This is a really well made and well thought out video. I think one of the main reasons as to why the Death Spiral is the go to strategy for so many pirates is that videos on alternate naval strategies haven't been explored to the same degree. I look forward to learning more from you :)
Good explanation. From what I understand about what you said I'd say the important question for when to use the death spiral is if boarders or cannons are the bigger threat. So if you have the enemy burning and demasted and have send a boarder you might want to spiral, because they're very unlikely to effectively fire at you, but especially with lower numbers a border can disrupt enough to give an opening.
You have made a great point. I have 1 balled many opponents in hrg as they have tried to death spiral me. I am not the best at pvp but the predictable patters makes it super easy to 1 ball and board people to turn tables. Mooring on the stern or bowe is the safer option if you can repel a boarder.
Just a few days ago me and a random kid from discord were fighting a galleon and ran into the exact issue you just explained. We would default to the death spiral until we got caught in their broad, and they were ready. We barely survived and ended up sinking them using the strat you outlined.
one thing Id might add tho, as a solo its rly hard to park out of a crews borad while remaining a good angle on them and not waste too much time raising sails as u might get boarded or shit on while doing so, in my experience just keepin on sailing and turning ur wheel rq is more efficient, specially cz u can drop ur sails fast to speed out of a ships broad if u have to. But I defenately overdo it myself, I might try ancherong or raising sails behind a ship more often ^^
Exactly. That's why at 5:03 I included the fact that the spiral is really only useful for solo players, as you don't always have the time to raise your sails and turn the wheel. But if you're 2,3, or 4 man crew, then just parking in front of them is safer than using the death spiral.
The key is always to cause as much chaos as possible on the other boat. For a smaller crew, you'd ideally want to get as much fire as possible on the larger boat before engaging. Getting their anchor dropped and sails down adds to this. At this point, they have way too much other stuff to worry about and you come in cannons blazing, into the death spiral. Going into the spiral early is how to lose the fight early.
This is very true. You have to distract them from being able to get on cannons through any means necessary. If you only hit the first 3 chains and fully demast them, but you put no bottom deck holes into them, then going into their broadside is still suicide. Which is why you would want to park in front of their boat and put a ton of lower pressure into them before using the deathspiral and going into their broad. At the beginning of a fight since no one has any holes and you're already at a disadvantage since you have less cannons, you need to keep your distance and make sure that you are far enough away that if you start losing the broad by getting 1balled or chainshotted, you still have the option of turning off and running away. If you get too close then you'll reach the point of no return, where if you don't win the broad right then and there and you get 1balled or demasted then you no longer have the option of running away and you'll lose the fight. The deathspiral can be used if they are unable to beat you in a broad. Whether that be because of cursedballs, blunderbombs, or lowerdeck pressure, it's not a bad idea to use the death spiral as long as you can keep them off the cannons.
As a solo, I never get into a broad with any other ship. The threat of a single cannonball knocking you off or oneballing is just not worth whatever nominal pressure you could apply equally from getting in their rear or getting them to nose dive you.
man gaves me ptsd. reason i lost my last battle is becuase we were in a brig, flying into the wind, had every advantage imaginable....and then rare decided to spawn a kraken on us. thats the fight that convinced me that rare has some controll over the in game world and can just decide to force spawn things if they want to like cluster truck. and you'll never convince me other wise
love the vid. that u show that it isnt the best strat and do over cons. Another thing tho is loot bc i feel like if someone has an insane amount of loot and lots of holes they might not focus as much on the pvp as they would want to patch giving the death spiral a good advantage to open previously patched holes
Absolutely. I myself will use the death spiral sometimes after we’ve completely demasted a ship and they aren’t sinking to the same 8 holes, so I’ll pull the boat around to their other side and start putting in another 8 holes. However I only do this when we have full control over the fight. The last thing you’d want to do is be winning the broad, then go to a spot where they can shoot you and you start getting 1balled so you start losing.
On an unrelated note. If you are on a brig or galleon or even as a duo sloop. Please dont be a board lord and just keep jumping or cannoning out after every trip back from the ferry. Especially if your ship has damage. I have lost many fights because my idiot crewmates just keep jumping instead of helping me repair. Or helping to guard ladders.
To summarize all strategies: Hit the enemy a lot while preventing them from hitting you. One of the biggest problems I can see in the death spiral is that it's too narrow. If you use a lighter curve and a larger circle, you can keep your enemy in your sights while being a _lot_ harder to hit yourself. A wide circle will even let you _leave_ your ship to board, even if you're soloing. The best distance to be when using this technique is as far away as possible _while also_ being able to reliably hit your target with shot (and, ideally, in range of Cannon Boarding). The further away you are, the faster you can move without sacrificing accuracy.
Very true, keeping your distance is super important when fighting. If you get to close then eventually you'll reach the point of no return and if they chainshot you, you're not going to be able to escape. That's why I like parking in front of their boat, as it allows you to get really close to their ship for easier shots without the risk of getting cannoned. The further away you are the safer you'll be, but the harder it is to hit shots. If you can demast them from far away, then you can get in close and park in front of their boat to hit easier shots.
