Thanks David, who knew?! Looks like I might have to pull on the hiking boots again. Is there a track as such upstream of the falls or is it a scramble? I went above the falls but didn't spot a track that continued on?
Well I see that you can swim there but I got a question I know there's places where you can wait up to your ankles up to your knees are you still allowing people to Wade
Hi Carl, I'm not sure I've understood your question correctly, but the river is quite shallow in parts, particularly in summer, when it wouldn't be more than ankle/shin deep in most places. The pool where I swam immediately downstream of the falls is however at least two metres deep in the deepest part.
Thanks for that. Gorgeous river. But you missed out on the bigger pool - about 150m further up.
Thanks David, who knew?! Looks like I might have to pull on the hiking boots again. Is there a track as such upstream of the falls or is it a scramble? I went above the falls but didn't spot a track that continued on?
Well I see that you can swim there but I got a question I know there's places where you can wait up to your ankles up to your knees are you still allowing people to Wade
Hi Carl, I'm not sure I've understood your question correctly, but the river is quite shallow in parts, particularly in summer, when it wouldn't be more than ankle/shin deep in most places. The pool where I swam immediately downstream of the falls is however at least two metres deep in the deepest part.