4:54 THERES NOTHING ON MY THOMAS WHICH LOOKS LIKE A TRACTION TYRE I really feel like bundling this up, and sending it straight back to your factory, somewhere in China.
@MrTrainboy1 I don't mind the look of Hornby Thomas as it's modelled on a actual real steam engine, the one Bachmann presents only exists in the fantasy world of Thomas & Friends What I don't like is how my Thomas is so different in performance to simierski's which is only one year younger. I only purchased Hornby as I was after performance
Thomas is modeled after the ill-fated Southern / LBSCR E2, like the good Reverend intended from his books. It's unfortunate that he has that blue running plate, a problem that has persisted until the range was discontinued.
Right into your mind Deja vu I've just been in this place before Higher on the street And I know it's my time to go Calling you and the search is mystery Standing on my feet It's so hard when I try to be me uoooh! Deja vu
The whole time poor Thomas set there and spun it's wheels I was thinking "he needs TRACTION" come to find out, there was NO traction tires added! Fail on their behalf I would say. Leo, I do firmly believe you could film a bucket of water, and somehow make it enjoyable, and entertaining to watch. That Sir is meant to be a compliment. Thumbs UP!~~John
@Stuingtion very good question, well spotted it's a 1960's triang car carrier car, it's center section lifts up so you can load toy cars in the lower section.
@capmodesty i did go to my local hobby store and had a look through the range of Hornby stock and the similar designed non Thomas model, and as you stated not a traction tyre to be found. as a kid I remember stacking onto my trains really long sets of cars, and never had problems. there is one big difference between my old trains and this new Thomas model and thats weight, this Thomas model is super light. it's actually surprising just how little this train can haul!
Leo . Now that it’s 13 years in the future it has been confirmed that no tires makes it better for the models . As it’s more realistic to real trains as they slip on the rails . It’s been years tho … so I don’t blame the video … just the knowledge of the times 😊 Anyways . 13 years later and only now this has been confirmed 😂 Have a good day
@JOPLTD thanks for your thoughts here, as for the controllers when I was a kid sure controllers had cut out circuits, but they also had re-set buttons why have low end modern controllers which enforce a huge time delay before you can play, all I felt was I was being punished for de-railing
@callinstead09 I can't believe how todays train buyers can suffer a controller as I found in this set. Having to do a reset via the mains connection is completely wrong and I would not want kids to be stuffing around with the mains power I can only assume all this cut out is protecting a very poor design which can be made cheap, as I remember it never used to be like this.
@RiflemanMoore when i investigated the model shop's other Hornby stock and the non Thomas model of the same style sure it had no traction tyres. Yes it was explained to me the real rivet counters hate traction tyres as it distracted from a real look. As you would know the Hornby do a basic and more detailed version of models. Without traction tyres this small light model has plenty of go without the ability of adhering this power to the track and renders it useless in hauling a long train
@sparkshot hi gavin I have been speaking to simierski on this issue for a month now, and it's been a slow road of discovery for both of us. Especially for me as I am not that wise on scale model trains Having the double whammy of not tyres and crap controller had me thinking this whole set needs to discussed. Lets hope Hornby see this as well and move to change the lack of gear this model needs or have correct info in their sets.
A few points - 1. You have to consider more than just coach/wagon weight - how much friction there is in the axles is another factor. You were asking your Hornby Thomas to pull a lot of old, draggy coaches instead of just Annie and Clarabel. 2. Older locos drew a lot more current than modern locos, and older controllers were built to take this into account. Always check the current rating on any controller, new or old. 3. Are you interested in selling those Triang Blue Pullman coaches?
4. The rubber tires were out of fashion at the time of the video thus no traction tires but maybe the model wasn’t redesigned for that. 5. I have a similar Jargon Buster but the direction issue is nonexistent.
I have never seen somebody complain that their loco doesn't have traction tires. also, at one point, they actually removed the traction tires but didn't take it away from the paperwork.