It depends on how perfect you can get the spiral going, if it’s a perfect circle you won’t need the helmsman to stay on the wheel but can switch to canon while someone else boards.
True. If you can get that perfect spiral then you will be able to move the helmsman around to repair holes and shoot cannons. My main point to take away from the video was that people use the Death Spiral too liberally. They get a ship demasted and instantly start using the spiral and shooting lower deck holes, when in some cases it would be much better if they just parked somewhere where the other ship was incapable of shooting them. You absolutely can achieve the same affect of allowing the helmsman to not be stuck on the wheel if you get a perfect spiral. But especially with waves, boats drifting, masts breaking, and so on, it can be slightly difficult to get the perfect spiral that doesn't require any further adjustments. I'm not saying that the death spiral is a bad strategy. As long as you can keep the enemy crew from shooting you while you're in their broadside, then it's the best strategy out there as it will allow you to hit tier 3 holes all around their boat rather than being locked to only one side. The main problem is just the fact that when you're going into their broadside, you're giving them an opportunity to shoot cursedballs, 1 ball you, and/or chainshot you, that it might force you onto the defensive. This is mainly the case if you're a sloop fighting a galleon, where having a 4man broad can instantly 1ball you, break your mast, and produce massive amounts of holes into your boat. I find that it's much easier (and safer) to just park where they can't shoot you, put plenty of lowers into them, and then maybe use the spiral to put holes into the other side of their ship after you've completely prevented them from getting on cannons because of the amount of bucketing that they have to do. REGARDLESS, as long as you can keep them from firing back at you, then there is no reason NOT to use the death spiral. However if you're on a smaller ship, it will almost always be impossible to completely stop them from firing back at you, to the point that it'll always be safer to avoid that situation altogether. Like I said at the end of the video, if they're a bad crew then you can beat them with any strategy you want, death spiral or not. However if you're going up against a ship that's bigger than you, and played by a crew that's better than you, then it will almost always be better to play it safe and give them as few chances to win as possible. One of the easiest ways to do this is to avoid their superior cannonfire as much as possible. But at the end of the day: *If it works, it works.*
I usually play with one friend on a sloop... is it valid to basically circle them (when u already have the upper hand in the fight) whilst u are still reletively further away from them till u get closer... bc i personally find it incredibly hard to hit my cannon shots precisly when our sails are all the way up and we are standing still (bc i think the waves have a bigger impact compared to half sails?! idk maybe thats false info) ... so that we go to "park" infront / behind them just when we are close enough to consistently hit those shots... or should i just try to improve my cannon shots so that i can easily hit high range shots even when standing still on a sloop? :)
This video (while good) I would definitely remake it and drive home the point that you can use The Death Spiral all you want, AS LONG AS: you can prevent the other ship from shooting you. If I were to remake the video I would include a narration of me saying; **You don’t want to start off with the death spiral, you want to chainshot them first, then get plenty of holes into them FIRST, before trying to spiral around them and put yourself into a position where they can shoot back at you. And yes youre correct, fully raising your sails will make it slightly harder to hit shots because the waves will take your boat for a ride. The reason why I said to fully raise your sails, is because in that situation I was talking about, you were close enough that it didn’t matter if you kept your sails raised or lowered, because you’re close enough to hit the shots anyway. But yeah, once you have the upper hand in a fight, go for the spiral to put lots of holes into their boat. Just don’t spiral too early and allow them to win the broad. If you’re the bigger ship, you can always spiral the other ship whenever you want, because you’ll always be able to keep them off of cannons. But if you’re a smaller ship fighting a bigger ship, then the death spiral can be detrimental of you do it too soon.
I use it when on a sloop, we have pressure on the enemy, and my crewmate has boarded. Even then, it's better to stop, but sometimes that just isn't quite viable and I need to keep the pressure on. I agree with you, is what I'm saying.
Exactly. As long as you can prevent the other crew from firing back at you when you go into their broad, then it's a good strategy as it will allow you to put holes all around their ship. But for example, if you're a sloop spiraling around a galleon (your teammate is on their boat) and as you go into their broadside your teammate dies, you now need to HARD SPAM blunderbombs or cursedballs in order to be able to escape from their 4man broad. As long as you can prevent them from shooting back at you then the spiral will always be a better strategy than just sitting at the front of their ship hitting the same holes over and over again.
Found that the Death Spiral is really only viable so long as you have a boarder, or the anchor isn't down so that if they do try to turn the ship at any point to get broadside on you, you can keep up with a circle at their front. It's definitely not the best strategy.
Good point, but i am just curious how you spin your wheel so fast... My main job is not to helm, but i am starting to pick it up and enjoy it, it feels like a few times you managed to helm faster when usual. P.S 2.27 for example
Turn the wheel with your keyboard and a controller at the same time. Visually it looks like it's turning faster, but that's only client side. What it's actually doing is "queueing" a turn, so when you get of the wheel, it will continue turning. The main use is at 3:54 where I was able to get on cannons earlier because I queued a turn and didn't have to stay on wheel for as long.
