Els Segadors | Anthem of Catalonia (Original full version) | Lyrics

  • Опубликовано: 6 дек 2023
  • TITLE: "Els Segadors" (Eng: The Reapers)
    MUSIC: Francesc Alió
    LYRICS: Emili Guanyavents
    PERFORMED BY: Jordi Savall
    YEAR: 1899
    🇬🇧 The original song dates in the oral tradition to 1640, based on the events of June 1640 known as "Corpus de Sang" (Corpus Christi) during the Thirty Years' War, which started the Reapers' War where Catalans fought against the Count-Duke of Olivares, the chief minister of King Philip IV of Spain. The song describes the uprising of peasants, as they were dealing with episodes such as religious sacrileges, destruction and killing of people, ending with the exhortation to Catalans to take the arms.
    🇷🇺 Оригинальная песня датируется устной традицией 1640 годом и основана на событиях июня 1640 года, известных как «Корпус де Сан» (Corpus Christi) во время Тридцатилетней войны, которая положила начало Войне Жнецов, когда каталонцы сражались против герцога Оливареса. , который был главным министром короля Испании Филиппа IV. В песне описывается восстание крестьян, поскольку они имели дело с такими эпизодами, как религиозные святотатства, разрушения и убийства людей, заканчивающиеся призывом каталонцев взяться за оружие.
    🇪🇸 La canción original data en la tradición oral de 1640, basada en los acontecimientos de junio de 1640 conocidos como "Corpus de Sang" (Corpus Christi) durante la Guerra de los Treinta Años, lo que inició la Guerra de los Segadores donde los catalanes lucharon contra el Conde-Duque de Olivares, quien fuera primer ministro del rey Felipe IV de España. La canción describe el levantamiento de los campesinos, ya que se enfrentaban a episodios como sacrilegios religiosos, destrucción y matanza de personas, finalizando con la exhortación a los catalanes a tomar las armas.
    Lyrics (ENGLISH):
    Ah, happy Catalonia
    who has seen you rich and plentiful!
    Now the king our lord
    has declared war on us.
    The great count of Olivar
    is always pestering his ear:
    "Now is the time, our king.
    now is the time to make war."
    Against the Catalans
    see what they have done already:
    villages and places followed
    up to the place of Riudarenes,
    they have burned a church
    that was called Santa Coloma,
    they are burning white habits and chasubles
    the chalices and the patens.
    And the Blessed Sacrament
    praise be to you forever.
    They killed a priest
    while Mass was being held.
    They killed a knight
    at the door of the church,
    Don Lluís de Furrià
    and the angels are making him a big feast.
    The bread that was not white
    they said was too black,
    they gave it to the horses
    only to ravage the earth.
    The wine that was not good
    they turned on the taps,
    they threw it in the streets
    only to irrigate the land.
    In the presence of their parents
    they dishonoured the maidens.
    They gave part to the viceroy
    of the harm that those soldiers were doing:
    "I gave them a license
    many more can be taken.”
    In view of all this
    the earth has shaken.
    They entered Barcelona
    a thousand strangers,
    they come in as reapers
    as we were in harvest time.
    Of three guards there
    the first has already died.
    The viceroy was killed
    at the entrance to the galley.
    They killed the deputies
    and the judges of the Court.
    They went to prison
    they are releasing the prisoners.
    The bishop blessed them
    with the right and left hand:
    "Where is your captain,
    where is your flag?"
    They took out the good Jesus
    all covered with a black veil.
    "Here is our captain
    here is our flag.
    In the Catalan arms
    that have declared war on you."
    Strike with Thy sickle!
    Strike with Thy sickle, Defenders of the Land!
    Strike with Thy sickle!
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