@purpledojo as I have said countless times, no modern controller should have the user needing to unplug power to get power back, apart from the hazards of unplugging mains power ( where I live mains power will kill you ) a simple reset button could solve a very annoying problem sadly these Hornby controllers are a fail in my books and i'm in my 40's, I can't stand stuff which wastes your time or presents you with stupid things to do to make it work
A great informative video.. I have obviously been lucky enough to get one of the Hornby Thomas engines with the traction tires fitted to the middle set of wheels. I do not have a new updated electronic controller I still use old second-hand controllers that do a great job without giving me a time out.... Sometimes as you discussed modern electronics totally sux.... but I guess that is the way of the future, I am sure that no one from the design team even bothered to consult with the younger humans and what impact the time out would have on the smaller generation...
The reset button I refer to is one on the actual train controllers..not the plug socket into the mains power of the house, that used to be the norm back in the good old days
@j10adn1 my video does not focus on what broken, the main point here is performance I purchased Hornby as I was after the performance I saw in simierskis Thomas review. My Thomas fell way short of what I witnessed there.
@TheNw1218 the chance of finding anything in my own country is remote, when I look around my house 90% of it is made in China The only stuff which was made here dates back over 30 years ago, and you know what it still works today!
@cssquarepants the point is the 2008 Thomas has traction tyres, 2009 does not. The book which comes with this model explains in detail how the model is fitted with traction tyres ( as shown in the video) on a consumer affairs point I have every right to return good which are not supplied as indicated by the company it also helps if you see simierski's bachmann v hornby video as well, i purchased Hornby only because it has a far better haulage capacity, obvious now thats gone
@mikethetrainguy123 yes, where I live both brands reside in the shops, BUT the Bachmann Thomas totally outsells the Hornby Thomas. It seems whats most important is the overall look, having Hornby heritage means nothing to kids looking for a model train.
Who do you think is better? Hornby or Bachmann . I like bachmann because it looks like the TV series. I don't really care about fastest engine or haulage capacity because in the TV series they Don't go really fast or pull lots of loads. What do you think?
Watson Chen Hornsby is better since they don't use lead unlike Bachmann and don't say that your not gonna put the train in your mouth because lead makes lead dust which you can breath in and die
@bertiethebusfan14 good question and I can answer the power track which came with the Thomas set was set on a straight piece of track and clearly in shot of much of my camera views, I had a old power clip which can slide onto any piece of track and for me the first corner out from the shunting yards was generally out of shot and closest to the controller
2016, you mean? The one with the fitted lamp was the final version of Thomas produced by Hornby and was released two years before the discontinuation of the entire range.
@mobob599 yes..! a person who lives near me has a G scale garden railway, he purchased Bachman Thomas and Percy Sadly he reported these models burnt out really quick and don't have the robust build required for outdoor play
@TheNw1218 yes and I matched simierski's total weight, so please let me know where i went wrong apart from buying Hornby without traction tyres maybe simierski can shine some light on this, have you asked him
I'm now very carful on the switch points for my train set because it will allways shortcircuit on the points so i have to go like 2 mph scale speed on points
I know this was 11 years ago but to awnser you’re question there was another brand that did model Thomas stuff the Hornby one does not have traction tires maybe the later ones were but marklin made another version it looks identical the only difference is the marklin one had traction tires on all 6 wheels
Thomas is a tank engine who lives in a big station on the island of sodor hes a cheeky little engine with 6 small wheels a short stumpy funnel a short stumpy boiler and a short stumpy dom
I've got an old Thomas set. It seems that nowadays it comes with less stuff. Mine came with Thomas, Percy, Annie, Clarabel, three trucks and a track layout with TWO sidings. Its ridiculous that they've cut out so much stuff! The troublesome trucks in your set are the trucks from series 1!!! Finally i also hate the new controller as with a set i got a couple of years ago will barely run. It shorts on the points which means i then cant use it! It also shorts whenever i use my old Thomas. Absolute rubbish!
It's quite interesting when you say "There's nothing on my thomas which looks like a traction tyre!" you actually remind me of Simerski :) BTW Leo I have an Intercity 125; I got it in 1997 new as a Christmas Present; it was actually made in Great Britain too :) Those bands really do make a difference and it's quite remarkable how their absence has deterred Thomas' performance so significantly. Though I must ask what weights does Thomas have on the inside if any?
