Only if you reverse the stitch mount on the row before. Say a row starts with P2, ssp, the row before you can work to the last 4 stitches and then do an eastern knit (wrap over) on 2 stitches that will be the ssp. Then the next row, you just work 2 together through the back loop.
The ssp is a different stitch. The ssp is a left slanting decrease of purl stitches. This is used in a pattern with purls on the public side (I used it on a hat) or on lace that has shaping on both RS & WS. It's not a replacement for an SSK, but rather a different stitch.
Hi, is there a one move version for ssp?
Only if you reverse the stitch mount on the row before. Say a row starts with P2, ssp, the row before you can work to the last 4 stitches and then do an eastern knit (wrap over) on 2 stitches that will be the ssp. Then the next row, you just work 2 together through the back loop.
But wait....where’s my favorite Patty Lyons “why?” Assuming this makes it lie smoother as it does the improved SSK version?
The ssp is a different stitch. The ssp is a left slanting decrease of purl stitches. This is used in a pattern with purls on the public side (I used it on a hat) or on lace that has shaping on both RS & WS. It's not a replacement for an SSK, but rather a different stitch.
Patty Lyons Thank you 🥰. I love your “whys”.