#36 Professional AIRPLANE vs HELICOPTER PILOT which path should YOU take?

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024

Комментарии • 123

  • @brianrutledge575
    @brianrutledge575 5 лет назад +36

    Sorry for jumping into this conversation so late but here is my opinion only.... I started my dream of flying airplanes at 16 years old 34 years ago. My plan was to go into the military and fly then go to the airlines. Fast forward and neither one of those dreams came true. Life usually throws us a curve ball and our big plans are sacrificed because of it. I never gave up my dream of being a professional pilot and eventually that dream came true. Funny part is I ended up a professional helicopter pilot for a law enforcement agency. Crazy thing is I never had a dream early on of flying helicopters, my dream was always airplanes. I am the unit CFI right now and 2 years ago I took over the airplane job. So my dream of flying has come true and it has been a great career. I always wondered what would have happened if I had actually gone into the military or the airlines, but you know what..... It doesn't matter now. I fly for a living and have the best of both worlds. I'll Fly a helicopter today and fly an airplane tomorrow. Never give up on your dreams.... If you want to fly helicopters, then get out there and do it. If you want to fly airplanes, then do that. Just be happy with what you are doing and you will not regret it. Good luck to everyone!

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +3

      Too funny Brian! You know how many times I said I wanna do what your doing! Then you tell me the same! The grass is always greener on the other side! As I mentioned my dream changed along the way, never dreamed I was gonna be the ground guy! Turns out! I love what I do! So everyone, it's absolutely ok if your path changes, it may be better than you ever imagined!

    • @dwolf0012
      @dwolf0012 4 года назад +1

      hello brian its nice to see your comment can you tell me which is much budget friendly i want to fly both of these heli and planes but im confused which one would be best for me i have never flown before in aircraft what should i do ?

    • @shemcaster2125
      @shemcaster2125 3 года назад

      Great story men, can i follow you?

    • @ihab6984
      @ihab6984 2 года назад

      you wrote that 2 years ago. I wounder if your answer would be different today regarding going for Airline pilot or helicopter career. I'm stuck between those two . mind that I still have debit and finance payments to make through out flight school. I'm in California

    • @ihab6984
      @ihab6984 2 года назад

      @@HelicopterGround you wrote that 2 years ago. I wounder if your answer would be different today regarding going for Airline pilot or helicopter career. I'm stuck between those two . mind that I still have debit and finance payments to make through out flight school. I'm in California

  • @kevinmccray8351
    @kevinmccray8351 5 лет назад +42

    I've looked at those airline payscales and been tempted from time to time. Ultimately I keep grinding away at my RW ratings for two reasons. 1) I want to pilot my aircraft. Long legs of autopilot at FL320 every day for the rest of my life sounds mind-numbing. 2) I want to fly fires and scoop water out of people's pools.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +2

      Yeah it's funny because for many years airline guys switched to helicopters because they got bored. Now Helicopter Pilots are jumping ship for better pay! It's messed up!

  • @JayJay-wb4mv
    @JayJay-wb4mv 5 лет назад +29

    working 3 jobs trying to save to pay for my flight training, can't wait to become a pilot 🤗✌

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +4

      Keep after it nothing good in life is easy or free :)

    • @kyroking9934
      @kyroking9934 3 года назад

      Good luck. How’s it going soo far?

    • @shemcaster2125
      @shemcaster2125 3 года назад +1

      I really want to pursue this career as well

  • @GBIfly
    @GBIfly 5 лет назад +20

    There is so much more fixed wing work. Even if the pilot shortage goes bust there is always pick up fixed wing work available. Heck if your medical goes bust there is still fixed wing instruction that can be given. I regret switching from fixed to rotor 25 years ago(since out of flying for a living) and may pick up my sport airplane CFI soon to do a little side work. Go fixed wing get work as a fixed wing pilot then if you still want to fly rotor pick away at the rotor ratings while flying fixed wing. Or just rent a helicopter occasionally and get your fix that way. Much greater chance of success.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      That's some pretty good feedback, good idea Mark could choose that path! Thanks for commenting!

