Which idle is your favorite that wasn't featured in this video?! Edit: The amount of people that see my interpretation of Hitmontops animation then pause the video to screech in the comments only to learn that I address their concerns shortly after in the video is pretty amusing LOL. Watch the entire vid before commenting friends : 3 (especially the secret ending!)
so is everyone just copying Dream the minecraft youtuber now? also great video as always. We need more people in the world like you, not afraid to upset ten year olds who think that animations before x and y were bad
There is one Pokémon where the idol animation being static is a good thing. Sudoowodoo. It’s entire thing is that it pretends to be a tree and trees are stagnant
I don't think its animation is bad either. The textures used however, are more rubbery-like than in Pokemon Stadium where it actually looked like the bark of a tree.
David Torres it can be argued that that’s the style tho, since none of the Pokémon really look furry or scaly or anything (to the best of my knowledge) and to be fair it is a rock not an actual tree, but ye it would be neat if it had bark on it
What I love about Sudowoodo’s GF animation is how at first glance, it appears to be completely immobile, but if you look closely, you’ll notice a faint, subtle movement, indicating that it is still a living creature.
Many pokemon just lack good poses. Look at Sawk for example. It doesnt needs better animation because the pose suggest its waiting focused for your orders ready to strike.
I love how you can clearly see that there is some incredible detail and care put into Pokemon, which just makes it sadder to see such disappointing results in other cases
Idk if this would be playing Devil's advocate, but given how many Pokémon there are, coming up with a unique animation for all of them would be nearly impossible.
Interesting fun fact is that hitmontop's german name is in fact "Kapoera" which is of course a reference to capoeira. edit: just a reminder that he mentioned the capoeira reference after his interpretation. No need to write he is completely wrong with that.
One idle animation I really like is Archeops' struggling flight. As an ancestor to all bird-like Pokémon, Archeops doesn't have fully formed wings and thus isn't able to stay airborne as well as its descendants, so it has to flap its wings a lot faster and harder to compensate
@@Farizz150 Yeah, as a Pokemon that is known for being an exceptional runner and a terrible flyer... having it fly constantly is certainly an interesting choice. Maybe having it stand normally, then occasionally flapping its wings and getting off the ground for a second or two before landing again would be better
@@nazeersadek6705 well I mean some pokemon have limited movement so saying choosing not to give all of them crazy idle animations feels weak. like what would mons like diglette or zubat or silcoon/cascoon do to make ya happy? im not arguing here i just wanna know what would you have done for those types
Nagito no I’m not saying that every Pokémon should have crazy idle animation but there’s loads of Pokémon that had really good and cool animations in battle revolution that are still barely animated in the official games on top of my head Swellow is a great example compare its animations and you’ll see what I mean
Honestly, Hitmontop’s name in Japanese is Kapoera. Mentioning this “choreography dance cardio” was a theory at most and completely unnecessary. It’s pretty obviously based on Capoeira moves.
Falinks, that thing just stole my heart the moment I saw it, the way it walks, the way it is hit and every single unit falls differently, it even has a unique attack! Like Golisopod before, he instantly became one of my favorites.
Yeah i wasn't sure if i was spelling it right. 😅 and didn't want to exit out the app to check. But i tried my best to remember how Capoeira the alien characters spelled their name in the PS1 game, Bust-A-Groove 👽 👽
I was going to say no shit sherlock but I forgot that the english name is hitmontop so the reference is not easy to find. In France, he is called Kapoera. Just like the dance so this is obvious for us
There's some idle animations I distinctly remember loving that werent mentioned here, like how Rowlet turns his head backwards like am owl sometimes, Toxicroak constantly in an attack ready pose, or Medicham balancing on one foot. Wish more pokemon were as expressive as these guys.
@@Jdudec367 The problem is most animations lacking life, just being a static model slightly waving it's arms back and forth. Most pokemon that aren't humanoid or basic animals actually have pretty good animations.
@@Whispernyan exactly...that's what I thought so I don't know what this person means as I thought we all know that's the issue. some do have good idle animations including humaniod and animal like pokemon sometimes
These comparisons put a tear in my eyes, not for how far we've come, but how far back we've regressed... Edit: Huh, wrote this before the video premiered and I thought we'd be going over other gens and comparing them to the abysmal gen 8 ones, pleasantly surprised overall!
Oxnard Darcy and it sucks, I’m not gonna spend 300 for a switch then 60 for ONE game and then spend another 40 just to get Pokémon that should have been available in the base game anyways! All this plus the only shiny hunting method (besides Masuda) doesn’t work properly
Few good iddle animations are: >Goldeen ans Seaking with nice movement >Abomasnow for breathing animation on frills >Snorunt and Glailie for shaking that should have been added to froslass as well >Dusknoir with cool Spell chanting (I wish it could chomp) >Magikarp >Octilery Many pokemon jsut lack good poses. Look at Sawk for example. It doesnt needs better animation because the posesuggest its waiting focused for your orders ready to strike.
