N.T. Wright on Adam and Eve

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • The conversation continues at www.biologos.org...
    Bishop of Durham and leading New Testament scholar N.T. Wright offers his thoughts on how we should read the first two chapters of Genesis, and why myth does not mean the same thing as "not true".

Комментарии • 917

  • @MisterN0b0dy
    @MisterN0b0dy 2 года назад +14

    My question to anyone who reasons that a literal Adam and Eve aren’t necessary to understanding the “real” meaning of Genesis is this: the New Testament provides the lineage of Jesus going right back to Adam. At what point does Jesus’ lineage become figurative or allegorical?

    • @MisterN0b0dy
      @MisterN0b0dy 6 месяцев назад

      @@josephpchajek2685Answer my question about the literal lineage of Jesus.

    • @MatthewRWSmith
      @MatthewRWSmith 29 дней назад +1

      Good point

    • @Tomczon
      @Tomczon 18 дней назад

      Which lineage? There are two in two Gospels, very different ones. You are opening a huge discussion that is not easily solvable.

    • @MisterN0b0dy
      @MisterN0b0dy 18 дней назад

      @@TomczonJesus’ genealogy is given in Matthew 1 and Luke 3, with Matthew tracing it back to Abraham and Luke tracing right back to Adam. Matthew records Joseph’s lineage and Luke records Mary’s. Matthew follows the line through Joseph, through David’s son, Solomon, and Luke follows the line of Mary through David’s son, Nathan.
      The genealogy recorded by Luke follows Jesus’ lineage right back to Adam.
      At which point should we assume it becomes not literal?

  • @jvusich
    @jvusich 14 лет назад +10

    Wright says, "I do think it matters that something like a primal pair getting it wrong did happen." Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the historicity of the fall of Adam and Eve. I'm amazed that someone with Wright's reputation for Christian orthodoxy would use such weaselly and equivocating language to describe an episode of Biblical history that is so fundamentally crucial to Christian theology.

    • @RichyK
      @RichyK 5 месяцев назад +1

      So true, he is being swayed by popular thinking on Genesis, instead of standing for the truth of the text, which is clear in the rest of the OT and the whole of the NT.

  • @DanPrinMan
    @DanPrinMan 13 лет назад +54

    Literalism, I would also add, limits the imaginative nature of mankind. This is an art that has been lost in America.
    Just a thought.

    • @abeycee7427
      @abeycee7427 3 года назад

      @New Eyes To See He's not particularly liberal.

    • @SolaScripturaMan
      @SolaScripturaMan 3 года назад +4

      @New Eyes To See This is one thing that frustrates me about much of American Christianity: this odd obsession with just tossing the label "Liberal" around at Christians whose Theology and Political Engagement don't look *exactly* like Conservative American Christianity. Yes, it is true that Liberal Christians believe that the Genesis Creation Account is not to be interpreted literally, but that doesn't mean the idea, itself, is "Liberal." It is a view waaaay older than modern Liberal Politics/Theology. In fact, I'd argue this "radical literalist Christianity" is, itself "liberal" in that it is not *Traditional*. While, yes, you have had some Christians throughout history who have believed in a literal interpretation of Genesis, the broader Church, between the Ascension of Christ and the Protestant Reformation did not take dogmatic positions on this, and certainly didn't view it as a topic that has bearing on one's Salvation. The Early Church of the first couple centuries was more preoccupied with what the *message* of Genesis was (which is: a testimony of the character of God, His relationship with Man, and Man's relationship with sin) to consider and view the book as some sort of "science textbook."
      It wasn't until just the last 100 years that Christian Fundamentalists reacted (and I would argue OVER-reacted) against Modernist Rationalism by enforcing a view of Literal interpretation and Biblical inerrancy and basically just stopped short of saying belief in both was necessary for Salvation (some even went as far as saying just that, which is absolutely sacrilegious against the Death and Resurrection of Christ). So in the grand scheme of things, this "literalist radicalization" was a fairly "liberal" movement ("liberal" in that it was a fairly new view being pushed, contrasting with a more "conservative" position of holding the interpretation of Genesis in an "open palm" instead of being dogmatic).
      None of this is to say that I don't think anyone should hold to a literal interpretation of Genesis, or Biblical inerrancy, that's fine if you do. But my problem is when these views are pushed as "This is what the Church has always affirmed!" when that's just not entirely true.

    • @SolaScripturaMan
      @SolaScripturaMan 3 года назад +5

      Also frustrating is the fact that I KNOW (because I used to be in the same boat) that Conservative Literalist Christians have been basically "trained" to view stuff like what I'm saying as just "Liberal theology propaganda" that Liberals use to sow confusion and doubt. That is exactly how I would've responded to my own comment above just a few years ago. And that's frustrating because there's a *discussion* worth having here. But it's not going to get very far if Literalists have been primed to immediately go on the defensive because any "evidence" that their view is wrong is just the Enemy using "evil liberal propaganda" to destroy your Faith.
      I know all too well there's no easy way to "break through" that wall. But I'll just say that, in my own case, it took researching Church History itself. And I don't mean going and reading modern books written by Conservative Theologians or Liberal Theologians who are "cherry-picking" Church events, fathers, and letters that support their view. Rather, I mean going TO THE SOURCES. Read the writings of the Early Christians themselves. Read about the Seven Ecumenical Church Councils. Read the letters that were in circulation about the Bible. You'll find that the Church, largely, really did not take a dogmatic position on this question of Genesis's interpretation. Some Christians thought it was literal, others thought it was just symbolic. And yet neither side felt the need to assault and question the Faith of the other; heck they didn't even *split* into "sides" on this issue. Because, like I said, they really didn't even get hung up on the question. They focused on the message it was relaying.
      That's a lot of what N.T. Wright is getting at when he talks about "Western mindset" or "American mindset" or "that's an American thing." Our culture is a HIGHLY "rationalistic" culture. We want CERTAINTY. Want to KNOW. We want all the intrinsic details on everything. And yet, that just wasn't the case with the Eastern world (where Christianity was born). Rather it's a relatively new mindset that's very much tied into Greek Philosophy that developed in the middle ages and influenced Western culture.

    • @Yela927
      @Yela927 2 года назад +2

      @@SolaScripturaMan what’s wrong with believing the Bible is inerrant? I’m genuinely curious how you came to that conclusion. If it’s not the actual word of our LORD then what value does it truly have to us?

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 года назад +1

      @@Yela927 it is not the word of God itself,, it contains the word of God, which is seen at its fullest in the life, teachings, death & resurection of Jesus as Christ. Stories, tales, poetry & even sometimes historical narrative are all vehicles for the Word, not the Word itself. Jesus spoke in parables not in scientifically varifiable facts.

  • @protochris
    @protochris 9 лет назад +109

    Genesis is not about what's true, but what is truth. If the bible was a science book, it would have been discarded thousands of years ago, but it's something more, that's why it's still relevant today.

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 8 лет назад +9

      +protochris We have hundreds of dating methods that indicate a young Earth and young Universe and only a handful of dating methods that seem to indicate an old Earth and old Universe. My background is in science, and I choose to follow the data.
      Also, the Gospels teach that Adam was a real person, should we take the Gospels as a myth?

    • @protochris
      @protochris 8 лет назад +7

      Adam was a real person, because the Bible is about God and man. I just don't think the creation account is required to be a scientific explanation. If it was a science book, people would get distracted from the true message.

    • @LogosTheos
      @LogosTheos 8 лет назад +3

      +GreenSlugg Explain starlight

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 8 лет назад +3

      protochris It claims to be a history book.

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 8 лет назад +2

      LogosTheos Dr. Jason Lisle has some pretty good talks on that topic. You can also check out BlueSlugg.com and GreenSlugg.com for more info on questions like that.
      But you can't use distant starlight as evidence against a Young Universe, beccause the Big Bang also has it's own equivalent of the distant starlight problem. But I could just as well sit here and say "explain spiral galaxies".

  • @aidanbenbow6682
    @aidanbenbow6682 4 года назад +29

    I agree that we need to analyse the meaning of the text, but I still think we should interpret Adam and Eve literally, otherwise everything else doesn't make sense!