  • @jragadio
    @jragadio 5 лет назад +11

    This is exactly why the helicopter industry needs to change. The economics are backwards. It takes more money to become a professional Helo pilot than it does to become a pro airplane pilot, but then in the long run, a pro airplane pilot makes more. It doesn’t make sense economically to become a Helo pilot. And then when you factor in that most pro Helo jobs require so much more time than pro airplane jobs, you wonder why anyone would want to go the Helo route.
    And then factor in the pilot shortage, the Helo industry needs to change. But it won’t change if Helo pilots keep accepting these conditions.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Exactly! You hit the nail on the head! Thanks for sharing!

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +1


    • @imconfuseded
      @imconfuseded 5 лет назад +1

      As a single woman of 26, I have also been between go in ng fixed wing or helo. I think helicopter is "more fun" and freeing for flight, but the money it takes to do and the fact that there are more airlines who are willing to sponsor commercial licencing for a employment contract. It seems for a change of career path, its smarter to do a fixed wing. I'll still be in the air, I'll still be flying and hopefully can still enjoy it.
      Its a rough decision, and maybe one I cant make right away.

    • @OffPHwnr
      @OffPHwnr 4 года назад

      @J H low demand should be high price, which should give them higher pay. Not talking about a salaried job

  • @tomalbright9135
    @tomalbright9135 5 лет назад +11

    My two cents...
    I’m a captain at a major airline, the one with the same initials as Alcoholics Anonymous.
    I earn enough to pay cash for a mid time piston helicopter, and also afford its care & feeding. I have a family of five, a mortgage, and about 18 days a month off.
    Having said that, here I am watching helicopter training videos, and reading rotary wing ground school books.
    Since part 121 (airline) pilots have mandated retirement at age 65, I chose fixed wing as a first career, and while I’m building hours in helicopters, plan to make rotary wing a second career. I’m 47 now, and if opportunity knocked on my helicopter door, I may take that road before 65.
    More thoughts...
    The pretty uniform charm wears off quickly.
    Passengers are rarely not awful.
    Flying a thing priced a 9 figures eventually gets unexciting.
    The airports all seem the same.
    Hotels too.
    Looking forward to a retirement job of something different every day, such as the case in many helicopter positions.
    Lastly, when building multi engine time in a fixed wing, it was (maybe not anymore) common to buy a light twin, fly the crap out of it & then sell when you had hundreds of hours. Usually for nearly the same, sometimes more than you had paid for it. Groups of guys would sometimes chip in together, making ownership even cheaper.
    Could this be true in the rotary wing world as well?
    Buy a Hiller for 60K, maybe with a partner or two if finances necessitate it. Then once you’ve put several hundred hours on resell at nearly the purchase price? That has to be cheaper than $200/hr for a rental helicopter. Even more so if you’re zero time, and going all the way through Commercial/CFI etc. From perusing trade-a-plane for years, it seems somewhat ‘vintage’ and affordable flying machinery of any type rarely deprecates, but the opposite. Especially well taken care of examples. Just a thought.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Thanks for the question. Several of my students went together, formed an LLC and bought a Hiller. It was broke all the time. It was a total nightmare for these individuals. The aircraft was out of service more than in service. They took a loss and sold it back to the company they bought it from. We here that process repeats itself.

    • @Wiz99999
      @Wiz99999 4 года назад

      Mr. Albright, if you don't mind, I have some questions for you about the fixed-wing career path. Is there any way I can contact you personally?

  • @shadowgiest22
    @shadowgiest22 5 лет назад +3

    Interesting situation. He could leverage his A&P and FCC ratings for an entry in to the RW side with an operator while he finishes his ratings. He may even be able to bum some time from his employer along the way. He could also easily just go straight down the FW side as well. There are a lot of nice cadet programs for FW these days too.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you for sharing! Your right he has a great start!