Here's some others: Raticate Raichu Sandslash Nidoran-F Nidoran-M Nidoking Clefable (as well as Clefairy) the entire Jigglypuff line Zubat Vileplume (and Oddish too) Dugtrio line Primeape line Poliwrath line (except Politoed) Bellsprout Geodude Gengar (which was from BR) Kingler line the entire Chansey line Taurous Eevee and Flareon Kabutops Totodile (and arguably Croconaw) Furret Hoothoot Ampharos Bellossom Azumarill line Yanma Aipom line Jumpluff line Murkrow Swinub Elekid Magby Miltank Larvitar Torchic Kirlia Breloom Vigoroth Nosepass Exploud line (especially Loudred) Sableye Aggron (and Aron as well) Medicham line Crawdaunt line (or arguably just Crawdaunt) Grumpig line Spheal and Sealeo Bagon Turtwig Infernape (and Chimchar also) Budew Pachirisu Cherrim (sun form) Buneary Mega Lopunny Mime Jr. Gible (Gabite isn't too static either) Drapion line Toxicroak line Magnezone Tangrowth (arguably) Gliscor (arguably) Rotom Pignite Roggenrola and Boldore Woobat Krookodile Darmanitan line Maractus Archeops line Gothita Solosis Karrablast Joltik Chandelure (and Lampent too) Braivary Vullaby Zweilous Fletchling Noivern line (more so Noibat) Incineroar (and Torracat too) Pikipek Crabrawler Bounsweet and Steenee (not as static as her final evolution's tho) Passimian Togedemaru Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o Tapu Koko Xuriktree Kartana Zeraora Rillaboom (arguably, plus Thwackey) Scorbunny Rookidee Grapploct line Hattena Impidimp Obstagoon (arguably, plus Galarian Zigzagoon) Fallinks Kubfu Urshifu (rapid-strike, the other form's pose is still good tho) Zarude
@smeleleh The spin offs are fun. I only play Sword and Shield for competitive meme teams and Professor Oak Challenge attempts. I can personally reccomend The Pokemon Ranger Series (All on Wii U VC or Ds) Mystery Dungeon DX (Red/Blue work too) Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky (Is far better than Time and Darkness imo) (Available the same way as the ranger games) Also I believe the 3DS Rumble Game(NOT THE FREE ONE! The one that came out near the 3ds initial release) is also worth a shot if you can get a hold on it, since, while it has a fairly decent story it doesn't require pay to win shit like the more recent rumble games. But that's just the opinions of a fellow comment scroller. I hope you have a good day
7:30 Wait, that Charizard is actually moving at the same speed as your character. Did they patch it, or is it a mod? Knowing them, it's probably the latter...
I'm glad to see Sw/Sh being called out more but it's so sad to see people just hand over their money like it's nothing. I am waiting to buy the games (mainly because I don't have a Switch, and mainly because I'm in my 30's and just finished Ultra Sun after not being able to afford a game since Crystal.) But, I feel like GameFreak could redeem itself by bringing back the National Dex, a ton of patches, update the game as much as possible, out in a bunch of better Pokemon interactions (didn't like the curry or camp idea), etc. Make a come back like No Man's Sky did. But they won't. They'll pocket the money and move on to another shitty game.b
They seem to be bringing back both cut pokemon and content in the form of DLC but.... it just feels as if they were features that got intentionally removed before shipping the rush/unfinished game that was Sw/Sh. I got Digimon CyberSleuth Complete edition instead. It's two game at the price of one and comes with nearly every DLC/bonus present in previous releases already installed.
If you eventually get a Switch and need an RPG, Dragon Quest 11 and Xenoblade Chronicles both have a ton more effort put into them than Sw/Sh do and boast way more content without resorting to the same awful monetization that modern pokemon has. Please support better developers that actually care about their games, the Pokemon company doesn't need your money.
Sometimes I stare at gen 5s sprites and idle animations and it’s incredible how the pixilated, DS idles sometimes look better than the 3D animations on the switch 👁👁 it’s just crazy to me how they could only pick a select few Pokémon who got special treatment
@@doge-pal oh yeah, because GOD FORBID we actually like old games unconditionally. No, it's nostalgia goggles, that's what. No other reason. Seriously, I'm getting White, and I'm from 2006. Shut up with that bullcrap.
See, they are capable of good stuff, and the models themselves aren’t the problem. Honestly, they just need to update a handful and make them more exciting to look at. One of my favorite idle animations has to be Incineroar, he just moves so smoothly and has the personality goin
I do very much enjoy your "High Quality Animations" video, but this one was a nice change and reminded me why I like Pokemon so much, thanks for the vid! As for idle animations, I do quite like Toxtricity, the way it is like staring sideways and the electric effects above its head, kinda wishes they'd do the same with Typhlosion's flames
Just some plant without a pot Pokémon was the first to show me “positive toxicity” Basically you joke about one issue in the game Even if it’s just a couple words you get attacked by the “positive” “non toxic” part of the fan base, didn’t necessarily happen to me I’ve just seen it once or twice But it is what it is
I love Barascuda's idle, it turned a "oh huh a fish that looks like an arrow that's kinda neat" to "ooo it has a propeller that's real cool!" with just like, 5-10 minutes extra animation work?
I have the theory that the few lively and interesting animations we got were all made by the same person, someone who legitimately cared and wanted to give each Pokemon some personality with their animations...
@@xxAryAryxx it's cuz he's way more than just a beyblade, he's based off of one of the sickest martial arts ever made and they'd rather portray that than make him do spins exclusively, he's honestly one of the most well made Pokemon by gamefreak.
Honestly i like it more the way it is animated now, not to say that him being on his point is bad but the little dance he does makes the battles feel more like... Well battles. In a vacuum i would agree that being on the top is better but since the animations are used in battles it feels more real, like that is the way a hitmontop would battle, in a pose ready to attack and spinning when he attacks But hey thats just my opinión 🤷
@@SquidwardProfilePic He's adorable and INCREDIBLY clever as a concept! I love the hitmons with all my heart :) They're so underrated and underappreciated.
The new Pokemon have pretty interesting and creative animations, just not in their idle stances. Drizzile throws water balls, Intelleon shoots water bullets, Wooloo rolls, Yamper's fur sparks, Appletun's eyes lift up, Grimmsnarl's hair moves, Toxel throws temper tantrums...need I go on?
The Pokémon where I feel like the Gen 6-8 animation brought with it the greatest loss in character was Giratina's origin forme. In Gen 5, it had probably one of the coolest idle animations for my personal taste, with its "wings" moving backwards and forwards in a menacing way, almost looking like a scorpion's tail - then Gen 6 came around and the "wings" suddenly appeared to be just stiff and mostly unused extensions of its body. I really want Gen 5's idle animation back.