@foxcell yes I did but the power car no longer works, it always had a smell to it when it ran from memory it's a real mid 70's set, i flogged the hell out of it as a kid
@CHR652 the derailment shots were set up to get the shot of a short circuit, for the most of the video I used another controller as the Hornby one was completely useless as it loved to shut down
@Alexthemaster33 well lets hope Hornby get their paperwork sorted as it details traction tryes are fitted to the model I think simierski's model is a flanged traction tyre..! His is 2008, mine 2009 which was in a 2010 set.
@stein1149a i hope this sort of review can be best left to those more dedicated to the hobby, simierski already has a series of very good bachmann V hornby videos and I would hat to duplicate the work he has already done i would also hat to imaging how expensive it would be to do such comparisons, all up you would be spending thousands of dollars to do it correctly and these days there are no free dinners from those who make toys
@TheRailfan747 Having no traction tyres renders this model as really useless, I purchased it only after seeing it pull 1500 grams. Amazing how traction tyres can add 1000 grams to the ability of this light weight train
@GatoradeMan3000 I always said the Pez Thomas is a classic, I feel it's one of the best value for money little Thomas's about, it can be turned into literally anything I do hear there is a whole new set of Pez Thomas characters, but yet to see them for myself
I think it failed for this reason you have a 2010 hornby thomas those had the traction tyres removed unlike the earlier models but in simerski's review for some reason the 2010 Thomas pulled the same weight as before so I have no idea what was the difference between your's and simerski's
Actually, Simierski had a 2005 model and Leokimvideo has the 2010 model. To be honest, I don't like traction tires as it is hard to service as you would need to remove the traction tire THEN oil the wheels. Then you'd need to put it back on after servicing the motor. Also, if you want to stop Thomas, it just jolts suddenly to a hault instead of slowly gliding to a stop. This is quite unrealistic, in my opinion.
MagmaRblx YT I agree with you traction tyres are annoying and not very realistic. They also I believe limit electrical pick up. That’s why on hornby’s more expensive and detailed models they don’t have traction tyres
@RobertMProductions no, but I can tell you I feel like putting him through some destructive testing to see how far he can be pushed, as it stands this model is not what I wanted as it can't pull a load
@mitchellwars why should there be a difference, the only difference we have worked out is his is a 2008 Thomas mine is a 2009 Thomas in a 2010 train set. The book which came with the model details traction tyres and how to care for them BUT I have none to care for.
@BooBooChooChoo561 I did go to my local hobby shop ( and this set was bought somewhere else) and I did look at the same non Thomas model which was a 2010 model, and guess what no traction tyres. You either need weight or traction tyres, the Thomas model is so light it does not stand a chance pulling anything other than a few light wagons
mine is missing traction tires also, I had the 2010 version, and I got it all by itself, I thought it came with traction tires!!!!! And I really hope bachmann makes oliver because hornby oliver is cancelled and it is EXTREMLLEY hard to find, but it's much faster with out traction tires, and it doesn't bump unlike traction tire thomas.
Actually, Simierski had a 2005 model and Leokimvideo has the 2010 model. To be honest, I don't like traction tires as it is hard to service as you would need to remove the traction tire THEN oil the wheels. Then you'd need to put it back on after servicing the motor. Also, if you want to stop Thomas, it just jolts suddenly to a hault instead of slowly gliding to a stop. This is quite unrealistic, in my opinion.
@TMRReturns in my book having to deal with the mains power to solve a low voltage problem is wrong, where i live the mains power is a killer the controller is a very poor design
@cssquarepants i'm sorry but this argument has just started, i purchased this Thomas as I required a model which had great haulage capacity, from the video it's very clear this model does not compared to simierski's traction tyre model. Why did Hornby supply a model which lacks the key component which is detailed in the hand book which was in this set? I'm sorry to bang the drum here but I do feel rather shafted after buying this model It works BUT fails to perform, and that's a fail
@Trainlover300 its a model which really needs them, mainly due to it's light weight build. Maybe Hornby forget kids love to pull long trains along their railways, I certainly did when I was a boy
Traction tires in my experience are the sign of a cheap and poorly built loco. At least in Ho. None of my locos use them and have plenty of grip as they’re weighted.
@toffie702 it's funny you know, some people will defend this controller but they tend to be people who have not used a controller which has a reset switch. having time out punishments for a derailment short circuit is just plain stupid
@capmodesty lets hope Hornby have something to say on this, just ignoring it won't help. I spent $200 on whats basically a poor performing train which has a strange controller lesson learnt and next time it will be Bachmann, where I live both brands reside in the shops.