  • @starkraft2506
    @starkraft2506 2 года назад

    I'm a paramedic just switching over to HEMS now, and stumbled into your videos. You make so many great points that I think are applicable across many industries. Medics often feel like the "red headed stepchild" in both medical and first response circles. We don't always get much credit from either, and we're worked harder and paid less (with some regional variation). Many medics suffer from believing the grass is greener everywhere else, and bounce around trying to find their pasture... myself included. But truth be told, I'm not really built for anything else. I could never survive in an office/hospital. I'd get bored just spraying wet stuff on hot stuff or wrestling meth heads all day. EMS was my dream, and someday it's a nightmare... but it's still my dream. Wouldn't/ couldn't do anything else. You gotta know yourself and find your niche, it's never worth selling your soul for money and recognition IMO.

  • @longbizzle77
    @longbizzle77 5 лет назад +7

    I'm a nearly 20 year A+P who has worked exclusively airlines, and currently a student helicopter pilot. Some things about the airline world to consider...
    As an airline pilot you'll have to accept that you will spend half your working career sitting in shuttle vans, airport terminals and hotels, living out of a suitcase. And the other half mostly talking on the radio and turning knobs on the autopilot panel. I'm sure a lot of helicopter jobs will require travel as well, but in the airlines it's a guarantee.
    You will have to grind a long time to get the ATP minimums before you can even get hired by a crappy regional airline. And those crappy regionals have crappy pay scales. And they have crappy schedules that will have you fly one leg from BWI to CLE, then sit in the crew room for 6 hours before you take one final leg to your overnight. So you spent 12 hours "on the clock", but only got paid for about 3.
    As a junior FO, you will probably not make enough money to even have your own apartment in the city where you're based. The upside is that you get flight benefits and can pretty much live anywhere you want as long as you can report for your scheduled flights.
    Disclaimer - I have not personally flown for an airline, but I've spent a lot of time listening to regional pilots gripe :D
    I eventually want to get my fixed wing PPL for fun, but I'm working on helicopter first because that's the only type of professional flying that interests me. For me, money isn't everything. I have a job right now that pays pretty great, but I hate every minute that I'm there. At least it's paying for my flight time :D

  • @garrettmiller7077
    @garrettmiller7077 4 года назад +2

    My take is that if you have a way to pay for helicopter flight training with out students loans go helicopter route and get the 750 or so hours. After that go to the airlines sign a contract and have the airlines pay for add-on ratings. Who knows maybe you can work as an helicopter pilot in-between working for the airlines unpractical most likely but possible

  • @lookingforwookiecopilot
    @lookingforwookiecopilot 5 лет назад +7

    The airline industry needs you, the helicopter industry does not.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Thanks for commenting Joseph!

    • @treroney4720
      @treroney4720 4 года назад +6

      Joseph why is that if you don’t mind me asking

  • @SidB94
    @SidB94 5 лет назад +1

    I lost my medical in 2009 after spending 28 years as a helicopter pilot. 15 years Army and 13 years civilian. I flew 13 years in the Gulf of Mexico starting out in B206's and ending up flying the S-92. Initially the minimums for employment in the Gulf was 1500 hrs. I saw it as low as 500 hrs when we were putting pilots in the left seat as IFR SIC's only, the lowest on the pay scale. Our industry is unusual that typically pilot jobs start out as VFR captains and work our way up to IFR Sic, then IFR Captain. That is the progression in the oil patch. Typically, companies did not require ATP or Instrument tickets. I know the three big players in the Gulf now require Comm/Instrument and pay a bonus for ATP. I was able to take my ATP ride on my type ride for the Bell 214ST. I know pilots who flew VFR only single engine offshore for 30 years and lived the dream every day. Then there were pilots that liked to fly bigger iron and got into the IFR side flying S-76's, S-61's, AW139's, S-92''s etc. And if you like teaching there is also the opportunity to work in the training department as a company check airman.
    I don't know much about the FW world. I have a PPL FW but haven't flown FW since 1981.

  • @timbroughton1396
    @timbroughton1396 5 лет назад +2

    Follow your dream! Which cares what other people think! If your happy, providing for your family and have their support who cares what route you are taking! Obviously you will have to research both sides, there are pros and cons for each side of the isle and the jobs available on both sides. Follow your dreams based on information.

  • @ExtremeRecluse
    @ExtremeRecluse 5 лет назад +4

    I came out of the army with 1700 hours. 1300 PIC. I applied at crop dusting companies and they will not give me the time of day.