Here's a list of animations I thought were great: This list is pretty long. Spoink: it just bounces because according to the pokedex, it will die if it doesn't keep bouncing. Wooper: it bops its head up and down. Sudowoodo: it just stands there since its whole thing is that it pretends to be a tree. Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan: they move around as if they're finding the right moment to strike, though you can see this more in Hitmonchan. Vigoroth: it moves its arms and upper body to convey that its more energetic than Slakoth and Slaking. Porygon: it floats while its feet and tail move around. Omastar and Octillery: its tentacles move around. Magikarp: it splashes since its a fish out of water, but I would've liked if it also had an animation for when you battle on the water. Raticate: as it moves up and down, the head moves very quickly. Parasect: it moves from left to right. Dugtrio: all of its heads move around. Primeape: as it moves its body, its arms move up and down. Dodrio: I just find it a nice detail to have the middle head look at the other two heads. Alolan Exeggutor: it sways like a palm tree, the plant its based on. Alolan Marowak: it just looks like its prepared to fight, unlike regular Marowak's animation. Bellsprout and Sunflora: they move around and don't just stand there. Unown: all the forms move around. My favorites are D, F, G, I, N, Q, S, X, Y, and ! forms. Azurill: it bounces on the ball at the end of its tail. Medicham: it moves around as it balances on one foot. Grumpig and Cacnea: both are pretty much doing the same animation, but at least they aren't just standing there. Cherrim (Sunshine form): it happily bounces around. Spiritomb: the purple fog that makes up its head is spinning around. Magnezone: the magnets spin around. Rotom: all Rotom forms have their electricity arms moving around. Darumaka: as it bounces, it alternates between standing on its left and right foot. Scorbunny: it bounes around. Falinks: they march in place, which is a thing. Galarian Darmanitan (Zen Mode): It bounces around. If Game Freak animated all Pokemon like these ones, then it would make them look more alive during battles.
ive never seen samurotts sword arms and i fell in love with samurott so much more. he do be sneaking through airport security tho. they make him feel more like a knight then a seal.
Right!? Neat little details like that conveyed through animation can completely alter your perspective. I think that's special and important which is one of the reasons I make the vids I do
I personally really like Incineroar's idle animation and wish it was also used in Smash. And of course the newest Pokémon, Urshifu, has a fantastic one in his Rapid Strike form.
I agree Rapid Strike Urshifu has a pretty go idle animation, except for when it's Dynsmaxed. The feet just slide along the ground like its on wheels. It's very odd and distracting.
Two animations I love are the ones for Chimchar and Scorbunny. Chimchar bounces around while bobbing its head, like a playful chimpanzee, while Scorbunny hops around on its two feet like it’s warming up or ready to fight (it could also be a reference to the “keepy-uppies” soccer technique).
The origin of Hitmontop's new animation is pretty cool. That said, when I first noticed that they put Hitmontop on his feet instead of his head, I was actually very disappointed (this was before even knowing that the games were by different companies).
It takes a lot of knowledge and intelligence to give both pros and cons about a subject! It’s also really easy to take some animations for granted (Baraskewda’s tail propeller for example)! Great video! Baraskewda’s easily my favourite example that you gave off!
>3:14 Correction: HALs Hal was credited for Gen 1-3 Pokemon in the credits, with higher quality versions even used in Smash Bros Brawl. GS did the human and environments for Colo/XD, then Gen 4 mons for BR
I always saw Hitmontop's idle not as a dance step to catch his breath, but as if he was getting ready to spin. The way he keeps his weight moving helps him kick off into a spin much faster, like he's anticipate the opponents next move
I feel like Ludicolo’s idle animation matched up with the Pokémon Colosseum version of Mirror B.’s theme more, as Lucicolo has Latin American roots, and the song “Mirror B.’s Retro Groove” from Colosseum perfectly matches Ludicolo’s dance, and origin.
I think it's important to make videos like this when critiquing something so continuously. Videos like this show that you actually care about the product in question & aren't just complaining for the sake of complaining
Another thing about the hitmontop animation, or at least, my interpretation. because that fighting style does a lot of flips and body twists, it would be extremely easy for hitmontop to transition from that animation into spinning on his head
Though I admire the inspiration for Hitmontop's animation, there is just something way more satisfying about GS's interpretation. The slight wobble as Hitmontop tries to concentrate on their balance, the sheer power you feel when Hitmontop starts spinning and Beyblades the opponent Pokemon. Some animations still feature Hitmontop spinning on their head, but the feeling of raw power is lost.
Why not? The topic of the video is clear and people can form their opinion of the topic since we all know there's some models and animations that are fine/good.
@@yiangaruga4928 I had a feeling someone was gonna say this. I just liked the luxury of commenting before a video is even released. Yes, people are allowed to say what they want. This was more of a hype comment or a comment for people to laugh at before the video comes out.
Honestly even know people think there bland I really like the eeveelution idles.just how their ears and tails (sometimes ribbons) bop in the wind it just floods them with personality and brings a smile to my face
Pokémon games are underfunded I think. Like they should be getting the same amount of money as other triple A titles but there’s no way that’s happening... and then Pokémon outsells all the titles lol
Maybe if people stopped settling for "ok or fine" game freak would make better quality pokemon games. That's why sonic is in such dire straits today from a fan base that was ok with whatever crap Sega decided to throw out.
SEGA is in a different boat. GF refuse to innovate and cut content because of lame excuses. SEGA innovate too much and they end up making games with a lot of half finished mechanics that break easily.
There are Soooooooo many people that dont know that Hitmontops animation is Capoeira (a brazillian dance style of martial arts). Even his name in other languages reference it. So many people think it's just a dance. I was so surprised that so many people were unfamiliar with it. I thought it was widely known.
In relation to the Barraskewda segment, I really hope that Buizel and Floatzel gain the Propeller Tail ability in the Gen 4 remakes onward. It fits them so well. They could turn Propeller Tail into a second regular ability for these Water types.
Cherrim is such a cheerful pokemon! I would squish them if I could. I also have a simple Cherrim video edit on me on Pokemon Memes 2 at the end if anyone wants to see him dance and explore the world! ^_^
You should've included Archeops It's suposed to be a prehistoric bird, so its flying style should be rudimentary, and that's exactly what we see on the game.
I love how every other monster catcher manages to portray character in their monsters idle animations. Even goddamn jurassic world alive has lively animations for every creature when they are idle in battle
I think it's great that you're able to criticize and even PROVE through personal means how things could be improved. That is quite refreshing to see in a critic.
