tried my best to translate, enjoy 0:27 people waiting for the train are like blind boxes, they won't know the result before unpacking it 0:33 What did time put inside, don't try to guess 0:40 The long track is just like a film, building days pieces by pieces 0:46 Wheels will bring different plots together, heading towards the starting point 1:04 Faded pictures starts to overlap, counting the remaining days to sleep 1:10 The dream I had isn't fresh, something is missing 1:17 Waiting is too tiring, might as well try to get some free time 1:21 Rehearse tomorrow in my mind 1:31 Over and over again 1:32 I'm back, to complete this chapter of adventure 1:37 Is there anyone here who is interested in listening? I have seen the ebb and flow along the way 1:45 Walking down the train, and opening the blind box named me 1:50 There is too much pain and happiness beyond what I remembered 2:09 Packing my ordinary time, no one noticed my little struggle 2:15 Loneliness is as confusion, as far, and as winding 2:20 Pack the memory into a bag, and run to the safe heaven waiting for me 2:28 stopping to pretend, it’s time to let memories flood my eyes 2:33 I used to be cool and arrogant 2:36 But I tripped and cried loudly in the mud 2:40 But still ran forward with more passion than love 2:46 It doesn’t matter if you fall, it’s okay to take a breath 2:49 Home is not far away, come and stop when you are tired @ Even if you are embarrassed(panick), you can smile and say to yourself 2:59 "you worked hard" 3:01 I can cry, I can smile and say it's over 3:06 Let get off all the rules, forget all the frustrations 3:10 Cheers to myself because it's worth it 3:14 I'm still me, except from I grew up, nothing changed much 3:17 Luckily, I did not surrender. Fortunately, my color hasn't fade 3:31 Still loving 3:49 You worked hard 3:51 'you worked hard' (whisper from akie awww) 3:54 I'm back, I can hug in relieve 3:59 Thank you for being here to sing this song with me 4:02 Also cheers to you because it's worth it 4:07 It will be better, let's leave tomorrow's matter for tomorrow 4:11 After crossing all the bumpy road, we are finally together at this moment
Akie if you're reading this, I want you to know that your music saves me. All the voices inside my head seems to disappear while listening to your music. I hope you will continue creating soulful music for us. Thank you
3:50 One important aspect of Lunar New Year is reunion (团圆)- being together with your family. This is especially important when you have been away for studies or work. The lyrics 我回来了, 可以拥抱着释然了,感谢有你在这,陪我唱这首歌,也敬你一杯因为值得