  • @jamesirby2248
    @jamesirby2248 5 лет назад +5

    Great question and great answer as well. Once I shared with someone that I had a desire to fly helicopters, blame"Airwolf," "Magnum PI," and living in the inner city of Detroit, helicopters were everywhere, so many people asked why not fixed wings Vs helicopters and I would always respond that the dream was to be a helicopter pilot and I had no desire to be a fixed wing pilot. Helicopters are just sexy and kewl........ Fast forward 30 years later and I am still haunted by the dream/goal of being a helicopter pilot so although my opinion is biased, I would say follow your dreams or the 'helicopter ghosts' will haunt you like they are haunting me. Just my two cents......... Thanx for sharing.... JAZZY1

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Thank you James! Watching Blue Thunder in the theatre as an 18 year old kid did it for me! I was hooked from then on!

  • @BelieveTheBat
    @BelieveTheBat 5 лет назад +2

    If I want to do flight training, what is the best place to get a loan to cover my private, instrument, and commercial licenses? Home loans? I have been doing research like crazy, but every financing place that the local schools use, they only do part time finance. I called AOPA the other day and said they dont give out big loans

  • @michaelclark8368
    @michaelclark8368 5 лет назад +3

    Question relatable to this topic. 34, GI Bill, debt free. Would you go the helicopter route first especially considering the cost would be covered?

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +2

      Absolutely! Thanks for the question!

    • @motomouth33
      @motomouth33 5 лет назад

      Except the cost won't be covered unless you get a four year degree. GI bill won't cover much at all for flight school unless you have three years of deployment under your belt. Then maybe they'll pay for half of it.

    • @michaelclark8368
      @michaelclark8368 5 лет назад +2

      motomouth33 I have enough to be 100% covered. I’m entering a college program that provides 2 or 4 yr degree.

    • @ernststavroblofeld2109
      @ernststavroblofeld2109 5 лет назад +3

      Michael Clark I am in the same position, Hundred percent covered but not sure if it’s worth it. Would like to hear from some current pilots what they would prefer, if their training we’re covered.

    • @michaelclark8368
      @michaelclark8368 5 лет назад +2

      Darren Eddings I was accepted to SUU. It’s 18 months associates program. Take a look if you have time.

  • @paulg.5511
    @paulg.5511 5 лет назад +2

    Informative. Thanks 🙏 Kenny

  • @therealmcgoy4968
    @therealmcgoy4968 4 года назад

    I’m on the fence with going for airplane or helicopters... they both look fun. I figured helicopter pilots are more rare... few schools to offer those services in my area.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  4 года назад

      Go on a helicopter doscovery flight and see what you think.

  • @dks13827
    @dks13827 5 лет назад +3

    Most pilots I know wanted it since age 6..... and loved everything about aviation. But not everyone. Some decide to go for an ATP rating and they start out knowing zero about aviation ( no thanks to our teachers ). Might be a topic for Kenny.

  • @karydickens7957
    @karydickens7957 4 года назад +3

    Great channel 👍, I've been seriously considering looking into learning to become an RW pilot, but being in my mid 50's now, I'm weighing my options realistically as career change, I can afford to pay 80k+ cost ,for commercial license, Not sure what to expect from the industry as far how long it will take for a my return on investment , but I know I would love to do it...I have a introductory flight with an Helo flight instructor this weekend. Any input from you guys would be well appreciated. Thanks.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  4 года назад +1

      Go ghet that intro flight done and let us know how it goes! You are NOT to old! Go for it! Don't let anybody tell you different!

    • @karydickens7957
      @karydickens7957 4 года назад

      @@HelicopterGround Will do! I appreciate your positivity! Thanks man.

    • @Just_The_Don
      @Just_The_Don 2 года назад

      @@karydickens7957 hey how did it go ?

    • @karydickens7957
      @karydickens7957 2 года назад

      @@Just_The_Don it was cool and weird at the same time if that makes any sense lol. I went up in a Robinson R44. After the instructor gave me the do's and don't we took off and flew over a non residential area near Kissimmee FL, and then I took control of the training stick while he controlled the pedals. That's a whole different feeling to the experience when you hit air pockets .The pucker factor in my anus was above 115 % !! Lmao and the really crazy thing was I did this day before Kobe Bryant's crash. I had a little motion sickness from it ,but overall I had a very good time. It's expensive around 30k for private and 80k + for commercial.