Yes, a still target will be easier to board than a moving one. But like I said at 4:24. A good crew is going to make the board, regardless of whether your ship is moving or not. It's super easy to guard ladders when there's no pressure, but it's not easy to guard ladders when you have someone trying to shoot you with a cannon in order to 1ball or knock you off the ship. I would much rather guard ladders when I'm not under pressure of getting 1balled or knocked off the boat, instead of using the death spiral, getting boarded anyway, and having to watch the ladder while getting cannoned.
In order to get out of someone death spiraling you, you have to find a way to get them off of the cannons. When you don’t have an angle to cannon them, shoot them with your sniper to try and force them off the cannons to heal. When then eventually spin into your broadside, get on the cannons and start spamming blunderbombs and curse balls at topdeck to regain cannonline control. Hopefully you’ll be able to 1ball a couple of them, and/or blunderbomb their ship away from your boat. If you do this then it will cause their ship to lose angle for a couple seconds, and their crew will have to spend time healing/repairing their ship while they wait to regain angle. When this happens, you have to rush over and raise one of your sails and repair it so you can escape from the fight. The main problem that people run into is that they’ll sit there and do the wrong thing at the wrong time. They’ll be repairing their ship and bailing water when they should be firing back at the enemy crew and trying to win back the broad. Or when they finally DO get angle back again, they’ll shoot chainshots to knock their masts down, when they should’ve been shooting cannonline in order to get them off of cannons and to try and 1ball them. Obviously, if the other crew has you demasted, and is actively spiraling you, it will be incredibly difficult to win because you have to fight through so many disadvantages. But as long as the other crew misses a couple topdeck shots at key moments. You can easily take back cannonline control and win the fight. You are fighting an uphill battle, so the best advice is to never get yourself in a situation where you’re completely demasted and getting spiraled on. But if you are, don’t panic and just wait for an opening to get on cannons, Then spam them blunderbombs and curse balls and never let them touch the cannons again.
Use a keyboard and controller and turn the wheel at the same time. Visually it will look like you're turning it at 2x speed. In reality it's just "queuing" a turn, so when you get off the wheel it will continue spinning.
bro i can't agree with you cause: 1: doing death spiral is easier and parking in this perfact place where you can aim at ther side but they can't hit you is hard. 2: even if you would find this perfact spot there are still some big problems you have to worry about, like lets say that you're fighting full man galeon and you're in this situation, if 2 of them would board you at one moment one would get onto your ship and even could kill you.
In response to your first statement, while both strategies can be difficult to use in certain situations, the deathspiral is definitely harder to use than just parking in front of their boat. Even if you get the god-tier turn and get the best spin, if you catch wind at the wrong time or they chainshot / blunderbomb your boat, then you're perfect spin now needs to be fixed. Now this isn't necessarily going to make you lose the battle, however it will force one of your crewmates to stay on the wheel and change the course of the ship, meaning that they can no longer bail / shoot cannons, and are now required to stay locked on the wheel in order to keep angle. And the deathspiral is also something that needs to be constantly corrected throughout the entire course of the fight. But parking in front of someone's boat only needs to be done once, and you don't have to touch the wheel again. And when you raise your sails and park in front of their boat, it means that you don't have to worry about catching wind at the wrong time. Parking in front of them also makes it easier for everyone to aim their cannons where they want to go. If you're moving then you'll be further away, and the waves could be more choppy, making it harder to hit your shots. Keeping your boat still will make the waves less choppy and make it slightly easier for everyone to aim and shoot their cannons. As for the second statement, I thought I covered it pretty well at: 4:24. If you're going up against a good crew it doesn't matter whether you standing still or moving, they're going to make it onto your ladder regardless of what your ship is doing. However if you use the death spiral that means that not ONLY do you have to worry about getting boarded, but you ALSO have to worry about being cannoned, curseballed, blunderbombed, and chainshotted. It's also SUPER easy to guard ladders, and if you really have to you can just drop the sail and avoid their board. Since they're in the water that means they can't be on cannons so it's okay if you go into their broadside because their cannon advantage is not usable at that moment, so you won't be taking a big risk by going into their broad. It's super easy to guard ladders, but it is NOT easy to guard ladders if you're being constantly cannoned. A good crew will try to cannon you off the ladder and attempt to 1ball you while their teammate goes for a board. It is MUCH harder to guard your ladders if you're under constant threat of getting knocked off the ship or 1balled.
@@kaijoi8938 okay my turn. I think that you'll end this in your first respond (idk did i get that right im from Poland) but i want to fight to the end lol. Okay so by parking in this Perfect spot i meant that they can still spin and catch you on ther broadside unless you've got anchorball, and you know it's hard to time it right because of all this chaos, heart reat jumping(okay maybe only when i am fighting). Now about boarding. You don't have to stay next to the ladder all this time causr you can use blunderbomb. Okay it's hard for me to respond all your argumentas causr i'm on phone and i can't read all but if i'll find something i can respond to i will.