    • @Himmiefan
      @Himmiefan 3 года назад +5

      No, we're interpreting literally a book the writer and the Hebrew culture knew was truth presented as symbol, but still truth. The gospels, though, are historical accounts, and are truth also.

    • @thapelomaraisane8705
      @thapelomaraisane8705 3 года назад

      @@nmoriss This is cringe bro

    • @allenwoodward9258
      @allenwoodward9258 9 месяцев назад +1

      Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of Him that was to come. Rm 5.14 Adam was created in the image and after the likeness of God as He would appear in human form, Jesus of Nazareth.

    • @youngrevival9715
      @youngrevival9715 8 месяцев назад

      Yes it does make sense, you dont understand Hebrew narrative, study it as function not history, this is not a historical text

    • @aidanbenbow6682
      @aidanbenbow6682 8 месяцев назад +4

      Well, whatever the theological arguments or otherwise, the one thing that I know is that God changes the lives of those who repent and believe in Jesus!

  • @MikeWinger
    @MikeWinger 7 лет назад +6

    Having open and thoughtful discussions is good! But I don't think this is what is happening here. Here's my takeaway, sad as it is.
    "I want a nuanced and thoughtful view of the text that doesn't force false dichotomies or cause us to assume that one interpretational point forces a whole worldview on me. To defend this position I will characterize those who disagree with my nuance as having no nuance of their own. I'll represent them as foolish thinkers who are themselves pushed into one side of my own false dichotomy. I will assume that if they make one interpretation all point (6 day creation or literal Adam and Eve) that they automatically represent a shallow worldview and eschatology."
    It comes off as hypocritically painting other with the brush you deny them.

  • @kenbro2853
    @kenbro2853 6 лет назад +3

    elsewhere NT Wright follows the principles of exegesis and hermeneutics carefully. Why does he not do the same in Genesis 1-3. Is it because he wants to mould the meaning to meld with the ruling evolutionary paradigm?

  • @caonexpeguero9984
    @caonexpeguero9984 3 года назад +10

    1:43 "Genesis is like a Shakespeare play or a Beethoven Symphony". It's all myth. Why then not the whole rest of the Bible? "The six days of creation simply describe how you make a temple, a tabernacle," And these are the words of a Bishop and a leading NT scholar. No wonder why the church is in such disarray now a days.

    • @ronaldmorgan7632
      @ronaldmorgan7632 3 года назад +7

      Because scholars recognize that the Bible is a mixture of history, poems, and parables.

    • @davidprice9792
      @davidprice9792 2 года назад +1

      I am trying to figure out why they think God couldn't do this in six days. I can not understand how a preacher doubts God's ability to create the universe and all in it and doubt the time frame of 6 days. When the Bible says God spoke things into existence i believe it. I just can't imagine God creating dirt and then moving it around with a shovel.

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 года назад +2

      @@davidprice9792 It's called evidence. Nothing to do with whether God could or couldn't. There is no scientific basis for the six day of creation whatsoever.

  • @daveanderson8324
    @daveanderson8324 4 года назад +8

    Mr Wright’s god seems a little to small for my liking.

    • @JonnyOxtricks
      @JonnyOxtricks 3 года назад

      You're missing what he's actually saying...

  • @jasonreformedbaptist6842
    @jasonreformedbaptist6842 3 года назад +3

    Why question the historicity of Genesis? What biblical reason would you not take it literally?

  • @kevimah
    @kevimah 14 лет назад +21

    I love the fly on the screen in the background! lol!

  • @jeromehorwitz2460
    @jeromehorwitz2460 10 лет назад +4

    The Bible is a story book, not a science text.

  • @coreyfriend1
    @coreyfriend1 6 лет назад +21

    He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, - Matthew 19:4

    • @kylebarney3126
      @kylebarney3126 4 года назад +13

      The authors of the New Testament were Jewish to the bone, and they would have soaked themselves in the scriptures and knew the stories like the back of their hand. Of course they would describe “the beginning” in no other way than how it is in Genesis, because it’s their story, their beginning.

    • @Himmiefan
      @Himmiefan 3 года назад +12

      @@kylebarney3126 They also understood the symbolism and how it still reflects truth and would not have fallen into the literalism trap.

    • @RichyK
      @RichyK Год назад +7

      @@Himmiefan No they wouldn't. They would read the text as a historical narrative, which is what it is

    • @carnduffagc5155
      @carnduffagc5155 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@kylebarney3126 I'm pretty sure Luke was not Jewish to the bone, he was a Gentile. But even so, the writer (inspired by the Holy Spirit) was quoting Jesus. Are you suggesting that Jesus was missing something in his understanding of how it is written in Genesis?

    • @VeliThaDon
      @VeliThaDon 15 дней назад

      @@RichyKIf sin and death entered the world due to Adam’s and Eve sin, then why is there evidence of death and disease long before the purported fall of man?

  • @paularrowsmith9980
    @paularrowsmith9980 3 года назад +3

    Am I correct in thinking that this was just one long sentence?
    And all to tell us the plain sense isn't the real meaning at all, and he reckons we should all be too sophisticated to accept God's word as God's word.
    Who was it who first asked "hath God said"?

    • @briancarson6761
      @briancarson6761 8 месяцев назад +2

      A very clever man but a complete waffler.

    • @RichyK
      @RichyK 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@briancarson6761 If you are talking about N.T. Wright, I agree

  • @vjohn1464
    @vjohn1464 6 месяцев назад +1

    God did not need a temple in the form of the earth to find dwelling. N.T. and John Walton along with BioLogos believe in the hertic and foolish concept of theistic evolution.
    Basically, they make it out that you can interpret Genesis any way you'd like.
    God's revelation of His creation does not depend on cultural context of the day...
    N.T. said so much without any cross references and Biblical hermeneutics. Why?

  • @DanielDeVito89
    @DanielDeVito89 12 лет назад +3

    When would you use the word myth to describe something that actually happened?

  • @rubiks6
    @rubiks6 6 месяцев назад +1

    What's perverse is that the Wrong Rev. Wright rejects the Word of God and tries to spin it and twist it.
    Here's a big erudite word for you, N. T. Wrong - perspicuous.
    ex. - Genesis is perspicuous.

  • @davidahn2761
    @davidahn2761 10 лет назад +6

    you cannot separate a function creation or a material creation. That separtion is modern

  • @kenjohnson5124
    @kenjohnson5124 Год назад +1

    4:45 I disagree with Ken Ham and mostly agree with this man. I think Augustine had a good take on the 6 days with the first 3 being like rooms and the second 3 like the furniture of the rooms. I think the earth very old and God did it in stages and mankind is about 6,000 years old. There was a flood when God tipped the earth over 23.5 degrees and the ice canopy melted. Pangea broke up after the flood. Cosmic rays shortened life spans and Neanderthals are distantly related to one of Noah’s sons! The Carbon dating and Potassium dating are off because of bad assumptions.

  • @vincentmedina8652
    @vincentmedina8652 5 лет назад +12

    NTW's definition of myth sounds strangely Bultmannian.

    • @Kids_natural_learning
      @Kids_natural_learning 5 лет назад +3

      with respect to your claim, can you provide any book or article. even iam curious.

  • @jogeirlianes3704
    @jogeirlianes3704 8 лет назад +2

    About the most futile thing I've ever heard. We need to "find other words" according to mr. Wright. Since The Word says that Genesis is both history and will be fulfilled to the dot. I don't see any reason to "find other words". To arrogantly say that people who read it literary degrades the text is almost funny to hear him say. Oh he thinks the text is fantastic, hmm that's strange. What's so fantastic with his viewpoint of millions of years of disease, suffering and death that God declares good? His viewpoint is even more strange when he starts talk about eternity. It's the same God who says that earth again will be good, but he can only have blind faith about that.
    The people who take Genesis as history is really the only people that can declare this text as fantastic and really see it for what it is. They are the ones who get the true perspective about the fall that shows us the need for salvation. They are the ones who knows that God made it good, and can have full assurance that this world again will be good! Halleluja.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 7 лет назад

      Genesis is history . OH you mean historical fact ? That would depend on how you interpret it. I was wondering when the fall of Satan and the Angles happened ??