I’m Chinese but even if I’m not, by looking at this animation I can understand what it’s implying and this is actually the first time I felt so emotionally attached to a song. Thank u Akie I wish u success, u deserve it
Listening to this... Makes me feel both warm and alone. Of course, I can't understand a thing. But it feels like it hits so near to home. I feel alive, happy and sad. Amazing music as usual Akie. I'm glad I found you, and I'm sure other feels the same way. Thank you for this.
중어원문 기준 가사 번역입니다. 1. 최대한 원문에 충실히 하려고 했고, 일부 부분은 Akie님이 올려주신 원문과 일본어 역본 가사를 토대로 가사 표기와 약간의 해석을 수정하였습니다. 2. 제 판단상 조금 설명이 필요하다고 생각되는 부분은 (*숫자)로 표시했고, 답글에 이 부분에 대한 추가설명을 달았습니다. 3. 괄호부분은 없어도 의미 이해에는 큰 상관없지만 약간의 보충설명 혹은 직역에 해당하는 부분이며 이해에 도움이 될까 하여 적어둔 것입니다. 4. 언제나 좀 더 좋은 해석에 대한 의견을 주시면 감사히 받아들이며 수정에 참고하겠습니다. ---------------------------------- 时光盲盒 (시간의 랜덤 박스) 等车的人多像盲盒 열차를 기다리는 사람들은 랜덤박스랑 닮았어. 拆开包装前都不知道结果 찢어 포장을 열기 전에는 전혀 결과를 알 수 없지. 时光在里面放了什么 别去揣测 시간이 그 속에 무언가를 넣어두니, 추측하지 말아줘. 漫长轨道多像胶片 긴 선로는 필름과 닮았어. 一格一格就拼成了好多天 하나하나가 맞물려 많은 날들을 만들어내고, 车轮串起不同情节 驶向起点 바퀴가 각기 다른 사건들을 꿰어내어 출발점으로 향하지. 褪色的画面重叠 数着还没过完的日子入眠 빛이 바랜 화면이 겹치고, 아직 마무리하지 못한 (편인) 날들이 잠들고, 来时的梦已不新鲜 缺点感觉 다가오는 시간의 꿈은 이미 새롭지 않고, 부족한 점들이 생각나. 等待太令人疲倦 기다리는 건 사람을 너무 피곤하게 하고, 也不妨尝试着忙里偷个闲 (그리고) 바쁜 중에 짬을 내볼까 (시험해 봐도 괜찮겠지.) 在脑海中将明天 先预演 머릿속에서는 내일을 미리 연습해. 一遍遍(*1) 한 번씩 말하곤 해. “我回来了 나 돌아왔어. 完成这一章冒险了 하나의 모험을 끝냈어. (직역 시 “완성시켰어”) 在座有没有人 有兴趣听我说 一路见过的潮起潮落(*2) (그 자리에) 내가 겪었던 일들을 흥미있게 들어주는 사람이 있었던가. 走下列车 拆开名为我的盲盒 열차에서 내려서 내 이름이 있는 랜덤박스를 열어보니 有太多的苦与乐 超出我原本记得 (거기엔) 많은 괴로움과 기쁨이, 내가 원래 알고 있던 것보다 더 많이 있었어.” 拾起这平凡的时间 我渺小的挣扎没有人发现 이 평범한 시간을 주우니, 내 아주 작은 싸움들은 아무도 알아주지 않았어. 孤独和迷茫一样远 一样蜿蜒 고독은 모호한 것처럼 (마찬가지로) 멀리, (또 마찬가지로) 구부러지네. 将记忆装进行囊 奔向那座等待我的避风港 기억을 챙겨 주머니에 넣고, (그) 나를 기다리는 다툼을 피할 곳을 향해 달려가네(*3) 不再伪装 다시는 가장하지 않아 轮到是思念模糊了眼眶 (차례가 되어온 것은) 그리움이 눈앞을 흐리게 해 曾经我也潇洒张狂 挥手趾气高扬 나도 예전엔 많이 거만했었어. (*4) 却不料自己绊倒 在沼泽大声哭嚎 뜻밖의 일로 (내가) 넘어져선 늪에 빠져 대성통곡도 했었어. 然而还是怀着比热爱更热烈的感情向前跑 그래도 여전히 열애보다 더 뜨거운 감정을 품고 앞을 향해 달려가. 跌倒了也不会怎样 踹口气也无妨(*5) 걸려 넘어져도 괜찮아, 잠시 쉬어도 괜찮아. 家就在不远的地方 累了就来停靠 집이 멀지 않은 곳에 있으니, 피곤해지면 바로 와서 기대(=쉬어) 就算狼狈 也能微笑对自己说 설령 난처한 상황이라도 또 웃으면서 나 자신에게 말할 수 있어. “辛苦了 고생했어. 可以哭了 可以笑着说结束了 울어도 괜찮아. 웃으며 다 끝냈다고 말해도 괜찮아. 丢下所有规则 忘记所有挫折 모든 규칙을 내려놓고, 모든 좌절을 잊고 敬自己一杯 因为值得(*6) 존경스런 나를 위해 건배! 그럴만하니까. 我还是我 除了长大 没变太多 나는 아직도 자 (자신)이고 자랐다고 해도 크게 변한건 아니야. 还好没有认输呢 还好还没有褪色” 아직 진 것이 아니라 좋아, 아직 색이 바랜 것이 아니라 좋아. 还在爱着 아직 사랑하고 있어. “辛苦了 (辛苦了) 고생했어 (고생했어) 我回来了 可以拥抱着释然了 나 돌아왔어. 안고 (긴장이) 풀어져도 괜찮아. 感谢有你在这 陪我唱这首歌 네가 여기 있어 내 곁에서 이 노래를 부름에 감사해. 也敬你一杯 因为值得 너에게도 건배! 그럴만하니까. 会变好的 明天的事 明天再说 내일의 일은 더 나아질 수 있으니, 내일 다시 얘기하자. 跨越过一路坎坷 我们相聚在此刻” 어려움을 넘어서서 우린 지금 함께 있는걸.