@@cgusiec7039 You're absolutely right in saying that they can just spin and catch you in their broadside. However it will take them a couple seconds to be able to get an angle to shoot you, meaning that during that time you have time to load up a blunderbomb or cursedball to prevent them from getting on cannons. And like I said at 3:36, you can also lower your sail to try and get out of their broadside as quickly as possible. As for standing next to the ladder, you're correct in saying that you can just throw a blunderbomb to try and knock them off. But sometimes they can still grab back onto the ladder, and it will always be more difficult to guard ladders when the other ship is trying to 1ball you, rather than when they aren't.
@@kaijoi8938 you know with blunderbombing somebody off the ladder from my fights they are usuall to disoriented to grab ladder back and when i am fighting some pros they usually are too far to the ladder to grab it back
As with any battle, learn how your enemy acts, and adapt your strategy to it. Both Blurbs and this channel have some great strats and points, but never stick to one single plan of attack, it can always be countered. You need to read the enemy, and be able to switch up your plan of the fly to counter your enemy. If you can do that, you're way ahead of most people.
If you're able to stop them from cannoning you because you have someone on their ship killing them, then the death spiral is very good since you can put holes all around their ship. However if your teammate dies, then you have to be careful of all 4 of them getting on cannon and shooting you.
why is the death spiral the best strategy for solo players? isn’t it the most dangerous thing for solo players to get into a broadside of a ship with a bigger crew? one oneball and you are done. You would need to make sure 100% that they can’t shoot, which is just an unnecessary risk
The reason why it's a better strategy for solos is because you don't always have time as a solo player to fully raise your sails, guard ladders, bail the boat, and shoot cannons. It's easier if you can get a good spin going, then it'll be harder for the other crew to board making it super easy to watch ladders. It also means that you don't need to bother with raising sails and parking, because this will take time away from you shooting the other ship, and it'll also make it much easier for the other crew to snipe you on the cannons. But if you're a duo, trio, or 4man using the spiral then it'll be much better as you can keep up the cannons pressure WHILE you raise the sail and guard ladders. As a solo sloop you want to minimize your time spent turning the wheel, watching boarders, raising sail, and repairing the boat, and to try and spend most of your time on shooting the other ship. The Death Spiral will always be a better strategy than just raising your sails and shooting the same holes over and over again, AS LONG AS, you can keep the other crew from being able to get on the cannons. If you're a galleon death spiraling a brigantine, then you have nothing to worry about as you can easily 3v2 or 4v2 their cannonline and easily win the broad.
If I were to remake the video then I would definitely drive home the point that: *the death spiral is good, as long as you can prevent the other ship from shooting you when you go into their broad* if you’re a galleon using the death spiral against a sloop, then you’ll EASILY be able to prevent the sloop’s one cannon from overpowering your 4. But if you’re the sloop spiraling a galleon, you need to be extremely careful to not let them 4man broad you when you go into their broadside, or else you’ll lose the fight immediately. That being said, the death spiral is necessary to use in order to sink good ships because putting holes in the left and right hand side of their ship is so much more effective than just shooting the left side over and over and over again. Now that I’ve explained it a little bit better, do you still disagree with the fact that the death spiral isn’t a good strategy to use in every situation? Why or why not?
@@kaijoi8938 Yeah I understand where your coming from. The spiral is extremally effective especially against a sloop and that definitely should have had more emphasis in the video. As I'm typing this we just used the spiral to sink a sloop 1 min ago in fact😂
This is a really well made and well thought out video.
I think one of the main reasons as to why the Death Spiral is the go to strategy for so many pirates is that videos on alternate naval strategies haven't been explored to the same degree. I look forward to learning more from you :)
Yooo, Toxie! Suprised to see someone of your impressive skill here!
Very informative video. Hope to see ur channel shine in the future.
Good explanation. From what I understand about what you said I'd say the important question for when to use the death spiral is if boarders or cannons are the bigger threat. So if you have the enemy burning and demasted and have send a boarder you might want to spiral, because they're very unlikely to effectively fire at you, but especially with lower numbers a border can disrupt enough to give an opening.
You have made a great point. I have 1 balled many opponents in hrg as they have tried to death spiral me. I am not the best at pvp but the predictable patters makes it super easy to 1 ball and board people to turn tables. Mooring on the stern or bowe is the safer option if you can repel a boarder.
Just a few days ago me and a random kid from discord were fighting a galleon and ran into the exact issue you just explained. We would default to the death spiral until we got caught in their broad, and they were ready. We barely survived and ended up sinking them using the strat you outlined.
This is a very high quality, I wish you luck on RUclips
Great video! Also quick question - did you sink a reaper 5 sloop earlier today? I just saw a galleon with only blue sails and it made me think of you.
Yeah we sank a couple. What's your gamertag?
@@kaijoi8938 COBoardR - I was being chased by a new player galleon
@@AnarchyOven Nice, we did sink you earlier today. GG.
@@kaijoi8938 GG. I was folding laundry while sailing to reapers and all the sudden I was in a galleon’s broadside.