  • @CP-qn1mn
    @CP-qn1mn 8 лет назад +71

    When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth.
    4After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.
    5Altogether, Adam lived a total of 930 years, and then he died. Genesis 5: 3-5 If Adam was not a literal person why does God go out of his way to give us this detail.

    • @CP-qn1mn
      @CP-qn1mn 7 лет назад +12

      I appreciate you telling me what I don't understand. I understand quite well that the Bible was written by men. Men chosen by God and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Think about this what is the primary way God has communicated to man over the last 2000 years that is by his written word. Do you think God would entrust such an important thing to hoping men get it right. I think not I believe his guiding hand is on his message at all times sure there are small variations in different translations but the message is the same. I believe his word is alive and it does His work and is in no way a creation of man or dependent on his interpretation.

    • @CP-qn1mn
      @CP-qn1mn 7 лет назад +2

      Yes he does allow people to make mistakes but I am more than sure the one thing he does not leave up to fallible man is his truth. Can you imagine God saying I really wished they had written that verse different it doesn't convey what I meant.

    • @CP-qn1mn
      @CP-qn1mn 7 лет назад +1

      OK this is getting boring and you obviously aren't getting the point. You keep saying that man wrought the bible and that man is fallible and I guess your saying we can't take the bible literal or something. All I am saying is the bible is God's word it was written exactly how he wanted it written and he upholds its authenticity to this day. And yes whatever is true is God's truth way to argue a point I wasn't even debating.

    • @CP-qn1mn
      @CP-qn1mn 7 лет назад +2

      I think there is a lot of weak scholarship out there. A lot of cherry picking of verses and "saying see what about this" as you have done. The problem is you have to put those verses in the context of the day and second you have reconcile the difference between the Old and New Covenant which does if fact change the way we are to respond to acts of sin. God did in fact have a literal law in the Old Testament that did apply to the Jewish people (only) such as you describe Deuteronomy 21:18-21 for the context and a better understanding of the reasoning see the link here www.gotquestions.org/stone-rebellious-children.html. As to how should we act today see Galatians 3:23-25 Hebrews 8:13 Romans 7:6 these verses and many others talk about the fulfillment of the law by Christ and that we are no longer slaves to the law which required harsh punishment to save the Jewish people from themselves and their enemies. Do I understand God's reasoning on everything NO how could I or anyone else, but I do not presume that I know better than God which leads to, "well I like this part of the bible and I will take that literal, this other part I don't like so I won't."

    • @CP-qn1mn
      @CP-qn1mn 7 лет назад +2

      Anyone that believes that stoning is an appropriate punishment for sin TODAY is woefully uneducated in Christianity and is most likely using it as an excuse to commit their own evil intentions.

  • @doncamp1150
    @doncamp1150 Год назад +1

    I think you mean APOCLYPTIC not apocryphal related to Revelation.
    I agree that "ancient historiography employs myth into its genre" at times. At times historiography employes other types or genre such as the hero story or legend. But I do not think that means the whole of the story must be that genre. For example, the Iliad is an epic. It employs symbolism, and legend. It is a poem with many kinds of figurative language. And it turns out that it is also based on history.
    Genesis 1 is a polemic against the gods of the Ancient Near East and Egypt. It is also myth in the sense that Wright means it, though I prefer the term legend. It is not symbolic in the way chapters 2 and 3 are. And it is historiography since what it described did happen. But it is in the style of ancient literature not modern. It is highly stylized.
    Genesis 2 and 3 also employ a variety of genres. They are legend. They are historiography. They are highly symbolic, even to the point of being allegorical. And they are also prophecy. There is no need to force them into one genre any more than we must force the Iliad into one genre. This mixture of genres is more common in ancient historiography than simple raw history - which is extremely rare and is more like the tablets that tell of schoolboys in Sumer- or completely myth or allegory.

  • @innerlockbreaker3916
    @innerlockbreaker3916 4 года назад +4

    Guess I got bored too soon....never heard him mention Adam....or Eve.

  • @ForumLight
    @ForumLight 3 года назад +1

    It's a shame Christians try to explain away God's Word because perhaps they're ashamed to believe God did what He said he did. God made it clear suffering disease and death did not come about until after mankind sinned. Those who believe common descent from a first life form evolution make God a liar, and claim He instead created a world of suffering, disease and death through no fault of mankind. God made it clear we work in six days because He created in six days. It should concern us that we try to explain away God's Word to make a false version of Him that we're less ashamed to believe and follow.
    Consider: it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact when a person dies, they're not coming back. So do we try to explain away the resurrection? (Some actually do, if you can believe it). But most Christians do not. Then why be in such a hurry to explain away other things God has made clear just because some say 'well science says otherwise'? Our biggest concern should simply be that we follow God in spirit and in truth, not that we instead conform to mankind's claims and ideas and twist God and His Word to fit - that's a bad sign for someone to be doing hopes to really be following God.
    And as far as the belief in common descent from a first life form evolution: it's anti-science. The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table.
    Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by,
    no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations",
    no matter how much "change in allele frequencies",
    no matter how much "development of new species",
    no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals",
    no matter how much "adaptation",
    no matter how much "mutation",
    no matter how much "speciation",
    no matter how much "migration",
    no matter how much "genetic drift",
    no matter how much "insert other claims here"
    no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of:
    fish remain fish
    amphibians remain amphibians,
    canines remain canines,
    felines remain felines,
    reptiles remain reptiles,
    birds remain birds,
    viruses remain viruses,
    animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs
    animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts
    animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes
    animals that never had brains do not evolve brains
    animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths
    living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system
    animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on.
    There are many more such groups.
    Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science.
    Evolutionist can never address these facts - many then just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're really about deception that's contrary to actual science.
    Evolutionists typically deceive and pretend making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it, which just goes to show how they're just about deception.
    Evolutionists also typically deceive and try to pretend that since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they hope no one notices: the thing called a "crime" is observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *more* crimes that no one is around to have observed. What they do is the same as giving 'evidence' for something that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this belief that newer happens, which is just more deception.
    That aside, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for the world and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ.
    John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_*

  • @goosemaster5million316
    @goosemaster5million316 5 лет назад +9

    This was a super thought provoking video, though I still don't know what to think about Adam and Eve. You've shown me I wasn't thinking enough! XD

    • @sevenswords8781
      @sevenswords8781 4 года назад

      @ΝαζωραῖοςI agree
      The reason I never believed in Evolution was because Adam could not find a Mate... God had to create a woman for him... If Adam and Eve where one in a group of 1000's why did the narrator tell us no mate was found for him out of all the animals? and Genealogy.
      And the second creation of Jesus was he himself was an event Horizon given he went from a dead body into a billion blasts of light that today only a nuclear bomb could copy, he created in an instant a new man... I mean a billionth of a second. God does not need time things didn't have to grow.. they just came into being by his word.. because Nothing existed not a single thing everything created came to be by his word.. But the argument is distracting from the true meaning of Life to Love and serve.

  • @jjreddog571
    @jjreddog571 2 года назад +1

    Bishop Wright reminds me of Jen Psaki, he has more spin on Genesis than she has for the questions asked at the White House briefings.
    The state of Christianity today is proof that if you get Genesis wrong, you will get the Gospel wrong also. It is no wonder the Nations are
    in a rage, Adam and Eve are real people and the World was created in Six literal days, and validated again by God in the middle of the Ten
    Commandments. James in WA ST

  • @JA71280
    @JA71280 3 месяца назад +1

    He really didn’t get into the Adam & Eve topic. So why is this video’s tittle about them, when Wright doesn’t really talk about them??🤦🏻😂

  • @GreenSlugg
    @GreenSlugg 8 лет назад +40

    Nevermind the Gospels, or the letters of Paul, or the entire New Testament, which teaches that Adam was a real person.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 8 лет назад +3

      +GreenSlugg If it was viewed as a type of parable or ancient story depicting a heavenly meaning beyond the reach of human understanding then the historical probability is not the part that matters. The meaning is the important part. The means of illustrating it are irrelevant. Genesis 1;27 just simply says man and woman were created. Genesis 2;15--25 is a later Myth used to illustrate many truths such as mankind's awareness of self. Limiting philosophical truth to a set of physical boundaries kill's the spirit which is what I feel literal fundamental interpretation does and is doing. The fruit is in the comment section of videos like this one. Believe it or not their are biblical scholars that still believe in Jesus.