각주 부분입니다. (*1) 뒤의 가사까지 감안한다면 말한다는게 자연스러워서 의역한 부분입니다. Akie님이 적어주신 일본어 번역에는 何度も繰り返し(몇 번이고 반복해,) 로 되어있습니다. (*2) 이 문장 자체는 직역한다면 “(모험에서) 보았던 밀물과 썰물이 차고 나가는 것을 재밌게 들어주는 사람이 (자리에) 있었던가” 정도입니다. 하지만 潮起潮落는 찾아본 결과 어떤 사람이 살면서 겪은 평탄치 않은 일들을 비유해서 말하는 의미라 이렇게 해석하였습니다. (*3) 避风港은 직역하면 바람을 피할 곳이지만 비유의 표현으로 다툼을 피할 장소를 가리키는 표현이라 앞부분의 해석과 맞춰 비유의 의미를 그대로 반영했습니다. (*4) 직역시 “일찍이 나도 대방하고 거만했고, 거만함에 안녕의 손인사를 해” 정도의 의미입니다. 직역에 따르고자 했지만 필요 이상으로 내용이 길어지고 일본어 해석본이 깔끔하여 이를 참조하여 이 정도 번역으로 정리했습니다. (*5) 不会怎样은 해석하자면 “어쩔 수 없지” 정도가 됩니다. 일본어 해석본에서 “大丈夫(괜찮아)”로 되어있는 것을 참조하여 “(어쩔 수가 없는 부분이기에) 괜찮다.”라는 식으로 한국어에서도 쓰인다는 부분에 감안해서 반영하였습니다. (*6) 敬一杯란 말이 있는데, 한국식으로 하자면, 윗사람에게 ‘한 잔 드립니다’ 정도의 의미로 알고 있습니다. 직역하자면 ‘존경스런 내 자신에게 한 잔 올려요!’ 정도인데, 어색하여 있어 일본어 해석을 참조하여 의역했습니다.
Another great song by Akie. Even if I don't understand Japanese or Chinese each of Akie's songs feel really close to the heart. One of my most favorite singers. Keep up the good work👍
I really really love everytime i hear your the soft and beautiful have this kind a feeling that draw a warm and relaxing mood...even more whenever you sing something that kind a sad... Thank you for all the songs you've created and sing....makes me feel a little bit jealous for people that could see and meet you in person...once again thank you for all the hard work and effort you've put everytime you sing a song...😊
Been a year and I always come back to this song when it’s rough, especially late at night when there’s nothing around to cheer me up and this song always calm me down. thank you so much,,, 🥹
Jeez wheeze Akie you're soooo underrated. i wish I could do more for you. But then again, as your name suggests and by my interpretation, we can very well enjoy the little yet heartwarming community that you offer us and that we built all together. To enjoy the small moments of happiness and peace in the autumn pictures~ 但真的呀,你唱得真好。我一直想寻找这种中日语的CC然后终于找到了!我特别支持你的作品!带来的笑容,感情,泪水等等都值得! 本当にありがとう秋絵!あなたの名前は日本語にも、中国語にも、すごく綺麗ですよ!頑張って!!
Wow, the animation and Akie's voice are enough to understand everything. Absolutely heart-wrenching but giving hope at the end. Thank you Akie, please continue to influence our lives with your singing
Aaaaaa..... Another song !!!! Well, even i don't understand chinese, but it's still an incredible song because of Akie voice. I don't why but when i listening into your song/voice i feel that a warm wind are touching me, so calmly. Keep the good work, i was so excited to wait your next song. And hope you're will always happy and healty wherever you are.
from the start this song came out i always listen to it almost every day, i don't know the meaning but with me hearing her voice this is more than enough to cheer up my day
Akie, It would be really nice if you typed the english name of the songs you sing beside the japanese one. People like me have a hard time finding your original channel because it doesnt show up when we search 'Akie' or your song names. Thank you
absolutely heart-touching scenes, beautiful voice. Even if I couldnt understand actual meaning, this video showed me everything what you want to explain. I'm looking forward to seeing subs!
I was listening to the song while working and didnt pay attention to the lyrics until around four minutes in, then a sentence caiught my attention and I decided to pay attention to the rest of the song and those last 30 seconds alone was enough to send me to tears
My feeling to these enchanting words(時光盲盒)Is like: 「盲盒」 Compare excite,anxiety and worry (Such strong feelings when we decide to leave hometown to learn,work,education,etc;especially when we step on the train arriving to our destination ) about our future and the question to the rightness of our decision to a sealed box 「時光」 And in fact, since time do play a significant role in deciding “what is in the sealed box” 「時光在裡面放了什麼,別去揣測」 So Akie秋繪 compare these feeling, process of growing up, struggle and delight as well to “the box” ,meaning a result of one period or one big decision in our life. But Akie think we don’t need to guess about what is the standard answer of this period, this decision.(the content in the sealed box) Just lead life by step by step,rest when necessary, and love,try,give our beloved a hug,have pleasant time with them. 「辛苦了!」 Thank and appreciate ourselves and others! 我拙劣的英文表達 也不知道這樣對不對🤣 好好奇 @Akie秋繪 的創作動機?