@@AnarchyOven cap u got rolled
one thing Id might add tho, as a solo its rly hard to park out of a crews borad while remaining a good angle on them and not waste too much time raising sails as u might get boarded or shit on while doing so, in my experience just keepin on sailing and turning ur wheel rq is more efficient, specially cz u can drop ur sails fast to speed out of a ships broad if u have to. But I defenately overdo it myself, I might try ancherong or raising sails behind a ship more often ^^
Exactly. That's why at 5:03 I included the fact that the spiral is really only useful for solo players, as you don't always have the time to raise your sails and turn the wheel. But if you're 2,3, or 4 man crew, then just parking in front of them is safer than using the death spiral.
@@kaijoi8938 yeye was just saying on why its usefull / less ussefull to raise sails as a solo
Great video, deserves more recognition 👏
The key is always to cause as much chaos as possible on the other boat. For a smaller crew, you'd ideally want to get as much fire as possible on the larger boat before engaging. Getting their anchor dropped and sails down adds to this. At this point, they have way too much other stuff to worry about and you come in cannons blazing, into the death spiral. Going into the spiral early is how to lose the fight early.
This is very true. You have to distract them from being able to get on cannons through any means necessary. If you only hit the first 3 chains and fully demast them, but you put no bottom deck holes into them, then going into their broadside is still suicide. Which is why you would want to park in front of their boat and put a ton of lower pressure into them before using the deathspiral and going into their broad. At the beginning of a fight since no one has any holes and you're already at a disadvantage since you have less cannons, you need to keep your distance and make sure that you are far enough away that if you start losing the broad by getting 1balled or chainshotted, you still have the option of turning off and running away. If you get too close then you'll reach the point of no return, where if you don't win the broad right then and there and you get 1balled or demasted then you no longer have the option of running away and you'll lose the fight.
The deathspiral can be used if they are unable to beat you in a broad. Whether that be because of cursedballs, blunderbombs, or lowerdeck pressure, it's not a bad idea to use the death spiral as long as you can keep them off the cannons.
@@kaijoi8938 I prefer the term "tactical withdrawl" rather than run away. Other than that minor terminology, I agree
As a solo, I never get into a broad with any other ship. The threat of a single cannonball knocking you off or oneballing is just not worth whatever nominal pressure you could apply equally from getting in their rear or getting them to nose dive you.
man gaves me ptsd.
reason i lost my last battle is becuase we were in a brig, flying into the wind, had every advantage imaginable....and then rare decided to spawn a kraken on us.
thats the fight that convinced me that rare has some controll over the in game world and can just decide to force spawn things if they want to like cluster truck. and you'll never convince me other wise
love the vid. that u show that it isnt the best strat and do over cons. Another thing tho is loot bc i feel like if someone has an insane amount of loot and lots of holes they might not focus as much on the pvp as they would want to patch giving the death spiral a good advantage to open previously patched holes
Absolutely. I myself will use the death spiral sometimes after we’ve completely demasted a ship and they aren’t sinking to the same 8 holes, so I’ll pull the boat around to their other side and start putting in another 8 holes. However I only do this when we have full control over the fight. The last thing you’d want to do is be winning the broad, then go to a spot where they can shoot you and you start getting 1balled so you start losing.
really good vid and explanation :D!
On an unrelated note. If you are on a brig or galleon or even as a duo sloop. Please dont be a board lord and just keep jumping or cannoning out after every trip back from the ferry. Especially if your ship has damage. I have lost many fights because my idiot crewmates just keep jumping instead of helping me repair. Or helping to guard ladders.
sick ass video!! will definitely try implementing this in my solo sloop adventures
Death spiral is meta tho
@@vortexial your mom is meta too tho🥵
@@juniper9607 My mom isn't meta😤
To summarize all strategies: Hit the enemy a lot while preventing them from hitting you.
One of the biggest problems I can see in the death spiral is that it's too narrow. If you use a lighter curve and a larger circle, you can keep your enemy in your sights while being a _lot_ harder to hit yourself. A wide circle will even let you _leave_ your ship to board, even if you're soloing.
The best distance to be when using this technique is as far away as possible _while also_ being able to reliably hit your target with shot (and, ideally, in range of Cannon Boarding). The further away you are, the faster you can move without sacrificing accuracy.
Very true, keeping your distance is super important when fighting. If you get to close then eventually you'll reach the point of no return and if they chainshot you, you're not going to be able to escape. That's why I like parking in front of their boat, as it allows you to get really close to their ship for easier shots without the risk of getting cannoned. The further away you are the safer you'll be, but the harder it is to hit shots. If you can demast them from far away, then you can get in close and park in front of their boat to hit easier shots.
Great video homie! Great points
This is Top quality Content, so much usefull information and easy to understand visualisation.
Thank you!
An actual usefull guide for once. Thank you good sir
It depends on how perfect you can get the spiral going, if it’s a perfect circle you won’t need the helmsman to stay on the wheel but can switch to canon while someone else boards.
