By the color of the product, it looks like the chipper is grinding up osage orange aka hedgeapple trees. if so, that is one tough machine. Osage orange trees will dull a chainsaw blade in short order.
Good question. Infeed, power feed and Position Sensor were all set at 10. The SP1 was set to 1700 (if I remember correctly) which gives us about a 300 rpm window for the variable speed hydraulic drive motors speed up and slow down based on engine RPM.
By the color of the product, it looks like the chipper is grinding up osage orange aka hedgeapple trees. if so, that is one tough machine. Osage orange trees will dull a chainsaw blade in short order.
Hey! What’s that big BLUE thing in the background? 😁
What are the infeed, power feed and position sensor at? That big dog is chowing down.
Good question. Infeed, power feed and Position Sensor were all set at 10. The SP1 was set to 1700 (if I remember correctly) which gives us about a 300 rpm window for the variable speed hydraulic drive motors speed up and slow down based on engine RPM.
Rather listen to the plant running than that muzak.