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 8 лет назад +9

      truethinker The problem with idea that Genesis was intended to be a mere story is that Genesis refers to itself as history on multiple occasions, and the writers of the New Testament also considered Genesis to be history.
      The men in Genesis are even included in the geneology of Jesus Christ.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 8 лет назад +2

      GreenSlugg That is the big question; can we still believe in the historical Jesus and his salvation with a view of the old testament that includes tradition, folk lore, mythopoeic stories, legion, a different cosmology, limited size and scope of the world and universe and a basis towards an ethnic people ? Even with it's negative ethical connotations total contradictions and oblivious attempts to edit out many errors it comes down to the Cross and the willingness to give our life to Jesus..
      In the ancient world Myth and Scientific fact were not distinguished. The meaning{s} of the story is what was being communicated the means (a common Myth) was what made it hold true (rightly divided) regardless of the time period especially to a modern world.
      The two shall become one flesh.

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 8 лет назад +8

      truethinker The need for the cross is founded in the history of Genesis. The Hebrews did distinguish between history, parable, and poetry.
      Jesus claimed Genesis to be history, and He also claimed to be the only way to Heaven.
      Jesus Himself taught that if we do not believe Him on Heavenly things then we would not believe Him on Earthly things. And why should we? After all, if Jesus can't get it right about Genesis, why should we believe Him about anything else?
      Jesus also said that if we do not believe in Moses, then we will not believe in Him.
      So, bottom line is that if Genesis is wrong, then the New Testament, which bases the Gospel on the fact that Genesis is history, is also wrong.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 8 лет назад +2

      GreenSlugg I have a different view than you, that was my point. The history of the war is usually tolled by the victors. When events are recorded by different groups separated by many factions,especially time, they may speak about the same event with a different perspective. It boils down to how we feel the bible came into being and how much God allowed human influences to effect its final product; or is it a final product? A study of the same events told by the different writers of the four gospels proves the human perspective and can not be combined into one exact set of facts. Many believe the gospels were a gathering of oral and written (Q) traditions taking shape as the early Church answered questions to the heresies of the day. If you haven't studied the bible as literature, in the secular setting I would not expect the discrepancies to be pointed out or answered by you. I have spent years trying to put together the pieces and find the answers, plus I thoroughly enjoy modern theology. Its unfortunate people have and "all or nothing" approach because it stifles learning and fosters ignorance, intolerance and hatred.
      Jesus spoke to the people where they were, he didn't have time to teach them Quantum Physics. Now he does, so he can speak to us where we are today. Come out of the dark ages and start reading your bible with the intellect, logic and good common sense God gave you.

  • @canadiankewldude
    @canadiankewldude 7 лет назад +1

    Genesis is full of power but its not true and therefore Jesus lied, got yah. Your an atheist or just working for them. The real thrust of the narrative is "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Real history, but then again I believe Jesus of Nazareth.

  • @dionsanchez6097
    @dionsanchez6097 11 лет назад +28

    It is helpful to see Genesis in light of Revelation and the symbolic communication of that book. Paradise lost, paradise gained...

    • @dahelmang
      @dahelmang 4 года назад +4

      That's prophecy, a completely different genre.

    • @emmanueloluga9770
      @emmanueloluga9770 4 года назад +2

      @@dahelmang Even then, there has to be a connection between the two, if we are to claim all scripture is the living word of GOD inspired by the holy spirit. Isn't it in the book of Genesis we see the "prophecy of the serpent biting the man, while He tramples it", showing a representation of Jesus' triumph over the devil

    • @dahelmang
      @dahelmang 4 года назад +1

      @@emmanueloluga9770 what N T Wright is suggesting is that Genesis is a myth. That is clearly not how the rest of Scripture treats it. Revelation is prophecy, so you expect to see metaphors there, it's a different genre.

    • @emmanueloluga9770
      @emmanueloluga9770 4 года назад +2

      @@dahelmang oh OK, I get your point now. Also, I don't think he sees it as a myth in the traditional sense, more like an allegory (even then , I believe he is wrong as other scholars have asserted)

    • @dahelmang
      @dahelmang 4 года назад +1

      @@emmanueloluga9770 from the videos I have seen he compares it to pagan creation myths. He says every myth carries a message, so it's like a parable.

  • @bamapopie2052
    @bamapopie2052 4 года назад +1

    This man is ignorant of what Genesis is saying. Maybe defiant is a better term. How can God live in the creation that can’t even contain Him?
    1 Kings 8:27

  • @yesman4jesus940
    @yesman4jesus940 6 лет назад +9

    One of the first and most important rules of Scriptural interpretation is to correctly identify the literary genre of a given text. The Bible isn't so much a book as it is a library of books drawn together and sandwiched between two covers. In this Holy Library are various kinds of literary genres: songs and poetry, historical narratives, philosophical musings, biography, travelogue, dissertations, and - yes - myth. The first chapters of Genesis are clearly intended to be read as epic myth. Genesis 1 in fact is a brilliantly composed epic poem - not a scientific dissertation. Those Christians who insist on a clumsy literalism here are robbing themselves of the true power, and true meaning, of God's word.

  • @SonnyReeves
    @SonnyReeves 6 лет назад +1

    What is a Right Reverend? What makes a person a "Reverend"? Is the title man made or God given? Honest question seeking bible answer.

  • @fightintheshade
    @fightintheshade 14 лет назад +5

    Martin it's sometimes called "argumentum ad hominem" I experienced the same approach used with a prof. of law. I was holding to 2 Pet.3 eschatology "new heaven and earth" he was trying to defend traditional "no new earth" theology. Claimed those who hold to 2 Pet.3 held it for "carnal" reasons "at least we'll still be able to play golf" after the parousia etc.

  • @martygough
    @martygough 5 лет назад +2

    Dear me, post talking guy goes to great lengths to convince us that truth, that right or wrong, light or darkness, that knowing something is one way or the other is not the way to look at the truth, and many like this guy and think he is smart. Madness. He talks a load of rubbish, disguised by flowery language and they eat it up.

  • @coreyfriend1
    @coreyfriend1 6 лет назад +7

    Jesus didn’t descend from a myth.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes 3 года назад

      Evidence show evolution made man. Evidence also shows delusional man made God. The religion scam has got the gullible fools duped.

  • @RickyRoro777
    @RickyRoro777 9 лет назад +2

    This is very sophomoric, and demonstrates immense hubris. These people not only invent their own wrong ideas about the creation, but now have the arrogance to criticize all of church history--if not all of monotheistic history--as being culturally blinded, short-sighted, naive, oversimplifying, and ignorant?

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 8 лет назад

      +Ricky Roro Many of the old church's ideas concerning the Genesis came from Jerome and the Vulgate. Literal fundamentalist interpretation is a modern phenomena .

  • @coreyfriend1
    @coreyfriend1 6 лет назад +3

    “...charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to MYTHS and endless genealogies, which promote SPECULATIONS rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith.” - 1Tim1:3

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 4 года назад

      Thank you my friend! Please feel free to come by my channel. I may not have a ThD, but at least I talk about things that make more sense than this, and I get some cool guests as well!

    • @donaldciriacks9886
      @donaldciriacks9886 4 года назад +1

      Exactly, the Bible is filled with Myth and inaccurate endless genealogies

  • @DanielDeVito89
    @DanielDeVito89 12 лет назад +1

    Myth does mean untrue. The Bible is just a collection Semitic myths and legends and we are as certain of that as we are of all the other countless mythologies.

  • @chrisvaccaro229
    @chrisvaccaro229 4 года назад +11

    2:37 He's completely right about _myth_ being a loaded term. The word I prefer is _allegory_
    *allegory* ∙ NOUN
    Pronunciation /ˈaləˌɡôrē/ /ˈæləˌɡɔri/
    1. A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
    2. The expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence

  • @hatementality
    @hatementality 12 лет назад +1

    Science doesn't answer much about origins my friend. When you talk about origins you are in the realm of RELIGION.

  • @7737881
    @7737881 10 лет назад +4

    when we interpret the Bible we need to start with Love, not Human understanding, always knowing that we never see or picture the whole . if we are blessed the picture opens after years of of observation, little by little, kiss by Kiss.