True. If you can get that perfect spiral then you will be able to move the helmsman around to repair holes and shoot cannons. My main point to take away from the video was that people use the Death Spiral too liberally. They get a ship demasted and instantly start using the spiral and shooting lower deck holes, when in some cases it would be much better if they just parked somewhere where the other ship was incapable of shooting them. You absolutely can achieve the same affect of allowing the helmsman to not be stuck on the wheel if you get a perfect spiral. But especially with waves, boats drifting, masts breaking, and so on, it can be slightly difficult to get the perfect spiral that doesn't require any further adjustments.
I'm not saying that the death spiral is a bad strategy. As long as you can keep the enemy crew from shooting you while you're in their broadside, then it's the best strategy out there as it will allow you to hit tier 3 holes all around their boat rather than being locked to only one side. The main problem is just the fact that when you're going into their broadside, you're giving them an opportunity to shoot cursedballs, 1 ball you, and/or chainshot you, that it might force you onto the defensive. This is mainly the case if you're a sloop fighting a galleon, where having a 4man broad can instantly 1ball you, break your mast, and produce massive amounts of holes into your boat.
I find that it's much easier (and safer) to just park where they can't shoot you, put plenty of lowers into them, and then maybe use the spiral to put holes into the other side of their ship after you've completely prevented them from getting on cannons because of the amount of bucketing that they have to do. REGARDLESS, as long as you can keep them from firing back at you, then there is no reason NOT to use the death spiral. However if you're on a smaller ship, it will almost always be impossible to completely stop them from firing back at you, to the point that it'll always be safer to avoid that situation altogether.
Like I said at the end of the video, if they're a bad crew then you can beat them with any strategy you want, death spiral or not. However if you're going up against a ship that's bigger than you, and played by a crew that's better than you, then it will almost always be better to play it safe and give them as few chances to win as possible. One of the easiest ways to do this is to avoid their superior cannonfire as much as possible. But at the end of the day:
*If it works, it works.*
Against sloops as another sloop it’s still good even with the downsides just cause you can deny cannons a lot easier
I usually play with one friend on a sloop... is it valid to basically circle them (when u already have the upper hand in the fight) whilst u are still reletively further away from them till u get closer... bc i personally find it incredibly hard to hit my cannon shots precisly when our sails are all the way up and we are standing still (bc i think the waves have a bigger impact compared to half sails?! idk maybe thats false info) ... so that we go to "park" infront / behind them just when we are close enough to consistently hit those shots... or should i just try to improve my cannon shots so that i can easily hit high range shots even when standing still on a sloop? :)
This video (while good) I would definitely remake it and drive home the point that you can use The Death Spiral all you want, AS LONG AS: you can prevent the other ship from shooting you.
If I were to remake the video I would include a narration of me saying; **You don’t want to start off with the death spiral, you want to chainshot them first, then get plenty of holes into them FIRST, before trying to spiral around them and put yourself into a position where they can shoot back at you.
And yes youre correct, fully raising your sails will make it slightly harder to hit shots because the waves will take your boat for a ride. The reason why I said to fully raise your sails, is because in that situation I was talking about, you were close enough that it didn’t matter if you kept your sails raised or lowered, because you’re close enough to hit the shots anyway.
But yeah, once you have the upper hand in a fight, go for the spiral to put lots of holes into their boat. Just don’t spiral too early and allow them to win the broad. If you’re the bigger ship, you can always spiral the other ship whenever you want, because you’ll always be able to keep them off of cannons. But if you’re a smaller ship fighting a bigger ship, then the death spiral can be detrimental of you do it too soon.
I use it when on a sloop, we have pressure on the enemy, and my crewmate has boarded. Even then, it's better to stop, but sometimes that just isn't quite viable and I need to keep the pressure on. I agree with you, is what I'm saying.
Exactly. As long as you can prevent the other crew from firing back at you when you go into their broad, then it's a good strategy as it will allow you to put holes all around their ship. But for example, if you're a sloop spiraling around a galleon (your teammate is on their boat) and as you go into their broadside your teammate dies, you now need to HARD SPAM blunderbombs or cursedballs in order to be able to escape from their 4man broad.
As long as you can prevent them from shooting back at you then the spiral will always be a better strategy than just sitting at the front of their ship hitting the same holes over and over again.
Found that the Death Spiral is really only viable so long as you have a boarder, or the anchor isn't down so that if they do try to turn the ship at any point to get broadside on you, you can keep up with a circle at their front. It's definitely not the best strategy.
Yo dude what do you use to edit
Premiere Pro.
Good point, but i am just curious how you spin your wheel so fast... My main job is not to helm, but i am starting to pick it up and enjoy it, it feels like a few times you managed to helm faster when usual. P.S 2.27 for example
Control and keyboard it just makes it look faster that’s it there is not benifits to it besides that
Turn the wheel with your keyboard and a controller at the same time. Visually it looks like it's turning faster, but that's only client side. What it's actually doing is "queueing" a turn, so when you get of the wheel, it will continue turning. The main use is at 3:54 where I was able to get on cannons earlier because I queued a turn and didn't have to stay on wheel for as long.
great vid
how do you park behind another ship?