@SSBBMasterL5 he does but only by a year, I spoke at length with him about this for over a month now, having this poor performing Thomas has him in a total spin out, it delayed my videos for 4 weeks trying to work out what was going on. I purchased Hornby only after seeing simierski's review which shows a Hornby Thomas pulling 1500 grams, I can only pull 500 grams
@WORRO01 Whats I see happening is this sort of train set is seen as a kids toy, so that seems to pull the importance of it having to function in a good and proper way It's a very poor move to remove the little rubber tyres from the drive wheels and still inform you they are there, most people would not pick up on that. This set really should be sent to China ASAP and let those in charge there know time is up dishing out this sort of service.
@cssquarepants as yet no one has explained why Hornby removed the traction tyres from this model, then again if it was explained it would be nice to know as I think we all deserve the best from this well known company it comas as a total surprise to my local model shop and many model train fans is my Thomas a Friday factory special rushed together because the supply of traction tyres ran out?
Legend has it...
Leo is still looking for his traction tyres...
@@TracksideStudios06 my goodness! Some people are still watching these ancients! Nice to meet you, original Leo fan!
@@TheDonner000 yup, this vid is a classic
TracksideStudios06 hi Elliot!
I really feel like bundling this up, and sending it straight back to your factory, somewhere in China.
It’s these old styles of videos that I miss the most
@MrTrainboy1 I don't mind the look of Hornby Thomas as it's modelled on a actual real steam engine, the one Bachmann presents only exists in the fantasy world of Thomas & Friends
What I don't like is how my Thomas is so different in performance to simierski's which is only one year younger. I only purchased Hornby as I was after performance
Thomas is modeled after the ill-fated Southern / LBSCR E2, like the good Reverend intended from his books. It's unfortunate that he has that blue running plate, a problem that has persisted until the range was discontinued.
@TheSI3DRemakist how about the controller, i literally pulled my hair out waiting for it to reset after even the smallest derailment
Dude just click reply
@@MFahrulRozi There was no reply button 8 years ago
leokimvideo is that how you spell tires where you live
Buy an analogue controller
8:15 Multi-track drifting mate!
Right into your mind Deja vu
I've just been in this place before
Higher on the street
And I know it's my time to go
Calling you and the search is mystery
Standing on my feet
It's so hard when I try to be me uoooh!
Deja vu
Sadly, Hornby has still not fixed the issue of it's locomotives timing out
@TheWeatheringWorkshopwell it’s annoying as hell . Personally the thing to fix this is use a older Hornsby controller to fix the issue
4:59 legend has it Thomas the Tank Engine is still spinning
leokimvideo - 2011
This applies to the current trackmaster Thomas
Officer Soundwave yeah lol
I read this the exact time Leo said that
The whole time poor Thomas set there and spun it's wheels I was thinking "he needs TRACTION" come to find out, there was NO traction tires added! Fail on their behalf I would say. Leo, I do firmly believe you could film a bucket of water, and somehow make it enjoyable, and entertaining to watch. That Sir is meant to be a compliment. Thumbs UP!~~John
@Stuingtion very good question, well spotted
it's a 1960's triang car carrier car, it's center section lifts up so you can load toy cars in the lower section.
4:54 ''There's nothing on my Thomas! Which looks like a traction tire!''
@capmodesty i did go to my local hobby store and had a look through the range of Hornby stock and the similar designed non Thomas model, and as you stated not a traction tyre to be found.
as a kid I remember stacking onto my trains really long sets of cars, and never had problems. there is one big difference between my old trains and this new Thomas model and thats weight, this Thomas model is super light. it's actually surprising just how little this train can haul!
Leo .
Now that it’s 13 years in the future it has been confirmed that no tires makes it better for the models . As it’s more realistic to real trains as they slip on the rails .
It’s been years tho … so I don’t blame the video … just the knowledge of the times 😊
Anyways . 13 years later and only now this has been confirmed 😂
Have a good day
@JOPLTD thanks for your thoughts here, as for the controllers when I was a kid sure controllers had cut out circuits, but they also had re-set buttons
why have low end modern controllers which enforce a huge time delay before you can play, all I felt was I was being punished for de-railing
Click reply
@@MFahrulRozi They didn't have that 11 years ago... He's Literally using the features of the time...