时光盲盒 時間のガチャ
等车的人多像盲盒 列車を待っている人々はガチャみたい
拆开包装前都不知道结果 パッケージを開ける前には結果が知らない
时光在里面放了什么 時間はその中に何を入れたか
别去揣测 推測しないで
漫长轨道多像胶片 長いトラックはフィルムみたい
一格一格就拼成了好多天 一格一格で日々を綴った
车轮串起不同情节 車輪は物語を結んで
驶向起点 出発点に向かう
褪色的画面重叠 色褪せたシーンが重ねて
数着还没过完的日子入眠 未完成の日を数えて眠る
来时的梦已不新鲜 来た時の夢はもう新鮮じゃない
缺点感觉 なんか欠けている
等待太令人疲倦 待つことは人を疲れさせた
也不妨尝试着忙里偷个闲 ちょっと休んでみるか
在脑海中将明天 頭のなかで明日のことを
先预演 リハーサルをしてみた
一遍遍 何度も繰り返し
“我回来了” 「ただいま」
“完成这一章冒险了” 「冒険は一段落した」
“在座有没有人 有兴趣听我说” 「途中に会ったことを」
“一路见过的潮起潮落” 「聞いてくれる人がいますか」
“走下列车 拆开名为我的盲盒” 「列車から降りて、私のガチャを開ける」
“有太多的苦与乐 超出我原本记得” 「自分も思い出せないぐらい、たくさんな喜びも悲しみも詰め込んでいる」
拾起这平凡的时间 この平凡な時間を拾って
我渺小的挣扎没有人发现 私の渺小の闘争は人に知らない
孤独和迷茫一样远 孤独は迷うほど遠い
一样蜿蜒 ねじれて曲がってる
将记忆装进行囊 記憶を荷物に入れて
奔向那座等待我的避风港 私を待っているシェルターへ駆ける
不再伪装 偽装を外して
轮到是思念模糊了眼眶 思い出が目をぼやけた
曾经我也潇洒张狂 挥手趾气高扬 私も誇り高く傲慢だった
却不料自己绊倒 在沼泽大声哭嚎 自分につまずいて、沼に大泣きしたこともあった
然而还是怀着比热爱更热烈的感情向前跑 それでも熱愛よりもと熱烈的な感情を持って、前へ走った
跌倒了也不会怎样 喘口气也无妨 転んでも大丈夫、いきを整えたら大丈夫
家就在不远的地方 累了就来停靠 家は遠くない所にある、疲れたら帰って休もう
就算狼狈 也能微笑对自己说 困り果てても、微笑んで自分に言える
辛苦了 お疲れ様
可以哭了 泣けていいよ
可以笑着说结束了 笑って終わりを言っていいよ
丢下所有规则 忘记所有挫折 ルールを外して、挫折を忘れて
敬自己一杯 因为值得 自分に乾杯、値するから
我还是我 除了长大 没变太多 私は私 成長した以外あんまり変わっていない
还好没有认输呢 还好还没有褪色 負けを認めてなくてよかった 色褪せてなくてよかった
还在爱着 まだ愛しています
辛苦了 お疲れ様
我回来了 ただいま
可以拥抱着释然了 抱きしめてほっとしていいから
感谢有你在这 陪我唱这首歌 一緒に歌って、ありがとう
也敬你一杯 因为值得 君に乾杯、値するから
会变好的 明天的事 明天再说 すべてがよくなるから 明日のことは明日にして
跨越过一路坎坷 我们相聚在此刻 困難を乗り越えて 今ここに会う
thanks for sharing this song, Akie (*´˘`*)♡
Thanks for the Japanese translation!/일본어 번역 감사해요!