Raise your sails behind them.
If you stop in front or behind a ship, won't the be a perfect opportunity for the other crew to board you?
Yes, a still target will be easier to board than a moving one. But like I said at 4:24. A good crew is going to make the board, regardless of whether your ship is moving or not. It's super easy to guard ladders when there's no pressure, but it's not easy to guard ladders when you have someone trying to shoot you with a cannon in order to 1ball or knock you off the ship. I would much rather guard ladders when I'm not under pressure of getting 1balled or knocked off the boat, instead of using the death spiral, getting boarded anyway, and having to watch the ladder while getting cannoned.
How to get out of a death spiral 🌀?
In order to get out of someone death spiraling you, you have to find a way to get them off of the cannons. When you don’t have an angle to cannon them, shoot them with your sniper to try and force them off the cannons to heal. When then eventually spin into your broadside, get on the cannons and start spamming blunderbombs and curse balls at topdeck to regain cannonline control. Hopefully you’ll be able to 1ball a couple of them, and/or blunderbomb their ship away from your boat. If you do this then it will cause their ship to lose angle for a couple seconds, and their crew will have to spend time healing/repairing their ship while they wait to regain angle. When this happens, you have to rush over and raise one of your sails and repair it so you can escape from the fight.
The main problem that people run into is that they’ll sit there and do the wrong thing at the wrong time. They’ll be repairing their ship and bailing water when they should be firing back at the enemy crew and trying to win back the broad. Or when they finally DO get angle back again, they’ll shoot chainshots to knock their masts down, when they should’ve been shooting cannonline in order to get them off of cannons and to try and 1ball them.
Obviously, if the other crew has you demasted, and is actively spiraling you, it will be incredibly difficult to win because you have to fight through so many disadvantages. But as long as the other crew misses a couple topdeck shots at key moments. You can easily take back cannonline control and win the fight. You are fighting an uphill battle, so the best advice is to never get yourself in a situation where you’re completely demasted and getting spiraled on. But if you are, don’t panic and just wait for an opening to get on cannons, Then spam them blunderbombs and curse balls and never let them touch the cannons again.
Your discord link is not working :(
Fixed now.
The real question is. How u turn that gally wheel so fast at 2:24
Use a keyboard and controller and turn the wheel at the same time. Visually it will look like you're turning it at 2x speed. In reality it's just "queuing" a turn, so when you get off the wheel it will continue spinning.
B.S.G - Best strategy guru
bro i can't agree with you cause:
1: doing death spiral is easier and parking in this perfact place where you can aim at ther side but they can't hit you is hard.
2: even if you would find this perfact spot there are still some big problems you have to worry about, like lets say that you're fighting full man galeon and you're in this situation, if 2 of them would board you at one moment one would get onto your ship and even could kill you.
In response to your first statement, while both strategies can be difficult to use in certain situations, the deathspiral is definitely harder to use than just parking in front of their boat. Even if you get the god-tier turn and get the best spin, if you catch wind at the wrong time or they chainshot / blunderbomb your boat, then you're perfect spin now needs to be fixed. Now this isn't necessarily going to make you lose the battle, however it will force one of your crewmates to stay on the wheel and change the course of the ship, meaning that they can no longer bail / shoot cannons, and are now required to stay locked on the wheel in order to keep angle. And the deathspiral is also something that needs to be constantly corrected throughout the entire course of the fight. But parking in front of someone's boat only needs to be done once, and you don't have to touch the wheel again. And when you raise your sails and park in front of their boat, it means that you don't have to worry about catching wind at the wrong time. Parking in front of them also makes it easier for everyone to aim their cannons where they want to go. If you're moving then you'll be further away, and the waves could be more choppy, making it harder to hit your shots. Keeping your boat still will make the waves less choppy and make it slightly easier for everyone to aim and shoot their cannons.
As for the second statement, I thought I covered it pretty well at: 4:24. If you're going up against a good crew it doesn't matter whether you standing still or moving, they're going to make it onto your ladder regardless of what your ship is doing. However if you use the death spiral that means that not ONLY do you have to worry about getting boarded, but you ALSO have to worry about being cannoned, curseballed, blunderbombed, and chainshotted. It's also SUPER easy to guard ladders, and if you really have to you can just drop the sail and avoid their board. Since they're in the water that means they can't be on cannons so it's okay if you go into their broadside because their cannon advantage is not usable at that moment, so you won't be taking a big risk by going into their broad. It's super easy to guard ladders, but it is NOT easy to guard ladders if you're being constantly cannoned. A good crew will try to cannon you off the ladder and attempt to 1ball you while their teammate goes for a board. It is MUCH harder to guard your ladders if you're under constant threat of getting knocked off the ship or 1balled.
@@kaijoi8938 okay my turn. I think that you'll end this in your first respond (idk did i get that right im from Poland) but i want to fight to the end lol. Okay so by parking in this Perfect spot i meant that they can still spin and catch you on ther broadside unless you've got anchorball, and you know it's hard to time it right because of all this chaos, heart reat jumping(okay maybe only when i am fighting). Now about boarding. You don't have to stay next to the ladder all this time causr you can use blunderbomb. Okay it's hard for me to respond all your argumentas causr i'm on phone and i can't read all but if i'll find something i can respond to i will.