I don’t ever remember a time when most pokemon had a little animation during battle but go off man it’s been a year but we ain’t done riding that hate train yet toot toot
@@jamisdue3545 you cared enough to watch DK's video and find my comment though. Honestly I really don't care about this controversy but I'm still mad at GameFreak but I'm still a "hater".
ludocolo became one of my favorite pokemon to use in ORAS and xy because of his dances, and I love when he uses hydro pump he flexes a t-pose and shakes while water explodes from his face
2:36 "guinja" lol. The first "g" has a "j" sound and the last has a "g" sound. Not trying to be an asshole here, just making the right way of saying it clear in case you were curious.
Hitmontop performs "capoeira" african-brazillian martial art performed by the slaves during the slavery in Brazil. Today this martiar art is a "big root" in our culture. There are still many practitioners of this martial art throughout Brazil. ( If I wrote something wrong sorry for my English)
Which idle is your favorite that wasn't featured in this video?!
Edit: The amount of people that see my interpretation of Hitmontops animation then pause the video to screech in the comments only to learn that I address their concerns shortly after in the video is pretty amusing LOL. Watch the entire vid before commenting friends : 3 (especially the secret ending!)
Thwackey has a pretty good one
so is everyone just copying Dream the minecraft youtuber now? also great video as always. We need more people in the world like you, not afraid to upset ten year olds who think that animations before x and y were bad
He jumps on his own tail and it's adorable
Eelektross 3D model and escaviliers animated sprite,
DistantKingdom if you show more anime bitty in videos I’ll watch more
There is one Pokémon where the idol animation being static is a good thing. Sudoowodoo. It’s entire thing is that it pretends to be a tree and trees are stagnant
I don't think its animation is bad either. The textures used however, are more rubbery-like than in Pokemon Stadium where it actually looked like the bark of a tree.
David Torres it can be argued that that’s the style tho, since none of the Pokémon really look furry or scaly or anything (to the best of my knowledge) and to be fair it is a rock not an actual tree, but ye it would be neat if it had bark on it
What I love about Sudowoodo’s GF animation is how at first glance, it appears to be completely immobile, but if you look closely, you’ll notice a faint, subtle movement, indicating that it is still a living creature.
I am ok with floating Xatu and Salamance. This is how they were portrayed in anime as well.
Many pokemon just lack good poses. Look at Sawk for example. It doesnt needs better animation because the pose suggest its waiting focused for your orders ready to strike.
I love how you can clearly see that there is some incredible detail and care put into Pokemon, which just makes it sadder to see such disappointing results in other cases
I trust that gamefreak can make an amazing game with the right circumstances.
Idk if this would be playing Devil's advocate, but given how many Pokémon there are, coming up with a unique animation for all of them would be nearly impossible.
Foxboy 614 most of the animations are reused anyway but you are right
But they did cut a significant amount of them so there’s that
@@maxexist4763 Still, it ain't stopping me from enjoying the game.
Foxboy 614 well you do you I’m not the one to tell you not to
Interesting fun fact is that hitmontop's german name is in fact "Kapoera" which is of course a reference to capoeira.
edit: just a reminder that he mentioned the capoeira reference after his interpretation. No need to write he is completely wrong with that.
This is its french name too!
Japanese too
Everything but English's name is Kapoera
@@a.arrondel6379 yes,in brazil is "capoeira"
Gamefreak's best pokemon animations: *I sleep*
Wailord having a stroke at the end: *W O K E*
Wailord do be vibin doe
Wailord do be vibin doe
*Release the Kraken!*
One idle animation I really like is Archeops' struggling flight. As an ancestor to all bird-like Pokémon, Archeops doesn't have fully formed wings and thus isn't able to stay airborne as well as its descendants, so it has to flap its wings a lot faster and harder to compensate
Apperantly Michael from Mandjtv don't like Archeops 3d animation.
Okay but also why would it choose to remain doing something it practically can’t do?
@@Farizz150 Yeah, as a Pokemon that is known for being an exceptional runner and a terrible flyer... having it fly constantly is certainly an interesting choice.
Maybe having it stand normally, then occasionally flapping its wings and getting off the ground for a second or two before landing again would be better
I didn't know that but it's so cool hahahaha
@@LampreySocks Because it’s panicky and desperate when it fights
That’s exactly what frustrates me Gamefreak can make the Pokémon animations good they just choose not to do that
What exactly do you want diglett to do?🤔
Nagito why are you asking about Diglett specifically?
@@sdwffff Diglett could pop in and out of his hole happily :)
@@nazeersadek6705 well I mean some pokemon have limited movement so saying choosing not to give all of them crazy idle animations feels weak. like what would mons like diglette or zubat or silcoon/cascoon do to make ya happy? im not arguing here i just wanna know what would you have done for those types
Nagito no I’m not saying that every Pokémon should have crazy idle animation but there’s loads of Pokémon that had really good and cool animations in battle revolution that are still barely animated in the official games on top of my head Swellow is a great example compare its animations and you’ll see what I mean
Fun fact: the hitmontop dance actually first appeared in PokePark Wii
So did Mr. Mime's I think at the start of Cavern Zone
@@koldbite2158 Oh yeah, him too!
Pokepark slapped
Makes sense. Pokepark Wii was developed by the same team that animated all the models, Creatures Inc.
I was gonna comment that same thing. But also ask if there easn't any other instance of those animations being used before...
Narrator: Hitmontop movement is based of...
Me: Capoeira.
Narrator: ... coreography dance cardio.
Also me: *WAT*
To be fair he does mention capoeira. Although he ends up butchering the pronunciation.
Honestly, Hitmontop’s name in Japanese is Kapoera. Mentioning this “choreography dance cardio” was a theory at most and completely unnecessary. It’s pretty obviously based on Capoeira moves.
@@ZoruaMaster more like he didn't do proper research
I was thinking it was based on the Carlton Dance...
my favorite is sudowoodo where he just stands there...
*_M E N E C I N G L Y_*
Sudowoodo being stagnant makes since as it's mimicking a tree. This is the only stagnant animation I'll accept lol
When he blinks I jump
sudowoodo is a tree, it makes sense
Falinks, that thing just stole my heart the moment I saw it, the way it walks, the way it is hit and every single unit falls differently, it even has a unique attack! Like Golisopod before, he instantly became one of my favorites.
Same here
im sorry i got scarred from falinks, it almost sweeped my almost dead team KSKSKSKSOSKSKKSKS
Falinks is the type of pokemon that I would normally either hate or ignore, but then I saw him proper and now it just is among my favorites.