I love this song, your voice make it even better 😉
tried my best to translate, enjoy
0:27 people waiting for the train are like blind boxes, they won't know the result before unpacking it
0:33 What did time put inside, don't try to guess
0:40 The long track is just like a film, building days pieces by pieces
0:46 Wheels will bring different plots together, heading towards the starting point
1:04 Faded pictures starts to overlap, counting the remaining days to sleep
1:10 The dream I had isn't fresh, something is missing
1:17 Waiting is too tiring, might as well try to get some free time
1:21 Rehearse tomorrow in my mind
1:31 Over and over again
1:32 I'm back, to complete this chapter of adventure
1:37 Is there anyone here who is interested in listening? I have seen the ebb and flow along the way
1:45 Walking down the train, and opening the blind box named me
1:50 There is too much pain and happiness beyond what I remembered
2:09 Packing my ordinary time, no one noticed my little struggle
2:15 Loneliness is as confusion, as far, and as winding
2:20 Pack the memory into a bag, and run to the safe heaven waiting for me
2:28 stopping to pretend, it’s time to let memories flood my eyes
2:33 I used to be cool and arrogant
2:36 But I tripped and cried loudly in the mud
2:40 But still ran forward with more passion than love
2:46 It doesn’t matter if you fall, it’s okay to take a breath
2:49 Home is not far away, come and stop when you are tired
@ Even if you are embarrassed(panick), you can smile and say to yourself
2:59 "you worked hard"
3:01 I can cry, I can smile and say it's over
3:06 Let get off all the rules, forget all the frustrations
3:10 Cheers to myself because it's worth it
3:14 I'm still me, except from I grew up, nothing changed much
3:17 Luckily, I did not surrender. Fortunately, my color hasn't fade
3:31 Still loving
3:49 You worked hard
3:51 'you worked hard' (whisper from akie awww)
3:54 I'm back, I can hug in relieve
3:59 Thank you for being here to sing this song with me
4:02 Also cheers to you because it's worth it
4:07 It will be better, let's leave tomorrow's matter for tomorrow
4:11 After crossing all the bumpy road, we are finally together at this moment
It’s all correct~ I bet you’ve put a lot of effort into this
Thank you very much for the translation! It is great!!
The hero we don't deserve. Thank you!
Thank you so much for translating! It helped a lot to understand TwT Do you know what the title is in english?
Thank you!
Akie if you're reading this, I want you to know that your music saves me. All the voices inside my head seems to disappear while listening to your music. I hope you will continue creating soulful music for us. Thank you
Agree.. I repeat every time..
My favorite is amanojaku
@@antoniayogaswara3876 This maybe late but my favourite is Yakkusoku.
@@ながとゆき-o4u hey do you know her nationality
@@aashutoshkashyap1886 She's from China, so yeah, a chinese. She activities more often in a "youtube" like website in china called bilibili
Do you understand the song:
Did you enjoy it:
My English might not be liberal enough though......
@@wlanwlan12 You're doing alright. You'll get there soon!
@@wlanwlan12 hahahahaha i took your work muahahahahahaha, took me one hour tho 😅
is chinese song
The animation is really heartwarming, even you don't understand anything about the song, Akie's voice and the animation will touch your heart for sure
Yeah, we can roughly understand what's the song about from the animation
when I am chinese but i donno the meaning exactly, furthermore i have higher chinese- wow im so dumb ;-;
好棒的MV! 一直在国外,今年因为疫情,7年来第一次回国在家过年,看到回家那段直接看哭了
溫暖中帶著辛酸 心酸。QQ
One important aspect of Lunar New Year is reunion (团圆)- being together with your family. This is especially important when you have been away for studies or work.
The lyrics 我回来了, 可以拥抱着释然了,感谢有你在这,陪我唱这首歌,也敬你一杯因为值得
I’m Chinese but even if I’m not, by looking at this animation I can understand what it’s implying and this is actually the first time I felt so emotionally attached to a song. Thank u Akie I wish u success, u deserve it
我不会读繁体字,只会一点儿。 😭
@@itomiazusa9996 没关系,一起静静的听这首歌吧~
Listening to this... Makes me feel both warm and alone. Of course, I can't understand a thing. But it feels like it hits so near to home. I feel alive, happy and sad.
Amazing music as usual Akie. I'm glad I found you, and I'm sure other feels the same way. Thank you for this.
辛苦了,秋繪 妳的歌聲很好聽
중어원문 기준 가사 번역입니다.
1. 최대한 원문에 충실히 하려고 했고, 일부 부분은 Akie님이 올려주신 원문과 일본어 역본 가사를 토대로 가사 표기와 약간의 해석을 수정하였습니다.
2. 제 판단상 조금 설명이 필요하다고 생각되는 부분은 (*숫자)로 표시했고, 답글에 이 부분에 대한 추가설명을 달았습니다.
3. 괄호부분은 없어도 의미 이해에는 큰 상관없지만 약간의 보충설명 혹은 직역에 해당하는 부분이며 이해에 도움이 될까 하여 적어둔 것입니다.
4. 언제나 좀 더 좋은 해석에 대한 의견을 주시면 감사히 받아들이며 수정에 참고하겠습니다.
时光盲盒 (시간의 랜덤 박스)
열차를 기다리는 사람들은 랜덤박스랑 닮았어.
찢어 포장을 열기 전에는 전혀 결과를 알 수 없지.
时光在里面放了什么 别去揣测
시간이 그 속에 무언가를 넣어두니, 추측하지 말아줘.
긴 선로는 필름과 닮았어.