@@kaijoi8938 okay i have to agree with your other argues
@@cgusiec7039 You're absolutely right in saying that they can just spin and catch you in their broadside. However it will take them a couple seconds to be able to get an angle to shoot you, meaning that during that time you have time to load up a blunderbomb or cursedball to prevent them from getting on cannons. And like I said at 3:36, you can also lower your sail to try and get out of their broadside as quickly as possible.
As for standing next to the ladder, you're correct in saying that you can just throw a blunderbomb to try and knock them off. But sometimes they can still grab back onto the ladder, and it will always be more difficult to guard ladders when the other ship is trying to 1ball you, rather than when they aren't.
@@kaijoi8938 you know with blunderbombing somebody off the ladder from my fights they are usuall to disoriented to grab ladder back and when i am fighting some pros they usually are too far to the ladder to grab it back
Noooo!!! But blurbs told me to stay mobile and do death spiral 😢
As with any battle, learn how your enemy acts, and adapt your strategy to it. Both Blurbs and this channel have some great strats and points, but never stick to one single plan of attack, it can always be countered. You need to read the enemy, and be able to switch up your plan of the fly to counter your enemy. If you can do that, you're way ahead of most people.
Finally a video that explains their reasoning
Thanks. I hate seeing videos that just tell you WHAT to do, without giving you a reason as to why or when you should use it.
Hey that’s my sloop lol
Very good video
Well I agree to some of your points I just believe the spiral is good if your down a man due to him boarding their ship
If you're able to stop them from cannoning you because you have someone on their ship killing them, then the death spiral is very good since you can put holes all around their ship. However if your teammate dies, then you have to be careful of all 4 of them getting on cannon and shooting you.
wouldnt parking ur boat render you vulnerable to boarders
God tier tips
big brain plays 👍
here I am, not even knowing how to do a death spiral
Very nice
Use your curses and Blundies wisely. *Edit*
Misses are detrimental.
Just Spawncamp Until They Scuttle 🤩
I hate that we call it a spiral, that's my issue with it
I hate that you care.
why is the death spiral the best strategy for solo players? isn’t it the most dangerous thing for solo players to get into a broadside of a ship with a bigger crew? one oneball and you are done. You would need to make sure 100% that they can’t shoot, which is just an unnecessary risk
The reason why it's a better strategy for solos is because you don't always have time as a solo player to fully raise your sails, guard ladders, bail the boat, and shoot cannons. It's easier if you can get a good spin going, then it'll be harder for the other crew to board making it super easy to watch ladders. It also means that you don't need to bother with raising sails and parking, because this will take time away from you shooting the other ship, and it'll also make it much easier for the other crew to snipe you on the cannons.
But if you're a duo, trio, or 4man using the spiral then it'll be much better as you can keep up the cannons pressure WHILE you raise the sail and guard ladders. As a solo sloop you want to minimize your time spent turning the wheel, watching boarders, raising sail, and repairing the boat, and to try and spend most of your time on shooting the other ship.
The Death Spiral will always be a better strategy than just raising your sails and shooting the same holes over and over again, AS LONG AS, you can keep the other crew from being able to get on the cannons. If you're a galleon death spiraling a brigantine, then you have nothing to worry about as you can easily 3v2 or 4v2 their cannonline and easily win the broad.
Jhailer jr sank derice
Adex spawncamped Derice.
great video, one-day I shall shoot them cannons as well as you lot
@@uhpearl when the
I joined ur discord server and instantly got banned lol
Get rolled.
Glosa does not like angell
@@adeggs7938 Okay Bernardo Miramon. Thanks for the input A.
I like males
I disagree still but good video anyways
If I were to remake the video then I would definitely drive home the point that: *the death spiral is good, as long as you can prevent the other ship from shooting you when you go into their broad* if you’re a galleon using the death spiral against a sloop, then you’ll EASILY be able to prevent the sloop’s one cannon from overpowering your 4.
But if you’re the sloop spiraling a galleon, you need to be extremely careful to not let them 4man broad you when you go into their broadside, or else you’ll lose the fight immediately. That being said, the death spiral is necessary to use in order to sink good ships because putting holes in the left and right hand side of their ship is so much more effective than just shooting the left side over and over and over again.
Now that I’ve explained it a little bit better, do you still disagree with the fact that the death spiral isn’t a good strategy to use in every situation? Why or why not?
@@kaijoi8938 Yeah I understand where your coming from. The spiral is extremally effective especially against a sloop and that definitely should have had more emphasis in the video. As I'm typing this we just used the spiral to sink a sloop 1 min ago in fact😂
Anyone wanna play I'm Xbox
flotsam does not agree with this video
Who is flotsam?
Nope all false. firebombs, distance cracked shots , and boarding is the only strategy... love a your vids but this is click bait