  • @Vincent12
    @Vincent12 3 года назад

    Question. Are CFI instructors employees of the flight school they work for or are the contractors?

  • @therealmcgoy4968
    @therealmcgoy4968 4 года назад +2

    What if you wished to fly both? I wish you could fly “experimental aircraft” for a living *cough decommissioned military jets.

  • @loupcityairservice9740
    @loupcityairservice9740 5 лет назад +1

    Well cost of training then getting a job . Most helicopter start up jobs or a EMS job requiring 2000 hours only starts at $60,000 but a 500 hour fixed wing pilot can start at $35,000 and make more then me in 6 years and I’ve done helicopters for over 20 years. S92 and other big helicopter pilots do good and I have friends making good money but they are overseas

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Thanks for the feedback!

    • @nordicpride9708
      @nordicpride9708 4 года назад

      Loup City Air Service For someone considering this as a second career, with plenty of spare time to dedicate and 40 years old, what do you recommend? I did an introductory flight in a helicopter and it was amazing. But everyone says I won’t make the money and should only consider fixed wing. Greatly appreciate your input and personal experience!

  • @javidon4199
    @javidon4199 3 года назад

    Does helicopter hrs count as airplane hrs are you have to build the hrs differently

  • @jadler10
    @jadler10 5 лет назад +2

    I had the chance to sit right seat in Navajo 135 flights. ummmm I personally found it to be really really boring BUT I was only pvt airplane rated and my responsibility was just to assist captain, make sure he actually did his checklists. Perhaps if I had more "buy in" or responsibility for the flight I have liked it better, maybe a newer aircraft, but yea pretty boring stuff. Add in hotels, I'm thinking of letting this stuff go and getting into something else.

  • @devildogkilo
    @devildogkilo 5 лет назад +1

    Which every is going to get you to your goal!!! Depending where you are in the world can dictate how much work is out there for you.

  • @jalan9700
    @jalan9700 5 лет назад +3

    SO WHY as a commercial rated helicopter pilot, we can't get higher pay? Layers and doctors and physician's charge top dollar because of schooling cost, they claim, so why not commercial helicopter pilots. Helicopter schools charge big bucks because of high fuel costs etc. Is their a pilots union? I hate unions , but hate being screwed even more!

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +1

      Flight schools are not usually a big money makers. So forget entry level instructor pay to ever be more than it is. With that being said. EMS companies can be fat with big profit and pay pilots like your dogmeat. They do it because they get away with it every day!

    • @jalan9700
      @jalan9700 5 лет назад +1

      @@HelicopterGround in not blaming it on flight schools I understand the costs, I understand the costs of law school as well . Insurance costs are across the board for all industries from trucking to flying. I just think that it's a major sacrifice for a pilot in the heli world and as a new pilot and especially older pilots that their be a standard set or as much as I hate to say it a union to protect the sacrifice and investment that we put into it. Companies only do this because nobody stands up and says , no . Also I understand pilots are hungry for anything they can get which also has a big role. Do you think as the older Vietnam pilots phase out that the a pilot shortage will help increase pay, or decrease hours needed by insurance companies to be employed?

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +1

      That's a question that keeps popping up! Honestly my gut says pay will not increase much for Helicopter Pilots. I wish I could say it will! Just my gut feeling! I think the big heli companies are what I already stated, "shut up and drive the helicopter"

    • @jalan9700
      @jalan9700 5 лет назад +1

      @@HelicopterGround I really do appreciate all your insight and knowledge Mr. Keller, thank you so much for your dedication to your channel as well as your career , and to us followers of dreams.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Thank you Jalan!

  • @thrawnprotocol9780
    @thrawnprotocol9780 4 года назад +1

    I am 8 months late. But my major concern is that helicopter piloting is so much more dangerous than flying a plane, even though my heart says that i should become a Heli pilot. So either a cargo pilot or a heli pilot, but it's hard to get a job in both of these careers as there are 0 cargo Airlines in Norway and only a few heli companies. Please help

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  4 года назад

      Helicopter flying is not that much more dangerous that fixed wing.