하나하나가 맞물려 많은 날들을 만들어내고,
车轮串起不同情节 驶向起点
바퀴가 각기 다른 사건들을 꿰어내어 출발점으로 향하지.
褪色的画面重叠 数着还没过完的日子入眠
빛이 바랜 화면이 겹치고, 아직 마무리하지 못한 (편인) 날들이 잠들고,
来时的梦已不新鲜 缺点感觉
다가오는 시간의 꿈은 이미 새롭지 않고, 부족한 점들이 생각나.
기다리는 건 사람을 너무 피곤하게 하고,
(그리고) 바쁜 중에 짬을 내볼까 (시험해 봐도 괜찮겠지.)
在脑海中将明天 先预演
머릿속에서는 내일을 미리 연습해.
한 번씩 말하곤 해.
나 돌아왔어.
하나의 모험을 끝냈어. (직역 시 “완성시켰어”)
在座有没有人 有兴趣听我说 一路见过的潮起潮落(*2)
(그 자리에) 내가 겪었던 일들을 흥미있게 들어주는 사람이 있었던가.
走下列车 拆开名为我的盲盒
열차에서 내려서 내 이름이 있는 랜덤박스를 열어보니
有太多的苦与乐 超出我原本记得
(거기엔) 많은 괴로움과 기쁨이, 내가 원래 알고 있던 것보다 더 많이 있었어.”
拾起这平凡的时间 我渺小的挣扎没有人发现
이 평범한 시간을 주우니, 내 아주 작은 싸움들은 아무도 알아주지 않았어.
孤独和迷茫一样远 一样蜿蜒
고독은 모호한 것처럼 (마찬가지로) 멀리, (또 마찬가지로) 구부러지네.
将记忆装进行囊 奔向那座等待我的避风港
기억을 챙겨 주머니에 넣고, (그) 나를 기다리는 다툼을 피할 곳을 향해 달려가네(*3)
다시는 가장하지 않아
(차례가 되어온 것은) 그리움이 눈앞을 흐리게 해
曾经我也潇洒张狂 挥手趾气高扬
나도 예전엔 많이 거만했었어. (*4)
却不料自己绊倒 在沼泽大声哭嚎
뜻밖의 일로 (내가) 넘어져선 늪에 빠져 대성통곡도 했었어.
그래도 여전히 열애보다 더 뜨거운 감정을 품고 앞을 향해 달려가.
跌倒了也不会怎样 踹口气也无妨(*5)
걸려 넘어져도 괜찮아, 잠시 쉬어도 괜찮아.
家就在不远的地方 累了就来停靠
집이 멀지 않은 곳에 있으니, 피곤해지면 바로 와서 기대(=쉬어)
就算狼狈 也能微笑对自己说
설령 난처한 상황이라도 또 웃으면서 나 자신에게 말할 수 있어.
可以哭了 可以笑着说结束了
울어도 괜찮아. 웃으며 다 끝냈다고 말해도 괜찮아.
丢下所有规则 忘记所有挫折
모든 규칙을 내려놓고, 모든 좌절을 잊고
敬自己一杯 因为值得(*6)
존경스런 나를 위해 건배! 그럴만하니까.
我还是我 除了长大 没变太多
나는 아직도 자 (자신)이고 자랐다고 해도 크게 변한건 아니야.
还好没有认输呢 还好还没有褪色”
아직 진 것이 아니라 좋아, 아직 색이 바랜 것이 아니라 좋아.
아직 사랑하고 있어.
“辛苦了 (辛苦了)
고생했어 (고생했어)
我回来了 可以拥抱着释然了
나 돌아왔어. 안고 (긴장이) 풀어져도 괜찮아.
感谢有你在这 陪我唱这首歌
네가 여기 있어 내 곁에서 이 노래를 부름에 감사해.
也敬你一杯 因为值得
너에게도 건배! 그럴만하니까.
会变好的 明天的事 明天再说
내일의 일은 더 나아질 수 있으니, 내일 다시 얘기하자.
跨越过一路坎坷 我们相聚在此刻”
어려움을 넘어서서 우린 지금 함께 있는걸.
각주 부분입니다.
(*1) 뒤의 가사까지 감안한다면 말한다는게 자연스러워서 의역한 부분입니다. Akie님이 적어주신 일본어 번역에는 何度も繰り返し(몇 번이고 반복해,) 로 되어있습니다.
(*2) 이 문장 자체는 직역한다면 “(모험에서) 보았던 밀물과 썰물이 차고 나가는 것을 재밌게 들어주는 사람이 (자리에) 있었던가” 정도입니다. 하지만 潮起潮落는 찾아본 결과 어떤 사람이 살면서 겪은 평탄치 않은 일들을 비유해서 말하는 의미라 이렇게 해석하였습니다.
