it's about time the people of this country all stood together because it says in the rule of law of this country we the people tell them what to do and if they don't do has we say and what they do doesn't work they have put it right not put tax on everything to pay for there mistake the government have been bleeding this country dry claiming expenses for there personal use this country is in a mess they say we have no money it's ok to give our money away to other countries while people struggle that's why this country is in mess cos they give all tax payers money away we tell them what to do it's in the rule of law of this country greedy law breaking politicians
so when was starmer kicked out of the labour party? when did this happen? i have not seen any evidence of this - why do you spew this sort of stuff out when it is false information?
He obviously feels he is totally untouchable. No one can stop him
Yes. A Davis boy.
it's about time the people of this country all stood together because it says in the rule of law of this country we the people tell them what to do and if they don't do has we say and what they do doesn't work they have put it right not put tax on everything to pay for there mistake the government have been bleeding this country dry claiming expenses for there personal use this country is in a mess they say we have no money it's ok to give our money away to other countries while people struggle that's why this country is in mess cos they give all tax payers money away we tell them what to do it's in the rule of law of this country greedy law breaking politicians
so when was starmer kicked out of the labour party? when did this happen? i have not seen any evidence of this - why do you spew this sort of stuff out when it is false information?
Boris, think Istanbul 2022.
CO2 doesn't harm the planet
You know nothing about climate change, it’s different every day?
I'm still waiting for the return of the Ice age they told us we were going to have back in the 60's.
@@davidclifford2039The starvation of CO2 eventually will contribute to a colder climate
stop posting bull shit
The question I would ask is where are they getting 6000 teachers