  • @lordarkay272
    @lordarkay272 3 года назад

    For travelling and personal use which one should I get helicopter liscence or pilot license I will have a small side gig but I wanna fly for personal

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  3 года назад

      Up to you what you want fly.

    • @lordarkay272
      @lordarkay272 3 года назад

      @@HelicopterGround well I'll have land to land and store a copter in my state it's rather easy to get a chopper landed on private property

  • @J9hunna
    @J9hunna 3 года назад

    im 26 and looking into becoming a pilot, have some college education but nothing of significance and was hoping to not have to go back for any reason, what can i expect going into this field without any college degrees, will i be stuck bottom tier? currently working in construction making 60k and will top out around 90k but would rather do something im more passionate about
    & would also like to know whats the best way to get a taste of both helicopter and plane and which one would be right for me

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  3 года назад +1

      Take an introductory flight in each. Decide which is right for you.

    @SKYBOYSFO 5 лет назад +1

    I like this.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад

      Thank you for commenting! Have you been tuning in for www.coffeewithkenny.com?

  • @joemason8016
    @joemason8016 4 года назад

    I would choose HELO, even considering the F’ed up experience I had in the Army. I still recommend the service even though my experience had bad points.

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  4 года назад

      Thanks for commenting.

    • @joemason8016
      @joemason8016 4 года назад +1

      Helicopter Online Ground School- Thank you for all the great content.

    • @Sonic_Appeal
      @Sonic_Appeal 3 года назад

      Why was your experience bad?

    • @joemason8016
      @joemason8016 3 года назад +1

      Rather not say, if you know you know. More good than bad though.

  • @niyan_hamarashid7413
    @niyan_hamarashid7413 2 года назад

    If i become a pilot airplane can i fly a helicopter or not , and what i should do for flying helicopter with that pilot

  • @paulg.5511
    @paulg.5511 5 лет назад +3

    Hello from KRFD

    @SKYBOYSFO 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you for this video!

  • @walkerhackett3148
    @walkerhackett3148 5 лет назад +1

    How much do you make?

    • @HelicopterGround
      @HelicopterGround  5 лет назад +1

      Like any profession it depends on time and experience!

  • @aslaughter4215
    @aslaughter4215 4 года назад +1

    Im only 14, but im planning to get college done in airforce, or any other branch with any sick ride. I dont whethe ld want to fly apaches, or fighter jets

  • @UncleTD
    @UncleTD 5 лет назад +2

    Supply and demand.......

  • @jillgarbutt8765
    @jillgarbutt8765 2 года назад

    Has anyone gone the Full-time studied student loan route? I'm still very green in the industry, however I have invested 20g of my own finances in self study. I took a CASA MET exam to test if I have what it takes, and passed. Unfortunately, due to my average income I have been taking flight lessons for 1.5 years and only shaved off a little of my lessons. My instructor has suggested I look into the TAFE course in Australia. I'm nervous, but so very excited of the possibilities. If anyone has experience in this avenue, then I'd love to hear from them. - Thank you!

  • @WarBoy87
    @WarBoy87 4 года назад

    plane cert for me will be like $9750
    helicopter cert will be like $80000

  • @dogelotteryandpets5396
    @dogelotteryandpets5396 4 года назад

    Scenario Age 29 years based out in Bangalore India.
    I can invest 10 million USD max.
    Need to travel from my hometown to my business location 2-3 times a month. What should I buy plane like Cessna or Helicopter? Got my personal pilot license recently.

  • @spruceguitar
    @spruceguitar 5 лет назад

    HOGS, I gave you 5 min. You couldn’t answer the question you read 5 min before. You told countless other stories before answering the question. There is NOTHING wrong with you being an AC/DC fan, but just the wrong place in your train of thoughts to bring it up. I hate to say it but it has something to do with very disorganized thinking.
    Advice for the future:
    Learn to cut to the chase and directly answer a question. I am positive I am not the first person to tell you this.