@callinstead09 I can't believe how todays train buyers can suffer a controller as I found in this set. Having to do a reset via the mains connection is completely wrong and I would not want kids to be stuffing around with the mains power
I can only assume all this cut out is protecting a very poor design which can be made cheap, as I remember it never used to be like this.
It's been 12 years, maybe closer to 13, and still, his traction tires are only a myth
@RiflemanMoore when i investigated the model shop's other Hornby stock and the non Thomas model of the same style sure it had no traction tyres. Yes it was explained to me the real rivet counters hate traction tyres as it distracted from a real look. As you would know the Hornby do a basic and more detailed version of models.
Without traction tyres this small light model has plenty of go without the ability of adhering this power to the track and renders it useless in hauling a long train
0:40 said no one when choosing house appliances ever.
@sparkshot hi gavin
I have been speaking to simierski on this issue for a month now, and it's been a slow road of discovery for both of us. Especially for me as I am not that wise on scale model trains
Having the double whammy of not tyres and crap controller had me thinking this whole set needs to discussed. Lets hope Hornby see this as well and move to change the lack of gear this model needs or have correct info in their sets.
wow, seems like i first watched this vid yesterday, although i watched it when it was uploaded
man, time flies
@RhBNo412 hmmmm, well from what I see kids ( including my own ) love to stack up loads to pull
remember Thomas is a really useful engine
Click Reply
leokimvideo you need new janes
@@MFahrulRozi there was no reply button back then
where are the Traction Tyres?????
That One Red Engine back in Thailand
That One Red Engine why do I see you E V E R Y W H E R E?
I ate them.
GummibärYummy Fan! Me too
A few points -
1. You have to consider more than just coach/wagon weight - how much friction there is in the axles is another factor. You were asking your Hornby Thomas to pull a lot of old, draggy coaches instead of just Annie and Clarabel.
2. Older locos drew a lot more current than modern locos, and older controllers were built to take this into account. Always check the current rating on any controller, new or old.
3. Are you interested in selling those Triang Blue Pullman coaches?
4. The rubber tires were out of fashion at the time of the video thus no traction tires but maybe the model wasn’t redesigned for that.
5. I have a similar Jargon Buster but the direction issue is nonexistent.
I have never seen somebody complain that their loco doesn't have traction tires. also, at one point, they actually removed the traction tires but didn't take it away from the paperwork.
@purpledojo as I have said countless times, no modern controller should have the user needing to unplug power to get power back, apart from the hazards of unplugging mains power ( where I live mains power will kill you ) a simple reset button could solve a very annoying problem
sadly these Hornby controllers are a fail in my books
and i'm in my 40's, I can't stand stuff which wastes your time or presents you with stupid things to do to make it work
A great informative video.. I have obviously been lucky enough to get one of the Hornby Thomas engines with the traction tires fitted to the middle set of wheels. I do not have a new updated electronic controller I still use old second-hand controllers that do a great job without giving me a time out.... Sometimes as you discussed modern electronics totally sux.... but I guess that is the way of the future, I am sure that no one from the design team even bothered to consult with the younger humans and what impact the time out would have on the smaller generation...
The reset button I refer to is one on the actual train controllers..not the plug socket into the mains power of the house, that used to be the norm back in the good old days
@j10adn1 my video does not focus on what broken, the main point here is performance I purchased Hornby as I was after the performance I saw in simierskis Thomas review. My Thomas fell way short of what I witnessed there.
@MrDaylight844 well it's sounding like a absolute lemon
thanks hornby!
Click reply dude
@@MFahrulRozi ...you do realize that wasn't an option 8 years ago, right?
@@prismstar438 then when was it added?
@@MFahrulRozi Added somewhere in the mid 2010's. Definitely not when he uploaded the video.
traction thing was probably just a factory error (or they cheaped out and forgor to change the manual)
6:23 The trick its: Unhook the cord and then the power adapter, put it back on and it will work out. Lose because I also have a hornby thomas.
Ahhh, A Hornby Thomas video
Sad they discontinued the thomas range
I mean it's a 2011 video
@TheNw1218 the chance of finding anything in my own country is remote, when I look around my house 90% of it is made in China
The only stuff which was made here dates back over 30 years ago, and you know what it still works today!
