy to search for info yourself? 😂
Budapest is beautiful. Amazing city. Powerful Danube has give life to Hungarian (Hun, Sons of Atilla The Turk ) settlers from Central Asia.
It's the same all over the world. In my home town, big flood usually come once every 4 years. It's now 4 times EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN YEAR
I was wondering if you know that flying a drone in Hungary requires a strict permit.
While it is true that the Bunaparti plans for flood-proofing the Danube were prescient, our current climate change disasters (worldwide) are proving that even with these mitigations, it is nowhere near enough to protect our cultural treasures - and in Oceania/Indian Ocean areas, human life. Tragic, but preventable.
Camera type? Thanks
Боже помози им.
Köszönjük szépen ! Úgy legyen .Üdvözletem Magyarországról 💝
Этим миром правит Дьявол, лжец и убийца. Поэтому лжецы и убийцы хорошо живут, а честных людей преследуют. Поэтому Гитлер обманул свой народ лживыми нацистскими идеями, пришел к власти и много лет оставался лидером державы мирового уровня, убив множество людей, а Христа казнили по доносу духовенства за "богохульство" и "бунтарство".
Поэтому существует Благая весть о Божьем царстве:
Наш Создатель, Иегова бог, назначил царя, Иисуса Христа, который наведет порядок. Даже мертвые будут воскрешены и мы увидим всех, кого потеряли. :-)
government needs to stop cloudseeding.
Привет Рациональной Венгрии из России!!!👋😊
Успехов в борьбе с наводнениями!!!
Reméljük szerencsésen túljutunk ezen is !
Last time was 2013.... just to be clear.
@petenigma127 in flooded in June and beginning of the year. Not as bad as this but yes it happened. Check my previous videos.
It flooded in December, June and now. But this is the biggest one so far. This is the most extreme year in Hungary ever, I don't remember any year when we had 2 floods then extreme heat and drought in the summer and then historic floods in autumn. This year is so messed up.
@@ArwinTours yeah, every year theres a flood... so?
@@ArwinToursArwine, drago mi je da si snimio ovo. Drago mi je da Budimpešta ima dobru odbranu od poplave 😊❤ sad si samo 120 daleko od mog grada 😊❤ ne gledam tv, pa ne znam kako će ovaj piplavni talas proći kroz Republiku Srbiju. 😊❤ Hvala Ti i pozdrav od Teodore iz Vrbasa kod Novog Sada 😊❤
It is not a matter of course to upload a detailed video in 4k so that everyone can get an idea of what the situation is like.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this information. These disasters will end in a great cataclysm. The book "Hercolubus or Red Planet" by V.M. Rabolu, gives us the keys to save ourselves from the great catastrophes that will come, you can read this book in PDF in several languages.
There were always floods time to time, it is not a new thing.
yeah, floods in Hungary are like Hurricans in Florida, you know they gonna come, and you even know the seasons when they usually come... And occasionally a Big One comes from time to time too, just like in this chase... Hence why Hungary is way more prepared to handle floods than basically anyone else in Central Europe, we literally have Mountaisn around us flushing the melting snow and rain down into our neck all the time... If we wouldnt learned hwo to deal with it we would have drowned ages ago... Just like how the Dutch are masters of keeping the sea in check we are masters at keeping the rivers in check by neccesity
Én csak azt nem értem, h mit kell ezt ott nézni tömegesen?:D Ki a faszt érdekel?:D
I've been there in June....such a wonderful city...what a shame....
Mi a szégyen ebben, ez egy rossz dolog, de ezen is túljutunk, és ismét jó lesz, a magyar egy kitartó, erós nép!
@@bmargit-Arra gondolhatott, hogy "milyen kár" és nem a "szégyen" szóra. Az angolok sokszor használják így. 😊
@@Gloriousangels ok. Rendben van. Köszönöm
Walking on the rail tracks, what could possibly go wrong
Углублять русла рек, на уровень подъёма воды!!! Это ещё может повториться!!!
Wierzę ze będzie dobrze
3rd time this year? No.
@@mrwakacorp beginning of the year, again in June and now. I live in Budapest.