I was about to say, hitmontop looks like he's doing Capoeira (excuse the spelling).
That’s one of its inspirations
Hitmontop is doing a move called “ginga”. It has nothing to do with cardio, and is a basic move any capoeira practitioner know.
That's actually his name in French : Kapoera
Yeah i wasn't sure if i was spelling it right. 😅 and didn't want to exit out the app to check. But i tried my best to remember how Capoeira the alien characters spelled their name in the PS1 game, Bust-A-Groove 👽 👽
I was going to say no shit sherlock but I forgot that the english name is hitmontop so the reference is not easy to find. In France, he is called Kapoera. Just like the dance so this is obvious for us
Brazilian here, the word "Ginga" is said as "JEEn-gah", but nice showcase! Shame they don't give this much personality to other Pokémon.
Oh... Então era ISSO que ele tava tentando dizer KDMAKMX
Eu não entendi essa parte nem por resa
@@Yorancy kkkkk tbm, n tinha entendido
Olá brs
Ha ha, I was just thinking how I'd never heard my capoeira teacher pronounce it the way Distant Kingdom did.
There's some idle animations I distinctly remember loving that werent mentioned here, like how Rowlet turns his head backwards like am owl sometimes, Toxicroak constantly in an attack ready pose, or Medicham balancing on one foot. Wish more pokemon were as expressive as these guys.
Everybody gangsta until Samurotts pull out -glocks- swords out of their hands...
I was today years old when I found out that Samurott was armed O.O
At least Hitmontop actually has some movement in the Game Freak games instead of being a lightly animated statue.
And it also looks perfectly like a capoeira dance, because it's based on that
Yeah, but they took it from PokéPark Wii, so it isn't actually original animation.
There's definitely some animations that are worth a praise although the same fundamental problems still apply to them.
my favorite animation GameFreak did (until now) comes from Azurill, it's so adorable seeing it jumping in his own tail
isn't the problem well...it being not well animated or...am I missing something?
@@Jdudec367 The problem is most animations lacking life, just being a static model slightly waving it's arms back and forth. Most pokemon that aren't humanoid or basic animals actually have pretty good animations.
@@Whispernyan exactly...that's what I thought so I don't know what this person means as I thought we all know that's the issue. some do have good idle animations including humaniod and animal like pokemon sometimes
@@Jdudec367 I guess he just means even the ones that do have good animations still lack what he's looking for.
These comparisons put a tear in my eyes, not for how far we've come, but how far back we've regressed...
Edit: Huh, wrote this before the video premiered and I thought we'd be going over other gens and comparing them to the abysmal gen 8 ones, pleasantly surprised overall!
Sad truth.
Wait your comment came out way before the video was shown
@@Guawaa_A1 it was premiering for a long time
Oxnard Darcy and it sucks, I’m not gonna spend 300 for a switch then 60 for ONE game and then spend another 40 just to get Pokémon that should have been available in the base game anyways! All this plus the only shiny hunting method (besides Masuda) doesn’t work properly
just because of capoeira hitmontop, 10/10 video.
His German name is the German name for capoeira called Kapoera
Few good iddle animations are:
>Goldeen ans Seaking with nice movement
>Abomasnow for breathing animation on frills
>Snorunt and Glailie for shaking that should have been added to froslass as well
>Dusknoir with cool Spell chanting (I wish it could chomp)
Many pokemon jsut lack good poses. Look at Sawk for example. It doesnt needs better animation because the posesuggest its waiting focused for your orders ready to strike.
Greninja is also like Sawk
Here's some others:
Clefable (as well as Clefairy)
the entire Jigglypuff line
Vileplume (and Oddish too)
Dugtrio line
Primeape line
Poliwrath line (except Politoed)
Gengar (which was from BR)
Kingler line
the entire Chansey line
Eevee and Flareon
Totodile (and arguably Croconaw)
Azumarill line
Aipom line
Jumpluff line
Exploud line (especially Loudred)
Aggron (and Aron as well)
Medicham line
Crawdaunt line (or arguably just Crawdaunt)
Grumpig line
Spheal and Sealeo
Infernape (and Chimchar also)
Cherrim (sun form)
Mega Lopunny
Mime Jr.
Gible (Gabite isn't too static either)
Drapion line
Toxicroak line
Tangrowth (arguably)
Gliscor (arguably)
Roggenrola and Boldore
Darmanitan line
Archeops line
Chandelure (and Lampent too)
Noivern line (more so Noibat)
Incineroar (and Torracat too)
Bounsweet and Steenee (not as static as her final evolution's tho)
Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o
Tapu Koko
Rillaboom (arguably, plus Thwackey)
Grapploct line
Obstagoon (arguably, plus Galarian Zigzagoon)
Urshifu (rapid-strike, the other form's pose is still good tho)
@@goGothitaLOL Basically is a 15/85. For every pokemon with good animation we have 6 poorly animated mons. You also forgot scorbunny (ONLY Scorbunny).
@@N12015 Rhydon is another one with a solid pose
EDIT: as well as Sneasel and arguably Salazzle
@@goGothitaLOL Why would Froslass shake? She already died of hypothermia :P
I find it very sad that due to the apologists we might never get a quality Pokemon game again...
I will just stick with Gen 5 thank you very much.
Mystery dungeon dx is pretty good, you should try the spin offs
Datto Oh I forgot about those.
Thanks for telling me.
The spin offs are fun. I only play Sword and Shield for competitive meme teams and Professor Oak Challenge attempts.
I can personally reccomend
The Pokemon Ranger Series (All on Wii U VC or Ds)
Mystery Dungeon DX (Red/Blue work too)
Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky (Is far better than Time and Darkness imo) (Available the same way as the ranger games)
Also I believe the 3DS Rumble Game(NOT THE FREE ONE! The one that came out near the 3ds initial release) is also worth a shot if you can get a hold on it, since, while it has a fairly decent story it doesn't require pay to win shit like the more recent rumble games.
But that's just the opinions of a fellow comment scroller. I hope you have a good day
Shiggy Shakes Don’t worry I played GBA Rescue Team.
I have yet to complete Explorers of Time.