    • @GreenSlugg
      @GreenSlugg 4 года назад +1

      This is fluff that would be too sugary even for Walt Disney. Feel free to come by my channel, I think I can help you to think in a better way.

    • @joshuaWEC
      @joshuaWEC 3 года назад

      @@GreenSlugg No it's quite wise. As Paul says in Roman's 13 nothing matters unless it is done from the motive of love. Jesus said people will know you are mine by your love for one another. True Christians are the ones who produce the fruit of the Spirit which all have to do with being more loving. It all comes back to love. The greatest thing and the most excellent way.

  • @Senkino5o
    @Senkino5o 7 лет назад +1

    Infidelity and apostasy is never forthright and honest.
    What are the first 3 chapters of Genesis then? And what do they explain, what is the theological depth?
    With obedience and faith? Much.
    With N.T. Wright's clever allegoricallizing and spiritualizing? Squat diddly.

  • @CumbriaPreaching
    @CumbriaPreaching 10 лет назад +24

    As intelligent as this guy sounds, he is simply wrong.

    • @pwoods100
      @pwoods100 6 лет назад +1

      Yep. Just like every other Christian is also wrong. Because another Christian said you were.

    • @urasam2
      @urasam2 6 лет назад +2

      Tarp ness intelligent, yes. Also delusional

    • @faithtruth8036
      @faithtruth8036 5 лет назад +4

      @@polarisnorth4875 Satan is very intelligent that doesn't make everything he says true.

    • @MariusVanWoerden
      @MariusVanWoerden 5 лет назад

      This anybody can do; provided you are delusional. This is the type of people that have created new religions and confusion.

    • @antidepressant11
      @antidepressant11 5 лет назад

      As grammatically correct as your sentence is, the real meaning of genesis has simply gone over your head.

  • @Surfxeo
    @Surfxeo 13 лет назад +1

    Exodus 20:11 The writer of Genesis (Moses, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) tells us again the heavens and the earth were created in 6 days and confirms this by giving us the 4th commandment to keep and santify the Sabbath as the day of rest be God rested on the 7th day from creation.
    One more thought. Jesus Christ himself is God from the OT who quotes from Genesis 1,2 & 3 confirming these Scriptural truths are literal. In no way can these texts be construed as flowery poetry.

  • @jvt_redbaronspeaks4831
    @jvt_redbaronspeaks4831 6 лет назад +5

    Would someone hand this man a balance pole so he can continue to tightrope this narrow theological fence. He isn't a fundamentalist Christian, he is a funambulist one. Congratulations BioLogos... you are doing in over a decade what atheism couldn't do in over 2000 years by weakening Christianity from within.

  • @Hrugnir
    @Hrugnir 13 лет назад +1

    @Strefanasha His point about "political issues" has to do with the general tendency to lump people into broad categories of "conservatives" and "liberals", categories that span both religious and political parties in America. I know not all conversatives are Young Earth Creationists, but it's still an category-defining issue among many Christians over there, in a way it isn't in Europe.

  • @CP-qn1mn
    @CP-qn1mn 8 лет назад +20

    I saw a report that said something like 50% of the people in England consider themselves to be atheists. N.T. Wright is quite prolific in his criticism of American Christians. It seems to me that if NT Wright and the other leaders of Christianity in England were doing such a superior job that number would not be so high. N.T. Wright should spend some time looking in the mirror trying to figure out why Christianity is dieing out in his own country versus constantly criticizing Christians in America.

    • @CP-qn1mn
      @CP-qn1mn 8 лет назад +4

      Typical internet tough guy response and grammar police you should get yourself a badge and wear it around so you can feel superior all the time. My point and I have watched a lot of NT Wrights stuff is that he seems to go out of his way to say things like you people in America obsess about this or that which no one else cares about. Like we are a bunch of idiots unenlightened fundamentalist cretins. Yet in his own country half the population consider themselves Atheist so it would seem that whatever the churches in England are doing including him isn't working. That seems a much more pressing issue than to be constantly commenting on what is wrong with America.

    • @GBabuu
      @GBabuu 8 лет назад +3

      Chad Patton I think Wright's concern is to be understood not as an implicit argument on weather America or UK has more Christians, rather...As a New Testament scholar, He's disturbed seeing how political influence of deism (launched by Thomas Jefferson) has affected American mainstream Christianity!

    • @faithtruth8036
      @faithtruth8036 5 лет назад

      Also a lot of the none atheist in England are agnostics, muslims ,hindus or follow things like new age or druids there are more so called druids in England than in Ireland others will call themselves spiritual but not religious and they don't believe in Jesus. However, there are still some believes there and I don't mean Catholics a growing group. I mean born again believers. However, those believers exist in spit of and not because of people like people like Wright

  • @egwpisteuw
    @egwpisteuw 11 лет назад +1

    I agree--I enjoy many of Wright's videos but this one was very fuzzy. Interpretation of Gen 1-11 is critical to interpretation of the rest of the Bible--if you start to fudge here then the scripture will "unravel" (λύω loo John 10:35).

  • @TheCrusaderRabbits
    @TheCrusaderRabbits 3 года назад +4

    This guy is the worst. You can never get a straight answer out of him.

  • @jalontf2
    @jalontf2 9 дней назад

    So the idea here is that there was constantly evolving man, and two he chose (Adam and Eve) were placed in the garden, given the Tree of Life to eat from, and as long as they did so they would be immortal. They failed, so homo sapiens as we knew it was doomed?
    I kind of get it but need to bring to bear the other scriptural contradictions...

  • @ByGoneBlues
    @ByGoneBlues 12 лет назад +4

    Your interpretation vastly oversimplifies the context.
    In Matt 19:4-6, you have a number of elements involved:
    1. "Have you not read..." This gives us Christ's source for authority: the Scriptures.
    1a. Christ interpreted this passage literally, since he used it as a definition of marriage, which was for the purpose of confuting the ridiculous questioning of the Pharisees.
    1b. I wouldn't use a figurative illustration from LOTR to solve an ethical dilemma.

  • @allnations360
    @allnations360 7 лет назад +2

    I don't see why it follows that we must think the six days of creation might not have been literal just because we grasp that the creation story tells us that God wants to fellowship with man

    • @groomster26
      @groomster26 3 года назад

      I agree and would add that creating a bogeyman (cloud sitting harpist view of the new creation and new earth) doesn't in any way undermine your point that God could in 7 days create a temple in which his people will glorify and enjoy him forever. Holding such an interpretation of Gen.1-3 can (and in my view should) be combined with an equally rich understanding of the glory of the world to come when God's people will see him face to face in a renewed creation (to the extent that it is possible for creatures to know and understand the Creator). NT Wright is correct, though, to warn of the danger of people misrepresenting your belief especially in a society which sees everything in terms of politics. Since he spoke (in 2010) the cultural wars in the US, which he referred to, have ignited in the UK causing a similar level of strife and conflict.

  • @chuckabean1
    @chuckabean1 5 лет назад +3

    A true expert on being unfaithful to the text.

  • @MAPologeticsIPeter315
    @MAPologeticsIPeter315 5 лет назад +2

    What hermeneutical principles does NT Wright use? We need to look at the Context, original languages, word study, how it's used throughout the Bible, grammatical structure, historical and cultural background, figurative language and application. (McQuilkin. Understanding and Applying the Bible.) The principles suggested on the BioLogos site exclude some of these key principles of biblical interpretation.

    • @vjohn1464
      @vjohn1464 6 месяцев назад

      They have made science their god and religion...much of science is speculation...no observational science can be applied to origins...speed of light is assumed to be constant throughout the universe.
      I believe there is a gap between Genesis 1:1-2 and Genesis 1:3...a catachlismic and angelic commotion must have taken place as we read of the fall of Lucifer in Isaiah and Ezekiel...the earth was formless and void...important to study these words...