@@ArwinTours I live in Budapest too, as I have for the last 38 years. I understand that for you, it may seem like a flood every time the Danube rises, but if you're actually a local, you know this happens regularly and that the city and the urban agglomeration are pretty much already prepared for it. What is happening right now is totally different. In comparison, the rise in water levels last December didn't reach the second-degree flood alert, which starts at 700 cm, but right now we have levels around 870-890 cm, which is deep in the third-degree category. That's what we call a flood in Budapest.
@mrwakacorp it does not happen regularly.. cmon now... I was here in 2013 that last time it got this high and even June it never got this high. I live on carl lutz rakpart for the last 17 years so its my morning routine to check it out.
@@ArwinTours i mean, he is technically right, floods happen in Hungary (due our geogrpahic location... khm, beeig surounded by mountains on all side) all the time (in fact its happen 2 times a year regularly). We just outright ignore the smaller ones... For us, a "flood" is like what happened in September or 2013 and 2012 (aka, the BIG ones). Thats what he means "normal", the other 2 floods, not this one, we jsut dont even register the smaller ones, just like how an american would barely register a tornado warning to their entire region, UNLESS a specific tornado alert was issued for their town or they are hearing the tornado siren...
@@attilaedem101 How do you consider the other 2 "normal" floods? The one in January the Rakpart was completely submerged. In June businesses and roads were forced to shut and it did overflow. None of this has happened since 2013 the big one. I have a video of the first one if you want to compare. It was all over the news not just in Hungary but abroad as well. Or maybe I am just noticing it more...the view from my window is literally the Danube.
3 time? one time on 2024 so far
nope the last one was just a few months ago. It wasn't even close to this but there were two other floods in 2024
now is a food ,raising river is not That is normal
@@evagondor that's what a flood is. When a river's water level is raising and it bursts it's banks. And it did already two times this year and this is the third time it just happens to be bigger
@@Stangler96 yes but spring time the snow melts and the water came. Than when there is a big rain, the water also came....
Nothing suprising... The question is how high the water is......
it was the first time in this year but "okay"
So many bots in the comments lol. What you’re seeing here should deeply worry you. I’ll leave it at that.
Beautiful country but this is so sad to see. Some of these people should not be so close to any rising water or flooding. Sending prayers to the people of Hungary and hope the flooding stops soon and the cleanup begins. From the USA!
The lower streets are all that are flooded, which is fine. Long as the water doesn't rise another few metres...
😮Lábmosás kötelező, még a parlamenti népek nek is .A Duna vize frissít!!!
Csak három ország kimosott lakossági, ipari, kórházi szennyvize van most benne.
Hát igen, a régiek értették a dolgukat! A maiak víztározókat sem képesek létesíteni, csak a zsebüket tömni!
Nem kéne tudatlanul támadni. Elég csak megnézni a megyei vízügyi igazgatóságok honlapjait, és látható, hogy az elmúlt 10 évben 30 víztározó épült. Csak Vas megyében 2. Legutóbb a DOZMATI tározó, illetve a KŐSZEG-LUKÁCSHÁZA tározó. De ezen kívül például van a RÉPCE folyónak egy szükségtározója, ami BÜK-GÓR tározó nevű, és 350 hektár terület, a tározóban közel 10 millió m3 víz tartható vissza szükség esetén.
What a lie! Budapest havent flooded for the 3rd time this year. There were no flood like this for 11 years...
3rd time? really?
Yes, in this century, not in this year
The 4th in this century. 2002, 2006, 2013 and 2024.
Dredge the damn river!
Geoengineering works wonders. 😕
Jer mapalle Pierre,
Evacuate people to emergency communal living quarters, provide food water and shelter, showers and toilets and safety, await the dryout assess then the big cleanup.
WHAT IS WHAT YOU LIKE ON THIS CATASTROPHIE 320 PPL??????????????????????????????????? FOR GOD S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is hard, but it those roads were designed to be under water whenever the flood is coming.
We are preparing of course.
But IT is not serious like I in Poland and Czechia.
I live in Budapest. The city is planned for this flood, can't you see everybody is calm on the video? No problem at all every now and then the Danube raise this high, had to flood areas before the city but this is what you see is the managed level and it is all OK
And yes LIKE it because very good video!