And Pokemon Ranger sounds fun
7:30 Wait, that Charizard is actually moving at the same speed as your character. Did they patch it, or is it a mod? Knowing them, it's probably the latter...
Haha.. As if Gamefreak would actually put the tiny effort into polishing a half assed feature they released..
@@yiangaruga4928 LMAO you got the point
Real question is.. Whats happening with the wailord in the background 😂😂
@@kati192 I swear some pokemon naturally move faster than others.
I'm glad to see Sw/Sh being called out more but it's so sad to see people just hand over their money like it's nothing. I am waiting to buy the games (mainly because I don't have a Switch, and mainly because I'm in my 30's and just finished Ultra Sun after not being able to afford a game since Crystal.)
But, I feel like GameFreak could redeem itself by bringing back the National Dex, a ton of patches, update the game as much as possible, out in a bunch of better Pokemon interactions (didn't like the curry or camp idea), etc. Make a come back like No Man's Sky did.
But they won't. They'll pocket the money and move on to another shitty game.b
The Pokémon they cut makes no sense either, why are Snubbull and Swanna out of the games that revolve around England?!
Ueda Yuuji Fan they probably rushed the game
I vote with my wallet and say "hard pass" on this generation.
They seem to be bringing back both cut pokemon and content in the form of DLC but.... it just feels as if they were features that got intentionally removed before shipping the rush/unfinished game that was Sw/Sh. I got Digimon CyberSleuth Complete edition instead.
It's two game at the price of one and comes with nearly every DLC/bonus present in previous releases already installed.
If you eventually get a Switch and need an RPG, Dragon Quest 11 and Xenoblade Chronicles both have a ton more effort put into them than Sw/Sh do and boast way more content without resorting to the same awful monetization that modern pokemon has.
Please support better developers that actually care about their games, the Pokemon company doesn't need your money.
Sometimes I stare at gen 5s sprites and idle animations and it’s incredible how the pixilated, DS idles sometimes look better than the 3D animations on the switch 👁👁 it’s just crazy to me how they could only pick a select few Pokémon who got special treatment
That's just your nostalgia goggles speaking. The "pixelated, DS idles" was NOT good animation by any means.
@@doge-pal compared to S&SH I'd say so 😳
@@doge-pal oh yeah, because GOD FORBID we actually like old games unconditionally. No, it's nostalgia goggles, that's what. No other reason.
Seriously, I'm getting White, and I'm from 2006. Shut up with that bullcrap.
@@lobsterspasta they have more personality but are mostly poorly done as a kid I hated it that they looked so messy
@@alexbrown8900 It's from DS console what did u expect.
Oricorio's forms are definitely up there when it comes to lively idle animations. They kinda have to, though, being based on different dances and all.
Man i just love when you mentioned Hitmontop capoeira inspiration, amazing video!
Sableye's animations were always my favorite, specifically when it gets hit by a move and twitches like a maniac.
See, they are capable of good stuff, and the models themselves aren’t the problem. Honestly, they just need to update a handful and make them more exciting to look at. One of my favorite idle animations has to be Incineroar, he just moves so smoothly and has the personality goin
I do very much enjoy your "High Quality Animations" video, but this one was a nice change and reminded me why I like Pokemon so much, thanks for the vid! As for idle animations, I do quite like Toxtricity, the way it is like staring sideways and the electric effects above its head, kinda wishes they'd do the same with Typhlosion's flames
The older games had some idle statues like Typhlosion. The issues now are that the statues are the norm, not an exception.
One I particularly love is Incineroar’s. A perfect reflection of its character and I appreciated its design much more after seeing it animated.
1:19 Funny that an Ice-type would be doing a "shovel step," since you shovel snow.
I’m gonna love the comments after this
Gonna return to this vid after a hour and hunt for GF apologists.
Apologists want to antagonize him so much, they'll probly shit on gamefreak because he praised them.
By what I see it isn’t that bad idk
Smash bros, paper mario, and pokemon are the holy trinity of toxic nintendo communities
Just some plant without a pot Pokémon was the first to show me “positive toxicity”
Basically you joke about one issue in the game
Even if it’s just a couple words you get attacked by the “positive” “non toxic” part of the fan base, didn’t necessarily happen to me I’ve just seen it once or twice
But it is what it is
I love Barascuda's idle, it turned a "oh huh a fish that looks like an arrow that's kinda neat" to "ooo it has a propeller that's real cool!" with just like, 5-10 minutes extra animation work?
I appreciate the route 113 background music when you showed Spinda. *chef’s kiss*
Shoutout to Victini's entry animation where it flutters its wings and slows down the landing. 100/10 very cute
It's all about Gengar keeping the exact same animation from Stadium all the way to S&S, like a G.
Runerigus's animations are top of the range too, it slots into place etc. Thank you GF, very cool!
I have the theory that the few lively and interesting animations we got were all made by the same person, someone who legitimately cared and wanted to give each Pokemon some personality with their animations...
I was actually really upset they didn’t animate hitmontop on his point lol
how the FUCK you gunna make a spinning top pokemon and NOT have it on his point... ONLY gamefuckingfreak
@@DanceHallGooniesz it spins in its attack animations though
@@xxAryAryxx it's cuz he's way more than just a beyblade, he's based off of one of the sickest martial arts ever made and they'd rather portray that than make him do spins exclusively, he's honestly one of the most well made Pokemon by gamefreak.
Honestly i like it more the way it is animated now, not to say that him being on his point is bad but the little dance he does makes the battles feel more like... Well battles. In a vacuum i would agree that being on the top is better but since the animations are used in battles it feels more real, like that is the way a hitmontop would battle, in a pose ready to attack and spinning when he attacks
But hey thats just my opinión 🤷
@@SquidwardProfilePic He's adorable and INCREDIBLY clever as a concept! I love the hitmons with all my heart :) They're so underrated and underappreciated.
Genius Sonority's Ludicolo animation is my absolute favorite Pokemon animation ever. Thanks for shouting it out
I did not like Hitmontop's Idle animation until you explained what the inspiration was. Hitmontop is basically Richard Simmons!
Hes Eddie Gorro from tekken
Top 10 Best Pokemon Sword and Shield Animation!!!!!!