  • @PeterLundell
    @PeterLundell 6 лет назад +7

    Wright characteristically sees this part of the Bible through the lens of metaphor/symbol/some big picture idea that he imposes on the text itself (as he does, for example, with the rapture reference 1 Thessalonians). He completely misses the much greater and more powerful truth that the Genesis creation account is in perfect harmony with, and precedes by thousands of years, how geologists and the rest of science have come to understand the earth's creation through its geological time periods.
    He is careful, nuanced, and eloquent in his sometimes-misguided thoughts as he opens a door that others naively stumble through and call the Old Testament full of "myth" or "metaphor," and that somehow it's okay to do that because it's still symbolic or theoretical truth. From that point such people will commonly interpret Scripture to mean whatever they want it to mean because that's what's done with myth, metaphor, and symbol.
    He may read Scripture from the bottom up (that is, from the text itself to what it means), but he interprets it from the top down (that is, imposing his a priori thoughts down onto the text).
    It took me a while to figure this out about him, but I now see it all over his thinking.

    • @franciscotorresjr7477
      @franciscotorresjr7477 6 лет назад

      Very well explained and its very true. I really like it.

    • @holdontohope7286
      @holdontohope7286 6 лет назад

      I really like his take on certain things but disagree with other things. Not 1 christian scholar pastor teacher have it all right. Unfortunately I think we were taught to believe everything from a pulpit or from a educators but we needed to be taught critical thinking and be in prayer ourselves ...

    • @jackjones3657
      @jackjones3657 5 лет назад

      Interestingly I don't once hear him say this earth will pass away. All that exists now will be destroyed. God is creating a new earth void of all dysfunction and perversions from sinfulness.

    • @Chomper750
      @Chomper750 4 года назад +1

      There is more than one Genesis creation account. Which one are you talking about? Genesis 2 is far different than Genesis 1.

  • @WoodstocKenny
    @WoodstocKenny 12 лет назад +2

    To be born again also includes accepting Christ as savior, don't forget that. I know lots of people who believe in God, or at least say they do, but have a big problem when it comes to understanding who Jesus is. It took me a long time too, I've only been born again for 3 years. I see a lot of my old self in the opinions of other people who haven't gotten to that point yet. As for the interpretations, I think most of them work for me better when I take them literally rather than symbollically.

  • @keithwilson6060
    @keithwilson6060 4 года назад +3

    I’m new to Wright, but in listening to him, you can’t avoid the tendency that he wants to spiritualized everything. I’m wondering what his view of the miracles of Jesus are. Will he cast them as natural healings? Did the feeding of the 5,000 really just happen because people shared what they had?
    If you can be dismissive or “agnostic” about what he seems to be, you can just as easily be dismissive of the life and mission of Jesus.

  • @ChanimalCrackers
    @ChanimalCrackers 14 лет назад +1

    Wow. I haven't heard anyone interpret Genesis as being for the Jewish people because that's the way tabernacles were supposed to be built. That's pretty cool. (won't touch the furious youtube debate) Good video.

  • @pannonia77
    @pannonia77 6 лет назад +3

    N.T. Wright is not an American fundamentalist, so he does not claim the Adam and Eve story is historical truth. He practically admits it's a myth, however, he tries hard to explain that being a myth does not necessarily means it's not true. In what sense does he think it is true is, however, not clear.

    • @vicbartel7548
      @vicbartel7548 5 лет назад

      pannonia77 I am amazed that you can’t beyond very basic concepts.

  • @IIrandhandleII
    @IIrandhandleII 5 лет назад +1

    The death throws of Christianity ...

    • @RCGagain
      @RCGagain 4 года назад

      Not really. But they are making a bold effort.

  • @christiano241525
    @christiano241525 11 лет назад +8

    The Bible's text differs. Genesis 1 and 2 are metaphorical--any scholar can recognize its metaphorical similarity to Revelation. But a lot of the Bible is literal, some figurative, instructive, descriptive, prescriptive...etc. Take the text individually.

  • @MrJohndl
    @MrJohndl 12 лет назад +1

    Waffle, waffle, waffle,.....Adam and Eve did not exist. The end.

    • @bikesrcool_1958
      @bikesrcool_1958 6 месяцев назад

      11 years and your claim remains…. Wrong

  • @jkmaseruman
    @jkmaseruman 5 лет назад +8

    Jesus, Peter and Paul treated Genesis as history but NT Wright seems to know better.

  • @GDG-gorthodoxy
    @GDG-gorthodoxy 4 месяца назад

    Question Bishop Wright, did you eat your breakfast today? Wright’s answer We should decouple the concept of material or physical nourishment from functional sustenance. While a traditional English breakfast is traditionally a hearty meal, the more meaningful concept is the feeling of feeling full with the conference that I can answer the question with wit, wisdom and empathy for those around us who are struggling to find meaning in the term breakfast, let alone partake in the ritual that breaks a fast, if you know what I mean.

  • @parymich777
    @parymich777 11 лет назад +3

    God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day. gen1:5
    So yes, day was established the first day.

    • @josephgrandatv
      @josephgrandatv 5 лет назад

      For us, yes, to understand. God doesn't need a day, he could do all things at once.

    • @RCGagain
      @RCGagain 4 года назад

      I so love God and His knowledge that we little lawyers would be looking for a loophole in everything from Genesis to Revelation.

  • @RichyK
    @RichyK 5 месяцев назад

    Are the Genesis 1 days real history?
    Genesis is, without any doubt whatsoever, most definitely written as historical narrative. Hebrew uses special grammatical forms for recording history, and Genesis 1-11 uses those. It has the same structure as Genesis 12 onwards and most of Exodus, Joshua, Judges, etc., which no one claims is ‘poetry’ or not meant to be taken as history. Genesis is not poetry or allegory.
    Genesis is peppered with ‘And … and … and … ’ which characterises historical writing (this is technically called the ‘vav-ו, often rendered as waw-consecutive’).
    The Hebrew verb forms of Genesis 1 have a particular feature that fits exactly what the Hebrews used for recording history or a series of past events. That is, only the first verb in a sequence of events is perfect (qatal), while the verbs that continue the narrative are imperfects (vayyiqtols).4 In Genesis 1, the first verb, bara (create), is perfect, while the subsequent verbs are imperfect.5 A proper translation in English recognises this Hebrew form and translates all the verbs as perfect (or past) tense.
    psalms 78:9-14
    The Psalms are poetic, but nevertheless often refer to real (historical) events
    Genesis 1-11 also has several other hallmarks of historical narrative, such as ‘accusative particles’ that mark the objects of verbs. These are not translated into English (e.g. Hebrew ‘et’ in Genesis 1:1). Terms are often carefully defined. Also, parallelisms, a feature of Hebrew poetry (e.g. in many Psalms), are almost absent in Genesis.6
    The rare pieces of poetry (e.g. Genesis 1:27 and 2:23) comment on real events anyway, as do many of the Psalms (e.g. Psalm 78). But if Genesis were really poetic, the whole book would look like these rare verses and it doesn’t.

  • @TheCrusaderRabbits
    @TheCrusaderRabbits 8 лет назад +16

    This guy is great at beating around the bush.

    • @Sam-gs2wq
      @Sam-gs2wq 5 лет назад

      If you want simple and incorrect answers to complex subjects look elsewhere

  • @egwpisteuw
    @egwpisteuw 11 лет назад

    ---->But I don't see how any biblical theology can stand on such a shaky foundation.
    Yes. Unfortunately, once one is known as a "scholar" I think there is a tendency to accomodation on the issues that academia holds as sacred (i.e., the Theory of Evolution in this case)--but that tendency must be resisted--as scripture states: "but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise" (1 Cor 1:27).

  • @Ckphoto80
    @Ckphoto80 9 лет назад +8

    He could sum up what he believes in less than 3 seconds. He has to write a book about every response.

    • @agustintadeo
      @agustintadeo 7 лет назад

      Matthew 5:37King James Version (KJV) 37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

    • @agustintadeo
      @agustintadeo 7 лет назад +1

      Daniel, is out of context your right, but the sad reality in here is that this theologians are leading the people of God in a dark and unsafe path the guessing one, modern science = today knowledge, is defining the Bible not the other way around, is science bad? not it is not, but is clear that the natural man is a fall creature and only by the assistant of God holy Spirit come the understanding of the mystery of God's plan, science is constantly changing we grow in knowledge but the word of Yahweh is perfect.
      1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
      When I bring Matthew 5 what I had in mind was that sometimes people try to explain things and add words and more words and the last of it is sin, the Bible says clear do not add to the word do not take from it.
      Pro 10:19 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
      Faith is believe in that we can not yet see, in whom are we ought to trust in God's counsel or men's.
      Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked
      Finally my friend trust, the Scriptures, with them Jesus defeat satan, follow their sayings and you and your family will walk in the unpopular path but the path of life.