(*3) 避风港은 직역하면 바람을 피할 곳이지만 비유의 표현으로 다툼을 피할 장소를 가리키는 표현이라 앞부분의 해석과 맞춰 비유의 의미를 그대로 반영했습니다.
(*4) 직역시 “일찍이 나도 대방하고 거만했고, 거만함에 안녕의 손인사를 해” 정도의 의미입니다. 직역에 따르고자 했지만 필요 이상으로 내용이 길어지고 일본어 해석본이 깔끔하여 이를 참조하여 이 정도 번역으로 정리했습니다.
(*5) 不会怎样은 해석하자면 “어쩔 수 없지” 정도가 됩니다. 일본어 해석본에서 “大丈夫(괜찮아)”로 되어있는 것을 참조하여 “(어쩔 수가 없는 부분이기에) 괜찮다.”라는 식으로 한국어에서도 쓰인다는 부분에 감안해서 반영하였습니다.
(*6) 敬一杯란 말이 있는데, 한국식으로 하자면, 윗사람에게 ‘한 잔 드립니다’ 정도의 의미로 알고 있습니다. 직역하자면 ‘존경스런 내 자신에게 한 잔 올려요!’ 정도인데, 어색하여 있어 일본어 해석을 참조하여 의역했습니다.
번역 감사합니다!
Thanks for your replying Akie san! /답글 감사해요 Akie님!
번역 감사합니다..!
Wow! Always a good voice! I'll enjoy this song!
/와!! 언제나 좋은 목소리에요ㅎㅎ 노래 잘 들을게요!!ㅎㅎㅎ
中国語は わかりません。しかし歌と絵から 温かさを感じて 好きです。
你的歌声真的很棒, I really like it🥰🥰🥰 BTW, you are amazing because you can speak Chinese, English and Japanese 😘😘😘👍👍👍👍👍
She speaks korean japanese chinese and english
@@linmu_0363 Jesus lmao
@@linmu_0363 wow
@@izond115 她是中國人來的嗎?😅😱😆
The song, the animation, the composition and the message of the song are done so well. I wish people could recognize her more.
My life has turned into a hell but your music helps me realise that i am not alone
relatable, hope someone will come along and turn that bumpy road into a smoother one
At this point, i think all I want is to hear your calming voice
Another great song by Akie. Even if I don't understand Japanese or Chinese each of Akie's songs feel really close to the heart. One of my most favorite singers. Keep up the good work👍
It's been months now, I really missed Akie's voice!
Your music gives people the motivation to continue on with their lives, keep giving us music akie!
I really really love everytime i hear your the soft and beautiful have this kind a feeling that draw a warm and relaxing mood...even more whenever you sing something that kind a sad...
Thank you for all the songs you've created and sing....makes me feel a little bit jealous for people that could see and meet you in person...once again thank you for all the hard work and effort you've put everytime you sing a song...😊
Been a year and I always come back to this song when it’s rough, especially late at night when there’s nothing around to cheer me up and this song always calm me down. thank you so much,,, 🥹
Damn it Akie, you can’t just have an insert song for Cooking with Valkyries without telling us about it. Got a surprise when I heard your voice
언제 들어도 좋은 목소리에요.
좋은 노래 들려주셔서 감사합니다!
It's always a good voice.
Thank you for playing a great song!
真的很好聽 加油🎶
Jeez wheeze Akie you're soooo underrated. i wish I could do more for you. But then again, as your name suggests and by my interpretation, we can very well enjoy the little yet heartwarming community that you offer us and that we built all together. To enjoy the small moments of happiness and peace in the autumn pictures~
Thanks for coming back and uploading amazing songs one after another!
Hope you stay safe and succeed in your work and studies.
Wow, the animation and Akie's voice are enough to understand everything. Absolutely heart-wrenching but giving hope at the end. Thank you Akie, please continue to influence our lives with your singing
Aaaaaa..... Another song !!!!
Well, even i don't understand chinese, but it's still an incredible song because of Akie voice. I don't why but when i listening into your song/voice i feel that a warm wind are touching me, so calmly.
Keep the good work, i was so excited to wait your next song. And hope you're will always happy and healty wherever you are.
@@izond115 can you tell the title ? I want to search it and then translate it. I can read japanese a little bit but not for chinese :)
@@ShangriLa_7 It actually is a Chinese song so.....
from the start this song came out i always listen to it almost every day, i don't know the meaning but with me hearing her voice this is more than enough to cheer up my day
beautiful voice and nice AMV.When I listened, I felt peace of mind. I'm encouraged
I just relized so many people listen don't understand a lot of the concepts, dam really missing out
I love your music so much ! I have been going through some problems in life right now and your music helps keep me going a lot 💜 thank you
Akie's back!❤️❤️❤️ I love youuu
Just a reminder for my self to remember to write something about the visuals
Such an angelic voice, Thank you for making such a good work during the quarantine!