@cssquarepants the point is the 2008 Thomas has traction tyres, 2009 does not. The book which comes with this model explains in detail how the model is fitted with traction tyres ( as shown in the video)
on a consumer affairs point I have every right to return good which are not supplied as indicated by the company
it also helps if you see simierski's bachmann v hornby video as well, i purchased Hornby only because it has a far better haulage capacity, obvious now thats gone
@mikethetrainguy123 yes, where I live both brands reside in the shops, BUT the Bachmann Thomas totally outsells the Hornby Thomas. It seems whats most important is the overall look, having Hornby heritage means nothing to kids looking for a model train.
Who do you think is better? Hornby or Bachmann .
I like bachmann because it looks like the TV series. I don't really care about fastest engine or haulage capacity because in the TV series they
Don't go really fast or pull lots of loads. What do you think?
I agree
Watson Chen Hornsby is better since they don't use lead unlike Bachmann and don't say that your not gonna put the train in your mouth because lead makes lead dust which you can breath in and die
Watson Chen BACHMANN!! It's the best!!!
Watson Chen I like bachmann
I prefer hornby it's better and older and easier to use
@CalleyFan ( one word) correct
@bertiethebusfan14 good question and I can answer
the power track which came with the Thomas set was set on a straight piece of track and clearly in shot of much of my camera views, I had a old power clip which can slide onto any piece of track and for me the first corner out from the shunting yards was generally out of shot and closest to the controller
The 2017 Hornby thomas model is amazing, check it out!
No it's not
2016, you mean? The one with the fitted lamp was the final version of Thomas produced by Hornby and was released two years before the discontinuation of the entire range.
@mobob599 yes..! a person who lives near me has a G scale garden railway, he purchased Bachman Thomas and Percy
Sadly he reported these models burnt out really quick and don't have the robust build required for outdoor play
Thomas: Where Are My Traction Tires!?
@TheNw1218 yes and I matched simierski's total weight, so please let me know where i went wrong apart from buying Hornby without traction tyres
maybe simierski can shine some light on this, have you asked him
Guess you could listen to a song while you wait for the controller to reset.
I'm now very carful on the switch points for my train set because it will allways shortcircuit on the points so i have to go like 2 mph scale speed on points
I know this was 11 years ago but to awnser you’re question there was another brand that did model Thomas stuff the Hornby one does not have traction tires maybe the later ones were but marklin made another version it looks identical the only difference is the marklin one had traction tires on all 6 wheels
Thomas is a tank engine who lives in a big station on the island of sodor hes a cheeky little engine with 6 small wheels a short stumpy funnel a short stumpy boiler and a short stumpy dom
I've got an old Thomas set. It seems that nowadays it comes with less stuff. Mine came with Thomas, Percy, Annie, Clarabel, three trucks and a track layout with TWO sidings. Its ridiculous that they've cut out so much stuff!
The troublesome trucks in your set are the trucks from series 1!!!
Finally i also hate the new controller as with a set i got a couple of years ago will barely run. It shorts on the points which means i then cant use it! It also shorts whenever i use my old Thomas. Absolute rubbish!
Imagine have a cutout switch with your hornby controller
(Watches video as waiting for the hornby controller to turn back on)
It's quite interesting when you say "There's nothing on my thomas which looks like a traction tyre!" you actually remind me of Simerski :)
BTW Leo I have an Intercity 125; I got it in 1997 new as a Christmas Present; it was actually made in Great Britain too :)
Those bands really do make a difference and it's quite remarkable how their absence has deterred Thomas' performance so significantly. Though I must ask what weights does Thomas have on the inside if any?
@foxcell yes I did but the power car no longer works, it always had a smell to it when it ran
from memory it's a real mid 70's set, i flogged the hell out of it as a kid
1:40 he sounds like a diesel
I miss when stuff was made in USA, when your home country makes stuff its unbeatable.
Thomas is actually supposed to look like that but he is drawn cut down to size he is based on a E2 tank engine
Dear, leokim
In Australia do they sell hornby train in stores ?