    • @8mcneely
      @8mcneely 5 лет назад +1

      He's an intellectual

    • @delwynfranklin3868
      @delwynfranklin3868 5 лет назад

      Exactly!!!! He takes the very long way round to travel a minuscule distance. In fact....possibly going backwards.
      I switch off as soon as he opens his mouth as a result...

    @LAANTHONYS 13 лет назад

    you must be a complete....if you think jesus "the son of God" is God. If your son told you he was you, you would question his mental state. Read the bible again. This time lisen to what is said by scripture, not what you have been taught. Jesus Christ prayed to his father, not himself. Christ was the first spirit born.

  • @synergyfilmsnz
    @synergyfilmsnz 8 лет назад +13

    And if musicians didn't play the notes exactly as Beethoven wrote them, it would no longer be Beethoven and more likely unlistenable garbage. Not unlike this particular thesis...

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 8 лет назад

      +synergyfilmsnz If you ever studied theology or music theory you would realize how ridicules your statement is.

    • @synergyfilmsnz
      @synergyfilmsnz 8 лет назад +1

      +truethinker I've studied both extensively, but thanks all the same for your ad hominem attack without actually engaging in the argument.

    • @truethinker221
      @truethinker221 8 лет назад +1

      synergyfilmsnz Then you should know Beethoven's music is theorized and modern compositions only remotely resemble what he actually wrote. Same with the Bible.

  • @robertgellert1325
    @robertgellert1325 11 месяцев назад

    Perhaps the reason the question of the historicity of Adam and Eve is less of an issue in England than America is because England has gone far further down the road of post Christianity than the United States. The US, however, is doing their best to catch up, and ironically enough the post Christian push is being led by the leading theologians at our most prestigious divinity and theological schools and

  • @mikki5809
    @mikki5809 5 лет назад +6

    He says "We need to lighten up, we need to uncouple these issues". So we can take God's wonderfully integrated body of truth and break it up and then pick and choose what we want and reject what we don't like? And having done this, do we think it will have no impact on the rest of what God is saying to us?
    This man is more impressed with himself than he is with God.

  • @sanjaygoswami437
    @sanjaygoswami437 Год назад

    Sorry NT but you sound like a politician and skirt around the question. Colossians 2:8 comes to mind “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.”

  • @SolaScriptura49
    @SolaScriptura49 13 лет назад +3

    I like NT Wright's insight on how there is a structural framework to the beginning of Genesis, but at the same time there was a heartfelt way of explaining these events that took place. Like adding notes to the staff, there are highs and lows, and even though those highs and lows are not exactly clear, there is still music!!

  • @AtamMardes
    @AtamMardes 2 года назад

    Evolution process is extremely slow - sum of tiny DNA changes over 100s of thousands of generations. Asking the question "Who was the first human?" is as absurd as asking "How old were you when you were growing up?", or "Who was the first person to fully speak French?".
    A theory explains a process based on evidence at hand. Theories can be modified, updated, or rejected based on new evidence. Fossil & DNA evidence prove evolution to be a fact & the evolution theory explains how it works.

  • @paulsim24
    @paulsim24 10 лет назад +17

    Yakitty smackitty!! A whole lot of hot air.

  • @barneyroberts668
    @barneyroberts668 3 года назад +1

    St. Patrick’s Day 2012 God spoke to me to my very being and he said I created everything, everything created, I created-Hills.
    I wonder if this brilliant scholar believes that?

  • @thesongtowoody
    @thesongtowoody 7 лет назад +7

    while i appreciate his enthusiasm and his attempts to look at the subject in a broader sense i tend to find that he goes to far to the other side and in the final analysis adds nothing of substance that you can take away with you that is of use. He is critical , acts insightful but offers only fluff. I think he makes many fundamentalists say more than they are actually saying. Notice he does not answere whether it is myth or historical or both? when he talks he reminds me of the static between two radio stations and you are trying to dial one in but just getting fuzz. Fuzz is not revelation. I think the question fundamentalists ask is very suitable and right to ask. Are they literal historical persons and was the fall a historical event. cmon wright just answer the question or confress you havent a clue. we are not hung up but just wrestling for truth.

  • @JumpJeho
    @JumpJeho Год назад

    My guess is that the story of Adam and Eve evolved over many generations until it became so profound that the Jewish people eventually wrote it down. Regardless, it still is just a story no matter how profound it was. Pinocchio was profound, you get my drift?

  • @DanielDeVito89
    @DanielDeVito89 11 лет назад +4

    That's actually a perfect analogy. Literally swapping one myth for another.

  • @jamescater9594
    @jamescater9594 Год назад

    I think its impossible to mix up myth and what the text actually says. Myth has a certain definable charcateristic. Defining terms is extremely important. When dealing with Genesis like any other biblical book, the writer was not writing an artistic genre so that we can imagine what he is trying to say. A most profound way of looking at Genesis is the way Moses and the way the rest of the Penteteuch, Jesus, and the NT writers understood it. Intercanonically is God's entire communication to us without concealing through intentional fables or myth literary devices. In other words, looking at Genesis cohesively with all the canon and as close to its author's intent (dual authorship) is the safest way to ascertain the meaning.

  • @wallabaatar
    @wallabaatar 5 лет назад +8

    The wise man builds his house upon a rock. NTW builds his house upon...his own hot air. A nice foundation of speculation with some guessing and conjecture on top of that, and then some wobbly postulation sitting at the top. It's like a theology made entirely of Jenga pieces.

  • @jaymart2355
    @jaymart2355 5 лет назад

    GOD's plan was and still is to have unity with MANKIND, not in the flesh, which is TEMPORARY, but a SPIRITUAL ONE, which is EVERLASTING!!! GOD IS A SPIRIT, AND WE MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT! says the LORD JESUS CHRIST TO NICODEMUS John 4:24. GOD's ways are HIGHER THAN OUR WAYS says the SCRIPTURES ...."For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts" ISSAIAH 55:9. SO WE MUST BELIEVE EVERY WORD THAT IS SCRIPTURE! LEST WE START SAYING THERE ARE ERRORS IN THE BIBLE AND THEN AN EVIL MIND SETS IN.....DOUBT!!! So lets take disputations not in our OWN UNDERSTANDING.......but BELIEVE the gospel and have FAITH IN THAT BELIEF that the SCRIPTURES ARE HOLY.....And in them you will find TRUE UNDERSTANDING AND TRUE LIFE THROUGH CHRIST JESUS........Amen, Amen!!!

  • @deconlite
    @deconlite 8 лет назад +5

    I think the Bishop is spot on about the real message of Genesis. What I think, (we), as people tend to do is make the meaning fit into our world view instead of the view the writers are trying to convey. When I read Genesis I wonder many things about it. For example who was the woman that Cain married? Where did she come from. There are many other things like this. So, what we end up doing is filling in ideas about who the woman was Cain married instead of seeing the message that is being told. Off we go again, on some rabbit chase to figure out some obscure part of it and missing the mark as usual.

    • @Sunsetdriver85
      @Sunsetdriver85 7 лет назад

      Shamgar yes I agree. we try to fit the whole Bible into a 21 century interpretation. I believe the creation account and the following chapters up to 11 (Genesis 1-11) could very well be be figurative. it doesnt mean it takes away from God's word. but it changes the meaning of what the author was meaning. He would probably be trying to explain how we got here today.

  • @princens350
    @princens350 3 года назад

    The point that Dr. NT Wright is making, that Genesis' primary thrust is that God dwelling with man, is a derivation. But the narrative is the narrative. Genesis 1-11 is clearly history, primarily and it also implies that God indeed wants to dwell with man, which is secondary. Text always should be first.

  • @version191
    @version191 10 лет назад +5

    Well folks of course we can't take this line literally but that doesn't mean it isn't real history, ... ????? what? This is sophistry, he acts as though something can be a myth but also true at the same time. Completely delusional, just admit it is mythology just like all religion and end the insanity.