Akie your songs n covers are the best...
1:46 - 1:57 can relate so much 🥺
Beautiful song !
If i feel sad and lonely hearing this song always make me cheerfull again, I love your voicee, Thank you >w
I hadn’t discovered any artist who I like so much.since i discovered u,I’m very happy.ur voice is enjoyable.l like u very much.thank u.
오랜만에 또신곡 ♡
Akie, It would be really nice if you typed the english name of the songs you sing beside the japanese one. People like me have a hard time finding your original channel because it doesnt show up when we search 'Akie' or your song names. Thank you
The song writer chilichili is the one who wrote the song let the wind tell you for genshin impact
absolutely heart-touching scenes, beautiful voice. Even if I couldnt understand actual meaning, this video showed me everything what you want to explain. I'm looking forward to seeing subs!
If this is an actual series, I would want to watch it. The animation is awesome.
As always. Wonderful song as her. Good job, Akie-chan! 💖💖
P. S. If Akie-chan heart my comment, my life would be completed!
got this song through a friend. Love your voice! Keep it up!
I'll go into the meaning of the song later on
Akie you're the best music!!
This song is incredibly beautiful.. I am moved and eventually cry.. aaa thank u for singing this 😭😭
Akie is there a full version of the insert song you sang for the cooking with valkyries special? If there is are you gonna upload it?
I need a full version as well!!
Thank you so much for listening and so glad to know you enjoyed it!! I think that is the full version lol
@@Akie0126 Are you gonna upload it separate from the valks video? I want to add the song itself to my playlist not the entire video hahaha
Listening to this kind of song make me feel that im not alone, thank you very much.......
一天的疲勞就這麼消失了w( ╹▽╹ )
Ohh😭😭, it's amazingすほい, your voice is so calm and amazing, greetings from Indonesia🇮🇩
Akhir nya ada warga +62
Sedang menunggu Japanese ver.
Bang gift daimend bang idnya 1349298313
@@bluefoxgaming8231 gj kntl
@@lolihunter8161 banyak kok orang indo, fans sama akie
Such an Angel voice
Love u Akie 🥰
I was listening to the song while working and didnt pay attention to the lyrics until around four minutes in, then a sentence caiught my attention and I decided to pay attention to the rest of the song and those last 30 seconds alone was enough to send me to tears
Your voice is very calming an warm, the lyrics are very beautiful, the animation is also very decent! I love it a lot!
Its so good, i want to know who draw this. Can anyone tell me??
敬時光 敬akie秋繪 敬聽著的我們
大家 辛苦了!!!
回家時 擁抱摯愛 釋然成長!
交織彼此的夢 讓記憶漸層
是鄉愁 是離情依依 是偉大的渺小!
熱淚 堅定了列車的起步
夢想 將哭與樂寫成冒險
音樂 歌聲 畫面
願疫情結束 祝大家平安
Nothing is ever too late.
Listen to our heart (roxette)
Lead a significant life!
My feeling to these enchanting words(時光盲盒)Is like:
Compare excite,anxiety and worry
(Such strong feelings when we decide to leave hometown to learn,work,education,etc;especially when we step on the train arriving to our destination )
about our future and the question to the rightness of our decision to a sealed box
And in fact, since time do play a significant role in deciding “what is in the sealed box”
So Akie秋繪 compare these feeling, process of growing up, struggle and delight as well
to “the box” ,meaning a result of one period or one big decision in our life.
But Akie think we don’t need to guess about what is the standard answer of this period, this decision.(the content in the sealed box)
Just lead life by step by step,rest when necessary, and love,try,give our beloved a hug,have pleasant time with them.
Thank and appreciate ourselves and others!
好好奇 @Akie秋繪 的創作動機?
Thank you for another song! I really enjoy these.
If you love her genre of music, and want a Japanese "version" of it, have a listen to KOKIA. Another angelic voice.
I loved it very much, is this available on spotify because I can't seem to find Akie's account?
Can someone tell me what the title says in English, and possibly make an English subtitle of the video?
I love your songs soo much🥰 It heals me
Beautiful voice as always 👍
Didnt celebrate the chinese new year this year because of covid. At least i still have this song to listen to 🤞
Akie 你有个天使的声音
The beautiful animation compliments her soft voice perfectly