TheGameingMaster the Giuliano's you saw one. Go to hobbyco Sydney City there's loads or the place in Hornsby
hobbytechtoys if your in perth
How are the spiders there
I saw 4 at mr toys
@CHR652 the derailment shots were set up to get the shot of a short circuit, for the most of the video I used another controller as the Hornby one was completely useless as it loved to shut down
Did you hear that Bachmann Trains have released Chuggington Trains?
shut up baby f**k
***** an idiot did comment
Trainboy7 wait, they did??
@Alexthemaster33 well lets hope Hornby get their paperwork sorted as it details traction tryes are fitted to the model
I think simierski's model is a flanged traction tyre..! His is 2008, mine 2009 which was in a 2010 set.
@stein1149a i hope this sort of review can be best left to those more dedicated to the hobby, simierski already has a series of very good bachmann V hornby videos and I would hat to duplicate the work he has already done
i would also hat to imaging how expensive it would be to do such comparisons, all up you would be spending thousands of dollars to do it correctly and these days there are no free dinners from those who make toys
its not tv accurate because the hornby models are based on the railway series, not the tv show, and the designs are drastically different
@TheRailfan747 Having no traction tyres renders this model as really useless, I purchased it only after seeing it pull 1500 grams.
Amazing how traction tyres can add 1000 grams to the ability of this light weight train
@GatoradeMan3000 I always said the Pez Thomas is a classic, I feel it's one of the best value for money little Thomas's about, it can be turned into literally anything
I do hear there is a whole new set of Pez Thomas characters, but yet to see them for myself
I think it failed for this reason you have a 2010 hornby thomas those had the traction tyres removed unlike the earlier models but in simerski's review for some reason the 2010 Thomas pulled the same weight as before so I have no idea what was the difference between your's and simerski's
Actually, Simierski had a 2005 model and Leokimvideo has the 2010 model.
To be honest, I don't like traction tires as it is hard to service as you would need to remove the traction tire THEN oil the wheels. Then you'd need to put it back on after servicing the motor. Also, if you want to stop Thomas, it just jolts suddenly to a hault instead of slowly gliding to a stop. This is quite unrealistic, in my opinion.
MagmaRblx YT
I agree with you traction tyres are annoying and not very realistic. They also I believe limit electrical pick up.
That’s why on hornby’s more expensive and detailed models they don’t have traction tyres
@@hazyhope._. same here
@RobertMProductions no, but I can tell you I feel like putting him through some destructive testing to see how far he can be pushed, as it stands this model is not what I wanted as it can't pull a load
Was there a inner flange on the middle wheel?
@mitchellwars why should there be a difference, the only difference we have worked out is his is a 2008 Thomas mine is a 2009 Thomas in a 2010 train set.
The book which came with the model details traction tyres and how to care for them BUT I have none to care for.
8:17 DeJa Vu ThIs TrAiN HaS BeEn In ThIs PlAcE BeFoRe
Dead meme
@@Steamsoapdish But awesome track.
@DOWSOE well my advice is buy bachmann, hornby just does not cut it
I wish I had that Thomas set
Dereon Reynolds well you not gonna get that
EpicVoidGamerPro900 100 hey don't be rude
@@pinky-5138 your so mean
@BooBooChooChoo561 I did go to my local hobby shop ( and this set was bought somewhere else) and I did look at the same non Thomas model which was a 2010 model, and guess what no traction tyres.
You either need weight or traction tyres, the Thomas model is so light it does not stand a chance pulling anything other than a few light wagons
i dyed of laughing at 6:24 seconds XD
titanicfan29 6:24
Yup, smashing a device against a table will fix it.
lots of comment being removed, i wonder what tubers were about to say..!
is there something in this video which had them retreating?
mine is missing traction tires also, I had the 2010 version, and I got it all by itself, I thought it came with traction tires!!!!! And I really hope bachmann makes oliver because hornby oliver is cancelled and it is EXTREMLLEY hard to find, but it's much faster with out traction tires, and it doesn't bump unlike traction tire thomas.
I ment "have"
Bachmann just released Oliver!
Actually, Simierski had a 2005 model and Leokimvideo has the 2010 model.
To be honest, I don't like traction tires as it is hard to service as you would need to remove the traction tire THEN oil the wheels. Then you'd need to put it back on after servicing the motor. Also, if you want to stop Thomas, it just jolts suddenly to a hault instead of slowly gliding to a stop. This is quite unrealistic, in my opinion.