Thank For Waching!!!
I need my light that burns the sky back.
Honorable mention: Ludicolo
The new Pokemon have pretty interesting and creative animations, just not in their idle stances. Drizzile throws water balls, Intelleon shoots water bullets, Wooloo rolls, Yamper's fur sparks, Appletun's eyes lift up, Grimmsnarl's hair moves, Toxel throws temper tantrums...need I go on?
@@mirandatagliamonte9754 Fucking apologists
@@mirandatagliamonte9754 PLEASE do go on, I wanna see you try to continue after like 20 more pokemon in this game with 800+ pokemon
There, he did some positives.
Happy, apologists?
Sadly, no
Sword and Shield is still garbage though.
Even with some good animations.
"No, he keeps bashing the games so he's obviously still an entitled asshole >:(((((("
Kazoorion also Jibanyan is best Yo Kai
Fight me.
The Pokémon where I feel like the Gen 6-8 animation brought with it the greatest loss in character was Giratina's origin forme. In Gen 5, it had probably one of the coolest idle animations for my personal taste, with its "wings" moving backwards and forwards in a menacing way, almost looking like a scorpion's tail - then Gen 6 came around and the "wings" suddenly appeared to be just stiff and mostly unused extensions of its body. I really want Gen 5's idle animation back.
I fell asleep and woke up to see this counting down on my tv.
Guess I'll watch it since I technically waited.
I waited 12 hours for a 10 minute video.
Respect 💯
I guess you could say Game Freak actually has some nice HIGH QUALITY ANIMATIONS
Here's a list of animations I thought were great:
This list is pretty long.
Spoink: it just bounces because according to the pokedex, it will die if it doesn't keep bouncing.
Wooper: it bops its head up and down.
Sudowoodo: it just stands there since its whole thing is that it pretends to be a tree.
Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan: they move around as if they're finding the right moment to strike, though you can see this more in Hitmonchan.
Vigoroth: it moves its arms and upper body to convey that its more energetic than Slakoth and Slaking.
Porygon: it floats while its feet and tail move around.
Omastar and Octillery: its tentacles move around.
Magikarp: it splashes since its a fish out of water, but I would've liked if it also had an animation for when you battle on the water.
Raticate: as it moves up and down, the head moves very quickly.
Parasect: it moves from left to right.
Dugtrio: all of its heads move around.
Primeape: as it moves its body, its arms move up and down.
Dodrio: I just find it a nice detail to have the middle head look at the other two heads.
Alolan Exeggutor: it sways like a palm tree, the plant its based on.
Alolan Marowak: it just looks like its prepared to fight, unlike regular Marowak's animation.
Bellsprout and Sunflora: they move around and don't just stand there.
Unown: all the forms move around. My favorites are D, F, G, I, N, Q, S, X, Y, and ! forms.
Azurill: it bounces on the ball at the end of its tail.
Medicham: it moves around as it balances on one foot.
Grumpig and Cacnea: both are pretty much doing the same animation, but at least they aren't just standing there.
Cherrim (Sunshine form): it happily bounces around.
Spiritomb: the purple fog that makes up its head is spinning around.
Magnezone: the magnets spin around.
Rotom: all Rotom forms have their electricity arms moving around.
Darumaka: as it bounces, it alternates between standing on its left and right foot.
Scorbunny: it bounes around.
Falinks: they march in place, which is a thing.
Galarian Darmanitan (Zen Mode): It bounces around.
If Game Freak animated all Pokemon like these ones, then it would make them look more alive during battles.
ive never seen samurotts sword arms and i fell in love with samurott so much more. he do be sneaking through airport security tho. they make him feel more like a knight then a seal.
Right!? Neat little details like that conveyed through animation can completely alter your perspective.
I think that's special and important which is one of the reasons I make the vids I do
6:32 "The Pokémon's energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth." --part of Banette's Pokémon Sapphire Dex description.
Yoooooooo! Thank you for giving Hitmontop some love for that thumbnail ^^
I personally really like Incineroar's idle animation and wish it was also used in Smash.
And of course the newest Pokémon, Urshifu, has a fantastic one in his Rapid Strike form.
I agree Rapid Strike Urshifu has a pretty go idle animation, except for when it's Dynsmaxed. The feet just slide along the ground like its on wheels. It's very odd and distracting.
Two animations I love are the ones for Chimchar and Scorbunny.
Chimchar bounces around while bobbing its head, like a playful chimpanzee, while Scorbunny hops around on its two feet like it’s warming up or ready to fight (it could also be a reference to the “keepy-uppies” soccer technique).
The origin of Hitmontop's new animation is pretty cool. That said, when I first noticed that they put Hitmontop on his feet instead of his head, I was actually very disappointed (this was before even knowing that the games were by different companies).
Hitmontop still spins on its head when it attacks. It makes more sense if it's not always on its head.
It takes a lot of knowledge and intelligence to give both pros and cons about a subject! It’s also really easy to take some animations for granted (Baraskewda’s tail propeller for example)! Great video! Baraskewda’s easily my favourite example that you gave off!
Fun fact: I am dumb so I don't have any facts
If that's a fact then you got yourself a paradox.
So this is a sad fact
Wait a minute...
Fun fact: Capoeira is a only kicks fighting style, and is not only a fighting style but a type of dance
i like how the best animations are mainly idles stolen from battle revolution
Not to mention that Swampert looks really well in it 3D model, and I also like the way they portrayed Infernape as well.
Hitmontop's animations look like he's preparing to rush and spin on his head!
Correction: HALs
Hal was credited for Gen 1-3 Pokemon in the credits, with higher quality versions even used in Smash Bros Brawl. GS did the human and environments for Colo/XD, then Gen 4 mons for BR
4:45 The Ludicolo scream reminds me of the big ghost boss from Sonic adventure 2 lmao
I always saw Hitmontop's idle not as a dance step to catch his breath, but as if he was getting ready to spin. The way he keeps his weight moving helps him kick off into a spin much faster, like he's anticipate the opponents next move
I feel like Ludicolo’s idle animation matched up with the Pokémon Colosseum version of Mirror B.’s theme more, as Lucicolo has Latin American roots, and the song “Mirror B.’s Retro Groove” from Colosseum perfectly matches Ludicolo’s dance, and origin.
