Salem holds Pride Parade for first time in 2 years

  • Опубликовано: 24 июн 2022
  • WBZ-TV's Paul Burton reports.

Комментарии • 28

  • @gl3913
    @gl3913 Год назад +2

    What makes me super proud about LGBTQIA(+) Pride this month is the exposure that the gender fluid or non-binary folks are getting now. Those folks are belong just as much to the LGBTQIA(+) community as the bisexual folks do for sure. And, much love to Leo & Audrey on their exciting journey together, (from the TLC show, SISTER WIVES). May the transition journey for Leo & Audrey be filled with strength and love.

  • @gl3913
    @gl3913 Год назад +2

    Even during LGBTQIA+ Pride month, no one has the right to tell you where you belong, no matter whether you are a drag queen of color, a bear or even someone who is still questioning their identity or trying to figure out what it means to be "intersex". Times have changed quite a lot since the time of Harvey Milk and most certainly since RuPaul hit the mainstream during the early 90s. With that being said, no one who is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community should be ashamed of who they are, what part of the community that they represent or who they love either. Respect others as you respect yourself.

    • @a.a.a.8365
      @a.a.a.8365 Год назад

      It's only "LGBT" ‼️

    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад +2

      @@a.a.a.8365 That limited classification may work for you personally, however not all within this community uses that limited classification too much anymore if at all. And very honestly, changes with the queer classification have in reality have been happening since before the year 2009 for the changes have made such an impact within our society that they have actually appeared in various LAW & ORDER: SVU episodes. Maybe not for you personally or within your own personal social circle, however more and more folks are using the full classification, LGBTQIA(+), in this country whether you believe it or not. Also, whether you wish to acknowledge this or not, both drag queens and bears ARE AND WILL ALWAYS be members of the LGBTQIA(+) community.

    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад +1

      @@a.a.a.8365 And, I will NEVER STOP defending the full queer classification, LGBTQIA(+), NO MATTER WHAT!!And, I will say this again and this is something that I will forever defend also. Neither you or anyone else has the right to tell someone where they don't belong just because you do not like them or disagree with them. Drag queens and bears are a part of the LGBTQIA(+) community no matter what you say and it is not your place to tell them , no matter if they are of color or not, that they do not belong. And so, you keep defending your bigotry, I will continue to call you out on it with civility and respectful honesty, when ever you respond to anything that I say here and only when you respond to me no one else.

  • @thewantedemceesmitchfreeze6638
    @thewantedemceesmitchfreeze6638 Год назад +4

    Who flew on the Lolita Express to Epstein’s Island? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • @jaypinkard51
    @jaypinkard51 Год назад

    thank u ♀️♀️♀️♀️🌈

  • @gl3913
    @gl3913 Год назад +5

    This is very awesome news to hear about for sure!! It is about time that Salem has their Pride celebrations back in full force!! Very awesome indeed!!

  • @cherylcallahan5402
    @cherylcallahan5402 Год назад

    *CBS NEWS Bob Paul Burton Listening from Mass USA 💙 TYVM Bob Paul*

  • @vanessamillican8447
    @vanessamillican8447 Год назад +2

    God created Adem and Eve, not Adem and Steve.

    • @a.a.a.8365
      @a.a.a.8365 Год назад

      Which gives reason,
      As to why so many hetro men rape children and women.👈🧐

    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад

      I hat to break it to you Vanessa, however God created all of us and it is straight folks that give birth to members of the LGBTQIA(+) community.

    • @vanessamillican8447
      @vanessamillican8447 Год назад

      This I know God created everyone and that he also intended for marriage to be between a MAN and a WOMAN.

    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад

      @@vanessamillican8447 To be completely honest, the actual interpration of what God intended marriage to be truly remains to be seen. And, I would trust Dr. James Dobson's interpratation of the Bible on the subject of marriage over someone here on RUclips. And, God has not struck down anyone yet for marrying the same sex.

    • @vanessamillican8447
      @vanessamillican8447 Год назад

      Leviticus 18:22
      If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination . They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

  • @qtea3.149
    @qtea3.149 Год назад

    LGBT-coup community- 😂

  • @a.a.a.8365
    @a.a.a.8365 Год назад +1

    NOT Q + ❗️❗️❗️

    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад

      What does your comment mean?

    • @dumbasscunt441
      @dumbasscunt441 Год назад +1


    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад +1

      @@a.a.a.8365 It is very interesting and heavily misguided that you mention that.... I have been following the drag culture along with the evolution of what many people all over this country refer to as the LGBTQIA+ community for more than 30 years. I was 2yrs old when Harvey Milk and San Francisco Mayor Masscone were assasinated in November of 1978 and I was in my teens when RuPaul first became popular in the early 90s. To say that drag queens are not part of the LGBTQIA+ community when the majority of drag queens are gay men is wrong. The whole drag culture as we know it today started in the days of the drag ball culture of the early to mid 80s and the tv series, POSE, is a pretty good representation of that time period. And, as far as the bears, those women have just as much right to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community as everyone else represented in that community. If you still say that I am wrong with what I have said here, then you have to prove that you are right.

    • @a.a.a.8365
      @a.a.a.8365 Год назад +1

      You can not allow those group of men in the same categories as LGBT ❗️
      30YS. MY ASS.
      Those men called bears are not part of the LGBT!
      It has always been LFBT.
      Stop adding to what was not there before !

    • @gl3913
      @gl3913 Год назад +1

      @@a.a.a.8365 I do not know who you think you are Allison, however you do not have the right and you do not have the authority to tell me or anyone else that there is no such thing as the LGBTQIA+ community classification. And, what I mentioned in my previous comment to you is correct also for the times have changed with the LGBT community. For it includes drag queens from all walks of life and orientations, people who are still questioning who they are and where they belong, people who are intersex and finally folks who are allies of the LGBTQIA+ community too. You also do not have the right and you do not have the authority where people belong in this world. And, I am not the only one in this country who list the LGBT community past the letter "T" either. It may not happen too much if at all where you are and within your social circle, however more and more folks do say the queer community as LGBTQIA+ community. And, you cannot do anything to stop me or anyone else from using that classification either.