@TMRReturns in my book having to deal with the mains power to solve a low voltage problem is wrong, where i live the mains power is a killer
the controller is a very poor design
hornby won't run across bachmann switch tracks
@It's_Magic 2003 that works fine actually.
That’s due to them being different scales, the bachmann models are HO gauge, they can run on the same track, but sometimes the bachmann ones slip up
@cssquarepants i'm sorry but this argument has just started, i purchased this Thomas as I required a model which had great haulage capacity, from the video it's very clear this model does not compared to simierski's traction tyre model.
Why did Hornby supply a model which lacks the key component which is detailed in the hand book which was in this set? I'm sorry to bang the drum here but I do feel rather shafted after buying this model
It works BUT fails to perform, and that's a fail
Leo what do you think that Hornby Thomas looks like a real E2 class tank engine
Because Hornby wanted the locos to be close to the real locomotives.
@@robertbalazslorincz8218 they failed at it
Traction tires put strain on the motor and burn it out so its kinda good your dues not have them
The Other Video Simon A.C Martin Made 2 Thomas Models From 2011.
@Trainlover300 its a model which really needs them, mainly due to it's light weight build. Maybe Hornby forget kids love to pull long trains along their railways, I certainly did when I was a boy
Traction tires in my experience are the sign of a cheap and poorly built loco. At least in Ho. None of my locos use them and have plenty of grip as they’re weighted.
The traction tire is a topic in railway modelling that divides the community. Some love them, others hate them
@toffie702 it's funny you know, some people will defend this controller but they tend to be people who have not used a controller which has a reset switch.
having time out punishments for a derailment short circuit is just plain stupid
Beat it with Mr. Hammer.
Max Perdue
That's gotta be one of Leo's greatest moments.
Morty Smith i like your profile picture
Max Perdue lol
Max Perdue mr hammer didn't exist that time
Leo the 2005 Hornby Thomas has traction tires you have the 2009 version
pickle rick True
@ArtsBoi14 a few others have mentioned Bachmann controllers
My hornby Thomas is so slow
@bertiethebusfan14 i think mine is set with a correct colour balance camera setting which makes the difference between the two
My friend is daring me to watch this stuff XD
@TheNw1218 whats the difference between a individual weight and a total weight?
Bachmann's Better!
Hornby's Thomas is better (well the new 2017 model is)
@@wakeful913 nope
A very serious review. Most technical and thorough. Great review !
Leo it's just a toy train
Jacquelin Martinez Mendoza wrong, it's a model train.
If you don't understand a hobbyists passion. Fuck. Off.
Toy train more like a model train
It's not just a toy train he's telling the truth and giving criticism to Hornby
@TheNw1218 sadly not, it came new without traction tyres which it really needs
I checked my hornby Thomas models and my 2016 one doesn’t have tires but my 2004 one does
@BHASKA29 i don't do bachmann v hornby, it's too expensive to do so and i am not a serious rivet counter
to be really safe go for a controller with a reset button, no stuffing around with mains power plugs to get a reset
@capmodesty lets hope Hornby have something to say on this, just ignoring it won't help. I spent $200 on whats basically a poor performing train which has a strange controller
lesson learnt and next time it will be Bachmann, where I live both brands reside in the shops.
@SSBBMasterL5 he does but only by a year, I spoke at length with him about this for over a month now, having this poor performing Thomas has him in a total spin out, it delayed my videos for 4 weeks trying to work out what was going on. I purchased Hornby only after seeing simierski's review which shows a Hornby Thomas pulling 1500 grams, I can only pull 500 grams
@WORRO01 Whats I see happening is this sort of train set is seen as a kids toy, so that seems to pull the importance of it having to function in a good and proper way
It's a very poor move to remove the little rubber tyres from the drive wheels and still inform you they are there, most people would not pick up on that.
This set really should be sent to China ASAP and let those in charge there know time is up dishing out this sort of service.
@cssquarepants as yet no one has explained why Hornby removed the traction tyres from this model, then again if it was explained it would be nice to know as I think we all deserve the best from this well known company
it comas as a total surprise to my local model shop and many model train fans
is my Thomas a Friday factory special rushed together because the supply of traction tyres ran out?