XD's theme matches lombre's animations more, which is pretty cool.
glad to see you highlight some of the good as well
I think it's important to make videos like this when critiquing something so continuously. Videos like this show that you actually care about the product in question & aren't just complaining for the sake of complaining
Another thing about the hitmontop animation, or at least, my interpretation. because that fighting style does a lot of flips and body twists, it would be extremely easy for hitmontop to transition from that animation into spinning on his head
Though I admire the inspiration for Hitmontop's animation, there is just something way more satisfying about GS's interpretation. The slight wobble as Hitmontop tries to concentrate on their balance, the sheer power you feel when Hitmontop starts spinning and Beyblades the opponent Pokemon.
Some animations still feature Hitmontop spinning on their head, but the feeling of raw power is lost.
Hitmontop being upside down was iconic. ICONIC.
Ahh yes, commenting before the video premieres.
Why not? The topic of the video is clear and people can form their opinion of the topic since we all know there's some models and animations that are fine/good.
I had a feeling someone was gonna say this. I just liked the luxury of commenting before a video is even released. Yes, people are allowed to say what they want. This was more of a hype comment or a comment for people to laugh at before the video comes out.
Im so glad you mentioned Capoeira! I was gonna mention that the moves it was doing resembles more of that than that workout routine video lol
4:01 I've GOTTA play Pokémon XD.
Honestly even know people think there bland I really like the eeveelution idles.just how their ears and tails (sometimes ribbons) bop in the wind it just floods them with personality and brings a smile to my face
Yeah, pokémon company can do some great animations. They should take more care with the rest of the pokémon sprites
Lmfao I was expecting waaaaay more sprites than that. Such a missed opportunity. Great video!
games like xD colloseum or battle revolution has by far the best animation ever. Why cant gamefreak Continue that quality
Pokémon games are underfunded I think. Like they should be getting the same amount of money as other triple A titles but there’s no way that’s happening... and then Pokémon outsells all the titles lol
@@kefkapalazzo1 cause people are idiots and buy every fucking game no matter how Bad it is... its just pathetic
@Relativity obviously you cant hear the truth
@Relativity you are Salty as fuck
Other nice idles:
Rowlet turning its head around 180 degrees
Popplio leaning onto its tail to clap
Pikipek's head twitching
Such a disappointingly small list is a testament to how dull most of the animations are. Mr. Rime is fantastic
I like how Carkol and Coalossal’s eyes turn red when they attack, and Regieleki’s excited hopping.
Maybe if people stopped settling for "ok or fine" game freak would make better quality pokemon games.
That's why sonic is in such dire straits today from a fan base that was ok with whatever crap Sega decided to throw out.
SEGA is in a different boat. GF refuse to innovate and cut content because of lame excuses.
SEGA innovate too much and they end up making games with a lot of half finished mechanics that break easily.
There are Soooooooo many people that dont know that Hitmontops animation is Capoeira (a brazillian dance style of martial arts). Even his name in other languages reference it.
So many people think it's just a dance. I was so surprised that so many people were unfamiliar with it. I thought it was widely known.
1:44 Paranauê, paranauê paraná kkkkkk
In relation to the Barraskewda segment, I really hope that Buizel and Floatzel gain the Propeller Tail ability in the Gen 4 remakes onward. It fits them so well. They could turn Propeller Tail into a second regular ability for these Water types.
I'm surprised Cherrim's sunny form idle animation wasn't brought up.
It has so much personality, which I absolutely love.
@@xxAryAryxx It's a Cheerleader :)
Cherrim's sunny form is one of the happiest Pokémon, which contrasts nicely with its gloomy and slow-moving overcast form.
Cherrim is such a cheerful pokemon! I would squish them if I could. I also have a simple Cherrim video edit on me on Pokemon Memes 2 at the end if anyone wants to see him dance and explore the world! ^_^
if only they didn't fuck it over with overcast form :(
Everytime I see sunny Cheerim I smile
*Charizard naturally follows the trainer*
Me: "No way! That's amazing!"
Me: "Wai-"
You should've included Archeops
It's suposed to be a prehistoric bird, so its flying style should be rudimentary, and that's exactly what we see on the game.
Im gonna chill here in the comments while everyone is in the live chat
I love how every other monster catcher manages to portray character in their monsters idle animations. Even goddamn jurassic world alive has lively animations for every creature when they are idle in battle
Incineroar is a king to me. His cocky stance, his aggressive movements and that devlish smirk for his Z move
Ah, yes. The "evolution" of animations.
I think it's great that you're able to criticize and even PROVE through personal means how things could be improved. That is quite refreshing to see in a critic.
Back when GameFreak and Creatures put effort into their Pokemon games. Why only a few Pokemon like Hitmontop get good animations?
They started not to care I guess.
I don’t ever remember a time when most pokemon had a little animation during battle but go off man it’s been a year but we ain’t done riding that hate train yet toot toot
@@jamisdue3545 you cared enough to watch DK's video and find my comment though. Honestly I really don't care about this controversy but I'm still mad at GameFreak but I'm still a "hater".
I'm really glad that Barraskewda got some love here
I wasn't expecting to hear Capoeira in English, it's so weird lol
His pronunciation was a lil off but it was cool to see him make the hitmontop-capoeira connection
The way he said "ginga" is also funny
ludocolo became one of my favorite pokemon to use in ORAS and xy because of his dances, and I love when he uses hydro pump he flexes a t-pose and shakes while water explodes from his face
I always thought Hitmontop was a B-Boy, he's winding up to go into some flares. Which the regular version does.
Hitmontop be bringin the heat to the dance floor with those moves. Definitely excels at break dancing.
2:36 "guinja" lol. The first "g" has a "j" sound and the last has a "g" sound. Not trying to be an asshole here, just making the right way of saying it clear in case you were curious.
Hitmontop performs "capoeira" african-brazillian martial art performed by the slaves during the slavery in Brazil. Today this martiar art is a "big root" in our culture. There are still many practitioners of this martial art throughout Brazil.
( If I wrote something wrong sorry for my English)
0:04 Cute, over 90% of my audience isn't subscribed.
Beat that.