Gledao sam prije ovog vala da je kod parlameta Dunavu je trebalo 10 cm da se prelije na setaliste ispred palameta. Pa se pitam onako prosto razmisljsjuci dali se moze podici neki zidic pola metra ili metar ispre parlamete i inace uz rijeku gdje je naj kriticnije. Gdje samo malo treba da se prelije preko korita rijeke. Sta taj gradonacelik Budipeste radi????? Ali opet se mislim da bi trebali Madari reci , hvala Bogu da nije kao u ostalim drzavama od Austrije do Rumunije. Tamo je katastofa.Trebaju Madari reci i dobro smo prosli. Samo ne znam jel to travaj ili mero i dali radi.
Emberi nyelven légyszíves
végre tengeretek is van
A Balaton ami tengerünk.
Miért kell felfújni ezt az áradást? majdnem minden évben volt már ilyen!
Magyar az
This is old news it will continue to flood Glaciers are melting oceans and rivers Rising Raymond Paul Sullivan III me myself and I and him RPS 111
"So, you're stating that you ain't prostitute, but the faithful wife of anonymous trinity of the Husband? I'm so sorry about that unfortunate misunderstanding, ma'am..."
The God sees and remembers everything then there will be the Judgment.
Exodus 20: 14: "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
Here is Christ's question,
Mathew 15: 3: "But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?"
Malachi 2: 1-4: "And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith Jehovah of hosts, then will I send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings; yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Behold, I will rebuke your seed, and will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your feasts; and ye shall be taken away with it. And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant may be with Levi, saith Jehovah of hosts." (ASV)
A women say "the Husband has no name". Another ones say "the Husband has many names". Some of women "love the Husband in all his manifestations" like: neighbour, taxi driver, coworker, and so forth. Some women in a Husband-fearing way call him "H-D"...
But, all of those prostitutes say "the Husband is the only". Their prostitution has created another women saying "there is no Husband at all".
Then they even talk about "trinity of the Husband" and they are not against "the Son taking the Husband's place".
In the same way religious prostitutes try to hide their disgusting fornication with different gods.
Furthermore, a correct pronunciation of the Name is unknown now. This is the “loyalty” of traitors!
Here is the God's word spoken through Moses,
Deuteronomy 11: 16-17: "Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; And then the LORD's wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the good land which the LORD giveth you."
So, the God says there are other gods, but blind leaders of blind lead people into trap.
Names of an idols/false gods are well known: Zeus, Rempha/Chiun, Aurora, Baal, Moloch and many others.
"Jesus" means "Jehovah is salvation". This is the name of Christ real christians are hated for.
"HalleluJah" means "Praze Jah" (Jehovah).
Psalm 83: 18: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." (KJV)
The problem is Devil runs the world. He is liar and murderer. This is the reason why liars feel so good while righteous people are persecuted.
That's why we've got the Gospel about the God's kingdom. Jehovah would put everything in order. He has anointed the king, Jesus Christ. The dead will be resurected and we'll meet our beloved ones again! :-)
Жалко мало воды, надо побольше 😂
Hungary canceled contract from 1977 on the Gabčíkovo Nagymaros waterworks in 1989. It might help. Now enjoy the Dunaj...
Bro, do you know what was going on in Hungary back then?
Bolo to na povel od zaoceánskeho partnera! Dnes by to Orbán už nedovolil!
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros would have been an ecological disaster. Water will never enter Budapest because the design on the river bank. This is as far as it will ever go.
As you can see on the video people do enjoy this. Nothing to be affraid of and the view is spectacular.
@@freebozkurt9277 Enjoy? Are you r e t a r d e d?
Kár hogy az ország házból nem mosta ki meg a sok ingyen élőt a parlamentbol!!!
2016 ban majd kimossuk..Éljen Orbán Viktor a világ legjobb miniszterelnöke.❤
Milyen mocsok ember az aki vészhelyzetben ilyet ír!
Multă apă să vină amin
Здравейте на всички граждани на Унгария Виктор Орбан блок чейн 1брикс 2024😊😊
a keby sa nedostavalo Gabčíkovo-- to by ste sa mali !!!!😏 ako proti tomu nás ohánali v Štrasburgu !!!!!