  • @frankfeldman6657
    @frankfeldman6657 5 лет назад

    Hahaha, he neglects to mention that the Babylonians, Hittites, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster knows whom else GOT THERE FIRST. The Jews were just riffing on it-not badly, with not very originally either.

  • @blanktrigger8863
    @blanktrigger8863 5 лет назад +8

    "We don't bundle up the issues that way." Yes, which is precisely why the rest of the West is years ahead of America when it comes to how rapidly the West is dying.

    • @blanktrigger8863
      @blanktrigger8863 3 года назад

      @@Jonathan-si2nd I've tried to explain this to people and I've noticed how much they ignore it like it's not a problem. Russia could have long ago conquered the majority of Europe if not for the fact America is constantly protecting their non-Russian nations. We're doing the same thing even in the South China Sea. Their whole way of life depends on America protecting them, and even then it doesn't profit so they're rapidly destroying themselves. Unfortunately we're going the same way.
      I'm starting to think that the best thing to do is to let Russia and China run wild. Only once people see outright how weak these nations are will they understand how much of a failure liberalism is.

  • @jamesbrowne6351
    @jamesbrowne6351 2 года назад

    Diplomatically dances around the clear truth to anyone with a working neuron, American fundamentalist evangelicals are just plain nuts.

  • @doncamp1150
    @doncamp1150 8 лет назад +4

    *Genesis 1, 2, and 3 are some of the most explosive chapters*
    I agree with Wright's characterization, but I think it has more of a connection with actual events than what Wright seems to imply.
    Certainly these chapters are foundation to the rest of the Bible. Certainly they illuminate the human condition far more truly any other piece of literature I know of. And as such they might be considered myth in the sense that Wright means. But I really think they also speak truly when they come to the history of the world.
    I do not mean that the six days of creation must be interpreted as six literal days. But I do think they speak of six episodes in the creation of the earth and have an uncanny similarity to what modern science tells us about the history of the world.
    When it comes to Adam and Eve, I think there is more than myth there. I think there was a moment in the history of the world when a fully human being appeared, having as the Bible describes him, spirit, soul, and body. And I think that archaeology affirms that was not so distant historically.
    The creation narrative in Genesis is a story, but it is not fiction.

    • @JAFAtuber
      @JAFAtuber Год назад

      Then you're not understanding NT Wright. You need to spend more time on it.

    • @doncamp1150
      @doncamp1150 Год назад

      @@JAFAtuber What am I not understanding?

    • @doncamp1150
      @doncamp1150 Год назад

      @@JAFAtuber I really only differ at the point of how much is "myth" and how much is history. I personally see chapters 2 and 3 as allegorical history and chapter 1 as a polemical introduction to creation and not a literal description, though it bears an uncanny semblance to what science has determined was the order of events in the development of the earth. Since it is inspired, there can be several levels of meaning here. The issue in question, is of course, impossible to answer. So, my small difference with Wright is moot.

    • @JAFAtuber
      @JAFAtuber Год назад +1

      @@doncamp1150 That's what you're not understanding. It's not a QUANTITATIVE issue; it's a QUALITATIVE issue. The Book of Revelation isn't part apocryphal literature; it's 100% apocryphal literature. Genesis isn't written partly in Ancient Historiography and partly in factual story. It's 100% Ancient Historiography. So, just like Rev. has to be interpreted and understood completely in its apocryphal form and setting, Genesis has to be completely understood in its Ancient Historiography form and setting. The reader just can't decide what literary filter they want to use based upon their own personal predilections.
      Ancient Historiography employs myth into its genre. Ge. 1-3 is 100% Ancient Historiography, therefore, Ge. 1-3 employs myth 100%. That isn't to say there isn't a literal primal couple, or that their names weren't "Adam" and "Eve", as highly doubtful as that is, nevertheless, it's not the point. The point is the forms (within the myth) have a function-- to relate a story. It's the essence, plot and theme of the story that truly matters, not the facts or characters.

  • @marlondelrosario635
    @marlondelrosario635 2 года назад

    Can we just look at the bible and apply any interpretation as long as it arrives on what the intent of the author is? If genesis 1 2 3 are downplayed as myth,where should we stop mythologizing the bible, if literalism is a too narrow view of the bible?

  • @fantastic59
    @fantastic59 5 лет назад +3

    To take Genesis iiterally is to be honest with it just as Jesus was. Jesus quoted Genesis as literal...

  • @mikeyonce2323
    @mikeyonce2323 3 месяца назад

    Jesus took Genesis literally, as did NT writers. So myth, hard pass.

  • @butch3945
    @butch3945 10 лет назад +10

    Wright is just showing that he's a weak, timid Christian. Jesus basically confirmed the Genesis account when denouncing divorce in Matthew 19:4-6. He was quoting Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 2:24. In Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51, Jesus also mentioned Abel when rejecting the religious leaders.

    • @dionsanchez6097
      @dionsanchez6097 10 лет назад +1

      The point of our lord's quote in Matthew does not have to be understood as supporting creation of two humans in Eden. The point is God brought Adam and Eve together and what God had brought together no person is to separate. No hint of creation as the context there. Instead, it refers to God's authority.

    • @butch3945
      @butch3945 10 лет назад +1

      Dion Sanchez You don't know the Bible. If you did, then you would know Jesus was the one that created everything. Jesus is the Old Testament LORD, which is Jehovah, or God the Son. Jesus is the Word become flesh. (John 1: 1-3, 14) You don't know Jesus very well when you don't believe the Word in the Bible. You are basically calling Jesus a liar. You are not believing who Jesus said He is. The whole Bible was guided by divine inspiration, and you don't believe that. You are not worshiping God in spirit and in truth.
      "Jesus answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”" (Matthew 19:4-6)
      "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27)
      "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:21-24)

    • @dionsanchez6097
      @dionsanchez6097 10 лет назад +1

      You didn't answer my point. Good day.

    • @jeromehorwitz2460
      @jeromehorwitz2460 10 лет назад

      Jesus is also a myth. Myths may convey profound truths, unless they are taken literally, in which case they are turned into absurdities.

    • @butch3945
      @butch3945 10 лет назад

      No, the distraction is the progressive watering-down of Christianity to meet the secular world's beliefs and what they call love. I happen to think there is the possibility of a gap theory between verses 1 & 2 of Genesis 1. I don't care either way. The Bible is written about the human experience and the salvation of man. However, when liberal, so-called Christians, especially leaders in a church, start promoting the belief in macroevolution, then I have to fight back against that nonsense. And Genesis clearly indicates Jehovah (God the Son) spoke the universe into existence...God doesn't need a violent explosion like in the big bang theory to create everything.

  • @briangc6104
    @briangc6104 4 года назад

    Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:4 is s simple straight forward account of God's creation and forming of man and his environment. Straight forward and virtually instantaneous. What is wrong with that... He is God after all and not limited to the finite imaginings of men. In the Biblical account of man's beginnings, his fall from innocence, his subsequent loss and God's means of clothing mankind's nakedness by means of an innocent being sacrificed, is the very foundation of the saving faith in Christ dying for the sins of mankind..

  • @leeabe3932
    @leeabe3932 6 лет назад

    The problem with this line of thinking is that you not only relegate Gen 1-3 as myth but anything that doesn't suit a modern mindset's interpretation of the Bible such as Noahs flood, the diversification of languages at Babel, the Egyptian Exodus and series of miracles that accompany that story. Why stop at Genesis? Why not remove anything that seems supernatural? and therefore unscientific. Make the Bible in your image and you got a Bible that's robbed of His Person. Tread that road with care.

  • @mylord9340
    @mylord9340 4 года назад

    Is it not obvious that Genesis was written by Jewish rabbis while in Babylon and that they were concocting a story of how the world came to be based on their limited understanding and how Israel came to be "god's" chosen people. The problem with Wright's exegesis is that he, as others, want to believe that the writings have a divine source. This reminds me of a scene of witch doctors in deep contemplation, studying the entrails of a cow to discern the will of the gods. You want to say to them, hey witch doctors, it just intestines of a cow, and likewise, hey N.T., Genesis is just stories invented by humans.